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Spirulina Spectrum Ray

Consciousness Interfaces and Shape Shifting Key Codes

Spirulina Spectrum Ray brings you 3 mainbenefits:
1) Increased ability for your body to use the Light beyond the light of
our solar sun as food in addition to your physical food.
2) Interface Templates for your consciousness to link up with the
consciousness of other Beings, increasing your access during
meditation or spiritual/shamanic style journeying. Spirulina Spectrum
Ray is renowned for its access granting betwix and between
experiences known during meditationand shamanic style journeys.
3) Genetic Keys to any species originating in this Source system. In the
spiritual realms during meditation or journeying this provides ease
of shape shifting. Each persons access to shape shifting genetic key
codes varies widely based on your Higher Self, Soul and Source.

Spirulina Spectrum RayChanneled and manual writtenby:
Mariah Windsong CoutureJ une 27
, 2010 ~All Rights reserved
Attention Resellers: From J une 28
through J uly28
, 2010
Mariah Windsong and Rosemary Noel have exclusive rights to sell,
gift or exchange Spirulina Spectrum Ray manual and attunement.
Spirulina Spectrum Rayattunement and manual may onlybe passed on
after J uly28
by a Reiki Master Teacher. Spirulina Spectrum Rayhas a
fixed resale price of $21.99USD each or the equivalent in your currency.
Always provide this manual with any Spirulina Spectrum Rayattunement,
fully intact, with no changes.

Accept your attunement in the manner your teacher directs.
Once you have received your attunement, and the flow is established, it is
wise to send the energies outward. Say: Spirulina Spectrum RayON!
You can run the Spirulina Spectrum Rayenergies for other people if you
want to, and it will assist their bodies to more readily accept the Light
beyond the Light as a food source. Spirulina SpectrumRay when activated
and run or channeled for other people may also assist their ownabilities in
meditation or spiritual journeys. Self use will bring the most powerful results
as Spirulina Spectrum Rayworks with each person individually.
Spirulina Spectrum Ray is such a powerful access provider in spiritual
shamanic style journeys and meditations because its spiritual energies are
full of key codes that were installed on this planet to be held and reproduced
at the most basic level. Think of the incredible genius of hiding such
important and powerful key codes in algae, one of the simplest life forms!
Its high RNA and DNA content make its ethereal energy construct a
wonderful library for genetic information.
So many people look at crystals and in other naturally occurring forms for
spiritual keys. Indeed there are many, many vitally important records and
information contained in crystals and the access to them andSpirulinas key
codes aredependent on where each person is in their spiritual development.
Spirulina Spectrum Ray will give you the keys to unlock as much
information as is proper for you to have and utilize at this time. Please
activate Spirulina Spectrum Ray often because this ray will be able to
unlock new key codes for you tomorrow that you are not ready to have
Spirulina Spectrum Rays genetic key codes increase your shape shifting
abilities. There are many fine books, workshops and other sources of
information about shape shifting. Spirulina Spectrum Ray is most likely to
enhance such abilities during advanced meditation and spiritual journeys.
Your use of Spirulina Spectrum Ray for shape shifting here in physicality
is between you, your Guardians in the Light, other guides, teachers, Angels,
your Higher Self, Soul and Eternal Sacred Source. I have no idea what
exactly the Spirulina Spectrum Ray will do for you. I do know that it will be
beneficial to each person in a different way. I simply give you some
examples of the range within which its gifts were shown to me.
Ive experienced some very powerful meditations and shamanic style
spiritual journeys when I activate the Spirulina Spectrum Ray. I feel the
suns energy and the Light beyond the Light strongly. I feel giddy and extra
happy after such meditations because Spirulina Spectrum Rays Interface
Templates gift me with additional ease of access to merge with natures life
forms. Ive enjoy delightful consciousness interface experiences with
birds, plants, trees and animals by activatingthe Spirulina Spectrum Ray.
Spirulina Spectrum Ray will also speed up your ability to use the Light
beyond thelight as food for your physicality.
Many of us are looking forward to raising our Light Quotient and
frequencies of our physical body to such a level that we can transform to
non-corporeal body (energy/Lightbody) and back into physicality at will!
Spirulina Spectrum Ray gives your body the confidence that it will have
all that it needs, by having the ability and ease of using Light as fuel.
This is a gradual process and different for each person. At the very least,
activating the Spirulina Spectrum Ray will give you a better appreciation
of how sunlight makes food for plants. Photosynthesis is a miracle!
Passing Attunements to other people: Anyone can receive attunement into
and usethe Spirulina Spectrum Rayfor personal edification and self
A person must be at least a Reiki or Seichim level II, skilled in distance
energy work to send theSpirulina Spectrum Rayover a distance.
If you are a Reiki or Seichim Master Teacher, you can confidently send an
attunement of the Spirulina Spectrum Rayin the manner of your choosing.
Advise your student on the best way to receive the attunement you have sent
out. The Spirulina Spectrum Ray manual may not be sold. It must be
included freely, and fully intact with no changes when aSpirulina Spectrum
Rayattunement is provided.
Spirulina Spectrum Ray is an original energy systemchanneled by:
Mariah Windsong Couture.
Spirulina Spectrum Rayisunlike any by any other system nowor any that
may arrived in the future.
J une 27
, 2010 ~All Rights reserved
Disclaimer: Legal Reasons, Mariah Couturestates that this
Spirulina Spectrum Ray
attunement/ empowerments is/ arefor entertainment purposes only. It is not affiliated with any form of
natural energy healing, and is not to be confused with any other system of attunement, empowerment or
initiation now, in the past, or to come in the future. This empowerment/ attunement is not meant to
replace any professional medical or legal advice. Mariah Coutureis not engaged in rendering medical
service or diagnosis of any kind. Mariah Couturehas made every effort to provide accurate information
and takes no responsibility for recommendations made and no guarantees are issued toward the
validity of information. By receiving the empowerment/ attunement in this manual you are agreeing to
indemnifyMariah Couturefrom and against any and all claims of libel, defamation, and violation of
rights of privacy or publicity and infringement of intellectual property or loss or damage allegedly
caused. Mariah Coutureis not responsible for claims made by others in advertising this empowerment.
You further agree to indemnify Mariah Couturefrom all liabilities and expenses including lawyers fees
arising from such claims based on this manual. June 27th, 2010.
Photos are from Google images and fall under the fair use permission to copy.

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