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Appendix 5 to the Proof of Evidence

Eric Paalman
Engineering Project Design
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SP Power Systems Ltd 2005 Part 2 Standards - Generic Document.doc
SP Power Systems Ltd
SP Power Systems Ltd - Part 2 - Standards

INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 6
System Voltages ................................................................................................................................. 8
System Voltages ................................................................................................................................. 8
System Frequency .............................................................................................................................. 9
Short Circuit and Continuous Current Magnitudes ............................................................................. 9
Maximum Fault Current Infeed And X/R Ratio Values ..................................................................... 10
PRIMARY CIRCUIT CAPACITANCE CURRENTS ............................................................................. 11
Transformer Magnetising Inrush Currents ........................................................................................ 11
Maximum Oscillatory Currents .......................................................................................................... 12
Earthing Of System Neutral .............................................................................................................. 12
Waveform Quality ............................................................................................................................. 12
Substation Electrical Clearances ...................................................................................................... 13
Substation Safety Clearances .......................................................................................................... 13
Clearances To Roadways ................................................................................................................. 13
Maximum Equipment Heights In Substations ................................................................................... 14
1 SUBSTATIONS ............................................................................................................................ 15
1.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................... 15
1.2 References........................................................................................................................... 15
1.3 General Substation Requirements ...................................................................................... 17
2 MAIN PLANT ............................................................................................................................... 21
2.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................... 21
2.2 References........................................................................................................................... 21
2.3 Switchgear Rated at 145kV, 300kV and 420KV .................................................................. 24
2.4 33kV Shunt Reactor Circuit Breakers .................................................................................. 26
2.5 36kV Rated Switchgear ....................................................................................................... 26
2.6 25kV AC Single phase switchgear and ancillary equipment ............................................... 26
2.7 12kV Rated Switchgear ....................................................................................................... 26
3 TRANSFORMERS AND REACTORS ......................................................................................... 27
3.1 General ................................................................................................................................ 27
3.2 Double-Wound and Auto Transformers ............................................................................... 29
3.3 Earthing / Auxiliary Transformers ........................................................................................ 40
4 OVERHEAD LINES...................................................................................................................... 44
4.1 sPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS ............................................................................... 44
4.2 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................ 46
4.3 CONDUCTORS ................................................................................................................... 49
4.4 VIBRATION DAMPERS ....................................................................................................... 55
4.5 JOINTS AND CLAMPS ........................................................................................................ 55
4.6 BI-METAL CONNECTORS .................................................................................................. 58
4.7 SPACERS FOR BUNDLE CONDUCTORS ........................................................................ 58
4.8 INSULATORS AND FITTINGS ............................................................................................ 59
4.9 STEEL TOWERS ................................................................................................................. 61
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4.10 FOUNDATIONS ................................................................................................................... 65
4.11 CODE OF BEHAVIOUR ...................................................................................................... 70
4.12 SPECIMEN FORMS ............................................................................................................ 73
4.13 WIRING CHECKING RECORDS ........................................................................................ 74
4.14 TOWER FOUNDATION CHECKING RECORD .................................................................. 76
4.15 TOWER ERECTION / CHECKING RECORDS ................................................................... 78
5 TRANSMISSION CABLES .......................................................................................................... 80
5.1 References........................................................................................................................... 80
5.2 CABLE SYSTEM ................................................................................................................. 83
5.3 Conductor Thrust ................................................................................................................. 84
5.4 Fluid Filled Cable System .................................................................................................... 84
5.5 POLYMERIC CABLE SYSTEM ........................................................................................... 85
5.6 RAILWAY REGULATIONS .................................................................................................. 85
5.7 SERVING OF NOTICES ...................................................................................................... 85
5.9 UNDERGROUND OPTICAL FIBRE CABLES ..................................................................... 86
6 PROTECTION .............................................................................................................................. 88
6.1 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 88
6.2 GENERAL REQUIreMENTS ............................................................................................... 89
6.3 PROTECTION FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................... 92
6.4 REMOTE INDICATION AND ALARM FACILITIES ............................................................. 97
6.5 OPERATOR INTERFACES ................................................................................................. 97
6.6 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................ 99
6.7 EQUIPMENT LIFE AND LIFETIME SUPPORT .................................................................. 99
6.8 TYPE ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................................ 100
7 CONTROL .................................................................................................................................. 101
7.1 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................. 101
7.2 GENERAL .......................................................................................................................... 101
7.3 Substation Control & Information Systems ........................................................................ 101
7.4 Controls, Indication and Alarm Facilities ........................................................................... 101
7.5 Standby Control Boards ..................................................................................................... 104
7.6 Telemetering ...................................................................................................................... 104
7.7 Sychronising and Voltage Selection .................................................................................. 104
7.8 Automatic Voltage Control ................................................................................................. 104
8 TELECOMMUNICATIONS ........................................................................................................ 105
9 METERING AND INSTRUMENTATION .................................................................................... 106
9.1 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................. 106
9.2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................ 106
9.3 Substation Clock ................................................................................................................ 106
9.4 Electrical Measurement Transducers ................................................................................ 106
10 CIVIL & BUILDING .................................................................................................................... 107
10.1 Civil Design Standards ...................................................................................................... 107
10.2 Design Methodology .......................................................................................................... 108
10.3 Civil Design Calculations, Details and Drawings ............................................................... 108
10.4 Site Studies ........................................................................................................................ 109
10.5 Materials and Workmanship .............................................................................................. 109
10.6 Setting Out ......................................................................................................................... 110
10.7 Services ............................................................................................................................. 110
10.8 Method Statements and Risk Assessments ...................................................................... 111
10.9 Site Clearance and Excavation.......................................................................................... 111
10.10 Earthworks and Platform Construction .......................................................................... 112
10.11 Substation Roads .......................................................................................................... 113
10.12 Height Gauges and Bollards ......................................................................................... 113
10.13 Disposal of Water .......................................................................................................... 114
10.14 New Palisade Security Fencing..................................................................................... 114
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10.15 Concrete Works ............................................................................................................. 114
10.16 Transformer/Reactor Foundation Complex ................................................................... 115
10.17 Cable Trenches ............................................................................................................. 115
10.18 Aluminium and Steel Support Structures ...................................................................... 116
10.19 Cable Route Excavations .............................................................................................. 117
10.20 DRAINAGE .................................................................................................................... 117
10.21 External Perimeter Footpath ......................................................................................... 118
10.22 Site Reinstatement ........................................................................................................ 118
10.23 Building Work ................................................................................................................ 119
10.24 Site Reinstatement ........................................................................................................ 126
10.25 Pre-cast Concrete Repairs ............................................................................................ 126
10.26 Demolition/Dismantling of Concrete Structures and Buildings. ..................................... 126
10.27 Cables Outwith Trenches .............................................................................................. 126
10.28 Miscellaneous Works .................................................................................................... 127
11 NOT USED ................................................................................................................................. 127
12 SUBSTATION AUXILIARY SUPPLIES ..................................................................................... 128
12.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................. 128
12.2 References......................................................................................................................... 128
12.3 LVAC Equipment ............................................................................................................... 130
13 AUTOMATIC SWITCHING ........................................................................................................ 133
13.1 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................. 133
13.2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................ 133
13.3 Delayed Automatic Reclosure and Plant Isolation............................................................. 133
13.4 Ferroresonance Switching ................................................................................................. 133
14 LANDSCAPING AND PLANTING ............................................................................................. 134
14.1 Personal Protective Equipment ......................................................................................... 134
14.2 Herbicides & Pesticides ..................................................................................................... 134
14.3 Herbicide Type ................................................................................................................... 134
14.4 Adjuvant (Wetting Agent) ................................................................................................... 135
14.5 Herbicide Log Book ........................................................................................................... 135
14.6 Notice to Public .................................................................................................................. 135
14.7 Herbicide Equipment ......................................................................................................... 135
14.8 Health and Safety Information ........................................................................................... 135
14.9 Stripping of Topsoil and Subsoil ........................................................................................ 136
14.10 Storage of Topsoil and Subsoil ..................................................................................... 136
14.11 Handling of Topsoil and Subsoil .................................................................................... 136
14.12 Topsoil Application ........................................................................................................ 137
14.13 Topsoil Depths............................................................................................................... 137
14.14 Slopes ............................................................................................................................ 137
14.15 Maintenance of Soiled Areas until Planting ................................................................... 137
14.16 Approvals ....................................................................................................................... 137
14.17 Work by Machine or Hand ............................................................................................. 138
14.18 Application of Herbicide ................................................................................................. 138
14.19 Cultivation of Planted Areas Including Hedgerows ....................................................... 138
14.20 Cultivation of Grassed Areas ......................................................................................... 139
14.21 Grass Areas ................................................................................................................... 139
14.22 Existing Burn & Ditches ................................................................................................. 139
14.23 Treatment Of Dead, Dying & Damaged Vegetation ...................................................... 139
14.24 Safety Clearance Corridors ........................................................................................... 139
14.25 Existing Woodland Areas .............................................................................................. 140
14.26 Installation of fencing ..................................................................................................... 140
14.27 Timber ........................................................................................................................... 140
14.28 Fittings ........................................................................................................................... 140
14.29 Site Cutting Of Timber ................................................................................................... 141
14.30 Damage To Galvanised Surfaces ................................................................................. 141
14.31 Removal of Existing Fencing ......................................................................................... 141
14.32 Soft Landscaping Generally .......................................................................................... 141
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14.33 Substitution .................................................................................................................... 142
14.34 Trees and Hedgerows Generally................................................................................... 142
14.35 Bare Rooted Plants ....................................................................................................... 143
14.36 Container Grown / Root-balled Plants ........................................................................... 143
14.37 Tree Tubes and Stakes ................................................................................................. 143
14.38 Fertiliser ......................................................................................................................... 144
14.39 Root Dip ......................................................................................................................... 144
14.40 Inorganic Fertiliser ......................................................................................................... 144
14.41 Hedgerow Mulch............................................................................................................ 144
14.42 Transport and Handling ................................................................................................. 144
14.43 Storage .......................................................................................................................... 145
14.44 Planting [Season] .......................................................................................................... 145
14.45 Planting Conditions ....................................................................................................... 145
14.46 Planting Generally ......................................................................................................... 146
14.47 Planting Pits ................................................................................................................... 146
14.48 Transplants and Shrubs ................................................................................................ 147
14.49 Backfill and Fertiliser ..................................................................................................... 147
14.50 Hedgerow Planting ........................................................................................................ 148
14.51 Hedgerow Mulch............................................................................................................ 148
14.52 Pruning .......................................................................................................................... 148
14.53 Tree Stakes ................................................................................................................... 148
14.54 Watering ........................................................................................................................ 148
14.55 Grass Seeding ............................................................................................................... 148
14.56 Grass Seed Mixes: ........................................................................................................ 149
14.57 Water ............................................................................................................................. 149
14.58 Germination ................................................................................................................... 150
14.59 First Cut ......................................................................................................................... 150
14.60 General Maintenance of Planted Areas prior to practical completion .......................... 150
14.61 Defects Liability Period .................................................................................................. 150
14.62 Generally ....................................................................................................................... 151
14.63 Visits .............................................................................................................................. 151
14.64 Operating Conditions ..................................................................................................... 151
14.65 Maintenance .................................................................................................................. 152
14.66 Watering ........................................................................................................................ 152
14.67 Drought Conditions ........................................................................................................ 152
14.68 Removal of Rubbish ...................................................................................................... 153
14.69 Checking of Staking ...................................................................................................... 153
14.70 Pruning .......................................................................................................................... 153
14.71 Weed Control................................................................................................................. 153
14.72 Pest/Disease Control ..................................................................................................... 154
14.73 Refirming Plants ............................................................................................................ 154
14.74 Cutting Meadow Areas .................................................................................................. 154
14.75 Hedgerows .................................................................................................................... 154
14.76 Maintenance of Fences and Stiles ................................................................................ 154

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Amendment Record

Issue Date Summary of Changes/Reason Author(s)
Approved By
(Inc. Job Title)
1 Nov 2009 System Voltages updated to SPTS 1
System frequency updated to SPTS 1
E/F factors updated to SPTS 1
11kV BIL added
Gilbert Mpofu

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This part specifies the Employers technical requirements for plant, equipment,
apparatus and services for use on its transmission and distribution systems at 400
kV, 275 kV, 132 kV and 33 kV, 25kV and 11kV.
Extensive reference is made to National Grid Company plc engineering documents,
especially Technical Specifications (NGTS) and Electricity Association Technical
Specifications (EATS) .
Copies of National Grid Company plc engineering documents may be obtained from:

National Grid Transco plc
NGT House
Warwick Technical Park
Gallows Hill
CV34 6DA
Copies of Electricity Association Technical Specifications may be obtained from:
The Electricity Association
30 Millbank
The Approval status within SP Power Systems of external documents is agreed by
the Employers Technical Documentation Approvals Panel (TDAP).
Employers documents detailing the Approval status are subject to review whenever
a new issue of the subject document is published or, if none, no later than three
years from issue date.
In all NGC engineering documents, for "NGC" read "SP Power Systems Ltd".
Where this part amends a National Grid Company plc engineering document,
references made to that document in other NGC engineering documents shall be
taken to include those amendments.
In the case of the sections covering Protection, Control, Metering and
Instrumentation, and Automatic Switching sections of Part 2, extensive reference is
made to the Employers standards.
References to the Employers standards and documents shall be understood to be
references to the edition applicable 28 days prior to the latest date for submission of
the tender, unless otherwise stated.
Copies of the Employers standards and documents may be obtained from:
Documentation Section
SP Power Systems Ltd
New Alderston House
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Strathclyde Business Park
Dove Wynd
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The SP Power Systems Ltd Transmission and Distribution System operating at a
nominal voltage of 400 kV and below, is defined in terms of conditions and ratings to
which plant and equipment connected to it may be subjected in the following schedules.

All Plant and equipment supplied shall comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act
1974, The Factories Act 1961, The Electricity at Work Regulation 1989 and other
relevant legislation.

Plant and equipment connected to the SP Power Systems Ltd Transmission and
Distribution System must operate satisfactorily and safely under the conditions
specified. The following schedules provide detailed information on:

System Voltages
System Frequency
Short Circuit and Continuous Current Magnitudes
Maximum Fault Current In feed and Circuit X/R Ratios
Primary Circuit Capacitance Currents
Transformer Magnetising Inrush Currents
Maximum Oscillatory Currents
Earthing of System Neutral Points
Waveform Quality
Substation Electrical Clearances
Substation Safety Clearances
Clearance to Roadways
Maximum Equipment heights in Substations

Nominal System Voltage 400 kV 275 kV 132 kV 33 kV 11kV
Maximum System Voltage (i) 420 kV (ii) 303 kV 145 kV 34.98 kV 11.66 kV
Minimum System Voltage (i) 360 kV 247 kV 119 kV 31.02 kV 10.34 kV
Rated Voltage of Primary
Equipment (iii)
420 kV 300 kV 145 kV 36 kV 12 kV

i). These limits may be exceeded in abnormal conditions.
ii). Maximum voltage may be 440 kV for a maximum of 15 minutes.
iii). Except where otherwise specified.

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Plant and Equipment shall satisfy their specified functional and performance
requirements over the range of frequencies given in the table below.

Plant and Equipment shall also operate safely and without any degradation in
performance within the following frequency ranges:
i). 47Hz to 47.5 Hz for at least 20 seconds
ii). 50.5 to 52 Hz continuous

The following table represents the anticipated maximum system conditions.
The short circuit currents listed may be subject to 100% asymmetry.
Short circuit and continuous current magnitudes:
System Voltage
400 kV 275 kV 132 kV 33 kV 11 kV
Maximum 3 phase symmetrical short
circuit current/kA
50 for
1 sec
31.5 for
1 sec
20 for
3 secs
17.5 for
3 secs
13.1 for
3 secs
Maximum single phase short circuit
55 for
1 sec
40 for
1 sec
25 for
3 secs
4.2 for
3 secs
13.1 for
3 secs
Minimum symmetrical short circuit
0.4 0.5 0.5 N/a N/a
Maximum Continuous
Circuit Currents/kA
4.7 2.8 2.5 0.8 0.8
Cable 4.0 2.5 2.5 0.8 0.7
* In the case of 33kV cables connecting the lower voltage side of a power transformer
to the 33kV network, the maximum single phase duration is 8 seconds
Rated Frequency 50 Hz
Maximum continuous frequency
50.5 Hz
Minimum continuous frequency 49.5 Hz
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The data given in this table is derived from system conditions in which a minimum
circuit (overhead line) length of 10 km is assumed.
Where lines of less than 10 km are considered, the contract specifications will identify
the requirement.
It should be noted that the maximum values of I
and X/R do not necessarily occur co-
incidentally with the result that (I
(X/R)) max is not necessarily equal to the product of
) max and (X/R) max.

) max
in kA
Fed Fault
Internal 7.2 88 630
400kV External 6.3 69 370
Fed Fault
Internal 55 31 1200
External 31 28 620
Fed Fault
Internal 10.4 88 910
275kV External 8.0 57 420
Fed Fault
Internal 40 32 800
External 20 50 400
Fed Fault
Internal 5 50 250
132kV External 10 20 200
Fed Fault
Internal 25 20 500
External 15 20 300

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Voltage (kV)
Type of
Range of
Length (km)
Current (A)
Overhead Line 0.8 - 1.0 128 128
Cable 20.0 - 56.0 2.5 140
Composite - 128/2.5 268
Overhead Line 0.5 - 0.7 80 56
Cable 16.0 - 24.0 5.5 132
- 76/0.5 65
Overhead Line 0.22 - 0.32 68 22
Cable 7.0 - 18.6 6.3 113
- 69/1.8 55
This table gives the maximum values of 50 Hz capacitance current for two-ended 400,
275 and 132 kV overhead line, underground cable and composite overhead
line/underground cable circuits under balanced rated voltage conditions. For circuits of
predominantly underground cable construction, reactive compensation plant may be
provided to reduce the capacitance current values given in this table. The amount of
reactive compensation employed in such cases will not normally exceed 60% of the
maximum cable capacitance current, and will normally be connected at one end either
inside the protected zone of the circuit close to the circuit breakers or just outside the
protected zone of the circuit.

HV/LV (kV)
Range of
Peak Inrush
(Energised form
HV Side)
Peak Inrush
form LV
Range of
r X/R
400/275,132 240 - 1000 1.7 - 8.0 pu 2.1 - 8.1 pu 50 - 140
275/132 75 - 240 4.75 - 14.5 pu Not
40 - 100

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Incident Pk-Pk Envelope
Current (A rms)
Repetition Rate
of Oscillatory
Envelope (Hz)
Duration (s)
Power Swing 1,800 0.5 - 1.5 10
Pole-Slip 10,000 0.5 5 10
Steady State System
1,200 0.5 - 1.0 300


Nominal Voltage/kV Max E/F Factor Earthing Type
400 1.4 Multiple Direct
275 1.4 Multiple Direct
132 1.4 Multiple Direct
33 1.9 Multiple Resistance
11 1.6 Multiple Direct


Harmonic Number Harmonic Current
40 A
70 A
25 A
30 A
35 A
10 A
15 A
The harmonic current levels give in the table can occur simultaneously. Other
harmonics may be assumed to be negligible.

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Nominal System
Voltage/kV (rms)
Basic Electrical
Clearance (phase
to earth)/m
Phase to Phase
11 75 0.2 0.25
33 170 0.5** 0.5**
132 650* 1.2 1.4
275 1050/850 2.1 2.4
400 1425/1050 3.0 3.6
* Where the specification covers the supply of a transformer this figure should be
substituted by 550kV.
** Note that these figures can be relaxed to 0.38 phase/earth and 0.43 phase/phase for
type tested equipment as per BS162.

Nominal System
Safety Distance
(from SP Safety
Clearance for
Insulation Height
33 & 11 0.8 3.2 2.4
132 1.4 3.8 2.4
275 2.4 4.8 2.4
400 3.1 5.5 2.4

Nominal System Voltage/kV Minimum Clearance to Roadways/m
33 & 11 5.6
132 6.2
275 7.2
400 7.9

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Nominal System Voltage/kV Maximum Equipment Height/m
132 10
275 13
400 16

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This section of the specification describes the substation technical requirements.

This section applies to all of the transmission and distribution networks owned by the
Employer at 400kV, 275kV, 132kV, 33kV, 25kV and 11kV.


This part of the specification makes extensive reference to National Grid Company plc
engineering documents: Technical Specifications (NGTS), Transmission Plant
Specifications (TPS) and Transmission Design Memorandums (TDM). The contents of
National Grid Company plc engineering documents are based on the needs of NGC
and the conditions under which it operates and do not necessary meet the
circumstances and requirements of the Employer.
Where the Employers requirements differ from the provisions of NGTS and TDM
documents the TDAP shall issue a document accepting the subject document with
modifications. The TDAP document reference shall include the number 12 to indicate

Where the Employers requirements are similar to the provisions of NGTS and TDM
documents the TDAP shall issue a document accepting the subject document without
modifications. The TDAP document reference shall include the number 11 to indicate
Where the Employers requirements differ from the provisions of NGC TPS documents,
the Employer has modified and re-issued the TPS under a 10,000 series number. In
addition, the Employer issues internally generated TPS documents in the 10,000

In the case of 132kV where TPS does not apply, reference to other ESI standards
has been made in the text.

In the case of 33 kV, reference to related SP Power Systems Ltd standards and
EATS standards has been made in the text.

This specification refers to and shall comply with the following documents. In all
documents, for NGC read SP Power Systems Ltd. Where a document refers to
another NGTS document, the reference shall be taken to include the amendments in
the relevant part of this Section.

Subject to the approval of the Employers Representative, the tenderers may adopt
standards or codes of practice issued by the European union provided that such
standards or codes of practice can be demonstrated to be of an equivalent or higher
standard than the relevant British Standards or Codes of Practice. The tenderer shall
supply the Employers Representative with single copies of each alternative standard
or code proposed.

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NGTS 1, as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-040 Apparatus
and Services for the National Grid System and Direct Connections to

NGTS 2.1, as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-041 Substations

NGTS 2.10, as accepted by SP Power Systems document NG-11-002 Civil
Engineering and Building Works

NGTS 2.13, as accepted by SP Power Systems document NG-11-049 Electronic

NGTS 2.19, as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-035 Ancillary
Light Current Equipment

NGTS 3.1.1, as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-036 Interlocking

NGTS 3.1.2, as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-037 Substation
Earthing (reference is made in specification to BS CECC 0015 for earth


TPS 10/11 Limitation of Fire risk in Substations, Switchhouses, Cable
Basements, Transmission Cable Tunnels and Cable Bridges

TPS 13/10001 Standardisation of Circuit Nomenclature


09-06 Auxiliary Multicore and Multipair Cables

12-24 Plastic ducts for buried electric cables.

41-21 Portable earthing Equipment for Open Type HV Apparatus in

41-24 Guidelines for the Design, Installation, Testing and Maintenance of
Main Earthing Systems in Substations

48-5 Environmental Test Requirements for Protection & Relays

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The substation technical requirements shall comply with NGTS 1, as modified by SP
Power Systems document NG-12-040 and NGTS 2.1, as modified by SP Power
Systems document NG-12-041.

As part of the requirements of this specification, it is the responsibility of the successful
tenderer to design and produce all electrical layouts. If they are included with this
specification they are issued on a notional basis for tendering purposes only.

1.3.1 Interlocking

The interlocking scheme shall comply with NGTS 3.1.1, as modified by SP Power
Systems document NG-12-036.
Where motorised line earth switches are specified, the interlocking scheme shall
comply with the Employers Technical Guidance Note and shall not invalidate the
disconnector or earth switch manufactures guarantee. The scheme and installation
shall be to the satisfaction of the Employers Representative

The successful tenderer shall provide full details of the materials proposed to prevent
corrosion for outdoor interlocking barrels, keys and associated fittings that are not
normally located in a protective housing. The corrosion prevention shall be provided to
the satisfaction of the Employers Representative.

1.3.2 Substation Earthing

It is the responsibility of the successful tenderer to ascertain the resistivity of the soil at
the site. If values are included with this specification, they are for tender purpose only.
Any significant differences between the values supplied and the values obtained at the
commencement of the site work shall be subject of discussion at that stage.

The earthing system shall be designed, installed and tested in accordance with EATS
41-24 and NGTS 3.1.2, as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-037.

The high frequency earthing system shall be designed, installed and tested in
accordance with NGTS 3.1.2, as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-

1.3.3 Enclosures and Small Wiring

This clause specifies the requirements for indoor and outdoor enclosures. It does not
cover mechanism boxes or other boxes which form an integral part of primary
equipment. All equipment shall be designed for a normal service life of forty years.

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Enclosures and small wiring shall be in accordance with NGTS 2.19, as modified by
SP Power Systems document NG-12-035.

In accordance with NGTS 3.1.2, as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-
037, means shall be provided for connecting each enclosure to the substation earthing
system. The design shall meet safety and EMC requirements. Where enclosures
contain electronic equipment, they shall be supplied with an earth stud in compliance
with BS CECC 0015. Where the enclosure earth and location earth are different the
enclosure must be suitably insulated to reduce the risk from transfer potentials

Tenderers in their offer shall state their proposals to prevent corrosion of outdoor
enclosures. Consideration shall be given to heating, ventilation and drainage.

For indoor and outdoor enclosures anti-vermen protection shall be provided and the
method of protection shall be to the approval of the Employers Representative.

Tenderers shall include with their offer details of crimps, crimping systems, wires,
terminals and terminations they propose to use.

In existing substations wire numbering is in accordance with BEBS S-12. For substation
modifications the new wiring shall also be in accordance with this standard. For new
substations the Tenderer shall state the numbering system he proposes to use.

In accordance with NGTS 3.12.3, as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-
12-002, outdoor marshalling kiosks (bay and transformer) shall be provided with 110,
230 and 400V LVAC supplies and sockets.

1.3.4 Multicore and Low Voltage Cables

Multicore cables for protection, control and small power shall be in accordance with
EATS 09-6 and BS6724, respectively.

In joint-user substations to which third party staff routinely has access, it is the
Employers preference to use low smoke multi-core and multi-pair cabling. Where the
tenderer considers it unnecessary to install low smoke cabling, they shall carry out a
risk assessment to justify the use of a different type of cable. This risk assessment shall
be made available to the Employer on request.

The successful tenderer shall provide complete multicore cable and low voltage cable
schedules showing the locations of all new cabling and any existing cabling.

1.3.5 Aluminium and Steel Support Structures Design

The Contractor shall be responsible for the design, manufacture and supply of all
structural steelwork and aluminium support structures required for the works. The
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structures shall be delivered to site complete with all predrilled holes for the fixing of
earth tapes, cables and all other relevant attachments. In addition, where required, they
shall be supplied with suitable drain holes. Site drilling after erection shall not be

Structures shall be used for bonding of electrical equipment to an earth mat and
evidence shall be provided which demonstrates that the structure is capable of
withstanding the rated short time current. Where practicable, bolted structures shall be

The design of support structures shall comply also with the requirements of NGTS 2.1,
as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-041.

Structure designs that have been used in the past are included in the schedule of
standard drawings. However, it is stressed that these are for guidance only and should
the Tenderer utilise them, they are still responsible for ensuring that the structures
comply with their designs and are in full compliance of this specification. Serviceability

When considering the serviceability of the of the supporting structures, the Contractor
shall ensure that deflections are appropriate for the proper function of the structure and
for the plant and equipment supported by the structure but in any case, shall not be
greater than that recommended in the appropriate British Standard. Finishes

The finishes applied to structural steelwork elements shall have a uniform appearance
and shall be appropriate for the level of corrosion protection for the required 40 year
design life of the substation.

The holes drilled in the structure to accommodate the galvanising process shall be fitted
with suitable plugs.

1.3.6 Floodlighting and Security Systems

The floodlighting system shall comply with NGTS 2.1, as modified by SP Power
Systems document NG-12-041, and the facility shall be provided to control its
operation remotely and manually from the control room and the substation perimeter
access gate.

The intruder alarm system shall be designed, installed and tested to the satisfaction of
the Employers Representative. Where a floodlighting system has been specified in
Part 1 of this Specification, the Tenderer shall, where appropriate, utilise the same
structures for the cameras and floodlights to minimise the number of structures in the

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The earthing requirements for the floodlighting and intruder alarms systems shall
comply with NGTS 3.1.2, as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-037.

1.3.7 Electromagnetic Compatibility

The European Commission legislation on Electromagnetic Compatibility became
mandatory on 1 January 1996.

