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RN Breakfast

2 July 2014 7:36AM

Alarmed by national seurity t!reat" t!e #ederal $o%ernment raks do&n on
Australian 'i!adists ()!tin) for *slami radials in *ra+ and ,yria- $eor)e Brandis"
Attorney.$eneral" says at least /0 Australians are urrently ()!tin) for terror )rou1s
as identi(ed by intelli)ene re1orts- Brandis &ill meet si2 *mams to seek
oo1eration in sto11in) youn) men from bein) radialised-
*nter%ie&ee: $eor)e Brandis" Attorney.$eneral 3e2er1t4
5om1ere: James arleton
78olitis &it! 8aul Bon)iorno7
Re)ular ,e)ment: 8olitis &it! 8aul Bon)iorno" National A9airs :ditor" ;en Net&ork-
Bon)iorno disusses le)al issues surroundin) t!e )o%ernment<s rakdo&n and
some of t!e )o%ernmental ations to =ero do&n radialisation- ;!e !ost says t!e
system is <a little bit more om1le2< beause t!e )o%ernment is 1re%entin) t!e
1eo1le &!om t!ey sus1et of terrorism from lea%in) t!e ountry t!rou)! 1ass1ort
on(sation and on t!e ot!er !and" t!ey are tryin) to 1re%ent some from omin)
bak to t!e ountry &!i! annot be done if t!ey are Australian iti=ens- Bon)iorno
t!en omments t!at due 1roess s!ould a11ly as mandated by Australian la&-
Aordin) to !im" most 1eo1le &ill ada1t t!e )o%ernment<s stand t!at for t!e
1rotetion of t!e soiety" due 1roess a11lied" radials s!ould be detained- ;!e !ost
a)ain )i%es !is %ie& and says ()!tin) for *ra+is is not ille)al sine it is ()!tin) for a
non.)o%ernment military or)anisation- >o&e%er" t!e !ost ontinues by sayin) t!at
()!tin) for t!e *ra+ $o%ernment as an Australian iti=en &ill make one trans)ress a
national la&- Bon)iorno attests t!at t!e )o%ernment is takin) some ations and one
of t!em is t!e reently !eld disussion bet&een $eor)e Brandis" Attorney.$eneral"
and t!e *mams- 3ont-4
*nter%ie&ee: 8aul Bon)iorno" National A9airs :ditor" ;en Net&ork
5om1ere: James arleton
5ontinuin) re)ular se)ment: 8olitis &it! 8aul Bon)iorno" National A9airs :ditor" ;en
Net&ork- ;!e !ost talks about ne& ,enate and #amily #irst 8arty bein) onfronted
&it! 1roblems about t!e si2.mont! &ait of youn) unem1loyed for ?ole- Bon)iorno
says Bob ?ay" #ederal 5!airman" #amily #irst 8arty" is a)ainst t!e treatment of t!e
youn) unem1loyed as re@eted in t!e ?ole bud)et- Re1ortedly" ?ay belie%es t!at
t!e !an)es in t!e system &ill lead 'ob seekers <destitute< &!ile doin) not!in) to
!el1 em1loyers !ire t!em- >e mentions t!e 1ubli sentiment on t!is ommonly.
desribed <unfair treatment< as t!e !ars!est as1et of t!e bud)et-
*nter%ie&ee: 8aul Bon)iorno" National A9airs :ditor" ;en Net&ork
5om1ere: James 5arleton
Mentions: #amily #irst 1arty
Aabour 8arty
$reen 8arty
RN Breakfast
Bednesday 2 July 2014 7:/2AM
Borld Ne&s:
*ra+. Bestern ountries are still o1timisti to ome u1 &it! risis res1onse des1ite
t!e &orsenin) ondition in *ra+-
,yria. ;ensions are on t!e rise as t!e i%il &ar in ,yria ra)es on-
*srael. *srael and >amas are in a ne& on@it due to an alle)ed murder of t!ree
*sraeli teena)ers-
RN Breakfast
Bednesday 2 July 2014 6:44AM
#ollo&in) bud)et uts" t!e #ederal )o%ernment sra1s t!e 1osition of ?isability
?isrimination 5ommissioner- ;!e 1osition &ill be folded into one of t!e ot!er
ommissioners< 1ortfolios- ;oday" $raeme *nnes" Cut)oin) ?isability ?isrimination
5ommissioner" &ill deli%er !is (nal s1ee! to t!e National 8ress 5lub- *n an
inter%ie& by Natas!a Mit!ell" 8resenter" RN Aife Matters" *nnes )i%es !is fare&ell
messa)e to 8rime Minister ;ony Abbott- >e says Abbott s!ould ontinue &it! t!e
N?*, and must !a%e a &elfare 1lan for t!e disability setors-
*nter%ie&ee: $raeme *nnes" Cut)oin) ?isability ?isrimination 5ommissioner
5om1ere: James 5arleton
Mentions: National 8ress 5lub
5ommission on >uman Ri)!ts
RN Breakfast
Bednesday 2 July 2014 6:21AM
Borld Ne&s:
*ndonesia. 8rabo&o ,ubianto and Joko Bidodo" *ndonesian 8residential andidates"
stand an e%en !ane a &eek before 1eo1le ast t!eir %otes-
RN Breakfast
Bednesday 2 July 2014 10:40AM
Borld Ne&s:
*reland. ?ermot >ealy" reno&ned *ris! aut!or and 1oet" died at t!e a)e of 66- Aast
year" it an be realled t!at >ealy 'oined t!e ,ydney Briters< #esti%al-
Mention: ,ydney Briters< #esti%al

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