1st National Summer Football Tournament News Article

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JCI Lingayen Bagoong and PSU Football Club conduct

1st Natonal Summer Football Tournament

Lingayen, Pangasinan Not even the extreme and scourging heat of the sun
stopped the young actve leaders of the Junior Chamber Internatonal Lingayen
Bagoong and Pangasinan State University Football Club in conductng the 1st
Natonal Summer Football Tournament held last April 27, 2014 at the Pangasinan
State University - Lingayen Campus, Lingayen, Pangasinan.
The 1-day event of 7-a-side football tournament was partcipated by 38 teams
from diferent towns of Pangasinan, nearby provinces, and other regions as far as
Tugeugarao City, Bataan, Olongapo City, Baguio City, La Union, Laguna, Santago
City, Tarlac City, Benguet and Leyte which came all the way from the Visayas re-
gion. Pangapisan FC, Sual FC, Bolinao FC, Manaoag FC, Pozurrubio United FA,
Bayambang FC, LNU Dagupan FC are the diferent teams from Pangasinan aside
from the two teams of PSU FC. Teams were divided into three categories, 16-
under, womens and mens open.
Under the strong leadership of the hardworking and incumbent Presi-
dent of the JCI Lingayen Bagoong, JCI Member Rruby Keith Sison and
with the support of the very actve and workaholic Sports Director and
also the Head Coach of the PSU Football Club, JCI Member Julius A.
Sison, along with their supportve and dynamic ofcers and members,
the event successfully ended afer the awarding of trophies and cer-
The same group is looking forward to conduct another football tour-
nament on November 22 and 23, 2014 in the same football feld.
The said event aimed to foster sportsmanship, camaraderie, and at
the same tme to build linkage among other people and football en-
thusiasts as a bridge in promotng JCIs vision and mission as well as
football as a sport. The organizers of the said event are very optmis-
tc that through sports, they can be able to provide development op-
portunites that empower the young people partcularly the athletes
to create positve change and as well as making them as an actve
citzens of their community and to our country as a whole.
The very able Vice Governor of Pangasinan, Hon. Ferdinand Z. Calimlim,
Jr., Executve Director III of the Provincial Government, Mr. Modesto
Operaa, retred General Mariano Luis Sonny Versoza, PSU Lingayen
Campus Executve Director, Dr. Nelia C. Resultay, and with Dr. Robert
Pars Sison, PE/NSTP Chairperson and the same tme the adviser of the
PSU FC graced the occasion. Hon. Calimlim mentoned that the event is a
good start and he is looking forward for a bigger and beter football tour-
nament next year as one of the major events in celebraton of the annual
Pistay Dayat.
The Provincial Government of Pangasinan, the Pangasinan State University, and the Junior Chamber Internatonal Lingayen
Bagoong are very positve in working together for the beterment of the province and to encourage more youth to actvely
partcipate in sports and become an agent of positve change.

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