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Fourth House Ruling Planet Home & Heart Nature

Aries Mars
Mars rules both the 4th and the 11th house, making it a malefic planet for Capricorn rising, this can
bring difficulty from the mother. They will have strong desire nature and can acquire wealth and
property, possibly from the mother.
Taurus Venus
Their home is very esthetically pleasing with an artistic flair. They are very artistic and love to travel,
which is displayed in the home. Their parents are highly social and charming. They have a strong
desire for knowledge and educational degrees with a love for beauty.
Gemini Mercury
They will favor a partner who is cultured and well educated. They come from a family educationally
accomplished (esp. mother and maternal lineage).
Cancer Moon
Since the Moon owns Cancer and is the karaka for the 4th house, it becomes a double signification,
bolstering the positive values of the 4th house. This person can be very nurturing and create a very
comfortable, nurturing home and home life.
Leo Sun
Emotionally sensitive nature, as well as sensitive siblings (since the Moon owns the 3rd house of
siblings). A strong-willed mother (Suns influence) and the potential for good success in real estate if
the Sun is well placed.
Virgo Mercury
There is a love of family and a strong connection to the mother, since Mercury owns both the 1st and
4th house (self and mother), and home and material possessions is influenced by the mother. Money
can come through mother as well.
Libra Venus
Venus ruler ship brings love of luxury and beauty in the home. Gains, such as wealth and real estate,
can come through the mother (since Venus also owns the 11th house of gains).
Scorpio Mars
A strong pursuit of educational degrees (strong because Mars also rules the 9th house of higher
learning). May become property owners.
Sagittarius Jupiter
Strong interest/connection to the mothers lineage. Male native will pursue a partner who resembles
his mother.
Capricorn Saturn
A strong sense of power and purpose, as Saturn also rules the 5th house (making for a Raja Yoga).
Able to live simply. Maternal side can be Saturnine reserved, undemonstrative.
Aquarius Saturn
Strong emotional nature, desire for truth and higher knowledge (with Moon ruling 9th house of
Pisces Jupiter
Strong connection to the mother and a love for the home a homebody. A happy, optimistic heart.
Gracious home space.

Planet in the 4th House General Effect If 4th House is afflicted
Success in foreign countries and after middle
age, good reputation, sharp mind
Lack of home comforts, friends, land and
home; heart ailments, quarrelsome.
Happy, well-educated, sensuous, good
relations with mother and friends.
Unhappy home life, unhappy/unhappiness with
Brave, courageous heart, good technologies in
the home. Quarrels in the home, coarse nature.
Very scholarly, wise, prosperous in physical
comforts (vehicles and homes), good friends. Bookish, likes to play tricks.
Wisdom, happy, good material comforts and
wealth, good mother, charitable giver, great
spiritual advancement.
If your 4th House is Aries or Capricorn, Jupiter
here could bring losses or debts as it is also
Lord of your 12th House of Loss (Pisces or
Attractive, esthetically pleasing home, clothes
and vehicles, good looking, affectionate,
affectionate mother, musical, domestic
happiness. Boastful, vain.
Wise, wealthy, favorable for meditation and
spiritual attainment, capability of austerity,
success in foreign places.
Sickly in early childhood, disconnection or
breaks from mother, phlegm diseases
Rahu Proficient in foreign languages. Few friends, fraudulent, errant behavior.
Sudden reversals and changes in life
circumstances Live far from birthplace,
propensity for deep spiritual practices.
Malicious speech, deprived of maternal
happiness and properties.

Lord of 4th House is in your How your Heart & Home Karma are shaped
1st House Well-educated, happiness from mother, virtuous
2nd House Owns good property (could inherit through maternal grandfather), happiness through family, courageous
3rd House Generous, talented, courageous, possible difficulty with step-family
4th House Prosperous property owner, attachment to spouse, devoted nature, religious heart, happy, serious.
5th House Enjoys material comforts, mother comes from a good family, good vehicles, loves God, loved and respected by others.
6th House Loss of mother or maternal comforts (mother sickly), fulfillment through service to others.
7th House Good karma for land and houses, generally happy.
8th House
Inherited property, obstacles to happiness, loss of properties, low parental support, desire for transformation or
9th House Virtuous and well-loved, good home comforts, devoted heart, desire to do good deeds.
10th House Extroverted personality, happiness in/through career, possible career in real estate, enjoys may material comforts.
11th House Generous, self-made, fortunate mother, good for success in buying and selling real estate.
12th House Without own home, loss of mother, desire for enlightenment.

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