In order to ensure compliance with the legislation, it is essential that all electrical
equipment offered must meet the legislation requirements and are marked accordingly.
Equipment suppliers must state the means by which compliance is achieved and
supply the associated conformity documentation.

In addition, the Contractor must ensure that electromagnetic compatibility is achieved
within the substation particularly with the increasing application of micro-processor
based equipments.

Where secondary equipment is located within the control and relay building or within
separate relay rooms or within outdoor enclosures it shall be designed to ensure
adequate protection against electromagnetic interference and shall comply with EATS
48-5 & NGTS 2.13.

At the time of commissioning, circuit-breaker and disconnector normal switching
operations shall be performed to demonstrate that EMC has in fact been achieved
within the substation environment.

In addition, the substation itself will need to achieve EMC compliance against third party
interference. Where specified in Part 1 of this specification, the emission levels at the
substation perimeters will also need to be assessed and measured during the switching
operations described above.
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This section of the specification describes the functional and performance
requirements for the switchgear and associated equipment.

This section applies to all of the transmission and distribution networks owned by the
Employer at 400kV, 275kV, 132kV, 33kV, 25kV and 11kV.


This part of the specification makes extensive reference to National Grid Company plc
engineering documents: Technical Specifications (NGTS), Transmission Plant
Specifications (TPS) and Transmission Design Memorandums (TDM). The contents of
National Grid Company plc engineering documents are based on the needs of NGC
and the conditions under which it operates and do not necessary meet the
circumstances and requirements of SP Power Systems Ltd.

Where SP Power Systems Ltd requirements differ from the provisions of NGTS's and
TDM's the TDAP shall issue a document accepting the subject document with
modifications. The TDAP document reference shall include the number 12 to indicate

Where SP Power Systems Ltd requirements are similar to the provisions of NGTS and
TDM documents the TDAP shall issue a document accepting the subject document
without modifications. The TDAP document reference shall include the number 11 to
indicate this.

Where the Employers requirements differ from the provisions of NGC TPS documents,
the Employer has modified and re-issued the TPS under a 10,000 series number. In
addition, SP Power Systems Ltd issue internally generated TPS documents in the
10,000 series.

In the case of 132kV where TPS does not apply, reference to other ESI standards
has been made in the text.

In the case of 33 kV, reference to related SP Power Systems Ltd standards and
EATS standards has been made in the text.

This specification refers to and shall comply with the following documents. In all
documents, for NGC read SP Power Systems Ltd. Where a document refers to
another NGTS document, the reference shall be taken to include the amendments in
the relevant part of this Section.

Subject to the approval of the Employers Representative, the successful tenderer
may adopt standards or codes of practice issued by the European union provided
that such standards or codes of practice can be demonstrated to be of an equivalent
or higher standard than the relevant British Standards or Codes of Practice.
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The successful tenderer shall supply the Employers Representative with single
copies of each alternative standard or code proposed.


NGTS 1, as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-040
Ratings and General Requirements for Plant, Equipment, Apparatus
and Services for the National Grid System and Direct Connections to it.

NGTS 2.2, as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-043

NGTS 2.10, as accepted by SP Power Systems document NG-11-002
Civil Engineering and Building Works

NGTS 2.13, as accepted by SP Power Systems document NG-11-049
Electronic Equipment

NGTS 2.19, as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-035
Ancillary Light Current Equipment

NGTS 3.1.1, as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-036

NGTS 3.1.2, as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-037
Substation Earthing

NGTS 3.2.1, as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-034
Circuit Breakers and Switches

NGTS 3.2.2, as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-038
Disconnectors and Earthing Switches

NGTS 3.2.3, as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-039
Surge Arresters

NGTS 3.2.4, as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-012
Current Transformers

NGTS 3.2.5, as accepted by SP Power Systems document NG-11-044
Voltage Transformers

NGTS 3.2.6, as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-013
Current and Voltage Transformers

NGTS 3.2.7, as accepted by SP Power Systems document NG-11-045
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NGTS 3.2.9, as accepted by SP Power Systems document NG-11-046
Post Insulators


TPS 10/11 Limitation of Fire risk in Substations, Switchhouses, Cable
Basements, Transmission Cable Tunnels and Cable Bridges

TPS 13/10001 Standardisation of Circuit Nomenclature


41-21 Portable earthing Equipment for Open Type HV Apparatus in

41-24 Guidelines for the Design, Installation, Testing and Maintenance of
Main Earthing Systems in Substations

48-5 Environmental Test Requirements for Protection & Relays


S2 SP Power Systems Ltd specification: 12kV Distribution metalclad
indoor switchgear and protection equipment for indoor primary and
customer substations.

P.24 Engineering Recommendation: A.C. Traction Supplies

S41-26 SP Power Systems Ltd Specification: 36kV Indoor Switchgear

S41-27 SP Power Systems Ltd Specification: 36kV Outdoor Switchgear


The Tenderer shall give an undertaking that the switchgear and associated equipment
offered will be identical in all essential particulars as regards design, material, place of
manufacture and workmanship with switchgear and associated equipment previously
supplied or covered by type registration tests, as set out in the relevant standards.
Should the Tenderer be unable to give this undertaking the following sub-clauses will
apply -

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(a) Where the Tenderer proposes to supply switchgear and associated equipment
not strictly in accordance with the aforementioned, the Employers Representative
will consider giving registration to alternatives on an individual Contract basis
provided that :-

(i) The equipment offered is of a design which has undergone type tests by a
recognised authority in which case full details of such testing shall be
submitted with the tender.


(ii) Where such independent testing and registration has not taken place the
Tenderer shall provide full technical details of any functional and
environmental testing to which the equipment has been subjected.

It is the Employers preference that existing proven designs are offered except where a
new design can be proven to be more technically & economically advantageous.

Alternatively, if a Tenderer wishes to offer switchgear and associated equipment of a
new design, or incorporate any change which may in any way modify or affect the
characteristics or performance of the System they shall advise the Employers
Representative in writing so that arrangements can be made to obtain registration for
incorporation in the Works.

Where the equipment supplied under this specification interfaces with equipment
supplied by others or is existing, the successful tenderer shall provide the necessary
resources to support the requirements of integration testing.

Where the switchgear and associated equipment has been previously approved or is
covered by type registration tests, as set out in the relevant standards, the Tenderer
need only state the manufacturer and the type reference number in the schedules
contained in Part 5 of this specification. In addition they shall state the type
registration number or the contract where the equipment has been previously
approved. If any data in the schedules has been changed since the equipment was
registered or previously supplied, the tenderer shall complete the schedule in full.


For 145kV, 300kV and 420kV switchgear, the technical requirements shall comply with
NGTS 2.2, as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-043.

2.3.1 Circuit Breaker and Switches

Circuit breakers rated at 145kV, 300kV and 420kV shall comply with NGTS 3.2.1, as
modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-034 and shall be fitted with
condition monitoring in accordance with SP Power Systems specification number
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2.3.2 Disconnectors and Earthing Switches

Disconnectors and earth switches shall comply with NGTS 3.2.2, as modified by SP
Power Systems document NG-12-038.

2.3.3 Surge Arresters

Surge arresters shall comply with NGTS 3.2.3, as modified by SP Power Systems
document NG-12-039.

Surge arrester monitoring equipment shall comply with SP Power Systems specification
number EPS-03-029.

2.3.4 Current Transformers

Current transformers shall comply with NGTS 3.2.4, as modified by SP Power
Systems document NG-12-012.

2.3.5 Voltage Transformers

Voltage transformers shall comply with NGTS 3.2.5, as accepted by SP Power
Systems document NG-11-044.

2.3.6 Current and Voltage Measurement Transformers

Current and voltage measurement transformers shall comply NGTS 3.2.6, as
modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-013.

2.3.7 Bushings

Bushings shall comply with NGTS 3.2.7, as accepted by SP Power Systems
document NG-11-045.

2.3.8 Line Traps

Line traps for the use on the 275kV and 400kV systems shall comply with NGTS

2.3.9 Post Insulators

Post Insulators shall comply with NGTS 3.2.9, as accepted by SP Power Systems
document NG-11-046.
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33kV circuit breakers used shunt reactor switching shall be rated at 72.5kV and shall
comply with NGTS 1 as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-040,
NGTS 2.2, as accepted by SP Power Systems document NG-11-043 & NGTS 3.2.1,
as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-034.


The technical requirements of indoor switchgear shall comply with S41-26 and outdoor
switchgear shall comply with S41-27. Parts 3 and 4 of this specification shall take
precedence over any non-technical references in these specifications. Where there is a
technical conflict, S41-26 and S41-27 shall take precedence.

Copies of specifications S41-26 and S41-27 are available from the Employer.

Non-linear resistor type gapped surge arresters shall comply with BS EN 60099-1 and
metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps shall comply with BS EN 60099-4.


The technical requirements of the switchgear and ancillary equipment shall comply
with Engineering Recommendation P.24.

Parts 3 and 4 of this specification shall take precedence over any non-technical
references in these specifications. Where there is a technical conflict, P.24 shall take

SF6 gas service terminations shall be self sealing couplings of DILO size DN20 or
HANSEN type B6K31-BS.

Non-linear resistor type gapped surge arresters shall comply with BS EN 60099-1 and
metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps shall comply with BS EN 60099-4.


The technical requirements of indoor switchgear shall comply with SP Power Systems
specification S2. Parts 3 and 4 of this specification shall take precedence over non-
technical references in these specifications. Where there is a technical conflict, S2 shall
take precedence.

Non-linear resistor type gapped surge arresters shall comply with BS EN 60099-1 and
metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps shall comply with BS EN 60099-4.

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3.1.1 Specification and Standards

Transformers and reactors shall comply with all parts of IEC 60076 and IEC 60289, SP
Power Systems Ltd specifications, and National Grid Company (NGC) specifications.
Compliance with other applicable IEC and BS specifications is also required.

Transformers and reactors should be designed for a minimum life of 45 years under
system operating conditions. Bushings and Tap switches should be designed for a life
of 40 years.

Where connection is made to the National Grid System (NGC) operating conditions that
apply are those which pertain to NGC specification NGTS 1, and where connection is
made to the Employers System the stated operating conditions for SP Power Systems
Ltd shall apply (refer to the schedules at the beginning of Part 2).

In particular, the life and reliability of the transformer shall not be affected by high
frequency electrical transient voltages and currents generated by switching operations.

Particular attention is required when the transformers and reactors are connected to
gas insulated substations, and Tenderers are required to submit a report on the
proposals for the protection of transformers and reactors in conjunction with the
switchgear contractor to ensure that the transformers, reactors and associated
switchgear operate satisfactorily together.

3.1.2 Applicable Standards

Copies of the NGC specifications can be obtained from:

National Grid Transco plc
NGT House
Warwick Technical Park
Gallows Hill
CV34 6DA

Copies of SP Power Systems Ltd standards and documents can be obtained from:
SP Power Systems Ltd
New Alderston House,
Dove Wynd,
Strathclyde Business Park,
Lanarkshire ML4 3FF.

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References in the specification to such standards and other documents shall be
understood to be references to the edition applicable 28 days prior to the latest date for
submission of the tender, unless otherwise stated.

Extensive use is made of supporting specifications, and this is primarily based on
NGTS specifications issued by the National Grid Company of the United Kingdom.

This Specification should be read in conjunction with the following documents:

International Standards

IEC 60076 Power Transformers (All Parts)
IEC 60185 Current Transformers
IEC 60214 On-Load Tap Changers
IEC 60289 Reactors
IEC 60354 Guide to Loading Transformers
IEC 60529 Degree of protection for Enclosures

National Grid Technical Specifications

NGTS 1, as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-040
Overview of National Grid System
NGTS 2.1, as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-041
NGTS 2.3 Transformers and Reactors
NGTS 2.12, as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-043
Substation Auxiliary Supplies
NGTS 2.19, as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-035
Ancillary Light Current Equipment
NGTS 3.1.2, as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-037
Substation Earthing
NGTS 3.2.4, as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-012
Current Transformers for Protection and General use on the 132kV,
275kV, and 400kV systems.
NGTS 3.2.7, as accepted by SP Power Systems document NG-11-045
Bushings for the National Grid System
NGTS 3.3.1, as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-014
Insulating Oil
NGTS 3.3.3 Co-ordinating gaps
NGTS 3.12.3, as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-002
Substation LVAC Supplies

SCT 15 Site Commissioning Tests

Electricity Association Technical Specifications

48-5 Environmental Test Requirements for Protection & Relays

BEBS-T2 (1966) Specification for Transformers and Reactors
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3.1.3 Enclosures and Small Wiring

Enclosures and small wiring shall be in accordance with NGTS 2.19, as modified by
SP Power Systems document NG-12-035

Wiring shall be clearly numbered, and where existing wiring is in situ, the wire
numbering shall comply with the existing numbering system.
Tenderers shall include details of small wiring terminations and connection blocks used
for CT and VT connections.

Tenderers shall submit all details of proposed enclosures, wiring, and wiring numbering
system for approval by the Employer at the tender stage.

Voltage free, separate contacts shall be provided for every alarm and trip at the
transformer main marshalling kiosk.

3.1.4 Protection Current Transformers

Unless specified within Part 1 of this document, the proposed protection CTs shall be
designed and supplied by another contractor who shall arrange for delivery to the
transformer manufacturers works. The successful Tenderer shall fit the CTs to the
transformer prior to any testing of the main unit. The successful Tenderer shall ensure
that the CTs have been fitted in the correct sequence and position and that they have
not been damaged during transportation or installation.


3.2.1 Introduction

This Section covers the supply, delivery and erection of double-wound transformers
and autotransformers for connection to the Employers transmission/distribution

The foundations for the transformer will be prepared under a separate contract.

Connections to the transformers and switchgear will also be completed under a
separate contract.

The transformers shall be manufactured in accordance with National Grid Technical
Specification NGTS 2.3 and IEC 60076 except where modified by this specification.

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3.2.2 General

Transformers shall be of three-phase construction mounted in a single tank.
Transformers shall preferably be designed on the basis of a three-limbed core.

Transformers shall be designed with particular attention to the suppression of
harmonics, especially the third and fifth, so as to minimise interference with
communication circuits.

The maximum flux density in any magnetic component under any condition of voltage
and frequency specified in Sections 3.5 to 3.23 of Part 2, and under all operating
conditions specified shall not exceed 1.9 Tesla. Transformers shall not over flux under
any of the operating conditions specified.

3.2.3 Rating

The rating of the transformer as specified can be achieved by the application of ONAN,
ONAF and OFAF designs. The Tenderer is requested to offer the solution that offers
the best economic offer to The Employer.

Where a noise enclosure is specified by the Tenderer to limit noise levels, the
continuous maximum rating, as stated in the schedules in Part 1, shall apply when the
transformer is installed within the noise enclosure.

The transformer shall be capable of the emergency cyclic loading, as appropriate,
without exceeding a hot spot temperature of 120C a t an ambient air temperature of
10C, as follows.

(a) auto-transformers without tappings and all double wound transformers:
6 hours at 1.3 pu rating followed by 18 hours at 0.78 pu rating

(b) auto-transformers with tappings:
6 hours at 1.2 pu rating followed by 18 hours at 0.72 pu rating

Tenderers are requested to provide the estimated hottest spot temperature for either
of these loading conditions in Part 5.

The transformer shall have a short time emergency (30 minute) rating of 1.5 p.u. and
this shall be apply to the complete unit including bushings and tap changers.

3.2.4 Voltage Variation Double Wound Transformers

Tappings are required to regulate the voltage appearing at the 33 or 11kV terminals of
the transformer, as set out in the schedules in Part 1. Taps will be used to compensate
for transformer and system voltage regulation and voltage variations, unless otherwise
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Tappings are required to regulate the voltage appearing at the 132kV terminals of the
transformer, as set out in the schedules in Part 1. Taps will be used to compensate for
transformer and system voltage regulation and voltage variations, unless otherwise

In cases where a 33kV tertiary winding is provided for auxiliary supplies and/or reactive
control purposes, automatic voltage control of the 33kV output may be required. If
33kV tertiary voltage control is specified in Part 1, suitable options include the provision
of line end tap changers, or neutral end tap changers with suitable booster transformers
installed in the 33kV connections. The Tenderer shall clearly state the preferred
method in the offer.

3.2.5 Losses and Impedance

The guaranteed losses on normal tapping, at normal frequency, and at Continuous
Maximum Rating (CMR) shall be entered in the schedules in Part 5.

The formulae for economic assessment of losses are attached in Section 3.23.

No positive tolerances shall be allowed on guaranteed parameters.

For double wound transformers, the value of impedance between HV and LV windings
shall lie within the appropriate envelope as shown on Drawing CAT3882SPL019778

For autotransformers, the value of impedance between HV and LV windings shall lie
within the appropriate envelope as shown on Drawing 00175414 attached.

3.2.6 Windings, Connections and Terminations

Attention is drawn to NGTS 2.3/3.9.1, which specifies that insulation may be graded,
and the arrangement of neutral connections.

Windings shall be designed to reduce to a minimum the out-of-balance forces inherent
in the transformer. Tappings shall be arranged at such positions on the windings as will
preserve, as far as possible, electro-magnetic balance at all voltage ratios.

Coils shall be constructed to avoid abrasion of the insulation under all operating
conditions. The insulation on conductors between turns in direct contact with each other
shall be paper. Netted polyester CTC may be used where agreed with the Employers

Tappings shall not be brought out from the inside of a coil or from intermediate turns.

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The current ratings of HV and LV bushings shall be in accordance with the ratings
given in the schedules in Part 1, and comply with NGTS 3.2.7., as accepted by SP
Power Systems document NG-11-045.

Bushings on the transformer shall be mounted on conventional turrets that shall have
accommodation for current transformers in accordance with the schedules.

A test loop shall be fitted to all turrets equipped with bushings of 145kV or greater, to
enable primary current injection testing to be made (refer to drawing
GEN3813SPL019610). The rating and other details of test loops are given in NGTS

Where dual vector groups are specified in Part 1, easily accessible suitable change
over links shall be provided to enable selection of the required vector group.

Where the transformer being specified is a star connected HV, double wound with a
lower voltage delta connected winding no greater than 36kV, the HV neutral shall be
brought out to a single bushing for earthing directly. Separate neutral bushings are
required on all autotransformers.

3.2.7 Condition Monitoring

All transformers require suitable condition monitoring equipment to be fitted in line with
the following requirements.

A 4-20mA isolated current loop output capable of interfacing with the Employers
SCADA system or with the local Substation Control System shall be fitted to the
following pieces of equipment, detailed elsewhere in this specification.

(a) Winding temperature instruments on all windings.
(b) Top oil temperature instrument.
(c) Buchholz relay gas level instrument.

An isolated binary digital output of tap position is required from each tap changer in
addition to the output to the remote standby control panel if specified.

All outputs should be routed via the marshalling kiosk.

Future provision for a Hydran gas in oil monitoring device or similar is required and
shall comply with NGTS 2.3/3.17 The Hydran device will not form part of this contract.

Three dielectric windows are required on the transformer lid. Windows should be
non-metallic and capable of withstanding the temperature, pressure and environmental
aspects of their location. Typical windows should be 150mm in diameter and located in
positions to maximise their effectiveness as agreed with the Employer. It is not
intended to fit UHF couplers initially and the windows require to be fitted with a metallic
cover until required.

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Fibre optic point sensors to measure winding hottest spot temperatures may require to
be fitted in the HV and LV windings. The Tenderer shall state the additional cost of this
system in Part 6.

Full details of the method of insertion of the sensors and of the verification of the
location of the sensor shall be included in the Tender. The location of any sensors
provided shall be agreed with the purchaser before installation.

A performance bond will be required to cover the unsatisfactory operation of any of the
Fibre Optic Probes specified and fitted at agreed locations and which do not provide a
reasonably accurate temperature analogue output during testing and on completion.

3.2.8 Core and Support Structure Earthing

Where the magnetic circuit is divided into packets connection straps shall be provided
between packets to avoid any flashover between core packets during impulse testing.

Appropriate Test levels for core insulation systems in air and oil are given in the
schedules in Section 3.22.

3.2.9 Tap Changer

An on-load tap changer, complying with IEC 60214, shall be provided where specified
in Part 1.

Contrary to NGTS 3.3.4, where an in-tank tap changer is offered barrier boards and
full separation of tap changer and main tank oil is not required.

NGTS 3.3.4 implies that the tap changer should be of the separate selector and diverter
switch type, fitted in separate oil compartments to facilitate condition monitoring of the
selector switches. For applications with primary windings at 132kV and below, this
clause does not preclude the tender from offering tap changers with combined
selector/diverter switches fitted in a single compartment.

The tap changer shall be capable of operating for power flows from HV to LV and from
LV to HV without affecting the transformer rating.

The tap change control circuits will be required to comply with standard control
schemes for SP Power Systems Ltd or for the National Grid Company (NGC). The
type of control scheme required is specified in the schedules in Part 2, Section 3 of this

Tap changers shall be capable of Remote/Local operation from a control scheme
supplied by others, unless otherwise specified in Part 1 of this document.

The tap change control supply shall be from the 110 V AC substation supplies and the
drive mechanism shall normally be 400 V three-phase. Tap changer designs that
utilise a single-phase motor are acceptable

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A manual tap changer operating handle is required, arranged so that the motor drive
is automatically rendered inoperative when the handle is inserted.

Mechanical indications of tap position number, tap change complete and the total
number of tap-changes are required in the motor drive cubicle.

Where the selector compartment is not part of the main transformer oil system, a
separate gas and oil actuated relay is required to be fitted in the pipework between
each selector tank and the conservator.

An oil surge relay is required for each tap-changer diverter compartment.

All motor drive circuits shall be provided with a thermal overload protection device. A
means shall be provided to enable the motor protective switch to be electrically
tripped from a remote point.
A clean contact is required to indicate at a remote point that a tap change is in
progress or to drive a tap change incomplete alarm.

A means for remote tap position indication is required, this is normally of the resistive
transducer potentiometer type although alternatives may be offered. Additionally,
two auxiliary tap position indicating transducers (selective tap position indicator
switches) are required, each consisting of a single pole switch with one contact for
each tap position.

3.2.10 Tanks

Tanks and coolers shall be capable of withstanding full vacuum. The manufacturer
shall state the guaranteed maximum permanent deflection in the schedules.

Tanks shall not permanently distort, or cause cracking of stiffener welds, when lifted or
hauled on site.

Coolers may be offered as separate cooler banks, tank mounted frames with separate
manifolds, or direct mounted radiators. Coolers should be capable of being isolated
from the rest of the oil system by the use of suitable valves.

Where a separate cooler bank is offered, it shall be capable of being installed at either
end of the transformer by the provision of suitable blanked mounting flanges.

Facilities to enable the transformer to be hauled or slewed in any direction shall also be
provided. A design that requires slide rails to be placed in discrete positions or utilises
a detachable under base is not acceptable.

The complete transformer, as arranged for transport, shall be capable of being lifted
without undue strain on the tank or its stiffeners.

Transformers shall be suitable for transportation as set out in NGTS 2.3/3.1.4.

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Tank covers shall not permanently distort when lifted. Inspection openings of adequate
size shall be provided to give access to bushings, winding connections etc. Inspection
covers shall be provided with lifting handles and not exceed 25 kg in weight.

Tanks, conservators, pipe work etc. shall be cleaned by an appropriate means and
given two coats of oil and weather resistant paint. The final coat should be a gloss
finish, Admiralty Grey in colour (Shade no. 632) as specified in BS 381C is preferred,
although manufacturers may offer alternative colours which are economically
advantageous to The Employer. The internal surfaces of the marshalling kiosk and the
tap changer motor drive cubicle shall be painted white. Any departures form these
colours, if required by the Employer, shall be detailed in Part 1 of this document.

Load bearing welds shall be shown to be free from significant defects by Magnetic
Particle Inspection. Oil retaining welds should be checked by non-destructive testing
methods to ensure integrity. The level of weld checks shall be agreed between the
Contractor and the Employer.

3.2.11 Fittings

The fittings shall be compliant with NGTS 2.3/3.17, items (a) to (z), except where
modified by this specification.

Oil preservation systems approved by the Employer may be offered in lieu of the
refrigerating type dehydrating breather. Any breather supplied as part of an oil
preservation system shall be fitted with a silica gel breather.

In addition to the NGC standard fittings a blanked off pipe flange, accessible from
ground level, shall be provided to facilitate the fitting of a silica-gel breather in the event
of failure of the refrigeration breather.

Unless otherwise specified in Part 1, co-ordinating gaps are not required. Transformers
for use on the Employer systems will be fitted with suitable surge arresters on all
external terminals. A facility for suitable tank mounted fixings for surge arresters is
required as an option, but the surge arresters shall be supplied and fitted under a
separate contract.

Transformers supplied to the Employer do not require an owners serial number i.e. T

3.2.12 Noise Preventative Works

The maximum sound power level measured in accordance with IEC 60076 for auto-
transformers with 275kV or 400kV primary windings shall not exceed 87dB(A). This
limit shall apply to both the main transformer and any associated cooling equipment.

Where the primary winding is 275kV or less, for double wound transformers, the
maximum sound power level measured in accordance with IEC 60076 shall not exceed
77dB(A) for the main transformer and 87dB(A) for associated cooling equipment.

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The Tenderer shall enter the average guaranteed surface noise in the schedules in Part

In some cases, site specific noise levels are required which are lower than those
specified above. Where site specific noise levels are to apply, the lower level required
will be detailed in Part 1. The Tenderer will clearly state how the noise levels specified
will be met. Acceptable methods include low noise designs, standard design plus noise
enclosure, active noise control systems or a combination.

Where a noise enclosure is offered the arrangement shall be generally in accord with
NGTS 2.3/3.14.2.

The Employer requires that all drawings of the proposed enclosure should be submitted
for approval. Drawings should show the arrangement of bushing turrets,
weatherproofing, terminal bushings and boxes, paperwork, and kiosk.

3.2.13 Pressure Relief Device

Pressure relief devices shall be in compliance with NGTS 2.3/3.17.

Oil ducting shall be provided to vent oil at a height of 1m above ground level. The
diameter of the ducting shall not cause incorrect operation of the device. A suitable
warning label shall be provided.

The position of all multicore cables shall be indicated on a drawing and submitted to the
Employer during the design phase for comment.

3.2.14 Valves

Valves for oil circuits shall be full-way gate valves except that, for valve sizes 100 mm
to 300 mm, cam-locking butterfly valves may be offered.

Pipe work and valves shall be compliant with NGTS 2.3/3.3.

Valves shall be provided with open/shut indication and facilities for locking in either

3.2.15 Cooling Plant

The cooling medium is air, unless otherwise stated in the schedules in Part 1.

Coolers shall be compliant with NGTS 2.3/3.3. Tenderers should note that pumps are
not mandatory. Contrary to NGTS 2.3/3.3 radiators that are hot dipped galvanised do
not require to be painted unless a painted finish is specified in Part 1. Where a paint
finish is specified, the paint system shall provide the lifetime protection of the radiator,
without the need for galvanising.

Natural and forced cooling ratings shall be stated in the schedules in Part 1.
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3.2.16 Insulating Oil

The equipment shall be supplied complete with the first filling of insulating oil for testing
and commissioning.

The oil shall be unused naphthenic based and comply with the requirements of National
Grid Company Technical Specification NGTS 3.3.1., as modified by SP Power
Systems document NG-12-014.

3.2.17 Winding Temperature Indicators

Winding Temperature indicators shall be compliant with NGTS 2.3/ 3.4.1 (instruments)
and 3.4.2 (Ammeters for calibration and test).

In addition to the WTI indicators specified in NGTS 2.3 a top oil temperature instrument
is required.
WTIs and OTIs require to be capable of remote indication.

3.2.18 Marshalling Kiosk

A weatherproof marshalling kiosk (MK) shall be provided to house control equipment,
current transformer (CT) terminations, indication, alarm, and trip contacts to
specification NGTS 2.3/3.6. Special attention is required to prevent condensation and
corrosion and full design details of the proposed enclosures shall be submitted as part
of the design process for comment by the Empoyer.

All indications, alarms, trips, and power supplies shall be in accordance with NGTS

The following sockets shall be provided as an integral part of the transformer
marshalling kiosk;
- One 16 A, 110 V socket
- One 16 A, 230 V single phase socket
- One 32 A, 400 V three phase socket

3.2.19 Standby Voltage Control Panel

The standby voltage control panel, within the substation control room, shall be provided
by others unless specified within Part 1 of this document.

The successful Tenderer shall be responsible for the interface between all equipment
provided under this contract, and the contractor providing the standby voltage control
panel, to ensure the correct operation of all equipment.

