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Time for Time to Run Out 30 August 2012

Q: Please compare the perception of time on Earth to how it might be perceived on other planets and
then off a planet, away from a physical body.
A: Your time is the daylight cycle; the mind is your soul, which leaves for a rest and returns to its
natural state as the body sleeps. The body of an animal that sleeps is designed to require this, to provide
an opportunity for the soul to rest and recuperate from its time in the body.

Q: Many humans feel normal in their body. Why the need?
A: Normal is relative to many points of reference; as you do not remember your time away from the
body, your time awake does not seem different or abnormal.

Q: How is time seen elsewhere?
A: Some planets are larger and rotate at a similar pace as Earth, with a similar number of rotations
per revolution; some are smaller, rotate slower per revolution and some planets barely rotate, the same
side faces the same direction constantly. A human from Earth on one of these planets would quickly take
note of the difference.

Q: Could a human exist on one of these planets?
A: Some yes, some no. There are different atmospheres and the chemical structures also have effect.

Q: What would happen to a human that traveled to a planet with a similar number of rotations per
revolution but the rotations were much longer compared to Earth?
A: The human body would adapt; in a short period of time the planet twice Earths size and with a
double the distance traversed per rotation would cause the body to change its cycles. There would be an
effect on the longevity of the body, yet this longevity is a measure of time. These concepts only become
relevant when one planet is compared to another.

Q: Do visitors from other planets to Earth use devices to measure time as they perceive it?
A: Certainly, and to compare it to time on Earth.

Q: What happens to the perception of time away from a physical body?
A: There is none.

Q: Do beings in physical bodies from other planets understand this differently than humans?
A: Yes, but soon this will come to Earth better.

Q: The understanding?
A: Yes; the ability to travel to other planets will come later after fifth dimension experiences.

Q: Without time, our entire existence would crumble; in fact. It would disappear.
A: No, it would not yet this is what you see and you intended to see when coming to visit Earth.

Q: Why cant beings of all planets just progress beyond the measurement of time?
A: The sequential occurrence of events, without the ability to revisit them, is essential for the
successful experience on Earth or other planets. The concept of a number line is one manifestation of this.

Q: Are there no number lines off of Earth?
A: Numbers are quantities and the visual depictions of numerical concepts are what are seen and
experienced. The challenge of understanding numbers and formulas is inability to see what the numbers
represent. In the way a book describes vivid scenes, the appearance of which is evoked by the words,
numbers do this also.

Q: So the art of a painting, sculpture or novel
A: is also what numbers and mathematics represent, everywhere. You are not able to see with your
eyes and cerebral tissue configurations, the manifestation of numbers in art and formations they produce.
Examples will be shown, soon. This will be better understood, before too long.

Q: Many times here, we have read that time is location.
A: In deed and fact, yes.

Q: So when we might ask what time is it? were asking what?
A: It is the same as asking where are you located relative to the location you wish to visit.

Q: Is this how time speeds up or slows down?
A: Yes, time is an illusion and your perception of it will change and does. As you occupy your mind
with pleasant thoughts, entertainment or interaction, time appears to go faster; as your mind is bored and
unoccupied, time goes slower. This simply is the relative shift in location. As you must sleep and rise by a
schedule of a planet location, as you depart perception of it, of time, which might happen while at a party
as an example, the location will draw closer as the planet rotates and the next location approaches. You
will have lost focus on the new location and thus its arrival seems to have come quickly; it is said time
flew by and yes, time did pass by, as your activity and location suspended it. Your life plan and rhythm
return the location of the sequence planned and return you to time as the next step in the sequence.

Q: What happens when we leave this body?
A: Immediately there is a suspension and disappearance of the passage of time and no longer is there
a sensation that it passes. Your location can be shifted and modified to be in any place you choose. The
limits on movement become the areas of thought where other beings choose that you would not enter; just
as you might choose they not enter yours.

Q: So once out of a body, we could time travel?
A: Yes, based on your Earth perception of it, but only humans see this. There is no time to travel to;
there is only a place, created by circumstances of souls involved in that place.

