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Friday Sept. 5, 2014



Vol. 9


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September 5, 2014

Julie Bishop Offers Intelligence To Help Find

Fijian Troops In Syria

Australia has offered its intelligence

resources to help the United Nations
track down 45 Fijian peacekeepers
kidnapped by al-Qaeda linked terrorists
in Syria.
Its believed the 45 Fijian peacekeepers
are being held by the terrorist group
Jabhat al-Nusra, who overran a Golan
Heights crossing last week and forced
the UN troops to surrender.
Theyve been missing since last
Wednesday and their whereabouts is
The incident has deeply troubled
ministers attending the UN Small
Island Developing States conference in
Samoa, including Australian Foreign
Minister Julie Bishop.
Bishop discussed the situation with
UN Secretary General Ban ki-Moon at
the summit, and has offered Australias
support to rescue the missing
Ive assured them that Australia is
providing whatever support we can,
including our intelligence resources, to
assist the UN, she told the media from
We are keeping in very close contact
with all of our partners and friends in
the intelligence network to make
sure we can locate them and they are
Bishop has already assured Fijis

Continued On Page 3

Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop

Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama
and Foreign Minister Ratu Inoke
Kubuabola that Australia would use
its seat on the UN Security Council to

monitor the situation.

It comes amid reports that a group
of Filipino peacekeepers confined to
their barracks in a different part of the

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disputed region had escaped.

The UN has been monitoring the Golan
Heights since a ceasefire between Syria
and Israel in 1974.
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Fiji News

More Women Receive

Sewing Machines

The Ministry of Women continues to

grow its nationwide womens network.
The latest is now at an informal
settlement in Veisari where a group of
women from Tuvalu and Kiribati have
come to call home.
Minister for Women Dr Jiko Luveni also
handed over some sewing machines to
the women here encouraging them to
use it to generate income.
There are now over 1,300 womens
groups like this now spread across the
True development can only be
achieved through equal participation
of women into economic growth.
Through the Ministrys increased
budget allocation of $1.3 million, we
have been able to assist more than
1702 womens groups in Fiji. I am glad
to see that this multicultural womens
group is determined to work together

with the Ministry to elevate their

standard of living, Dr Jiko told the
The Ministry will assist by providing
the women with skills-training to
venture into income generating
projects like baking, selling handicrafts
and also tailoring. These women are
very talented and all they need is a
facility like womens centre to bring
them together to earn income for their
They will also be provided with
workshops to build their leadership
skills including awareness programs
relative to elimination of violence,
reproductive health. The government is
ready to assist any individual woman
or womens group who are looking
for opportunities to reach their full
potential, Dr Luveni said.


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Friday Sept. 5, 2014

Amnesty For George Speight?

Ro Teimumu Not Saying
Ro Teimumu Kepa was non-committal
on whether SODELPAs proposed truth
and reconciliation commission would
revisit the idea of amnesty for 2000
coup leader George Speight.
The Social Democratic Liberal Party
(SODELPA) leader said dont
politicise the issue.
She was reacting to questions on
the similarities of the partys current
position as stated in their manifesto
and that of the former Soqosoqo
Duavata ni Lewenivanua (SDL). The
SDLs proposed Reconciliation and
Unity Commission had intended to
investigate the causes of the 2000
coup with possible amnesty for its
perpetrators, particularly George
The SDL proposal first introduced
into Parliament in 2005 provoked a
chorus of opposition from the media,
civil society and the Republic of Fiji
Military Forces (RFMF).
Ro Teimumu said: We really need to
go back to 1987 and look at the causes
of the coup.
Coups dont benefit anyone. They
dont benefit any one race or group.
Weve come a long way and the only
way to look at the idea of a truth and
reconciliation commission is to see

it as a means to restore and heal our

She said the idea of a commission
needed to be backed by all stakeholders,
particularly political parties, if it was to
I cant really say much on the form
and shape of the commission. This is
something that should be decided by
all parties as part of the parliamentary
process, she said.
Notably, 1987 coup leader Sitiveni
Rabuka is now campaigning actively
for the SODELPA party in Vanua Levu
along with Tui Cakau Ratu Naiqama
Mr Rabuka has recanted his support of
racist iTaukei ideology epitomised by
the iTaukei Movement and publicly
apologised for his actions.
The iTaukei Movement called for the
repatriation of Indo-Fijians and helped
manipulate and stoke public emotions
leading to the violent overthrow of the
Dr Timoci Bavadra-led government in
SODELPA has recently also tried
to distance itself from former Prime
Minister Laisenia Qarase whose recent
gaffe linking numbers on the ballot
paper and the Koran threatened noniTaukei support for the party.

Beware Of Racial Comments:

Frank Bainimarama

More than a hundred villagers from

Nausori Village at Nalawa in Ra
showed their support during a FijiFirst
campaign at their village hall.
Party leader Voreqe Bainimarama
urged the people to not give in to racial
comments made by other political
The racial comments made by parties
are only to trigger your emotion, telling
you lies about not being equal.
Beware of SODELPA as they make
comments on different races. Let us
please be open minded, because I am
sure that we were not taught from our
religion to see people differently, he
Other issues that Mr Bainimarama
raised on were other parties telling
people that the scholarships were not
equally distributed.
The scholarship programme that my
government had started is specifically
given to top 600 students and this does
not say anything on the race of the
These candidates should not talk

because they do not know anything on

this programme, he said.
He also said that one of the main
reasons why people are being easily
manipulated is because they know that
people are not fully aware of the 2013
Other political parties do this because
they know that most of the people have
not read the constitution.
They create fear to you people
about our land and religion not being
protected when in fact this are all lies,
he said.
The FijiFirst party leader confirmed to
the people that their land and religion is
kept safe because of the Constitution.
Mr Bainimarama has also confirmed
that he has received the partys
manifesto and this will be released this
I have just received our party
manifesto and it has basically stated on
improving on the service that we have
provided for the past seven years, he


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Friday Sept. 5, 2014

Fiji News

Fiji Prays For Captured UN Peacekeepers

Fiji's military rulers are under pressure
to explain how 45 soldiers ended up as
prisoners of a Syrian rebel group while
a Filipino United Nations group fought
its way to safety.
The Fijians, part of the United Nations
(UNDOF) on the Syrian-Israeli border,
have been prisoners of the rebel al
Qaeda-linked al Nusra Front since last
"These men are peacekeepers and
there is no reason for their continued
detention," Fiji military strongman
Frank Bainimarama said last night in a
speech to the nation.
"These men are professional soldiers
who have been trained how to handle
themselves in extreme situations like
"As a nation, we must have confidence
in their training and in the capability of
all those involved in negotiating their
The Republic of Fiji Military Forces
(RFMF) and Bainimarama seized
power in a coup in 2006.
Democracy-restoring elections are
set for September 17, but the capture
of such a large group of soldiers in a
nation of 875,000 people is turning the
focus on to their freedom.
Bainimarama said 44 soldiers were

captured, but in photos tweeted on had served with the military for 14
Saturday, al Nusra showed 45 UNDOF years and left for peacekeeping duties
identity cards. Not all of the captured in the Golan Heights last month.
soldiers show up in another al Nusra He said it was a trying time. "But the
military officers have told us that they
State owned Fiji Broadcasting says all are kept nicely. They are given food
al Nusra is demanding the release and water and everything is OK."
of Abu Mussab al-Suri, an al Qaeda Marika Balawakula was waiting for
leader, in exchange for the Fijian 4 more information on his son, Viliame.
"Before he went he told us that if
He is a Syrian national captured in anything happens, it's part of life," he
Pakistan in 2005 and now believed to 4 told the Fiji Times.
be detained by the Bashar al-Assad "So why we are here today is just to
clarify the news that has been going
Bainimarama continued to campaign around.
for his Fiji First party over the weekend, "Now we are satisfied with what we
leaving RFMF commander General have heard from inside that the officers
Mosese Tikoitoga to front the crisis.
are taken care of by those who have
But after growing social media captured them."
criticism, Bainimarama said he had In the Philippines, there have been
spoken to UN Secretary-General Ban celebrations that their peacekeepers
Ki Moon, "who reassured me that the escaped.
UN was bringing all of its available General Gregorio Pio Catapang said he
resources to the negotiating table".
advised the 40 Filipino peacekeepers
Tikoitoga admitted that Fiji did not not to lay down their arms, and
know where the soldiers were, but al
Nusra had assured it that they had food,
water and medical supplies.
The Fiji Times reports that the families
of the 45 have been at a RFMF crisis
centre in Suva waiting for more
Niumaia Romala, 17, said his father

they defied the UN peacekeeping

commander's order.
Instead, they staged a daring escape
from the Golan camp over the weekend,
ending a tense, day-long standoff.
Catapang said he would not agree to
any resolution of the hostage crisis that
would put Filipino troops in danger.
When the besieged Filipino troops
sought his advice after they were
ordered to lay down their arms as part
of an arrangement with the rebels to
secure the Fijians' release, Catapang
said he asked them to defy the order.
"I told them not to follow the order
because that is a violation of our
regulation, that we do not surrender our
firearms, and, at the same time, there is
no assurance that you will be safe after
you give your firearms," he said.
"Our stand is, we will not allow our
soldiers to become sacrificial pawns in
order to save the Fijians.
"They should look for other ways and
means to save the Fijians."






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Fiji News

Friday Sept. 5, 2014

Road Death Toll Now

Stands At 36

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The road death toll continues to

The3 Year
involves a man in his early
The incident happened a little after
midnight along the Sariyawa Road,
Momi, Nadi.
The tragic incident that claimed the life
of 32-year-old Deepak Kumar occurred
at around 12am late night.
Those who arrived first at the scene of
the accident said they were drawn to
the road following a loud bang.
The deceased who is believed to be
driving his vehicle when the accident
happened is also believed to have died
instantly from the impact of the crash.
The three other passengers were rushed

to hospital where they remain under

We visited Kumars residence where
preparations for his burial had already
For the family the pain of losing a
father, husband and son was too much
to bear
He said his son was returning from a
friends home and told them he would
be coming home late.
Kumar is survived by his wife and two
-year-old son.
Meanwhile Police has reiterated the
call motorists to be safe on the roads.
The road death toll now stands at 36
compared to 25 for the same period last

Kava Ban On Sundays

NO kava consumption on Sundays was

the decision made by the Methodist
Church in Fiji during the church
conference at the Centenary Church in
The church leaders and church
members' resolution on kava was that
it was not to be consumed on Sunday
until after the Sunday afternoon
worship or sermon.
Methodist Church secretary for
communication and overseas mission
Reverend James Bhagwan said this
followed various reports coming in
from the church on the abuse of kava
Mr Bhagwan said kava drinking on
Mondays and Saturday at all Methodist
Church in Fiji premises must cease by
"All Methodist Church in Fiji premises

are to be smoke free zones," he said.

"Whilst strong emphasis is placed on
ministry leaders including ministers,
deaconesses and lay members who are
leaders or representatives to various
church meeting, all other members of
the Methodist Church in Fiji should
strive to stop the practice of smoking
all forms of tobacco.
"All Methodist Church in Fiji premises
are not to be used as an outlet for the
sale of kava and all forms of tobacco."
He said there had been a positive
outcome when church members
reduced their kava consumption and
tobacco smoking.
"The delegates voted for it and it was
passed to the conference as a resolution
for the Methodist Church, so it is an
official conference stand on the issue,"
he said.

Fiji Ports Records Profit

FIJI Ports Corporation Limited
(FPCL) recorded a net profit after tax
of $7.31million last year, a 30 per cent
increase from the $5.64m earned in the
previous financial year.
Speaking at the FPCL performance
payout announcement in Suva,
company chairman Tevita Kuruvakadua
said the financial performance resulted
in a record dividend payment of $3.6m
to government.
"This represents 50 per cent of FPCL's
profit after tax for the 2013 financial
year," he said.
He said they experienced a momentous
change for Fiji ports last year, which
was brought about through the
signing of a public-private partnership
agreement with Aitken Spence for
the management of Ports Terminal
"The tremendous result, along with the
proceeds derived from the transference
of PTL, contributed $12.9m in financial
return to government for the year," he
He said those positive outcomes were

attributed to the focus and dedication

of management and government
representatives during lengthy periods
of negotiation and collaboration.
For Fiji Ship and Heavy Industries
Limited (FSHIL), he said, the company
continued to show strong growth
for the year with operating revenues
in FSHIL increasing by 15 per cent
when compared with 2012, continuing
growth momentum for the past three
FSHIL is a subsidiary company of
"FSHIL recorded a strong financial
performance with a 9 per cent growth
in operating incomes and 1 per cent
reduction in operating expenses.
"A key priority for Fiji Ports going
forward, he said, was developing a
15-year master development plan for
port infrastructure development," Mr
Kuruvakadua said.
"This was based on a consultative,
integrated, staged, and financially
sustainable approach for future port






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Fiji Says 45 Soldiers

Captured In Golan Heights
Fiji's military confirmed that 43
of its soldiers, working as U.N.
peacekeepers, have been captured by a
militant group on the Syrian side of the
Golan Heights.
Fijian Commander Brig. Gen. Mosese
Tikoitoga said the soldiers were alive
and unharmed. He said talks between
the U.N. and the unidentified rebel
group had begun and negotiations
would be pursued further at daybreak.
Tikoitoga said three vehicles filled with
about 150 armed rebels had converged
on the soldiers' post at about 7:30 a.m.
last Thursday.
He said the rebels demanded the
soldiers leave within 10 minutes and
insisted they board the rebel vehicles.
The Fijians were then taken by the
rebels to an unknown location. He
said he's been told they were later
transported back to their original post.
"We are all doing our best to ensure the
safety of the 43 that are currently being
held captive," Tikoitoga said.
He said Fiji would not be pressured into
withdrawing from its peacekeeping
efforts in the Golan Heights, an area
that is divided between Israel and Syria.
"We will not shy away from

that responsibility under these

circumstances," he said. "We will
continue to work very hard for the
release of our men and at the same
time we will put all our men on alert to
ensure that no further incidents of this
sort happen to them."
He said the names of the captured
soldiers are being withheld and that
their families will be informed in due
The United Nations said besides that as
well as the 43 detained Fijian soldiers,
another 81 Philippine peacekeepers
had been effectively trapped after
being restricted to their positions in
the vicinity of Ar Ruwayhinah and
The developments have come during
a period of increased fighting between
armed elements and the Syrian Arab
Armed Forces, the office of U.N.
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said
in a statement.
The statement did not specify
which armed group is holding the
peacekeepers. Various Syrian rebel
groups, including the al-Qaeda-linked
Nusra Front, have been fighting the
Syrian military near the Golan Heights.

Friday Sept. 5, 2014

David Lingam

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Fiji News

Fiji Says Syrian Rebels Issue Demands

For Captives

Fiji's military commander said Tuesday

that Syrian rebels have issued three
demands for the release of 45 Fijian
peacekeepers they've held captive for
five days.
Brig. Gen. Mosese Tikoitoga said the
al-Qaida-linked Nusra Front wants
to be taken off the U.N. terrorist list,
wants humanitarian aid delivered to 6
parts of the Syrian capital Damascus,
and wants compensation for three of its
fighters it says were killed in a shootout 6
with U.N. officers.
Tikoitoga didn't say if the demands
would be seriously considered. He said
the U.N. had sent hostage negotiators
to Syria to take over discussions from
military leaders.
"Negotiations have moved up to
another level with the professional Israel and Syria, but the Filipino troops
negotiators now in place," he said.
escaped over the weekend.
The Nusra Front abducted the Fijian Tikoitoga on Tuesday also released the
soldiers last Thursday morning and is names of the 45 detained soldiers, who
holding them at an unknown location. he said are led by Captain Savenaca
The rebels also surrounded two Filipino Siwatibau Rabuka.
units serving in the U.N. mission that The commander asked Fiji's community
monitors the buffer zone between and church leaders to help look after

the families of the captive troops and

asked the public to also offer support.
"I appeal to all Fijians that while we
pray for our soldiers in Syria that we
be sensitive to the families," he said,
adding "the U.N. has assured us they
will use all of their available resources
for the safe return of our soldiers."

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Fiji News

PM Urges Voters To Understand

Important Role They Play

Prime Minister, Voreqe Bainimarama

Prime Minister, Voreqe Bainimarama not only have a proud record, we have
has called on voters to know the a plan. That plan is to build on the
important role they will play for the progress that every Fijian can see with
future of this country.
their own eyes that has transformed our
Bainimarama made this comment nation and set it on a better course.
while opening the new Public Rental With just days left to the polls,
Board housing units this morning in Bainimarama is making use of every
opportunity such as these to get his
No longer bothered about criticism on elections message across.
mixing his official Government duties So reject the lies and look at the facts.
and national politics, Bainimarama Look at our record. And then decide
called on voters to make wise choices. who can be trusted the person who
At the opening of the new Public Rental has defended your interests or the
Board housing in Raiway, he urged people who claimed to defend your
voters to make wise choices choices interests but betrayed you.
he said that will redefine our future.
And Bainimarama also sent out a clear
The choice you face on Election Day message on the issue of I-Taukei rights.
is perhaps the most important in our Acknowledging that this has now
Nations history. It is a choice between become a major talking point for
the future and the past, a future in his political opponents, Voreqe
which Fiji moves forward united and Bainimarama has once again restrong or moves backwards. Retreats to assured that all the rhetoric around the
the divisions of the past that kept our issue of insecurity of I Taukei land and
nation week, Bainimarama said.
culture is based on lies.
Bainimarama says that voters have Bainimarama went on to say that
to judge his Government on its track the average iTaukei doesnt need
record, and not sectional interests.
protecting, nor do they want it.
Rather than turn back the clock, I He said all they want is respect and a
am asking you to help me rewind it fair share of the Nations resources and
by moving Fiji forward. Because we wealth.

Police Warns Against

Pointing Laser At Aircraft
MEMBERS of the public have been
warned against directing laser pointers
at aircraft.
Police spokeswoman Ana Naisoro
said two such incidents were brought
to their attention by the Civil Aviation
Authority of Fiji.
Both cases involved deliberate and
improper use of laser pointers in the
vicinity of airports.

"They were being directed towards

aircraft on critical phases of flight such
as take-off, approach and landing," she
"Members of the public are forewarned
that pointing laser lights towards
aircraft on approach to land or
departing from an airport could blind
pilots and endanger the aircraft and
passengers on board."


