Bio 2870 Fall-2013 Syllabus

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Bio 2870 Anatomy and Physiology Fall-2013

Fall- 2013

Welcome to Anatomy and Physiology.

In this document you will find all the information you need regarding the course structure, the
content of the course, suggestions for study habits, grading policies, exam dates, and other
important information. By registering for the class, you agree to all of the policies listed in the
syllabus. Therefore, I highly recommend that students read the syllabus in great
detail. I will not answer to individual emails if the information is provided in syllabus or posted
on blackboard as announcement.

I look forward to a fun semester with all of you!
Dr. Nautiyal


Instructor: Dr Jyoti Nautiyal
Office: 4109 Biological Sciences
Office Hours: 11:00am-12:00pm Monday
12:30-1:30pm Thursday
Email :
(Please include Bio-2870 and lab section in the subject line)

Lecture location: Room Gen Lecture 100
Lecture times: Time: 9:35-11:00am; Tuesday and Thursday
Credit Hours: (3 lecture + 2 lab)
Prerequisites: Introductory Biology (Bio 1510 )

(ISBN and options for textbook have been posted on BB, two weeks ago)
Textbook: Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology,
9th ed., by F.H. Martini and J.L. Nath
Lab Manual: Laboratory Investigations in Anatomy & Physiology,
2nd ed., (2010), by S.N. Sarikas
(Also check information about condensed (cheaper) version of the text, posted on blackboard)

Bio 2870 Anatomy and Physiology Fall-2013

Course website: Lecture slides, class announcements, exam results, etc., will be posted on
the course web site. You may access this site through the WSU Blackboard System at PowerPoint lectures will be posted under the Lecture documents
link. For a continued topic, I may post 2 lectures at a time (per week). You should print and
bring both to each lecture that week. Because of the nature of the course, I may or may not
finish a lecture early and begin the following lecture if there is time. It is your responsibility to
keep up with the lecture schedule and be aware if changes have been made throughout the term.
Getting lectures recorded is instructors discretion and not University policy and not based on
students demands. Depending on class attendance and performance, the recordings
could be stopped anytime. Make sure you dont depend too much on this privilege/facility.
Recording for Tues and Thurs will be posted by Friday morning, latest.

Course Description:
This is an intensive lecture/laboratory course that
thoroughly covers the fundamental concepts and principles
of human anatomy and physiology. The entire human body
will be covered in this 5 credit, 13 week course. The lecture
portion of the class (physiology) will primarily focus on the
functions of the human body at the cellular, tissue, organ
and organ system levels. Since introductory biology (Bio
1510) is a prerequisite, it is assumed that the student has a
solid understanding of the atomic, molecular and cellular
levels of organization. The laboratory portion of the class
(anatomy) will primarily focus on identification of the
structures that make up the human body. The majority of
the laboratory exercises are model-driven, with a few wet
lab dissections. Due to the interdependence of structure
and function, overlap between lecture and lab is inevitable.

Exams: Exams and quizzes will comprise a total of 600
points available for the lecture section. The other 400
points will be provided by the laboratory portion of the class. There will be three lecture
exams and one comprehensive final exam. Each of the three lecture exams will be
worth 180 points. The lecture exam with the lowest score will be dropped. The final exam
is required and cannot be dropped. The final exam is comprehensive and is worth 240

One will be given to help students evaluate their background information (Ch-1 to Ch-3. This
quiz will be worth 10 bonus points and will be announced during 1
lecture (Sep-12-2013).
There will be few clicker questions during lectures, which may test information covered recently
or test students background knowledge. Students will receive zero for all missed questions.
Exam I /180
Exam II /180
Exam III /180
Cumulative /240
Lowest midterm
Lecture Total /600
Lab Total /400
Course Total /1000
Clicker points TBD
Bio 2870 Anatomy and Physiology Fall-2013

Therefore, students are strongly encouraged to attend the lectures regularly. Students are
advised to study for each section/ exam with same enthusiasm and sincerity. Total clicker
points will be determined at the end of semester. Information regarding iclicker2 has been
posted on BB.