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3.2.20 Foundations for Transformer and Cooler

The transformer and cooler will be accommodated on prepared foundations provided
under a separate Contract.

The Transformer Contractor shall, within one month of being awarded the contract,
provide for the use of the Civil Works Contractor:

(a) The overall plan dimensions of the transformers and the coolers

(b) The longitudinal dimension between centre lines

(c) The total weights fully assembled and full of oil, of the transformers and
the coolers.

The Transformer Contractor shall be responsible for cutting any fixing holes that are
required on site for bolting down coolers, kiosks, etc.

3.2.21 Transport

In addition to the nett weight of the complete transformer arranged for transport shall be
stated in the schedules in Part 5, with and without the vehicle proposed for

Full details shall be given of the proposed vehicle and any special measures required
for transporting the transformer on the intended route.

3.2.22 Maintenance Manuals

In addition to the requirements within Part 4 of this document, the manufacturer shall
provide Maintenance Manuals in accordance with NGTS 2.3/3.24

3.2.23 Tests General

All materials used in the manufacture of the Contract works shall satisfactorily withstand
such routine tests as are customary in their manufacture.

The test levels shall be in accordance with the values given in the schedules in Section
3.22, NGTS 2.3/4.3 and IEC 60076. General Requirements for Testing

Test procedures shall be compliant with NGTS 2.3/4.1, 4.2 (summary of tests), and 4.3
(details of tests).

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Tests shall be performed in order to determine that the materials and apparatus comply
with the Specification, and to provide the necessary operating data.

All correction factors used in determining the test results shall be to the approval of the
Employer, and shall be detailed on test certificates.

The requirements of the Schedule of Tests are not to be taken as the Test Programme.
Test Programmes and the place of testing shall be agreed between the Employer and
the Contractor prior to the commencement of testing. Not less than fourteen days
notice of all tests shall be given to the Employer so that he may be represented if he so
desires. Four copies of the Contractors records of all tests shall be supplied to the
Employer ; these records may form part of other test records.

The Employer may agree to the omission of type tests and special tests, in part, or in
whole upon submission of details of such tests which have been carried out previously
on similar equipment.

Instruments shall be suitable for the intended measurements, and be within twelve
months of the calibration by an approved Laboratory. Re-calibration, if necessary, shall
be at the expense of the Contractor.

Should either a failure occur or non-compliance with the specification become
apparent, testing shall be discontinued and not recommenced without the agreement of
the Employer. The Contractor shall make available to the Employer all information, test
data, and evidence relating to the failure or cause of the non-compliance, and also
make available all facilities for the examination of the Contract Works. The Contractor
shall repair the failure (or resolve the non-compliance) and shall replace any part of the
Contract Works which may have been damaged or contaminated.

The Contract Works shall neither be subjected to additional tests nor used for testing
other equipment without prior written permission of the Employer.

Tests at site, to demonstrate compliance with the Specification, shall be performed as
specified or as otherwise required by the Employer.

The test programme shall be agreed with the Employer and carried out in accordance
with NGTS 2.3/ 4.2. Details of Tests

Details of tests shall be as set out in NGTS 2.3/4.3 unless modified by this specification.

Tests as specified in NGTS 2.3/4.2 includes tests as specified in IEC 60076 as
applicable to certain voltages. Where the transformer contains windings of voltages
which do not require the full range of tests as detailed in NGTS 2.3/4.2 to be applied,
only relevant tests require to be performed.

The Employer requires the following additional tests to be performed:

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(a) Frequency response measurements (ref. FRA - RT) shall be performed to
determine the transient parameters of the transformer or reactor. The method of
measurement, test conditions, measuring equipment, and circuit arrangement shall be
agreed with the Employer. Records from this test will be permanently stored and used
a reference to determine if damage has occurred to the transformer or reactor during
service operation.

(b) Where the primary voltage rating of the transformer is 275 kV the insulation level
between the core and frame and core and earth shall be tested at suitable points during
manufacture. The test voltages are given in Part 2. Where the primary voltage rating is
132kV then a single test preferably under oil shall be carried out.

(d) Temperature rise tests shall be carried out in accordance with NGTS 2.3. An
additional heat run test shall be required to carried out, to determine the thermal
overload gradient of the transformer, and shall be carried out at 1.5pu current. The test
will be terminated either after 30 minutes have elapsed or when the winding hot spot
temperature reaches 140
C, or when the top oil temperature reaches 115
whichever occurs first.

(e) Where the transformer has been supplied with oil pumps to meet an OFAF rating,
then additional tests shall be required on all Buchholz type relays fitted to the
transformer to ensure that inadvertent operations do not occur during starting OR
stopping of the pumps. Details of such tests are subject to the agreement of the
Employer. Site Commissioning Tests

Tests in accordance with the requirements of the NGC Schedule of site Test
Commissioning Tests SCT15 shall be carried out on site.

In addition to the tests specified in SCT15, Buchholz relay stability shall be ascertained
on site for all combinations of oil pump starting and stopping conditions.


3.3.1 Introduction

This Section covers the supply, delivery and erection of inter-connected star
earthing/auxiliary transformers which will be connected to the 33 /11kV terminals of the
275/33kV or 132/33kV or 132/11kV transformers to provide local 400 V site supplies.
On occasions they may also be connected to the 33kV tertiary winding of
autotransformers to provide site auxiliary supplies.

The neutral point of the inter-connected star winding will be connected to earth through
a liquid earthing resistor which will be supplied and installed under a separate contract.

The foundations for the transformers will be prepared under a separate contract.

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Connections between the main transformer and the earthing/auxiliary transformer will
be completed under a separate contract.

The transformers shall be capable of continuous operation, without injury, under the
conditions stated in the schedules in Sections 3.5 to 3.22, but not normally with
simultaneous conditions of extreme voltage and frequency.

3.3.2 General

The transformers shall comply with the requirements of the Electricity Association's
Technical Specification (EATS) T2 (1966) and IEC 60289, except where amended by
this Specification.

The continuous maximum rating of the transformers shall be as specified in the
schedules in Part 1.

The guaranteed no-load and load losses shall be stated in the schedules in Part 5.

Tappings are not required on the earthing/auxiliary transformers.

The vector group symbols for the earthing/auxiliary transformers shall be
ZNyn1/ZNyn11. Changeover links shall be provided on the lower voltage winding to
permit reconnection to the alternative vector group.

The higher voltage winding line ends and the neutral shall be terminated at approved
36 kV class, outdoor bushings.

The lower voltage windings shall be terminated with an approved type three-pole, air
break, industrial pattern, fully weatherproof, combined fuse switch unit incorporating a
bolted neutral link in accordance with NGTS 3.12.3., as modified by SP Power
Systems document NG-12-002. The fuse switch unit shall have a gland entry for a
4-core cable. No part of the fuse switch unit operating handle when in the closed
position shall be at a height greater than 1.4 m above ground (plinth) level and the
transformer shall be designed so that the safety clearances detailed in the schedules in
Section 3.15 of this Specification are obtained.

Auxiliary transformers shall be fitted with a pressure relief device which shall be in
compliance with NGTS 2.3/3.17.

3.3.3 Rating

The HV to LV rating of the earthing / auxiliary transformer shall be specified in Part 1 of
this specification.

The transformer shall be capable of withstanding for a period of 30 seconds an earth
return current equal to the full load current of the transformer winding to which the
earthing/auxiliary transformer is connected. This level of current shall be obtainable
when the transformer is connected in series with a liquid earthing resistor.

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The transformer shall withstand for 5 seconds, the maximum earth current that will flow
should the external liquid earthing resistor be short circuited. The value of earthing
resistor to be applied is detailed in Part 1.

3.3.4 Tests General

All materials used in the manufacture of the auxiliary transformers shall satisfactorily
withstand such routine tests as are customary in their manufacture.

The test levels shall be in accordance with the values given in the schedules in Section
3.22. General Requirements for Testing

Test procedures shall be compliant with NGTS 2.3/4.1, 4.2 (summary of tests), and 4.3
(details of tests).

Tests shall be performed in order to determine that the materials and apparatus comply
with the Specification and to provide the necessary operating data.

All correction factors used in determining the test results shall be to the approval of the
Employer, and shall be detailed on the test certificates.

The requirements of the Schedule of Tests are not to be taken as a Test Programme.
Test Programmes and place of testing shall be agreed between the Employer and
Contractor prior to the commencement of testing. Not less than ten days notice of all
tests shall be given to the Employer in order that he may be represented if he so
desires. Four copies of the Contractor's records of all tests shall be supplied to the
Employer; these records may form part of other test records.

The Employer may agree to the omission of type tests and special tests in part, or in
whole upon submission of details of such tests which have been carried out previously
on similar equipment.

Instruments shall be suitable for the intended measurements, and be within twelve
months of calibration by an approved Laboratory. Re-calibration, if necessary, shall be
at the expense of the Contractor.

Should failure occur or non-compliance with the Specification become apparent, testing
shall be discontinued and not recommenced without the agreement of the Employer.
The Contractor shall make available to the Employer all information, test data and
evidence relating to the failure or cause of the non-compliance, and also make
available all facilities for examination of the Contract Works. The Contractor shall repair
the failure (or resolve the non-compliance) and shall replace any part of the Contract
Works which may have been damaged or contaminated.

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The Contract Works shall neither be subjected to additional tests nor used for testing
other equipment without prior written permission of the Employer.

Tests at Site, to demonstrate compliance with the Specification, shall be performed as
specified or as otherwise required by the Employer.

Tests shall be carried out in accordance with NGTS 2.3/4.2. Details of Tests

Details of tests shall be as set out in NGTS 2.3/4.3. Site Commissioning Tests

Tests in accordance with the requirements of the NGC Schedule of site Commissioning
Tests SCT15 shall be carried out.

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4.1.1 Technical Specifications and Standards

This part of the specification makes extensive reference to National Grid Company
plc engineering documents: Technical Specifications (NGTS), Transmission Plant
Specifications (TPS) and Transmission Design Memorandums (TDM) etc. The
contents of National Grid Company plc engineering documents are based on the
needs of NGC and the conditions under which it operates and do not necessary meet
the circumstances and requirements of the Employer.
In the case of 132kV where NGTS / TPS do not apply, reference to other ESI
standards has been made in the text. In the case of 33 kV, reference to related SP
Power Systems Ltd standards and EATS standards has been made in the text.
This specification refers to and shall comply with the following documents. In all
documents, for NGC read SP Power Systems Ltd. Where a document refers to
another NGTS document, the reference shall be taken to include the amendments in
the relevant part of this Section.
Subject to the approval of the Employers Representative, the tenderers may adopt
standards or codes of practice issued by the European Union provided that such
standards or codes of practice can be demonstrated to be of an equivalent or higher
standard than the relevant British Standards or Codes of Practice. The tenderer shall
supply the Employers Representative with single copies of each alternative standard
or code proposed.

Electricity Association Technical Specifications

EATS 43 1 Survey and preparation of ground line profiles and plotting of
tower positions for steel tower overhead transmission lines at
132kV and higher voltages.
EATS 43 2 Design of steel tower overhead transmission lines at 132kV and
higher voltage.
EATS 43 3 Design of lattice steel transmission towers for overhead lines at
132kV and higher voltage.
EATS 43 4 Design of foundations for steel towers for overhead transmission
lines at 132kV and higher voltage.
EATS 43 5 Fabrication and galvanising of tower and foundation steelwork
for overhead transmission lines at 132kV and higher voltage.
EATS 43 6 Construction of overhead transmission lines on steel towers at
132kV and higher voltages.
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EATS 43 7 132kV steel tower transmission lines specification L4 (M) 1978.
EATS 43 8 Overhead line clearances.
EATS 43 90 Anti-climbing devices for HV line up to and including 400kV.
EATS 43 102 Insulators and fittings for 132kV lines.
EATS 43 115 Insulators and fittings for 275kV lines.
EATS 43 116 Insulators and fittings for 400kV lines.

National Grid Technical Specifications
NGTS 2.4 Overhead lines.
NGTS 2.10 Civil Engineering Works.
SECTION 501: Lattice transmission towers: fabrication and
erection of steelwork.
SECTION 502: Lattice transmission towers: foundations [for
all works except augured shaft foundations, which are covered
by EATS 43-4].
NGTS 3.4.1 Spacers for overhead line conductors and their installation.
NGTS 3.4.2 Conductors for overhead lines.
NGTS 3.4.3 L12 400kV overhead line.
NGTS 3.4.4 Porcelain and glass insulators for overhead lines.
NGTS 3.4.5 Insulators fittings for overhead lines.
NGTS 3.4.6 Conductor fittings for overhead lines and their installation.
NGTS 3.4.7 Vibration dampers for overhead lines and their installation.
NGTS 3.4.9 Safety signs, information plates and anti-climbing devices for
overhead lines [material and finish as specified by the
NGTS 3.4.12 Grease for overhead line conductors.
NGTS 3.8.5 Externally attached optical fibre cable for use on overhead line
NGTS 3.8.8 Fibre optic joint boxes.
NGTS 3.8.9 Optical cable incorporated into an earthwire.
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NGTS 3.8.28 Optical fibre joints.


The details contained in the following Technical Guidance Notes shall be taken into
account, where applicable, for the proposed works.

TGN 7 Design and use of temporary net guards at line crossings of motorways
and other major roads.

TGN (T) 30 Repair sleeves for conductors.

TGN (T) 47 Design and use of skycradles at line crossings of motorways, other major
roads and railways.

TGN (T) 87 The establishment of equipotential zones prior to restringing overhead
line conductors near live circuits.


All TDCs shall be applied for modifications to, or refurbishment of existing apparatus.


TDM 1/21 [AND MANUAL T90 PTS 1-6] - Design and use of the single circuit stayed
temporary tower on overhead lines.

TDM 1/10 Bonding of Overhead Line Earthwires.

4.2.1 Nature of Work
This Specification covers the supply of materials and the installation of single and
double circuit 132kV, 275kV and 400kV overhead steel tower transmission lines to
Employers Specifications and Standards, Conditions of Contract and Tender
4.2.2 Survey
Established line routes, surveyed and plotted under a separate survey contract shall
be supplied, with wayleaved tower positions allocated thereon, to the Contractor who
will be responsible for checking the adequacy of the designed line profile. No
alterations to the position of towers, etc will however be allowed without the approval
of the Employers Representative. The Contractor will use the profile drawings and
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route plans for the pegging of tower positions and the subsequent erection. The
correct offset for the centre peg of angle towers with unequal crossarms shall be
taken from the stub setting drawings for the appropriate tower designs.
The Survey Contractor is responsible to the Employer for the accuracy of the survey,
limited by the Contractors own responsibility outlined below. Any discrepancies
found during the pegging of tower positions by the Contractor must be reported to
the Employers Representative without delay. The Contractors responsibility in this
respect will be limited to the following:-
a) Checking of section and span lengths and the positions of towers relative to angle
positions and to fences, ditches, hedges and the like.
b) Establishing setting levels of towers relative to centre line peg at tower position.
c) Checking critical level in spans.
Any supplementary surveying and profiling including any tree survey, listing and
marking required, carried out on the written instructions of the Employers
Representative shall be treated as an addition to the Contract. The survey shall be
carried out in accordance with EATS 43 1 (Survey and preparation of ground
profiles and plotting of tower positions for steel tower overhead transmission lines at
132kV and higher voltages).
4.2.3 Nominated Suppliers and Sub-contractors
The Employer shall be informed at all times of the Contractors negotiations with
Nominated Suppliers or Sub-contractors for all aspects of Works as required by the
Specification and the Contract programme.
The Contractor shall place such orders in good time and shall progress deliveries to
site and shall check quantities delivered as required for the execution of the Works.
The Contractor will be responsible for the design of all items and components
supplied and/or erected by nominated suppliers or Sub-contractors and for quality
production of all items at manufacturers Works. The Contractor must advise the
Employers Representative forthwith of any defective items arriving on site.
Progressing replacement of defective items and the making good of any shortages to
ensure completion of the works by the agreed date, shall be the responsibility of the
4.2.4 Definitions
The following terms, where used in this section of the Specification, shall have the
following meanings:-
The words approved and approval shall mean approved by and the approval of
the Employer.
4.2.5 British Standards and Employers Standards
The material and equipment used, unless otherwise specified or approved, shall be
in accordance with the latest revisions at the date of tender submission, of such
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British Standards (hereinafter described as B.S.) and Employers Standards.
Subsequent additional or revised standards or approvals shall only be applied when
instructed by the Employers Representative.
4.2.6 Plans, Profiles, Drawings and Records
During the progress of the work, the Contractor shall record on approved schedules
such particulars as will allow an accurate reference to be made afterwards in case of
any faults or projected modifications to the line. The maps shall show the exact
position of every tower with approved reference marks and there shall be recorded in
schedules, the types of towers, foundations, insulators, positions of tension joints and
such other engineering information as the Employers Representative shall require.
The maps shall be supplemented where necessary, by sketches to delineate
boundary positions and tie-in dimensions to towers which cannot be clearly indicated
on the maps. The data included on the maps, profiles, sketches and schedules shall
be to the approval of the Employers Representative, to whom facilities shall also be
given for examining the maps during the progress of the Works.
Copies of profiles shall be kept up to date during the progress of the work and shall
correctly show the ground contours, tower types and positions, clearances between
conductors and ground and also incorporate the requirements of EATS 43 1.
During the progress of the work, prints of the above schedules, plans, sketches,
profiles and all other lists and drawings for approval, including subsequent
amendments thereto, shall be submitted to the Employers Representative in
The Contractor shall provide suitable diagonal profiles to enable accurate
determination of foundation setting levels, tower leg extensions and, where required,
foundation chimney extensions wherever there are side slopes which require such
consideration. The diagonal profiles shall be to a scale not less than 1 to 200 and
shall extend beyond the limits of the foundation uplift frustum. Support setting levels
shall be reflected in the longitudinal profile and be selected to preclude the
requirement for structural members to be encased with concrete.
As soon as the final tower locations are agreed and approved by the Employer, the
Contractor shall submit a line schedule. The line schedule shall indicate tower
numbers, tower types, body and leg extensions, angles of deviation, insulator types,
insulators string types, spans, quantities of dampers, spacers and fittings, equivalent
spans, section lengths, accumulated spans, equivalent spans, section lengths,
accumulated chainage and a remarks column in which details of crossings etc can
be entered. At the completion of foundation works, the foundation types for each
tower shall be added to the line schedule.
Within 3 months of the issue of a taking over certificate, the Contractor shall provide
the following:-
1 set of line schedules (drafting film)
1 set of route plans (drafting film)
1 set of line profiles [drafting film and autocad optimal]
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1 set of as constructed drawings, fittings, sketches etc (Electronic format compatible
with autocad)
2 copies of the Health & Safety file

4.2.7 Tests
Where designs are covered by Employers Specifications or Standards, type tests
will not be required, but sample and routine tests as provided for under Work,
Materials and Plant, in the conditions of Contract shall be made in accordance with
the applicable specifications or Standards.
4.2.8 Plant and Conductor Earthing
Any of the Contractors construction equipment or plant used in the vicinity of high
voltage conductors or apparatus and likely to be subject to induced charges, shall be
adequately earthed by the Contractor.
Any section of erected conductor on which there is no conducting path to earth and
on which work is being carried out, shall be adequately earthed by the contractor.
4.2.9 Steel Measuring Tapes
Where work is being carried out in the vicinity of live conductors or equipment, the
use of Steel Measuring Tapes shall be confined to work on the ground. In no
circumstances will the use of metal reinforcement measuring tapes be permitted.

4.3.1 General
Conductors shall comply with Employers Standard for Line and Earth Conductors.
4.3.2 Drums
Conductors will be on drums to Employers Standard requirements and the drums
shall be securely battened to protect the conductors in transit and storage. Drum
battens shall not be removed until the drum is properly mounted at the drum station
on the line and battens shall be immediately refitted to the drums if any surplus
conductor is left thereon. Precautions shall be taken during handling and storage to
prevent contamination by copper or other materials which may adversely affect the
4.3.3 Lengths and Jointing
The fullest possible use shall be made of the maximum conductor lengths in order to
reduce to a minimum the number of mid-span joints. The number and span and
location of any line and earth conductor tension joints used on the line shall be
approved by the Employers Representative. There shall not be more than one such
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joint per conductor in any one span. Tension joints shall not be less than 3m from
the nearest suspension or tension clamp.
Tension joints shall not be used:-
in sections between tension towers of less than three spans unless specifically
in spans over railways, canals, navigable rivers, motorways, buildings or spans
covered by special wayleave conditions. A line shall be deemed to be over a
building when, at the specified maximum conductor temperature with an assumed
conductor swing of 45
from the vertical, any part of the building is vertically below
any conductor;
in any span immediately adjacent to a span as described in (b), unless the tower
between such span and adjacent spans is equipped with tension insulators.
4.3.4 Contact with Ground
The line or earth conductors shall not at any time during erection come into contact
with the ground or any obstacle, such as walls, fences or buildings, except when the
conductors are at rest. Approved means shall be provided by the Contractor to
prevent any damage to or contamination of conductors when they are at rest.
4.3.5 Running-out Blocks
Conductor running-out blocks shall be free running and of an approved design to
avoid damage to the conductor. The blocks shall have an electrical conducting path
between their suspension fittings and the conductors supported by the blocks. If
conductors are being erected on the spare circuit side of a double circuit (D.C.) line,
all running-out blocks shall be bonded to the tower steelwork by means of flexible
connections to the approval of the Employers Representative. [If conductor erected
with one circuit live or parallel to an existing energised circuit equipotential zones
should be established in accordance with TGN(T)87].
4.3.6 Erection
The conductors shall be erected to the requirements of the sag-tension temperature
chart in accordance with the appropriate line design.
4.3.7 Precautions, Scaffolding, etc
In the process of erection or dismantling conductors, no work shall be carried out
without the approval of the Employers Representative, until adequate protection is
ensured at all road, motorway, railway, building and canal crossings etc, either by the
provision of scaffolding or other approved means as provided for under Crossing of
Obstacles in the Conditions of Contract. Where conductors are left suspended in
snatch blocks or similar devices, precautions must be taken to ensure against
accidental release of the conductor by the provision of effective locking devices on
the snatch blocks and at crossing points not provided with adequate scaffolding by
the attachment of clamps or hold fasts anchoring the conductor securely to the tower
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4.3.8 Clearances
Clearances between line conductors, including jumpers, and ground and between
jumpers and tower structures shall be checked during erection and before handing
over the line.
4.3.9 Sagging
Immediately after the conductors have been erected and clamped in, the mean sag
of the conductors forming any phase shall not depart from the sag obtained from the
appropriate conductor Design and Erection Chart by more than 4%, similarly the sub-
conductors forming each phase of bundle conductors shall not differ from each other
by more than 40mm. In addition, the sag of any one phase shall not depart by more
than 150mm from the mean sag of all phases in the same span.
The Contractor shall use accurate sighting and other apparatus or dynamometers for
the proper checking of the work. When required by the Employers Representative,
these shall be tested and re-calibrated if necessary.
4.3.10 Damage
The conductors, joints and clamps shall be erected in such a manner that no bird-
caging, over-tensioning of individual wires or layers or other deformation or damage
to the conductors shall occur. Clamps or hauling devices shall, under erection
conditions, allow no relative movement or strands or layers of the conductors, and if
required by the Employers Representative, shall be demonstrated by actual tests.
4.3.11 Clamping in and Spacering
Each conductor shall be clamped in at suspension towers not later than 48 hours
after having been tensioned off at section towers.
On lines with bundle conductors, the spacers shall be erected not later than 48 hours
after the conductors have been clamped in at the suspension towers.
4.3.12 Jumpers, Jumper Weights, Tubular Jumpers, etc
The main line conductors shall be connected through at tension towers by jumper
loops to conform to the requirements of the wire clearance diagrams for the particular
tower design and connected to the line conductor anchor clamps. Tubular jumpers,
jumper weights, pilot sets, pilot set weights etc to the Employers standard or
approval may be fitted as necessary to maintain the specified clearances. The
earthing bar on tubular jumpers shall be arranged to be as near as practicable to a
stepbolt leg of the tower.
Earth jumpers shall be provided at tension towers in conformity with the Employers
standard for jumpering and bonding of earth conductors, as amplified under Steel
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4.3.13 Greasing at Fittings
Except where specified to the contrary, the conductor shall be coated with an
approved grease at the point of attachment of fittings immediately before final
assembly of any fittings and all surplus grease shall be removed after assembly.
4.3.14 Cutting
Cutting of layers of conductors shall be carried out with tools designed to prevent
damage to underlying strands. The cut ends shall be treated in a manner approved
by the Employers Representative.
4.3.15 Temporary Guys
Temporary guying and other arrangements for running out and sagging the
conductors shall be adopted where necessary.
4.3.16 Repair Sleeves
In the case of local damage to individual wires of a conductor during erection, the
use of Repair Sleeves to the Employers standard, may only be used with the
approval of the Employers Representative, and subject to no repair sleeve being
nearer than 1.25m from any conductor fitting.
4.3.17 Sagging Records
Erection sags and sagging spans shall be agreed with the Employers
Representative immediately prior to the stringing of any section. Three copies of the
appropriate record sheets shall be handed over to the Employers Representative on
completion of each section of line and for final record purposes, these records shall
be included in the safety file.
4.3.18 Downleads
The maximum down-lead tensions shall be those given in ESI 43 3 (Design of
Lattice Steel Transmission Towers for Overhead Lines at 132kV and Higher
Voltages) for the particular tower design, but for the purposes of tower design, shall
be assumed to be zero except where vertical loads increase stresses in tower
members. These tensions shall normally apply at both ends on low duty sets.
Clearances in still-air between down-leads shall be in accordance with the following
table. Reduced clearances based on condition of maximum (opposing) conductor
swings and sags may be permitted in special cases in accordance with the minimum
distances shown in the table, the Contractor to verify if reduced clearances are

Line Voltage
Normal Clearance Between
Special Minimum Clearances
If Agreed
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2.5 M
4.3 M
4.9 M
1.5 M
2.7 M
3.7 M
4.3.19 Earthing of Downleads
All downleads shall be earthed to landing structures by means of short earths
attached to the earth end arcing horn, consisting of 150mm
nominal cross sectional
area [132kV 1 No. and for 275kV & 400kV 2 No.] all as per ESI 4121 Section
6.1 (Flexible conductor).
4.3.20 Fibre Optic Earthwire
OPGW (Optical Groundwire) earth conductor should comply generally with CCITT
recommendation G 652 or other equivalent national standard.
A minimum of 36 singlemode fibres are required and the fibres should be capable of
operation at wavelengths of 1300nm and 1550nm for the transmission of information
data rates up to 565 M bit/s.
Jointing of the individual fibres should be achieved by the fusion splice method.
The fibre optic earthwire can be provided in lengths up to a maximum of 6kM so
joints will normally be made at convenient angle towers. To minimise the number of
joints, the OPGW earthwire can be pulled round angle towers between two short
sections, and thus eliminate one joint, the Contractor shall recommend suitable joint
The joints shall be installed on a tower climbing leg above the anti-climbing device in
a dust free environment and the splice loss shall normally be approximately 0.2 dB,
to permit the joint box to be lowered to ground a suitable length of optical conductor
(from tower peak down a non tower climbing leg) and cable is to be looped and
supported on the tower before entering the joint box.
4.3.21 Underground Optical Cable
The underground optical cable should be compatible with the overhead cable fibres
installed on the line. The cable should be of loose tube construction, completely non-
metallic and filled to prevent the ingress of transmission of moisture.
The other requirements relating to the number of fibres, splicing operating
wavelengths and bit rate, etc are generally as detailed for the overhead optical
At each transition from overhead to underground cable, a dedicated duct will be
required from the relevant overhead line tower to the EAM/telecommunications
equipment room. A lightweight PVC duct of 100mm overall diameter and subdivided
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internally by means of 4-way sub-ducting should be provided to meet this
On completion of the cable installation, the ducts should be sealed against rodent
attack by means of closed cell foam, or other suitable means. It is anticipated that no
intermediate joints will be required between the overhead line tower and the
telecommunications equipment room.
4.3.22 Cable Termination/Tests
The integrity of each drum/length of cable to be installed shall be demonstrated by
means of optical time domain reflector (ODTR) tests at the manufacturers works, or
other agreed location prior to installation. Also, the continuity and loss of each splice
will require to be verified as each section is installed.
Suitable rack/shelf based termination equipment will be required at each
EAM/telecommunications equipment room.
Full details of the equipment offered and the fibre terminations shall be submitted by
the Contractor.
Appropriate labelling shall be provided at the termination points to identify the cable
and fibres.
On completion of the cable installation ODTR, tests shall be carried out end to end
on each fibre in both directions.
The overall insertion loss of each fibre shall also be measured using a stabilised light
source and optical power meter.
The above tests shall be witnessed by the Employer and a printed copy of the final
overall test results submitted for record purposes.
Acceptance tests are required on the completed fibre optic link including the
underground cable as follows:-
Attenuation measurement from each end.
Spectral Span profile measurements.
The maximum installed fibre attenuation as measured at 1300nm shall be 0.5 dB/kM
for routes of less than 10kM, and less than 0.45 dB/kM for all other routes inclusive
of all intermediate joints.
The undernoted Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (ODTR) tests will be required
on each drum of OPGW earthwire in order to compare the results with tests taken at
the manufacturers works. Each attenuation coefficient shall be less than 0.42 dB/kM.
On drum before erection.
After clamping in.
After each joint is made.
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One extra test to be carried out to prove installation and handling methods after the
OPGW has been back-hung, sagged and landed but still in the blocks.
Testing shall be in accordance with CCITT Recommendation (VIII Plenary Assembly)
No. G 652.
Overall route record, detailing section lengths, splice locations, etc to be provided on
completion of installation.
4.3.23 Installation of U/G Cable
The cable must be installed strictly in accordance with the manufacturers
recommended instructions and the Employers policy statement on fibre optic

