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Teacher Candidate: Alicia Eldridge

Date: March 31, 2014

School: WVSU Sci-Talks Institute
Grade/Subject: 3
grade science
Lesson Topic: Magnetic Slime
Day 4 of Magnetic Unit

Student will be able to perform a scientific experiment
Students will be able to create magnetic slime
Students will be able to explain and demonstrate how a magnet reacts

SC.O.3.1.1 Recognize that scientific explanations may lead to new discoveries (new
knowledge leads to new questions)
SC.O.3.1.4 Demonstrate curiosity, intiative and creativity by planning and conduction simple
SC.O.2.2.7 Demonstrate that a magnet can attract or repel objects

National Standards
NSTA Standard 3: Learning Environments

Overall Time 60 minutes lesson
Time Frame 10 min teacher intro and demonstration
40 min student activity in pairs
10 min regroup for assessment and closure

Teacher/ student led discussion
Independent/group practice
Guided instruction
Teacher modeling/ demonstrate/ simulations

Needs Based Planning
Learning Differences

Sensory Differences
Attention Differences

Behavioral Differences
Motivational Differences

Ability Differences
Physical Differences

Cultural Differences
Communication Differences

Multiple intelligence addressed (check all the apply):
____X__ Verbal/ Linguistic _______ Naturalist
_______ Spatial _______ Interpersonal
_______ Logical/ mathematical _______ Intrapersonal
_______ Bodily-kinesthetic _______ Existential
_______ Musical _______ Others (explain):

Begin by giving students an individual pipe cleaner. The color of the pipe cleaner
students receive should be preplanned. The color will determine what group the student
will be working in.
Once students have their pipe cleaner, they can take their pre-test. The pre-test is for the
teacher to gain students prior knowledge of the lesson.
Students should now move into groups previously assigned by color pipe cleaners.
The teacher will then instruct a member from each group to collect the following items.
The items will be listed on board for each group member.
Once each group has collected all items. The teacher will begin the demonstrating to the
class how to perform the experiment.
When students begin their experiment, the teacher should walk through and monitor
students findings.
When students complete creating their magnetic slime, they can now perform their
Students will conduct their experiments with magnetic slime while writing down the
results in their science notebook.
When students complete their experiments, they must put their group slime into two bags.
After students help put items back, students should go back into their individual seats.
Students will complete a post-test.
The whole class will discuss what they learned about magnetic slime.
Before exiting the room, students must turn in an exit slip. The exit slip will be their

Diagnostic: Students will be instructed to complete a pre-test. This will allow the teacher to see if
there are some students who are aware of the experiment that will be conducted.
Formative: The teacher should move around the room during the group activity. This will allow
the teacher to observe the groups are on task and performing the experiment correctly. It allows
a quick correction if a student is off task and allows the teacher to be able to observe and
evaluate how the students work together in their group.
Summative: In whole group the class will complete a post-test. The teacher will observe the
answers students gave during their post-test.

Iron Oxide
Elmers white glue
Color pipe cleaner

If Students Finishes Early
If students finishes early, students can use the computer to view different results of
magnetic slime experiments.
If Lesson Finishes Early
If lesson finishes early, teacher will review the results of the pre-test and post-test with

The students really enjoyed this lesson, becuase they got to work with slime and it was
fun and pretty messy. One thing I would change about the lesson is to make the groups smaller,
because there were three groups of 3 or 4 students per group, and it was hard for them all to
participate. Next time I will put the students in pairs so each student can take turns in the steps to
making the magnetic slime, and there won't be as much arguing over who gets to do what in the
experiment. Another thing I would change is that I would make sure that the slime was more
magnetic and research and experiment a little more with it. Overall, the lesson was a success and
there were only a few minor things I would have changed.
Data Based Decision Making

Student Pre Test Score Post test Score
A 70% 90%
B 70% 90%
C 80% 95%
D 30% 60%
E 20% 40%
F 70% 90%
G 30% 60%
H 20% 50%
I 20% 60%
J 30% 70%
Overall 41% 70%

Based on the pretest scores above, students D, E, G, H, J, and I needed a better basic
knowledge of magnets and magnetism. Students A, B, C, and F could work with a more
challenging experiment. The post-test results showed that all the students retained at least some
of the information from the experiment. Some students retained very little, but all of the post-test
scores were an improvement over the pre-test scores. I think that during the lesson the students
with the lower pre-test scores would benefit from answering questions during the experiment, so
while they are working with their hands, they can be thinking about what they are actually doing
rather than just doing it.