Friday Sept. 5, 2014

Frank Bainimarama Opens

210 New PRB Flats
Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama
opened 210 new Public Rental Board
flats in Raiwai.
Despite some initial differences with
the Chinese contractors over material
costs that led to delays, the new $18.3
million housing project was finally
opened and will house more than a
thousand people.
This is all part of the Bainimarama
Governments plan to make housing
affordable to low income earners.
In opening the long awaited new Raiwai
PRB flats, Prime Minister, Voreqe
Bainimarama says that these new homes
will mean a lot to the 200 families who
will soon call it their homes.
It is a joyous occasion because this
is more than just bricks and mortar.
A home is the heart of the family. It
should be a place of refuge, a place
of happiness, a place where children
are nurtured and taught the values
on which any community depends,

Bainimarama said.
He also pointed out how much his
Government has spent on housing a
total of $93 million.
Even with that he says there are 4,000
thousand people still on the Public
Rental Board waiting list.
Today, we celebrate the fact that more
than 200 families are about to get the keys
to these properties and open the door to
a new life for themselves and their loved
ones. They join the many thousands
of other ordinary Fijians around the
country who have benefited from my
Governments housing programs.
Bainimarama says that for the past 8
years his government has tried their
best to deliver quality homes for all
Of all the services my Government
has delivered over the past eight years,
nothing gives me more satisfaction
than to have provided many Fijian
families with a home.




The Fiji Times Canada is now Available online

Fiji News

Friday Sept. 5, 2014

Our People Come First:


The FijiFirst leader and Prime

Minister, Voreqe Bainimarama told
party supporters at their family day at
Syria Park, Nausori that serving people
was always a priority for the party.
He said during their leadership they
had made things easier for all Fijians
and they expected to improve when
Past elected governments made
promises to get the votes but we
dont make promises but make things
happen, he said.
He said they had a new road map for
the new Fiji that they were building
and many supporters had endorsed this.
The FijiFirst leader said the real battle
for leadership was just between the
FijiFirst and SODELPA.

Denarau Bridge Gets

$9.4M Grant

yesterday signed a $9.4 million grant
agreement with the Fiji Roads Authority
and Denarau Corporation Limited for
reconstruction of the Denarau Bridge.
Given the agreement, the Denarau
Bridge, which was initially constructed/
owned by Denarau Corporation
8 Limited, will now be owned and
managed by the Fiji Roads Authority.
Sayed8 Khaiyum, whilst signing the
agreement, said the idea is the bridge
will be constructed in a manner that is
sound and lasts a long period of time.
This agreement also ensures that FRA
will have oversight over the construction
of the bridge ensuring that it meets up to
Other political parties have a very the various standards, he said.
slim chance to win, he said.
Mr Sayed-Khaiyum said Denarau
The Prime Ministers popularity was Corporation Limited has agreed to give a
evident, when people including the certain portion of the island on the approach
children rushed to him to shake hands side for FRA to have control on the area
as he entered Syria Park.
because it is the approach to the bridge.
He stopped to talk to the children Denarau Corporation Limited has carried
and elders. He said FijiFirst would out some preliminary assessments in terms
prioritise childrens development.
of the construction company, he said.
For the first time, he said, they were FRA will make sure all the obligations
now having free education right up to are met and the construction should
secondary and loans were provided for commence as soon as possible.
further tertiary education.
Fiji Roads Authority chief executive,
In 30 years time he said Fiji would be Neil Cook, said they will begin with
an educated country.
construction proper in a few months
He said this years general election was time as they are finalising the design
very important to all and they should details at the moment.
vote for FijiFirst as it had the leadership
to move the country forward.

Fijians Join In Prayer For

Detained Soldiers

The planned peace vigil was held at

centenary church in the capital.
The midday service saw people of
together to pray for our 45 UN
peacekeepers still held captive in Syria.
Leading a nation in prayer for the
safety of their loved ones.
Ensuring spiritual comfort and peace
to the families of our nationals taken
hostage in Syria.
We are indeed very grateful that the
turnout has been like this today. The
whole place was filled up and we are
grateful that we have set a time like this
to remember one the soldiers who have
been captured and of course the families
who are here in Fiji since experience of
death in itself, said Methodist Church
President, Tevita Nawadra.
For the mothers, sisters and wives
present during this prayer vigil,
emotions and tears flowed with words
of prayers

The last thing he told me was to

remain strong and be steadfast and
to pray for his safe returnI did not
know that he was in the group when I
first heard the news.when I received
the call, I was deeply moved, said
Joana Talekinona, who attended this
afternoons vigil.
Today was all about offering some
much needed encouragement, support,
words of hope and a shoulder to lean
Prayers, continuous prayers been
going on and I have support from
families and my mother-in- law have
been the great support for me since
shes going through the same thing
Im going through. We just hoping that
theyll return home safely, but even
if they return home harmed, if they
lose a limb or anything, I dont mind,
as long as they get home safely, said
Nia Waqavonovono who was also
attending the vigil.



Towards the end of that period, we should

see establishment and some preliminary
works start on site and the overall project
will take about 12 months, he said.
Economic significance
Pramesh Sharma, acknowledged the
Government for their timely assistance.
He said: The project is of huge economic
significance as it is a major link to the
island from the rest of Viti Levu.
Mr Sayed-Khaiyum stressed Denarau
played a very pivotal role in the tourism
Its not only because of the 10 or
so resorts, but it is also a link to the
Mamanucas and Yasawas; not only for
tourists but for locals as well, he said.
Government has been improving
infrastructure across Fiji. The road to
Denarau has been reconstructed and
this is a major feature of Government.
We believe we need to continue with
the infrastructure development.
Once you have the right infrastructure
in place, the individuals and businesses
are given the impetus to invest and it also
motives them as individual citizens.
Meanwhile, the Denarau Bridge
construction issue has been an ongoing
one for over a year now.
Mr Sayed-Khaiyum said the reason the
resolution had taken this long was as
there were certain negotiations which
had to be carried out.

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Fiji News

Sitiveni Rabuka 'Sick And


Fijis Army Commander BrigadierGeneral Mosese Tikoitoga condemns

as irresponsible and sick, comments
made by former army commander
and Prime Minister Major General
Sitiveni Rabuka suggesting possible
repercussions on Muslims in the
country if attempts to rescue unharmed
the 45 detained Fijian soldiers come up
Brig-Gen Tikoitoga said he received an
audio clip from New Zealand's Radio
Tarana in which Rabuka said that
Muslims in Fiji could be put to harm if
anything happened to the soldiers.
The soldiers serving with the UNDOF
in the Golan Heights were taken
hostage by Syrian rebel group, Al
Nusra seven days ago.
That remark is irresponsible by a
person who had been a commander
of the RFMF, a person who has been
the PM of Fiji and a person who has
lived in a multiracial community as
ours continue to make this comments
only shows the sick attitude of that

individual, Brig-Gen Tikoitoga said.

Tikoitoga said the comments made by
his former commander were bordering
on inciting violence.
I think its the most unfortunate
comment that anybody who has been
the prime Minister of Fiji can do. It's
very irresponsible, it's closing in on
inciting violence in Fiji and we should
condemn it."
Tikoitoga further reiterated the
military's role to look after all Fijians.
We don't hold anything against any
Fijians for what's happening in Fiji; I
think this is the time that we all should
stand together, work together and love
one another for the sake of those that are
held captive," Brig-Gen Tikoitoga said.
It is not the time to start pointing
fingers at others especially internally
and I condemn that remark in a most
outrageous way.
Tikoitoga said the military would not
be taking any further action, but said
that the police could if they heard the
remarks as well.

Egypt Government Shows Interest

In Buying Fiji Sugar
THE Egyptian Government has shown
interest in buying sugar from Fiji.
And if all goes according to plan, the
Middle East country might just be the
second major buyer of Fiji sugar.
Sugar Ministry permanent secretary
Lt-Col Manasa Vaniqi said he met the
Egyptian ambassador last week and
discussed the sugar issue and other
related matters.
"The Egyptian Government has shown
interest to buy sugar from Fiji and this

is good news," Lt-Col Vaniqi said.

"I met with the ambassador who is
based in Canberra, Australia, and we
held talks on the issue.
"As a result, the sugar industry is
working on some new strategies to
improve cane production.
"We need to increase our production
and this means planting more in order
to produce more.
"This year, we are planning to produce
about 200,000 tonnes of sugar."

NEW Zealand dentists will conduct

screenings later this week for patients
approved by the principal dental officer
at the Lautoka Hospital.
The dentists are in the country as part
of a program by volunteer dentist group
Smiles for the Pacific.
Group chairman Dr Jonathan Cole
has also clarified the group would not
provide free treatment for everyone.
He said selected patients who were

treated by local dentists and referred to

overseas specialists would be seen.
"The principal dental officer of Lautoka
Hospital has to approve the conditions
of the visitors and then only, they will
approve the free dental services," he
The visiting dentists would also help
local doctors attend to the specialised
cases that were not available locally
and mentor their Fijian counterparts.

Visiting NZ Dentists To Treat

Selected Patients




Friday Sept. 5, 2014






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More Than 8000 People Cast

Their Votes As Pre-Polling Begins

More than 8000 people in total made

use of pre-polling centers at the close
of day one.
The Fijian Elections Office gave an
update on the numbers with 18 centers
now open in the central, 24 in the west
and 26 in the north.
For Thursday there were 76 pre-poll
venues operating, there will be 17 in the
central Division and 23 in the Western
Division, 15 in the Northern Division,
and 21 in the Eastern Division. That is
the number that will be operating" said
Supervisor of Elections, Mohammed
Well be publishing the venues also
with exact addresses, today was a first

experience to how things happen and

how it will go.
While some confusion was faced by the
voters on where to vote, the Elections
office has assured that the necessary
information will be made available in
the mass media.
The Elections office is also expecting
the numbers to grow in the coming
We can now say with finality that
the total number of voters prepolling in the Central Division is
16,064, in the Eastern Division will
be 12,022, Western Division will be
19,857, the total pre-poll numbers is

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Fiji News

Heart Patients Receive

Free Surgery

Life for 58-year-old Ezekiel will

be easy-going from now after he
underwent free heart surgery last week
at the Lautoka Hospital.
His wife Tilda said they were grateful
to the cardio surgeons who came from
New Zealand to operate on the patients
free of charge
This is costly; I appreciate that my
husband has gone through the surgery,
Ms Tilda said.
He was in constant pain and now he
will be able to live a normal life.
The couple travelled from Tabataba in
Ba for the operation.
A team of 60 medical personnel is in
the country and have begun work in
the operating theatres at the Lautoka
The Medical Mission is facilitated
understanding (MOU) between the
Friends of Fiji Heart Foundation and
the Ministry of Health.
Friends of Fiji Heart Foundation
chairman Craig Strong said this would
facilitate the provision of complex
heart surgery for patients identified by
the Ministry of Heath from around Fiji.
cardiothoracic surgeons, cardiologists,
anesthetists, intensivists, technicians,
specialist theatre nurses, intensive care
and ward nurses and physiotherapists.
Apart from the surgeons, we have the
clinical support team that will be in the
country longer to monitor during the
recovery period of the patients, Mr
Strong said.
If one of these operations was to be
carried out in New Zealand, it would
cost close to $50,000, he said.

Friends of Fiji Heart Foundation

chairman Craig Strong
Mr Strong said the medical volunteers
came in from New Zealand to provide
their services to needy and unfortunate
people in the country.
The equipment is from New Zealand;
we have a Trust there as well which
pulls in the resources to get the medical
equipment and when the volunteers
come, they bring the equipment with
He said this was the eighth visit by
the team and close to 700 Fijians had
received treatment since 2006 All
the pre-screening has been done in the
Western and Eastern divisions, he
It is treatment that we get; the people
that we see who do not have funding
opportunities and we play our part in
helping, he said.

A total of 12,204 ballots will be sent

across to the overseas voters after the
Elections Office received postal vote
The ballots papers will be sent to the
United States, Australia, New Zealand,
United Kingdom and to the Middle
Supervisor of Elections Mohammad
Saneem said they had begun packing
envelopes with postal ballots which
would be sent through DHL Express.
Once the voter, whether overseas or
local, receives the postal ballot they
can then fill it out and then contact
DHL for a door to door pick up, Mr
Saneem said.
He said they would send only one
ballot paper because one person had
only one right to vote.
If the voter makes a mistake then
they can clearly cross off the number
which is marked wrongly and place the

correct one if the person is not able to

get a second ballot paper on time.
Mr Saneem said the postal voter
applicants would have the luxury of
time and all ballot papers must be
received by September 17 before 6pm.
The postal ballot paper contains a
voter instruction booklet, brochure to
assist how to fill the ballot paper and
send it back, it has a DHL contact centre
list, a secret envelope where the ballot
paper would go and a transmission
envelope where voters will give their
full details.
Meanwhile, with two days away from
the pre-polling Mr Saneem said they
had sent cartons of voter instruction
booklets to the pre-polling areas in Viti
Levu and Vanua Levu.
Our target is to ensure that voters
under pre-poll have access to the voter
instruction booklets and they can see
the number of the candidates.

12,204 Ballots To Be
Mailed Out: Saneem

Friday Sept. 5, 2014

Airports Fiji Profit


Airports Fiji Limited has confirmed

consistently recording profits in the
past two years.
The net profit before tax for 2011
was $12.24 million, 2012 was $14.13
million whereas 2013 recorded $16.02
Executive chairman, Faiz Khan,
attributed the results to a combination
of revenue increases in aeronautical
and non aeronautical streams; and
improvement in cost structures.
Revenue increased by $880,342 or 1.4
per cent in 2013 compared to 2012.
On the other hand expenditure reduced
in 2013 by $1 million or 2.1 per cent
compared to 2012.
Mr Khan described this as significant
However, we are not completely there
yet as we continue to redefine our
revenue and cost structures, he said.
Although the overall expenditure
decreased, the notable expenditure that
increased was the record payroll cost
in 2013 that went in excess of $14.27
The reason noted for the increased
payroll cost was the increment in pay
of most of their workforce over the
past two years.
Shareholders equity in 2013 increased
by $13.1 million compared to 2012.
Positive cash flows
Mr Khan noted it was cash flow
positiveness that was the major notable
feature in their financial performance
over the past two years.
Profit does not equate to cash flow.
You can have $16 million profit but no
cash at bank, he said.
You may have spent all your money
in capital investments, often times
not wisely to create a longer term
impairment or depreciation effect.
Mr Khan revealed that as at December
31, their cash and equivalents stood at
a record $34.2 million.
He said this was a trend that has
continued where despite undertaking

major capital works this year, their

cash and cash equivalents grew to
further unprecedented levels of $44.5
million as at July 2014.
The simple philosophy behind all of
this positive change is that we spend
wisely both for operational and capital
expenditures, under value for money
principles, he said.
A capital expenditure may not affect
net profit in the year incurred, but even
a $100,000 capital expenditure affects
your businesses future profitability.
Simplified a good investment
gives positive returns whereas a bad
investment is a burden.
Future outlook
What does all these numbers mean? Mr
Khan said it simply indicated the future
looks bright.
Airports Fiji Limited is forecasting
similar operational results for 2014 and
2015 compared to 2013 record results.
Mr Khan said this would be despite
construction works undertaken to
upgrade the Nadi Airport Terminal into
a world-class facility where they will
significantly lose commercial spaces
for temporary periods of time,
Post upgrades, we are forecasting our
net profit before tax to grow to $35
million in 2016, he said.
The positive results have meant
that we have become self sufficient
borrowing on our own strength.
That has enabled the $102 million
Nadi Airport Terminal Modernization
Project to take place without a burden
to the taxpayers.
It also means that we can in future
improve our entire network of airports
and airstrips around Fiji depending on
principles of economic growth.
Value principles do not apply to our
14 other Nausori and outer island
airports that currently do not have the
traffic numbers.
Nadi can become a better engine
for the overall growth of the aviation
network in all parts of Fiji.

Friday Sept. 5, 2014


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Fiji News

Family Still Seeking Answers

Over Daughter's Murder
IT would have been the first time for
her to visit her family in two years after
getting married.
Apart from visiting her parents and
siblings, she had also planned to
celebrate the Hindu festival of lights,
Diwali, with them after two years.
But little did Ashika Lata Macartney
know that she would never see her
parents, siblings and other relatives
again, even after arriving in Fiji from
She arrived in the country on October
22, 2007, as she had told her parents,
and she was said to have been murdered
on the same day.
When Ashika did not arrive at her
parents home on October 24 as told to
them, a search was carried out for her
and it was not until November 2 when
her decomposed body was found in
Her husband was charged with her
murder and later sentenced to life
imprisonment but he appealed against
the conviction and sentence and
was acquitted after serving about 18
The Fiji Times took a look back at the
life of Ashika, her love marriage and
how eager she was to meet her family
and relatives after two years.
As part two of the series on her murder,
today we talk to her parents and
siblings who say they are not at peace
because "Ashika's killer seems to be
still walking freely".
Rajendra Prasad and his family
members were frustrated when I first
met them recently to talk about his
daughter's murder almost seven years
They were not frustrated with me being
there at their home but with the system
as far as his daughter's murder and what
followed afterwards were concerned.
It was after a few minutes of convincing
that Mr Prasad and his family members
agreed to talk to me about Ashika Lata
Macartney's murder.
Going down memory lane, Ashika, 29,
was working at an Asian shop in Suva
City when she met Simon Macartney
sometime in 2002.
They got acquainted and Macartney
made a marriage proposal to Ashika,
who told her parents about the man in
her life and that he was very nice.
Her father left the marriage decision
on Ashika, who later got engaged
to Macartney and made few trips to
Australia before legally marrying him
on February 17, 2005.
Later that year, she left for Australia
and she got her permanent residency
status there in early October 2007.
She informed her parents about getting
the permanent residency status and that
she would come to Fiji on October 22.
Her parents and siblings were eagerly
waiting to see her after two years and
also celebrate Diwali with her, which
was about 10 days or so away.

