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The organization of a science fair should be a teacher pupil activity

and everything should be though of well in advance .The following factors
are to be considered while organizing the science fair
1. planning
it is essential that planning is thoroughly done during planning the
following aspects should be considered .
1) Objectives of the fair
2) Scope of the fair who could participate in the fair?partcipation to be
liited to the school or !ept open to others schools "what types of
progras "are to be included etc.
#) procedure
$) financing
%) &ocation" tie and duration
') other factors and facilities( necessary arrangeents control etc.
2. Distribution of wor
duties should be arraigned to individuals and groups. various
coittees are to be constituted which are responsible for different
progras there ay be an advisory coittee" a reception coittee a
publicity coittee and various sub(coittees .while distributing the wor!
talents and interots should be ta!en into consideration
the nubers of coittee governed by the needs of the particular
plan for the fair will include the following.
1. )dvisory coittee * any public spiriled leaders will render
encourageent and serve as an advisory capacity.
2. +,ecutive coittee* This sall group" coposed of ebers fro
each sponsoring body" approve plans" applications developed by the
central coittee.
#. judging coittee* they secure the judges" assigns judges to the
proper areas" see that all e,bihits are judged before being disissed
and prepare and present the awards and prizes.
$. )wards -oittee* This group secure any prizes certificate or other
awards desired by the centre coittee.
!." E#$%ution&
.rograes decided upon while planning are now to be organized
systeatically and put to action .volunteers should be arranged for
e,plaining the e,bibits to the visitors.
'. (u)ging
the fair should be judged by an e,pert tear .seperate criteris are to
be developed for
judging each ite say. still odel" wor!ing odel" project etc.
the /-+0T has listed the following criteria for judging a fair
Scientific approach" originality" technical S!ill and wor!anship "
thoroughness" draatical value and person al interview .
1) +valuation * when the fair is over " leaders and students should
evaluate it and find out whether the objectives of the fair have been
achieved or not
1" Ar$a * the territory fro which the enters are to be accepted ust be
2" Dat$ * The best tie of holding a fair in as last in the school year as
!" *ubli%it,& )n annoeceent ust be developed so that students ay
infored as to a!e procedures to be followed. ) centered agency for
publicity in newspapers" radio. T.1 and other ass edia.
'" T-$ fi$l)s of $ntr,* The division for entries on lower priary" upper
priary" high school" higher secondary" and vocational school levels
be deterined
." *rint$) /at$rial& 2rochures" poster" entry blan!s registration cards"
-ard" badges of students" various coittees" teachers" and
certificate are
0" E#li-it space* the lay out the space allotents in the classroo is
very iportant.
1" 2u)ging& The fair is judged by an e,pert terns and separate criteria is
used still odel" wor!ing odel and project.
Science fairs ay prove a good platfor foru and eans for the
display of all the activities whether foral or infored in nature
undergoing in the field of science education in different schools. these
also provide healthy coptetion aong the students of different schools.
science fairs allow students in grade schools and high schools to tepete
in science and others technology activities.
1. www.4oogle serch
2. 5r. T.!.6athew" 5r T.6.olly!utty" science education.

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