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Quartz Crystal Archive Key Awakening

Personal Use-Only Manual

This awakening helps to give a person the permissions they need to access
the information, divine programs, energy and wisdom in quartz crystals,
especially the ridges and etchings upon their faces which many people
believe to be naturally inscribed information. Persons may or may not
consciously know the information until the time arrives for them to know
what they need to. Anyone who can feel spiritual energies will likely feel a
definite uplifting and upgrading even if the exact informational topics are not
consciously accessible right away.

Quartz Crystal Archive Key Awakening channeled and manual written by:
Mariah Windsong Couture ~ August 29th, 2012 ~All Rights Reserved


An attunement or empowerment is a dose of energy frequencies that match
the energies of this Quartz Crystal Archive Key Awakening.

Once you have received that dose of energy, your body and spirit will
recognize that energy and easily access the energy stream from Eternal
Sacred Source that IS the energy stream of this particular energy system.

Attunements can be sent long distance by means of an energy sphere, often
called a chi-ball and it is kept safe by your Angels and guides of Eternal
Light. It is released to you when you call it in, like a prayer to receive it.

Please spend a few minutes to invite your 1st level
Quartz Crystal Archive Key Awakening attunement,
to release fully unto you. Simply say, out loud or in your mind:

I ask to fully receive my Quartz Crystal Archive Key Awakening level 1
attunement as sent out by my teacher and made perfect by Eternal Sacred
Source, NOW!

Your attunement will easily arrive to you because Eternal Source is not
limited by space or time. Quartz Crystal Archive Key Awakening energies
arrive to your body and energy fields, assisting to awaken your being to the
knowledge held within. Some people may feel spacey or as if they aren't
completely present here in this reality during and within an hour or two after
receiving this attunement. Please don't operate machinery or drive a car until
you have consciously grounded and are sure that you are fully in this reality.

Sometimes a person's body and higher self will accept the attunement as
simply an attunement that is a 'meet and greet' of the Quartz Crystal Archive
Key Awakening, familiarizing itself with the energies.

An attunement is wonderful for giving you permission to access an energy
and by familiarizing you with that energy frequency, your body and being
will instantly accept it, awakening you to your keys when you consciously
activate the energy system you've been attuned to.


Other people, when they receive their attunement to this energy system, will
notice that the awakening will begin immediately after calling in their
attunement. Instead of just a 'meet and greet' the awakening begins.

This could be felt as a swirling or movement of energy in your head or
anywhere in your body. The privilege of accessing and being able to
understand the information, divine codes, or energy that is recorded in the
etchings and ridges of Quartz Crystals is being bestowed upon you.

It is as if the software needed to "read" those etchings and ridges is being
downloaded to you and installed so that you can indeed receive the
information you need. Everyone is at a different place in their spiritual
growth. That means that no two people will receive their Quartz Crystal
Archive Key Awakening in the same way.

Some people will indeed be able to read a crystal's etchings and ridges as
they would read a book that is in their own language. Other people will
simply know that information has opened up to them, but they won't have
conscious access to it. Please be assured that everyone will have access to
exactly the information that is for them when it is right for them to have it. In
other words, it is extremely likely that the information within Quartz you
encounter will be transferred to you whether in full or as a copy of that
information, for you to consciously understand when you actually need to use
the information.

This is not necessarily going to be like strolling through a library and
randomly opening any book you want, and reading its contents. Everyone has
spiritual and life purposes. Both for their own soul evolution as well as in
service to Eternal Sacred Source, and possibly for Earth and her many
inhabitants. That means that different information is useful and beneficial for
different people.

Much of the information is used by your body to help it hold higher
vibrations. Sometimes information will be for you to keep safe, held secret to
eventually pass on to other people. Sometimes it is just part of an entire
volume of information that is for you.


There are many secrets whose parts were separated until the right time, so
that eventually, in Divine Timing, when the information is in the same
vicinity at the same time, it would come together and fully activate for Earth
or to help humanity in some significant way.