All exams and clicker questions will consist of multiple choice questions. There
will be no makeup clicker session(s)/ exams. No extra assignments will be given to
change score/ letter grade.
The exam questions will cover material presented in lecture and material presented in
the lecture slides. On the day of the exam, test answer sheets will be provided; you cannot use
your own. You MUST bring a #2 pencil, your OneCard/ photo ID and know your GTAs name.
Additionally to get correct evaluation, students are required to write down the exam version
they answered. If you fail to provide any of the required information on your answer scantron
or forget to bring Onecard / photo ID, there will be a 5 points deduction (for each piece of
missing information) from your earned score, with no exceptions. Restroom breaks
are NOT ALLOWED during the exam. If you leave the exam hall, you will NOT be allowed back
in. Any form of cheating will result in a zero on your exam and this zero will not
be dropped as lowest score or adjusted (lab practicals). If same student is caught
cheating second time, he/she will receive F for the course and further action will
be taken by the school/ department. Students must use scantrons provided by the
instructor for the exams. Students will not be allowed to keep exam copies. Exam will be
turned in with your answer sheets.
Each exam is individually curved to 2
or 3
highest score on that exam. For this reason
no additional question challenge will be taken. Students wishing to dispute their exam score
must do so within two weeks after the scores are posted on blackboard. After that point, the
score will be final.

Punctuality during exams:
All exams will take place in Gen lectures 100, where classes are held. Midterm exams as well
as cumulative final exam will begin promptly at 9:40am and finish at 11:00am. Students
arriving late to an exam will NOT be given additional time to complete the exam. No students
will be allowed to leave and re-enter the classroom once an exam has begun. Students
arriving after another student has finished the exam will not be allowed to take
the exam and will receive a grade of zero for that exam.

Please note that classes for the semester start on Aug-28th, Wednesday. Many
students, depending on the section enrolled will have lab on Aug-28th, ie before we meet for
lecture on Aug-29
, Thursday. The laboratories are located in Shapero Hall (rooms 314
and 415). The laboratory portion of this course comprises 40% (400 points) of your total
Bio 2870 Anatomy and Physiology Fall-2013

course grade. All labs are instructed by Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs) or Instructional
Assistants (IAs). The laboratory syllabus, consisting of the schedule and policies specifically
pertaining to the lab, will be provided and explained to you by your GTA/IA in the laboratory.
Again, please make it a point to learn your GTAs/IAs name. All lab concerns should first be
addressed with your GTA/IA, then the lab coordinator and finally the course instructor.

Lab Coordinator: Ms Krystyn Purvis (

Course grades will be determined from total points earned (lecture plus labs) at the end of the
semester. Each exam will be adjusted individually and there will be no additional curve at the
end of semester. Students will be aware of their scores throughout the semester and thus will
have the right motivation to work towards their target goal. Lecture scores will be posted to
blackboard in a timely manner and lab quizzes or practical will be handed back to students by
respective GTAs or IAs. At the end of the year, a letter grade
will be calculated based on your total score (Exams + clicker
points+ labs/ 1000) and converted to percent. The TENTATIVE
grading scale is provided below.
Plus and minus designations within respective higher and lower
ranges for each letter grade will be determined by the instructor
(e.g. B+ or C-). These grade ranges will be determined at the
end of semester based on overall class ranges and will not be
published. It is highly recommended that you keep a
record of your grades throughout the semester.

Last day to add/drop at student end is Wed, Sep-4.
This includes drop from current lab section and add
to another lab section. This is new University policy and instructor cannot provide override
to enroll in full lab section. Students interested in lab section switch are advised to stalk the
registration website and re-register as soon as a spot is available. A few withdrawals are
expected before Sep-4.

Again the deadline is Sep-4. Do not drop after this day, you will not be able to add/ enroll in
another section. If you cannot find a suitable lab section, you may have to drop the course

Dropping a course is done electronically through your pipeline account. If you officially
withdraw from this course, it will appear on your transcript with a mark of WP (withdrawal
with a passing grade earned to date), WF (withdrawal with a failing grade earned to date) or
WN (withdrawal given to students who did not attend any classes and / or did not complete
Percent Grade
90- 100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
60-69 D
59 or below F
Bio 2870 Anatomy and Physiology Fall-2013

any assignments and / or did not participate in credit-earning activities by the withdrawal
date). An F grade will be assigned to students who stop attending class without officially
withdrawing. Last day to officially withdraw from the course is Sat, Nov-9-2013.
Further information on the grading policy can be found at
( Please note that incomplete
grades will not be issued to students in poor standing who are seeking an alternative to a late
drop or students without a documented valid emergency, which prevents them from completing
the course.

