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21 June 2012 The Summer Solstice

The longest and shortest days of the year in the northern and southern hemispheres have
arrived. Six months remain, we are told, before the Mayan calendar will end. The Mayans
preceded the Gregorian calendar, now universal across the world, yet knew the Earths rotation
around the sun was 365 days and also knew it to be slightly longer. We adjust for leaps years as a
result. The Mayans certainly understood planetary movement and astronomical concepts and
the year cycle of increasing and decreasing daylight, without timepieces. Their ability to
choose the shortest and longest days is no coincidence. The meaning of the solstice "sol" for
sun and "sistere" for standing still is a hint into what awaits and what has transpired today.
For current meaning we turn to The Committee.

Q: What is different about this solstice compared to previous cycles?
A: Position and distance, from and relative to one another, of the objects in your solar system
and the system itself related to other stars and their planets all have meaning and influence. So
the shifts in cycles mark these moments. The end of a period, an age, a phase and a segment is
the beginning. Always this is a beginning. This one begins, for humanity as it now has planned
to do, a lowering of the veil of separation and a return to more closeness with yourselves.

Q: How far have we been that closeness is coming?
A: No distance has there ever been. You are now and have always been home, in your center
of being. The curtain drawn has kept sight of this reality just beyond your touch. The lessons
learned through this time can soon be reviewed much in the way each of you has looked at your
own lifetimes on Earth. This review will be collective and a certain group of you, having long ago
volunteered for this task, will present past events. The meaning and understanding to be
revealed are beyond your human languages just as your true selves are beyond what you see,
feel, hear, taste and smell all around you.

Q: Will we discard all concern, worry and dis-ease when this comes?
A: No, and you do not want to. None of you the brave and courageous who ventured onto
this most beautiful of planets want to do this. We who observe, who accompany you, admire you
and envy you even, see your moments of contemplation and thought on Earth. The knowledge of
events in your life, thought over and considered for their value, uncluttered by the breadth and
expanse of your Heavens, is of such value you call priceless. The beauty of your landscapes, the
sky and elements of nature all around are beauty with no limit. To behold it all and not be
distracted, confused and pressured to comprehend the enormity of the universe with the burden
of its riches, this is true bliss, happiness and contentment. The worry to seek what is security,
safety, good health and good feelings is emphasized to excess. Focus on what is at hand, for it is
beautiful. Riches of wealth are a burden of obligations that easily weigh down your soul,
pressing you under a panel of your creation. Turn your mind always to your family, your close
ones and worry not so much.

Q: When we see great changes coming to Earth and its environment, how will we not fear?
A: Listen to messages of help, advice and support. You who read these words here, this is not
casual entertainment. You are here on your purpose to consider them and do spread these ideas
where you might. Do think of your experience and others around you; tell them where they
might not see that all of you came to be a part of the emotion, reaction and feelings and that it
will be okay. Your beautiful Earth is being renovated for you; your buildings must have parts
dismantled and their use made inconvenient for the new purpose and use to begin. So it is with
your planet, as you will enjoy a greater beauty than you now see; the beauty you now have in
higher awareness and new beauties to be presented.

Q: What of our worries about financial collapse, political divisiveness, war, hunger, violence
and poverty?
A: We would ask what then of all your love, harmony, tenderness, goodwill, understanding,
friendship, generosity and benevolence? Do you not also have these things as much as what is in
your question? We say you do, in vast quantities and unlimited supply. You are all able to
manufacture the good things you seek and to live with their enjoyment. Challenges are never
presented without solution and answers always provided when requested. Solutions you own as
you combine these in the way you choose. Your higher self the true you, above the physical
body you chose to wrap yourself inside knows how these should go together and your friends
in Heaven, the guides and angels you call them, will give you these in hints, ideas and intuition
of mind.

Q: What can we expect over the next 6 months?
A: Events will occur at a quicker pace, a faster rate. These will be physical events occurring to
the Earth, similar to things that have always happened, events and happenings about your
society that could cause you all much disappointment and there will be events unseen by the
vast, vast majority of humans.

Q: Why do any of these things need to occur?
A: Why does the sun need to rise in the morning?

Q: You mean they are part of an inanimate cycle?
A: No, not at all. The sun does not need to rise in the morning or at all. The sun rises and
the Earth rotates and revolves by design; the air blows, the water lows and the beings live on
Earth all by intent, not accident. In this way, the upcoming events are by the same design; they
will all happen because they have been planned.

Q: When will these things take place?
A: The events will happen in the latter half of your year 2012 and continue for some time
after that, until perhaps 2014 or 2015.

Q: Why do we not know dates?
A: Do you know the day you will pass on and return home, to "die" as is said in your
language? Do you want to know this and do you need to know and if all of humanity knew these
things as you might schedule them on a calendar, how would human behavior change? The
purpose of life on Earth would be eliminated. Does a tree know when it is to be felled by a bolt of
lightning? Does a dog know when it will succumb to a disease or be struck by a car and killed?
Do you all pass through your timeline of events, the perception of linear time and events
occurring in sequence, queued up in a long line of filed papers summarised in just a list? Life is
far more than this view of it.

Q: What response or reaction do you recommend to events as they begin to occur?
A: Look always inside yourself for faith, answers and explanations. Understanding is there
and knowledge of acts to be found. Awareness of humanity is rising and things will seem
different and better in many ways in spite of events that cause concern. It is too easy to react in
fear, as this habit is strongly learned in humans, many humans early in life. A life's plan is set
forth with events and circumstances. Reactions and feelings are choices before them; these are
entirely of the free will of participants and observers and in this way humanity will know a new
response not seen collectively in such a long segment of Earth elapsed time that it has not been

Q: Can an idea of the types of events be given?
A: Indeed yes; earthquakes will occur in greater frequency and strength. many far from
developed populations and passing without effect. Others will have this effect and it is
intentional, this effect. There will be weather events to cause great damage; there will be
volcanic ash in great amount and other effects as we have described here. The effects of these
will be varied and one of them will be to curtail use of crude oil extracted from within the upper
crust of your Earth.

Q: How will humanity recover from these events?
A: This is perhaps one of the most interesting parts of the shift and elevation of Earth's
consciousness. Were a detailed listing and description of events published in a paper book like
form common on Earth, much accurate analysis would set out what would be the effects and
most of it would be true, based upon history. To extrapolate this way would be in error, as these
predicted reactions will not occur in this way. The responses will be significantly more positive.
Allow us an example if you will; when a person dies great sadness rises up in all who knew the
"dearly departed" as is common to say. As you know not the reality of their existence, they are
seen as gone and thus missed. A person who disappears to the other side of the Earth never seen
again, yet very much alive and well but unknown to be this way, is this not the same effect? Yet
knowledge of the well being makes all of the difference, does it not? You all do not generally
have this knowledge and so react with sadness; the person having left is sad as your sadness
where she or he has been freed and returned home. Humanity will recover from otherwise major
events because of knowledge and understanding provided; to know of the well being of your
friend far from your sight and touch for much time is a small way to describe what will happen
on Earth; you will all, all who wish, you will all understand the events and effects and their
purpose in a way not known now. This much comfort will you give, in such a manner that has
not been common.

Q: So, our esteemed Committee, the significance of this Summer Solstice is the last phase of
this age on Earth, as she moves towards the new beginning.
A: Indeed; our greetings to you all. Please return for the next entry, as we have much to tell.

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