Ashika had told her parents that she

would arrive home on October 24 after
visiting a few places and then spend
time with them.
But when she did not arrive at her home
on the day she said she would, her
parents and siblings became worried
and they started looking for her.
Mr Prasad said calls to Macartney's
mobile phone could not get through.
He said Ashika had told them not to tell
Macartney that she was coming but she
herself had informed him.
On October 29, 2007, we reported
that Ashika was picked from the Nadi
International Airport by her husband
on October 22.
In the same report, Macartney, who
had been in Fiji since December 2006,
had said that Ashika got off in Sigatoka
after an argument, claiming that she
wanted to see her boyfriend.
Macartney was questioned by police
on a few occasions before Ashika's
decomposed body was found in Deuba
on November 2.
On November 6, we reported that
Macartney had appeared in court
charged with Ashika's murder but the
Director of Public Prosecutions had
moved to file a nolle prosequi.
And on November 7, we reported that
Macartney was set free by the court
after the DPP filed a nolle prosequi and
withdrew the murder charge as there
was insufficient evidence.
Macartney was charged again with
murder and produced in court on
November 12.
He was later found guilty by the High
Court in Suva after a trial and sentenced
to life imprisonment.
However, after serving about 18
months of his sentence, Macartney
was acquitted on May 6, 2010 after
he successfully appealed against his
conviction and sentence in the Court of
While the acquittal may have answered
Macartney's prayers, Ashika's family is
still seeking answers on her murder.
"If Simon has been acquitted by the
court, then who killed Ashika?" asked
Mr Prasad.
"Simon's acquittal means that Ashika's
killer is still walking free, that's what
we understand as Simon was acquitted
of the murder charge.
"We are not at peace. If Simon had
served his term in prison and was then
released, we would have been at peace
that Ashika's killer has been punished.
"But since he was acquitted after an
appeal, it means that someone else
killed Ashika and that person is still
walking around freely."
Mr Prasad urged the police to look into
Ashika's case again and ensure that
whoever killed her is punished for the
In a letter to various higher authorities
on January 11, 2011, Mr Prasad raised
serious issues regarding the case and

Friday Sept. 5, 2014


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said "we hope justice will prevail in
the end".
But, he said no one from the five offices
he wrote to had responded to his letter
until today and no one even called him
although he gave his mobile number.
Also, Mr Prasad said a substantial
amount of Ashika's jewellery and other
belongings that were kept as exhibits
were not returned to the family after
the case had been dealt with.
"We also ran around a lot to get the
items back but so far there has been
no luck and no one knows where the
jewellery worth thousands of dollars

and other exhibits have gone to," he

The Prasad family said Ashika's
memories were still fresh in their minds
but they were unhappy and not at peace
that her killer was yet to be punished
accordingly for the crime.
Mr Prasad said the family would
never forget the day they held Ashika's
funeral, which was an auspicious day
in the Hindu calendar Diwali.
He said the family believed that justice
would prevail and the truth surrounding
Ashika's murder would come out one

Ashika's father Rajendra Prasad, front, mother Sheila Wati and brother
Ritesh Prasad


Fiji News

Labour Ministry First State Arm To

Attain International Certification
The Ministry of Labour has become the
first government ministry to achieve
certification from the International
Standards Organisation.
This was for two of the Ministrys core
services, the National Occupational
Health and Safety Service and its
Mediation Service.
Both received I-S-O certification.
The ISO 9001: 2008 Certification
means that the NOHSS and Mediation
Services have implemented a Quality
Management System that will
continually monitor and manage
quality across its operations, said Mr
This comes after being audited by the
world renowned UK based certifying
This also means that the two services
provided by the Ministry are
internationally recognised.
To prepare the Ministry for ISO
certification, the Ministry had
secured the assistance of two top
(APO) experts in 2012 to conduct an
awareness and training on the whole
ISO 9001 quality management system.
Following this, in 2013, a Lead
Auditors training was conducted to
train Ministrys Senior Officials to
become internal auditors.
Ministrys internal auditors who
successfully completed this training
conducted comprehensive internal
audits for the National OHS Service
and the Mediation service to prepare
them for certification in 2014.
After correcting the ISO 9001 QMS
for these two core businesses through
auditing and management meetings,
the Ministry secured the services of
top auditors from the UKAS certifying
body who conducted a very rigorous
ISO 9001 certification process in June
The Ministry followed four stages to
implement and sustain its ISO 9001
QMS throughout all its eleven (11)
core businesses.
The four stages included getting started
with ISO 9001, implementing an ISO
9001 system, certification to ISO 9001
and maintaining ISO 9001 system.
We opted for the toughest certifying
body to undertake its certification in
order to acquire the best recognised

certification for quality international

benchmarking and credibility. This is
also to ensure that the revolutionary
Labour Reforms undertaken by the
Ministry are compatibly matched with
the best QMS standard of delivery
in the world so that the social justice
benefits of the reforms are actually
realized by employers, workers, the
general public and the Government,
Mr Usamate said.
As the worlds most widely recognized
quality management standard, the ISO
outlines ways to achieve, as well as
benchmark, consistent performance
and service. It allows the Ministry to
put in place processes to improve the
way it operates at all levels.
Mr Usamate said the ISO 9001:2008
system uses management tools that
increases productivity and reduces the
wastage of resources.
This will lead to the speedy processing
and resolution of customer requests
and complaints.
The implementation of QMS enabled
officers to better understand customer
expectations and incorporate this in
a robust and easy to follow Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs). The
internal work processes for Mediation
and National OHS Service have been
improved with consistency in service
delivery through all its offices located
around Fiji, the Minister highlighted.
The Certification has improved
employee motivation, awareness, and
morale by taking ownership of the
system and process and also improved
accountability of management and
their commitment to the people.
Usamate said the process will not stop
here, but ongoing monitoring and
assessment will be conducted to ensure
that the processes continue to comply
with the required standard, and more
importantly, to ensure that continual
improvement is achieved.
He said customer feedback systems
have been implemented by the Ministry
to gauge customer satisfaction and take
measures for improvements where
problems are identified.
The remaining nine core businesses of
the Ministry have also achieved ISO
9001:2008 conformance in June 2014
through internal audits and are targeted
to complete the certifications in 2015.

Friday Sept. 5, 2014

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Fiji News

The Story Of Dr Rohit


Doctor Rohit Kishore relishes the

challenge of being a politician. The
Fiji Labour Partys maverick member
comes with new ideas and new ways of
dealing with issues.
As a candidate for the Fiji Labour Party,
Dr Kishore is certainly a top contender
to lead the Party into Parliament,
now that its current leader Mahendra
Chaudhry cannot do so.
A firm believer in the founding
principles of the party, Dr Kishore
admitted that the FLP was perceived as
underdogs for this years September 17
elections. However, he was confident
his party would confound their skeptics
with positive results.
When questioned about the future of
the Party, Dr Kishore said: The future
is bright and it will develop further
perhaps under new leadership.
FLP has been seen by the so-called

election gurus as the underdog and

our results will surprise them. There is
solid support for FLP out there.
Dr Kishore was born and raised
on a sugarcane farm in Tavua. He
also lived in Nadi before moving to
Suva. He has a Bachelors, Masters
and PhD in Economics and Finance
from Australian universities. He has
worked in the private sector, taught
at universities and also worked as
a Permanent Secretary for the Fiji
He has advanced knowledge and
expertise in public sector administration
within the areas of commerce, finance,
lands, environment and mineral
Dr Kishore has written Cabinet papers
and advised Ministers on policies. He
has also served on several public and
private sector boards.

Friday Sept. 5, 2014


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National Candidate Listing


Dr Rohit Kishore

Fiji Seniors Society Of Canada

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126 - 7536 130th Street, Surrey BC

Bhan Mati Raj 604.581.9859 James Kumar 604.599.9518

Chand Lakhan 604.588.0361 Satya Nand 604.590.5303
Bhan Pratap 604.839.5106 Thakur K.Singh 604.587.5439
Bindi Lal 778.707.1015


Fiji News
National Candidate Listing Elections 2014

Friday Sept. 5, 2014

Canada News

Friday Sept. 5, 2014


B.C. Teachers' Strike: Union Rejects Premier's Demand

To Suspend Strike
Union says government remains entrenched, inflexibile and unwilling to bargain.

B.C. Premier Christy Clark waded into

the B.C. teachers' strike on Wednesday,
calling on teachers to suspend their
strike, reduce their demands and return
to the bargaining table.
But the president of the B.C. Teachers'
Federation says it has no plans to
suspend its strike. Jim Iker called
a news conference following the
premier's address and accused the
government of remaining entrenched,
inflexible and unwilling to bargain.
In her first news conference since
classes were cancelled earlier this
week, Premier Clark said Education
Minister Peter Fassbender had been
making a tremendous effort to resolve
the contract dispute.
"But I do also recognize there are no
easy fixes for this and there are no
shortcuts to making sure that we can
achieve long-term labour peace in the
classroom for kids," said Clark.
Clark then took aim at several part
of the teachers' demands, including
wages and benefits, a $5,000 signing
bonus, and what she called "unlimited
"They are still demanding twice as
much as other public sector workers
have received," said Clark. "The
teachers union needs to come to the
table with a proposal that is realistic."

"Other public sector employees who

work just as hard have settled for far
less. They didn't get a $5,000 signing
bonus and they didn't get unlimited
massage and an extra day off each
Clark's statement about massages is,
in fact, a mistake. BCTF President Jim
Iker says unlimited massages were
never on the table. He says the union is
asking for $500 to $700 for massages,
not the $5,000 claimed by the premier..
"There was a proposal for $3,000 in
massages for members who were in
chronic pain," Iker said, "and we had
to take that off the table."
Clark then repeated several times that
she expected a solution to the strike
would have to come at the bargaining
table not from legislation or binding
"This dispute needs to be resolved at
the bargaining table. It needs to be
resolved by our negotiating teams,"
said Clark.
But Iker said the union has been
prepared to bargain. He says he
personally spent 14 days during the
summer break trying to get a single
bargaining date.
The BCTF leader claims the two sides
are not that far apart only one year
apart on the length of the contract and

BC Place Stadium Roof

Leaking Again

When the Whitecaps took to the field

at BC Place stadium last Saturday
John Bielher was excited to sit with his
superfan group the Southsiders in their
own section.
We came down the steps and the first
thing we saw is a giant garbage can
sitting on that seat which was at the
end of the row we were sitting at, said
The garbage can was filled with water
because the stadium roof was leaking
and one fan in particular was getting
Stadium officials offered the man
another dry seat but elected to stay
seated with his friends in the Southsiders
while water dripped on his head.
He did fashion a little hat out of the
blue piece of plastic on that was on
everyones seat and the staff brought
beers for all of us that were in the
proximity of the dripping, Bielher
This isn't the first time the retractable
roof has sprung a leak. In 2011, just
weeks after the $560 million renovation
to the stadium roof was complete and

the day before the stadium was set to

host 99th grey cup, water dripped onto
the field.
Crews could be seen on the roof
outside, using rolls of what looked like
white tape to hastily patch the roof.
BC Place will be hosting the Grey Cup
again this November.
There's still a couple of months to
make sure this isn't a chronic problem,
said sports business commentator Tom
Mayenknecht. Thats the worst thing,
people start thinking of the leaky condo
epidemic. You dont want a leaky
stadium epidemic that becomes part of
the brand of BC Place.
Pavco the crown corporation that owns
and operates the stadium didn't respond
to our messages.
For that much of an expensive roof
overhaul it shouldn't be leaking at all
especially during a big game that the
Whitecaps had, said Bielher.
But the Southsiders didnt let the leak
dampen their spirits. They used the
trophy awarded to the best team in the
Pacific Northwest, the Cascadia Cup,
to catch the water.



only one per cent apart on wages.

However, the government has
previously said that when benefits are
factored in, the difference is closer to
four per cent.
Iker says the teachers are also asking
for $175 million to be set aside in a
special fund in the first year while the
government appeals a B.C. Supreme
Court decision stemming from its
2002 decision to strip class size
and composition from the teacher's

collective agreement.
staff testified in court that the
unconstitutional legislation they passed
in 2002 stripped about $300 million a
year from our classrooms," he said.
Teachers in the province have been on
strike and locked out since June, and
there are no talks scheduled to end
the dispute that has kept public school
students out of classes for the start of
the school year.

The union representing B.C. teachers has rejected the premier's demand
to suspend their strike and it accused the government of being unwilling to

Translink Bonuses, Executive

Salaries Draw Criticism

Disclosure documents show rising compensation for company's top executives

Concerns are being raised once again
about the amount TransLink executives
are getting paid, following the the
release of documents showing many
got significant hikes last year.
Ian Jarvis, CEO of TransLink, received
$83,700 in bonuses in 2013, making
his total compensation for the year
$468,015, a rise of almost seven per
cent over 2012, according to salary
disclosure documents released by the
transit organization late Friday.
And Jarvis was not the only TransLink
executive to find more in their pay
cheques in 2013, with the head of
SkyTrain, Fred Cummings, and bus
company president, Hadyn Acheson,
along with four other department
heads, all making significantly more in
compensation for the year.
Jordan Bateman, director of the
Canadian Taxpayers Federation B.C.,
told CBC News it was significant
that the disclosureusually made
public in June or Julywas released
just before the holiday weekend on a
day dominated by news of the B.C.
teachers' strike.
He noted that Jarvis, "who already
is paid far more than the CEO's of
transit in Toronto, Montreal, Portland
or Seattle," received a bonus "bang on

the household income in Vancouver",

and called for an apology explaining to
taxpayers the reasons for the hike.
"More TransLink employees than ever
before made six figures," Bateman said.
"In 2012, 393 TransLink employees
made six figures. Last year, in 2013,
that jumped to 434."
Cuts on the way
In an emailed statement, TransLink said
that changes to the way executives are
compensatedincluding the removal
of an incentive schememean that
they face a reduction in take home pay
in 2014.
"Salary freezes on January 1, 2013 and
the cancellation of an annual incentive
program at the end of 2012 means that
the CEOs direct reports and the two
subsidiary president/general managers
will see cuts to their income in the 2014
fiscal year. These decreases range from
approximately $20,000 to $40,000 per
individual," the emailed statement said.
The news comes after a summer
that saw commuter chaos after two
consecutive system shutdowns.
In 2012, Premier Christy Clark
criticized the lucrative bonus scheme at
the company, saying that she thought it
was inappropriate as residents struggled
to deal with property tax rises.


Canada News

Friday Sept. 5, 2014

Texting While Driving Could Lead To $1,000 Fine, 3


Drivers texting behind the wheel will face fines of up to $1,000 and three demerit points under provincial legislation coming this fall.
Drivers who text behind the wheel face
who door cyclists.
fines of up to $1,000 and three demerit
A motorist convicted of injuring a bike
points under tough new provincial
rider with their car door would see the
legislation coming this fall.
fine go from the $60 to $500 range to
Transportation Minister Steven Del
between $300 and $1,000 and three
Duca said the sweeping law aimed
demerit points instead of two.
at curbing distracted driving will be
The demerit points could prove most
introduced after the legislature resumes
costly for motorists as they can affect
Oct. 20.
auto insurance rates.
Its an increase on the fines and also
An experienced driver who accumulates
the demerit points, Del Duca said in
between two and eight points will
an interview Monday.
be sent a warning letter; nine to 14
In fact, scofflaws in Ontario would
points could lead to an interview with
be slapped with the stiffest penalties
Ministry of Transportation officials
in Canada for talking or texting on
and a possible licence suspension.
handheld cellphones while driving.
Fifteen or more points will lead to the
Weve seen tremendous improvements
loss of a licence for 30 days.
over the years about impaired driving.
Demerit points are even more punitive
We definitely do have to raise
for new drivers.
awareness particularly amongst
Two to five points leads to a warning
younger drivers with respect to
letter; six to eight to an interview or
texting and driving and distracted
suspension; and nine or more points
that distracted-driving deaths have Toronto police laid 55,000 distracted to the loss of driving privileges for 60
driving, the minister said.
Part of it is increasing the fines, part surpassed those caused by impaired driving charges between 2010 and days.
2012 and at least three auto-related Del Ducas legislation is also expected
of it is the demerit points and part driving.
of it is obviously a very aggressive, Last year, distracted driving contributed deaths over the past two years are to force drivers to maintain a one-metre
robust public awareness campaign to to the deaths of 78 people compared blamed on cellphone use.
distance when passing cyclists.
make sure people understand about the to 57 for impaired driving and 44 for Del Ducas bill would hike fines from As well, it would require motorists
accidents related to speeding.
the $60 to $500 range to between $300 to wait at school crossings and other
Del Duca said Premier Kathleen It is a huge loss of life. It is such a and $1,000 and three demerit points. crosswalks until pedestrians have
Wynnes government plans to revive waste. Its one of those things it is Currently no points are accumulated completely traversed the width of the
a bill introduced last March by his frustrating to see, the provinces top for using a smartphone while driving.
By comparison, in British Columbia, Last February, Annemarie Bonkalo,
predecessor Glen Murray that failed to cop said.
Hawkes noted Monday that his officers fines are up to $167 plus three demerit chief justice of the Ontario Court of
pass before the June 12 election.
I look forward to reintroducing this will be conducting a blitz against points; in Alberta its $172 with no Justice, issued a judicial order raising
legislation and getting it passed as soon distracted drivers this Labour Day points; in Quebec, its between $115 distracted driving fines for the first
as possible. I think it has broad support long weekend on Ontarios 400 series to $154 and three points; and in New time since 2009.
Brunswick, its $172.50 and three At the time, the chief justices office
in the legislature it certainly seemed highways.
The OPP laid 19,000 distracted-driving points.
to when it was introduced last time.
said she upped the penalty in light
Police charges in 2013, up from 16,000 the The proposed legislation would also of the significant public interest in
impose similar sanctions for drivers encouraging driver safety.
Commissioner Vince Hawkes said year before.

Government Of Canada Marks

500,000 Apprenticeship Grants
Issued To Help Young Canadians
Get Jobs
The Honourable Jason Kenney,
Minister of Employment and Social
Development, announced that the
Government of Canada has provided a
total of 500,000 apprenticeship grants
to Canadians since 2007 to help them
pursue careers in the skilled trades.
apprentices at an event hosted by
George Brown College to celebrate
this important milestone and handed
out apprenticeship grants to those who
have recently completed their training.
The Apprenticeship Incentive Grant and
Apprenticeship Completion Grant are
cash grants that encourage Canadians
to pursue and complete apprenticeship
training in Red Seal trades. Through
these grants, apprentices receive up
to $4,000, which can be used to pay
for tuition, tools or other expenses.

To date, the Government has provided

nearly $700 million in apprenticeship
He also highlighted other Government
of Canada measures to create
opportunities for apprentices such
as the introduction of the Canada
Apprentice Loan, support for training
programs and tax credits such as the
Tool Tax Deduction for apprentices
and tradesmen and the Apprenticeship
Job Creation Tax Credit for employers.
Minister Kenney also addressed the
need for a parity of esteem that will
put the skilled trades on an equal
footing with a university education.
He expressed concern about negative
stereotypes that exist towards the
skilled trades and the false perception
that a university education is more
valuable than an apprenticeship.

