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Selenium Overview
Installing java
Installing Eclipse
Feature of java
Why java for Selenium
First Eclipse Project
Concept of Class
Data type
String Class
Simple if
Concatenation and operators
Loops, Arrays
What are the functions?
Function input parameters
Function Return types
Local, Global Variables
Static and Non Static Variable
Static and Non Static functions
Creating Objects in java
Meaning of Static
Why is Main method in static
Object and Object Reference
Call by value and Call by reference
Constructors in java
Overloading and Overriding functions
Relevance of Packages
Creating Packages
Accessing class across Packages
Accessing Modifiers
Exception handling
Exception and Error
Throwable class
Final and Finally
Throws and Throw
Different type of Exception
Java Utilities
String Class and Function
Reading and Writing Text Files
Reading properties files in java
Concept of jar file
POI API in java
Reading and writing Microsoft XLS files
What is Collections?
Array List
Hash Map
Hash Table

What is JUINT?
Configuring JUNIT
Running JUNIT
Skipping Tests
Parameterising test
Using Assertions
Batch Running of JUNIT
Download and Configuring ANT
Building .xml Configuration
HTML Report Generation using JUNIT

Test NG
What is Test NG
Installing Test NG
Test NG Annotations
Understanding of Usage of annotations
Running Test NG
Batch Running of Test NG
Skipping Tests
Parameterising test

Selenium IDE
Installing Selenium IDE
Recording Script
Installing Fire Bug and Fire Path
Capturing Screen shot from IDE
Why WEB Driver
Downloading Web Driver and Configuring in
Architecture of Selenium Web Driver
Drivers for Fire Fox, Chrome and IE
First Selenium Code
Working with Chrome and IE
Difference between Close and Quit
Importing Web Driver Documentation in Eclipse
Web Driver Desired Capabilities in Class
Proxy Settings with Web Driver/Working with
Proxy Servers
HTML Unit Driver and Desired Capabilities.

Fire Path and Fire Bug Add-inns installation in
Mozilla and Usage
Html Language Tags and Attributes
Various Locator Strategies
Web Driver Interface
Web Element Interface
Identifying Web Elements Using ID, Name, Class
Finding XPath to Identify
Absolute and Complete XPath
Creating Customized XPath with our fire bug
CSS Selectors
Generating Own CSS Selectors
CSS Selectors Vs XPaths
What is Class Attribute?
Handling Dynamic Objects /Ids on the Page
Working with Different Browser Without
changing code

Implicit and Explicit Conditions
Page load Timeout Property
Wed Drive Wait Class
Web Driver Time Out Interface
Expected Condition Interface and Expected
Condition Class
Wait Until Condition
Fluent Wait
Managing Ajax Based Conditions
Windows Handles
Managing Tabbed windows in IE
Managing Popup in IE, Chrome and Firefox
Closing Windows
Default Pop-ups
Testing Http Web Site s Handling (Website in IE ,
Chrome and Mozilla)

Mouse Movement with Selenium Action Class
Clicking and Randomly / Selection Object
Extracting Data from Web Table
Dynamic Web Table Handling
Attaching Files With Selenium / Usage of Auto IT
Changing your face book Profile by Attaching
New Picture
Handling Ajax Suggestions
Handling Frames in Web Pages
Handling Frames inside Frames
Handling Cookies
More Examples on Web Tables
Web Table and CSS Selectors
Building Custom function for CSS selectors
Managing java script Alerts

Simulating front and Back Button Click On
Browser using Selenium
Assign Firefox Profile Parameters
Downloading Files Using Selenium
Selenium java Documents
Listener Using Web Driver Event Listener
Practical Usage of Listener in Selenium
Moving a Mouse on a Object and Right click on IT
Finding Co-ordinates of Web Object
Action class in Web Driver
JavaScript Executor Example
Drag and Drop and Native Events

What is a Framework?
Types of Frameworks
Modular framework
Data Driven framework
Hybrid framework
Use of Framework
How develop the framework
Integration of the framework
How execute the scripts from
Page Object Model Framework
Grid and Hub Concepts

Page Object Model Framework
Grid and Hub Concepts

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