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03 June 2012 Time Again

Q: Weve discussed the issue of time several times on this blog; on earth and in the higher
vibrations of where our energetic beings exist without a physical body. The concept is
interesting to many and a challenge to comprehend. Can this be explained in a different way?
A: Yes. Time is entirely a human Earth invention; a concept created by, for and of humanity.
The concept derives from light and dark cycles of planetary rotation, subdivided or added up.

Q: What happens to the passage of time we sense, after leaving the Earthly plane and
returning to our Heaven our home?
A: The experiences become like what on Earth might be called files; the order of which can be
reshuffled and rearranged. Each period of being awake and conscious is what would amount to a
file of experiences. Several day and night cycles can pass and become one file if a person does
not sleep. As you know, this is uncommon. Many separate files will cover an experience where
there are multiple days, or what you call weeks, months and years. These are arranged in a
matrix like format so several experiences with events of common days can be viewed separately
or examined in conjunction with one another.

Q: How do we go back in time?
A: There is no forward, so there is no backward and no time travel.

Q: How are experiences arranged in Heaven where you all are?
A: In a circular manner, using spheres, globes, circles, rings and ellipses.

Q: Why do we have the concept of time on Earth?
A: It provides the Earth ability to review and to plan.

Q: Why is this important?
A: Your lifes plan has a number of events which require some be completed before others are
begun. They must intersect precisely with many other events and people. The matrix of our
existence here, with infinite depth, width and height, is simply stretched, squeezed and reshaped
to place these experience files in a certain order, to be opened, populated with details the
incidents, outcomes, images, interactions and all of the pieces of memories and then refilled
with this invaluable information.

Q: Why do we start out physically small and then grow, age and pass away?
A: This process is planned as part of the life experience; many beings in the universe occupy a
dense-type body or enclosure like yours but with different chemistry, as you would call it and
will remain in it for what would be a much longer period by comparison to yours on Earth. It is
simply by design and convention.

Q: Why do disease, injury and sickness occur?
A: Mostly by your design; the process of termination where this physical shell deteriorates
in function provides valuable opportunity to explore the feelings, emotions and experience of
finality. This finality is a rock solid illusion, to use a phrase popular in Earth communication.
Note that rock solid does not exist, as rocks are no more solid than air but for your current level
of vibrations. The perception that loss of body functions and eventually the body itself is bad
provides insight into appreciation that has worth not able to be measured, so broad it is.

Q: What about tragic accidents?
A: Often abrupt loss of life is not for the departed; who suffer not at all. Its purpose is for the
witnesses, all parties having agreed in advance. Accidents do occur, certainly, but they are far
less common than believed.

Q: Why cant we simply ask that these injuries, deaths, diseases and sickness be eliminated?
A: Then you would not be human, would you? Why then would you go to Earth?

Q: Do we worry insufficiently or excessively as humans on Earth?
A: It varies by society; the ones considered advanced by virtue of mechanical devices,
automation and use of technology have developed this tendency in recent times, by Earth
measurement of it. Others less so; fear of accidents can be counterproductive. There are
religious ideas that attribute bad events to a God ordained action and take whats termed on
Earth to be a fatalistic approach to life. This is simply a passing recognition to a lifes plan
agreed before reincarnation. Other societies and faiths discount this aspect or dismiss it

Q: Okay, so returning to our subject of time, what can we understand about it that isnt
A: Whats considered time by energetic beings such as us involves distance and movement
and as can also be understood on Earth, this movement can be reversed. It is always possible to
return to a place and moment and reverse the travel and so the time taken. As a being on Earth
cannot reverse the rotation of the planet, as long as a human remains upon its surface, the
human perceives time as a concept of forward progress, to use your earth language words. The
true nature of your soul is not this way.

Q: How will time be seen once we pass over to the energetic being of our true nature?
A: You will not see it; you will observe once again, when looking at Earth, how others see it
and you will be able to recall the emotion of the perception of its elapse. This understanding of a
permanent view of what is really a temporary respite has value of unlimited scope; it provides a
perspective worth very much and admired. Your willingness to experience Earth and its unique
concept of time are one of the great, bountiful benefits of having a life upon it. To have lived but
just one life on Earth and had just this experience of how and what a human sees as time is as
worthwhile an endeavor as any a soul can undertake.