4.4.1 Erection
After the conductors have been finally tensioned to their correct sags, vibration
dampers to the Employers standard shall be erected on each line and earth
The dampers shall not be attached to the conductors in a manner will cause damage
to the individual strands.
The number of dampers per span for each single line and earth conductor shall be in
accordance with NGTS 3.4.7 (Vibration Dampers for Overhead Line Conductors and
their Installation).
4.5.1 Erection
All joints and clamps shall be in accordance with the Employers standard for Anchor
Clamps, Wedge Type Anchor Clamps, Tension Joints and Non-Tension Joints. The
mechanical efficiency of such clamps and joints shall not be affected by methods of
erection involving the use of come along or similar erection clamps before, during
or after assembly and the use of the clamp or joint itself.
4.5.2 Line Conductor Jumper Terminals
The line jumpers shall be connected to the line conductor anchor clamps by the use
of integral jumper terminals on the clamps and shall be unbroken except where the
Employers Representative requires a jumper to be disconnectable. In this case, a
bolted disconnectable non-tension joint shall be installed at or near the centre of
each line jumper conductor.
If required by the Employers Representative, line conductor anchor clamps with
bolted jumper terminals shall be used.
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4.5.3 Earth Conductor Jumper Terminals
Earth conductor anchor clamps shall be fitted with straight type jumper terminals to
provide for jumpering and bonding of earth conductors in conformity with the
Employers standard, as amplified under Steel Towers.
4.5.4 Jointing Certificates
Compression type joints, clamps, tee connectors, spacers and repair sleeves shall
be fitted to the conductors by linesmen for each of whom the Contractor possesses a
valid Certificate of Jointing Competence.
4.5.5 Preparation and Greasing of Conductor and Connections
Before the conductor is inserted into compression type joints, clamps, tee
connectors, spacers or repair sleeves, it shall be prepared in the following manner,
using a grease listed in the Employers standard for Steel Cored Aluminium (SCA)
New Conductor The outer layer of the conductor throughout the whole length of the
joint shall be wiped clean, coated with grease, wire brushed through the grease
which shall be left on and assembled in the fitting after a further liberal application of
Old Conductor Where a compression joint is to be made on to old conductor, the
Employers Representative shall be given at least two working days notice so that if
required, he may witness the preparation of the conductor and the assembly of the
joint. Unless otherwise agreed with the Employers Representative, who shall take
account of the degree of corrosion of the conductor, all the aluminium layers after
preliminary cleaning of the individual aluminium wires with a fine grade of abrasive
paper or cloth, shall be coated with grease, wire brushed through the grease which
shall be left on and assembled in the fitting after a further liberal application of
grease. The innermost layer of aluminium wires should not be unlaid but treated on
their external surfaces only. Care shall be taken to avoid damage to the wires
especially by kinking or excessive removal of metal. If, however, damage does
occur, the whole conductor shall be cut clear of the damage and a fresh joint
For bolted jumper connections, non-tension joints, tee connectors and bonding leads,
the lug and clevis contact faces shall be greased with an approved grease, wire-
brushed through the grease which shall be left on, and assembled. Bolts, washers
and nuts shall also be greased liberally before assembly. The nuts shall in all cases
be very firmly tightened.
4.5.6 Loose Bolts
Where jumper or non-tension joint bolts are found to be loose, the Contractor shall
dismantle and re-assemble the joint as above before re-bolting and fully tightening.
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4.5.7 Bolt Orientation
On bundle conductor lines, the bolt heads shall face outwards from the centre line of
each conductor bundle. On lines with a single conductor per phase, the nuts shall
face the body of the tower.
4.5.8 Inspection Holes
Where a compression type joint is supplied with an inspection hole, the aluminium
alloy drive screw shall be hammered in firmly until smooth and flush with the surface
of the aluminium sleeve using the flat face of a hammer. Final smoothing over may
be carried out using a file, if necessary.
4.5.9 Bent Joints
Care shall be taken to avoid the formation of bent joints. These can be the result of
either incorrect compression or excessive bending loads whilst being run through the
conductor erection blocks.
4.5.10 Wire Brushes
Steel wire brushes suitable for the preparation of conductor and the internal and
external contact faces of bolted connectors, together with a supply of an approved
grease shall be available for use with every set of jointing equipment.
4.5.11 Resistance Tests
In the case of tension clamps, joints, jumper terminals and bonding spacers, the
electrical resistance shall be measured by an approved instrument supplied by the
Contractor. The resistances of such fittings shall not exceed the value covered by
the Employers standard. In addition, the centralisation of the steel inner sleeve with
the aluminium outer sleeve shall be checked before erection, by an approved
instrument, which shall be supplied by the Contractor. These measurements shall be
carried out in the presence of the Employers Representative.
4.5.12 Erection Tools
Erection tools shall be to approved design and after approval, no alteration in
methods of erection or in tools shall be made without the written sanction of the
Employers Representative.
4.5.13 Jointing Records
The Contractor shall keep a record of each joint, clamp, repair sleeve and tee
connector giving the location of the fitting, the date of assembly on to the conductor,
the electrical resistance (where applicable) and the name of the linesman
responsible for the assembly.
Three copies of the appropriate record sheets shall be handed over to the
Employers Representative on completion of each section of line and for final record
purposes, these records shall be included in the Health & Safety File.
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4.6.1 Erection
Bi-metal connectors are designed to prevent electrolytic action between dis-similar
metals. They shall comply with the Employers standard for Bi-metal Connectors,
and shall be fitted where required by the Employers Representative at line
terminations and provide the means of connection from downleads to substation
equipment or cable sealing ends. The treatment shall be as specified for joints and
4.7.1 Line Spacers
Line spacers shall be supplied in accordance with the Employers standard for
spacers. In general, spacers shall be fitted to maintain separation, under all
specified conditions, between bundle conductors forming each phase. The number
of spacers to be fitted per phase in each span including downlead spans shall be as
specified in NGTS 3.4.1.
All line spacers shall where possible, be evenly distributed throughout the spans or
asymmetrical as specified by the Employers Representative. Minor adjustment to
the distribution of spacers in the span is permissible where mid-span joints or a
repair sleeve have been erected. In such cases, a spacer shall be fitted to the
conductors at a distance not less than 2m nor more than 8m from a joint or repair
sleeve. However, when the distance between a joint or repair sleeve and a
suspension clamp is less than 8m, a spacer will not be required.
In meeting the above requirements, it will be permissible for additional spacers to be
used in the spans concerned.
Where the conductors terminate on tension sets, an additional line spacer shall be
fitted 300mm in front of the mouth of the nearest tension clamp to the spacer. This
spacer shall have the same spacing as the tension insulator strings ie 400mm or
500mm as applicable. Where a 500mm spacer is thus fitted, the next adjacent
spacer in the span shall be the 400mm size replacing a 300mm spacer.
4.7.2 Normal Jumper Spacers
Line jumpers shall be fitted with not less than two jumper spacers with rigid clamps,
in accordance with the Employers standard, having a spacing of 200mm spaced
evenly along the jumpers at intervals to permit not more than 5m of free conductor.
In addition for quadruple conductors, 200mm twin conductor jumper spacers shall be
fitted to the lower pair of jumper conductors where they pass between the lower pair
of line conductors. The position of these spacers shall be adjusted on site to give the
best possible clearance to prevent contact between the jumper and line conductor.
At large angles of deviation, where there is difficulty in obtaining adequate
clearances, it is permissible to carry one of the lower jumper conductors outside the
associated lower line conductor and a 300mm, 400mm or 500mm twin conductor line
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spacer used in lieu of the 200mm twin conductor jumper spacer. The rotation of the
appropriate 500mm-insulator extension link, should be reversed.
Where in the case of downleads, one pair of jumper conductors is required to pass
between other conductors at 300mm spacing, the jumper conductors may if required,
be drawn together by means of a four bolt aluminium parallel groove clamp to
provide the necessary clearance to other conductors.
4.7.3 Weighted Jumper Spacers
If weights are necessary on jumper loops to provide the necessary clearances under
the prescribed conditions, they shall be deemed to act as jumper spacers and shall
be fitted in positions approved by the Employers Representative.
4.7.4 Bonding (Compression) Jumper Spacers
One jumper bonding (compression) spacer in accordance with the Employers
standard shall be installed in each twin or quad line jumper at all tension towers in
the position most accessible from a step bolt leg, replacing, if possible, one of the
normal jumper spacers. These spacers shall also be fitted in jumpers between
downleads and station equipment where it may be necessary to fit temporary earth
4.8.1 General
All line insulators and fittings shall comply with the Employers standard for the
appropriate line design and voltage.
4.8.2 Atmospheric Pollution
Where required by the Employers Representative, to reduce the effect of
atmospheric pollution, tension strings shall be reversed so that the insulator caps are
facing the line.
4.8.3 Inverted Low Duty Sets
Where required by the Employers Representative, low duty sets at the lower end of
the downleads shall be erected with the insulator caps facing the downleads.
4.8.4 Arcing Devices and Arcing Distances
Arcing devices to the Employers standard shall be attached in an approved manner
to the line end and earthed end fittings. The arcing devices on insulator sets are
designed to withstand a load of 1800 N applied to each tip in the case of suspension
insulator sets and 900 N in the case of tension insulator sets.
The nominal arcing distance between arcing devices shall be in accordance with the
details in the following table and shall be obtained with the insulators in the erected
condition. Where lines are operated at reduced voltage, extended arcing devices, as
detailed in the Employers standards, shall be used for 1.6 kM from switching stations
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etc to obtain the arcing distance in this table. Any further information required shall
be supplied by the Employer.

Suspension and Tension Sets
For 1.6 kM from switching and transformer
stations and sealing ends terminating a
length of underground cable in the run of a
1000 1900 2500
Beyond 1.6 kM 1120 2135 2800

4.8.5 Suspension Clamps
All suspension clamps covered by the Employers standard are designed to avoid the
possibility of deforming the conductors and separating the individual strands and
care shall be taken during erection to ensure that this feature is maintained.
The grooves in the clamping piece or pieces shall after galvanising be smooth and
free from waves, ridges or other irregularities.
4.8.6 Sag Adjusters
Sag adjusting devices to the Employers standard form part of tension insulator set
fittings and allow the sag of the conductors to be adjusted during or after the
maintenance period as may be necessary. At the end of the maintenance period, the
adjusters shall be capable of linear adjustment in accordance with the Employers
4.8.7 Thread Limitations
With the exception of turnbuckles in downleads and similar connections, line
conductor and earth conductor fittings shall not employ screw threads loaded in
4.8.8 Conductor Attachment to Towers
The attachment of line and earth conductors to towers shall be carried out as
follows:- Suspension Towers
Suspension insulator attachments shall form part of the tower fittings in accordance
with the Employers standard. For bundle conductors, the outer and inner
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suspension points on the cross-arms are for use during the stringing of conductors
and for maintenance operations.
The earth conductor suspension clamp shall be attached to the tower peak in
accordance with the Employers requirements. Angle and Terminal Towers
Tension insulator attachments shall form part of the tower fittings in accordance with
the Employers standard. Spare holes are provided in the crossarms having swivels,
so that in combination with the swivel bolts, they provide mountings for stringing
Where the earth conductor attachment is of the swivel type, it shall be similar to that
used for line conductors.
4.8.9 Low Duty Insulator Fittings
The Contractor shall provide and erect all fittings necessary to secure the low duty
sets to the substation structures or anchor blocks, excluding the eyebolts which shall
be provided under another contract.
At the bottom of downleads, the earthed ends of low duty sets shall be fitted with
turnbuckles having lock nuts. The threads of the turnbuckles are to be protected with
grease or other means approved by the Employers Representative.
4.8.10 Bolt Thread Greasing
All bolt threads shall be coated before erection, with grease approved by the
Employers Representative.
4.8.11 Split Pins
All split pins for securing the attachment of fittings on insulator sets are of austenitic
stainless steel backed by washers and shall be installed to ensure the proper
performance of the fittings.
4.9.1 General
The transmission line towers will be to the relevant tower design particulars and
allocated to the line or lines in accordance with the appropriate line design
4.9.2 Stub Legs
No variation shall be permitted to the design of tower stub legs as provided by the
approved tower design, except as may be permitted under foundation clauses.
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4.9.3 Exposed Positions
In exposed positions, having regard to local conditions, the Employers
Representative may require special design and constructional features to ensure that
adequate factors of safety are maintained under such conditions.
4.9.4 Protection of Galvanised Surfaces
All transmission tower steelwork stored at site shall be kept clear of the ground.
Contact with brackish water or other substances likely to attack galvanising shall be
avoided and all tower members kept in a clean and tidy condition.
Care shall be taken to prevent deterioration of galvanised or other protective
surfaces during transport, storage and erection. Superficial rust stains shall be
removed without causing damage to the protective surfaces.
4.9.5 Erection
The methods of erection must ensure that no part or parts are unduly strained and
that all tower members are in place and properly bolted up before any work such as
running of conductors is commenced. Drifting, reaming or burning of holes shall not
be allowed.
All holes that align through both components of double angle (back to back)
members shall be filled by fitting a bolt, with suitable packing washer between
components. All spare holes (eg holes for alternative position of supplementary
fittings) in double angle members shall be included in this requirement.
All towers shall be erected vertical and shall remain substantially vertical under the
stresses set up by the overhead line when complete.
Suitable ladders shall be used when necessary during the erection of the towers.
Ladders and temporary step bolts below the level of the anti-climbing guards shall be
removed when erection work is not in progress.
After erection, the steelwork within 150mm of the upper surface of the concrete and
the upper surface of the concrete within 150mm of the projecting steel shall be
painted with two coats of bituminous paint.
After erection of towers, all foreign matter and surplus material shall be removed
from the tower and from the site.
4.9.6 Construction Material Workmanship and Erection Marks
The construction, material workmanship and erection marking requirements, in
respect of transmission tower members, are included in the relevant design and
fabrication particulars. The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that these
features and other design standards are not adversely affected by his methods of
tower erection.
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4.9.7 Anti-climbing Devices and Climbing Steps
Each tower shall be fitted with anti-climbing device to the Employers standard
requirements [EATS 43 90]. Anti-climbing devices shall normally be attached as
near as practicable to the first convenient horizontal member of the tower so that
spacers in the anti-climbing device may be clamped or bolted to that horizontal
member. The height of the anti-climbing device is adjustable but shall be not less
than 2.5m nor more than 3.75m from the ground level at the highest point of ground
at each tower position unless, by agreement with the Employers Representative, the
device is more effective when raised to a height not exceeding 5.0m above ground
level. The anti-climbing devices are provided with a hinged section at each corner of
the tower where step bolts occur in order to allow access for linesmen. The hinged
sections shall be capable of being locked in the closed position with a padlock
supplied by the Contractor. The hinged sections are designed so that when it is
opened, easy access to the tower is obtained. Special anti-climbing devices shall be
used where, owing to the ground slope or for other reasons the standard type is not
4.9.8 Notice Plates
Danger and property plates together with route and tower number plates in
accordance with the Employers standard [NGTS 3.4.9 Safety signs, material and
finish as specified by the Employer] shall be supplied and fixed on all towers in
approved positions, together with phase plates in accordance with the Employers
standard, to indicate the respective line conductor phase, supplied and fixed on each
circuit in approved positions on terminal and junction towers.
On both sides of the railway, at railway crossings, notice plates specifying crane jib
clearances and attached to concrete posts in accordance with the Employers
standard are to be erected in accordance with the Employers requirements, and in
the positions agreed by the Employers Representative.
Phase colour plates should be fitted to terminal towers on each phase and face
towards the substation.
Similarly, mast height plates and posts in accordance with the Employers standard
shall be erected on both sides of navigable rivers and canals.
In addition, at railways, trunk roads, (A and M designations), canals and navigable
rivers, telephone number plates in accordance with the Employers standard, shall be
provided and fixed in approved positions on each tower adjacent to the crossing and
on the side of the tower nearest to the crossing.
4.9.9 Earthing of Towers
The contractor shall measure the electrical footing resistance to earth of each tower
before the earth and line conductors are erected. These measurements shall be
recorded by the contractor in the form of a tower footing earth resistance profile of an
approved type. The maximum resistance shall be 10 Ohms. The contractor shall
propose solutions and their costs to achieve the required 10 Ohms resistance.
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4.9.10 Jumpering and Bonding of Earth Conductors
Earth conductors shall be bonded to the tower peak using a flexible-earthing bond.
Notwithstanding the terms of the appropriate plant standard, this bonding shall apply
to all lines, including 132kV single conductor lines, to the Employers satisfaction and
as follows:- Suspension Towers
A special aluminium keeper for the suspension clamp having a vertical lug drilled
with an 18mm diameter hole shall be used for attachment of the earthing bond, the
length of which shall be selected to provide free movement of the suspension clamp
to the requirements of the relevant type of line construction. The earthing bond shall
be attached to the tower at the nearest suitable 16mm diameter tower bolt, if no
earthing hole is provided. When the earthwire used is OPGW, the earth bond to be
bonded to the tower via cartridge driven wedge taps connected directly to the
conductor, not to fittings.
(b) Angle and Section Towers
A through jumper of the same cross section as the earth conductor shall be fitted
between the jumper lugs on the earthwire anchor clamps using straight type jumper
terminals. The jumper terminals shall be separately bonded to the tower steelwork
using a flexible bond.
(c) Terminal Towers
A jumper of the same cross section as the earth conductor shall be fitted between
the jumper lug on the earth conductor anchor clamp and an aluminium plate bolted to
the tower steelwork.
(d) Earth Conductor Changeover Towers and Junction Towers
On towers at which three earth conductors are terminated, any two of such
conductors shall be connected and bonded to the tower steelwork as for an
angle/section tower, and the third earth conductor shall be connected to the tower
steelwork as for a terminal tower.
4.9.11 Bolts and Nuts
All tower members shall be secured by means of bolts and nuts with washers and
approved locking devices where stipulated in the Tower Design particulars. Bolts
and nuts of the type, length and diameter specified on the appropriate tower erection
drawings shall be used.
All bolts and screwed rods shall be galvanised including the threaded portions in
accordance with the requirements of the galvanising particulars. All nuts shall be
galvanised in accordance with galvanising particulars with the exception of the
threads which must be kept oiled to the time of installation. The nuts of all bolts
attaching the insulator sets, droppers and earth conductor clamps to the tower shall
be locked.
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The threaded portion of bolts shall not be in the shear plane between tower
members. When in position, all bolts or screwed rods shall project through the
corresponding nuts and/or locking device. The projection through the locking
devices shall not exceed 10mm.
4.9.12 Tower Access
Access on to all towers to comply with Section 5 and 6 of the Construction (Health,
Safety and Welfare) Regulation 1996. The Contractor shall ensure that safe climbing
methods are adopted and in full compliance with the regulation.
4.10.1 General
The design of all foundations shall be in accordance with its foundation design
particulars relevant to the appropriate transmission line specification. All work shall
be carried out in accordance with the requirements of NGTS 2.10, Section 502
[EATS 43 4 and 43 6 where applicable for augured foundations]. Where ground
conditions are unsuitable for the installation of any standard foundation, the
Contractor will be required to make arrangements to provide a piled or other special
foundation. The Employers may require that such specialised foundation work shall
be carried out by an approved subcontractor.
4.10.2 Suitability of Foundations
The Contractor shall ascertain that the subsoil is suitable for each foundation by the
use of hand augers. Special site investigations may be undertaken as deemed
necessary. The Contractor shall be responsible for any subsidence or failure due, in
the opinion of the Employers Representative, to insufficient care having been taken
in his examination of ground conditions or in installation of the foundations. The
results of all soil tests shall be submitted to the Employers Representative together
with any proposals which the Contractor may consider necessary for the installation
or design of the foundations.
4.10.3 Off-Set Centre Peg
Foundations for towers with asymmetrical crossarms shall be correctly offset from
the centre line of the route in accordance with the appropriate stub setting drawing.
4.10.4 Attendance on Nominated Sub Contractor
Where foundations are designed and installed by a nominated sub-contractor, the
Contractor shall be responsible for the attendance on the sub-contractor such as
checking design, supervising site installation and providing the appropriate time, the
suitably made up access required for the normal foundation and tower installation.
Where piles are installed, the attendance shall include for setting out each pile
position and where pile caps or other foundations are installed, shall include for
providing the sub-contractor with stub steelwork and checking its correct setting,
before, during and after installation of the foundations.
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4.10.5 Stub Cuts
Where stubs are shortened, cleats shall be repositioned to approval of the
Employers Representative.
For pyramid foundations, stub steelwork may be cut on sloping sites with the
approval of the Employers Representative, but no stub shall be shortened by more
than half the difference between the original centre of excavation ground levels at the
lowest stub and the stub to be cut. Stubs designed for augured foundations shall not
be shortened. Stubs for rock foundations may be shortened but in no case shall the
length of the stub, firmly keyed and grouted into the rock, be less than 1.25m.
4.10.6 Foundation Concrete
All concrete used for foundations shall meet the requirements of NGTS 2.10 Section
502, cement used shall be low alkali sulphate resisting cement grade 42.5 N LA.
Ready mix concrete shall be supplied by a plant holding current product conformity
certification, quality assurance certificate to BS 5750 pt 1 and will be required to
submit details of the designated mix, suppliers of aggregate, sand etc.
Concrete shall normally be discharged from the delivery vehicle within 2 hours after
time of loading at the ready mix plant.
4.10.7 Foundation Construction
A record shall be kept of each foundation installed including details of the strata of
the ground throughout the depth of excavation, the presence of water during the
construction, existing drainage etc.
For rock foundations, the holes in the rock shall be made in such a manner as to
eliminate the possibility of serious cracking of the rock. The dimensions of the holes
and the type of rock foundation shall be approved.
Augured foundation shafts shall be inspected after drilling to ensure that all loose
material has been removed.
The bottom of all excavations which are to receive concrete foundations shall be
protected from deterioration before concreting by either:-
a) Leaving the bottom 150mm of the excavation to be hand excavated immediately
prior to concreting, or
b) Excavating to 75mm below the bottom of the concrete foundation and placing a
blinding layer of concrete.
No concrete shall be placed upon ground which has been softened by exposure and
the Contractor shall remove all such softened ground and replace it with blinding
concrete at his own expense, all to the satisfaction of the Employers Representative.
Where an augured foundation shaft has to be abandoned, the shaft shall be filled
with concrete to the level of the underside of the foundation eventually to be installed.
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Concrete shall be thoroughly mixed by approved methods with sufficient water to
give a slump of 100mm to 175mm for augured foundations and only sufficient water
to ensure a workable mix for all other foundations. No concrete, unless suitable
arrangements for heating, mixing, placing and protection are agreed by the
Employers Representative shall be mixed or placed when the temperature of the air
or of the ingredients is such that the concrete may be adversely affected by freezing.
In no case shall the concrete be mixed or placed when the temperature of the
ingredients is less than 5
C nor greater than 30
C. No concrete shall be placed
against frozen ground or formers. Freshly placed concrete shall be properly
protected against frost. Any concrete damaged by frost or otherwise, shall be
removed and replaced by sound concrete.
The concrete shall not be handled in a manner likely to cause segregation and shall
be thoroughly compacted during placing by approved methods of ramming, tamping
and vibration. Vibrators shall normally be of the immersion type, of an approved
pattern and frequency. The concrete will be homogeneous, free from voids and
honeycombing and it shall be worked around the stubs and reinforcement and into
corners of formers where used. The concrete shall be poured into position using
chutes or trunking to prevent contamination by the ground.
Augured shafts shall be concreted within eight hours of completion of drilling or such
lesser time as may be specified by the Employers Representative. No concrete may
be placed in water, the shafts must be baled or pumped dry to the satisfaction of the
Employers Representative before concrete may be placed.
For all foundations, the concrete shall extend to a minimum of 150mm above ground
level and the upper surface of the concrete shall be sloped and finished in an
approved manner to prevent accumulation of water.
All formers shall be accurately constructed to prevent loss of grout, to produce the
correct foundation shape and to ensure that the specified concrete cover to steelwork
is obtained. All reinforcement cages shall be tied and approved spacers used to
ensure the maintenance of the correct cover during concreting. Formers shall be
sufficiently strong to withstand the pressures arising from the concrete during
compaction and shall be capable of removal without undue disturbance to the
concrete. Formers shall not be removed before the concrete has sufficiently
hardened and in no case less than 24 hours after pouring.
All stub steelwork and steel reinforcement shall be clean and free from mud, loose
rust and mill scale, vegetable matter and other extraneous material likely to have
adverse affect on the bond with the concrete. The steel stubs and/or extensions
thereto shall be fully anchored into the foundations in a manner approved by the
Employers Representative.
Stubs shall be carefully adjusted to template and shall be held in the correct position
by template while the concrete is placed. For foundations using formwork, the
templates shall not be struck until the formers have been removed and backfilling
completed. For all foundations, the templates shall not be struck within 48 hours of
the completion of concreting.
All backfill shall be thoroughly consolidated by approved methods in uniform layers
not exceeding 300mm in thickness.
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4.10.8 Stub Alignment
The spacing, rake and levels of the stubs after the templates are struck shall be such
as to ensure correct alignment of the towers when erected without the forcing of
members during erection.

4.10.9 Use of Foundation
Foundations shall not have less than seven days in which to set before towers are
erected, or such other times as may be approved by the Employers Representative
depending on the type of cement and on local conditions.
4.10.10 Use of Explosives
The approval of the Employers Representative shall be obtained before explosives
are used at any tower position, and he will normally impose controls on their use.
Adequate safety precautions shall be taken and proper warning shall be given of all
blasting operations. Blasting shall only take place at such times as may be approved
by the Employers Representative.

4.10.11 Site Clearance
As soon as possible at each tower site, backfilling should be completed, surplus soil
removed and the site cleared. Final site clearance after concrete capping, normally
carried out at the same time as barbed wiring and fitting of tower notice plates, shall
be undertaken without delay.

4.10.12 Construction Tolerances
Foundation setting tolerances shall be in accordance with the requirements stated
The difference in elevation between the tops of any two stub angles shall not exceed
10mm or 0.05% of the horizontal distance between the stubs, whichever is greater.
The maximum difference between the mean levels of pairs of diagonally opposite
stubs shall not exceed 6mm.
Stub rake shall be within 1% of the required hip or face rake. Back to back
dimensions at top of stubs shall be within 10mm or 0.1% of the nominal face
dimensions on the face, whichever is greater, or within 15mm or 0.1% of the nominal
diagonal dimensions on the diagonal, which is greater.
The twist of any stub in plan shall be less than 1% about the longitudinal axis.
Tolerances for the position of the tower on excavations in relation to the tower
position given on the profile shall be:-
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Out of Alignment From Centre Line
of Route
From Transverse
Centre Line of
+ 25mm + 250mm
Tension Tower 0.25
+ 25mm + 25mm

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To assist in maintaining good relations with grantors, these instructions are to be
followed by the contractor and read in conjunction with the Grantors Charter.



1. The contractor is to bring to the notice of the Employer, in writing any
matter which he considers would improve public relations, and
matters which would assist him in carrying out his obligations.

