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Five Phases Of My Professional Development

In partial fulfillment of the Course- Professional Development
In Semester III of the Master of Business Administration
(Jan 2013 2015)

Submitted by:
Ashish Goyal

Registration No:

Under the Guidance of:
Dr. Soumen Mukherjee

Five Phases Of My Professional Development

Jan Batch 2013-15, Section A | Page 1

Five Phases Of My Professional Development

The article Shows the five phases of my Professional development after coming
to the alliance university, Bangalore. How i managed stress and time & different
situtaions all together.

First Phase- I st Semester

This was the phase when i first joined the college, & was actually experiencing
the college life for the first time ever. I was very confident and bold that i would
have a great learning experince . And would make good networking among the
colleagues. With a lot more expectaions about my future and personal life. But
as the semester days started passing by. I felt much stressed with all the
assgnments and presentations work. I was not able to adapt the situations.
Nobody i could find out who would happily help me. There was already groups
formed based on the geographical distributions.It sometimes beacame very
tough for me to manage the things. But somehow i started coping up and
managed to score very well in exams. That was the time i realized that studies
can help me a lot. Because all the eyes who would never have reconized me,
started recgonizing me. Oh!! Okay hes the one and he is the finance topper. I
felt very good by hearing that.
I regained my lost confidence and Started participated in class room discussion
with an ease. So, i learned to be more confident and determinant. Also learned
that how to deal with different kind of people.
This was the phase when i acquired knowledge about various concepts and
theories. And started thinking rationaly about all the various situions.

Second Phase- I I Semester

This was the phase when we parted and new classrooms were allotted with new
colleagues all over again exclusively called as the finance section. I was
charged enough with little nervosunes as to how would i pass all the finance
But alas! i was happy enough. In this phase of professional development i
actually applied my old learning for theories into practical. Now, i started
Five Phases Of My Professional Development

Jan Batch 2013-15, Section A | Page 1

enjoying doing assgnments. And would work upon them with more zest and
zeal. Because i have good knowledge base, i was able to apply them at the right
time and on the right situtaions. I actully became a bit over confident in this
phase. And i very well knew this. I planned many things but was not able to do
them because of my over confidence.

Third Phase- I nternship

Third phase of my professional development was my internship experience.
I got an opportunity to do my internship with Protiviti Consulting Pvt Limited, a
US based consulting company ranking 54th in the world. I was again very
amused with the situation that i had a better opportunity now and that too in
mumbai the financial capital of India. In mumbai during my internship days, i
had a great learning experience, i learnt about many different financial theories
and also learned the practicle application of these theories, there was time when
i got strresed up when i had no work to do and i had to think of ways that how
to tell my manager that i want some good work rather than doing the data entry
jobs. I learnt the managerial ways of communicating. And gained to see &
analyse the things with a holistic approch. I travelled from mumbai to gurgaon
on different assgnments with my office collegues. And learnt how the business
meeting are being conducted, how the real corporate world works. What are the
happenings in the corporate the day to day working are being done.
And to what extend CEO'S of the comapnies goes, to amuse their employees, so
that they dont feel stressed with work load. As whole living in mumbai was a
great learing experience, meeting new people daily. Mumbai made me learned
the actual time management skills. Because of my manager and the local trains
which never stops for anyone.

Fourth Phase- I I I Semester

This phase starts when i actually came back to college. Once again the same life
started but know having gained the industry experience. I could relate the things
much quickly than before. In case of solving case studies now, I could actully
think of the situtaions and imagine the real scenario as to what would have
actually happened at the time of the problem. With more of the finance subjects
Five Phases Of My Professional Development

Jan Batch 2013-15, Section A | Page 1

in the semester, and the level of increased competition i am now working hard
to maintain my position in the top 5 and also not only focusing on the
academics also keeping in mind that i have placements seasons coming up. For
which i have to be prpepared and well versed all the theoritical aspects, and the
practicle application of my knowledge.

Fiveth Phase- I V Semester

Fiveth phase of my development would be focused more on enriching myself
with industry knowledge and concepts. Maintaing my same academic position i
would now focuss more on networking with all my faculties and collegues. As i
know that this networking will help me in my future endavevour. As i would
know that this would be my last opportunity to grab all the knowledge and
attention. Focusing more on disccussions with peers and understanding the
situtions. In short this phase would now again will be phase where i will be
building my knowldge base much more above and high as to what i have
already build.

My development phase would never come to halt. My startegy would be-


& further the same cycle would keep on revolving.

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