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State of the State

15 January 2014

Q: Do we - we being humanity in general - need or want to know more about the past, the present or
the future? Possibly a combination, but if so, which gets the emphasis?
C: This emphasis, choice, selection and view are born of time.

Q: Yes, and the three are interchangeable BUT for humans
C: The future. The unknown always attracts, it is the reason for your place on Earth.

Q: So, as the title asks, what is the state of the state of Earth?
C: Good you see that divisions also exist as illusions; tightly, closely held illusions. Dear and sacred
are these illusions of Earth life, are they not? As are many.

Q: What awaits us all? The lot of Earth, political divisions excluded.
C: The result of choice.

Q: We've heard this over.and over.and over..but none of us individually or as a group controls
what happens.
C: No? How many humans as a percentage of humanity chose to commence which war? We ask that
you choose a war as example.

Q: And youll tell us we put these choosers into power, gave them ability to act and then we get
what we created.
C: We shall not tell you, as you have already stated it. If you do not like your system, change it.

Q: The country targeted in a terrorist attack, such as train bombs in Spain, can hardly control the
individuals behind the bombings.
C: Would leaders and even citizens of the target nation listen to elements of the attackers, if given
the opportunity to do so, absent threats?

Q: I imagine yes, they might. Yes, thats likely.
C: So the attackers, in reverse, would not listen to the target?

Q: They wouldn't know they were a target, because.
C: We suggest many targets do know they are. Leadership chooses to conceal knowledge or at least
suspicion that attacks against its society are planned. We revert to our comment that leadership you
dislike should be replaced. Possibly leadership should be eschewed, cast aside, reduced or diminished in
its role. Could this be an option?

We take the powerful military nation, the USA. Could its ability to defend and resist give confidence to
approach dangerous elements and offer solutions, ideas points-of-view? We say yes, this choice is viable.
It is taken, yet concealed. Has it produced results? We say, it has. Are the results generally seen as
sufficient? This humanity and the nations involved shall decide.

Q: So as powerful terrorist target nations have done as you say, approach and speak with
terrorists, why does the danger persist as we see it?
C: Do terrorists convince targets to see the terrorist point-of-view? So why should the terrorist see its
victims' idea? They do not, either side, and logical this is.

Q: There has to be some method of progress to resolve this.
C: Of course, there is.

Q: Lay it on us, Esteemed Committee..slather on the naked truth, smack us with our reality.
C: Stop informing yourselves about it. For how long would you argue with an unpleasant person and
how many return visits would you make to argue anew? We say, the many of you would avoid the person
and risk for argument upon first possibility. This response and approach avoidance can be followed
with news of terrorism. The vast majority of potential targets would feel no concern, fear or worry for
they do not know and behavior would not be changed. The attackers act out to inflict change. If a group of
ten attacks and kills twenty, injures fifty and directly affects three or four thousand associated people such
as family, friends, medical workers, builders and tradesman, then knowledge and effect, leading to a
change in attitudes then behaviors, might encompass five thousand humans. This is less than two
hundredths of one percent of a nation made up of forty million. We suggest chemistry; if such
concentration, one hundred twenty five parts per million, were introduced into an entire organism such as
a human body, there would be almost no effect and it would fade quickly if even detected. So would it be
with society.

Q: We cant cease to report on events like that.
C: Please explain.

Q: The press cannot be curtailed.
C: This ideal is never fully reached and retribution for reporting unpleasantly about the powerful, as
you have chosen to make them powerful, is omnipresent. So we say, pressures to curtail reporting
information exist and function. You have collectively named this politics.

Thus we say, there was a time in recent Earth history where such horrific acts were reported much later
and often not at all beyond the immediacy of the event. Shortly before that and for millennia, no reporting
or press existed. This meant events did not happen? We suggest the rhetorical question recently coined; if
a tree falls but is not heard or seen, did it fall?

Q: So allow me to circle back to the title of this entry, state of the state. Have you told us, Esteemed
Committee, that we should stop reporting news if unpleasant?
C: W suggest the choice and effects are not considered; what obligation do humans have to consume
information offered and what reactions do you prefer to have to such information? This thinking is
consistently applied to nourishment; foods unpalatable are avoided and also others considered bad tasting.
Why can news not be avoided also?