I am not here to describe all of the types of information that is held within the
quartz crystals here in this reality on and in Earth. I am here to tell you that
there are scores of information and codes which are highly beneficial to you
in the ridges and etchings upon a crystals face and also within its planes and
interior regions. I do know that much of the information is understood by
your body and higher self. Yes, many people want all spiritual knowledge to
be consciously understood for a lot of different reasons. It has been revealed
to me that the energy, wisdom, codes and information in quartz crystals does
not have to be understood by your conscious mind in order to be beneficial to

Your body will understand the language and implement the changes which
are in alignment with your highest joyful good. Your higher self and soul will
rejoice when it perceives the information and divine codes to which you have
now become awakened to! There is something fantastic about a person
receiving an awakening to and receipt of this type of information!

Your higher self and soul becomes more in sync with your body and soon the
prompting that your soul is doing for you is received by you and your body
here. There can be a more direct line of communication between you here in
a body and your higher self and soul. You might not consciously understand
the information that you've gained access to from Quartz, yet the information
in its Archive is being used accurately by your body, your higher self and

And, I challenge you to trust that there will be many times in which a
spiritual understanding or intuitive flash will arrive into your conscious
awareness, complete and useable, as a direct result of activating this energy
system. This could happen right away or days, weeks, months or years later.
Eternal Sacred Source is opportunistic and things don't always happen in a
'follow along' manner. Trust that you will receive what you need when it is
best for you.


Your Quartz Crystal Archive Key Awakening attunement may have already
begun this process, or it may have simply been a meet and greet. In either
instance, it is important to activate this energy system multiple times.

When you are ready to activate your Quartz Crystal Archive Key Awakening,
please say, audibly or in your mind, with strong desire to awaken to the full
access and use of your quartz crystal archive keys to open the information,
divine codes and energy that is for you in any quartz crystal you encounter in
physicality or become aware of:

Quartz Crystal Archive Key Awakening, Activate Now!

The activation of this 1
level of this energy system is an activation that is
wise to repeat frequently after youve accepted levels 2 and 3 of this energy
system. Quartz Crystal Archive Key Awakening may grant you access to any
quartz crystals archive (library) that you are aware of and possibly quartz
archives that you are not consciously aware of. These can be physical crystals
that you have near you or ones youve seen in other places. They can be
quartz crystals that youve seen pictures of but have never been near.

It is also possible that this key awakening could grant you the privilege and
access to the archives upon and within other types of minerals crystals. The
energy frequencies of this particular key awakening are calibrated especially
for quartz. If you and your higher self, soul and Eternal Sacred Source want
to utilize this energy system to grant you such access, then it will be so.

Level 2 of Quartz Crystal Archive Key Awakenings attunement can be called
in by the name of its energy function, Quartz Crystal Spiritual Upgrade.

It is important that your physical and metaphysical body be upgraded in order
to gracefully, that means comfortably and efficiently, support the energy
frequencies of your Quartz Crystal Archive Keys.

Please spend a few minutes to invite your 2nd level attunement,
to release fully unto you. Simply say, out loud or in your mind:

I ask to fully receive my Quartz Crystal Spiritual Upgrade attunement as
sent out by my teacher and made perfect by Eternal Sacred Source, NOW!


The acceptance of this attunement usually activates this upgrade to begin
immediately so please be reclined and ready to designate the next half hour
to 3 hours to this process. The length of time is different for each person.
If you only have a certain length of time available by which you may be
unavailable to attend to other household or work duties, especially errands
that would require you to be out in public, or drive a physical vehicle, please
tell yourself that. This energy system is one that will respond to conscious
on/off direction in regards to spiritual upgrades, downloads of information
and integration thereof.

That means that if you feel spacey and not accurately aware of depth
perception or special relations in your surroundings, and you need to go out
and about or operate machinery or kitchen cutlery, please consciously
command this energy system to stop, and fully ground yourself to the
hologram of this reality. For example, you may want to say:

Quartz Crystal Key Awakening Activity Stop Now
so that I can function safely and accurately in this reality.

There is nothing wrong with telling an energy system that is active, to stop
any energies that might cause you to be inattentive to your surroundings.

You can most certainly re-activate these energies, each level of this energy
system that youve been attuned to, when you are relaxed and stationary or
simply walking carefully around familiar household surroundings. Please
dont try to cook a meal or navigate unfamiliar terrain or drive a motorized
vehicle while you are receiving spiritual upgrades and downloads.

When you want to re-activate this level of this energy system please say, with
strong intention for the energies to resume and continue for you perfectly:

Quartz Crystal Spiritual Upgrade, Activate!

