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45 NorCal Reformer Friday, September 12, 2014

25th NCC Delegation Session

The 25th delegation session of the Northern California
Conference was held in Sacramento on Sunday, September 7. The
delegates representing the 9 churches in the conference gathered to
analyze the work of the past two years and make plans for the next
two years. Membership was reported as follows:
With the adoption of the changes to the Bylaws this delegation
session officially changed the name from the SDARM Northwest US
Field to the SDARM Northern California Conference.
The new conference council is composed the following members:

David Zic (President, Hope Foundation Chairman)
David Lopez (Vice-President)
Caleb Fountain (Secretary)
Jacob Risko (Treasurer)
Alfred Balbach (Executive Committee Member)
Daniel Lysander Dumitru (Missionary Director)
David Devai (Youth Director)
Wilson Barros (Whispering Pines Christian School)
Jorai Cruz
Julian Lupulescu
Tobias Stockler
Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement Northern California Conference
September 14, 2014
Funeral service for Br.
Jimmy @3:00pm in
Moriah Heights

September 16, 2014
NCC Executive
Committee at 6:00pm

September 18, 2014
NCC Council at 6:00pm

September 21-27, 2014
General Conference
Medical Congress in
Moriah Heights

October 25-26, 2014
Teen Summit in Moriah

October 25-26, 2014
Childrens Conference in
Moriah Heights

November 22-23, 2014
Food Bank concert in
45 NorCal Reformer Friday, September 12, 2014
James Powell Funeral Service

The funeral service for Br. Jimmy will be held this Sunday
(September 14) at 3:00pm in Moriah Heights. We would like to
encourage everyone who can to be there.
James Monroe Powell began life in Alabama in 1915. He went
from sharecropping to the railroad to a little shoe shine stand in
downtown Sacramento. He watched Sacramento go from a rural
town with horses and carriages still going down dusty streets to a
modern metropolis. He would shine a frugal Governor Ronald
Reagan's shoes before that man moved to Washington DC. When
someone told him how happy they were to see him, he would
respond by telling them, I am happy to be seen. This smiling man
has given his last handshake until Jesus wakes him up in the
resurrection. May God comfort his family.

Sacramento LiveStream

Please join us this Sabbath at 11am PST for the transmission of
the divine service from Sacramento Church. contains past
sermons and digital content.

Heaven is Here

Do we have to wait till we reach
heaven to experience heaven? In
144 pages, Tobias Stockler argues
that there is no reason to wait for
peace, contentment, Divine
guidance and companionship when
God offers it to us now. Buy his new
book, Heaven Is Here for yourself or
to give to your friends and
neighbors as an easy way to do
evangelism. Order your copy today
WNAU Events


External Events
September 13-20, 2014
Spiritual conference in
Nyamarambe, Kenya

September 21-28, 2014
Spiritual conference in
Nailongo, Uganda

September 26-29, 2014
Spiritual Conference in
Harvey, Western Australia

October 3-5, 2014
Youth convention in Vila
Matilde, Brazil

October 3-5, 2014
Sabbath school seminar
in Vitoria, Brazil

October 3-6, 2014
Youth conference in
Schoelds, New South
Wales, Australia

October 10-12, 2014
Youth convention in
Maringa, Brazil

October 24-26, 2014
Spiritual conference in
Curitiba, Brazil

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