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Hammond, 2014
Assignment: Personal Mandala
Grade 11 English

When we think of ELA class, we usually think of written texts (novels, short stories, poetry, etc.)
however, working with visuals is just as important! Think about the activities you took part in over the
summer how many of them involved reading and writing? Now, how many of them involved visuals (eg.
t.v. shows, movies, YouTube videos, comics, posters, commercials, advertising, plays, etc.)?

In ELA, we work with visuals in 2 ways:
1. Viewing (where we look at the visual, and interpret, analyze, and evaluate it)
2. Representing (where we create our own visuals)

For this assignment, you will be creating a visual representation of yourself using a form called a mandala.

The Personal Mandala:
The word, mandala, originates from the Sanskrit (a holy language associated with Buddhism and
Hinduism) word for circle. The mandala is used as a symbol of unity, or wholeness. Traditionally, it
combines elements of both ones inner self and elements of the outside world to represent the nature of
ones very existence and interconnectedness with the surrounding world. Basically, it is any form of
circular design that uses a variety of symbols to tell a story about who we are, and what we
believe in. The significance of symbols within a mandala are conveyed by visual elements:
Shape, line, and size
Patterns and placement
Colour and shading

The elements may be either abstract designs, or specific drawings of people, places, and
ideas that are central to a persons life.

Since the mandala you make is a symbolic representation of yourself, be
sure to include things that define who you are as a person. Consider:
Activities that are important to you (eg. sports, hobbies)
Objects that are important to you (eg. animals, art, the ring your
great grandmother gave you)
People who are important to you/have had an impact on you (eg.
family, friends, idols)
Beliefs religious or otherwise
Goals and hopes for the future
Personal characteristics, values and morals

Your objective: Represent the elements above in a visual way (no words unless they somehow
enhance your representation, eg. a quote). Choose a structure/design that suits your personality, and
include symbolic elements that speak to who you are. Once you have finished, include a written
explanation of each symbol and how it represents you.
You must include a minimum of 10 symbols in your mandala!

Formatting: Your mandala must be in the shape of a circle, it should be polished and neat, and it must
include the visual elements mentioned above otherwise, the design is up to you.

Artistic ability: DO NOT worry if you are not a Picasso or Van Gogh. Simple line drawings or tracings
can make a huge symbolic impact (eg. the outline of a bear paw print can stand for courage, or the
Canadian flag can represent the value you place on your culture). You will not be assessed on how well you
draw, but on how well you use symbols to represent yourself.

Assessment: You will be assessed on your mandalas depth of self-reflection, symbolic representation,
organization, visual appeal, and written explanation.

This assignment is about getting in touch with your true self, a foundational element of practices such as
Buddhism and Hinduism. In the spirit of spirituality, take a few deep breaths, relax, and have fun with it.

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