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Spiritual Revolution

By Coraluca Soleil
I met a traveler from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of old ommand,
Tell that its sulptor well those passions read
Whih !et survive,
stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that moked them
and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"#! name is $%!mandias, king of kings:
&ook on m! works, !e #ight!, and despair'"
Nothing (eside remains. )ound the dea!
$f that olossal wrek, (oundless and (are
The lone and level sands streth far awa!.
*$%!mandias+ ,er! -!she Shelle!
-oth versions of this poem give me hills. A vast desert is desri(ed, ontaining the (roken stone
likeness of an am(itious leader to whom, in the end, having power was worth more than the lives
neessar! to define it.
What signifiane does this have to our urrent times. And how an we turn this within.
I ould feel its spiritual relevane the ver! first time I read it. The message is magikal and fore(oding,
like an ominous tarot reading on a dark and storm! night. It is a warning from Anima #undi, and not
intended to (e omforting. Its energ! is apoal!pti in nature, the words themselves feeling as though
the! were hanneled during a highl! harged reative trane from an oraular entit!. This is not to
suggest that was atuall! the ase, merel! an o(servation of the poems/ similarit! to suh works. If
there was no wa! of knowing its true author and someone told me it was written (! Nostradamus or
0ohn 1ee or Aleister 2rowle!, I would have (elieved them. 1uring the )omanti 3ra and into the earl!
twentieth entur!, oult*related and fantas!*inspired themes and material en4o!ed quite a surge of
popularit! throughout high ulture 5in art, musi, theatre, and literature6. This fat alone ould ver!
well have (een influential to these authors.
Also, that era was pro(a(l! ver! similar to this one. It was surel! e7iting to (e on the verge of the
Industrial )evolution, whih ompletel! hanged humanit!/s wa! of life. Is there not an energ! of
hange pervading our urrent soial limate, regarding ever!thing from tehnolog! to politial and
ultural interation.
There is a definite air of evolution on the hori%on. It isn/t onl! ph!sial hange inundating the hearts
and minds of people ever!where, stirring them to revolt and protest. It is spiritual warfare.
And !es, I did 4ust sa! that. I am aware that this is a ver! 2hristian phrase. It is often thrown around in
pseudo*philosophial onversations. -ut its true meaning is far more anient 5and omple76 than
Wondering wh! the world didn/t end on Winter Solstie. It is (eause it was never the ph!sial world
in 4eopard!. It is the Spiritual. The threat is still ver! real, and these efforts have (een going on for
thousands of !ears. 8$%!mandias9 illustrates the ruel, evil ditators who would destro! the whole
world to (e king of a grave!ard. The! are hungr! for power at an! ost, and are literall! attempting to
wage war on our energ!. There is no greater threat to the power*struture than the will of the human
spirit. The moment we olletivel! deide that we are finished manufaturing our own hains, the
authorities are o(solete, eradiated. We outnum(er them a hundred to one. If we let them, the! will
destro! our world, leaving onl! (roken monuments to assert our great e7istene.
The ps!hologial aspets of this poem are also important (eause it is through our su(onsious that
realit! is reated. This half of our minds, the dark half, an onl! ommuniate through s!m(olism and
imager!. The metaphor of the vast desert orresponds to the loss of the spirit, to the (arren wasteland
that engulfs us one our passion, reativit!, and love of life are gone.
To the hoir to whom I/m urrentl! preahing, to those of !ou who have (een fighting this (attle for
man! !ears 5even enturies6 and are now disouraged, preariousl! treading the verge of apath!, let me
sa! this: We must never give up. We must alwa!s fight. 1on/t !ou see. The ver! desire to fight is worth
fighting for' Apath! is dangerous territor! for the likes of us:
,lease, m! fellow soldiers, please sta! strong.
As I was sa!ing, the onept of the spiritual plane reating the ph!sial one is the ore aspet of
magikal pratie, and I am sure !ou/re all familiar. However, this does not onl! appl! to spells and
rituals. It applies to ever! aspet of e7istene. -! using our minds to envision and enat our realit!, it
(eomes o(serva(le in the ph!sial realm through our own ations.
This an (e used for good or for evil. The onquering elite poison the minds of the people with fear
so the! will (e kept in power. #ulti(illion*dollar orporations poison our minds with false images of
(eaut! so the! will (e kept in profit. The pharmaeutial ompanies poison our (odies with drugs, and
dotors presri(e them so the! will (e guaranteed a 4o(. The list goes on and on. The point is that this
world is quikl! (eoming the (arren spiritual wasteland desri(ed a(ove.
This is wh! spiritualit! is so essential. Without a onnetion to our own inner power, we risk letting it
slip awa! into the hands of those who would (u! it from us. It annot (e destro!ed, (ut it an (e lost.
Arhet!pes suh as the (roken monument, the shadow, and the empt! desert resonate within our
ps!he, working with other s!m(oli material to present a multifaeted perspetive of realit! in whih
all of e7istene is refleted in the Self. In this wa!, we an see ourselves as the great onqueror, and (e
warned not to follow in his footsteps, wasting energ! on meaningless monuments instead of ultivating
our spiritual well*(eing, and that of our environment.
When ontemplating these words, we are also reminded that onl! spirit is eternal, (eause energ! is
matter whih annot (e reated or destro!ed. This is sientifi law. We know there is no 8one true
path,9 (ut the point is to e7periene the energ! of spirit in some wa!. It ould (e argued that the path of
the spirit is the one true path, whih ontains infinite variations+ 4ust as the human rae ontains infinite
variations of people.
Whatever !our path, (e prepared for inreased spiritual trials during the oming !ear. The! want to
tear us down, now more than ever, knowing there is great potential for spiritual revolution ehoing
throughout our generation. Sta! true to !ourself no matter what.
And alwa!s (e strong.
Never give up.

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