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Using MLA format for in-text citations of direct quotes and paraphrases as
well as formatting a correct works cited page
This handout, along with the pink MLA Guide and pink MLA Sample Student
Essay handouts from the Learning Commons (access via the link on Blackboard or
go to the second floor of the library and get one in hard copy) will tell you
everything you need to know about MLA format for this class.
Strategies for Integrating Quotations
General Guidelines for ALL Writing Projects:
Quotes cannot stand alone as their own sentences; you must give
the quote a specific analytical context. Use an identifying tag to
introduce the quote and give readers a context for the quote that
explains why you are taking the time to include it in your paper. An
identifying tag must always been in present tense. (list of
identifying tags follows).

In an in-text parenthetical citation (Jones 42), include the
authors/artists last name and the page number/line number (for songs
and poetry) at the end of a quote or paraphrase in parentheses.

If you use the authors/artists last name to introduce the quote, you do
not need to include it in the parenthetical citation.

Use [brackets] to clarify areas where there may be confusion: He
[Hamlet] does not know if he can trust his mother (Washington 19).

Use an ellipsis (. . .) to eliminate unnecessary words from a quotation:
He [Hamlet] does not know if he can trust his mother . . . or his
father (Washington 19). Unnecessary words may be eliminated from
the beginning, middle, or end of a line or sentence.


Identifying tags
points out
In _____'s
According to
____'s (notes,
novel, etc.)
Templates to Use for Introducing Direct Quotes
X states that _____________________ (12).
As author X explains, ___________________ (12).
In his song, _________, X maintains that ___________________ (12).
_________ complicates the matter further when X describes the final result (12).
There are ______________________________ in Xs view (12).
Arguing against contemporary opinion, X proposes that _______________ (12).
You can also build your own signal phrases by mixing these three basic styles with
verbs that describe your source's attitude towards the subject of the quote.
Writing Project #1Song Review (Music)
For this essay, you will use one sourcethe song you choose. You are required
to use at least two direct quotes in your essay. You will have a Works Cited
sheet with one item on it (the song).


Using direct quotes for WP #1: When we use songs as sources, we
use the artists last name and line number(s) in the parenthetical
citation to show readers where the quote came from. Anytime you
write the title of a song, put quote marks around it.

Example: Trench Town Rock by Bob Marley
First time a direct quote from the source is used in the essay:
The song Trench Town Rock by Bob Marley, conveys a sense of protection in
the lines give the slum a try /never let the children cry (10-11).

Second use of a direct quote from this source in the essay:
The line One good thing about music, when it hits you feel no pain expresses an
idea of escapism (Marley 1).

Third and subsequent uses of direct quotes from this source:
Whether a person is a big fish or sprat, the speaker reminds listeners that he or
she is responsible for his or her own actions when he asserts you reap what you
sow (Marley 6-7).
The ultimate accountability, according to the song, will be when one must tell
Jah Jah about his or her actions (Marley 12).
Kingston 12 refers to the particular area of Trench Town where Marley grew
up (13).
Dont turn your back suggests a sense of pride for Kingston 12 (Marley
9- 13).


Works Cited Sheet for WP #1:
Using the Pink MLA Guide handoutyou have a link to it on Blackboard or you
can get a hard copy from the Learning Commonsfollow the 2
Norah Jones
example under Sound Recording on page 9. Well also go over this in class

Writing Project #2- Summary and Response (TV)
For this essay you are required to use two sourcesone of the TV episodes listed
in WP #2 Info as well as one (or more) of the articles from our text book that
youll read for homework during the TV unit. You are required to use at least 2
direct quotes and 2 paraphrases for WP #2. You will have a works cited sheet with
at least two items: one of the TV shows and one article. You may use more than
one article if you like.
direct quote = words taken directly from another source. Must give credit to the
original author
paraphrase = an idea taken from another source, expressed in your own words.
Must give credit to the original author.
Using direct quotes for WP #2: When we use television shows as
sources, we use just the title of the show in the parenthetical citation
to show readers where the quote came from. When we use articles,
we use the author of the article and the page number in the
parenthetical citation to show where the quote came from. Anytime
you write the title of a TV show, italicize it. Anytime you write the
title of a TV episode, put quote marks around it.
Ex: Beavis and Butt-Head -- the TV show title
Christian Rock Hard the episode title
The Pop Culture Zonethe book title
Beavis and Butthead: No Future for Postmodern Youth
article title
Remember: big things get italics, small things get quote marks


Direct quote examples from the article Beavis and Butthead: No
Future for Postmodern Youth:

First use of the source in the essay:
According to Douglas Kellners article Beavis and Butthead: No Future for
Postmodern Youth, Beavis and Butthead represent a young underclass without
a lot of advantages or possibilities (690).
Second use of the source in the essay:
Kellner attributes one aspect of the popularity of Beavis and Butt-Head as
demonstrating fantasy wish-fulfillment through the characters interactions with
authority figures and adults of all kinds (687). Kellners point is that sometimes
we all want to rebel against authority, without regard to consequences or societal
norms, and perhaps more so during our teenage years. Perhaps we can see a bit of
ourselves in the characters of Beavis and Butt-Head from time to time.