$40-A-Day Parent Pay

Registration Opens
B.C. to pay $40 per public school student aged 12 and under each day strike
continues past Sept. 2
With the start of the school year delayed
past Sept. 2, the B.C. government has
opened registration for parents of
public school children under the age
of 13 who want to claim their strike
support payments.
B.C. Finance Minister Mike de Jong
announced the Temporary Education
Support program in July, promising
parents or primary caregivers of each
public school student 12 years old or
younger $40 a day if the provincial
teachers' strike was not over by the
start of classes in September.
Parents and primary caregivers who
are eligible to receive the support funds
can use the money however they see
fit, de Jong said.
The government said in July it would
aim to pay out the money quickly,
possibly in early October. On Sunday,

a ministry spokesperson clarified the

funds would be paid out within 30 days
after the strike comes to an end.
The government deemed students older
than 13 ineligible for the payments
because the province considers they
are more able to access online or other
educational resources and do not need as
much supervision as younger children.
The government estimated that the
program will cost the government
about $12 million a day, which it said
was roughly the same amount of money
it costs to run the school system.
B.C.'s 41,000 teachers have been
on a full strike since June 17. The
government also imposed a lockout
during a partial strike by teachers
earlier in June. The main issues in the
contract dispute include wages, class
sizes and composition.

Canada News

Friday Sept. 5, 2014


Canada Pension Plan Has Hidden Expired Scratch & Win Tickets
Anger Surrey's Steve Hildebran
Costs To Taxpayers: Report
The annual cost to run the Canada
Pension Plan jumped from $600
million to $2 billion in just seven years,
a new report from the Fraser Institute
The increase is the result of transaction
fees, costs incurred by four federal
government departments and external
management fees, the report titled
Accounting for the True Cost of the
Canadian Pension Plan says.
"A full examination of all costs shows
that CPP is not as low-cost as they want
you to believe," former chief economic
analyst for Statistics Canada and the
study's co-author Philip Cross said in
a press release.
Between the fiscal years of 200607 and 2012-13, the total cost to run
CPP jumped $1.4 billion, despite an
investment board report that claimed
operating expenses in 2012-13 were
$490 million. The difference is because

the board doesn't include the fees and

department costs in its budget.
The think-tank's report says in 2012-13,
$490 million was spent on operations,
$782 million on external management
fees, $177 million on transaction
fees, plus $586 million for the federal
government's administrative costs to
collect contributions and pay benefits.
"The CPP Investment Board now
spends almost twice as much on
management fees and transaction costs
as it does on actual operations," Cross
The report calls on the board and
government to report the full cost of
running the program.
"Every dollar spent on running the
CPP is one less dollar available for
Canadians who contribute a portion
of their paycheques to the plan, so it's
vital that the CPP is as efficient and as
transparent possible," Cross said.

B.C. Teachers' Strike:

Parents Search For Alternate

The Y.M.C.A has offered 1,200 spaces for children at daycamps, which are
now full in Metro Vancouver
Parents throughout British Columbia $40-a-day to be paid to eligible
began using a patchwork of childcare caregivers
solutions on Tuesday, on what should Talks between the government's
have been the first day of public school bargainers and teachers fell apart
in the province.
over the weekend, dashing any hopes
Piper Jackson found a spot for his son parents had that school would start as
in a day camp offered by the YMCA in scheduled on Tuesday.
Vancouver, one of 1,200 spots offered The impasse has forced many to seek
by the organization in locations from alternate arrangements for childcare
the Sunshine Coast to Chilliwack.
that would normally be provided by
Jackson's son Marshall, who should schools, and the spike in demand for
have started Grade 1 Tuesday at a daycare is proving challenging.
Vancouver elementary school, said Even the province is stepping in to help
he was disappointed. Meanwhile his with the burden.
father blames Premier Christy Clark Education Minister Peter Fassbender
for the protracted labour dispute.
announced on Sunday parents of
"I mean she's been legislating against children aged 12 and under can start
the teachers for a decade now, and I registering on a government site to
think that it was inevitable that we receive $40 a day for childcare as the
would have such an acrimonious strike continues.
strike," Jackson said.
The website said
Jackson says though he'd rather his son payments will be made after the
was in school, he's pleased Marshall is strike is over, but glitches marred its
enrolled at the YMCA, in a program launch on Sunday, and the Ministry of
that runs from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Education said it is investigating.
The YMCA's programs in Vancouver Jim Iker, the president of BC Teachers'
and Surrey are now full, and the only Federation, has been critical of the
spots available are in Chilliwack and program, calling it a bribe at a recent
on the Sunshine Coast.
union conference.
Community centres across the region But Fassbender has defended the
are offering camps, but many have payments, saying the province has
shorter hours, and day cares are also in every right to distribute money saved
from a strike according to parents' best
Janos Stiasny, owner of Wise Owl interests.
Montessori Child Care, said spots in The province's 41,000 public school
his daycare have filled right up because teachers went on strike two weeks
of the ongoing teachers' strike.
before the summer break started,
He said he normally gets more than 65 booting half a million students out of
children but due to the strike his care class.
centres are looking after about 90 kids The sticking points are pay, class size,
in total and about 14 children remain and the amount of support staff per
on the wait-list.

B.C. Lottery Corporation says store's sale of expired tickets appears to be an

isolated incident
A Surrey man is furious with a local Hildebran
lottery retailer after he bought Scratch many expired tickets he may have
& Win tickets, and found out later they inadvertently bought in the past, but
had already expired.
says he now knows to check the expiry
Steve Hildebran says he recently bought date.
two of the B.C. Lottery Corporation's He says he also learned he was wasting
Blackjack Scratch & Win tickets at Jimy his money hoping for the Blackjack
Mac's Liquor Store in Langley, B.C.
grand prize, because the $21,000
He scratched them and found he won jackpot had already been claimed. That
a small prizeonly $2but when he information is published on BCLC's
went to cash in at a gas station, the clerk website, where customers can see
there refused to give him his winnings. which Scratch & Win tickets still have
"He said 'I can't give you any money. unclaimed prizes.
The thing's no good. It expired six Hildebran says the lottery corporation
months ago,'" Hildebran recalls. "I go should recall Scratch & Win tickets
'What?' I couldnt believe it. I said, 'I from retailers once the larger prizes
just bought it yesterday.'"
are gone, but BCLC says it only pulls
Hildebran says he had no idea the tickets that have jackpots exceeding
tickets could expire, but was shown $500,000 when those prizes have been
that the tickets do have an expiry date claimed.
printed on the back. Hildebran's tickets B.C. Lottery Corporation's full
expired Jan. 14, 2014.
"Every time I think about it I get mad," Once determined that a player was sold
he says. "I just feel ripped off, and an expired Scratch & Win ticket, that
the thing is: how many tickets have I player would be refunded the full value
bought since January 14th?"
from the retail location which sold the
He complained to the B.C. Lottery ticket. In this instance, BCLC still
Corporation, which sent an inspector needs to verify and confirm the tickets
to the store. The inspector didn't find were sold after the expiration date
any other expired tickets, BCLC said.
printed on the ticket before the player
In a written statement, BCLC told receives a refund.
the reporter that it appeared to be an Lottery retailers are aware that all
isolated incident.
tickets sold in B.C. have an expiry
"This retailer has no previous history date printed directly on the ticket and
of selling expired tickets and has receive regular updates of pending
offered to fully refund the player," it ticket expiry dates. Players are
said. "Retailers who inadvertently sell encouraged to speak with the lottery
expired tickets would be subject to retailer for any questions they may
investigation and possible discipline." have while purchasing a Scratch &
That disciplinary process starts with Win ticket. Lottery retailers purchase
a warning, and can ramp up to a Scratch & Wins for sale to players and
one-week suspension, a two-week then return the tickets to BCLC for
suspension and eventually the loss of credit before they expire. There is no
the store's lottery terminal if there are financial incentive for a retailer to sell
found to be repeated breaches of the an expired ticket as these tickets are
retailer's contract.
fully refunded by BCLC.
BCLC would not reveal how often This retailer has no previous history of
expired tickets are sold, but said it was selling expired tickets and has offered
a rare occurrence.
to fully refund the player. Retailers
"There is no financial incentive for a who inadvertently sell expired tickets
retailer to sell an expired ticket, as these would be subject to investigation and
tickets are fully refunded by BCLC."
possible discipline.
The liquor store declined an interview, Information on all lottery games,
but did say that no other customers tickets, expired tickets, and claimed
have complained. BCLC said the store and unclaimed Scratch & Win prizes is
now has a note on its file.
available at

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Friday Sept. 5, 2014


Try This Practice Test - Discover Canada

1) Where are the Parliament

Buildings located?
A. Montreal.
B. Quebec City.
C. Toronto.
D. Ottawa.
2) In Canada's justice system, what
does "presumption of innocence"
A. Everyone is innocent until proven
B. The Prime Minister can determine
who is innocent in a court.
C. Everybody is guilty until proven
D. The judge can determine who is
guilty without evidence.

3) What is a Cabinet Minister?

A. MP selected by the Prime Minister
to run federal departments.
B. MP selected by the Queen to make
C. MP picked by the Premier of each
D. Candidate picked by the Prime
4) Which provinces are connected to
Ontario by land?
A. Quebec and Saskatchewan.
B. Manitoba and Quebec.
C. New Brunswick and Newfoundland.
D. Quebec and Prince Edward Island.
5) Which of the followings are
the responsibilities of provincial
A. Education, health care, natural
resources and policing.
B. National defence, foreign policy,
highways and aboriginal affairs.
C. Education, foreign policy, natural
resources and policing.
D. National defence, health care,

citizenship and firefighting.

6) What is a trial court sometimes
A. The Small Claims Courts.
B. The Provincial Court.
C. The Court of Queen's(or King's)
D. The Federal Court.
7) Who are Quebecois?
A. All the French speaking people in
Canada are called Quebecois.
B. They are descendants of British
settlers who live in Quebec.
C. They are the Canadians who only
speak French.
D. They form a nation within a united
8) Name three requirements you
must meet in order to vote in a
federal election.
A. Working for the government, at least
21 years old, and Canadian citizen.
B. Canadian citizen, at least 21 years
old, and on the list of electors.
C. Canadian citizen, at least 16 years

old, and on the list of voters.

D. Canadian citizen, at least 18 years
old and on the voters' list.
9) Why is the North sometimes called
the "Land of the Midnight Sun"?
A. Winter daylight can last up to 24
B. Summer daylight can last up to 24
C. Fall daylight can last up to 24 hours.
D. Spring daylight can last up to 24
10) In which parts of Canada did the
Aboriginal peoples first live?
A. All regions.
B. The Prairies and the North.
C. The North and Great Lakes regions.
D. The Great Lakes regions and




Proof Of Citizenship Or Immigration Status In Canada

Canadian citizen
As an adult, you must submit proof of
citizenship unless you qualify to renew
a passport.
For child applications, you must
submit proof of citizenship and proof
of parentage.
photocopies are not accepted.
If you were born in Canada, provide
one (1) of the following:
Birth certificate issued by the province
or territory where you were born (some
exceptions apply)
For children, a detailed (long-form)
birth certificate that indicates the
name(s) of the parent(s) will also count
as proof of parentage.
Certificate of citizenship issued by
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
If born outside of Canada, provide
one (1) of the following issued by
Citizenship and Immigration Canada:
Certificate of citizenship

Certificate of naturalization
Certificate of retention of Canadian
Certificate of registration of birth
For children, the child's foreign birth
certificate that indicates the name(s) of
the parent(s) should also be included as
proof of parentage.
Please indicate in section 4 of the
application form if you acquired
citizenship of another country before
January 1, 1947.
Documents in a language other than
English or French must be translated
into English or French by a certified
Birth certificates
Contact the vital statistics office in the
province or territory where you were
born to request a birth certificate.
For Canadians born in the province
of British ColumbiaA Certified

True Copy of a Registration Document

Registration of Live Birth issued
by the province of British Columbia
may be accepted as a Documentary
Evidence of Citizenship (DEC) in
cases where the name of the bearer
exceeds 30 characters for the surname
or 30 characters for the given names.
Birth certificates for children under 16
years of age
In accordance with new proof of
parentage requirements, parents must
provide with the child's application
either a detailed (long-form) birth
certificate (from Canada or a foreign
country where the child was born) that
indicates the names of the parent(s)
or an order of adoption indicating
the name of the adoptive parent(s).
To obtain a detailed Canadian birth
certificate, contact the vital statistics
office of the province or territory where
the child was born.
Citizenship certificates

Contact Citizenship and Immigration

Canada to request a citizenship
Passport Canada will confirm the
authenticity of all certificates of
citizenship issued on or after February
1, 2012, through Citizenship and
Immigration Canada's new electronic
validation system.
Dual citizenship
Canadian law permits Canadians
to have more than one nationality.
However, your Canadian citizenship
may not be recognized in the country
of your other citizenship and the
authorities of that country may
prevent Canada from providing you
with consular assistance. This is
especially true if you did not use your
Canadian passport when entering that
Failure to provide the proper
documentation will result in the
application being rejected.

Friday Sept. 5, 2014


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Friday Sept. 5, 2014



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Couscous Salad with

Honey Mustard Chicken

A light, lemony dressing perfectly coats

tiny pearls of couscous and flavourful
baked chicken in this Middle Easterninspired salad.

3/4 cup (175 mL) uncooked

1 cup (250 mL) seedless red
grapes, cut in half
1/4 cup (50 mL) green onions
1/4 cup (50 mL) slivered almonds,
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tsp grated lemon peel
2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
3 tbsp honey
3 tbsp Dijon mustard
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
4 boneless skinless chicken breast

1. Cook couscous in water as directed on

package. Cool uncovered for 20 minutes.
2. In large bowl, combine all remaining
salad ingredients. Add cooked
couscous; toss gently to mix
3. In small jar with tight-fitting lid,
combine all dressing ingredients;
shake well. Pour dressing over salad;
toss gently. Cover; refrigerate 1 to 2
hours to blend flavours.
4. Heat oven to 425F. Line shallow
baking pan with foil; spray foil with
nonstick cooking spray. In small bowl,
combine honey, mustard, 1/4 teaspoon
salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper; blend
well. Reserve half of honey mustard
mixture in a second small bowl. Place
chicken breast halves in sprayed foillined pan. Spread chicken with one
half of honey-mustard mixture.
5. Bake at 425F. for 20 to 25 minutes
or until chicken is fork-tender and
juices run clear.
6. To serve, arrange salad on individual
serving plates. Cut chicken crosswise
into slices; arrange on top of salads.
Drizzle remaining honey-mustard
mixture over chicken.

Chai Spice Tea

2 cups water
4 tea bags, black tea
2 cups 2% milk
2 tablespoons honey
2 slices fresh ginger, cut into 1 1/2
inch slices
1/2 teaspoon ground cardamom
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1/4 teaspoon allspice

1. In a saucepan, bring water to a
boil. Add tea bags, reduce heat and
simmer for 2 minutes. Remove tea
2. Add remaining ingredients to tea
and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and
simmer for 5 minutes.
3. Strain and serve hot.

Friday Sept. 5, 2014

Crab Curry (Fiji Style)

Crab - 6
Coconut Milk - 1 can
Red Chili Powder - 1 tsp
Coriander Powder - 2 tsp
Onion - 1
Green Chili - 2
Ginger (paste) - 1 tsp
Cumin - tsp
Turmeric Powder - tsp
Tomato - 2
Oil - 4 tbsp
Curry Leaves - 2 stem
Salt - As required
Garlic (paste) - 1 tsp

Chopped cilantro
Clean the crab and cut into pieces.
In a pan pour oil. Add sliced onion, tomato,
cumin seeds, curry leaves and green chili,
saut well. Now add ginger and garlic
paste and saut again for 2 minutes
Add coriander powder, turmeric
powder, red chilli powder, salt and fry
well.Now add the crab pieces with 1/2
cup of water and cook until the gravy
becomes thick.
Add 1 can of coconut milk, bring to
boil then remove from fire.
Garnish with cilantro.

Prawns With Garlic Butter

1 tbsp olive oil
50g/2oz butter
12 large raw prawns
2 garlic cloves, crushed
salt and freshly ground black pepper
small handful parsley, chopped
Preparation method

In a wok or a large pan heat the oil and

butter. Add the prawns and garlic and
stir well.
Stir fry until the prawns are pink (about
4-5 minutes).
Season with salt and freshly ground
black pepper and scatter the chopped
parsley over. Serve at once.


Friday Sept. 5, 2014


Top Food Pairings For Slimmer Waistline

Food pairings play more important a role than you think in ensuring a slimmer waistline and peachier skin. Here are the top matches that are healthy for you
Green tea + lemon = A healthy heart

Since it is rich in powerful antioxidants

like catechins, green tea has been linked
to a reduced risk of heart attacks. And
when you add lemon juice to it, you do
your heart more favour. After brewing
yourself a cup of green tea, squeeze
some lemon juice (you can also use an
orange, lime or grapefruit). Or get only
bottled green tea that list ascorbic acid
(also known as vitamin C) among their
ingredients. Scientists say the vitamin
C in citrus fruits can also improve
catechin absorption.
Broccoli + tomatoes = Cancer control

Broccoli and tomatoes are both cancerfighting agents, but research shows
eating them together offers more
protection. Tomato and broccoli at the
same time are effective at slowing the
growth of cancerous prostate tumours
than eating either vegetable alone. Eat
at least one and a half cups of broccoli
and two and a half cups of fresh tomato
(or one cup of fresh tomato puree).
Red bell peppers + black beans =
Improved immunity

You'll absorb more immune-boosting

iron by adding in some red bell
peppers. Iron in beans exists in a form
called non-heme iron that's harder for
your body to absorb than the one found
in red meat. However, adding a dose of
vitamin C-rich food like red peppers
converts the iron into a type that's
easier for the body to use and boosts
Avocado + green salad = Complexion

Absorb more skin-protecting plant

compounds called carotenoids from
your vegetable salad by adding a little
avocado. Carotenoids reduce free
radical damage to effectively protect
the skin from the harmful effects of UV
rays. A recent study showed, people
who ate avocado in their salad of
lettuce, spinach, and carrots absorbed
up to 15 times more carotenoids than
those who didn't eat their salads with
avocado. Studies show carotenoid
require some fat to be optimally
absorbed by the body, which means
avocados, which contain solid stores
of healthful monounsaturated fats,
healthfully fit the bill.
Apricots + almonds = A tip-top ticker

This power pair helps prevents LDL

(bad) cholesterol from oxidising,
a process that happens whenever
LDL reacts with free radicals. And
oxidised LDL is harmful because it
encourages dangerous plaque buildup in the arteries. However, in a recent
study, researchers found that the
phytochemicals in almonds reduced
LDL oxidation when paired with the
antioxidant vitamins E and C, both of
which are found abundantly in apricots.
Garlic + onions = Head to toe

These aromatic veggies both contain

a number of organosulfur compounds,
heart healthy plant chemicals that
help keep arteries flexible and free of
plaque. Some of these compounds have
even been studied for their power to
detoxify carcinogens (cancer-causing

substances) in the body. Eating both at

the same time means you're covering
your bases and boosting your chances
of getting more of these healthful
compounds, she says. Cooked together,
they make a delicious base for gravies,
curries, soups and sauces or simply stir
fry veggiesi in a mix of olive oil, garlic,
and onions.
Cinnamon + whole grain toast =
Speedier slimming

Sprinkling cinnamon may help keep

your blood sugar at a healthier level,
which prevents dips in your energy
and spikes in your hunger level. It has
been found to slow the rate of stomach
emptying after meals and reduces the
rise in blood sugar after meals to negate
more noshing later. Experts say you
will seize more protective compounds
if your cinnamon is fresh.