2. The clearance of undergrowth and small trees for survey authorised
by the Employers Representative will be subject to the Contractor
clearing the site as may be required by the owner or occupier of the
land. Hedge cuttings are not to be left where they will cause
inconvenience to farmers and damage to implements or stock.

3. The responsible representative of the Contractor and the Employers
Representative are to agree in writing requirements of the occupier
and the condition of the access when making the visit to the site
within six days prior to first entering upon the land.

4. Vehicles and equipment requiring the agreement of the Employers
Representative for crossing soft ground or access routes is to
include vehicles and equipment used by sub-contractors.

5. Permission to survey will be subject to the Contractor driving all pegs
level with the ground surface and restricting the number of pegs as
far as possible, unless otherwise approved by the Employers

6. Barbed wire used for the anti-climbing devices is not to be trimmed
and lengths shorter than two feet are not to be cut. Spare lengths
are to be wound neatly back on to the steel supports.

7. When making joints, tarpaulins should be placed under the joint, and
receptacles or other means approved by the Employers
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Representative provided for collecting conductor strand trimmings.

8. Wayleaves and access facilities do not include for storing material on
the site. The Contractor shall inform the Employers Representative
and is to ensure that additional permission is obtained when it is
required to store material or where material already delivered to site
cannot be used promptly owing to delays in the construction work.
9. The Contractor shall bring to the notice of the Employers
Representative any access where it is difficult to prevent straying of
livestock owing to the condition of existing gates and fences.
10. The Contractor shall obtain the agreement of the Employers
Representative and occupier, when access is arranged, to the
removal of fences and hedges and unless otherwise approved, the
contractor is to erect a temporary fence immediately after the original
fence or hedge is removed. The Contractor shall agree with the
Employers Representative, in consultation with the occupier, for the
necessary widening of gateways and provision of new gates in
approved cases at the Employers expense. If new gates and/or
gateways are subsequently damaged by the contractors vehicles,
they will be repaired and/or renewed at the Contractors cost.

11. The Contractor shall have available on site or in lorries serving the
site, adequate material for repairing or constructing fencing.

12. Unless otherwise approved, the Contractor shall adequately fence off
excavations and material. Electric strand fencing is considered
satisfactory for cattle and mesh fencing for sheep.

13. Unless otherwise approved by the Employers Representative, the
contractor must obtain written agreement for the use of explosives at
any site. The Contractor shall be responsible for taking adequate
safety precautions and for preventing debris being spread over the

14. The Contractor shall ensure that the site is kept clean at all times
and submit to the Employers Representative for approval and
inspection, a scheme for providing adequate latrine facilities for his

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15. The Works shall be carried out in a workmanlike and expeditious
manner to prevent farming land being rendered sterile. In particular,
backfilling and removal of surplus soil must be carried out as soon as
possible and not later than within four weeks of the concreting of the
tower footings unless otherwise agreed by the Employers
Representative. Barb wiring, fitting of number plates, concrete
capping of stubs must be completed as soon as possible, and the
whole site cleared within four weeks of the completion of stringing,
unless otherwise agreed by the Employers Representative.

16. Damage claims which are the subject of the Contractors insurance
shall be settled within one month of notification, the only exceptions
being those claims which cannot be assessed until consequential
damage is apparent, eg pedigree stock becoming mixed with non-
pedigree stock. If claims of this nature have not been settled within
one month of the occurrence, the Employer will settle direct with the
Grantors and look to the Contractor to reimburse them.

17. All tower sites including scaffolding sites should have the area swept
using a metal detector and a site clearance sheet submitted to the
Employers Representative.

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Sheet ____________ of _____________
O/H Line Contract No. ________ Date __________


Tree Off Set
r Height
Span Chainage Tree
Species Girth


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Section 1 Fibre Optic Earthwire Running Out Date
Fibre Optic Earthwire Clamped In Date
Fibre Optic Earthwire Clipped Down Leg Date
Conductor Commenced Running Out Date
Conductor Sagged Date
Conductor Clamped In Date
Conductor Spacered Date
Wiring Foreman Date

Section 2 Suspension Tower(s)
Insulators and Fittings Inspected Yes/No
Check Torque Suspension & Earth Clamps Yes/No
Contractors Representative Date
Employers Representative Date
Satisfactory Yes/No

Section 3 Angle Tower No(s)
Insulators & Fittings Inspected Yes/No
Jumper Clearance Checked Yes/No
Joint Resistance Checked Yes/No
Bolts Checked for Torque Yes/No
Satisfactory Yes/No
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Contractors Representative Date
Employers Representative Date

Section 4 Spacers & Dampers Checked Yes/No

Generic Part of ITT
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A B B - C C - D D - A

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Line ...
Tower No Location .
Tower Type Drawing No

Section 1

Erection Commenced ... Erection Completed
Shortages Notified .
Remarks ..

Erected by (Foreman) Date

Section 2

Palnutted Yes/No By Whom ...
Checking Foreman/Linesman (Contractor) ..
Satisfactory Yes/No
Work Carried Out
Shortages of Work Remaining

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Section 3 Inspected by the Employer Name . Date
Contractors Representative Name . Date
Tower Checked as Satisfactory Yes/No
Work Carried Out ...
Or Additional Work Required ...
Additional Work Complete Tower Satisfactory .
Name . For SP Power Sytems Ltd Date

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This section of the specification describes the functional performance requirements for
Cable Systems and their associated works.

This section applies to all of the Employers Transmission and Distribution System
networks at 400kV, 275kV, 132kV, 33kV, 25kV and 11kV.


This specification makes extensive reference to National Grid Company plc engineering
documents: Technical Specifications (NGTS) and Transmission Plant Specifications
(TPS). The contents of National Grid Company plc engineering documents are based
on the needs of NGC and the conditions under which it operates and do not necessary
meet the circumstances and requirements of the Employer.
Where the Employers requirements differ from the provisions of National Grid
Technical specifications, the reference number is followed by the designation SM.
Where the Employers requirements differ from the provisions of NGC TPS documents,
the Employer has modified and re-issued the TPS under a 10,000 series number. In
addition, the Employer issues internally generated TPS documents in the 10,000

In the case of 132kV where TPS does not apply, reference to other ESI standards has
been made in the text.

In the case of 33kV, reference to related SP Power Systems Ltd standards and EATS
standards has been made in the text.

This specification refers to and shall comply with the following documents. In all
documents, for NGC read SP Power Systems Ltd. Where a document refers to another
NGTS document, the reference shall be taken to include the amendments in the
relevant part of this Section.

Subject to the approval of the Employers Representative, the Contractor may adopt
standards or codes of practice issued by the European union provided that such
standards or codes of practice can be demonstrated to be of an equivalent or higher
standard than the relevant British Standards or Codes of Practice. The Contractor shall
supply the Employers Representative with single copies of each alternative standard or
code proposed.


NGTS 1 Ratings and General Requirements for Plant, Equipment,
Apparatus and Services for the National Grid System and Direct
Connections to it.
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NGTS 2.1 SM Substations.
NGTS 2.5 SM 132kV, 275kV, and 400kV Single Core Cable.
NGTS 2.10 Civil Engineering and Building Works.
NGTS 2.19 SM Ancillary Light Current Equipment.
NGTS 3.1.2 SM Substation Earthing.
NGTS 3.5.1 SM 132kV, 275kV, and 400kV Fluid Filled Cable.
NGTS 3.5.2 SM 132kV, 275kV, and 400kV XLPE Filled Cable.
NGTS 3.5.3 Sheath Voltage Limiters for Insulated Sheath Cable Systems.
NGTS 3.5.4 SM Sheath Bonding and Earthing for Insulated Sheath Cable Systems
NGTS 3.5.5 Cable Temperature Monitoring.
NGTS 3.5.6 Outdoor Cable Sealing End Insulators.
NGTS 3.5.7 SM Installation Requirements for Power and Auxiliary Cables.
NGTS 3.5.9 Cable Oil Pressure Monitoring.
NGTS 3.5.10 Cable Oil Pressure Transducers and Cable Condition Monitoring
NGTS 3.8.5 Externally Attached Fibre Optic Cable for use on an Overhead
NGTS 3.8.7 Non Metallic Underground Fibre Optic Cable.
NGTS 3.8.8 Fibre Optic Joint Boxes.
NGTS 3.8.20 Non Metallic Optical Cable for use in Ducts.
NGTS 3.8.22 Methods and Procedures for Underground Duct Laying and
Associated Works.
NGTS 3.8.23 Fibre Optic Joint Closures for end links.
NGTS 3.8.25 Optical Fibre Management Systems, Splice Boxes and
Distribution Trays for use in Buildings and Telecommunications
NGTS 3.8.27 Termination and Testing Requirements for Optical Fibre Routes
at Equipment Accommodation Modules.

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IEC 60502 Extruded solid dielectric insulated power cables for rated voltages from
1kV up to 30kV.

09-2 The Installation of 33kV and Higher Voltage Power Cables and
Associated Auxiliary Cables.
09-4 66kV and 132kV Impregnated Paper Insulated Oil-Filled and Gas
Pressure Type Power Cable Systems.
09-6 Auxiliary, Multicore and Multipair Cables.
09-10 Porcelain Insulators for 33kV, 132kV, 275kV and 400kV Pressure
Assisted Cable Outdoor Sealing Ends.
09-19 Synthetic Hydrocarbon Insulating Oil for use in Oil-Filled Pressure
Assisted Cables up to 132kV Operating Voltage.
12-4 Terminating Equipment for Pilot Cables Subject to Induced Transient
Voltages exceeding 650 V rms.
12-18 Polyester Resin/Glass Fibre Protection Boxes and Protective Shrouds for
Oil-Filled and Gas-Pressure Cable Accessories.
12-23 Polythene Protection Tape for Buried Electric Cables.
12-24 Plastic Ducts for Buried Electric Cables.
41-24 Guidelines for the Design, Installation, Testing and Maintenance of
Main Earthing Systems in Substations
50-1 Direct Reading Pressure Gauges for Oil-Filled Cable Systems.
50-6 Pressure Switches (for oil-filled cable systems).


S41-26 SP Power Systems Ltd specification for 36kV Indoor Switchgear
N.B: The Tenderer shall refer only to the technical part of this


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SP Power Systems Ltd 2005 Part 2 Standards - Generic Document.doc The Tenderer shall give an undertaking that the cables and accessories
offered will be identical in all essential particulars as regards design, material
and workmanship with cables and accessories previously supplied or
covered by Type Registration Tests, as set out in the relevant standards.
Should the Tenderer be unable to give this undertaking the following clause
shall apply:- Where the Tenderer proposes to supply cable and accessories not strictly in
accordance with the above, the Employers Representative will consider
giving registration to alternatives on an individual Contract basis provided

i. the equipment offered is of a design which has undergone type tests by a
recognised authority in which case full details of such testing shall be
submitted with the tender.


ii. where such independent testing and registration has not taken place the
tenderer shall provide full technical details of any functional and
environmental testing to which the equipment has been subjected. It is the Employers preference that existing proven designs are offered
except where a new design can be proved to be more economically

If a Tenderer wishes to offer cables, joints, terminations or other accessories
of a new design, or incorporate any change which may in any way modify or
affect the characteristics or performance of the system they shall advise the
Employers Representative in writing so that arrangements can be made to
obtain registration for incorporation into the Works. Where the equipment supplied under this specification interfaces with
equipment supplied by others or is existing, the successful Tenderer shall
provide the necessary resources to support the requirements of integration


5.2.1 Cable Route
For the purposes of designing a suitable Cable System, the Tenderer shall be
deemed to have visited the site or sites and taken into account any information on
ground conditions, obstructions, or site restrictions likely to affect the current carrying
capability, or operation, of the Cable System.

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The Tenderer will be given the opportunity to visit the site during the Tender Period and
prior to Contract Award.

5.2.2 Current Carrying Capacity

Unless specified by the Employer, the Tenderer will declare in his offer, full design
details of his proposed cable system to meet the continuous, emergency and short
circuit current ratings listed in the Schedules within Part 1 of this specification. The
Tenderer shall note that each individual conductor and sheath must be capable of
carrying the specified earth fault current.
The Tenderer is required to complete the appropriate schedules of Part 5 - General
Particulars and Cable Performance Guarantees for Fluid Filled and/or Polymeric
Cables, and in addition is required to give details of the cable installation, i.e. circuit
spacing, cable configuration, depth of laying, backfill etc. and also full details of the
hydraulic requirements (fluid filled cables only) or of any sheath bonding and earthing
arrangement included in the system, particularly if this is a significant factor in the
operation or rating of the circuit.


The Tenderer is required to take full account of the effects of conductor thrust and
relative movement arising from thermo-mechanical behaviour. He shall advise the
Employer of any effects which such conductor thrust or relative movement may have
upon any plant, equipment or works which the Employer may provide or which may
already exist and shall include in his tender for all work necessary to eliminate any
adverse effects.

5.4.1 General
Fluid Filled Cable Systems shall be in accordance with NGTS 3.5.1, or other
approved Standard, but in addition, for nominal system voltage of 132kV, 3 core
cable designs would be considered where available.
5.4.2 Link Pillars and Oil Kiosks
Where these are offered for positions which are not within the confines of a
substation or sealing end compound earthing system a suitable equipotential
environment shall be provided in the area surrounding the kiosk to avoid danger from
step and touch potentials.
5.4.3 Oil Tanks
Where these are mounted above or below ground in positions which are not within
the confines of a substation or sealing end compound earthing system the statement
on step and touch potential (clause 5.4.2 applies)
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Oil bunding shall be supplied and installed to the satisfaction of the Employer.
5.4.4 Leakage Indication
Pressure monitoring shall be provided in accordance with NGTS 3.5.9
Each closed oil section shall be instrumented to provide local indication of oil
pressure and remote warning of leakage by two stage alarm, initiated in the event of
oil pressure falling below the design minimum operating pressure and to the
prescribed minimum pressure.
The equipment shall embody the following features:
a) Instrumentation by electric contact type pressure gauges or other approved
b) Electrical contacts suitable for making or breaking loads up to 30W, 30VA, at
voltages up to 230V.
c) All live parts effectively protected and capable of withstanding a test of 2kV ac for
one minute.
d) The alarm pressure settings protected against unauthorised interference.
e) Visual means of reading oil pressure.

Polymeric cable systems shall meet the requirements for single core cable systems
defined in NGTS 2.5, SM and generally be in accordance with technical specification
NGTS 3.5.2, SM or other approved standard for all XLPE Cable and Accessories.

The Tenderer shall ensure that all works on or near Railway property, bridges or
level crossings are carried out in accordance with the Railways Conditions and
The Special Precautions to be taken to work on approach roads to half-barrier level
crossings shall be rigorously applied.

Where required, the Employer will issue "Advance Notices" under the New Roads and
Streets Works Act 1991. The Tenderer will be responsible for compiling 7 day Short
Term Notices for issue by the Employer, stating the dates of the intended
commencement and completion of the works together with any prescribed information,
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all in compliance with the New roads and Street Works Act 1991 and related Codes of

The successful Tenderer shall carry out excavation and interim/permanent
reinstatement (where applicable) in accordance with the requirements of the New
Roads and Street Works Act 19991 and related Codes of Practice. Permanent
reinstatement must be carried out as soon as possible after interim restoration.

The cable offered should be compatible with any overhead line fibres with which they
may be jointed.
The cable should be of loose tube construction, completely non-metallic and filled to
prevent the ingress and transmission of moisture. The number of fibres required in
each cable shall be as stated in the relevant schedule in Part 6. The fibres shall be
suitable for operation at wavelengths for the transmission of information data rates of
up to 565 Mbit/s. The fibres shall be single mode type, and shall conform to existing
installations where applicable.
The optical fibre cable shall be of a loose tube type, with the fibres contained in
buffer tubes. Each individual fibre shall be colour coded for identification purposes
and details of the colour-coding scheme adopted shall be stated in the tender.
Jointing of fibres shall be by fusion splice method.
The optical fibre cable shall be designed so that the fibres shall be free from
longitudinal strain under all conditions of loads and ambient temperatures specified.
The design of the fibre optic cable shall be such that an extension of 0.6% of the
cable sheath will not produce strain in the fibres and not result in an increase in
Under all conditions, prior to and after installation, the maximum fibre attenuation
shall be 0.4 dB/km at 1310 nm and 0.25 db/km at 1550 nm.
The fibre cables shall be able to withstand temperature cycling in the range 5
C to
C without changing the optical values during installation, stocking and
transportation. The cable shall be rated to operate at 70
C continuously and at
intermittent short-term temperatures of up to 200
C without any degradation of
Full details of the cable offered must be submitted with the tender, including:
a) Cable construction and materials.
b) Installation methods and materials.
c) Jointing methods, materials and mounting arrangements.
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d) Physical protection against the ingress and transmission of moisture.
e) Identification marking and fibre coding.
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This section refers to and should be read in conjunction with the following

SP PowerSystems Ltd Documents
PROT-01-007 132kV Protection and Control Application Policy
PROT-01-008 400kV and 275kV Protection and Control Application Policy
PROT-01-009 Protection and Control Setting Policy
PROT-16-001 Technical Specification - Distance Protection
PROT-16-002 Technical Specification - Feeder Unit Protection
PROT-16-003 Technical Specification - Transformer Protection
PROT-16-004 Technical Specification - Busbar protection
PROT-16-005 Technical Specification - Circuit Breaker Fail Protection
PROT-16-006 Technical Specification - Overcurrent and Earth Fault
PROT-16-007 Technical Specification - Overall Protection
PROT-16-008 Technical Specification - Protection Trip Relays
PROT-16-009 Technical Specification - Command Based Teleprotection
PROT-16-010 Technical Specification - Fault Recording Equipment
PROT-16-011 Technical Specification - Fault Location Equipment
PROT-16-015 Technical Specification - Thermal Overload Protection
PROT-16-016 Technical Specification - Capacitor Protection
TEL-03-014 Communication Services for Teleprotection Systems
TRAN-03-022 Specification for Transmission System Double Wound
TRAN-03-024 Specification for Transmission Autotransformers
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TRAN-03-025 Specification for 33/0.415kV Earthing/Auxiliary Transformers
TPS 3/10,008 Control, Indications and Alarm Facilities for Manned and
Unmanned Substations

Energy Network Association Documents
ENATS 48-5 Environmental Test Requirements For Protection Relays &
ENATS 50-18 Design and Application of Ancillary Electrical Equipment

National Grid Technical Specifications
NGTS 3.6.9 Cross Site Communication Links for Teleprotection
NGTS 3.6.10 Power Line Carrier Coupling Equipment

6.2.1 Protection Philosophy
To achieve the necessary performance requirements at 400kV, 275kV and 132kV,
protection of the power system shall follow the philosophy whereby no single failure
of protection and its associated systems shall permit a fault to remain connected to
the primary system. In this context failure shall mean failure to operate, or failure to
operate within a specified maximum operating time detailed in Clause 6.2.4, or in a
time whereby other protection, which should not normally have operated, has
sufficient time to perform a correct back-up function.

6.2.2 Protection Discrimination
When a primary system fault occurs, main protection system(s) shall detect the fault
rapidly and initiate the tripping of only those circuit breakers which are necessary to
disconnect the faulted plant item from the system.
Protection systems associated with adjacent plant item may detect the fault, but must
be able to discriminate between an external fault and a fault occurring on the specific
plant item they are designed to protect.

6.2.3 Protection Sensitivity
SP PowerSystems Ltd shall specify feeder protection settings pertaining to its
coordination and discrimination with other protection, and operating frequencies and
codes for protection signalling and intertripping equipment.
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All other settings, including logical configuration of numerical relays and devices,
shall be specified by the Contractor and shall be submitted with relevant calculations
to SP Power Systems Ltd for assessment and agreement. Protection setting shall be
applied in accordance with PROT-01-009.
Any limitation imposed by the protection equipment or the applied settings shall be
declared by the Contractor.

6.2.4 Fault Current Interruption Time and Fault Clearance Time Requirements
Protection systems shall be provided to achieve total fault current interruption and
fault clearance times specified in Clause 7.2 of PROT-01-007 and Clause 7.2 of
PROT-01-008 as appropriate.
Details of protection operating times shall be submitted by the Contractor and any
limitation in operating time performance shall be declared.

6.2.5 Equipment Technology
Where practicable, numerical relays and devices shall be offered. They shall be self
supervised, capable of providing integrated functionality, and capable of data
exchange with a substation control information system via serial communication
SP Power Systems Ltd appreciates the advantages of integrating certain functions
within a single relay or device and will consider proposals for functional integration
offered by the Contractor. All functional integration shall be submitted to SP
PowerSystems Ltd for assessment and agreement.
Where numerical relays and devices are provided, the Contractor shall provide
interrogation facilities including hardware and software for communication with a
local PC (provision of the PCs is excluded). Local communication shall be achieved
by direct connection of a PC via RS232 or RS485 link.

6.2.6 Accommodation and Connections
The accommodation and connections for protection systems shall be in accordance
with ENATS 50-18.
The physical arrangement of the protection systems, its connection and the
arrangement of any operator interface specified in Clause 6.5 shall be such that it
can always be operated on in a safe manner.
The accommodation and connection of protection equipment should be in a 19-inch
rack or hinged rack cubicles and be of modular construction with factory assembled
and tested wirings. It shall offer the benefits of minimum site construction times and
circuit outage requirements.
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Electrical interconnections between protection equipment and with the site shall be at
a marshalling rack or cubicle.
Current transformer secondary star point shall normally be made by interconnecting
the secondary terminals having the same instantaneous polarity as the primary
terminals which are electrically nearest to the primary circuit being protected. The
current transformer star point shall be earthed at one point only.

To comply with SP PowerSystems Ltd operational procedures, to minimise the risk of
unwanted trips and to permit on-load maintenance to be carried out, the following
shall be applied when allocating protection and control accommodation:

At 400 kV and 275 kV,
(i) Main feeder protection shall be allocated a cubicle per protection.
(ii) Intertripping equipment may share accommodation with main feeder protection.
(iii) First and second transformer protections may share accommodation within a
(iv) Busbar protection shall be allocated a cubicle per protection. Check zone
equipment shall be allocated a dedicated cubicle.
(v) Common services (eg circuit breaker synchronising, circuit breaker
monitoring/control, circuit back-up protection) shall be allocated a cubicle.
(vi) Circuit breaker fail protection shall be accommodated either within the relevant
circuit suite of cubicles or allocated dedicated cubicles.
(vii) Automatic switching equipment for busbar substations shall be accommodated
within the relevant circuit suite of cubicles. For mesh corner and single switch
substations, the automatic equipment shall be accommodated within a dedicated
suite of cubicles.
(viii) Where dedicated to a single circuit, fault recorders shall be accommodated
within the relevant circuit suite of cubicles. Otherwise they shall be allocated
dedicated cubicles.
(ix) Fault locators, asset management unit and fault recorder common equipment
shall be accommodated within the System Monitoring cubicle.
(x) Feeder flow metering shall be accommodated within the relevant circuit suite of

At 132 kV, the provision of accommodation shall be as for 400 kV and 275 kV except
the following:
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(i) Main protection and Back-up protection may share a cubicle
(ii) Intertripping equipment may share accommodation with main and back-up
protection depending on the provision and available space.

At 33 kV all protection equipment may be accommodated within one cubicle per


Application of protection systems at 400kV, 275kV and 132kV shall be in accordance
with SP PowerSystems Ltd PROT-01-007 and PROT-01-008. For protection of each
feeder or plant item, the relevant clause of application policy documents and the
associated SP Power System Ltd technical specifications will be given where

6.3.1 Protection of Feeders
Protection for feeders shall be in accordance with Clauses 8.1 and 9 of PROT-01-
007 or Clauses 8.1 and 9 of PROT-01-008 as appropriate. It shall consist of the
following equipment:
(i) Feeder unit protection (PROT-16-002) where appropriate
(ii) Distance protection (PROT-16-001) where appropriate
(iii) Phases unbalance alarm
(iv) Back-up protection (PROT-16-006)
(v) Protection signalling and intertripping equipment (PROT-16-009).
Where appropriate SP PowerSystems Ltd will provide details of planned or existing
equipment at the remote end(s) of the feeder and associated communications links.

6.3.2 Protection of Transformer Feeders
Protection for transformer feeders shall be in accordance with Clauses 8.2 and 9 of
PROT-01-007 or Clauses 8.2 and 9 of PROT-01-008 as appropriate. It shall consist
of the following equipment:
(i) Feeder unit protection (PROT-16-002) where appropriate
(ii) Distance protection (PROT-16-001) where appropriate
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(iii) Phases unbalance alarm
(iv) Highset overcurrent protection (PROT-16-006) where appropriate
(v) Back-up protection (PROT-16-006)
(vi) Protection signalling and intertripping equipment (PROT-16-009).

6.3.3 Protection of Auto-transformers
Protection for auto-transformers shall be in accordance with Clause 8.3 of PROT-01-
008. It shall consist of the following equipment:
(i) Overall protection (PROT-16-007)
(ii) Back-up protections (PROT-16-006)
(iii) Mechanical protections (TRAN-03-024).

6.3.4 Protection of Double Wound Transformers
Protection for double wound transformers shall be in accordance with Clause 8.3 of
PROT-01-007 or Clause 8.4 of PROT-01-008 as appropriate. It shall consist of the
following equipment:
(i) Transformer protection (PROT-16-003)
(ii) Restricted earth fault protections (PROT-16-007)
(iii) Back-up protections (PROT-16-006)
(iv) Mechanical protections (TRAN-03-022, TRAN-03-025).

6.3.5 Transformer Connections Protection
Provision of transformer HV and LV connections protections shall be in accordance
with Clause 8.4 of PROT-01-007 or Clause 8.5 of PROT-01-008 as appropriate. It
shall consist of an overall protection (PROT-16-007).

6.3.6 Protection of Shunt Reactors
Protection for shunt reactors shall be in accordance with Clause 8.7 of PROT-01-
008. It shall consist of the following equipment:
(i) Overall protection (PROT-16-007)
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(ii) Back-up protections (PROT-16-006)
(iii) Mechanical protections (TRAN-03-022).

6.3.7 Protection of Series Reactors
Protection for series reactors shall be in accordance with Clause 8.8 of PROT-01-
008. It shall consist of the following equipment:
(i) Overall protection (PROT-16-007)
(ii) Back-up protections (PROT-16-006)
(iii) Mechanical protections (TRAN-03-022).

6.3.8 Protection of Mechanically Switched Capacitor
Protection for mechanically switched capacitor with damping network shall be in
accordance with Clause 8.9 of PROT-01-008. It shall consist of the following
(i) MSC Overall protection (PROT-16-007)
(ii) Capacitor protections (PROT-16-016)
(iii) Reactor protections
(iv) Resistor protections
(v) Back-up protection (PROT-16-006)
(vi) Mechanical protections (TRAN-03-022).

6.3.9 Protection of User Connections
Protection for user connections shall be in accordance with Clause 8.6 of PROT-01-
007 and Clause 8.10 of PROT-01-008. It shall consist of the following equipment:
(i) Connections protection (PROT-01-007)
(ii) Voltage/Frequency Protection
(iii) Back-up protection (PROT-16-006)
(iv) Mechanical protections (TRAN-03-022).

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6.3.10 Busbar Protection
Protection for busbars at busbar substations and one and a half breaker substations
shall be in accordance with Clause 8.7 of PROT-01-007 or Clause 8.11 of PROT-01-
008 as appropriate. It shall consist of the following equipment:
(i) Busbar protection (PROT-16-004)
(ii) CT supervision (PROT-16-004).

6.3.11 Mesh Corner Protection
Protection for mesh corners at mesh substations and copperwork at single switch
substations and one and half breaker substations shall be in accordance with Clause
8.7 of PROT-01-007 or Clause 8.11 of PROT-01-008 as appropriate. It shall consist
of the following equipment:
(i) Overall protection (PROT-16-007)
(ii) CT supervision (PROT-16-007).

6.3.12 Protection for Transformer Tertiary Connections to Compensation Equipment
Provision of protection for transformer tertiary connections to compensation
equipment shall be in accordance with Clause 8.12 of PROT-01-008. It shall consist
of the following equipment:
(i) Overall protection (PROT-16-007)
(ii) Restricted earth fault protection (PROT-16-007)
(iii) Back-up protections (PROT-16-006)
(iv) Mechanical protections (TRAN-03-025).

6.3.13 Protection for Transformer LV Connections to Compensation Equipment
Provision of protection for transformer tertiary connections to compensation
equipment shall be in accordance with Clause 8.13 of PROT-01-008. It shall consist
of an overall protection (PROT-16-007).