Third and subsequent uses of direct quotes from this source:
Beavis and Butt-Head constantly make fun of television, especially music
videos which is a unique aspect of the self-referential, media-centric
postmodern era (Kellner 688).
Beavis and Butt-Head appear to have no family, though their mothers are
referenced sporadically, they seem to be living in a world without fathers
(Kellner 687).

Indirect Quote (quote within a quote):
According to a 1993 issue of The Dallas Morning News, Beavis and Butt-Head
portrays characters who are Stupid, lazy, [and] cruel (qtd. in Kellner 686).


Direct quote examples from the South Park episode Christian
Rock Hard:
The show paints a humorous and ironic picture of illegally downloaded
music by using celebrities to illustrate the consequences. Because of
music piracy the rapper, Master P., will not be able to buy his son a
private island in French Polynesia which is, of course, is all hes ever
wanted (South Park). The South Park characters look on ashamed as
they witness similar mock-tragedies of various recording artists, which
brings a complex perspective to the issue.
o Because TV shows dont have page numbers, we just put the
title of the show in our parenthetical citations following
direct quotes.

Paraphrase Examples from Beavis and Butthead: No Future for
Postmodern Youth ways to avoid plagiarism
Original sentence from page 687: Beavis and Butt-Head is interesting for a
diagnostic critique because the main characters get all of their ideas and images
concerning life from the media and their entire view of history and the world is
entirely derived from media culture.
Plagiarism: Kellner describes how the show Beavis and Butt-head is fascinating
as an investigative review since the lead antagonists receive their thoughts and
depictions about life through broadcasting of various kinds and their perspective of
the past and the entire planet is completely derived from broadcasting of popular
culture (687).
o You must do more than just change around a few synonyms! Dont copy the
syntax (structure or rhythm) of the sentence, make it entirely new.
Paraphrases are shorter than the original.
Correct: Because Beavis and Butt-Head are exclusively reliant on popular culture
and broadcast media, the show is unique and worth investigating, according to
Kellner (687).

When beginning to incorporate research into writing, sometimes students adopt the
drop approach, but this is incorrect. See below:
Kellner describes what critics of Beavis and Butt-head often say. The show
depicts the dissolution of a rational subject and perhaps the end of the
Enlightenment in todays media culture (686).
o The above is incorrect because the direct quote is all alone as its own
sentence. Quoted materiel can NEVER stand alone as its own sentence. The
more you slice and dice quoted material the smoother your sentences
containing quoted materiel will be.
Correct: Kellner describes Beavis and Butt-Head as lacking a rational subject
and thus may signal the end of Enlightenment in todays media culture (686).
o The above is correct because the structure of the sentence is original, with
distinct and unique phrases in quote marks.if you take the time to quote
something make sure it is unique and distinctive.

When you paraphrase or summarize your TV episode, simply signal
to your reader what is coming; make it clear when you are
paraphrasing and make it clear when you are offering your own
response. Remember what you say in your summary section should
be neutral, without opinion. The response section is the place for

In South Parks Christian Rock Hard some of the characters learn
about music piracy using references to celebrities.
o No opinion expressed here, just a neutral description, this
would belong in the summary section of WP #2


The Christian Rock Hard episode is effective because it makes
viewers question the real impact of music piracy with humor.
o Calling the episode effective and humorous convey
opinions, so this would belong in the response section of
WP #2

Works Cited Page for WP #2
For WP #2, youll have two items on your works cited page (one article and one
TV episode).
o For the article, use the examples on page 7 of the pink
MLA guide. Well go over this in detail together in
o For the TV show, use the example on page 11 under the
heading Video Streamed from the Web. Again, well go
over this in detail together in class.

Video Streamed from the Web (adapted from page 11 of the pink MLA Guide)
Episode title Show Title. Original air date. Format. Access Date.
Christian Rock Hard. South Park. 29 Oct. 2003. Web. 18 September 2012.
An Excerpted ArticleUse this for Kellner

Author last name, Author first name. Article Title. Title of the textbook/anthology where its published.
Editors of the textbook/anthology. Publication city: Publisher, year published. Pages the article
appears on in the textbook/anthology. Format. Excerpt from Title of what the article was
excerpted from. Title of where it was originally published (year of original publication): pages of
original article.