Health Benefits Of
Broccoli is known to be hearty and
tasty vegetable which is rich in dozens
of nutrients. It is said to pack the most
nutritional punch of any vegetable.
Here are some of the benefits of
1.Cancer prevention: Broccoli shares
these cancer fighting, immune boosting
properties with other cruciferous
vegetables such as cauliflower,
Brussels sprouts and cabbage.
2. Cholesterol reduction: Like many
whole foods, broccoli is packed with
soluble fiber that draws cholesterol out
of your body.
3. Reducing allergic reaction and
inflammation: Research has shown
the ability of kaempferol to lessen the
impact of allergy-related substances on
our body. Broccoli even has significant
amounts of omega 3 fatty acids, which
are well know as an anti-inflammatory.
4. Powerful antioxidant: Of all the
cruciferous vegetables, broccoli stands
out as the most concentrated source of

vitamin C, plus the flavonoids necessary

for vitamin C to recycle effectively.
Also concentrated in broccoli are the
carotenoids lutein, zeaxanthin and betacarotene, other powerful antioxidants.
5. Bone health: Broccoli contains high
levels of both calcium and vitamin K,
both of which are important for bone
health and prevention of osteoporosis.
6. Heart health: The anti-inflammatory
properties of sulforaphane, one of the
isothiocyanates (ITCs) in broccoli,
may be able to prevent (or even
reverse) some of the damage to blood
vessel linings that can be caused by
inflammation due to chronic blood
sugar problems.
7. Diet aid: Broccoli is a good carb and
is high in fiber, which aids in digestion,
prevents constipation, maintains low
blood sugar, and curbs overeating.
Furthermore, a cup of broccoli has as
much protein as a cup of rice or corn
with half the calories.
Post a comment


World News

Flight Attendant Refused To Use

Defibrillator After Passenger
Suffered Heart Attack

Tragic loss ... Caroline and Jack Jordan.

Jack Jordan, 62, suffered a heart attack husband with CPR. She said her husbands
on the Southwest Airlines flight to chest was eventually shaved and the
AED was put on his chest but he died at
According to Albuquerques news Albuquerque International Sunport.
report, his wife Caroline Jordan Jordan criticised the situation.
claimed a flight attendant dismissed I dont expect the airlines or flight
a passengers suggestion they use an attendants to be nurses or doctors. Not
automated external defibrillator (AED) anywhere close, she said. But, in
on the victim.
that kind of a circumstance, one of the
The female flight attendant that had first things that they should be doing is
been there, right up there with us, said getting that AED hooked up.
Because his chest is too hairy, Mrs Southwest Airlines defended its staff,
Jordan said.
saying that flight attendants had
Mrs Jordan told the station a nurse and a followed protocol for use of the AED
physical therapist had tried reviving her in treating the passenger.

Malaysia Airlines To Cut 6,000

Jobs In Wake Of Mh370, Mh17

Malaysia Airlines has announced it will

cut 30 per cent of its workforce, trim
routes and replace its CEO as part of a
restructuring that will cost $2.03 billion.
The carrier will trim its staff by 6,000 to
14,000 as it seeks to stem long-running
losses worsened by the MH370 and
MH17 disasters this year, Khazanah
Nasional Berhad said.
Azman Mokhtar, head of Khazanah
Nasional, a Malaysian sovereign wealth
fund that is the airline's majority shareholder,
said the company would consider a possible
"partial sell-down to appropriate buyers from
the private sector" under plans announced to
save the carrier from bankruptcy.
"The combination of measures
announced will enable our national
airline to be revived," Mr Mokhtar said.
He said the airline would carry out a
"route rationalisation", a term Malaysia
Airlines (MAS) has used previously
for cutting unprofitable routes.
The state fund said the airline would
be de-listed from the Kuala Lumpur
exchange by the end of 2014, adding
that Ahmad Jauhari Yahya will stay on
as chief executive until July 2015.
Khazanah Nasional, in a statement,
said it hoped to return the airline to

profitability within three years and re-list

the company within three to five years.
The airline has struggled for years to
meet the challenge of rising industry
Last Thursday, it posted its sixthstraight quarterly loss and forecast
more losses for the rest of the year.
The company said the two recent air
disasters and associated stigma have
ravaged booking and compounded
financial troubles.
MH370 went missing on March 8 after
inexplicably diverting from its Kuala
Lumpur to Beijing course.
The Malaysian government has said it
believes the plane, which was carrying
239 people on board, went down in
the southern Indian Ocean, but no
wreckage has been found.
MH17 went down over a region of eastern
Ukraine held by pro-Russian rebels with
298 people on board on July 18.
Western leaders have said it was shot
down by separatists, but investigators
have not yet been able to ascertain who
was responsible.
Australia's national carrier Qantas,
which has struggled in recent years,
posted a $2.8 billion dollar loss.

Friday Sept. 5, 2014

Airline Credit Card

Surcharge Crackdown
LAW that bans banks from profiteering on mortgage exit fees could be used
to finally stop airlines from gouging at least $100 million a year in credit card
News Corp Australia can reveal
Federal Treasury has advised the
Abbott government that the best way
to end the rort which adds as much
as $17 to a return flight is to arm the
Australian Securities and Investments
Commission (ASIC) with expanded
powers to rein in over-the-top fees.
In June the minister responsible for
consumer affairs, Bruce Billson, asked
Treasury to propose a solution after
News Corp revealed ASIC could not
tackle supersized surcharges with
existing laws.
Mr Billson told News Corp: Our
preliminary advice is that ASIC
has some powers in relation to the
transfer of mortgages and it would
seem potentially logical to look to
those powers and extend them to
unreasonable fees as they relate to
credit card transactions.
Since 2011, ASIC has been able to
challenge banks to justify big exit fees.
The test is whether the fees are more
than lender costs. If ASIC believes they
are it can go after the bank, including
by taking courts action. Under these
laws Westpac subsidiary RAMS
agreed to refund about $3.3 million to
6400 consumers who had been slugged
excessive early termination fees.
Choice campaign manager Erin Turner
said it sounds like something we
would support.
If it eliminated unjustifiably hefty
booking fees it would be a great
outcome for consumers, Ms Turner
Choice research shows families
destinations face credit card surcharges
of up to $100.

In a submission to the Financial System

Inquiry, Choice called for a regulator
to be given explicit legal power to
enforce a March 2013 Reserve Bank
ruling meant to limit surcharges to the
reasonable cost of acceptance.
That cost is about one per cent of the
ticket. But Choice has found airlines
imposing surcharges of 4-17 per cent.
In 2012 Choice said Qantas alone was
charging $100 million more than it
should have been. Qantas rejected the
Choice estimate, without providing
actual figures. Qantas controls about
two-thirds of the domestic aviation
In June, the Australian Competition and
Consumer Commission began Federal
Court action against Qantas-owned
Jetstar and Virgin alleging misleading
or deceptive conduct or false or
misleading representations in the way
they lure would-be customers with
super-low airfares, only to slug the
substantial majority with payment
surcharges. While the case may lead to
better disclosure of surcharges, it wont
bring them down.
Mr Billson also wants to lower
surcharges imposed by ticketing
agents, car-hire companies, hotels and
Mastercard has estimated Australians
pay $130 a year each in surcharges,
which combine to make a total slug of
$1.6 billion.
Mastercard vice president Brent Thomas
said the Treasury recommendation
would almost certainly bring many
of those (existing surcharges) down.
But he wanted that it may give the
green light to industries which dont
currently impose fees.

Knife Attacker Kills Three

Children At Primary School In
Chinas Hubei Province

A MAN stabbed students and a teacher in a rampage at a Chinese primary

school, leaving at least three of them dead, reports say.
The knife-wielding man, surnamed provide information, saying: I am not
Chen, killed himself by jumping from clear; the police bureau officials are at
a building following the carnage at that school investigating.
a school in Shiyan, in the central China has seen several violent attacks
province of Hubei, according to the against children in recent years,
official news agency Xinhua.
including a spate of five incidents in
He carried out Mondays attack 2010 which killed 17 people 15 of
because he couldnt enroll his child them children and wounded more
at the school, broadcaster Shiyan than 80.
Television said on its verified account Last March, a man killed two relatives
on Sina Weibo, Chinas version of and then slashed 11 people, including
Twitter, without giving details.
six children, outside a school in Chinas
A local police official declined to commercial hub Shanghai.




World News

Friday Sept. 5, 2014


Actor Jerry Lewis Made Honorary Member Of The Order

Of Australia For Muscular Dystrophy Charity Work

American comedian and actor Jerry

Lewis has become an honorary
member of the Order of Australia for
his services to charity.
Lewis has been recognised for raising
$2.6 billion for muscular dystrophy
research, and also creating awareness
of the disease.
Accepting the award, Lewis said he
was thrilled.
"It's a very big thrill. It's an honour,"
he said.
"It's a country I love next to mine."
When asked why Australians gave him
the award, he said: "[For] good and
funny work."
Australia's Ambassador to the United
States, Kim Beazley, made the
presentation at a ceremony in Las
Mr Beazley said Australians would be
more likely to know the 88-year-old
for his contribution to the arts.

"People 20 years younger than me and

20 years older than me, these three
generations would think that what I
am doing here today is standing up to
honour a great artist," he said.
"A man who has made life joyful on
a global basis, including therefore in
"This campaign of Mr Lewis has been
at the heart of not simply the extension
of cures but research to deal with the
"You simply cannot believe the amount of
money he has raised in his lifetime, $2.6
billion through a variety of charitable
programs, telethons in particular."
Lewis has been the international patron
of the Muscular Dystrophy Foundation
of Australia since 2009.
He has supported fundraising for
research into the condition since the
1950s and hosted a national telethon in
the US for almost four decades.

Actor Jerry Lewis wearing his medal recognising him as an honorary member
of the Order of Australia for his services to charity.

It's No Longer Safe To Recline Your Airplane Seat

American airline passengers, squeezed
into tighter and tighter spaces, appear
to be rebelling, taking their frustrations
out on other fliers.
Three U.S. flights have made
unscheduled landings in the past eight
days after passengers got into fights
over the ability to recline their seats.
Disputes over a tiny bit of personal
space might seem petty, but for
passengers whose knees are already
banging into tray tables, every bit
"Seats are getting closer together,"
says Sara Nelson, president of the
Association of Flight Attendants, which
represents 60,000 flight attendants at
19 airlines. "We have to de-escalate
conflict all the time."
There are fights over overhead bin
space, legroom and where to put winter
"We haven't hit the end of it," Nelson
says. "The conditions continue to
march in a direction that will lead to
more and more conflict."
Airlines today are juggling terror
warnings in Britain, an Ebola outbreak
in Africa and an Icelandic volcano
erupting and threatening to close down
European airspace.
Yet, the issue of disruptive passengers
has captured the world's attention.
It's getting to the point where the preflight safety videos need an additional
warning: Be nice to your neighbor.
The International Air Transport
Association calls unruly passengers
"an escalating problem," saying there
was one incident for every 1,300 flights
in the past three years. The trade group
would not share detailed historical data
to back up the assertion that this is a
growing problem.
Today's flying experience is far from
glamorous. Passengers wait in long

lines for security screening, push and

shove at the gate to be first on board,
and then fight for the limited overhead
bin space. They are already agitated by
the time they arrive at their row and see
how cramped it is.
To boost their profits, airlines have
been adding more rows of seats to
planes in the past few years.
Southwest and United both took away
one inch from each row on certain
jets to make room for six more seats.
American is increasing the number of
seats on its Boeing 737-800s from 150
to 160. Delta installed new, smaller
toilets in its 737-900s, enabling it to
squeeze in an extra four seats. And to
make room for a first-class cabin with
lie-flat beds on its transcontinental
flights, JetBlue cut one inch of legroom
for coach passengers.
Airlines say passengers won't notice
because the seats are being redesigned
to create a sense of more space.
Southwest's seats have thinner seatback
magazine pockets, Alaska Airlines
shrank the size of tray tables, and
United moved the magazine pocket,
getting it away from passengers' knees.
But passengers aren't just losing
legroom; they're losing elbow room.
U.S. airlines sold 84 percent of their
seats on domestic flights so far this
year, up from 81 percent five years ago
and 74 percent a decade ago, according
to the Bureau of Transportation
Statistics. That means there are fewer
and fewer empty middle seats on which
passengers can spread out.
The latest spate of passenger problems
started Aug. 24, when a man on a
United flight prevented the woman
in front of him from reclining thanks
to a $21.95 gadget called the Knee
Defender. It attaches to a passenger's
tray table and prevents the person in

front from reclining. A flight attendant

told the man to remove the device. He
refused, and the passenger one row
forward dumped a cup of water on him.
Three days later, on an American flight
from Miami to Paris, two passengers
got into a fight, again over a reclining
seat, and the plane was diverted to
Then on Sunday night, on a Delta flight
from New York to West Palm Beach,
Florida, a woman resting her head on a
tray table got upset when the passenger
in front of her reclined his seat, hitting
her in the head. That plane was diverted
to Jacksonville, Florida.
The passengers on both the United
and Delta flights were already sitting
in premium coach sections that have 4
inches of extra legroom.
There were 14,903 flight diversions
by U.S. airlines in the 12-month
period ending in June, according
to an Associated Press analysis of
Department of Transportation reports.
That means 41 flights a day, on
average, make unscheduled landings at
other airports.
The government doesn't break out the
reason for diversions, but industry

experts say the vast majority occur

because of bad weather or mechanical
problems. And diversions remain a tiny
portion of the 6 million annual flights
in the U.S. less than a quarter of a
percentage point.
The decision to divert is up to the pilot.
Delta spokesman Morgan Durrant says
the crew must determine if the person
is going to cause harm to others or has
terrorist intentions.
It can cost an airline $6,000 an hour, plus
airport landing fees, to divert the standard
domestic jet, according to independent
airline analyst Robert Mann.
"These costs are among the reasons why
airlines ought to be arbitrating these inflight issues instead of diverting, not to
mention the significant inconvenience
to all customers and possible disruption
of onward connections," Mann says.
Ben Baldanza, CEO of Spirit Airlines,
says that if airlines install seats that
can recline, passengers should have the
right to recline. Of course, Spirit and
Allegiant Air are the only U.S. airlines
to install seats that don't recline.
"People should lose the emotion,"
Baldanza says. "We've never had to
divert because of legroom issues."

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World News

Wife Makes Too Many

Sexual Demands

Too demanding ... a man has divorced his wife in India after she had an
insatiable appetite for sex.
AN Indian man has been granted a The man said his wife forced him to
divorce on the grounds that his wife have medicines to increase his sexual
had an insatiable appetite for sex.
stamina, and he claimed that he had been
The man filed for divorce in a Mumbai hospitalised once because of her demands.
court in January saying his wife was It is intolerable for him and he cannot
aggressive and autocratic, and had bear anymore atrocities at the hands of
harassed him over sex demands since the respondent (woman), the petition
their marriage in April 2012, as reported. said.
The judge dissolved the marriage, saying He apprehends danger to his life and
the woman did not respond to a summons limb. The respondent has made his life
ordering her to appear in court.
horrible by her cruel behaviour.

Realtor Loses Testicles Over

Financial Dispute

Gangadasappa, 40, paid a heavy price

for playing truant with his creditors: he
lost his testicles.
On the night of August 4, the
moneylenders kidnapped and sedated
the realtor, before surgically removing
his testicles, in Anjananagar, near
Magadi, West Bangalore. They later
admitted him to KIMS Hospital, where
he is still recovering. He is out of
danger, police said, quoting doctors.
A city police head constable's wife, who
is also a schoolteacher, and four others
involved in the crime are on the run.
Gangadasappa alias Dasappa is a
resident of Visvesvaraya Layout, near
Sunkadakatte, off Magadi Road, and is
a Herohalli gram panchayat member.
The amount under dispute is said to be
Rs 25 lakh, loaned to him by Nanjunda,
though Gangadasappa denies it.
He said that he boarded a bus from the city
to Magadi late on August 4, en route to
Kunigal. On reaching Magadi bus stand,
he called his younger brother, a resident
of the town, but he didn't respond.
Within a few minutes, Nanjunda and
three others approached Gangadasappa
and asked him for their money.
"Nanjunda claimed that I owed him
more than Rs 25 lakh, and demanded
that I pay it immediately or hand over
some signed blank cheques. I said I
wouldn't," Gangadasappa said.
A scuffle broke out between Nanjunda
and Gangadasappa. Alerted by the
public, Magadi town police arrived

and took the group to the police

station. "Nanjunda told police I owed
him some money. Police said it was a
civil dispute and asked us to go out and
solve the issue amicably," he said.
Gangadasappa had walked out of the
station and covered some distance, when
Nanjunda and the others attacked him
and bundled him into a car. They took
him to the house of Kavita Ganganna
in Anjananagar. Kavita is a teacher
with the government high school in
Gidadada Konappanahall, near Magadi.
Gangadasappa, who is president of the
school development committee, knew
her since he visited the school often.
"I was gagged. Kavita and Nanjunda
stuffed sleeping pills into my mouth
and l fell asleep," he said.
Gangadasappa woke up screaming the
next morning. "I was in acute pain. I was
bleeding from my private parts. I started
screaming. Fearing I would die, they shifted
me to KIMS Hospital and fled," he said.
Doctors discovered that Gangadasappa
had been operated on, and his testicles
"Alerted by KIMS, we rushed to
hospital and took Gangadasappa's
statement. We are looking for the
four accused, including Kavita and
Nanjunda. Kavita's husband Ganganna
is a head constable in Bangalore,"
Magadi police said.
They said preliminary investigations
showed that Gangadasappa and
Nanjunda had a monetary dispute.

