BI Syllabus by N.P. Singh 13.Pgp

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Dr. N.P.

Singh, Professor (IT)

E-mail ID:
anagemen! De"elopmen! Ins!i!#!e
ehra#li $oad, S#khrali, %#rgaon -&''(()
Post Graduate Programme in Management
Syllabus of
Business of Intelligence Data Wrehouse & Data Mining
Professor: Dr. N.P. Singh, $oom No. E-(*
Mobile: 99!"9!#$% Wireline: &$"'('#&)&*
+(mail Id: ,n-singh.mdi/ac/in
0redit: 1ull( 2erm (3

+o#rse Descrip!ion:
"Business Intelligence- Data warehouse & Data Mining Course is designed to
give students a detailed understanding of the latest database techniques,
including Data warehouse, OL!, data "ining and database "ar#eting$ %he
course is highl& a''lied in nature and requires solving e(ercise using current
data warehouse & data "ining software$
Many organi4ations are committing considerable human% technical and financial resources to
manage & -rocess their data/ 2he organi4ations are collecting transaction data% clic,(stream data%
e5ternal data about regulatory en6ironment & com-etitors and -lanning data on a regular basis/ In
addition% legacy data has been archi6ed and maintained as -art of the cor-oration7s ,no8ledge
base/ 2he organi4ation data is shared by the ,ee-ers of the data% the o8ners of the data% and the
users of the data/ 2hese -layers al8ays e5hibit a territorial interest & need for the data/ 9n the
other hand% management struggles 8ith decisions regarding customer relationshi-s% :eturn on
in6estment% manufacturing mi5% re;uirements -lanning% and -roduct im-ro6ement 8hich certainly
need the organi4ation data/ 2he -rocess of database decision ma,ing is nothing but intelligent usage
enter-rise data to the challenges of management/
In today<s com-etiti6e en6ironment the -roliferation of information technology has gi6en birth to
large(scale business database across the 8orld/ =o8e6er% e6ery as-ect of these large databases is
handled by the com-uters/ 2he ma>or functions done by com-uters 8ith res-ect to data are
-rocessing of data relating to orders% generate -ic, lists% and shi- -roduct/ In addition -rocessing of
data to maintain -ersonnel records% to -rint -ayroll chec,s% to generate stoc, re;uisitions% to issue
-urchase orders% and to -ay 6endors is also done by com-uters 8ithin an organi4ation/
In earlier days costs of storing large amounts of transaction data 8ere -rohibiti6e? technologies for
reassembling the data in a meaningful 8ay 8ere lac,ing/ 2oday% storage costs are considerably
lo8er and data 8arehousing 6endors ha6e sol6ed the -roblem of ca-turing and cataloguing &
reassembling the large set of data/
0or-orate analysts and line managers often ha6e access to unbelie6able large 6olumes of ra8 data/
@nalysis and usage of this huge amount of data is both managerial and technological issue/ 2he
large ra8 data should be con6erted into actionable intelligence for ma,ing right decisions in the
organi4ation 8ith the hel- of a6ailable technology such as data 8arehouse & front(end analytics/
BI(DWDM Page $ of # 9A$'A"&$'
Dr. N.P. Singh, Professor (IT)
2herefore% to ma,e best use of data% decision ma,er need to ,no8 the business% the data% the
technology% and the techni;ues to -rocess data/ It demands an understanding of 8hat data loo,s
li,e and ho8 data is stored% integrated & -rocessed/ 1urther% it demands that the data be regarded
