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wauld follow tlie description of the remaliuler of the operation, we have not encum-
bered the diagram with more letters of reference ; the lines showing, on inspection,
similar applications of the process for all parts of the curve. The fact is, that the whole
of the shadow may he completed by taking the line DD as the transverse axis of an
ellipsis, and finding tlie semi-conjugate axis Oa by the means above described, for Da"D is
a semi-ellipsis in form, inasmuch as it is the projection of a section of a hemisphere. This
example is applicable to the shadow of a cylindrical niciie with a hemispherical head. The
line NN shows the sliadow of the portion of the head, and the remainder is obtained by
the mere intersection of lines in the direction of the light from different points to the left
of N, of wliicli enough has been already given in the previous examples to make the appli-
cation intelligible.
iM76. Fig. 852. is the representation of a pediment wherein the section A is that of the
mouidmgs of the pediment at its
apex. In tlie section, ab drawn
from the projection a of the corona
in the direction of the light, de-
termines the point b therein, where-
from the horizontal line intercepted
by the line ab in the elevation, also
drawn jjarallel to the direction of
tlie light, gives the point b in the
elevation. A line from b, iiarallel
to the inclined sides of the ])edi-
ment on the left, will give the shadow
of the corona on the tympanum on
that side, and similarly the line of
(ihadow from b on the right side, cd
determines the line of shadow on the
frieze, and 15 is the section of the
sihadow of the assemblage of mould-
ings on the right.
2477. In
H5^. is given the
plan, elevation, and section of a
square recess, covered witli a cylin-
drical head. The lines AA, 'BB,
CC of the elevation are determined
by aa, bb, and cc of the plan
; and in
the section c'c' is the representation of
the line cc of the plan. D, the point
at wliich the direction of the light
begins to touch the circular bead,
is d' in the section.
2478. Fig. 854. is the elevation of
an arch, below which is its plan and the
shadow cast by it on the plane uj)on
which it stands. AA is shown by
aa on the plan, the corresponding
l)oints in the rear of the arch being
a a', and a" a" the points in the
shadow. In a similar way, by 1513
corresponding with bh' on the plan
the points b" b" are obtained in the
2479. Fig. 855. is the \,\:\\\ and
elevation of the upper j)arl ofa house,
III; "f ; i

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