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TRISULA CBM ENERGI HSE Journey Management Plan


Mobl!aton o" Rg to ME#
Nana Mulyana
Trisula plans to mobilise a rig to well site ME-CBM-02 from its current position in Prabumuli!
Te mobilisation of te full rig "t out inclu#es appro$imatel% 2& truc's eac loa#e# wit
ea(% e)uipment! Te truc's must pass troug built up townsip* plantation an# small
(illage areas before reacing te #estination! Consi#eration an# planning is necessar% for
eac section of te +ourne%!
Te tra,c management plan for te mobilisation of te rig must consi#er communit% areas
an# roa# con#itions in or#er to ensure safe passage!
-nitiall% te route passes troug te bus% commercial an# resi#ential townsip of
Prabumuli! -nerent wit tese areas are congeste# roa#s an# pe#estrian tra,c! .fter
lea(ing te imme#iate Prabumuli area te communit% areas an# tra,c becomes more
#isperse#! /ater te roa#wa% mo(es to plantation areas an# passes troug smaller (illage
areas! Tese areas can be )uite sensiti(e wit (illagers potentiall% causing issues for
companies re)uiring passage of ea(% (eicles mo(ing troug teir communit%!
Te roa# con#itions in te townsip areas are commonl% congeste# wit tra,c an#
pe#estrians! 0n lea(ing Prabumuli te roa#wa%s become less congeste#* but e(en toug
still seale# teir con#ition can be poor in some places! .long te route tere are numerous
rail crossings troug wic to na(igate! /ater te route canges to unseale# roa#wa%! Tis
roa# passes troug rubber an# palm plantations an# past small (illages! Te roa# can be
soft in some areas* particularl% te e#ges!
Ste Tra+c Plan
Te Journe% Tra,c Map is attace# as appen#i$ 1* te /a%out Plan sows te Pro+ect roa#
s%stem inclu#ing1
2ecommen#e# safe route to access te pro+ect an# alternati(e routes were
Tra,c 4ow #irection3
5pee# limits3
6a7ar#ous areas3
Par'ing areas3
8o go areas suc as sensiti(e communit%* en(ironmental or eritage areas3
5peci"c instruction areas
Ha,ar&ou! Area! an& S'ec-c Control!
Ha,ar&ou! Area!.
Communit% 2elate#1
1! Pe#estrian an# ligt (eicle tra,c in
Prabumuli an# oter resi#ential
2! Communit% resistance an# bloc'ages
of roa#
9! .nimals crossing te roa#wa%s
S'ec-c Control!.
Communit% 2elate#1
1! 2oute plan to a(oi# ma+or congeste#
areas were possible! :ere not
possible* #ri(ers to use pre(entati(e
#ri(ing tecni)ues an# outsi#e busiest
2! ;eicles to be mo(e# troug areas of
concern in con(o% formation being
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TRISULA CBM ENERGI HSE Journey Management Plan
2oa# 2elate#1
1! Congeste# areas in Prabumuli #ue to
(eicle an# pe#estrian tra,c!
2! 2oa# con#ition in areas surroun#ing
Prabumuli seale# but in places in
poor con#ition
9! <nseale# roa# con#itions wit soft
4! 5ome sections of access roa# were
erosion is e(i#ent #ue to rain an#
tra,c con#itions
=! 2ail crossings
supporte# b% a securit% escort (eicle!
>ri(ers to secure (eicles if stoppe#
an# allow securit% escort personnel to
negotiate continue# passage
9! >ri(ers briefe# on areas wit potential
for animal interaction an#
pre(entati(e #ri(ing tecni)ues!
2oa# 2elate#1
4! 2oute plan to a(oi# ma+or congeste#
areas were possible! :ere not
possible* #ri(ers to use pre(entati(e
#ri(ing tecni)ues an# outsi#e busiest
=! .reas were poor con#itions i#enti"e#
along te route an# #ri(ers to use
a##itional pre(entati(e tecni)ues
wen passing!
?! >ri(ers briefe# on unseale# sections
an# pre(entati(e #ri(ing tecni)ues! -f
rain is e(i#ent ten mo(ement ma%
be postpone# b% transport
@! >ri(ers briefe# on areas wit poor
roa# con#itions an# pre(entati(e
#ri(ing tecni)ues
A! >ri(ers briefe# on rail crossing areas
an# pro(i#e# proce#ures on safe
passage1 5top prior to te crossing
an# onl% pass after loo'e# bot wa%s
for oncoming train an# note# as clear!
/e0cle Securty Re1urement!
:en a (eicle is left unatten#e#1
Te engine must be switce# oB3
Te (eicle must be left in "rst or re(erse gear Cautomatic par'D3
Te par' bra'e must be full% applie#3
-f on a slope te weels must be coc'e# an# turne# so tat te (eicle will roll into
te 'erb or emban'ment*
;eicle must be loc'e# to ensure securit%
-f approacing a communit% issue1
Te #ri(er must not e$it te (eicle
Te #oors must be loc'e# an# win#ows seale#
.llow te securit% escort #eal wit te situation
2atgue Management
>ri(ers will be )uestione# on teir recent sleep an# wor' patterns to ensure tat te% are
a#e)uatel% reste# to be permitte# to complete te wor' +ourne%!
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TRISULA CBM ENERGI HSE Journey Management Plan
Journey Management
.ll Journe%s1
:it a e$pecte# #uration of two ours or more3
Tat an% part ta'es place between sunset an# sunrise3 an#/or
6as increase# securit% or safet% ris'
:ill be co(ere# b% a Journe% Management Plan appro(e# b% te Pro+ect /ea#!
Roa& 3e!gn an& Mantenance
Te roa# con#itions in te Prabumuli area are soun# wit seale# roa#s! Tere are some
minor areas were some oles are foun# on te roa# or te roa# as a small step between
two sections! Te roa# is mostl% wi#e enoug for all forms of tra,c! Tere is a lot of local
tra,c tat use te roa# witin te townsip area!
Te route follows a b%pass roa# so to a(oi# te ea(il% congeste# areas of te inner
0n lea(ing te townsip of Prabumuli te roa# con#ition is mostl% goo# wit onl% small
sections of #isrepair! -n tese sections oles a(e begun to be create# from te tra,c use!
0n entering te Pagar >alam area* te roa# becomes unseale# for te remaining =2'm of
te +ourne%! 6ere te soul#er of te roa# is a#e)uate but soft in most places! Tere are not
stopping areas oB te roa#!
Te roa# passes troug an area of in#ustr%* Talisman wic as also increase# resi#ential
#ensit%! 6ere* wen #r%* roa# #ust is e(i#ent!
Tere are some sections wit sarp an# narrow corners! .lso wen anoter (eicle is
passing te roa# is becomes constricte#! Care must be ta'en to re#uce spee# an#
ac'nowle#ge te oncoming #ri(er wile passing!
2oa# signs are not alwa%s present nor up#ate# an# ence close obser(ation of roa# laws is
important as is pre(entati(e #ri(ing tecni)ues!
.ll sections of roa# are sare# between ea(% an# ligt (eicles as well as motorbi'es an#
Roa& Con&ton Re'ort! an& Mantenance
2oa# reports will be pro(i#e# at #ail% toolbo$ meeting b% an% person using te roa#s! -f
necessar% roa# maintenance ma% be con#ucte# to maintain roa#s in a safe con#ition!
:ere maintenance is not able to be performe# in a timel% manner ten oter controls will
be implemente# inclu#ing3
2egulating access3
<tilising alternate routes3
2egulating tra,c/spee#3
Closing sections of roa#s an# using signage!
3r)er Co&e o" Con&uct
. >ri(er co#e of con#uct as been #e(elope# for te Pro+ect an# pro(i#e# as .ppen#i$ 2!
Te co#e of con#uct is inclu#e# in te site speci"c in#uction for all personnel!
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TRISULA CBM ENERGI HSE Journey Management Plan
Montorng 3r)er Be0a)our
-n or#er to eBecti(el% monitor #ri(er bea(iour1
Te report can be submitte# to te Transport Coor#inator b% an% person at all times3
>ri(er bea(iour will be monitore# (ia onsite inspections b% te Transport
Area Manager A''ro)al
I a''ro)e t0e u!e o" t0! Tra+c management Plan "or t0e 'ero& "rom 45
July to
Augu!t 4$78
8ame1 Matt Joll% >ate 2?
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TRISULA CBM ENERGI HSE Journey Management Plan
TRISULA CBM ENERGI HSE Journey Management Plan