as an asset/ It also demands the recognition that the asset is a ra8 material% not finished goods/
Specific ,!i"es:
2he course 8ill introduce students to the issues and techni;ues in6ol6ed in handling large
6olumes of data and e5tracting information from that data/
2he to-ic 8ill be e5-lored through the use of a te5t% hands(on 8or, 8ith data and tools/
@t the conclusion of the course% students 8ill be familiar 8ith large databases% business
intelligence issues% and data mining technology/
/e01ords 2pplica-le !o career De"elopmen! 3 .o- 4#n!ing
Data Mining & 3isuali4ation
Data ;uality & standards
Data 8arehouse A data MartA 9-erational data Stores
Decision Su--ort Systems BDSSC
+5tractionA 2ransformationA Doading B+2DC
Multidimensional Database BMDDC
9nline @nalytical Processing B9D@PC
Star Schemas% Sno8fla,e Schemas
Structured Euery Danguage BSEDC%
@rtificial Feural Fet8or, B@FFC/
Pricing Models
+o#rse $e5#iremen!s:
2he course 8ill consist of si5 class sessions and 8ill include:
@ssigned readings?
0lassroom discussions?
+5ercises and assignments?
Pro>ect Wor,
Mid(term e5am?
1inal e5am/
Grading in the course 8ill be based on demonstrating an understanding of the to-ic through
-artici-ation in class discussions & ;ui44es B"GC% assignments B$GC% -ro>ect 8or, B"&GC%
midterm e5am B"&GC% and final e5am B"&GC/ 2his can be changed as course -rogress/
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Dr. N.P. Singh, Professor (IT)
$ecommended 6ooks
@nahory and Murray B"&&"C/ Data Warehousing in the :eal World% @ddison(Wesley/
Berry% Michael H/@/ & Gordon% Dinoff B$99*C/ Data Mining 2echni;ues: 1or Mar,eting% Sales% and
0ustomer Su--ort/ Hohn Wiley & Sons Inc/
Delmater% :honda and Monte =ancoc, B"&&$C/ IData Mining +5-lained% @ Manager7s Guide to
0ustomer(0entric Business Intelligence%I Digital Press% Hanuary $% "&&$% )" -ages% I
=an Hia8ei & Micheline Jamber B"&&$C/ Data Mining: 0once-ts & 2echni;ues/ Morgan
Jaufmann Publishers/
Jimball :/ B"&&#C/ 2he data 8arehouse 2ool,it% Wiley/
Singh% F/P/ and Fayeem% K/ B"&$$C/ 0ritical @nalysis of +5-ansion Strategies of S@P% IBM%
9racle and Microsoft in the area of Business Intelligence, International Hournal of Strategic
Information 2echnology and @--lications% "B"C: ")(')/
$/ Microsoft @ccessA 9racle
"/ 0lamintine
)/ S@S
'/ Mega-uter Polyanalyst
/ 2eradata
#/ :
Session 7ise Sched#le:
Date Lecture and assignments Lectures
Business Intelligence:
0once-ts% and its com-onents
Data 8arehousing
Data 8arehouse Definition% 2erminology% Pro-erties% &
Data Warehouse de6elo-ment @--roaches
@ multidimensional data model
1rom 2ables & s-readsheets to Data cubes
Star Schemas% Sno8 fla,e Schemas & 1act 0onstellations/
+5ercise for Defining Schemas
Dimensional Modeling
Data 8are house design +5am-les
Data Warehouse @rchitecture & Im-lementation
2hree 2ier Data 8arehouse @rchitecture/
2y-es of 9D@P se6ers( :9D@P% M9D@P & =9D@P
0om-utation of Data 0ubes
Inde5ing & Processing 9D@P Data & ;ueries
+ase S!#d0: Designing Data Warehouse for
2elecommunication 2raffic @nalysis/
Msing & Managing the Data 8arehouse
Designing the interface
Doading data
@d(hoc e5-loration
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Dr. N.P. Singh, Professor (IT)
Decision Su--ort
Data ;uality: 0ase Studies of 9racle 2ools/