Or you can clarify the time frame within which these energies can flow
by saying:

Quartz Crystal Spiritual Upgrade Activate and complete this session within
(state minutes or hours), Thank You


If it feels strange to speak to an energy flow, think of it as speaking to the
helping healing beings of eternal light who are actually delivering the
energies for you and who oversee your receipt of these energies perfectly.

Level 3 of Quartz Crystal Archive Key Awakenings attunement can be called
in by the name of its energy function, Quartz Crystal Key Integration.

This attunement is called in by the name of this energy function. It will
probably start the integration right away when you call in your attunement.

It can also be stopped or started with conscious intention and speaking the
name of this energy function followed with the word Activate or Stop.

Please spend a few minutes to invite your 3rd level attunement,
to release fully unto you. Simply say, out loud or in your mind:

I ask to fully receive my Quartz Crystal Key Integration attunement as
sent out by my teacher and made perfect by Eternal Sacred Source, NOW!

When you are ready to re-activate this integration you can simply say:

Quartz Crystal Key Integration Activate Now!

Most people experience this integration as gentle and positive.

Only a few people have expressed a concern that to move about their
surroundings during this integration was disorienting.

I recommend that you begin your activation of this energy function while you
are reclined and relaxed.

Give it a good 10 to 20 minutes before you attempt to walk around and attend
to daily life activities.

When you do rise, test your perception of this reality to determine if you are
fully present or whether you need to stay stationary, or stop the energy
function until you are able to spend more time dedicated entirely to


This is different, not only for each person, but also depending on what type
of information or energetic structures are being integrated into your physical
and metaphysical body or being.

This is entirely a personal use only energy system. You are not to activate
these energies for other people because even if you gain their permission,
they need to consciously be able to stop the energies if they are needing to
function in this reality completely, and the awakening is resulting in them
feeling mentally spacey.

Please dont push this regulation by activating this energy system for other
people just because you can. It is wiser to accept the fourth level of this
energy system and then teach it to others by attuning them to the personal use
only or Master Teacher version of this energy system. Master Teacher does
not mean practitioner for this energy system. It means that you can pass
attunements to other people. It does not mean that you can activate or run
this energy system for other people. Please always include both versions of
this manual when you attune people to the Master Teacher level. If you are
attuning them only to the personal use version then please only provide them
with that manual.

Quartz Crystal Archive Key Awakening is an original energy system
channeled by Rev. Mariah Windsong Couture, RGMT and is unlike any other
or any system that may arrive in the future by anyone. August 29th, 2012
~All Rights Reserved

Attention Resellers: Gain permission from Mariah Windsong before
attempting to sell this energy system prior to September 10th, 2012.

If you copy text or any portion of this manual please display my name
prominently as author. Please contact Mariah at
for permission to translate this manual. If you translate you agree to send
author a copy and manual must portray the meanings of the energy
descriptions accurately.

Disclaimer: For Legal Reasons, Mariah Windsong Couture states that this Quartz Crystal Archive Key
Awakening attunement/empowerments is/are for entertainment purposes only. It is not affiliated with
any form of natural energy healing, and is not to be confused with any other system of attunement,


empowerment or initiation now, in the past, or to come in the future. This empowerment/attunement is
not meant to replace any professional medical or legal advice. Mariah Windsong Couture is not engaged in
rendering medical service or diagnosis of any kind.

Mariah Windsong Couture has made every effort to provide accurate information and takes no
responsibility for recommendations made and no guarantees are issued toward the validity of information
Mariah Windsong Couture is not responsible for claims made by others in advertising this empowerment.
You further agree to indemnify Mariah Windsong Couture from all liabilities and expenses including
lawyers fees arising from such claims based on this manual. This manual may contain inaccuracies and
typographical errors. By purchasing this manual or receiving this empowerment or attunement, you
acknowledge that any reliance on such opinions, statements, energy or energy streams or information
shall be at your sole risk. August 29th, 2012

Some content falls under the fair use permission to copy.
All photos I own lifetime license to use commercially.
Permission is only granted to resell this energy system though private websites.
Ask the founder for permission before attempting to resell on any public websites.
Never post this manual on any public sites, always sent it directly to your students.