Special consideration for students with disabilities:
Students who have a physical or mental impairment that may interfere with their ability to
complete the requirements for this course successfully are invited to contact Student Disability
Services (1600 David Adamany Library; 577-1851) to discuss appropriate accommodations on a
confidential basis. Once you have your accommodations in place, I will be glad to meet with you
privately during my office hours to discuss your special needs.
The paperwork from SDS must be completed and signed (by the instructor) at least
48 hours before the intended exam. In case of labs/practicals, paperwork should be
submitted to Ms Purvis at least 1 week before the practical.
Please refer to the SDS website for further information about students with disabilities

Unexpected university closures:
If the University is officially closed on an exam day, the exam will be held on the next regularly
scheduled class day. Closure of the University is announced by the following mechanisms:

1. the University Newsline (313) 577-5345 *
2. WSU Homepage ( *
3. WSU Pipeline ( *
4. WDET-FM (Public Radio 101.9)
5. by other local radio and television stations
* Note: The information on closures and class cancellations is likely to be found at these locations
before it is broadcast by local radio and television stations

Exam Time Conflicts:
Students are not required to take more than two final exams in one day. A student with more
than two scheduled final exams on one day may (not must) contact the instructor of the
course with the lowest number students enrolled, to arrange an alternate time for the final
exam. Such petitions must be made at least one week prior to the scheduled date of the exam.
Our class has ~ 380 students.

Bio 2870 Anatomy and Physiology Fall-2013

Religious Holiday Conflicts
Students who have a conflict with any of the scheduled exam times due to religious reasons
must notify Dr. Nautiyal in writing by Thursday, Sep-19-2013. Accommodations will not be
provided unless she is notified in writing by this date.

Code of Conduct
In order to create a productive learning environment, the following will not be allowed during lecture:
1. Talking on the phone
2. Talking to other students
3. Texting
4. Surfing the internet (facebook, twitter, etc..)
5. Playing card games, board games, etc..

All of the above are distracting to fellow students and detract from the overall learning environment.
If a student wishes to perform any of the above, he/she needs to leave the lecture hall.

If a student is caught performing any of the above during lecture, he/she will be required to leave the
lecture hall.
If a student is caught performing any of the above during an exam, the student will receive a grade of
F for the course (see below).

Bio 2870 Anatomy and Physiology Fall-2013



Term Begins Sun Aug-25
Priority Registration Mon Mar-25 to Sat Aug-17
Open Registration Mon, Aug-19 to Tue Aug-27
Classes Begin Wed Aug-28
Late Registration/ Late Adds Wed Aug-28 to Wed Sep-4
Holiday- Univ closed Mon Sep-2
Last Day to Withdraw w/tuition refund Wed Sep-11
Early Academic assessment Wed Sep-11 to Tues Oct-15
Last Day to Withdraw Sat, Nov-9
Holiday- No classes Wed Nov-27 to Sun Dec-1
Classes End Mon Dec-9
Study Day Tues Dec-10
Final Exams Wed Dec-11 to Tue Dec-17
Term Ends Tue Dec-31
Holiday Univ closed Wed Dec-25 to Wed Jan-1
Bio 2870 Anatomy and Physiology Fall-2013

Lecture Topics and Chapters

Ch-1 Introduction to anatomy and physiology
Ch-2 Chemical level of organization
Ch-3 Cellular Level of organization
Ch-4 Tissue level of organization
Ch-5 Integumentary system
Ch-6 Osseous Tissue
Ch-10 Muscle Tissue
Ch-12 Neural Tissue
Ch-13 Nervous System (Spinal Cord)
Ch-14 Nervous System (Brain)
Ch-15 Neural Integration I
Ch-16 Neural Integration II
Ch-18 Endocrine System
Ch-19 Circulatory System (Blood)
Ch-20 Circulatory System (Heart)
Ch-23 Respiratory system
Ch-24 Digestive System
Ch-26 Urinary System
Ch-28 Reproductive system

Exam Dates (all exams in Gen Lectures 100)
All mid-terms start at 9:40 am and end at 11:00 am

Exam-I: Sep-26
Thursday (Ch-4-6, 10 and 12) 180-points
Exam-II: Oct-31
, Thursday (Ch-13-16, 18 & 19) 180-points
Exam-III: Nov-26
, Tuesday (Ch-20, 23, 24, 26) 180-points


Final Exam (240 points): Dec-16
, Monday 8:00 am to 10:30am
(Notice the different day and time)
(All chapters and topics covered in lectures, including Ch-28)

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