Spiegel, Lynn. Osama Bin Laden Meets the South Park Kids. The Pop Culture Zone: Writing
Critically about Popular Culture. Allison D. Smith, Trixie G. Smith, and Stacia Rigney
Watkins. Boston: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2009. 704-14. Print. Excerpt from
Entertainment Wars: Television Culture After 9/11. American Quarterly (2004): 235-70.
Entire Reprinted SelectionUse this for Pinsky and Peacocke (scroll down for more on

Authors last name, Authors first name. Title of article. Title of the textbook/anthology where its
published. Ed. Names of editors of the textbook/anthology. Edition of text book. Publication city:
Publisher, year. Page numbers. Format.
Dunbar, Paul Laurence. Sympathy. The Norton Anthology of African American Literature. Ed. Henry
Louis Gates, Jr. and Nellie Y. McKay. 2nd ed. New York: Norton, 2004. 922. Print.
Here is a list of raw materials to be used for the Peacocke article, since we just have it as a handout.
This list of info must be arranged in the above template, it is not correct as it is.
"Family Guy and Freud: Jokes and their relation to the unconscious"
Pages-- 257-267
Fromat-- Print
Antonia Peacocke -- authors name
New Yorkpublication city
They Say I Say title of textbook/anthology where it was published
Editors Gerald Greff, Cathy Berkenstein, Russel Durst.
Publisher-- W.W. Norton and Company
Year published2009
Editionfirst (dont need to include info about the edition, it is assumed its the first edition unless otherwise stated, same goes for
our text book)

Writing Project #3Writing About Film
For this essay you will use a minimum of three sources: the movie Mickey Mouse
Monopoly + two articles that you find on TCC librarys online journal database.
You may use more articles if you like. You may also use the Disneys Dolls
article from the textbook but it must be in addition to the two articles from the
database. You are required to use at least 3 direct quotes and 3 paraphrases for WP
PDF vs. HTML versions of articles:
If you use a PDF version of an article, you will use original page numbers (your
print out will look like a page of a magazine). If you use an HTML version (it will
have no layout, just plain-Jane typed paragraphs) you will not have original page
numbers, so you will number your paragraphs instead. In your citations you will
use (para. 3) to mean paragraph 3.

The examples below refer to the HTML version of an article called Disney After
Disney by Andrew Osmond. It can be found on Academic Search Complete
Direct quote with source introduction, the first time this source
has been used.
According to Andrew Osmonds article, Disney After Disney, none of this
century's films from Disney, the studio that defined animated features, won the
Best Animated Feature Oscar (para. 4).
Direct quotelater in the essay source has already been
The statement Disney, the studio whose name was once synonymous with
animation, has lost its edge paints a clear picture of Disneys recent lack of
success (Osmond para. 1).


Paraphrase examples

Here is a sentence from paragraph 11 of Osmonds article:
We think of the Disney fairytale being revived by The Little Mermaid (1989), but
a racier contender was Touchstone's debut, the live-action Splash (1984), which
had the biggest opening in Disney's history, up to that point.

Incorrect paraphrase (its plagiarized!):
We often consider Disney story telling as being revitalized by The Little Mermaid
(1989), but a sexier candidate was Touchstones first film the non-animated Splash
(1984), which had the most successful Disney debut on record at that time
(Osmond para. 10).
Remember, you have to do more than just change around a few wordsthe
structure or syntax of the sentence is copied much too closely.

Correct Paraphrase:
Touchstone films released Splash in 1984 which surprisingly fared better than
1989s The Little Mermaidthe film usually credited with Disneys movie
comeback (Osmond para. 10).

Works Cited Page for WP #3
For this essay you will have a minimum of three sources on your works cited page:
Mickey Mouse Monopoly + two articles that you find on TCC librarys online
journal database. None of your articles will come from the internet at large, you
must only use TCC librarys online journal database.

Start a new page for the Works Cited page
Center the words Works Cited at the top of the page
Make sure the text is in 12 pt. Times New Roman font.
Arrange all of your sources in ABC order on your Works Cited Page
For the articles: Use the examples on pages 12-16 of the Pink MLA Guide from
the Library. The basic format on page 13 is your template, the examples that
follow are specific to various databases.

Journal: Basic Format

Authors Last Name, First Name. Title of Article. Journal Title volume number.issue number
(year): page number range of entire article. Database name. Web. Date accessed.

Miller, Kathleen E. "Wired: Energy Drinks, Jock Identity, Masculine Norms, and Risk Taking."
Journal of American College Health 56.5 (2008): 481-90. Academic Search Complete.
Web. 29 Jan. 2010.

For the movie: Use The Godfather example on page 9 of the Pink MLA Guide
from the Library. but exclude the second date (2004). Just give the distributor
and original release date (1972). Use the link to the movie on Blackboard to locate
the info you need like the director, distributor, year, etc.
Film: Basic Format
Movie Title. Dir. Directors first and last name. year released. Distributor, Format.
The Godfather. Dir. Francis Ford Coppola. 1972. Paramount, DVD.

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