Q: Why does time seem to drag or go so fast when we are having fun or going through
something tedious?
A: This is your true nature poking through the faade of Earth time and giving you a visit
home, to remember what it is like when you are your energetic self of Heaven, free of the heavy
body you occupy. Just like dream experiences, which seem so real and then wither away after
waking up, those dreams are more real than your waking moments but the intentional illusion of
Earths existence reverses the reality. When you are enjoying a visit, adventure, conversation or
anything that like and time seems to have flown by, this is your mind returning to its default
state of existence, temporarily liberated from the constructs of the Earth and humanitys
perception and training by fellow souls incarnated upon it.

Visitor: Thats right, right on target. So much of what happens is seen through
whats taught by parents and teachers and just adults. Often it isnt like that but
when we always hear the same thing from before we can remember, it sinks in and
sticks. If your parents always mentioned the afterlife, you wouldnt scoff at the
idea and it would be obvious to you. So we humans see time the way were shown,
with clocks and watches and all that stuff.

A: Our visitor has identified the great source of this; humanitys desire to match up and
coordinate. Measurement of time allows specific moments to be identified and then used as a
common starting point. This is good however it has caused the loss of a timeless, ageless aspect
of many things that would otherwise have it. Art as expressed in manufactured objects your
automobiles are an example are deemed pass, to use another Earthly popular term. Simply
because perception of time says another one should be issued to maintain demand and
consumption. Desire for a newer item that appears this way and so reinforces an image of
replacement causes a scheduled dis-appreciation of artful creation. This might otherwise be
desired for a longer time but for the measurement and perception of time. From this notion
arises your term timeless. In Heaven of your true existence, all creation is timeless and
permanently appreciated. There is no obsolescence.

Q: What advice do you have for humanity as it approaches its shift, its departure from the
current and entry into a new age, as far as time perception is involved?
A: Time will seem to accelerate and calendar days as they pass will give a feeling of a quicker
pace often much quicker than humans remembered the same number of days feeling like
they once took. The effect is intentional and provided to lessen burdens on the fearful, and bring
fruition of the newer age to faster practice. Things will not be happening faster or slower, that
never happens, they happen as sequenced. The feel and sensation will cause a greater eagerness
in many people to look forward and embrace the next steps.

Q: Will perception of time be altered once humans and Earth rhythms operate in the
vibrations of a fifth dimension?
A: Yes and no; time as measured by clocks will be the same as now with a few small
adjustments; the Earths axis of rotation will wobble and cause erratic timing by current
standards. This alone will not be perceived. The higher dimensionality will provide far better
comprehension of humanity and the universe; the role of work, employment and production will
be radically altered and the need for what is understood as efficient use of time will nearly
disappear. The idea that so much action will need to be crammed into a time segment will not be
contemplated; time will not be seen as finite and something into which activity must be fit, and
the more the better. Activity will not be judged by time rather completeness and appreciation for
outcome quality, thoroughness, insight, enjoyment, beauty and fitness of purpose will be
ranked far above time used.

Visitor: The sunll rise and set; the day will be cut up in to 24 like now but
nobodys gonna be hung up on how many hours something took, just for that.

Q: Will punctuality be set aside?
Visitor: No way man, itll get better cause people will understand how enjoyable
group things are and will be eager to get started. Theyll want to be early. Lateness
just means subconsciously reluctant.

A: Yes, this is true, eagerness produces promptness. This concept is permanent and
unrelated to time on Earth. Any popular activity in Heaven will draw many participants before
necessary; the desire to begin is strong. Lateness as you see it we call lower interest. Early birds
as you say we call the most interested.

Q: What good Earth example can you give about time and its meaning?

Visitor: Kids; do parents love children less or more as they grow older? Do
parents look at a photo at age 5 and then age 15 and feel more affection or less?
This is whats here.

A: This example is illustrative and we thank our visitor. Yes, indeed, we do not see you
and your life as timed; you are born and then return and pass through many phases. You are just
as well adored, admired, loved and awaited through them all, just as human parents and
children see one another. Time does not have effect on this.

Q: Last words on time?
A: When you feel the cool night breeze, and enjoy the moon in the sky above, you will be
able to hold the moment until you want something different. You will have the choice. You will
be able to set the change in light, air, smell and all things around you. When a moment in one is
pleasant; you can remain and resume your pace when you want or make it different. Contact by
others will not shorten what you want; you can have the place you prefer until you prefer to
change it or something comes to change it with you, and you can go back as you like. This is
what time is, the absence of the need to be someplace. You will be in the place you want.

Q: We thank you, and ask if this nickname committee is agreeable?
A: Yes, as we understand humans interpret this word, we are amused by it. Do use it.

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