Friday Sept. 5, 2014

Sand Collapse Kills 9-YearOld Girl At Oregon Beach

When you think of potentially fatal

threats at the beach, you probably think
of sharks or riptides. You probably
dont worry about the sand. But that
unexpected killer has now claimed at
least three lives in the United States
this summer.
Nine-year-old Isabel Grace Franks died
at a Lincoln City, Oregon, beach last
Friday, when a hole she was digging
in the sand caved in and buried her,
authorities said.
We heard screaming, Tracey Dudley,
who was staying at a nearby hotel,
said. At first we thought, you know, it
was just kids. But it was like screaming
and screaming and screaming.
Her and her siblings were digging
a big hole in the sand, Lincoln City
police Sgt. Brian Eskridge said.
She was sitting inside, and the hole
collapsed. We believe she was under
the sand around five minutes.
Franks, her family and friends were
visiting the beach from Sandy, Oregon.
Police and firefighters dug her out. She
was unconscious and not breathing.
Emergency crews performed CPR on
her and transported her to a hospital,
where she was declared dead.
Mourners left flowers, candles and
notes near where she died.
Before the emergency workers arrived,
beachgoers had frantically tried to dig
her out, but the sand kept collapsing
back into the hole, Eskridge said.
Thats a common problem when
someone gets buried at the beach, Tom
Gill of the United States Lifesaving
Association said.
Once the sand starts collapsing,
digging out becomes a technical
rescue, Gill said. Its difficult because
the sand keeps collapsing back into the
hole, and the more people gathering
around, the more difficult it is.
Its not unusual for kids to build
holes and sandcastles in the sand, but
a lot of people dont understand it can
collapse, Eskridge said. Its difficult
for people to understand how hard it is
to get people out.
Dry sand weighs 100 pounds per
square foot, and wet sand weights 120
pounds per square foot, according to
a 2004 study from the Mayo Clinic,
entitled Accidental Burials in Sand:
A Potentially Fatal Summertime
Dry sand burial can totally engulf
and compress a person with no
air pocket for breathing, the report
said. Depending on the age and
strength of the child, just 1 foot of
sand may overwhelm respiratory and
diaphragmatic force,
But according to the Mayo study,
airway obstruction is an even bigger

concern than sand stifling lung and

diaphragm expansion.
Although accidental sand burial
has its own set of clinical problems,
clearing the airway is the main focus of
treatment. Airway management at the
scene of the incident may be crucial
and lifesaving, the Mayo report said.
The hole containing Franks was big
enough for a crouching adult to fit in,
witnesses said.
Gill said no national standards exist
to restrict the depth of holes, though
local jurisdictions often set their own
rules. For example, in Virginia Beach,
Virginia, the USLAs home base, beach
visitors arent supposed to dig holes
deeper than knee-level, even for small
children, Gill said.
Theres also no national database of
fatal sand collapses, Gill said.
They dont happen often, Gill said,
but often enough that we try to make
people aware.
Articles in scholarly journals over
the past decade, including the Mayo
report, have called for public health
and safety officials to be more aware of
sand dangers.
In June 2007, the New England
Journal of Medicine published a
letter to the editor entitled Sudden
Death from Collapsing Sand Holes,
from Dr. Bradley Maron of Harvard
Medical School. Maron counted 52
documented fatal and nonfatal cases,
occurring primarily in the past 10 years,
in which persons were submerged
after the collapse of a dry-sand hole
excavated for recreational purposes.
He said 31 of those 52 people died,
and the other 21 survived by virtue
of timely rescue involving extrication
from the sand; many of them required
performed by a bystander.
Marons study concluded that collapses
were inadvertently triggered by a
variety of circumstances, including
digging, tunneling, jumping, or falling
into the hole.
Young children like Isabel Franks
arent the only age group at risk. The
two sand-related fatalities earlier this
summer were both grown men.
A 49-year-old Virginia man died on
the beach at North Carolinas Outer
Banks on June 23. David Frasier of
Fredericksburg, Virginia, had to be
extracted from a hole approximately
5 to 6 feet deep. A bystander tried to
revive him, but was unsuccessful.
And on July 21, in Half Moon Bay,
California, Adam Jay Pye was buried
alive while tunneling under the sand.
Fire officials said Pye was standing in a
10-foot-deep pit when the sand rushed
in around him.




Friday Sept. 5, 2014

Teaching Values To Young


As parents, it requires a lot of patience

to teach children right from wrong, how
to respect others, how to share and be
fair, how to take responsibilityhow
to develop those inner values that
constitute a person of character. The
parenting tips for each story are meant
to help you reinforce the message in
the story in a way that is meaningful
to your child. This kind of learning is
gradual and progressive, and occurs as
things happen, as children observe and
comment on others behaviors, and as
parents listen and teach children right
from wrong. Children are never too
young to learn, so be on the lookout for
those teaching moments, and be aware
that you are your childs best example.
Here are a few reminders about early
childhood development to keep in mind.
Toddlers and 2s. Toddlers at the early
stages of acquiring language are also
beginning to become aware of the world
outside of their own physical and emotional
needs. The terrible twos behavior is the
way the toddlers try out their new sense of
autonomy. Children of this age want and
need to do it by myself. Parallel play
in which two children play side by side
without much direct interaction is very
typical of this age.
3-5 year olds are moving into the wider
world. In this period, the child becomes
increasingly social and concerned
with friendship and powerthese two
concerns are often seen in the dramatic
play a child enacts alone or with other
children. Dramatic play is one of the ways
children work out their understanding of
the world and their experience and what it
is means to grow up. It is a very important
activity and children can become so
engaged that they often find it hard to
clearly distinguish between reality and
imagination. Developmentally, 3-5s are
still very much at the stage where they
believe in magic.
Between the ages of 5-7, children go
through a major shift in their ability
to generalize, to reason and to engage
in abstract thinking. During the 5 to
7 shift as it is often called, there is
significant increase in understanding
of number; this is also the point when
children begin to be able to distinguish
for themselves between right and wrong.
Building values through stories
A Tree Grows: A Story About
Patience And Diversity
Very young children are not able to
understand the concept of patience but
there are other aspects of this story that
can be discussed.
Two and three year olds
Two and three year olds are very
concrete in their thinking and have not
developed understanding of time, so that
the concepts of patience and diversity
will be hard for them to understand.

What you can do

While children of this age may be too
young to understand the values taught by
this story, they can follow the different
stages in plant growth. You can help
them bring the story to life by acting
out the story. The child can start off bent
over in a ball to look like a seed, then
slowly uncurl him or herself and stretch
to be a big tree. You can also help young
children understand that it takes time
for things to grow by having them plant
seeds in a clear plastic cup. Every day set
a time that you and the child will look
at the growing plant and talk about the
changes they can see. It is best to do this
with fast growing seeds such as beans.
Four and five year olds
Four and five year olds still are
developing their understanding of time,
but they will have experienced times
when patience was required of them.
What you can do
Ask your four or five year old to describe
to you when they wanted something, and
had to wait for it. Point out how waiting
for the day of a birthday or holiday
can make the occasion more exciting.
Also talk about how good it feels when
they finally master a skill or complete a
project for which theyve worked hard.
Six and seven year olds
Six and seven year olds should have had
many experiences where patience was
needed. They may even have experienced
failure because they didnt have the
patience to keep working at a certain skill,
such as in a sport or in an academic activity.
What you can do
This story offers a wonderful
opportunity to talk about being patient,
and about persevering and working hard
to achieve success. Be sure to explore
how persevering makes us feel proud of
ourselves and what we have achieved.
Teaching Values to Young Children:
Honesty Continued May 2 2014
It is only about the time that they reach
elementary school that children really
understand what it means to tell the truth
and to recognize the importance of trust.
Two and three year olds
Two and three year olds are just
beginning to develop the ability to
speakthough theyve been listening
carefully to what goes on around them
since theyve been born. Even so, very
young children have trouble processing
questions about what is true or untrue.
They think at a concrete level and their
responses often reflect what they want
or feel, rather than objective reality.


Your Health


Praying Doesn't Necessarily Sooth

Anxiety Disorder Symptoms
A new study has claimed that while
praying eases a lot of problems, it
doesn't sooth symptom of anxietyrelated disorders for everyone.
According to the research by Baylor
University, those who prayed to God,
whom they thought would be there
to comfort and protect them in times
of need, were less likely to show
symptoms of anxiety-related disorders,
such as irrational worry, fear, selfconsciousness, dread in social situations
and obsessive-compulsive behavior,
than those who prayed but did not
expect God to comfort or protect them.
Researchers analyzed data from 1,714
of the individuals who participated
in the most recent wave of the
Baylor Religion Survey, completed
in November 2010 by the Gallup
Organization and analyzed by
sociologist researchers at Baylor. The

study focused on general anxiety, social

anxiety, obsession and compulsion.
The Baylor study findings were
consistent with a growing body of
research indicating that a person's
perceived relationship with God could
play an important role in shaping
mental health.
In theory, people who pray regularly
may be inclined to live out their
religion more faithfully, which may
lead to less stress, such as marriage and
family conflicts, researchers wrote.
However, when it came to personal
organizations, while some studies
indicated frequent praying to have
had positive effects on mental health,
others report no effect or even that
people who pray more often have
poorer mental health than those who
pray less frequently.




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Friday Sept. 5, 2014

New Drugs Can Dissolve

Kidney Stones
If you have gone through that
excruciating pain from a kidney stone
and are prone to develop more, here
comes good news.
According to a new study, a class of
drugs approved to treat leukemia and
epilepsy also may be effective against
kidney stones.
The drugs are histone deacetylase
inhibitors or HDAC inhibitors.
Researchers found that two of them Vorinostat and trichostatin A - lower
levels of calcium and magnesium in
the urine.
Both calcium and magnesium are key
components of kidney stones.
"We are hopeful this class of drugs
can dissolve kidney stones because
its effects on reducing calcium and
magnesium are exclusive to kidney
cells," said Jianghui Hou, an assistant
professor of medicine at Washington
University's school of medicine in St

In the mice, they achieved dramatic
effects at a fraction of the dosage
used to treat leukemia and without
significant side effects.
Some people are genetically prone to
developing kidney stones and they
naturally release too much calcium
into the urine.
Typically, doctors recommend drinking
lots of water to help pass kidney stones
from the body.
In the new study on mice, Hou and his
colleagues showed that small doses
of Vorinostat reduced calcium levels
in the urine by more than 50 percent
and magnesium levels by more than 40
Similar results were noted for
trichostatin A.
"We now want to test the drug in
clinical trials for patients with kidney
stones," Hou concluded.

Scientists have invented a new implant

that could help replace the reading
glasses and revolutionise treatment for
ageing eyes.
The Raindrop corneal inlay, no larger
than a pinhead, works by increasing
the curvature of the cornea, allowing
the eye to focus properly again, as
The process invented in the US, which
just takes 10 minutes, was first carried
out in Britain at a clinic in Leamington
Spa, Warwickshire. Raindrop has been
made of hydrogel, a substance also used
in contact lenses. It was developed at
ReVision Optics in California and was

inserted using a virtually painless laser

The procedure appeared to be the
perfect long-term solution for people
suffering from presbyopia, a condition
which makes it hard to focus on small
objects and whose eyes are simply
getting tired with age.
Mark Wevill, an ophthalmic surgeon at
Space Healthcare in Leamington Spa,
said that it can't stop eyes from ageing
but it could help correct the natural
However, it's not available on the
NHS and currently costs around 2,495

A new study has found that high level

of stress at work raises the risk of type
2 diabetes by 45 percent.
According to, nearly
half the people studied with high job
strain had a 45 percent higher risk of
developing type 2 diabetes than people
with low job strain.
The study, which used the Karasek
job content questionnaire to measure

work strain, also found that one in five

workers was affected by high mental
strain at work.
Lead researcher Prof Karl-Heinz
Ladwig said that keeping in view the
huge health implications of stressrelated disorders, preventive measures
to prevent common diseases such as
diabetes should also begin at this

Tiny 'Raindrop' Eye Implant

Could Banish Reading Glasses

Work Stress Raises Diabetes

Risk By Nearly 50Pc

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Continued From Last Week

Chemotherapy for prostate

Chemotherapy is the use of anti-cancer
(cytotoxic) drugs to treat cancer. It
is usually a systemic therapythat
circulates throughout the body and
destroys cancer cells, including those
that may have broken away from the
primary tumour.
Chemotherapy has an important role in
the treatment of prostate cancer that has
become resistant to hormonal therapy
(hormone-refractory or castrationresistant prostate cancer).
Drugs, doses and schedules vary from
man to man.
Chemotherapy drugs
The most common chemotherapy
drugs used to treat hormone-refractory
prostate cancer are:
-docetaxel (Taxotere)
-mitoxantrone (Novantrone)
-cabazitaxel (Jevtana)
The most common chemotherapy
combinations used to treat hormonerefractory prostate cancer are:
-docetaxel and prednisone (Deltasone)
This is the standard chemotherapy
combination used to treat hormonerefractory prostate cancer.
It helps to reduce symptoms and
prolong survival.
-mitoxantrone and prednisone
This was the first treatment approved for
advanced hormone-refractory prostate
It reduces pain and improves quality of
-cabazitaxel and prednisone
This combination is effective in men
who have failed or do not respond to
This is the best second-line
chemotherapy combination.
Bisphosphonate therapy for prostate
Bisphosphonate therapy is a systemic
therapy that may be used in the treatment
of prostate cancer to strengthen bone.
Bisphosphonate therapy may be used:
to relieve bone pain or to prevent fractures
in advanced hormone-refractory prostate
cancer (palliative therapy)
to prevent osteoporosis in men
receiving hormonal therapy
Bisphosphonates are used in
combination with other standard
treatments for hormone-refractory
prostate cancer.
The bisphosphonate used to treat
hormone-refractory prostate cancer is:
zoledronic acid (Zometa)
Zoledronic acid is used to treat men
who have little or no pain from bone
This drug is effective in reducing the
number of skeletal related events,
including bone fractures and the need

Your Health

Friday Sept. 5, 2014


Prostate Cancer
for radiation to bone metastases.
This drug also reduces pain related to
bone metastases.
The drug has a number of side effects,
and men should be informed of the risks
and benefits of taking zoledronic acid.
bisphosphonate therapy for prostate
Bone pain
Digestive problems
Flu-like symptoms
Injection site pain
Kidney damage
Other side effects
Side effects can occur with any type
of treatment for prostate cancer, but
not everyone has them or experiences
them in the same way. Side effects of
bisphosphonate therapy will depend
mainly on the:
-type of drug
-man's overall health
Side effects can happen any time
during bisphosphonate therapy. Some
may happen during, immediately after
or a few days or weeks after therapy.
Most side effects go away after
bisphosphonate therapy is over. Late
side effects can occur months or years
after bisphosphonate therapy. Some
side effects may last a long time or be
It is important to report side effects to
the healthcare team.
Bone pain
Bone pain can temporarily become
worse when bisphosphonates are first
Digestive problems
Nausea and vomiting, heartburn,
abdominal cramps or diarrhea
may occur, especially with oral
bisphosphonates. These side effects
may require an increase in fluid intake
to prevent dehydration. Medications
can be used to control these symptoms.
Flu-like symptoms
Fever and chills, muscle and joint
aches, pain as well as fatigue may
occur. These symptoms can be treated
with pain or fever medication.
Injection site pain
Intravenous bisphosphonates may
cause pain at the site of injection.
Destruction of the bone (osteonecrosis)
occurs in the jaw in 12% of men
taking zoledronic acid (Zometa). This
causes loosening of the teeth and
discomfort. A dental exam is required
before starting treatment, and any
dental procedures should be performed
before starting treatment.
Kidney damage
This side effect can be sudden
(acute) or develop gradually. Some

bisphosphonates are more toxic to

the kidney than others. Any reduction
in kidney function will be carefully
assessed by the healthcare team and
may require a reduction in the dose or
stopping the drug completely.
Other side effects
Other side effects that may occur with
bisphosphonates are:
-decrease in calcium level treated
with calcium supplements
-inflamed, sore eyes may require an
eye exam and eye drops
-gum swelling and pain may be
treated with a mouthwash.
Biological therapy for prostate
Biological therapy may be used to
reduce the risk of bone-related events
in prostate cancer. It is also called
biotherapy or biological response
modifiers (BRMs).
Biological therapy uses natural or
manufactured substances to kill, control
or change the behaviour of cancer cells.
Different types of biological therapies
work in different ways.
Biological therapy may be used:
-to strengthen bone and prevent
osteoporosis due to hormonal therapy
-reduce the risk of bone complications
due to metastatic prostate cancer
Drugs, doses and schedules vary from
person to person.
Biological therapy drugs
RANK-ligand inhibitor is a biological
therapy in which a monoclonal antibody
blocks the action of RANK ligand - a
protein that promotes bone resorption.
This helps to strengthen bone.
The most common biological therapy
drug used to treat prostate cancer is:
Follow-up after treatment for
prostate cancer
Prostate cancer behaves differently in
each man, and a standard follow-up
schedule would not work for everyone.
Men with prostate cancer should talk
to their doctor about a follow-up plan
that suits their individual situation.
Follow-up care is often shared among
the cancer specialists and the family
After treatment has ended, new
symptoms and symptoms that don't go
away should be reported to the doctor
without waiting for the next scheduled
appointment. These may include:
-changes in bladder habits
-need to urinate often (frequency),
especially at night
-intense need to urinate (urgency)
-difficulty in starting or stopping the
urine flow
-inability to urinate
-bone pain, especially in the back, hips,
thighs or neck
-loss of sensation or muscle strength in

the legs
-loss of bladder control or bowel
The chance of prostate cancer recurring
is greatest within 5 years, so close
follow-up is needed during this time.
Follow-up after prostate cancer
treatment varies depending on what
type of treatment the man received.
Radical prostatectomy
Follow-up visits after a radical
prostatectomy are usually scheduled:
-shortly after surgery
-every 3 or 6 months for 1 to 2 years
-then once a year
Radiation therapy
Follow-up visits after radiation therapy
are usually scheduled:
-6 months after radiation therapy has
-every 6 months for 1 to 2 years
-then once a year
During a follow-up visit, the doctor
usually asks questions about the side
effects of treatment and how the man is
coping. The doctor may do a complete
physical examination, including a
digital rectal examination (DRE) if the
prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level
has increased.
Tests may be ordered as part of followup or if the doctor suspects the cancer
has come back (has recurred).
PSA test
This is the primary follow-up blood
test for prostate cancer.
The lowest level that the PSA reaches
(called the nadir) is recorded and used
as a baseline for future PSA tests.
If the PSA level rises over time (known
as biochemical failure), more tests will
be done.
After radiation therapy, there may be a
temporary rise in the PSA level (called
a PSA bounce).
testosterone level
This test may be done when a man is
on hormonal therapy and his PSA level
is rising.
It ensures that the hormonal therapy
is working to lower the amount of
testosterone in the body to the castrate
level. (The castrate level is the level of
testosterone that would be present if a
man's testicles were removed.)
bone scan
This may be ordered if the PSA level
is rising.
If a recurrence is found during followup, the oncology team will assess the
man with cancer to determine the best
treatment options.

Continued Next Week

This information is provided for knowledge and educational purposes only. Individuals should visit their physicians for more information on their health.