6.3.14 Protection of Bus Sections and Bus Couplers
Protection for bus sections and bus couplers shall be in accordance with Clause 8.8
of PROT-01-007 or Clause 8.14 of PROT-01-008 as appropriate. It shall consist of
the following equipment:
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(i) Back-up protection (PROT-16-006)
(ii) Commissioning OC protection (PROT-16-006) where appropriate

6.3.15 Circuit Breaker Fail Protection
Provision of circuit breaker fail protection shall be in accordance with Clause 8.9 of
PROT-007 or Clause 8.15 of PROT-01-008 as appropriate. The protection shall
comply with PROT-16-005.

6.3.16 Protection Systems
Protection trip relays shall be provided as the output stage of protection systems.
They shall comply with PROT-16-008.
Main, backup and mechanical protections shall operate into the tripping systems in
accordance with protection tripping logic diagrams given in PROT-01-007 and

6.3.17 Trip Relay Resetting
Manual and automatic trip relay resetting facilities shall be provided in accordance
with Clause 8.10 of PROT-01-007 or Clause 8.16 of PROT-01-008 as appropriate.
They shall provide the interlocking function for autoreclosing facility specified in Part
2, Clause 13.3 of this document.

6.3.18 Protection Supply Supervision
Power supply supervision shall be provided on all fused protection energising and
tripping supplies in accordance with Clause 8.11 of PROT-01-007 or Clause 8.17 of
PROT-01-008 as appropriate.

6.3.19 Trip Circuit Supervision
Trip circuit supervision shall be provided for circuit breaker trip coils and their
associated trip circuits in accordance with Clause 8.12 of PROT-01-007 or Clause
8.18 of PROT-01-008 as appropriate.
Each circuit breaker tripping circuit shall be fitted with facilities to allow a simulated
trip test to be carried out.

6.3.18 Power Line Carrier Coupling Equipment
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Power line carrier coupling equipment shall comply with NGTS 3.6.10.

6.3.19 Communications for Protection
Communications for protection signalling and intertripping equipment shall be in
accordance with TEL-03-014.
Application of protection communications channels shall be in accordance with
Clause 10 of PROT-01-007 or Clause 10 PROT-01-008 as appropriate.
Cross site communications for protection and intertripping equipment shall be in
accordance with NGTS 3.6.9.

6.3.20 Fault Recording and Fault Location
Provision of fault recording equipment and fault location equipment shall be in
accordance with Cause 11 of PROT-01-007 or Clause 11 of PROT-01-008 as
Fault record equipment shall comply with PROT-16-010. Fault location equipment
shall comply with PROT-16-011.

Remote indication and alarm facilities shall be provided in accordance with TPS
3/10,008 and Part 2, Clause 7.4 of this document.


6.5.1 Setting Facilities
For numerical relays or devices, setting shall be via a local PC (Provision of the PC is
excluded) using dedicated setting and configuration management software.
Settings and configuration shall be retained during power supply failure to the
protection equipment and shall be restored to service when the power supply is

6.5.2 Indication Facilities
The protection equipment shall be provided with local indication facilities mounted on
the front for displaying protection operations, failure and status etc. They shall
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consist of flags, lamps, LEDs, liquid crystal display and switches as appropriate.
Indication facilities shall be clearly identified, visible and accessible.

6.5.3 Informative Interface
Numerical relays or devices shall be capable of providing data via a serial
communication port capable of the following:

(i) Receiving requests for changes to protection settings. This function shall be
secure against unauthorised access.
(ii) Transmitting information on request. The information made available shall
preferably include device identity, status, condition, records and settings.

6.5.4 Isolation and Test Facilities
Adequate test and isolation facilities shall be provided within the protection system.
This is to enable SP PowerSystems Ltd or Manufacturer's recommended
commissioning and maintenance procedures to be carried out in a safe and
convenient manner. Isolation Facilities
Isolation facilities such as fuses, links, switches and MCBs are to be generally
provided to enable operation and lifetime management of protection systems to be
carried out efficiently and safely. In this context, lifetime management includes
installation, commissioning, routine maintenance, trip testing, modification and fault

All isolation facilities shall preferably be securable, and accessible from the panel
front. They shall be clearly identified and labelled. These labels shall either describe
the function or be uniquely numbered and cross referenced to a functional look up

Specific isolation facilities required are specified below:
(i) A single isolation link shall be provided in each circuit breaker tripping circuit
between the protection trip relay contacts and the circuit breaker trip coil. The link
shall be monitored by a trip circuit supervision system specified in Clause 8.12 of
PROT-01-007 or Clause 8.18 of PROT-01-008 as appropriate.
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(ii) Fuse and link or MCB shall be provided to isolate all energising and tripping
(iii) Isolation links shall be provided in the tripping output connection of protection
relays, such as IDMT overcurrent relays requiring on-load adjustment of settings.
(iv) Isolation links shall be provided, as necessary, to isolate trip and intertrip
connections between one protection system and another, particularly when the
interconnections are between protection systems not associated with the same plant
item or circuit end.
(v) Isolation links shall be provided to enable communications circuits to be isolated
from the protection equipment for test purposes. These shall be located within the
protection cubicles. Test Facilities
Test facilities to be provided shall include all test switches, push buttons, lamps and
test points etc necessary to carry out normal testing of a protection system.
All test points shall be clearly identified and labelled and be readily accessible to
enable the majority of commissioning and all maintenance to be carried out from the
panel front.
A switch designated Test/Normal shall be incorporated in all main feeder
protections. In the Test position, the main protection shall be isolated from the CT
circuits. Where the CTs operate other protections, the Test position shall cause the
CT circuits to bypass the main feeder protection. Where the CTs do not operate
other protections, the Test position shall short circuit the CTs. In the Normal position,
the CTs shall be connected to the protection for normal operation.

The protection system shall be designed to operate in a consistent manner within a
substation environment and shall meet the environmental requirements of ENATS

The Contractor shall state the service life of protection systems in relation to that of
the plant/apparatus so that SP PowerSystems Ltd can assess the cost of any
replacement during the life of the substation.
The Contractor shall state how long lifetime support for the protection systems will be
provided and make recommendations on spare part provision.

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Protection systems to be supplied shall be type assessed within the framework of
ENA protection assessment or SP PowerSystems Ltd type assessment process.
Evidence of environmental and functional tests and information required for
assessment shall be submitted in accordance with ENATS 48-5 and where
appropriate ENATS and IEC documents. Any non compliance and associated
application limitations shall be stated.
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This section refers to, and should be read in conjunction with the following
IEC Standards
IEC 870-5 Telecontrol Equipment and Systems: Part 5 Transmission Protocols
SP Power Systems Ltd Documents
PROT-03-012 Substation Control and Information System
PROT-03-015 Automatic Voltage Control Systems
TPS 3/10,008 Control, Indication and Alarm Facilities for Manned and Unmanned
TPS 6/10,003 Standardisation of Synchronising Equipment
TPS 6/10,004 Application of Transducers to Telemetering
TPS 7/10,000 Standard Numbering for External Connections to Supervisory
TPS 7/10,002 Telemetering within the Telecontrol System
TPS 12/55 Standard Circuit Diagrams for Direct Wire Control Boards Operated
at 48 Volts (nominal) D.C. (SP Power Systems Ltd Modified)
Energy Network Association Documents
ENATS 50-18 Design and Application of Ancillary Electrical Equipment
National Grid Documents

TDM 6/3 Control Boards for Transmission
The Contractors responsibility with respect to the provision of outstation facilities or
substation control and information systems shall be specified in the Contract.
Substation control and information systems shall comply with SP Power Systems Ltd
specification PROT-03-012.
Control, indication and alarm facilities at 400 kV, 275 kV and 132 kV substations and
bulk supply points shall be in accordance with TPS 3/10,008 incorporating the
following amendments:
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Clause 3.1
Delete sub-clause (c).
Clause 3.3
Substitute the following definitions for the existing definitions:
Main Control from a distribution control centre using remote control
equipment, or from a Power Station Control Room using direct wire control
Standby Control from the substation control or relay room using direct wire
control equipment or a substation control and information system.
Section 4
Substitute the entire section with the following:
Switching on the SP Power Systems Ltd transmission system to grid control
instruction shall be performed
(a) remotely from the GCC or PSMC, or
(b) remotely from power station control rooms, or
(c) at substations from the standby control board or substation control and
information system.
The control, indication and alarm facilities to be provided for each substation
are specified in schedules 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
The telecontrol equipment will also provide control, indication and alarm
facilities for the 33 kV feeder circuit breakers at bulk supply points if required.
Clause 7.2
Substitute the entire clause with the following:
7.2 Substations Normally Controlled by Telecontrol
This category includes the majority of SP Power Systems Ltd transmission
substations. The control facilities required at the main control point (GCC or
PSMC) are specified in columns 1, 2 and 5 of schedule 1.
Where standby control is provided by direct wire equipment (standby control
board), the required control facilities are specified in columns 1, 2 and 4 of
schedule 1. Where the standby control is provided by a substation control and
information system, the required control facilities are as for the main control
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Clause 8.2
Substitute the entire clause with the following:
8.2 Substations Normally Controlled by Telecontrol
The indications required at the main control point (GCC or PSMC) are
specified in columns 1, 2 and 5 of schedule 2. The alarms required at the
main control point are specified in columns 1 and 6 of schedule 3.
Where standby control is provided by direct wire control equipment (standby
control board), the indications required are specified by columns 1, 2 and 4 of
schedule 2, and the alarms required by columns 1 and 5 of schedule 3.
Where the standby control is provided by a substation control and information
system, the required indications and alarms are as for the main control point.
Clause 8.5
Replace the entire clause with the following:
8.5 Substation Annunciators
For substations with standby control provided by direct wire control equipment,
substation annunciation facilities shall be provided at the standby control
board or, in the case of bulk supply points, on the 33 kV bus section control
and relay panel.
Clause 8.6
Replace the paragraph commencing "An alarm and Indication Isolation Box" with the
For substations with standby control provided by direct wire control equipment,
an alarm and indication isolation box (AIIB) shall be provided in the substation
relay room, equipped with terminal blocks with integral isolation links through
which all alarms and indications to the main control point shall be routed.
For substations with a substation control and information system, indication
and alarm isolation facilities shall comply with the requirements of PROT-03-

At the majority of SP Power Systems Ltd transmission substations, plant cabling for
alarms, controls and indications is terminated at a common Cable Termination
Cubicle (CTC) normally located in the telecommunications room. For substations
with Ferranti outstations, alarms and indications are looped through the Alarm and
Indication Isolation Box (AIIB) back to the CTC, and jumpered to the outstation
Primary plant shall be controlled from the outstation or substation control and
information system via interposing relays complying with the requirements in ENATS
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Indications and alarms that require annunciation at a Standby Control Board or
Power Station Control Board in addition to remote annunciation at the GCC or PSMC
shall either employ separate contacts for each alarm, or shall derive each alarm via a
diode from the same source contact.
Alarms, indications and controls shall be wired and ferruled in accordance with
TPS 7/10,000.
Local indication of primary plant status shall be provided at the plant. Local
indication of secondary equipment status shall be provided at the appropriate relay
Standby Control Boards, where required, shall be in accordance with TPS 12/55 and
TDM 6/3, type 1 or type 2.
The provision of standard and precision analogue data shall be in accordance with
TPS 6/10,004 and TPS 7/10,002

Synchronising facilities, where required, shall be in accordance with TPS 6/10,003.

Automatic voltage control systems for controlling transformer tap changers at bulk
supply points shall comply with PROT-03-015.
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The provision of common telecommunication equipment constituting multiplexers,
communication circuits, optical fibre bearers, rented telecommunication services and
any associated isolation facilities, shall be the responsibility of SP Power Systems

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This section refers to and should be read in conjunction with the following
National Grid Documents
NGTS 3.9.7 Substation Clock
NGTS3.9.12 Electrical Measurement Transducers

Settlement metering shall comply with the relevant Settlement Agreement for
Scotland Metering Codes of Practice, and the relevant sub-section below.
The Substation Clock shall be in accordance with NGTS 3.9.7 incorporating the
following amendments:-
Clause 3.1.1 External Time Reference
Replace the sentence commencing The clock shall make reference to.. with the
The clock shall make reference to an external time reference source that can
be received over the whole of the United Kingdom.
Replace the paragraph commencing The source shall preferably.. with the
The source shall be directly linked and traceable to Co-ordinated Universal
Time (UTC). A Global Positioning System (GPS) source is preferred.
Electrical measurement transducers for control and indication purposes shall comply
with NGTS 3.9.12.
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All civil and building infrastructure shall be designed to meet the functional
requirements stated for a minimum of 40 years. Where this is not considered
possible, then the tenderer shall identify those areas, which will require particular
routine maintenance during the forty year period.
All civil and building infrastructure shall be designed and detailed in accordance with
the provisions of all current, relevant and applicable British Standard Specifications,
British Codes of Practice, Institute or Association Technical Standards and with the
requirements of the Scottish Building Standards Technical Handbook and Building
Regulations (England) Approved Documents.

The tenderer shall also comply with the following National Grid Technical
Specifications unless ScottishPower guidelines or procedure supersedes them.

iv). NGTS 2.10 - National Grid Technical Specification for Civil Engineering and
Building Works.
v). NGTS 2.1 Manual for the Design of Substations.
vi). NGTS 2.20 Oil containment at substations and other operational sites.
vii). NGTS 3.1.2 Substation Earthing
viii). NGTS 3.1.3 Limitation of fire risk in substations.
Subject to the approval of the Employer, the successful tenderer may adopt
standards or codes of practice issued by the European Union provided that such
standards or codes of practice can be demonstrated to be of an equivalent or higher
standard than the relevant British Standards or Codes of Practice.
The contractor shall supply the Employer with single copies of each alternative
standard or code proposed.
Where the contract includes a requirement for the provision of a building element the
Contractor shall submit the names and details of three building companies proficient
in this discipline for consideration by the Employer.

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The contractor shall adopt a design methodology, which shall identify all significant
factors in the design and ensure that proper attention is given to each factor at every
stage in the design process. The contractor shall prepare for the whole works and
each discrete section thereof a Design Intent Document. The Design Intent
Document shall be made available to the Employer in accordance with the Schedule
of Key Dates for the submission of design information. The Design Intent Document
shall describe the design philosophy and assumptions to be adopted for all of the
works and shall include but shall not be limited to:

ix). Geotechnical Assumptions
x). Foundation Design Concept
xi). Load Cases
xii). The magnitude of all dead, imposed, plant, wind and short circuit forces etc
considered to be appropriate for each structural element
xiii). Load Case Combinations
xiv). Supporting Structure parameters
xv). Disruptive failure of substation equipment
xvi). Concrete Mix Designs

The Design Intent Document shall also clearly state the Standards and Codes of Practise
applicable to the entire scope of the civil and building works for the contract.

Civil Design calculations, systematically carried out to meet the design standards
specified and/or adopted, shall be submitted to the Employer in sufficient detail to
prove the adequacy, under the appropriate limit state or states, of all elements and
components proposed for the works.
Calculations shall be prepared, checked and approved by a Chartered Civil or
Structural Engineer in full accordance with recognised Quality Assurance
A full sequence of all manual calculations shall be submitted. For calculations by
specialist software packages or spreadsheet analysis, output data shall be set out
and supplementary checks shall be provided sufficient to demonstrate the sequence
and validity of the routines employed.
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General arrangement drawings shall include plans, elevations and sections of the
buildings, structures and external works etc and shall clearly indicate the main
dimensions, material and forms of construction proposed by the Contractor.

The Contractor shall make proper provision in the programme for both the design
and construction and shall allow 21 days for the Employer to comment or approve
the various design and drawing submissions and ensure that all such comments are
incorporated in the works. To this end, a schedule of dates for design submissions
shall be prepared and submitted by the Contractor following Contract award. The
schedule shall include dates by which time comments/approvals are required from
the Employer.

Acceptance of the Contractors design submissions will not relieve the Contractor of
any of his design responsibility under the Contract.
All design calculations detailing, and drawings must be in the English language and
shall be prepared in terms of SI units in accordance with the recommendations in BS
5555. All dimensions shall be in millimetres.

Where available site investigation reports are included in the Tender enquiry
package for information and tendering purposes only and to aid the Contractors
appointed designer.
Information provided in relation to geotechnical site studies will be indicative only of
conditions at the time and precise location of the boreholes, trial pits and soil tests;
and may not be representative of conditions encountered at the time of the works or
at locations elsewhere on the site.
These reports are made available in good faith and whilst every effort is made to
ensure the accuracy of the information provided, the Contractor must arrange to
satisfy himself as to the suitability of any information contained in these reports on
which his tender price has been based.
The site studies provided by the Employer are intended to assist the tenderers during
the tender period. If considered necessary, the tenderer shall make provision in his
priced submission for any such additional site surveys or investigations, which are
required for the proper design of the works to supplement the information supplied by
the Employer.

Materials and workmanship shall comply in all respects to the requirements of The
National Grid Technical Specification NGTS 2.10 Generic Specification for Civil
Engineering Works and all British Standard Codes of Practice referenced therein,
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together with the generally accepted good working practices recognised within the
relevant discipline.
The Contractor shall be required to submit samples of materials and workmanship for
approval by the Employer as and when requested. Samples when approved in
respect of quality, general appearance and workmanship shall indicate the limits
allowable in the works and will be used for comparison when inspecting the works.
Where work is required of a specialist nature then the contractor shall employ an
established sub-contractor experienced in the supply and installation of that
particular discipline.

Manufacturers standard details may be incorporated in the works if the Contractor is
able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Employer that the performance, under
the conditions that may prevail on the site, will comply with the specification.

The Contractor shall be responsible for setting out all of the Works in accordance
with the Contract and for this purpose shall appoint and employ all necessary
qualified staff and assistance and shall supply and maintain all necessary
instruments and equipment whilst making these available for use by the Employer.
The Contractor shall establish a permanent datum point for levels in a position to be
agreed with the Employer. This temporary benchmark shall be adequately protected
and the relative level of the benchmark, which shall be agreed with the Employer,
shall be clearly recorded in a manner approved by the Employer.
A base line for the control of the Works shall be established in a manner approved by
the Employer and the co-ordinates of any points on the base line related to the Site
Grid shall be made known to the Employer.

At the commencement of the Works the Contractor shall submit a fully dimensioned
setting out drawing showing the proposed base lines and level datum (the level
datum shall be reduced to Ordnance Datum).

All utility apparatus, trenches, buried earthing conductors and services of any kind
(including spare ducts) above or below ground level which may be encountered
during the course of the works are to be maintained in position, protected and kept in
working order unless otherwise agreed by the Employer. The Contractor shall notify
the Employer immediately such apparatus is encountered.

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The tenderers attention is particularly drawn to the fact that the site may be crossed
by underground services, the exact position and depth of which may not be known.
The tenderer shall include for the location of underground services by taking out
hand excavated trial pits prior to the commencement of the general site earthworks
and for the provision of marker pegs located along the routes of such underground
services for the duration of the site works. The pegs shall be removed on completion
of the works.
The position and depth together with a description of the service located shall be
entered in a log by the contractor, the format of which will be agreed with the
Employer prior to commencement of work.

Method statements and risk assessments shall be submitted to the Employer, the
Senior Authorised Person and any other interested parties for comment. No works
shall be commenced without full agreement by all parties, of the working methods to
be adopted. Furthermore, all finalised method statements, risk assessments and
agreed programme of works shall be made available to all interested parties in
advance of the works commencing.

Notwithstanding the aforementioned, the Contractor shall remain responsible for any
damage caused to any existing services resulting from his works and shall reinstate
such damage to the satisfaction of the Employer entirely at the Contractor's own

Prior to the commencement of the construction works, the Contractor shall clear the
site of all rubbish and debris and dispose of it off site to an appropriate licenced tip.

The tenderer shall include in his submission for all excavation and site clearance
works required for the project including the removal of all redundant foundations
where they conflict with the new works. Removal of any additional foundations shall
be agreed with the Employer prior to construction.
The tenderer shall include in his submitted prices, costs to carry out a detailed
structural survey of all existing concrete structures, relating to or affected by the
intended works, All costs associated with the necessary remedial work, or demolition
and replacement (as identified by the survey) to ensure an extended 40 year life
span shall be included in the tender submission.

During the course of the construction works, there may be a significant amount of
general excavation work carried out within the substation compound. The tenderer
shall allow for the complete reinstatement of the works associated with the site on
completion of the various works, including raking, compacting Type 1 material to a
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depth of not less than 150mm, supply of approved 20mm whin chippings to a
minimum thickness of 75mm and the removal of all contaminated or excess material
off site. This work shall be carried out such that the present substation level remains
The reinstatement of areas outwith the substation compound shall be such that the
finished levels are graded to be as near to the original as is practicable and to the
satisfaction of the Employer.
Where the reinstatement is under the jurisdiction of the local authority or other
statutory agency then the reinstatement shall be in accordance with the requirements
of The New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 and all other statutory regulations.

The tenderer shall include for the general excavation and approved backfilling of
tracks associated with the diversion of any existing services, the installation of
multicore cables and earth mats and the installation of any additional miscellaneous
services required by the works and determined by the contract.
The tenderer shall include for the following when installing the new earth mat:-

xvii). The conductor shall be haunched with concrete at 2.0m centres.
xviii). The conductor shall be surrounded by 150mm of non-corrosive soil of fine
texture and firmly rammed.
xix). Conductors forming part of the earth electrode system shall be at a minimum
depth of 500mm.
xx). Subsidiary connections shall be at a minimum depth of 250mm.
The Contractor shall be prohibited from leaving stockpiled excavated material
adjacent to the existing security fence and must not obstruct any access road within
the substation compound or the Employers curtilage at any time during the course of
the works.
Where the contract requires excavation or the placing of piles inside existing
buildings, the tenderer shall include to undertake extensive exploratory excavations
to ascertain the presence of any voids, obstructions or unusual formations prior to
commencing work.

In the initial stages of the works there may be a significant amount of material to be
excavated and removed from site. The stockpiling of excavated material surplus to
the requirements of the work is prohibited, all such material shall be loaded and
carted off site at the time of excavation.

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The Contractor shall take cognisance of the recommendations of the site
investigation studies and allow for the preparation of the site such that all soft or
unsuitable material (whether encountered during the course of the earthworks or not,
but known to exist) is completely removed from the site to the satisfaction of the
Employer. Thereafter the site shall be dressed as necessary with free draining
hardcore material to facilitate the efficient movement of plant and personnel during
the construction of the works. The Contractor shall maintain the surfacing as
required, such that the construction is not interrupted nor water allowed to collect on
the surface.
The construction of the compound platform shall generally ensure that any gradient
should not exceed 1 in 200, that minimally the upper 300mm should be constructed
from free draining, non-frost susceptible granular material compacted to provide a
minimum ground bearing capacity of 100kPa. The compound should typically
comprise of 225mm compacted Type 1 aggregate and 75mm of single sized stone
chippings (nom dia 20mm). The Employer, prior to construction, must approve any
relaxation from these values. Any requirement for more onerous design criteria than
that stated should be communicated to the Employer at the tender stage.

Where excavation is required within the confines of a live substation the Contractor
will allow for hand excavation only. It may be that on subsequent investigation and
with the approval of the Senior Authorised Person mechanical excavation will be
authorised. The tenderer whilst preparing his tender should not assume that this
permission will be automatic.

The substation approach road will generally be 5.5m wide, or as specified on the
associated guidance drawings, with the surface constructed from bituminous bound
material designed to resist all anticipated axle loads from construction traffic, the
delivery of the main power transformers and ongoing operational traffic. The road
shall be delineated with precast concrete bull nosed kerbs set flush with the road
surface. The main internal access road, which will be used for the delivery of the
power transformer, will have the same specification as the approach road. The
internal perimeter service roads will typically be 3m wide with a fines topped Type 1
aggregate finish or as alternatively detailed in the guidance drawings. The service
roads shall be constructed to resist all anticipated loads and also be delineated with
precast concrete pin or bull nosed kerbs set flush with the road surface.
Where an alternative surface to that specified is acceptable for the approach and
main internal access roads, this will be agreed prior to the tender submission.


Height gauges and bollards shall be installed as and when required by the contract.
The design of both the height gauge shall be generally in accordance with guidance
Comment [L1]: This will have to be
confirmed and correct form of words
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drawing GEN SS/L12. Bollards shall be constructed such that they can be fully
removed to allow wide vehicle unrestricted access to the site.
The Contractor shall properly dispose of water from the site from whatever source
during the construction phase. Any contaminated water which is unsuitable for
discharge into watercourses or drains external to the site, shall be effectively
removed prior to discharge and, where appropriate, such extracted contaminants
shall be transported to a licensed tip.

Where the contract includes the fabrication and installation of a perimeter security
fence. The fencing system shall minimally comprise of standard fencing panels,
closing panels, fence posts, gates and all foundations, edgings and anti-climbing
devices etc as shown generally on the Employers Drawings 00109261,2,3&4,
00221464 and 00221465. Where particularly elevated or exposed conditions are
anticipated to contribute to more onerous wind loadings, then the tenderer shall carry
out all necessary design checks on the fence foundations to ensure stability of the
fencing system and include for any design and construction costs. Tenderers shall
note that anti-climbing devices may also be required on new perimeter fences to
comply with SP Power Systems Ltd Safety Rules, however if the security risk to the
site is such that the supplied design is not acceptable the Employer will indicate the
required security standards to be adopted prior to tendering.
In addition, the construction of the security fence shall be such that any fence panels
immediately adjacent to the position of a transformer can be completely removed to
allow the power transformers and associated coolers etc to be removed [if required]
for maintenance or replacement. Details of the preferred fabrication method are also
shown on the above drawings.
It is imperative that in order to maintain the security of the substation, any new
fencing is erected and completely secured prior to the dismantling of any redundant
sections The redundant fencing panels etc removed from the substation shall be
transported and stockpiled in an area to be agreed by the Employer.

As part of the concrete works the contractor shall include for all necessary bottoming,
trimming and compacting of formation of excavation prior to placing concrete. For
including 75mm thick blinding concrete Grade GEN3 C16/20 and for full depth wrot
formwork. All structural concrete shall be Grade RC32/40 with fine trowelled finish to
exposed upper surfaces and 50mm deep, 45
perimeter chamfer to the top upstand.
The use of surplus excavated material to upfill the surrounding compound will not be
allowed without prior approval of the Employer.

Comment [L2]: Check against new
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Unless specifically identified otherwise by the Employer, all foundations are to have
cast in-situ galvanised steel holding down bolt/tube arrangements, which shall be
grouted up with a non shrinking, cementicious grout after the erection of the
supporting structures. In addition, sufficient provision prior to casting, shall be made
in the foundations for all earthing and multicore cable installations which shall be
grouted up on completion of the works.
Where electrical plant foundations with a surface area greater than 4m
are required
in the substation compound, the area of exposed concrete above substation level
shall be minimised by constructing upstands not less than 1.0m
at the holding down
bolt position - the main body of the continuous foundation being obscured below
ground level.
Following the award of the contract, the Contractor shall make a full submission of
the Concrete Mix Designs he proposes to use for the duration of the works. Once
accepted by the Employer, these mix designs shall not be amended without
agreement by the employer

The Contractor shall be responsible for all works necessary for the delivery and
removal of the transformer/reactor. Concrete skidways shall be provided from the
delivery point to the transformer plinth. The skidways shall be transversely level,
have a longitudinal slope no greater 1:30 and be designed to cater for all anticipated
loads from jacks and beams.
The construction of the concrete bund shall be in line with NGTS 2.20 (SP Modified),
with the internal walking surface set at same level as the external compound
wherever practicable. Bund walls should generally not exceed 800mm in height and
shall not be used as a load bearing structure during the delivery of the transformer.
The transformer plinth shall include appropriately designed jacking points which can
be used if required by the transformer haulage contractor. The clear distance
between the main power transformer and the internal face of the bund wall shall not
be less than 2m. At auxiliary transformers this distance shall not be less than 1m

Cable trenches shall be self-draining, cast insitu or pre-cast concrete systems with
easily manageable, fully enclosed non-slip GRP trench covers (including draw out
pits). Trench covers shall be capable of withstanding all anticipated loadings
including axle loadings, and all vehicle crossing points shall be colour coded and
have clearly visible permanent markers attached indicating the safe working load.
Every fifth GRP trench cover shall come with factory cut handholds (two per cover).
Handholds shall be free of any rough or sharp edges that could cause injury. New
trenches will be required to accommodate all cable requirements within the
substation compound plus an allowance of 10% for future/spare capacity.
In existing substation sites, the cable trench system shall be compatible with the
system already adopted on site. Again it shall be self-draining and have easily
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manageable, pre-cast concrete or grp removable covers, capable of withstanding all
anticipated loadings and all vehicle crossing points shall identified as per new trench
Where cable trench covers that are not suitable for a single man lift are acceptable to
the Employer, permanent proprietary mechanical cover lift equipment shall be
provided. This equipment shall have all-terrain wheels and appropriate storage
accommodation on site.