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TRISULA CBM ENERGI HSE Journey Management Plan
TRISULA CBM ENERGI HSE Journey Management Plan

Complete te pre-start (eicle cec's prior to +ourne%3
Feep %our (eicle in a clean an# ti#% state at all times3
Cec' communications an# obtain te latest securit% brie"ng before %ou #epart on a
Ensure tere are no loose items in te cab3
.lwa%s wear %ou seat belt an# ensure all passengers wear teir seat belt3
:en re(ersing alwa%s cec' area bein# is clear3
>o not #ri(e wen %ou are tire#* fatigue# or feeling unwell3
<se of illegal an# non prescripti(e #rugs is strictl% proibite#3
>o not #ri(e un#er te in4uence of alcool3
>o not #ri(e if %ou are ta'ing me#ication tat ma% cause #rowsiness3
Plan %our +ourne% an# ta'e regular brea's wen on long +ourne%s* no more tan two
ours #ri(ing before ta'ing a brea'3
.lwa%s #ri(e #efensi(el%3
>ri(e (er% slowl% troug local (illages an# be aware of small cil#ren an# li(estoc'3
8o o(erta'ing on crests of ills or blin# corners Cben#s in roa#sD or o(er #ouble lines3
.lwa%s #ri(e at spee#s suitable to te roa# an# weater con#itions3
>o not e$cee# te spee# limit3
5can te roa# aea# an# be alert to oter tra,c* pe#estrians an# li(estoc'3
:en #ri(ing on #irt roa#s slow #own3
>o not use mobile telepones wile %ou are #ri(ing* pull o(er an# stop to ma'e or recei(e
telepone calls3 an#
-f %ou are feeling tire# pull oB te roa# an# ta'e a rest an# refres %ourself!

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