Many topics of energy sessions for specific spiritual and body concerns
provided by Mariah Windsong available at Cosmic Goddess Empowerments.
You order the session, I prepare your session and send it to you as a
"call in at your convenience" session.

Rosemary sends you my session notes and "call in" affirmation statement.

Other Original Divine Energy Systems
Founded by Mariah Windsong
always available first at Cosmic Goddess Empowerments

Please browse and purchase my systems from Rosemary at:

Acupressure Therapy
Adrenal Care Shakti
Agrimony Shakti
Ajna Lense (for your 3rd eye)
Alabaster Caverns Empowerment (spiritual energy of several forms of Alabaster)
Alcohol By-Product Metabolizer
Amplified Tachyon Mirror Body Deflector (for energy protection)
Angelic Elemental Templates (for doing sessions, personal healing or attunements)


Angelic Elim (for arts and music creativity)
Angelic Erelim (for personal interactions)
Angelic Ishim (for guardian angel connections)
Angelic Ophanim (for asking serious questions of Divinity)
Angelic Sealtiel Empowerment ( for intercession)
Arch Angel Michael Alignment (for spiritual protection, insight and power)
Ascension Symptoms Flush
Ascension Vibration
Astral Body Radiance 2012
Augustus Empowerment (for power of persuasion)
Azure Shakti (for connection with your soul)
Back Care
Bandicoot Berry Plant Empowerment w/ Leea Indica Cancer Inhibitor
Barberry Plant Empowerment (for spiritual insight)
Barley Green Elixir
Bio Life
Bio Life Fuel
Bio Life Kundalini
Bio Life Spiritual Awakening
Bio Life Sphere and Bio Life Elixir
Bizarre Beliefs Bouncer
Blood Care (genetic malady remover)
Body Care ~ for the spaces between your cells!
Bone Care
Calla Lily Deva (incubator for ideas and destroyer of the old)
Cedar Smudge (for sacred cleansing of spaces)
Chaos Flush
Chiropractic Care
Circuitry Resonance 4th Eye Activation
Chromacolor Firebody (spiritual codes for enlightenment)
Clairsentient Awakening
Connective Tissue Service
Copper Elemental Spirit Empowerment (for Electronic Pollution Protection)
Craniosacral Care
Credit and Currency Empowerment (to have a better relationship with money)
Crossing Over Brigade (for helping people before and shortly after death)
Crystal Being Therapy (receive help from the spiritual energy of silicate minerals)
Daat Void of Potential Awakening (harness emotional power for manifesting)
Depression Eclipse
Digestive Care
Diltiazem Essence (for when you forget your heart meds to relieve chest pain or palpitations)
Disappointment Flush with Hope Empowerment
Divine Provision Reiki 1-3 (intensive Financial Influx Service)
Dream Scenario Clearance
Drop-in Care (for when you find yourself in someone else's body in a night dream)
Earth Soul Anointing (feel the presence of Earth's Soul and receive Anointing)
Efficiency Empowerment
Efficient Memory Shakti
Eight Fold Noble Path Activation
Ekam Consciousness


Elemental Spirit Whisperer (learn to communicate with the elemental spirits)
Elohim of Emanation Empowerment
Emotional Care (for when others gossip and you need to regain your emotional health)
Epsilon Aurigae Empowerment (a star whose energy helps you turn up or down your light!)
Epsilon Ident Chamber (to help you energetically receive what you need while here on Earth)
Eternal Cosmic Christ
Eternally Exalted Sexuality 2011
Eternal Trikaya
Eye Care
Etheric Hand Awakening (do energy healing work with more than just your two hands!)
Excess Fat Care with Toxin Escort Shakti
Family Care
Feline Love
Flicker Empowerment
Financial Fear Flush
Flow Care of the Lymphatic Care Systems
Fluorite Cluster Empowerment (mental balm)
Foot Care
Force Factor Five Fear Flush
Forgiveness Freedom Rays
Four Fold Circle Security 2011
Fractal Reiki Levels 1-3 (with Fractal Delivery Template to activate several energy systems)
Future Reality, Background Matrix Synergy
Full Presence (to return completely and safely from your night dreams in the morning)
Ganesha Anointing ( to assist to overcome obstacles and gain success in business)
Goddess Fortuna Empowerment
Grace Purity Rapture Elohim
Guan Yin Meridian Care
Hand Care 2011
Harmony Mercy Peace
Head Care with Herkimer Diamond Shakti and Head Chakras Balance
Heart Care with Valve and Vessel Care
Heart Root Chakra Synergy
Histamine Blocker Field with Particulate Screen
Holograph Brain Root Flush
Hope Faith Love Elohim
Hormone Care
Hydrostatic Pressure Adjustment
Hydrostatic Regeneration Chamber
I Ching Prosperity Alignment
Illusion Buster Shakti
Image Impact Intensity Reducer
Important Information Identifier
Inadequacy Flush
Infection Inhibitor Field
Inflammation Reduction Ray
Injustice Flush
Inner Body Protector
Inner Truth Reiki
Intelligence Awakening