Pre Test

Name: _Anaya____________________________________________

What is a magnet?
A thing that sticks to metal

What materials stick to magnets?
How do magnets interact with materials around them?
Stick to them

Post Test

Name: Anaya _____________________________________________

What is a magnet?
A thing that stick metal

What will stick to a magnet?

Can an object become magnetic?

Can slime magnetic stick to a magnet?
What was the effect when attracting a magnet to the slime?

It sticks to a magnet

Pre Test

Name: __Nasya___________________________________________

What is a magnet?
A thing that stick to metal

What materials stick to magnets?
How do magnets interact with materials around them?
Sticks to them

Post Test

Name: ___Nasya__________________________________________

What is a magnet?
A magnet sticks to metal

What will stick to a magnet?

Can an object become magnetic?

Can slime magnetic stick to a magnet?
What was the effect when attracting a magnet to the slime?

It sticks to a magnets

Pre Test

Name: __Jasmine___________________________________________

What is a magnet?
A magnetic material

What materials stick to magnets?
Metal objects
How do magnets interact with materials around them?
With its magnetic force

Post Test

Name: ___Jasmine __________________________________________

What is a magnet?
A piece of material that is magnetic usually iron

What will stick to a magnet?
Copper, iron, rocks, nickel, aluminum foil, etc.

Can an object become magnetic?
Yes, if you transfer magnetic force field into the object

Can slime magnetic stick to a magnet?
Yes, because it is magnetic
What was the effect when attracting a magnet to the slime?

The magnetic slime to rose up and stuck the magnet

Pre Test

Name: _Demarius____________________________________________

What is a magnet?
A sticky thing

What materials stick to magnets?
How do magnets interact with materials around them?

Post Test

Name: __Demarius___________________________________________

What is a magnet?
A metal thingy

What will stick to a magnet?

Can an object become magnetic?

Can slime magnetic stick to a magnet?
Yes, its slimy
What was the effect when attracting a magnet to the slime?

Stuck to it

Pre Test

Name: ___Jayson __________________________________________

What is a magnet?
What materials stick to magnets?
How do magnets interact with materials around them?

Post Test

Name: __Jayson___________________________________________

What is a magnet?

What will stick to a magnet?

Can an object become magnetic?

Can slime magnetic stick to a magnet?
What was the effect when attracting a magnet to the slime?

The magnetic slime stuck to the magnet

Pre Test

Name: _Kalia____________________________________________

What is a magnet?
A magnet thing that can stick to objects
What materials stick to magnets?
How do magnets interact with materials around them?
Sticks to them

Post Test

Name: __Kalia___________________________________________

What is a magnet?
A thing that goes through magnetic force

What will stick to a magnet?
Anything real metal

Can an object become magnetic?

Can slime magnetic stick to a magnet?
What was the effect when attracting a magnet to the slime?

Pre Test

Name: _Jayden____________________________________________

What is a magnet?
A sticky thing
What materials stick to magnets?
How do magnets interact with materials around them?

Post Test

Name: _Jayden____________________________________________

What is a magnet?
A metal sticky thing

What will stick to a magnet?

Can an object become magnetic?

Can slime magnetic stick to a magnet?
What was the effect when attracting a magnet to the slime?

Slime can stick too a magnet. If you mix the stuff together you will make
magnetic slime

Pre Test

Name: _Mathius____________________________________________

What is a magnet?
What materials stick to magnets?
How do magnets interact with materials around them?

Post Test

Name: _Mathius____________________________________________

What is a magnet?

What will stick to a magnet?
Silver things

Can an object become magnetic?

Can slime magnetic stick to a magnet?
What was the effect when attracting a magnet to the slime?

I learned that the slimy thing is magnetic

Pre Test

Name: _Jerimiah____________________________________________

What is a magnet?
What materials stick to magnets?
How do magnets interact with materials around them?

Post Test

Name: __Jerimiah___________________________________________

What is a magnet?

What will stick to a magnet?

Can an object become magnetic?

Can slime magnetic stick to a magnet?
What was the effect when attracting a magnet to the slime?

How to make slime with water

Pre Test

Name: __Askya___________________________________________

What is a magnet?
A sticky thing
What materials stick to magnets?
How do magnets interact with materials around them?

Post Test

Name: __Askya___________________________________________

What is a magnet?
A magnet is a thing that can stick to it

What will stick to a magnet?
A shirt

Can an object become magnetic?

Can slime magnetic stick to a magnet?
No, because it is too wet and too thin
What was the effect when attracting a magnet to the slime?
I learned that the slime that is magnetic can stick to a magnet

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