10.18.1 Design
The Contractor shall be responsible for the design, manufacture and supply of all
structural steelwork and aluminium support structures required for the works. The
structures shall be delivered to site complete with all predrilled holes for the fixing of
earth tapes, cables and all other relevant attachments. In addition, where required,
they shall be supplied with suitable drain holes. Site drilling after erection shall not be

Structures shall be used for bonding of electrical equipment to an earth mat and
evidence shall be provided which demonstrates that the structure is capable of
withstanding the rated short time current. Where practicable, bolted structures shall
be avoided.
The design of support structures shall comply also with the requirements of NGTS
10.18.2 Serviceability
When considering the serviceability of the of the supporting structures, the
Contractor shall ensure that deflections are appropriate for the proper function of the
structure and for the plant and equipment supported by the structure but in any case,
shall not be greater than that recommended in the appropriate Standard.
10.18.3 Finishes

The finishes applied to structural steelwork elements shall have a uniform
appearance and shall be appropriate for the level of corrosion protection for the
required 40 year design life of the substation.
Any holes drilled in the structure to accommodate the galvanising process shall be
fitted with suitable plugs.

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The tenderer shall allow for all works associated with hand excavated tracks required
for all cables, earthing mats etc (not laid in cable trenches) along those routes to be
determined by the design


10.20.1 General Requirements

All drainage systems shall be designed to accommodate all surface, foul and oily
water discharges from within the substation site. The drainage systems are to meet
the requirements of and be approved by the relevant Local Authorities, and the
Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) or the Environmental Agency (EA)
where appropriate.

10.20.2 Surface Water Drainage

The Contractor shall provide a drainage scheme that shall be sized to accommodate
the anticipated drainage inflow rates during the operational life of the substation.

The design should minimally ensure that the substation platform drainage is sufficient
to cope with a flood risk of 0.5%. Consideration should also be given to the impact on
the serviceability of the site from a flood risk of 0.1%. However the requirement to
adopt this degree of flood protection shall be confirmed during tender discussions
with the Employer.
10.20.3 Foul Water Drainage

Where there is a requirement for additional welfare facilities or new buildings the
tenderer shall include for all such drainage, which must conform in all respects to the
requirements of the Local Authority and SEPA or the EA together with the approval
of the Employer.

When required by the scope of works the Contractor will be responsible for obtaining
all necessary consents required to construct the drainage works and for complying in
all respects with the conditions attached to such consents.

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10.20.4 Oil/Water Drainage

Oily water drainage shall comprise of concrete sealing slabs and bund walls around
all oil containing plant, with sealed ductile iron pipework, discharging from the bund
to a class 1 full retention oil separator. Flow into the separator shall not exceed the
manufacturers guidelines and an isolation valve, upstream of the separator, shall be
provided to allow for maintenance of the unit. The provision of valves, sumps, covers,
copings, handrails and all other accessories necessary to complete the works should
be included. The system shall be capable of coping with a major escape of oil from
either the power transformers or any other plant connected to the system without
spillage onto the substation compound. Drainage from the transformer bunds shall
not be discharged directly into the system but shall be directed into a sump (located
in the corner of the bunded area), which shall have a trapped inlet to extinguish
flames. It is the responsibility of the contractor to satisfy himself that all appropriate
SEPA and EA guidelines and the relevant sections of NGTS 2.20 (SP Modified) have
been incorporated into the design of the oil/water drainage system.

On completion the class 1 interceptor shall be tested in accordance with the
appropriate National Grid Civil Commissioning Test Schedule (CCTS)


Around the external perimeter of the substation, a 1.5m wide access footpath is to be
provided. The finish shall be single sized 6mm whin chippings on approved 150mm
thick compacted hardcore material, edged with a concrete haunched precast
concrete edging kerb.


The Contractor shall allow for the supply and spreading of single sized 20mm whin
chips over the required areas of the substation site, i.e. between electrical apparatus
structures, footpaths, verges on completion of the works. Where the work is within an
existing substation the chippings should match the existing. The whin chips shall be
finished level with the bottom of the chamfers formed on all new foundations. The
contractor shall ensure that prior to the reinstatement of the surface of the substation,
the sub-base is reinstated with Type 1 material compacted to give a finished depth of
at least 150mm.
In the absence of any specific landscaping layout and where appropriate the
Contractor shall trim, rake and prepare any newly formed embankments outwith the
perimeter palisade security fence. All final slopes shall be finished with 300mm thick
layer of topsoil and all finished areas shall be seeded with an approved grass seed
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mix. Any damaged grass areas, caused by the works shall be prepared, levelled and
seeded to the approval of the Employer.

The Contractor shall include for maintaining the seeded areas during dry weather
until the new grass has become established. The Contractor shall stone pick the
grassed areas on completion of the work.
The Contractor shall be responsible for all damage caused by his activities in
carrying out the works may cause to both the site, any adjoining landowners property
or that belonging to the Employer and shall reinstate same to the satisfaction of the


Where the contract includes for the provision of a Control & Relay Building, the
Contractor shall adopt an internal layout, which is generally in accordance with SP
Power Systems Limited guidance drawings provided as part of the tender package.

The Contractor shall determine the physical size of the building such that all required
equipment can be installed with sufficient additional space for both operational
maintenance and future installations.

Regarding the external appearance of the building, the Contractor shall be required
to meet the conditions which may be attached to the formal Planning Consent,
Building Regulations Approval, Environmental Assessment or any other conditions
stipulated by Statutory Bodies.
10.23.1 Design and Architectural Considerations.
The buildings shall have simple clean lines and be free from extraneous detail that
may reduce the effectiveness of the weatherproof enclosure.
In the detailed design of the building the Contractor shall pay particular attention to
architectural detailing around door openings, gutters and downpipes, penetrations
and flashings to ensure that all roofing, cladding and brickwork sections are fully
weatherproof, durable and visually pleasing. The building shall not have windows but
shall be provided with a suitable designed ventilation system which shall meet the
requirements of the Local Authority
The scheme may either be of traditional construction or a steel portal frame with an
outer skin of insulated profiled steel cladding, with internal rooms and compartments
constructed to comply with NGTS 2.10, NGTS 3.1.3 and, where appropriate, the
building regulation technical standards for Scotland and England. The preferred
substation Control Building will be selected by the Employer during the assessment
of the tender submissions.
Comment [L3]: To be reviewed
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The Control and Relay building must provide a total weatherproof enclosure and
shall be designed to withstand the anticipated weather conditions that can prevail on
the site.

Particular consideration must be given to exposure to wind, driven rain and any other
environmental conditions that may have an impact on the building. Proper attention
shall be given to the choice of design parameters, selection of materials and the
design and detailing of the various elements and components.

Where a switchroom is to be accommodated within the control/relay building, the
room must be designed to maintain the integrity of the building and relieve or
withstand the overpressure developed during a disruptive failure of the equipment.

A concrete footpath shall be provided to give personnel access to all entrances and
exits around the building unless an alternative proposal is agreed with the Employer.
10.23.2 Ground Floor Levels

The finished floor level of the Control and Relay building shall be not less than
150mm above the adjacent finished level of the substation compound. Where cables
are required to be routed through the building the tenderer shall allow for the
provision of either a cast insitu internal cable trench or a propped-type floor system
where there is sufficient segregation of cables within the underbuilding. The cable
trench system shall have easily manageable removable covers and a suitable
number of sets of lifting keys.
10.23.3 Roofing and Cladding
The tenderer shall submit general details of the proposed roofing system for
consideration by the Employer. Following contract award, the successful tenderer
shall submit additional details including design calculations for comment prior to the
procurement of materials. All costs incurred by the Contractor through failure to
comply with this directive will be at the contractors own risk.
The proposed roofing system to be installed shall conform with the following general
Provide a wind and watertight envelope to protect all sensitive plant and equipment
installed within the building.
Offer a degree of flexibility to allow for any future expansion of the building that may
be required and to cause minimal disruption to the operation of the plant in so doing.
Be readily available and replaceable should damage occur by whatever cause.
Be readily maintainable, in most cases this will require a self-finished minimum
maintenance surface with self-cleaning capability and minimal inspection
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Be capable of withstanding the effects of any corrosive substance present within or
outside the building.
Be sufficiently robust to withstand the effects of all loading combinations which may
occur throughout the operational life of the substation.
Be capable of achieving sufficient thermal and sound insulation as necessary.
Be of such a material as to provide a consistent finished surface colour throughout its
working life and offer an acceptable appearance when viewed from a distance.
Satisfy all relevant British Standards, Building Regulations and any additional
guidelines imposed by SEPA.
Should the Contractor opt for a proprietary dry roof tile system, then the ridge, hip
and gable end tiles shall be "dry fixed".
10.23.4 Brickwork and Blockwork.
All masonry walls and wall panels shall have sufficient strength and thickness to
withstand all loading combinations without cracking or distortion. In this respect, the
Contractor shall include for the design and installation all movement joints and for
reinforcing measures to resist all anticipated movement in wall panels.

The materials selected for masonry walling shall be selected for durability and shall
conform with the architectural treatment of the substation.
Internal load bearing walls where constructed in blockwork shall have suitable
approved, reinforcing every third course.
External masonry shall be HD Category 1 clay-facing brickwork with a min 35N/mm

mean compressive strength, 12% maximum moisture absorption and durability
designation F1 S1 or better. In certain site specific situations higher quality external
masonry, water repellent render or other appropriate coating such as siloxane
hydrophobic impregnation maybe required to ensure that moisture penetration is
Masonry below ground level shall be HD Category 1 clay brickwork with a min
mean compressive strength, 12% maximum moisture absorption and
durability designation F2 S2 or better (Ex-Engineering Brick Class B or better).
Concrete bricks shall be fair-faced light grey in colour, with minimum 20N/mm2 mean
compressive strength and be for internal use only.
Modular, cellular, hollow and some forms of perforated masonry units would not be
10.23.5 Doors.

It is essential that personnel can access and properly secure on egress all doors
within the substation. Any door material/construction type that may bind, shrink,
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warp, corrode or distort will not be acceptable. Doors shall therefore be of robust
construction and offer a high degree of security against unauthorised entry.
External doors shall generally open outwards but not open over the public highway,
including footpaths. The fire rating of external doors shall minimally comply with the
requirements of the appropriate building regulation technical standard or to any more
onerous condition stated within the reference documents.
Doors shall be fully weathered including appropriate seals to the external perimeter
of frames, cover plate to meeting styles and weather bar to threshold. Weather bars
must be corrosion resistant, built into concrete and not present a tripping hazard to
Emergency exits shall be fitted with high security multi-point locking mechanism
operated by means of full width panic bars. Where emergency escape mechanisms
are fitted to access doors with external locking then the panic bars must operate
when the doors are locked.
10.23.6 Battery Room
Where it is specified or where the designs require the use of lead acid cell batteries,
the walls and floor of the battery room shall be prepared and painted with two coats
of acid resistant paint.
Where vented cells are to be used the tenderer shall ensure that minimum ventilation
requirements are achieved by the use of natural ventilation. The standard to apply for
the calculation of the openings for natural ventilation is BS EN 50272: 2001. This
calculation gives the "free area" of the opening, and not the size of the louvre. Inlet
and outlet areas should be based on the "louvered area" including allowance for the
filter mesh. Location of the openings should be in line with Section 8.3 of BS EN
50272: 2001 and 3.3.2 of BS 6133:1995). Louvres should be of non-sparking, anti-
acid and anti-static material. Floors should have anti-static surfaces and all electrical
fittings should be Zone 2 Class II, T6, IP65, Hazardous Area classified, including the
heater radiator, and comply with BS EN 60079-10:2003 Electrical Apparatus for
Explosive Gas Atmospheres.

Where an existing battery room is being modified to comply with the above standards
allowance shall be made for any electrical cabling and fittings required to meet the
current standards and regulations.
Battery rooms shall also minimally be provided with an eye wash storage cabinet
mounted above or adjacent to a suitable WHB and a cut off floor drain across door
openings running to a contained internal sump.
10.23.7 Other Trades
The Contractor will be responsible for the provision of all the trades necessary to
complete all buildings to a high standard including joinery work, flooring, electrics,
plumbing, ceramic and quarry tiling, painting and decoration so as to provide the
finishes indicated in the finishes schedule.
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10.23.8 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning

The Contractor shall be responsible for designing, supplying and installing all
necessary HVAC plant and equipment including control and instrumentation,
interlocking and cabling systems necessary to maintain appropriate operational
The tenderer shall fully describe his HVAC proposals for each room in the building at
the tender stage, but should minimally provide the following ventilation extraction
rates unless these are superseded by current building standards regulation:-
Toilets 10 air changes/hr
LVAC Room 6 air changes/hr
Relay Room 6 air changes/hr
Control Room 4 air changes/hr
Combined Control/Relay Rooms 6 air changes/hr
Telecomms Room 6 air changes/hr
Battery Room Refer to 10.23.6
Workshop 6 air changes/hr
Office 4 air changes/hr
Mess Room 10 air changes/hr
Switchroom 6 air changes/hr
Space heating in the form of thermostatically controlled electric panel heaters shall
be provided throughout the control room and shall minimally be designed to the
following parameters:-
External Design Parameters
Winter -10 deg C fully saturated
Summer 26 deg C db, 19degC wb

Internal Design Parameters
Toilets Winter 18degC +/-2degC; Summer - uncontrolled
LVAC Room Winter 13degC +/-2degC; Summer - uncontrolled
Relay Room Winter 18degC +/-2degC; Summer - uncontrolled
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Control Room Winter 18degC +/-2degC; Summer - uncontrolled
Combined Control/Relay Rooms Winter 18degC +/-2degC; Summer - uncontrolled
Telecomms Room Winter 18degC +/-2degC; Summer 23degC +/-
Battery Room Winter 15degC +/-2degC; Summer - uncontrolled
Workshop Winter 18degC +/-2degC; Summer - uncontrolled
Office Winter 21degC +/-2degC; Summer - uncontrolled
Mess Room Winter 21degC +/-2degC; Summer - uncontrolled
Switchroom Winter 18degC +/-2degC; Summer uncontrolled
Corridor Winter 13degC +/-2degC; Summer - uncontrolled

10.23.9 Lighting and Small Power
The Contractor shall be responsible for the design and installation of a suitable
lighting and small power scheme for the building that shall include 400V, 230V, 110V
outlet sockets as required by the Employer.
The internal lighting scheme shall be designed by the Contractor such that the
positions of all light fittings and associated switches etc. take due cognisance of the
locations of all equipment within the building. Irrespective of the location with the
building, all internal cabling shall be run through approved, galvanised metal conduit.
The lighting design shall minimally provide for the following levels:-
Standard Limiting Glare
Illuminance Index

Toilets 200 lux -
LVAC Room 200 lux -
Relay Room 400 lux 25
Control Room 400 lux 25
Combined Control/Relay Rooms 400 lux 25
Telecomms Room 300 lux 25
Battery Room 200 lux - Refer to 10.23.6
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Workshop 200 lux -
Office 500 lux 19
Mess Room 200 lux 22
Switchroom 200 lux -
Entrance Hall/Corridor 200 lux 22
Exterior Lighting to
Control Buildings, etc 15 lux -

Distribution Boards will be so designed so as to be compatible with the low voltage
installation for the requirements of the plant operation.

10.23.10 Raised Floors
Where the design calls for the provision of raised floors, the floor shall minimally
allow for a 450mm deep under floor void and be supplied and fitted by a specialist
The floor shall be fitted complete with all stringers, gaskets and coved skirting to give
a rigid surface in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations. The floor
shall be completed prior to any superimposed loads being introduced to the area.
10.23.11 Fire and Intruder Alarms
Fire Detection Alarms
The tenderer shall minimally allow for the design and installation of a fire detection
alarm system within control rooms and internal switchrooms in line with NGTS 3.1.3.
or unless agreed otherwise by the Employer.
Intruder Alarms
The tenderer shall minimally allow for the design and installation of an intruder alarm
system within control rooms and internal switchrooms, unless agreed otherwise by
the Employer
The requirement for any specialised or additional fire detection and security systems
will be made clear by the Employer prior to tendering.

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On completion of the works, the Contractor shall clear the site of all plant, surplus
materials and general arisings and shall leave all areas and access roads clean and
tidy. All access roads are to be mechanically swept just prior to vacating the site.
The tenderer shall allow in the submitted tender price for all works associated with
the assessment of the pre-cast concrete structures, including cable trenches, and for
carrying out all required temporary works, preparation works and for proposing and
adopting a suitable concrete repair system which will meet the above requirements.
The repair works shall include but shall not be limited to the following activities:-
Erection of access platforms and removal on completion, the provision of all
specialist approved operatives to carry out the required works, the removal of all
loose and spalling concrete to a sound base, the exposure of all corroded steel
reinforcing bars, the removal of all corrosion products and for the preparation of the
bars to accept the concrete repair system, the preparation of the exposed concrete
surface including the application of all bonding agents etc. and for the supply,
application, trowelling and finishing to match the profile of the structure being
Where the corrosion is so severe as to render the bar unserviable then the bar shall
be cut back to sound material and a cut length inserted with the requisite lap.
The protection of the works during the curing process shall also be included.

Where demolition/dismantling of concrete structures exceeding 2.5m in height and
demolishing/ dismantling of buildings exceeding one storey is required, the following
procedure shall be implemented:-
The Contractor shall submit the names of three demolition contractors to the
Employer for approval. The contractor nominated shall be members of The National
Federation of Demolition Contractors.
On appointment of the preferred demolition contractor the Principal Contractor will
convene a meeting with the Employer to discuss the technical and environmental
considerations pertinent to the work. Prior to the meeting a detailed site specific
method statement and risk assessment shall be submitted to all interested parties for
comment. The method statement and associated risk assessments shall be
submitted no less than fourteen days prior to the aforementioned meeting.


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Where cables are routed outwith cable trenches they shall be installed through twin
walled UPVC ducts of sufficient diameter to accommodate all the intended cables
together with 25% free capacity for future additions. The crown of the duct shall have
a minimum cover of 500mm and shall be bedded and surrounded with sand and with
two spare pull ropes left in each duct.


The tenderer shall allow for all additional civil works either directly or indirectly
associated with the modification and installation works included elsewhere within this
specification but not specifically identified above.

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12.1 SCOPE

This section of the specification describes the functional and performance
requirements for the substation auxiliary ac and dc supplies, and also the associated
liquid neutral earthing resistors.


This part of the specification makes extensive reference to National Grid Company plc
engineering documents: Technical Specifications (NGTS) and Transmission Plant
Specifications (TPS). The contents of National Grid Company plc engineering
documents are based on the needs of NGC and the conditions under which it operates
and do not necessary meet the circumstances and requirements of the Employer.

Where the Employers requirements differ from the provisions of NGTS documents the
TDAP shall issue a document with modifications. The TDAP document reference shall
include the number 12 to indicate this.
Where the Employers requirements are similar to the provisions of NGTS documents
the TDAP shall issue a document accepting the subject document without
modifications. The TDAP document reference shall include the number 11 to indicate

Where the Employers requirements differ from the provisions of NGC TPS documents,
the Employer has modified and re-issued the TPS under a 10,000 series number. In
addition, the Employer issues internally generated TPS documents in the 10,000

In the case of 132kV where TPS does not apply, reference to other ESI standards
has been made in the text.

In the case of 33kV, reference to related the Employers standards and EATS
standards has been made in the text.

This specification refers to and shall comply with the following documents. In all
documents, for NGC read SP Power Systems Ltd. Where a document refers to
another NGTS document, the reference shall be taken to include the amendments in
the relevant part of this Section.

Subject to the approval of the Employers Representative, the contractor may adopt
standards or codes of practice issued by the European union provided that such
standards or codes of practice can be demonstrated to be of an equivalent or higher
standard than the relevant British Standards or Codes of Practice.

The Contractor shall supply the Employers Representative with single copies of
each alternative standard or code proposed.

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NGTS 1, as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-040
Ratings and General Requirements for Plant, Equipment, Apparatus
and Services for the National Grid System and Direct Connections to it.

NGTS 2.1, as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-041

NGTS 2.2, as accepted by SP Power Systems document NG-11-043

NGTS 2.12, as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-043
Substation Auxiliary Supplies

NGTS 2.19, as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-035
Ancillary Light Current Equipment

NGTS 3.1.1, as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-036

NGTS 3.1.2, as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-037SM
Substation Earthing
(reference shall be made to BS CECC 0015 for earth studs)

NGTS 3.12.3,as modified by SP Power Systems document NG-12-002
Substation LVAC Supplies

NGTS 3.12.4,as accepted by SP Power Systems document NG-11-042
110V D.C. Supplies


TPS 9,10,000 Issue 2


09-06 Auxiliary Multicore and Multipair Cables

41-24 Guidelines for the Design, Installation, Testing and Maintenance of
Main Earthing Systems in Substations

48-5 Environmental Test Requirements for Protection & Relays

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12.3.1 LVAC Switchboard & Supplies

LVAC supplies and equipment shall comply with the Employers specification. As this
specification makes reference to three variations on the provision of LVAC
distribution switchboards, the tenderer shall refer to Part 1 of the Specification to
determine the appropriate option for the site.

Where an existing LVAC switchboard is extended or modified the Tenderer shall
advise the Employers Representative of the revised load and provide an estimate in
their tender. In addition, they shall be responsible for balancing the load between
each of the phases to ensure the standing voltage on the neutral conductors falls
within the limits specified in NGTS 3.12.3, as modified by SP Power Systems
document NG-12-002.

Where there is an existing diesel generator on site, the Tenderer shall advise the
Employers Representative of the revised starting current that shall be imposed on it.

The rating and size of the LVAC switchboard incoming and outgoing cables shall be
determined by the Tenderer to meet the envisaged load, fault level and volts-drop
requirements. The small power cables will be in accordance with BS6724 and be
installed in compliance with NGTS 3.5.7, as modified by SP Power Systems
document NG-12-044. If the Tenderer wishes to propose the use of non-LSF cables
they shall submit technical details in their tender along with a risk assessment to
support their proposal.

The Tenderer shall be responsible for calculating all protection settings from the
incoming transformer LV fuse-switch. The protection grading shall be to the satisfaction
of the Employers Representative.

Test supply boxes shall comply with NGTS 3.12.3, as modified by SP Power Systems
document NG-12-002.

12.3.2 Diesel Generators & Associated Equipment

Diesel generators and their associated equipment shall comply with the appropriate
SP Power Systems Ltd specification. The general civil standards are as indicated in
Part 2, Section 10 of this specification.

The Tenderer shall be responsible for calculating all protection settings.

12.3.3 110V DC Equipment

110V DC equipment shall comply with NGTS 3.12.4, as accepted by SP Power
Systems document NG-11-042.

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12.3.4 48V DC Equipment

48V DC equipment shall comply with TPS 9/10,000 Issue 2.

12.3.5 Liquid Neutral Earthing Resistor

Neutral earthing resistances shall be of the liquid type and shall have the current rating
and resistance specified in the Schedules in Part 1 of this specification. They shall be
capable of carrying earth fault current for the period of 30 seconds without mechanical
damage, internal flashover or movement and with a total temperature rise not
exceeding that specified in the Schedule.

The liquid neutral earthing resistor (LNER) shall be manufactured from galvanised steel
of suitable gauge and shall be protected against corrosion both internally and
externally. Any damage to the galvanising sustained during installation shall be suitably
repaired. The LNER shall be provided with a top hatch for main access to inside the
body of the tank.

The earth conductor and terminal shall be suitably insulated for the specified rated
voltage. The creepage distance of the earth terminal shall meet the requirements of the
specification and be provided with a suitable means for connection to the earth

The resistor tanks shall be suitable for outdoor installation and shall be ventilated in an
approved manner. The design shall be such that evaporation of the electrolyte shall be
kept to a minimum. The correct level of the electrolyte shall be clearly and permanently
indicated and a visual electrolyte level indicator which can be easily read by an
observer standing at ground level shall also be provided. The tank shall be
manufactured of mild steel of suitable thickness and shall be cylindrical in form. Top
plates shall be provided with lifting eyes or lugs and be so designed as to prevent the
collection of moisture on any part and they shall be securely bolted to the main tank.
Means shall be provided to allow easy access for installation and repair, preferably by
manholes. Brackets shall be fitted to the tanks to allow the resistance unit with
electrolyte to be lifted by jacks or other means so that the tank may be moved in any
direction on rollers. Lifting eyes or lugs shall also by provided for lifting the resistance
complete with electrolyte and these eyes or lugs shall be rivetted and welded to the
tank. The underside of the tank shall be ventilated to prevent corrosion. All joints, other
than those which have to be broken, shall be welded. Valves of approved type and
size or a drain plug shall be provided at the base of each tank to facilitate the removal
and replacement of the electrolyte. An earthing terminal shall be provided on each

Where specified in Part 1 of this specification, a bracket shall be fitted to the tank to
accommodate the LV neutral CTs. Furthermore, cable tray, suitable for outdoor use,
shall be fitted from the base of this bracket to the base of the tank.

The electrolyte shall be a solution of sodium carbonate and shall be suitable in all
respects for use in the resistance.

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A minimum operating clearance of 2.5 m shall be provided between the earthed flange
of the resistance high voltage insulator and the base of the resistance. Where a hinged
manhole cover is provided it shall be so arranged that in no position does it reduce the
clearance between any live metal and earth.

Automatically controlled heating equipment shall be provided. It shall be possible to
replace the heating elements and thermostats without removing any electrolyte from
the tank.

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This section refers to and should be read in conjunction with the following
National Grid Documents
NGTS 2.15 Automatic Switching Requirements
NGTS 3.15.1 Delayed Automatic Reclosure And Plant Isolation
NGTS 3.15.2 Ferroresonance Switching

Automatic switching shall be in accordance with NGTS 2.15.

Delayed automatic reclosure and plant isolation shall be in accordance with NGTS
3.15.1 incorporating the following amendments:-
Clause 4.20 Disconnector Interlocks
Add the following:-
Following a fault on a transformer banked with a feeder, the transformer
automatic isolation sequence may over-ride the transformer disconnector
interlock to the line disconnector, allowing the transformer disconnector to be
opened without opening the line disconnector.

Ferroresonance switching shall be in accordance with NGTS 3.15.2 incorporating the
following additional requirements:-
Scheme F3 or F4 shall be applicable, and shall be specified in the Contract.

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The Contractor shall ensure that at all times, the Contractors employees are fully
equipped with the appropriate protective clothing and equipment which shall conform
in all respects to the manufacturers recommendations and appropriate regulations.
In particular, the Contractor shall undertake all required and necessary precautions
to reduce and eliminate risk in relation to the following operations:-
Storage, use and application of herbicides, pesticides, fertilisers and other
chemicals employed in the works;
Use and maintenance of all cutting implements and machines eg. Chainsaws,
blades, grass cutters and protective guards.
Employment of safe working practices in connection with all operations.

All pesticides to be used must have been approved for the use specified, by the
Ministry of Agriculture (MAFF) and be in accordance with the Control of Pesticides
Regulations 1986. Pesticides and herbicides shall be used in minimum quantities and
only where specified.
Recognised Certificates of Competence are required by Contractors using pesticides
approved for use in horticulture unless they are working under the direct supervision
of a Certificate holder. The Contractor shall be required to provide written evidence
as to which of the Contractors employees are certified competent to apply
All herbicides are to be applied in strict accordance with the manufactures
instructions, as stated on the product label. The Contractor shall provide and make
available for inspection containers for measuring quantities of herbicide.
No herbicide shall be permitted within 3m of any open water or ditches.

Herbicides shall be Glyphosate based (translocated non-residual phosphoric acid
herbicide) applied in strict accordance with the manufacturers instructions.

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Operators shall use a tree guard when spraying close to existing vegetation and shall
direct the spray away from hedge bottoms. The Contractor shall take care to avoid
drift onto adjacent crops. Herbicide is dangerous to fish and other aquatic life and
the Contractor shall take care so as to avoid contamination of ditches and surface
waters with the herbicide or a used container.

Adjuvants are to be used in conjunction with herbicides in accordance with the
conditions of application as stated on the herbicide label.