Q: So we could die and say we wish to visit Andromeda and be there?
A: Yes, in an instant.

Q: There would be no passage of time?
A: You would imagine where you want to be and then your surroundings will fade from view as the
new location appears in its place; your television images do this and provide a glimpse of what is around
you as you arrive in this new place in Andromeda.

Q: No time goes by?
A: Anyplace in the universe you choose to visit you shall arrive this way.

Q: What if we visited Andromeda and we wanted to comfort our loved ones at our funeral?
A: You would if you so chose.

Q: But what if the funeral took place while we were away?
A: You would come back to it and experience it.

Q: But it would have already happened, right?
A: Nothing already happens; there is no concept of already or too late; these exist only on Earth or on
physical planets in the dimension where the physical, dense substances are present.

Q: So how do we visit the group after weve gone somewhere else? How do we reset THEIR activity
to accommodate us?
A: The same way they reset YOUR activity to fit theirs; when you pray to God, or pray to your dead
husband, where might the object of those prayers be? Yet they come to you; from where? You have reset
their location to meet with yours; to use your Earth Rubiks Cube, the square you are brings the square
you wish to have, to be adjacent to yours. Then when you are done you can depart or send that square
back to its location or another.

Q: So existence is a large Rubiks Cube?
A: It is a large matrix that interacts in this way.

Q: So time will run out when its time for time to run out?
A: Yes, your time will end when you leave Earth and this aspect of your existence disappears.

Q: When we observe things on Earth, will we see time pass?
A: You will see activity but not time; the series of happenings or occurrences that might constitute an
event can be observed. Each step can be stopped and seen as might be done with a videotape; reversed
and then allowed to play at normal speed. It can even be made to go faster than observed but there is no
passage of time; so fast, as humans understand it, this is not what happens.

Q: So what is the point to observing each happening or occurrence?
A: To see and feel the emotion of the people involved; what they foresaw, what they felt and most
important what they felt and chose to do throughout.

Q: If we can observe such things, why is there a need to go visit Earth, to live on it?
A: The knowledge of the emotion cannot be observed and appreciated; to have true understanding;
you must live it within the confines of an Earth existence, within the illusion of time. In the same way you
can observe another person injured or tricked or insulted and feel great pain and hurt, it is not the same
and cannot ever be the same for you, the person watching. You gain a far more broad and beneficial
understanding through the event as it is happening to you.

Q: Will time cease to appear as it does now, after the 21st of December 2012?
A: No but also yes. Time will pass as it does now, the rotation of Earth will require 365 for each
revolution; the sunlight and its appearance and disappearance will be the same and the daylight hours can
still be split up into segments, as now. So that will be the same. What will change is not the pace
according to the sun; what will be different for humanity will be the perception of a deadline. There is
much scheduling and coordination that involves clocks; which curiously is the concept we have spoken of
here previously, that time is really location. Scheduling a meeting or making an appointment is just this
concept except you do not see that time can be slowed or accelerated to achieve a meeting. Off Earth
agreements to be in certain and specific places can always be met, because the location can be brought to
oneself or reached in an instant.

What will be seen to change is pressure to conform to a deadline; the pace and rhythm that serves one
person will not be imposed upon another, as your heightened awareness will allow clear insight into a
persons comfort of pace and honesty of accomplishment. Where there is earnest desire to add a role and
provide a beneficial component of activity, this will be accepted and appreciated even if your clock
derived deadlines are changed for it. There will be human reaction that this might cause lack of
coordination and even chaotic results. This is not true.

Humans will happily try to do well and this willing participation will make such a difference as you
humans cannot now see; the idea of pushing a deadline is a three dimension attitude, it will be reduced in
the fourth and gone in the fifth.

Q: We thank you Esteemed Committee and look forward to your new descriptions of what time will
mean for humanity day-to-day.
A: With great pleasure we will discuss what we draw from your future, where we have visited. Be

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