Friday Sept. 5, 2014


Heavy expenses are indicated both at

work and at home. Even an expected
payment is likely to be deferred causing
financial contingency. Those travelling
on work are likely to face delays and
hardships. Some of you are likely
to have a dental complaint requiring
attention in this week.

Certain hostile elements around you

may try to create problems at work.
Concentrate on your work and pay
no heed in other's machinations. You
will have the support of a person who
matters most. Home and family life
is under a cloud. Try not to take any
major decisions in this week.

An easy inflow of money will make

you look for new areas of investment. A
vital piece of information could result in
huge profit at the stock market. You are
required to be quick to cash your benefits.
Love life is sparkling with excitement.

Business communications seems to

be getting prolonged much to your
irritation. If these are for a new venture,
you can make necessary compromise
to conclude the task. Someone at
home may not be well, perhaps a child
causing unnecessary worries to the
family in this week.
Virgo: Minor delays to work, could
be irritating. Even an expected is
withheld on technical ground. Do
not worry especially since you can
do nothing about it. Avoid discussing
sensitive issues with members of you
family for it is likely to lead to a major



The receipt of large sum of money is

likely to be spent in the repayment of
a loan. You are advised to keep your
paper work ready, especially matter
relating to tax or legal issues. Socially,
a very busy period, where you are
likely to entertain a number of guests
visiting you this week.

flare up.


Partnerships workout favourably. Work

proceeds smoothly. You will complete
an important assignment on time.
Relationships with you mate improve.
Gains are indicated through the efforts
of your mate or a close associate. News
from overseas will be good.




An important assignment will need all

your attention. Your sustained efforts
will leads to gains. You may also have
to entertain and this could lead to a late
night. Watch your health. Emotionally,
you may be feeling a little depressed.


Work proceeds at a brisk pace. Some

of you are likely to travel overseas on
sales promotion or for some training
programme. Business people will
sign new contracts on lucrative terms.
Studies will have to work hard to make
the grade.


Perhaps you should handle important

work personally. Keep relationship
cordial both at home and at work. A
sudden journey is indicated. Work
preceeds smoothly. At a social gettogether you will be very much in
demand. A late night could take its toll
on your health.


You will be shopping, going out and

meeting people. Matter concerning
children and recreation make you happy.
There is a tendency to overdo things and
this could affect your health. Try to take
things easy whenever you can.


A happy and enjoyable time is

indicated for most of you. Outings and
celebrations will prove to be enjoyable.
A holiday or travel with your beloved
is also indicated. You may be
disappointed in someone close to you.
However, if you let your feelings be
known the other person may realize
his/her mistake in time.


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Friday Sept. 5, 2014


Shocking: Actress Took To Prostitution After Running

Out Of Money!

National award winning actress

Shweta Basu, who was arrested for
prostitution, has revealed that she took
to the sex trade as she was running out
of money.
The 23-year-old actress, who was
arrested Sunday, is currently lodged in
a state-run rescue home. She admitted
she made wrong choices in her career.
"I was out of money. I had to support my
family and some other good causes. All
the doors were closed, and some people
encouraged me to get into prostitution to
earn money. I was helpless, and with no
option left to choose, I got involved in this
act," police sources quoted her as saying.
The actress, seen in films like "Makdee"
and "Iqbal" also revealed that there
were other actresses like her who went
through this.
Shweta, who shot to fame as a child
artiste in Ekta Kapoor's television
serial "Kahaani Ghar Ghar Ki", bagged

the national award for best child artist

for "Makdee" in 2002.
The actress, who also did a few films
in Bengali, Tamil and Telugu, was
arrested from a hotel last Sunday night
along with the sex racket's organiser
Anjaneyulu alias Balu.
The next day, the court sent her to a
rescue home run by the women and
child welfare department.
She underwent a medical examination
at a government hospital before she
was sent to the rescue home, where
women rescued by police and those
facing trial are given shelter during the
trial period.
The inmates are provided with free
food, clothing, medical care and also
vocational training. She is likely to stay
in the rescue home for three months.
Balu, who was reportedly collecting
Rs.1 lakh each from high flying
customers, has been sent to jail.





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Friday Sept. 5, 2014

Bigg Boss 8 Promo: Salman Khan To Take The Celebrities On An

Exciting Journey
The latest promo of upcoming eighth
season of Bigg Boss is out, which
not only reveals the premiere date
(September 21), but also the theme of
the high voltage reality show this year.
And it looks like all our guesses were
absolutely right for the glass walled
house is certainly designed like an
In the promo, we can see Salman in
his pilot avatar walking on top of
an airplane saying he will take the

celebrities on a rather unusual ride in

his vimaan. And like every year, eighth
season of nations most controversial
reality show is going to be filled with
some twists and turns. It seems that the
contestants are certainly going to go
through a very tough journey this time
And finally before taking off the flight,
the Kick actor confesses that he cant
wait for Bigg Boss season 8. Well,
even we cant.

Tanuja: I Wasnt Invited To Happy New Years's 'Indiawaale'

Will Be A Dance Anthem
Rani Mukerjis Wedding!
Kajols mother breaks her silence on the rift between the two families
Even though Kajol and Rani Mukerji
are cousin sisters and have even
shared screen together in Kuch Kuch
Hota Hai, there has been an awkward
animosity between the two for quite
some time. In fact Rani and Kajol have
always maintained a polite distance
between each other on public and
private platforms.
In a recent interview with a tabloid,
Kajols mom Tanuja spoke about this
rift between the sisters openly for a the

first time. When asked if she was invited

for Rani Mukerjis Italian wedding she
said, I wasnt invited. Its okay. Even
I havent kept in touch with the family.
But she is a good girl. When we meet at
Durga pumas we meet warmly.
What is also interesting is that Kajol
and Ranis husbands Ajay Devgn and
Aditya Chopra have had a very public
fall out in 2012 when their films Son of
Sardaar and Jab Tak Hai Jaan clashed
at the box-office.

Shekhar of composer duo VishalShekhar says their song "Indiawaale",

which they composed for Shah Rukh
Khan's forthcoming film "Happy New
Year", will become a dance anthem.
Vishal-Shekhar, who performed at
the 52nd Bangalore Ganesh Utsava
Sunday, belted out their hit numbers,
but when they sang "Indiawaale", it
rocked the charged crowd at the APS
College Grounds in Basavanagudi.
About the response to "Indiawaale"
at the fest, Shekhar said they got
"goose bumps when a crowd of about
30,000 people started singing our song
'Indiawaale' with us".

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"It is a very surreal feeling and, trust

me, a very proud moment for us that
our music has been loved by people and
reached people even before its official
release," Shekhar said in a statement.
music for heist drama "Happy New
Year". The song "Indiawaale" will be
officially launched Sep 3.
"I am so excited for everyone to hear the
full song because we feel that 'Indiawaale'
is a dance anthem that can be heard and
danced to in a disco, stadium or a stage. It
is a song for everyone!" he added.
Directed by Farah Khan, "Happy New
Year" is scheduled for Diwali release.

Friday Sept. 5, 2014


Acting Is My Love It Is My Life - Dharmendra

The wait is finally over; we will now see

the legendary Dharmendra appearing
in his first Punjabi movie named
'Double Di Trouble'. It is directed by
Smeep Kang and is based on Comedy
of Errors, where Shakespeare's well
known play takes a desi twist!
Why has it taken you so long to act in
a Punjabi movie?
Everything has a time, I always had
a wish to do Punjabi films and so
many of my fans wanted to see me in
a Punjabi movie too. I have been very
busy in Mumbai with films etc and time
just flew. So I was looking for a good
storyline. Subhash is a good friend and
like a little brother, he came up to me
and said that he wants to do a Punjabi
film. I also said that I feel this is the
time for me to also do a Punjabi film.
He then told me that it will be based on
Shakespeare Comedy Of Errors, and was
thinking to feature Gippy Grewal and
that is how the film team came together.
Before the script came to you did you
know about Shakespeare 'Comedy
Of Errors'?
Yes, I had read a little bit. Also this is

why I agreed to do my first Punjabi

film, as the storyline is very good.
What is Double Di Trouble about?
It is a story based on Comedy of Errors
by Shakespeare in where I am doing
a double role, one of a city man and
the other of a village man. Gippy is
also doing a double role. It is a story
of a father and son. There are lots of
situations, which arise during the
film, a lot of confusion as to why it is
happening and this is revealed during
the film.
The riot of laughter begins when the
people around this duplicate duo keep
confusing the two sets of lookalikes.
The situation gets further confounded
when the duo tries to put their own
logic behind the new faces behaving
like old pals.
Where in Punjab did you shoot the
Majority of the film was shot in
Chandigarh and a little bit was in
What is the name of your character?
One of characters name is Ajeet and
the other is Manjeet.

Was it hard becoming two different

It will only be difficult if the character
isn't written well. In this case everything
was well written with good dialogues
and of course a good team.
How did you feel shooting in Punjab?
I enjoyed it a lot. It felt so nice
shooting in Punjab as it brought back
so many memories of my childhood.
I have received so much love from
different Pind's from the elderly to the
What was it like working with Gippy
Grewal and Gurpreet Guggi?
Gippy is a great actor and a very
good boy, I had seen his previous film
Carry on Jatta and I really enjoyed his
performance. Guggi is amazing, he has
very good timing and I also enjoyed
working with him.
Do you find doing comedy easy?
I have done a lot of comedy; I find it
fun, if the script is written well then I
do not find it difficult.
You are working with the director
Smeep Kang for the first time, how
was your experience? What is he like
as a director?

He is such a good lovely boy and a

director I had fun working with him.
He is full of love and energy. He really
knows his job and does it very well.
From the trailers of Double Di
Trouble you show a lot of energy.
Gippy Grewal has even mentioned
your energy level. Where do you get
it from?
Acting is my love it is my life, hunger
and my passion. I am in love with the
camera, this has always been my desire
and love and it is never less, in fact my
love for acting is increasing therefore
my energy is high as it is something I
enjoy doing with pride.
What are your views on Punjabi
There are so many beautiful Punjabi
films being made now on high budgets
just like Bollywood with good actors
and scripts. I think Punjabi cinema
will achieve a lot of success in the
upcoming years.
Are you happy you have made a
Punjabi film?
I am really very, very happy. Punjabi is
my mother tongue and when I speak it
in a film it is just amazing.

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Friday Sept. 5, 2014

Product Of USA


Friday Sept. 5, 2014

The November Man (PG) ***

Spy vs Spy!
Two James Bond veterans take centre
stage in THe November Man. Said to
be based on A series of best selling
books this Touchwood pictures release
is now enlightening audiences at
The International Village cinemas in
downtown Vancouver.
Classify this film as the spy who came
in from the cold. Somewhat similar
to Kevin Costner's last outing Pierce
Brosnan ((Goldeneye) returns to active
duty -only this time he's not working
for her majesty's Secret service. Instead
the veteran 007 plays CI.A.agent Peter
Like most secret agents Devereux hS
lots of secrets yet returns to the fold
for a botched mission. Partner David
Mason is younger and perhaps a bit
trigger happy. Cast as this shining (?)
light is Luke Bracey and together the
pair wind up in Eastern mission on a

By Robert Waldman

perilous mission rife with significant

political overtones.
Forget about the new thriller Lucy.
In The November Man women play
pivotal parts in this high stakes game
of world conquest a la Risk. Lots of
intrigue, blackmail and rogue operators
unfold against the conic. Backgrounds
of Belgrade and Montevideo,
Action fans will enjoy this modern
day espionage thriller. Expect lots of
chases and fights. Despite beginning to
show his age Brosnan still looks good
and he's got "it". Fellow 007 actress
Olga Kurylenko (Quantum of Solace)
also sizzles as an East European caught
up in a Cold War power/passion play
with severe repercussions.
Quality director Roger Donaldson
(The Bank Job) achieves a nice spy
lark with enough sly surprises to leave
you shaken and stirred.

Angelina Jolie And Brad Pitt Wed In France

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, the
glamorous Hollywood couple dubbed
Brangelina in tabloid headlines, were
married in France, according to a
family statement.
Pitt, 50, and Jolie, 39, were wed on
Saturday in a small chapel in Chateau
Miraval in a non-denominational civil
ceremony, according to the statement
provided by publicist Martin Torres.
The publicist's statement said the
couple's six children all took part in the
Jolie was walked down the aisle by
eldest sons Maddox and Pax while
Zahara and Vivienne threw petals
gathered from a garden. Shiloh and
Knox were ring bearers.
"It was very much a family affair," the
statement said.
The couple were married under
California law by a judge who travelled
to France to conduct the ceremony.
The couple will star in upcoming film
By the Sea, written and to be directed
by Jolie, who will also co-produce the
drama with Pitt.
They last co-starred in 2005's Mr
and Mr Smith, which sparked their
Jolie, winner of a best-supporting
actress Academy Award in 2000 for

Girl, Interrupted, and Pitt, who coproduced the Oscar-winning 12 Years a

Slave, are two of Hollywood's biggest
They also are known for their
humanitarian work with Jolie serving
as a goodwill ambassador for the UN
High Commissioner for Refugees and
Pitt starting a foundation to help restore
New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.
Jolie was previously married to actors
Jonny Lee Miller and Billy Bob
Thornton and Pitt is divorced from
actress Jennifer Aniston.
In May 2012, Pitt told reporters in
France at the Cannes film festival
that he and Jolie supported samesex marriage and hoped it would be
accepted throughout the United States
before they set a wedding date.
Gay marriage is legal in 19 of the 50
states and in Washington, DC more
than 30 courts have ruled in favour
of gay marriage since a US Supreme
Court ruling in June 2013 struck down
a key part of the 1996 federal Defence
of Marriage Act under which states
could refuse to recognise same-sex
marriages from other states.
The Supreme Court is expected to take
up the issue again in its coming term,
which starts in October.


The couple wed in a small chapel in Chateau Miraval in a nondenominational civil ceremony.


Friday Sept. 5, 2014

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For Women/ Relationship

Friday Sept. 5, 2014

How To Tackle Your

Veena outlines on how to deal with the
other woman in your marriage
She's the most important woman in
your marriage, so, sharing a tricky
relationship with her can spell trouble
for wedded bliss. But how do you
handle your relationship with the
With extreme care, caution and
strategic planning, advises Veena. The
Delhi-based writer spent the last year
meeting women across the country,
especially those locked in prolonged
conflict with their moms-in-law.
Eleven of them, with names changed to
protect their identity, have made it to
the published book. What started out as
an exercise to listen to and share funny
stories about the mother-in law, quickly
mutated into a platform where women,
protected by anonymity, shared their
anxious experiences and lessons they
learnt on the way.
Veena -whose own MIL was "sweet
enough to pitch in by searching for case
studies" says the most effective advice
she can offer is keep your distance.
"Research has proved that with every
yard between you and your mom-in-law,
the chance of your relationship with your
husband lasting, improves," she says.
The first meeting
Veenas first story is of Rachna, who
met her mother-in-law at a wedding
sangeet. Noticing that she had ordered
a non-alcoholic drink, "Auntyji" asked
her about it, to which Rachna lied
saying, she didn't drink.
"This right here," points out Veena, "is
the first wrong step." While there was
of course, no way Rachna could have
foretold that this woman was her future
mother-in-law, far too many women try
and project a different personality the
first time they meet their in-laws. "We
wear a salwaar kameez or act demure,
tailoring our responses to match what
we think our MILs would want. We
want to be accepted at that point," she
adds. The other mistake young women
make is to hope the blow will weaken
over time. In the case of Anshika, who
was told by her mother-inlaw what to
expect in her marriage (she couldn't
work, she agreed to it all.
"We think the mother-in-law will go
slack over time. But that doesn't happen
and when you try and assert yourself,
she feels cheated because you are no
longer adhering to her rules," she adds.
The only way out is to assert yourself
from day one and be true to who you
are. You need to let them know what
you are capable of doing.
Gently, but firmly, lay down your
own rules.
Emotional blackmail
Veena shares the exchange she
personally had with her mom-inlaw over the issue of wearing a
mangalsutra. "`My own daughter does
not wear one, how can I ask you to?'
was her standard strategy. I suppose

a `better' daughter-in-law would

have immediately slapped on the
mangalsutra and demonstrated how
she was better than the daughter...I just
smiled in agreement," Veena writes.
This, she suggests, is a good strategy
to tackle emotional blackmail that's
bound to come your way at least once.
"You either ignore her or agree with
what she's saying so that there are no
arguments. If the relationship is an equal
one, you could also be pleasant but offer
a tongue-in-cheek reply that sends her a
message to back off," says Veena.
Talking about Supriya, whose story
makes its way into the book, Veena
says it took a family tragedy for her
to clear a misunderstanding with her
mom-in-law. "Now, Supriya says she
is in a position to point out her momin-law's flaws. It may be simple things
like saying, `Mum, that's not a nice
thing to say' etc. But it should not take
a tragedy for that to happen. If you
haven't changed the equation yet, now
is a good time to start."
The guy is not his family
The most important lesson to remember
for those dating a man they plan to
marry, is that his family needn't be like
him. "Just because the son is liberal
doesn't mean his parents will be cool.
It's a good idea to check the lay of the
land when you are in the courtship
stage," she says.
Go over to his place as a friend, and
observe the parents and their marriage.
"Your future spouse is likely to
demonstrate their traits, and possibly
reflect a similar equation in your
marriage. If you don't like what you
see, have the courage to ask yourself if
this is what you want," she adds.
Isn't it asking for too much -the perfect
guy with the perfect family?
Veena says no family is ideal. "But
think about what you are willing to
compromise on. If you are going to
be locked up once the ring is on your
finger, will you make peace with that?
Is the guy worth it?"
The question of kids
You are married, its four months and
here comes the question you have been
dreading: Now that you are settled,
when are you gifting us grandchildren?
Not only is the question awkward, but an
honest answer is fraught with the possibility
of throwing up further complications. What
if you don't want a child at the moment, or
for a few years or ever?
"I'd say, immediately blame the son.
Tell her you are fine with the thought
but he feels we should wait. The
mother-in-law is likely to fall in line.
Parents don't tend to exert as much
pressure on the man," she adds.
The prerequisite here of course, is that
the man is on your side. In fact, says
Veena, you must wisely choose a man
who will always be in your corner of
the boxing ring. "That's the sort of
marriage that has a happy ending."