The Contractor will maintain a written log-book of the full details of all pesticide
applications carried out on the site and make available to the Engineers

It is the Contractors responsibility to ensure that the owners or users of properties
which adjoin areas to be sprayed are informed of spraying operations. Signs posted
where the operatives are spraying will be adequate for this purpose.

Spray equipment shall be fitted with a pressure regulating device and an approved
spray nozzle. Pressure settings and types of nozzle must be correct for the herbicide
in use, as stated on the product label. Guards shall be fitted to spray equipment
where appropriate to prevent drift onto adjacent crops and equipment shall be free of
leaks and shall be cleaned thoroughly before and after use.
The Contractor shall ensure that all chemicals are locked up in a separate storage
compartment in the vehicle, or within a lockable container in pick ups. The storage
locker must be of a construction which will contain the entire contents of the locker
should damage or spillage occur. This locker must therefore have sealed lid. The
locker must also bear a standard black and yellow hazard warning marker and be
clearly labelled Pesticides. The storage and transport of pesticides, in dilute or
concentrate form, will not be permitted in or on the Contractors vehicles outside such
a container.


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A statement must be submitted with the tender describing the organisation and
resources which the Contractor proposes and undertakes to provide to safeguard the
health and safety of operatives, including those of subcontractors and of any person
who may be affected by the works, including:
A copy of the Contractors health and safety policy document, including risk
assessment procedures.
Accident records for the past five years.
Records of previous Health and Safety Executive enforcement action.
Records of training and training policy.
The number and type of staff responsible for health and safety on this project with
details of their qualification and duties.
includes the procedures and arrangements required by the CDM Regulations.

The area to be stripped shall be ploughed or turned to improve structure prior to
stripping. Topsoil shall be stripped to full depth. Topsoil shall not contain any
rubbish, stone hardcore, or remains of hedges, fences and shall not be
contaminated. Topsoil shall not be stripped beneath the crown spread of existing
trees or within 1m. of existing hedgerows to remain. All topsoil shall be kept
separate from subsoil.

The area for storage of topsoil shall be free draining and cleared of all waste material
and vegetation. Topsoil must not be stored in heaps exceeding 2m. and subsoil shall
be stored in heaps not exceeding 5m. in height, stockpiles shall be formed with a
slight camber to prevent surface ponding. Storage heaps of topsoil shall be
protected from contamination, compaction and maintained free from weeds by non-
chemical means.

Topsoil shall not be moved, stripped or stockpiled during wet weather or when soil is
saturated which would damage soil structure. Subsoil shall be graded in layers, not
exceeding 250mm to smooth flowing contours to provide adequate formation for
finished topsoil levels. Subsoil shall not be spread when wet or frozen, or placed
onto waterlogged or frozen ground. Only lightweight vehicles and equipment are to
be used after final levels have been formed and approved. Any area which is
considered by the Engineers Representative to be overly compacted shall be treated
as described in the clause pertaining to soil compaction.
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Before application and spread of topsoil, the subsoil surface shall be broken up to
relieve any compaction in the upper surface and to ensure an adequate key for
topsoil. All stones larger than 75mm shall be removed.

Topsoil is to be spread so that, duly consolidated it forms a continuous blanket not
less than 250 300mm deep for all planted areas and 100mm min. for all seeded
Note:- Should the area be designated for cultivation then the depth of topsoil shall be
increased to 600mm.

14.14 SLOPES
Slopes and mounded areas are to be graded as specified and indicated on the
drawings with maximum slopes of 1:3 gradient. Finished topsoil levels shall be 25mm
above adjacent hardstandings etc to allow for settlement. Between level indications,
the levels shall be such that the finished surface will be to smooth or even falls, or
gently curved and free draining.

The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining all topsoil and subsoil materials
free from weeds. On completion of the Contract, the Contractor is to remove all
remaining weeds, including dead material resulting from herbicide applications,
leaving the soiled areas in a clean and tidy condition ready for planting and or
seeding works.

The Contractor shall ensure that the following items are acceptable to the Employers
Representative before their application or before the subsequent work is started:
Preparation of areas prior to planting
Plant materials
Maintenance work

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All operations herein after described may be carried out by suitable machines or by
hand. Any work in confined or awkward spaces or areas, or which it is impracticable
to carry out by machine for any reason, shall be executed by hand and the
Contractor must include for this in his rates.

All planting areas shall have all weeds killed prior to the planting and the laying of
mulch mat to woodland edge and hedgerows. The Contractor shall only use
chemicals approved under the HMSO "Agricultural Chemicals Approval Scheme",
current list of approved products. Where necessary vegetation will be strimmed and
removed prior to herbicide application.
The Contractor shall be held liable for ensuring that all chemicals are stored, handled
and supplied strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
Where directed existing grass and weed growth is to be killed by an application of
translocated herbicide. The Contractor is responsible for obtaining and following the
manufacturer's instructions. Use of herbicides shall comply with the Control of
Pesticides Regulations 1986.
No spraying of herbicides shall take place in windy conditions and the Contractor will
be responsible for reinstating caused by drift of spray. Where as contact herbicide is
used around plants in leaf an adequate guard must be used, or suitable applicator
used for spot treatment. All spraying equipment is to be carefully calibrated to
prevent over or under dosing. The Contractor will be responsible for replacing any
plants damaged by misplaced herbicide.
Care must be taken not to damage or kill existing vegetation on the site. No
containers, empty or full, are to be left on site unattended at any time.
The Contractor shall note that planting will not proceed until at least four weeks after
the first application of herbicide, unless prior approval is obtained from the Employers

All planting areas shall have all weeds killed prior to planting with a suitable
herbicide. Existing areas of grass will be strimmed prior to the application of
herbicide and arisings removed.
The Contractor shall cultivate by hand or machine all planting areas to a depth of
300mm. During cultivation remove any stones or debris exceeding 75 mm diameter,
sharp objects and any materials which may compromise plant establishment. All
arisings shall be removed from site at the Contractors expense.

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The Contractor shall incorporate inorganic fertiliser thoroughly into planting areas at
a rate of 30grms or 2No. 15grms tablets per plant.

Cultivate to a depth of 150 mm to provide a friable yet firm tilth suitable for seeding.
Such cultivations shall include minor grading as to blend into grass areas to give a
smooth graded sward. During cultivations, remove any stones or debris that exceed
75 mm in any dimension and roots in excess of 15 mm diameter or 100 mm in
Existing areas of bare ground and weak or disturbed grassy vegetation, not to be
planted, shall be scarified with a tined harrow or similar implement to a depth of not
less than 50mm. All evidence of pernicious weeds shall be removed prior to over

The Contractor shall cut all areas of existing grass to 100mm and remove all cuttings
from site. Pernicious weeds, docks, thistles and nettles, shall be spot treated with an
approved Glyphosate based herbicide.

Pernicious weeds from this area shall be removed by hand and grass shall be cut
along the upper third of the ditch profile.

All deciduous trees and shrubs are to be retained and the Contractor shall treat and
prune to sound wood, any broken limbs or damaged vegetation and dead wood.
Existing hedgerows shall be cut to facilitate the planting operations and the
Contractor shall allow for cutting back several years growth.

Safety clearance corridors shall be marked on site and approved by the Employer
Representative. Existing vegetation, which encroaches upon the safety clearance
corridors, shall be pruned back or removed. All tree work shall be agreed on site with
the Employers Representative prior to commencement. All cut material shall be
chipped and together with larger pieces left on site in existing woodland areas, with
the exception of diseased timber which shall be removed from the site and burnt.
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In year 2-3 of the maintenance period, selectively thin existing 5-year old woodland
planting, during the winter period for the whole of the site as required to encourage
increased growth of best trees and oak and ash species in particular. The selective
felling operations are to be carried out by experienced landscape contractors.

Set out and erect fencing, stile and gate positions:
In straight lines as shown on drawings,
With tops of posts following profile of the ground,
With posts set rigid, plumb and to specified depth, or greater where necessary to
ensure adequate support.
With correct fastening and all components securely fixed.
Rabbit proof netting shall be dug into ground and turned out from the planting bed
to discourage burrowing.
Existing fencing at entrance piers and entrance gateway shall be re-aligned to
join gate piers neatly and to the satisfaction of the Employers Representative
and fencing re-located to ensure adequate highways sight-lines for safe access
and egress from the junction.
Signage boards, both temporary and permanent shall be arranged neatly at the
entrance gateway to the satisfaction of the Employers Representative and
redundant signage removed.

14.27 TIMBER
Timber to comply with BS 1722: Part 3, straight round in section and free from
excessive knots and tissue.
All timber to be preservative, pressure impregnated to BS 5589, fencing timber
Category B (20 years).

All metal fittings for fencing to comply with BS 1922: Part 3 and be galvanised in
accordance with BS 7229.
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To be kept to a minimum with no cutting where to be used below or near ground
level. Treat surfaces exposed by minor cutting and drilling with two flood coats of a
solution recommended for the purpose by main treatment solution manufacturer.

Touch up minor damage, including on fastenings and fittings, using low melting point
zinc alloy repair rods or powders made for this purpose or at least two coats of zinc-
rich paint to BS 4652. Apply sufficient material to provide a zinc coating at least
equal in thickness to the original layer.

Where instructed, remove sections of existing rabbit-proof and or stock-proof fencing.
Remove material from site and where necessary backfill post holes.

Plant material to be sizes and dimensions as shown on drawings and in schedules.
All landscape setting out to be agreed with Employers Representative and to take
account of the final required safety clearances for underground cable positions and
overhead lines.
Unless otherwise specified, all materials shall comply with mandatory requirements or
recommendations of the relevant British Standard. Particular attention shall be given
to BS 4428 Code of practice for general landscape operations.
Trees and shrubs: BS 3936 Part 1
Transplants: BS 3936 Part 4
Container grown plants: British Container Growers Specification of Standards.

All plants shall be UK nursery grown and obtained from a reputable nurseryman.
Native species of local provenance are to be used if available.

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In the event of plant material being unavailable in the UK, the Contractor may offer EU
grown plant material for the approval of the Employers Representative. Emphasis will
be placed on hardiness of stock.
All plants shall be free from disease, infestation and infection. They shall be first class
representatives of their normal variety or species and shall have average or normally
well developed branch systems together with good fibrous root systems through
having been transplanted in the nursery according to the needs of the species.
Plants shall be free from disfiguring knots, abrasions of the bark, wind or freezing
injury or other disfigurements and shall bear evidence of proper pruning.
All plants shall be fully hardy and have strong growth. Drawn plants with soft growth
requiring additional support to that specified will not be accepted.
Trees shall have a straight study stem, a well balances branching head and an
undamaged fibrous root system.
Transplants shall have a fibrous root system resulting from regular transplanting and

All plant material shall be supplied true to named species as specified. In exceptional
circumstances substitution may be allowed by the Employers Representative. Such
approved substitutions shall be of similar height and habit to those specified which the
Contractor is unable to supply. The Contractor shall agree any substitution in writing
to the Employers Representative at least one week before the planting date.

All trees shall be true to name and character and shall be supplied as bare rooted
stock. They shall have been grown and handled according to good horticultural
practice and according to all current UK Government and EC regulations. The Grower
shall be expected to carry out thorough and rigorous production methods to ensure
that the trees are of the highest standard.
All trees shall have a well-developed and balanced head with a central main leader
and a minimum of 5 branches with lateral shoots. Trees shall have been regularly
transplanted throughout their life and shall have a good fibrous root system.
Standard and heavy standard trees shall have a clear stem of 1.8 m. All transplants
are to be BS 3936 supplied in the sizes specified in the plant schedules, transplanted
at least once with a distinct leader.

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All rooted subjects shall have a strong fibrous root structure. The root systems shall
be well developed but compact with root spread proportional to the size of the tree
and with a reasonable proportion of fine fibrous rootlets. The roots shall not be torn
or lacerated.

All plants will be true to name and character and shall be supplied container grown.
They shall have been grown and handled according to good horticultural practice and
to all current UK government and EC regulations.
All plants shall be well developed and bushy and grown in a container for at least one
full growing season prior to delivery. The root systems will thoroughly permeate the
contents of the container with clear evidence of the proper establishment of a healthy
fibrous root system within the full volume of the container. Plants showing signs of
being pot-bound, weed infested or waterlogged will not be acceptable.
They shall show a high degree of extension growth typical to the species or type and
appropriate to the specified container size. The requirements given in the schedules
constitute a guide to the required heights (measured from the surface of the
compost) and number of breaks (in the lower third of the plants). Whilst it is
recognised that these may vary according to the quality of the seasons, they will be
regarded as a target for the measurement of quality and reflects the requirement for
a production regime of 'pinching' or 'trimming' to produce a bushy subject. In the
event of the Grower not being able to attain this standard then he must advise the
Employers Representative prior to delivery.
The compost used in the supply of container grown plants shall be free from any
perennial weeds and have reasonable moisture content. The compost shall not
contain peat from UK Sites of Special Scientific Interest or the equivalent from other
All plants shall on delivery be free from diseases and pests and materially
All plants shall be properly hardened off before delivery.
Each batch of shrubs shall be legibly labelled on a waterproof label with its generic
and specific name. Any plant so marked shall not be disposed of to any third party
without the prior consent of the client.

Tree tubes to be provided to protect new plants from rabbits and hares. Tubes to be
750mm high with basal ventilation and 9-10 cm dia. for transplant trees and 15-20cm
dia for shrubs. Tree stakes shall be pressure impregnated to BS 1282, softwood,
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straight, free of projections and pointed at one end. All bark should be removed from
the stake.
The length of stakes shall be equal to the sum of the length of the stake above
ground (750 mm), the depth of the tree pit (300 mm) and an additional 450 mm, total

Fertiliser for planting areas shall be NPK granular or tablet form, quick release

14.39 ROOT DIP
Alginate based root dip shall be mixed thoroughly and applied to all bare rooted
trees/transplants and shrubs prior to planting.

Fertiliser shall be a combination slow release NPK granular fertiliser to be approved
at the rate of 70g/m

Mulch shall be course bark mulch 25-50 mm particle size from an approved
sustainable forest source.

All plants shall be protected from direct sunlight at all times.
If shoots or roots suffer slight damage they shall be carefully pruned and treated with
an approved fungicidal sealant. If major damage occurs the plants shall be replaced
at the Contractors own expense.
Pots and other protective materials shall not be removed until immediately prior to
planting and shall be disposed of after planting. Roots shall not be left uncovered at
any time and all bare rooted stock shall be supplied bagged and tied.
Care must be taken in the method employed to restrain branches during transport.
Binding material shall be flat string or ribbon and shall not be so tight as to cause
damage to the branches in transit.

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Transport and handling shall be carried out in accordance with season and good
horticultural practice, and in accordance with the Horticultural Trade Associations
Plant Handling Manual.
All packages shall be adequate to protect the plants and prevent their drying out or
damage of any kind during transportation.
All plants must be in a turgid condition and stacked in such a way that breakage or
crushing by the weight of the plants above or securing ropes will not occur in transit.
The plants shall be loaded in a manner suitable to facilitate simple unloading
techniques which are not labour intensive and minimise risk of damage.

All materials shall be properly protected against damage at all times. All plants
awaiting planting and transport shall be protected from excessive wind, sun, heat or
If the plants are not to be planted within 24 hours of delivery, they shall be heeled in by
placing the roots in a prepared trench, covering them with fine soil and well firming or
watering in to prevent air pockets. Transplants shall be removed from polythene bags
and heeled in; labels to be kept with plants.
Container grown plant material will be stored upright in a location on site agreed with
the Employers Representative. Any plant material stored on site shall be protected
from drying winds and watered.

All shrubs and trees will be planted in accordance with the Contract programme. The
Contractor shall observe the following seasonal restrictions:
Bare root trees: November to March
Grass seeding: April to October

All planting works shall be carried out in accordance with the programme when soil
and weather conditions are suitable and as directed by the Employers
Representative. No planting shall be carried out when the ground is frozen or snow
covered, waterlogged or excessively dry.

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The Contractor shall be responsible for setting out all areas of planting to the
satisfaction of the Employers Representative and shall rectify any errors in setting
out at his own expense. Planting layout to take consideration of safety clearances
for underground cable positions and overhead lines, where conflicts are identified
between existing underground cables and proposed planting areas these should be
discussed with the Employers Representative.
All planting shall be performed by experienced workmen in accordance with the
recognised best horticultural practice and under the supervision of the Contractor's
skilled foreman.
Plants shall be planted in the numbers indicated on the drawings and plant
schedules or as directed by the Employers Representative and shall be evenly
spaced in accordance with the contract drawings.
All plants will be planted, with minimum delay to the original depth of the nursery soil
mark on the stem, orientated to achieve the best fit and well heeled in.
All plants, bare root and container grown, shall be thoroughly watered a few hours
prior to planting. Watering is to be by immersion of the roots for a minimum period of
three hours.
All bare rooted plant material is to be dipped into root dip mixed according to the
manufacturer's recommendations.

All trees (Feathered, Standard and Heavy Standard Trees) and Container grown
shrubs shall be pit planted in pits large enough to accommodate the size of the
Pits shall be prepared before trees arrive on site and before mulch mat has been
laid. The Contractor shall ensure that during periods of intense and prolonged frost
suitable measures shall be taken to protect the bottom and sides of the tree pits and
piles of topsoil from becoming frozen.
Pits are to be large enough for the roots to be spread freely and shall be backfilled
with soil, incorporating the fertiliser and firmly pressed down.
Pits for trees shall be prepared before the plants arrive at the planting positions. The
dimensions of tree pits shall be in accordance with the following table. Variation in pit
size shall be on instruction of the Employers Representative.
Transplant 300dia x 300mm deep
Shrubs 450 x450 x 300 mm deep
Feathered trees 450 x 450 x 300 mm deep
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Standard Trees 1000 x 1000 x 1000 mm deep
Heavy Standard Trees 1000 x 1000 x 1000 mm deep
Pits shall be excavated to allow adequate clearance, about 100mm, between edges
of pit and root ends when fully spread. The sides of the pits shall be vertical. The
base of the pit shall be forked over to a depth of 200mm.
Following excavation, tree pits shall be maintained free of waterlogging. Inform the
Employers Representative of any pit that is not free draining and this shall be
rectified before planting proceeds. The bottom of pits that are not free draining shall
be covered with a 300mm layer of stone or similar material, unless otherwise
During intense periods of frost protect bottom, sides and backfill material from
becoming frozen.

All Woodland Edge planting shall be notch planted through the previously laid mulch
mat to the nursery mark and shall be set upright and firmly heeled into position.
Bare root plants shall be notch planted with the notch aligned at right angles to the
prevailing wind. The notch shall be vertical and large enough for the roots to spread
and hang freely. The soil shall be firmly pressed down and the plants well firmed in.
Shrubs, cell grown plants and standard trees shall be pit planted into the soil, the
base of the excavation shall be loosened and all arisings are to be spread evenly
over the surrounding area.

Inorganic granular or tablet fertiliser shall be incorporated into the backfill at the
following rates:
Heavy Standard Trees 75 gm
Standard Trees 60 gm
Feathered Trees 45 gm
Container grown plants 30 gm
The backfilling shall be firmed down with the foot after 75 - 100 mm covers the roots
built up in layers, each well consolidated, leaving the final level 50 mm above
surrounding or ground level.
Any surplus excavated from the pits is to be evenly spread out within the planting
area or removed from site.

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Hedgerow planting to compromise the excavation a trench 600mm wide and 300mm
deep into the existing prepared soil with arisings spread in adjoining areas.
Hedge plants to be planted at 8 plants per metre in a double staggered row, grouped
together in 5-20 of the same species. All plants to be protected with tree shelters.
Hedgerow plants to be pit planted into trench with a mixture of existing soil and
fertiliser at a rate of 75 gm per linear metre. Contractor to ensure base of trench is
broken up prior to backfilling and planting taking place.
Infilling of existing hedgerows to comprise the cleaning off of existing vegetation to
expose soil and the pit planting of hedgerow plants as shown on landscape plans.

A 75 mm deep layer of back mulch shall be applied to hedgerow planting on

Skilled operatives in accordance with good horticultural practice shall carry out pruning
with hand secateurs to individual plants, not bundles, and without causing any bruising
or tearing of the bark.

All standard and feathered trees are to be staked in an appropriate manner relative
to the height of the tree and the prevailing wind using bio-degradable hessian tree
ties. All methods of tree staking shall be approved by the Employers

All planting areas shall be watered on completion of the planting works as necessary
to ensure satisfactory plant growth and establishment.

The seed shall comply with the Trade Descriptions Act and the germination and purity
shall be as BS 4428. The grass seed shall be obtained at least twenty-one days
before sowing and the Contractor shall protect the seed from damp and store in sealed
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containers to protect from vermin. It shall be obtained from an approved supplier to a
specified prescription by weight accompanies with a Government Test Certificate,
indicating date of test, origin, date of harvest, purity and germination for each of the
individual grasses comprising the mixture.
If so required and instructed by the Employers Representative, samples shall be taken
from each bag of the consignment and mixed together to form a representative bulk
sample of at least 100g which shall be tested at the Contractor's own expense for
composition, purity and germination at an official seed testing station. The germination
capacity for each constituent of the seed mixture should not be less than 90%, the total
weed/seed content should not be more than 0.5% and the total content of other crop
seeds should not be more than 1%.
Seed shall not be sown when persistent cold or drying winds are likely to occur or
soil is frost bound, waterlogged or excessively dry.
Seeded areas shall be lightly raked in on completion.

General areas and grass verges:
British Seed Houses A4 mix or equivalent and approved.
General Meadow / Wildflower and Wetland areas:
British Seed Houses Regional 3 Mix or equivalent and approved.

The seed mixtures shall be sown at the rates recommended by the seed supplier and
at a rate of 15.0gm/m to areas where grass is to be over seeded.
The seed mix may be bulked up with a carrier such as silver sand or barley meal at a
ratio of 3:1. Grass seed shall be sown during the period May-June or August-mid-
October, unless otherwise instructed.

14.57 WATER
The Contractor shall water all areas of grass seeding and bulb planting to field
capacity using a nozzle set to give a fine spray. The Contractor shall take measures
to ensure that ponding or water logging on the surface does not occur.
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The Contractor shall allow for re-seeding all areas should germination fail or prove
only partially successful at no expense to the client, except in circumstances, as
stated in the Contract, which are out with the Contractors control.

The Contractor is to cut all newly seeded areas when the grass reaches a height of
75mm to a height of 25mm with an appropriate machine, correctly adjusted to cut
cleanly and evenly. All cuttings shall be removed from site.

Maintain plants and planted areas in a good condition up to Practical Completion.
Maintenance is to include adequate watering, pruning, application of approved
chemicals to combat insect attack, disease and weeds, hand weeding of all planted
areas and removal of rubbish.
The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining all planted areas notwithstanding
that the practical completion of any area is delayed for any reason. The Contractor
shall remove soil from all hard surfaces and leave the work in a clean and tidy
All areas are to be kept clear of weeds and the mulch is to be maintained throughout
with minor disturbances made good immediately.
Practical completion will be certified only when all works have been carried out to the
satisfaction of the Employers Representative, i.e. all plants shall have been planted,
staked, watered, all beds left tidy and weed free and all damage, by any cause, made
good. The Contractor shall notify the Employers Representative in writing when the
work has been completed and is ready to be inspected.
Should the works be unacceptable to the Employers Representative, the Contractor
shall rectify any deficiencies and continue maintenance operations at his own
expense until remedial work has been completed to the Employers Representatives
reasonable satisfaction when the Certificate of Practical Completion will be issued.

The Defects Liability Period shall extend from the certified date of Practical
Completion of the works for a period of 5 years.
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During this period, any trees, shrubs or other plants which die, fail to show leaf or are
seen to be seriously retarded in growth to such a degree that they are below the
standard originally specified or fail to thrive due to the effects of weather, including
late frost, lack of water or any other cause other than vandalism, shall be replaced by
the Contractor at the first available opportunity when planting conditions are
favourable. The full cost of such replacement, including making good any resulting
damage, shall be borne by the Contractor.
Losses will be judged on whether the plants are actively growing during late Summer
when a joint plant check will be made by the Employers Representative and
Contractor. In cases of Spring planting, the plant check will be made during the
Spring, twelve months after planting.
All replacement stock shall be of a standard to that described in this specification and
obtained from the reputable supplier.

During the 5 years following the certified date of Practical Completion, the Contractor
shall be responsible for undertaking, with due care and generally in accordance with
BS 3975, Part 5; and BS 4428; all operations required to ensure the establishment of
healthy, vigorous plants, and grassed areas with a close textured, weed free sward
and generally maintaining a tidy weed free site.
He shall be responsible throughout this period for notifying the Employers
Representative if at any stage it is apparent that action is required either to improve
the condition of the plants under his care or to prevent defects from arising.

14.63 VISITS
The Contractor shall visit the site as necessary to carry out the operations described in
this maintenance specification. An intended Maintenance Programme for year 1 and
subsequent years shall be submitted with the tender.
The Contractor should visit the site as necessary to carry out the operations specified
in this maintenance specification.
The Contractor shall notify the Employers Representative when he intends to
undertake a maintenance visit and within 7 days provide the Employers
Representative with a written report and confirmation of operations undertaken for
each area.

The Landscape Maintenance Contractor shall order his works to take account of any
specific ground and weather conditions required for maintenance works.
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All new planting work, cultivation and grass cutting shall be carried out in suitable
weather conditions, and shall be suspended in periods of excessive rain, snow or frost.
Herbicide applications shall only be undertaken in suitable weather conditions as
described by the manufacturers.

Maintenance operations will comprise the following:
Removal of rubbish
Checking stakes
Weed control
Pest/disease control
Refirming plants
Cutting grass areas
Hedgerow maintenance and Mulch
Fence and stile maintenance

The Contractor shall allow for all necessary watering throughout the maintenance
period to allow the successful establishment and growth of all trees, shrubs and
The Contractor shall allow for the provision of water, water carts, bowsers, hoses
with a fine rose attachment or sprinklers as required.
In periods of strong hot sunshine, watering should be carried out in the evening to
avoid scorching.

Notwithstanding any restrictions by the Statutory Undertakers on the use of water for
watering any plants which may prevail at the time, the Contractor shall be deemed
totally responsible for making any special arrangements which may be necessary to
ensure regular and adequate watering of plant material to ensure successful
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establishment. This may involve the use of second class water from an approved
sewage works. The Contractor shall allow in his rates for 3 such watering visits
including transport to site and application as specified.

On the basis of these prices, the cost of visits will be deducted, in whole or in part, or
further visits priced as required.

All planting and grassed areas shall be kept free of litter, rubbish and debris.

During the course of routine maintenance visits, all tree staking shall be checked,
ties/tubes shall be adjusted as necessary to prevent chaffing or rubbing of bark
against the stake/tube. Stakes/tubes shall be replaced or removed as instructed by
the Employers Representative. Provision should be made for the necessary removal
and disposal of stakes and tubes at the end of the 5 year maintenance period

The Contractor shall allow for all necessary pruning to trees and shrubs to maintain
good form and vigour and to remove dead, diseased or dying branches. This work will
conform to BS 3998 where appropriate.

In the course of the routine maintenance visits, the Landscape Maintenance
Contractor shall undertake the weed control necessary to keep the site in a neat and
tidy and weed-free condition and to allow specified species to develop free from
unnecessary competition. Weeding may be carried out by hand, by machine
(strimming), by herbicide or by a combination of all three consistent with the other
requirements of this maintenance specification. Where a herbicide is to be used, it is
the Contractor's responsibility to ensure that the herbicide he proposes to use is
appropriate for the purpose and location. Use of herbicides will be in accordance with
the manufacturer's recommendations.
In addition the Contractor shall allow for the control of grasses and weeds where
hedgerows and planted areas abut fencelines as necessary.
Weeds and other debris will be removed from site at the end of each visit.

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Any incidence of "Fireblight" is to be reported to MAFF immediately. The Contractor is
then to dispose of the diseased plants as directed. The Contractor shall notify the
Employers Representative immediately of this and any other pest and disease
outbreak and shall act as instructed to control the problem.

The Contractor shall refirm plants to upright grades after frost or strong winds as

Grass verge areas, alongside all roads and tracks and hardstanding shall be mowed
maintain sward of 75 - 125 mm height using tractor operated flail mowers. All other
grass areas and meadow / wildflower grass areas shall be cut twice each year in
Spring and Autumn. All grass cuttings shall be removed from site.

To be lightly trimmed once each year until the hedge has reached desired height in
relation to its location, to the satisfaction of the Employers Representative. All
cutting to be removed to Contractors tip. Top up mulch as necessary

The Contractor shall regularly inspect all fences, stiles and gates and repair as
necessary during the maintenance period.

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