Intention Increase
Inter-Dimensional Medical Team
Joint Care
Kidneys and Bladder Care
Kundalini Awakening
Kundalini Omega Minus Function Activations Levels 1-5
Labradorite Sphere (headache relief)
Lattice Bridge 2011 Revised (for long distance energy work safely)
LaVa Reiki
Lavandula Officinalis Attunement
Lavender Rose Reiki Attunement Affirmation
Leyline Bio Life Symmetry
Liberty Alpha-Omega Victory Elohim
Life Light
Light Concentration Increase Rays
Liquid Love
Liver Care
Llama Empowerment
Love Gratitude Octave
Loyalty Empowerment
Lunar Balance (to help keep your balance during all phases of the moon)
Lung Care
Media Influence Flush
Mental Care
Mountain Laurel Deva Empowerment 2010
Moxibustion Therapy
My Eternal Love
My Power Mastery
My Relaxation Chamber
My Way Home
Nadi Care
Nerve Care
Nickel Body Protector with Ethereal Taenite
Opulent Living Empowerment
Orchid Empowerment
Pancreas Care
Parental Pattern Flush
Pearlized Silver Seichim levels 1-3
Personal Imprint Remover
Pelvic Basket Shakti Set
Personal Imprint Removal
Petroglyph Key Awakening
Phase Shift Body
Pregnancy Care
Prolific Sales Activation
Proper Perspective Empowerment
Prostate Care
Punishment Flush
Purchase Attraction Rays
Pure Perpetual Potency (raising your energy by numbers)


Purity Wave
Radium Chakra Protector
Rainwater Tea Essence
Random Increasing Numerical Generator Shield Overlay (RINGO)
Redemption Incarnate
Relationship Care
Relaxation Chamber
Replenishing Shakti
Resentment Flush
River Sleep
Root Chakra Re-Alignment
Sandals Empowerment
Self Knowledge Rays with Self Acceptance Rays
Sephiroth Care
Sexual Imprint Flush
Shaman Care Session
Sheen Obsidian Shakti
Silicate Crystal Care
Sinus Care with Beryl Spectrum Ray
Skin Care
Slate Shakti (for your lower self)
Snow Spirits Empowerment
Social Outcast Reversal
Soul Care Levels 1-5
Soul Lineage Genetic Integration
Sovereignty Empowerment
Sphagnum Moss Gifts
Spinal Care
Spiritual Course Composition Initiation
Spirulina Spectrum Ray
Strategic Skills Empowerment 1-2
Strength Movers of the Light Card Deck System
Subconscious Healing Shakti
Subtle Body Care
Synapse Care
Synergy Within Empowerment (for gender balance)
Telepathy Gene Awakening
Three Fold Circle Security
Thymus Heart Activation
TMJ Care
Toning Vibration
Tooth Care
Tornado Tension Tamer
Tourmaline Spectrum Ray
Trager Team
Trauma Care
Triple Warmer Meridian Care (for using your energy to manifest what you want)
Virility Care
Virtual Massage Empowerment (Ethereal Hands Awakening pre-requisite)
Virus Inhibitor Field


Vocal Cord Care
Wing Care
Womb Care with Cramp Pain Release
Worry Flush
Wound Healer Reiki Levels 1-3
Written Intention Reversal
Yellow Dock Plant Empowerment
YodHehVodHeh - 15 Permutations of the YHVH Mantra for manifesting
Yungang Grottoes Empowerment (incredible for inner peace and finding your life purpose)
ZeOr Continuum Empowerment (Sentient Embodiments of electro-magnetic and gravitational

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