Q: Wed end up uninformed and ignorant, some of us?
C: We suggest not; if sufficient consumers of news made their collective will known to a news
provider, that no perusal of their offerings would there be until an affirmative decision were made to
cease reporting about a specific subject, we suggest this would have great effect, and it would be quick. It
would be voluntary.

Q: So what IS the state of our state?
C: Humanity proceeds on schedule and positively. We do say, progress is admirable we see it every
moment in every place.

Q: To have a quick thought about what occupies news nowadays on the worlds stage, thats a long
and deep look not many of us see, I dont think. Economy, conflicts, wars, severe cold weather.
C: These effects existed always, as you know. Why are you concerned? Is humanity frustrated it
cannot erase what has always been? If this is the case we say it is a look must be given to the things
humanity creates. Much malaise is generated by and for humanity.

Q: Diseases? Malaria? AIDS? Bubonic plague?
C: The ability to halt the spread is available; is it implemented? We refer to our example citing parts
per million; do the great maladies of society affect directly and indirectly, concentrations of humanity
greater than five or ten parts per million?

Q: Point well taken.
C: You wish to know your future; we say, you can predict it now. Arrange your choices along your
lines of time, this line will be drawn towards the precise future you prefer. The understanding of times
illusion yet its reality and application on Earth, where it IS real, reveals human ability to control the

The sum of your individual acts creates the effect and course of your life; so go all societies and the
Heavens are exactly this way also.

Examine choices today and add them; the total produces the effect. The flow is continuous.

Q: What trends and choices do you see that are positive?
C: Awareness rises in all ways; complaints gather views, as do tragic attacks. Humanity has its
elements that require attention because it is seen to be given. This is the way of Heaven, yet on Earth
without ready knowledge and understanding that your true existence also offers. Thus humans enjoy
attention without the examination the attention involves in reality. Thus psychic ability is discounted,
shunned and denounced, for the fear in some it creates. The concern motives different from outward acts
could be understood, is cause for pause and even concern in some attention seekers.

We say, cast this aside as awareness will rise and solve unpleasant, undesirable aspects much as
consumption of the written word is a self pruning, self improving process. As words are expression of
sentiments, poor writing will lead a reader to better writing consumed as it relates and informs ideas.
Better expression of thoughts and ideas occurs as these are understood beneficial.

So we say, awareness of Earth, humanitys role, place and purpose all rise well and in greater ways than
have been experienced in many, many millennia.

Q: We want even predictions, also. We always want those. What can we know?
C: If you can be counted among the five thousand of the forty million in our example, you can know
that you shall be among the one hundred twenty five parts of the million. Do you wish to know what
affects the one twenty five, the forty million OR what shall be the news to report around the globe, of the
event, as you choose to inform? This question must be asked first.

Q: I will consider this and return later, with questions. Maybe readers also?
C: Welcome will be these questions and we await them; good day!


Hazra 16/01/2014 12:16am
"Stop informing yourselves about it"
Most succinct piece of advice ever. Or more to the point mind my own business. Haven't watched/listened
to news since 1995. In order to keep my reality favourable, I have to deliberately choose to read or listen
to uplifting news and info.
Patrick 17/01/2014 7:17pm
Since 1995? Does the landlord have any more space to lease in your cave and when may I move
in? You are to be admired but I dare say, the
BBC/CBC/NBC/ABC/CBS/FOX/Breitbart/HuffPo/Daily Caller/Daily Beast/Newsmax/WND
Information Oligarchy is less than pleased!

The Committee offers a comment: "Where you draw the boundary between information offered
and reviewed can indeed be named a minding of your own business, and we like your view. That
which is offered for consumption, what you might choose to observe, is not an intrusion as not
minding one's business can be said to be. All of humanity minds the business of all of humanity;
what shall matter always is your thought and reaction, your purpose and motivation to understand
it or otherwise. Your reality can be favourable either way; we admire your decisive choice to make
yours favorable, in the manner you select; well done."

cristina 20/01/2014 4:29pm
Thank you committee for your patience and wisdom <3 Your words are as rain to the trees

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