Things Men Never Want To Hear

From A Woman

Fall is in the air, and it is highly

likely that you are lost in the sunshine
and clouds of budding romance,
unprotected sex, or whatever cosmic
reasons you may think you are falling
in love again. These blissful moments
are some of lifes greatest treasures.
The emotional high experienced is
something that cannot be reproduced with
material acquisition or financial gains.
And then it hits you like an out of control
eighteen-wheeler on the interstate. An
awkward string of words that might not
have had an adequate amount of thought
process behind it, but has forever skewed
the outlook on the relationship.
Some would like to profess that these
things could happen to the best of us, but
that is for those who simply do not know
any better. Here are some of the words that
no man ever wants to hear from a woman.
Youre Like A Brother To Me
Its a horrible blow to any male ego
knowing that the object of his affections
has placed him in the dreaded friendzone. With the added sting of being
referred to as a sibling, this phrase is
nothing short of heartbreaking. No girl
wants to sleep with her brother. No
sane girl at least. Its safe to say that
when a woman utters these six words,
theyve seen the last of us. Its 2014;
weve reached our quota for friends.
You and I Would Make Adorable
Ladies, this is the one full-proof way to
turn a man off! Hear that sound? Thats the
sound of our testicles ascending, trying to
get as far from you as possible. Although
most men will be pleased to hear that youre
even slightly considering the potential of
copulation, the fact that bearing children is
on her mind is a red flag.
How Many Girls Have You Been With?
If you dont want to get electrocuted,
dont put your finger in the socket. This
is absolutely the last thing any couple
should discuss. Unless youre seeking to
arise jealousy, distrust and disgust, dont
ask these questions. As a rule of thumb,
to anyone who is forced to endure this
question heres a guide to find the
individuals true number of partners.
His sexual partners = divide the stated
number by 2 / Her sexual partners =
Multiply the stated number by 2
But My Ex-Boyfriend..
Oh hell no, she did not just compare you
to her ex, did she?! Unless the end of
that statement is he is a better lover,
under no circumstances does any man
wish to be compared to a former lover.
The last thing any man wants to be

compared to is another man who used

to penetrate what he holds sacred.
Can you hold my purse for a second?
Theres nothing more demeaning than
having to hold the purse. Sure, it might not
seem like a big deal to her and admittedly
it isnt. However, each second her Chanel
bag is holstered across a mans shoulder
is another second he loses credibility for
his manhood.
It Happens to a Lot of guys
Yeah, and you dont look fat in that.
There are just some things we say
to others in an attempt to spare their
feelings hurt more than the truth. If these
words are uttered in reference to you,
just know that youre not living up to
her expectations. May we recommend
liquid Cialis for next time, rookie.
Why Cant I Come Out On Man
After accomplishing twenty plus
evenings at home without even the
slightest hesitation, all men deserve a
Hall Pass. Enduring nights of Dear John,
The Notebook and Project Runway
could not have gone in vain. Please dont
ask to come out on man night. Its the
one opportunity that men have to curse at
each other, act like heathens, and forget
their manners for an evening. Its not like
men ask to come to the ob-gyn.
I spoke to your Mom
Unless a mans mother was passing off
a recipe, we dont particularly enjoy
knowing that you now have a relationship
with our mothers independent of us.
Mothers are sacred territories, and
although women surely think theyre
just being nice, most men would prefer
that their partners not get any closer than
where they allow them. Nothing is worse
than going through a painful break up
and having to hear a mother rebuke a
man for letting go of a good one.
We need to talk
The fact that you are already midconversation and still feel compelled
to say this tells a man that only bad
things are to come. You should have
put a password on your phone when
you close your eyes at night. Shame on
you for giving her too much credit. Of
course she looks through your phone
when you doze off before her.
I went to the Doctor today and
Im pregnant I have a flesh eating
incurable hybrid S.T.D It doesnt
matter what comes next; if a woman
feels the need for a man to know
anything about the current state of her
health, it cant be good. Surely, she had
his attention at, We need to talk.

Friday Sept. 5, 2014

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that you can hardly contain your joy,
especially now that your career is about
to fall into place. The many hours you
spent job searching and interviewing
have finally paid off. To your added
surprise, this job means working not
only in the position you want, but
also with a company you ranked as
your first choice. You are tempted to
say "yes" immediately, but you know
that you need to take your head out of
the clouds and keep your feet on the
Accepting a job offer is a major decision.
Before you telephone the recruiter,
examine the offer. Make certain that
you dot all of the i's and cross all the
t's before you accept the offer. And
exactly what is important in evaluating
a job offer, you ask? The salary? The
benefits? The job itself? These are all
good aspects to examine. This article
will give you some guidelines to help
you evaluate your job offer.
First of all, resist accepting an offer on
the spot, no matter how good it seems.
Always ask for time to think it over.
Most employers will not withdraw
an offer because you request time to
think it over. In addition to reviewing
the offer over with your family or
"significant other," a "give me some
time to think it over" strategy might
provide you with an opportunity to
negotiate a better financial package.
However, when negotiating, remember
to show enthusiasm about everything:
the job, your future employer and the
career opportunity.
Second, many job seekers view job
negotiations simply as a matter of
coming to terms on the salary and
employer offers. This is not always
the case however. A number of other
important factors can be negotiated
as well, depending on the company
and the job. In addition to salary there
are some "non-cash" compensation
issues that you should consider when
evaluating your job offer. If you
can secure benefit brochures and
other company materials, review
them carefully. This will help you

prepare for negotiating vacation/sick

time, expense accounts, automobile
expenses, professional association
membership or dues, educational
assistance programs, health and life
insurance, stock options or 401K plans.
Though it is highly unlikely that you
will be able to negotiate successfully
on all of these items, the extent to
which you can is generally determined
by the nature and level of the job and
by the hiring policies of the company.
As you may know, it's a great time to
change jobs - maybe too great. Talented
people are in such demand that
companies treat them like stars - and
promise them the moon. Big signing
bonuss..And that's just for starters.
Believe it. Not so long ago, the
toughest part of job hunting was
getting a decent offer. Today people
with talent get a flood of offers. The
new challenge is to sort through all of
the choices and find the one that's best
for you. Call it "job-offer overload."
It's a nice problem to have, but it is a
problem. There are so many questions
to ask when considering which offer
to accept. What are each company's
prospects in the marketplace? What are
my prospects for growth?
How much power will I have? How
much support will I get? These are
questions that, unlike surface issues
such as salary and stock options, don't
lend themselves to answers that are
easy to quantify and compare. Which is
why so many people choose - wrongly
- not to ask the questions in the first
place. There's a big difference between
choosing the best job and selling
yourself to the highest bidder. Try the
following tactics to help finalized your
You can't take literally what recruiters
say. They're competing for talent. They
know the buzzwords that people want
to hear.
Interview the Company
The job selection process is not as easy
as it use to be. Generally, a candidate
would assess companies based on how
much they paid and whether they were
nice places to work. Today people want
to associate with great companies and
have great assignments. Don't ask,
which company would I like to work
for? Ask, which company would I
like to buy? Is this company going to
grow? Is the budget in my area going
to expand? Where will I be closest to
the center of decision making? Great
questions. Finding answers takes clear
thinking, hard work, and lots of time.
After all, most companies aren't out to
educate you about what life inside their
walls is really like. They're out to sell
you on why you should turn your life
over to them. If you want to get to the
truth, you have to dig for it yourself.
Companies that are serious about
assessing talent devise creative
and rigorous ways to interview job
candidates and check their references.
Likewise, people who are serious

Properly evaluating a job offer

about evaluating job offers should
design their own techniques for
interviewing companies and checking
their references. If you want your job
choice to turn out right, you have to
turn the tables.
Evaluate from the Inside
Most people exploring a job with
a company make a visit, if only to
conduct a round of interviews and meet
some of the people they'll be working
with. That's fine, as far as it goes. But
it doesn't go nearly far enough. You
should treat visits to a company the
way detectives treat a crime scene - as
a rich source of clues, both obvious and
Companies design their headquarters
to convey an image to the world. The
moment you enter a building, you begin
to learn how the company conceives of
itself. Is the space open? Who gets the
private offices? Try to catch companies
with their guard down. You want to see
what it looks like on Monday morning,
not just Saturday night.
Finalizing your Decision
Now that you are closed to having
made your job campaign successful,
you must not do anything that might
compromise your offer. Here are some
final tips to help you seal the deal.
Confirming a date. Agree on a decision
date and be sure to give your answer
by that date.

Ask for a contract agreement.
If possible, try to get the employer to
"put it in writing."

"contingencies" remain unresolved.

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For example, have all reference and

security checks been made. Have you
passed the medical examination and/or
drug test?

Do not sound your trumpet
about your new employment until you
are truly "on board."

Follow up with your network.
Thank the many people who helped you
during your job search. You can never
tell when you might need them again.
If you cannot agree with the terms
or accept the job after extensive
negotiations, be sure to sign off
pleasantly. If the lack of agreement was
over some condition of employment,
like salary, the company is likely to
keep your resume for review later or
possible referrals within the industry.
Ultimately, the challenge of choosing
the right job is a lot like any other
business challenge - the harder you
work at it, the better the results. An
added benefit of educating yourself
about companies you might join is that
you learn a lot about yourself in the
process. All the information you gather
doesn't mean a thing until you filter it
through the lens of your values. You
first have to know what's important
to you, and then map your personal
priorities onto the data you gather.
Indeed, the real goal is to find a job that
doesn't feel like a job. Ask yourself is
this a job that you enjoy doing so much
that you would continue to do it even
if you were filthy rich? The secret is to
find your passion - and then to find a
company that's willing to pay you to
pursue it.

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Friday Sept. 5, 2014


Just Who Are These NHL Expansion Hopefuls?

Breaking Down The So-Called Contenders

Two senior NHL executives have

dismissed reports suggesting the
league is on the verge of expanding
into Las Vegas, among other markets
in the United States and Canada. Tim
Leiweke, the chief executive of Maple
Leaf Sports and Entertainment, said
the expansion claims were just not
true, and Bill Daly, the NHLs deputy
commissioner, said that no decisions
have been made about how or when
new teams might be added.
A pair of reports fuelled the speculation
and discussion on Wednesday, after
The Province published a report
claiming the placement of an expansion
franchise in Las Vegas was a done
deal, while relaying the only thing to
be determined was who would own it.
Howard Bloom, the publisher of Sports
Business News, went a step further,
suggesting four new teams would be
added by 2017. On the social media
website Twitter, Bloom claimed Las
Vegas, Seattle, Quebec City and a
second Toronto team were on the way.
During an appearance on Toronto radio
station Sportsnet 590 on Wednesday,
Leiweke said he had raised the issue
with commissioner Gary Bettman after
hearing the reports: What I can tell
you, 100% as of this morning, for sure?
This isnt on the agenda right now.
Speculation over expansion into those
four markets is not new, Daly wrote
in an email to the National Post on
Wednesday. Several cities notably
Hamilton, Ont. have been part of
expansion hope and rumours for years.
We are in no different position today
with respect to expansion than we
were the last time we answered the
same questions, Daly wrote. There
has been interest expressed, we have
and will listen to the interest, but we
havent defined a process and certainly
no decisions have been made.
Amid all speculation, here is a little of
what is known about the four markets
mentioned this week:
Quebec City
Construction is well underway on a
$400-million arena with 18,000 seats
in Quebec, with the aim of being fully
operational within a year. The city
lost the Nordiques in 1995 they
became the Colorado Avalanche
and hopes to repatriate a team. There
is reason for optimism: The Canadian
dollar is higher now than it was then,
and Canada has become a financial
powerhouse for the league. Part of
that is the $5.2-billion deal Rogers
Communications reached for 12
years of exclusive national broadcast
rights. During his keynote address to

The Empire Club of Canada last fall,

Leiweke suggested Quebec was at the
front of the line. Theyre way ahead
of anyone else as to considerations,
because we took a team from Quebec,
he told the crowd. And like we did in
Winnipeg, where we felt an obligation
to return the team to Winnipeg and
theyre doing an unbelievable job of
supporting it do we not, as a league,
also owe Quebec another start?
Las Vegas
Ground has been broken on a US$375million, 20,000-seat arena off the Las
Vegas strip, the result of a partnership
between two massive entertainment
companies. MGM Resorts and
Anschutz Entertainment Group the
latter owns the Los Angeles Kings
hosted a groundbreaking ceremony
earlier this year. According to the Las
Vegas Review-Journal, it is expected
to be operational by 2016. Las Vegas
is a great market and we think it can
support an anchor tenant, AEG chief
executive Dan Beckerman told the
Review-Journal earlier this year. If the
[NBA or the NHL] approve a team for
Las Vegas, we would be open to that.
Bettman and Daly visited Seattle
earlier this year. Based on the level
of interest were getting from lots of
people in Seattle and a fair amount of
uncertainty and confusion about the
building, we decided Lets go find out
for ourselves what the story is with the
building, Bettman told TSN. And
theres no prospect of a building right
now. Investor Chris Hansen has plans
to build an arena, but is focused more on
acquiring an NBA team. An NHL team
would be a second tenant. His group
lost some deep pockets when Steve
Ballmer moved on and purchased the
Los Angeles Clippers for US$2-billion
earlier this month.


Las Vegas


An uprising of concerned citizens

helped quash plans to build an NHLready arena in the Toronto suburb of
Markham late last year. That project
a new $325-million arena with
20,000 seats would have left the
city responsible for $162.5-million.
Voters rose up to remove it from the
agenda. The lure of a second franchise
in Toronto is strong, but would also
face a number of hurdles, not the
least of which being any territorial
claims advanced by the Toronto Maple
Leafs. It has been suggested a second
team could actually play out of the
Air Canada Centre, but that is only
speculation; like all the rest of it, for

Read the Fiji Times Canada online




Friday Sept. 5, 2014


Francesco Aquilini Sets The Bar

Low For Vancouver Canucks
Vancouver Canucks owner Francesco hot and make a difference. You just

Fiji FA Hopes To Record Profit

After BOG

NHL Expansion Teams

Will Cost A Lot More Than
$350-Million Each, Gary

Bobit Kumar
Fiji Football Association hopes
the revenue that we get from such
bagged a small profit from the BOG, tournaments so we should make out
which finished in Suva.
some reasonable profits as income but
Poor turn-out was recorded in the five not as much as we expected.
day tournament in Ba and Suva.
This has raised a few concerns at
The second major football tournament Football Headquarters.
turned out to be a success for the Fiji Kumar says theres always room for
Football Association.
improvements which they are hoping
After two weeks of highs and lows, the to implement in the next tournament.
Inkk Mobile Battle of the Giants came The calendar is set up and its the
to an end in Suva.
district performances. If the teams
We started on a slow note in Ba perform and the followers sort of keep
but the climax was quite good with supporting their players than it will
the semifinals and finals played in improve. We will have to see how
Suva were quite good and were well best we induce more people and more
patronized by the supporters in the supporters in the tournament.
south. Naturally it was the climax Fiji FAs focus now turns to the final
of the tournament and were quite major tournament the Inter District
satisfied with the turn-out and the Championship which will be held in
Suva next month.
Fiji FA CEO, Bob Kumar says they We will be meeting the sponsors
arent expecting to rake in a huge profit. shortly, we will be meeting our sponsors
There was a poor turn-out with less Courts and arranging a meeting so that
than 10,000 fans crossing the gates in we keep the ball rolling from now
Ba and Suva.
onwards, it is not far off, we will have
Our Fiji FA operation depends on to do that as soon as possible.

Aquilini has seen perhaps the biggest

makeover in the history of the franchise
since they went from blue and green to
the Flying V.
Its a somewhat confusing time for
him, seeing as how Vancouver missed
the playoffs for the first time in five
seasons and for only the third time
since 2000. Trevor Linden is running
the show, Jim Benning is his GM and
Willie Desjardins is his coach. The
Sedins are still thriving, the supporting
cast is getting younger and faster and
Ryan Miller is between the pipes.
Is this still a Stanley Cup contender?
Francesco Aquilini, earlier this
Winning a Stanley Cup is everything.
If you dont want to win the Stanley
Cup, you shouldnt own a team.
Francesco Aquilini, on Team 1040 on
"I expect this team will be competitive.
I think itll push for a playoff spot, and
it's going to be exciting to watch. Once
you're in the playoffs, anything can
happen. Certain players can get really

Gary Bettman has vehemently denied

the NHL is considering expansion.
But the commissioner said if it ever
does, prospective owners may have to
pay up big time.
Sports Business News reported via
Twitter last week the NHL will expand
into Las Vegas, Seattle, and Quebec
City while adding a second franchise
in Toronto by 2017.
On Wednesday, Bettman called the
report a complete fabrication, and
took issue with the franchise fees
cited in the story US$1.4-billion, or
$350-million per team.
The part of the story that I found
particularly difficult is: suggesting
that we would sell four franchises for
$1.4-billion is way too low, Bettman
said. It undervalues our franchises.
The last two expansion teams, the
Minnesota Wild and the Columbus
Blue Jackets, paid $80-million each
in expansion fees in 2000, but league
revenues have soared since then.
Bettman said the league is not looking
to expand or relocate any franchises.
He added that no teams were looking
to move, including the struggling
Florida Panthers even if their new
owner has concerns about the clubs
arena lease.
Nobodys moving, said Bettman.

never know. Especially being in a salary

cap world, everything is so even, just
getting into the playoffs is a big deal."
Granted, get to the playoffs and
anything can happen is still very
much within the Stanley Cup is the
goal range, but lets be real: An NHL
owner whose team was a Stanley Cup
contender all of, what, a year ago,
basically set the bar at getting into the
playoffs is a big deal.
While we imagine Aquilini will take
grief for this, give the guy some credit:
Hes not overstating the depth of the
teams configuration, nor the time it
could take for the Canucks to become
serious Cup contenders again. Its a
team that will have to scratch and claw
for the playoffs, and one that will need a
heap of hot players and good fortune to
better foes like the Kings, Blackhawks,
Blues and Keslers, er, Ducks.
It's kind of refreshing, even if it's not
going to sell tickets. But hey, that's
why they're bringing in millions of
dollars of gourmet food and high-end
booze, right?

And speculation to the contrary not

only is wrong, its unfair to the team
and their fans who are being speculated
Our franchises have never been
healthier. Our league, in terms of its
economic footing, has never been
He made the remarks at an event put
on by a media company, Quebecor,
that hopes to bring NHL hockey back
to Quebec City.
NHL coffers were fattened by a 12year deal worth $5.2-billion with
Rogers, which will begin broadcasting
games this season on Sportsnet.
Quebecor reportedly will pay Rogers
a total of $1.5-billion over 12 years
for the French-language portion of
the broadcast rights, with games aired
mainly on TVA Sports.
Quebecor bought naming rights on a
$400-million arena due to be completed
by fall 2015 in Quebec City, which
hopes to land an NHL club.
Bettman attended TVA Sports hockey
launch at a suburban restaurant along
with former prime minister Brian
Mulroney, who is chairman of Quebecor,
Montreal Canadiens owner Geoff
Molson, Quebec Major Junior Hockey
League president Gilles Courteau and
other league and company officials.

Friday Sept. 5, 2014

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