Data Mining
Data Mining : +$ISP 8D odel
2pplica!ions: 1inancial Data @nalysis% :etail Industry
2elecommunication Industry% @nalysis of Stoc, Mar,et 2rends%
1raud Detection% 0redit rating 0ross Selling etc%
ining 2ssocia!ion $#les in 9arge Da!a-ases
@ssociation :ule Mar,eting
Mining Single Dimensional @ssociation :ules from
2ransactional Data
Mining Multi Dimensional @ssociation :ules from
2ransactional Data
Mining Multi Dimensional @ssociation :ules from :elational
databases & Data 8arehouse
Da!a ining +ase&: Mar,et Bas,et @nalysis/

0lassification & -rediction
Issues regarding classification & Prediction
@rtificial Feural Fet8or,s
2y-es of @rtificial Feural Fet8or,s
Da!a ining +ase' ::eal +state @--raisal using @FF
Da!a ining +ase :: 2ime Series @nalysis using @FF
Da!a ining case S!#d0 ;: 0hurn Management
0lassification & Prediction
0lassification by Decision 2ree% Bayesian 0lassification% J(
nearest Feighbor% 0ase Based :easoning% Genetic @lgorithms
and their business a--lications//
Da!a ining +ase S!#d0 <: 0redit card di6ision of a ban,
Da!a ining +ase S!#d0 *: Process 0ontrol in a 0offee
:oasting Plant
+redi! Scoring odels
0ases of ban,ing industry
emor0 6ased $easoning (6$)3+l#s!er 2nal0sis
Wor,ing of MB:
2y-es of data in 0luster @nalysis
Methods of cluster @nalysis
Da!a ining +ase S!#d0 ): Identification of sym-toms of an
Da!a ining +ase S!#d0 =: Segmentation of customers
9ink 2nal0sis
Basics of Din, @nalysis
+ase > : 2ra6eling Salesman Problem
+ase S!#d0 &(: Who is using fa5 machines from home/
+ase S!#d0 &&: Segmenting 0ellular 2ele-hone 0ustomers
E?!rac!ing In!elligence from +omple? da!a-ases $
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Dr. N.P. Singh, Professor (IT)
Multidimensional @nalysis & Mining of com-le5 data ob>ects
Mining Multimedia Databases% 2ime series & Se;uences Data%
2e5t databases% and WWW for business a--lications/
+ase S!#d0 &': Web =ar6esting
$eading a!erial
&. Sonia @yachi Ghannouchi et al B"&$&C/ Pro-osal of data 8arehouse in the conte5t of health
care -rocess reengineering % Business Process Management Houranl% $#B'C: #!!(*$"/
'. Doug Barrett and Feil Barton B"&&#C/ Best -ractices building a data 8arehouse ;uic,ly%
Business Intelligence Houranl% $$B'C: )*('
:. Singh% F/P/ and Fayeem% K/ B"&$$C/ 0ritical @nalysis of +5-ansion Strategies of S@P%
IBM% 9racle and Microsoft in the area of Business Intelligence, International Hournal of
Strategic Information 2echnology and @--lications% "B"C: ")(')/
;. Singh% F/P/ B"&$)C/ @nalysis of +merging 2rends and 2echnologies Influencing the 1uture
of Business Intelligence BBIC Mar,et% International Hournal Business Intelligence :esearch
BIn ProcessC/
<. Singh% F/P/ B"&$)C/ Mobile Business Intellegence% 0ommunicated to International Hournal
of Strategic Information 2echnology and @--lications
*. Singh% F/P/ B"&$)C/ 0om-arati6e @nalysis of Decesion tree algorthims BMn-ublished
:esearch FoteC/
). Singh% F/P/ B"&$)C/ Ma>or credit scoring models BMn-ublished :esearch FoteC/
=. Singh% F/ P/ B"&$)C/ Mnder fitting & o6erfitting of the Data mining Models BMn-ublished
:esearch FoteC
>. 0unningham% 0/% Il(Neol Song% and 0hen% P/P/ B"&&#C/ Data 8arehouse design to su--ort
customer relationshi- management @nalyses% Hournal of Database Management% $*B"C: #"(
&(. Go8an% H/@/% Mathieu% :/G/% and =ey% M/B/ B"&&#C/ +arned 6alue management in a data
8arehouse -ro>ect% Information Management & 0om-uter Society% $'B$C: )*(&/
&&. Keng% Nun et al B"&&)C/ +nter-rise integration 8ith ad6anced information technologies:
+:P and Data 8arehousing% Information Management & 0om-uter Security% $$B)C: $$(
&'. Dorte Jronborg% 2ue 2>ur% and Bo 3incents B$99!C/ 0redit scoring: Discussion of
methods and a case study% htt-:AAe4learn/cbs/d,AstatA-re-rintsAstat(--($99!(*/-df/
&:. Mar, Schreiner B"&&&C/ +redi! Scoring for Microfinance: 0an It Wor,O%
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Dr. N.P. Singh, Professor (IT)
&;. @ntonio Blanco% @na Irimia% and Maria Dolores B"&$&C/ 9li6er0redit scoring
model for small firms in the MJ using logistic regression%
&<. @le5andra 0ostina Mahi,a B"&$&C/ 2he analysis of credit scoring models 0ase
Study 2ransil6ania Ban,% htt-:AA888/dafi/ase/roAre6istaAAMahi,aG"&0ostina/-df
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