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A. Circle the correct answer.

(20 marks)
1. Which of the animals below have claws?
A. goats
B. eagles
C. deer
. !ebra
2. "nakes and fish have the same feat#re. $he% have &&&&&& .
A. shells
B. legs
C. scales
. feathers
'. All the animals above have &&&&&&&&&& .
A. wings
B. scales
C. feathers
. horns
(. A bird does not have &&&&&&&& .
A. wings
B. scales
C. feathers
. beak
). $he bod% of the snake is covered with &&&&&&&&&&&.
A. f#r
B. hair
C. feathers
. scales
*. What is the similar e+ternal feat#re between the three
animals above?
A. wings
B. tail
C. claws
. ( legs
,. Which is not an e+ternal feat#re of crocodiles?
A. fins
B. scales
C. tail
. fo#r legs
-. $#rtles and snails have &&&&&&&&& .
A. beaks
B. wings
C. shells
. two legs
. have fo#r legs.
. have f#r on m% bod%.
. have shar/ claws.
0. What animal is this?
A. camel
B. tiger
C. ele/hant
. giraffe
10. $he animal in this /ict#re sho#ld not have &&&&&&&&&&.
A. horns
B. tail
C. whiskers
. claws
11. A b#ffalo has &&&&&&&& legs.
A. two
B. fo#r
C. si+
. eight

12. What animal is this?
A. Bird
B. B#tterfl%
C. Bat
. 1rassho//er
1'. 2ook at the animal above. What is 3?
A. $ail
B. 4orn
C. $#sk
. $r#nk
1(. Which gro#/ of animals have wings?
A. Chicken5 bird5 b#tterfl%
B. "wan5 Cockcroach5 ant
C. ol/hin5 mos6#ito5 fl%
7agle5 flies5 monke%
1). Which of the following is not true?
A. A bird and a fish have tails.
B. A tiger and cat have feathers.
C. A d#ck and an eagle have beaks.
. A cat and a lion have claws.
1*. $hese animals have legs e+ce/t &&&&&&&&&&&&& .
A. cater/illars
B. bees
C. monke%
. earthworms
1,. $hese animals have &&&&&&&&&&&
A tails
B. f#r
C. legs
. scales
1-. A &&&&&&& has a /air of wings.
A. /arrot
B. frog
C. s/ider
. milli/ede
10. 8ins can be fo#nd on &&&&&&&&
A. a cat
B. an ant
C. a cow
. a fish
20. A horse has &&&&&&&&&& .
A. horns5 tail5 legs
B. legs5 f#r5 claws
C. hair5 legs5 tail
. fins5 hair5 tail
B. List the external features of each animal. (10 marks)
1. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&
2. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&
'. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&
(. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&
). &&&&&&&&&&&&&&
*. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&
,. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&
-. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&
0. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&
10. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&
C. Look at the animals in the picture. Group them. (1( marks)
Animals with
Animals with
Animals with
D. Write the correct external features of these animals.
shell hair wool
f#r feathers scales
( 1 marks !
C. Answer these "uestions.
1. A fish9s bod% is covered with &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& .
2. A bird9s bod% is covered with &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& .
'. A goat9s bod% is covered with &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& .
( # marks !

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