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Chap. I.


on ancient remains. The whole heiijht, accoviling to tlie measuring unit winch we have
adopted from Vignol.i, is ]6 modiik-s and 3 parts.
2557. Palladio makes the height of his Tuscan column 6 diameters, and diminishes the
shaft one fourth of a diameter. The lieight of the base and capital are each half a diameter.
Jle provides no pedestal, but, instead tliereof, places the base of the column on a zoccolo,
c.r lofty plinth, whose lieight is equal to the diameter of the column. He leaves the inter-
columniation unsettled, merely luntiug tliat as tlie architraves are of timber, they, the
iiitercoluinniations may be wide. The whole height by him assigned to the order is 9
diameters and three quarters of the column. The whole height according to our scale is
1 9 modules and
2558. Serlio makes the column of the order 5 diameters exclusive of base and capital,
each of which are half a diameter in height, and his diminution is one (juarter of the
diameter. He gives half a diameter to the height of the architrave, and an etjual height
to the frieze and to the cornice. His pedestal is with a plinth and base, a die, and
cymatium, the whole being a third of the height of the cukimn. He gives no rules for the
intercoluniniations, though in book 4. he inserts a diagram wherein iiitercolunms ajipear,
merely saying that they are equal to 3 diameters. The total height according to our
measure is 19 modules and 3 parts.
2559. Scaiiiozzi makes the shaft of his column 6 diameters, and diminishes it one fourth
part of its diameter. The heights of the base and cajiital are each half a diameter. To
the entablature he assigns for height one fourth of the height of the column, including its
base and capital, less half its diameter. He jilaces a soit of triglyjih in the frieze, which
arises from a niisconception of the text of \'itruvius. The height of his pedestal is a fourth
part of that of the column, with base and capital, less half a diameter. The whole height
in our nieasiae is 21 modules and 9 parts.
Sect. IV.
2560. The Doric order of the moderns is of two sorts : mutular and denticular, the
former is represented in
Jig. 879. A is a plan of the sofite of the corona ;
B, a plan of the
capital ; and C, a plan of the base. In the frieze the channelled projections arc called
trii/li/phs, and the spaces between them mctojju:, which should ui breadth be equal to

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