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Our rector a view on the other side

Our rector shares his thoughts with us in a
manner other than what we are normally
used to

When not on duty at the church I either do tasks at
home, watch TV, make food or braai. I come from the
Crawford and Belthorn areas and am in the ministry
for 32 years.
I met my wife while still in the youth; we were both
from the same congregation in Welcome Estate.
Family is very important to me. I often get together
with my children and grandchildren, to strengthen the
family bond. My hobbies include listening to my rock
and jazz music and watching a good movie. My
favourite dish is mutton curry and also Italian
In my younger days when I worked for a company, I
worked as a Work study officer in the production


I also worked in the Government sector as a Security supervisor
but for the last 16 yrs in transport, contracting for various
When you are sent to a congregation as rector, you first look at
how many sections there are and if all sections are catered for
with a priest, a deacon etc. There were only two priests for the
congregation but with five sections. My first task was to see that
the other sections received priests. Within six months after
arriving in the congregation 3 deacons were proposed for the
priest ministry, and ordained, so all members could be cared for
and later more deacons were added.
As the individual member allow the inner soul to develop and
collectively as the congregation, so the tasks and activities in the
congregation also develops and if there is growth in the
congregation more souls will be drawn to God to enjoy his
salvation plan.
I served in Welcome Estate congregation as a sub deacon,
deacon and priest. Forcing myself to work closely with my
bearers of blessing and my leaders, allowed me to learn much
and to gain experience in my task.
Much has changed, and what was implemented to bring about the
change brought about contentment in our following. The hymn,
" Unto God shall I be praising" always moves me. I am reminded
to thank and praise our God no matter what happens in our lives
and that His word will remain to carry us through difficult times.
In my opinion, sometimes I think we have it wrong to think that
our young people want to listen to this modern rap music. What I
think our youth wants is more spirituality. What I appreciate in
other people is honesty and fairness. In myself I need to become
more consistent. Rodney Liedemann



As we did not have a winter school program, Surrey
Estate Congregation decided on a Sunday School
Weekend. Following is a brief report on our
activities starting on Friday evening the 27
culminating in the Sunday School Divine Service on
Sunday the 29

Friday 27
Movie Night:
Our children were dropped off at 18h30 at church
by their parents and guardians where they were
entertained with a movie on Big Screen that
included fresh popcorn, hotdogs with beverages and
hot coffee. Party packs consisting of sweets, chips,
fruit etc. were made up for them. They also had
some games to make up for an enjoyable evening of
fun. They left at 21h30 after a closing prayer.

Saturday 28
Church Cleaning:
Surprisingly, all the children with their teachers
that attended the Friday event pitched for the
cleaning up of the church building at 15h00 on
Saturday, decorating the altar with bouquets which
they made themselves. Each child wrote the name
of their parent/guardians on the bottom of the
bouquet and placed it on the altar or inside the
church hall.

Sunday 29
Divine Service:
Members were welcomed by the Sunday school
children who acted as door keepers and ushers. Our
children formed the choir and were well prepared
by our dedicated music teachers. After a blessed
Divine Service, all the parents or guardians
(including all children) were invited to some
fellowship which the teachers prepared.

Stephen Adonis
Congregation Sunday School Co-ordinator.


He read from it before the square which was in front of the Water Gate from early morning until
midday, in the presence of men and woman ... Nehemiah 8:3



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The youth working feverishly at preparing the
sandwiches for the needy.

Finally - deliciously prepared sandwiches.

Our youth weekend started on a very cold and wet Friday evening
in July. The cold conditions did not spoil our fellowship as the youth
still looked forward to an eventful evening together. As the youth
journeyed to the meeting place in excitement they enquired about
the nights activities. The youth leader quoted the Chief Apostles
words: Its better to give than to receive and we all decided that
that while keeping in line with this word we were inspired to do
something good for the surrounding community by making delicious
sandwiches and distributing it to the less fortunate. The youth
sisters were eager to prepare the sandwiches and then packed
them neatly in lunch wrap paper. A large number of sandwiches
were made, approximately 44, and distributed by our youth brothers
and sisters along Klipfontein Road. This experience was very
heartwarming and also an eye opener because we as youth are
very fortunate to live the lives that God has blessed us with. We
should always appreciate things we have and give to those that do
not have.
Acts 20:35 says In all things I have shown you that by working
hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the
words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, It is more
blessed to give than to receive.
After our Do Good activity we ended the evening by discussing the
experiences made and proposed ideas for future events. We then
enjoyed a good movie and filled our tummies with the famous
vienna gatsby .
Sunday was upon us and all the youth were excited for the divine
service with Apostle Kriel. There was a bit of optimism when the
Apostle gave the youth the freedom to move away from the usual
black and white attire to something more smart casual. Youth were
also encourages to invite their friends to the service. The word for
this divine service was based on Genesis 29:17-18. After the divine
service the youth leader asked the youth what the Word meant to
them, some said it was a word that brought fulfillment to questions
that were unanswered, and others mentioned that it gave them
strength to be better.

And thus the weekend was concluded on a most blessed note.

Anthony Hentis Congregation Youth Facilitator

Surrey Estate -Youth Weekend



1 Thessalonians 1:2-3
We always thank God for all of you and continually
mention you in our prayers.
We remember before our
God and Father your work produced by faith, your
labour prompted by love, and your endurance inspired
by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.

There was great excitement and anticipation
after our seniors received the good news that
on Sunday 17th August 2014 in Silvertown a
divine service had been scheduled for them by
our Bi Peter Lambert. Immediately
arrangements were made by the senior
coordinator and his helpers with regards to
transport to Silvertown and also for our
fellowship after the service.

Sunday 17th August arrived and you could see
much excitement and joy on the countenance
of our seniors. Our Bishop read a text as basis
for the divine service out of 1Thessalonians
1:2 - 3.

At the conclusion of the service we proceeded
to our fellowship venue where a few snacks
were prepared by our senior group. Much joy
was still very apparent and experienced
amongst the members. Our Rector also opened
his heart to us all. The fellowship was closed
with a prayer.

Claude Sinclair Seniors Co-ordinator

17 AUGUST 2014

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