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EXO - Saesang Fanaccounts

1) Main OTPs in Korea: Baekyeol, Chanhun, Kaisoo

Main OTPs in Thailand: Krisyeol, Hunhan

2) Suhos personality is very warm, he and D.O. were good friends before debut

3) D.O. is chosen as the most easy going member.

4) Sehun, Kai, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Lay and Suho all share a long friendship

5) Sehun is very different from how he looks, hes a very innocent child, says whats on his mind, doesnt
like to pretend and be fake

6) Kris is very strong in terms of physical and emotional appearance, he knows how to take care of
people very well and is very responsible. However, hes only a 22 year old boy, so he has moments when
hes immature and childish

7) Tao doesnt know how to make someone happy, thats why Kris say that hes very innocent

8) SM Artists take care of EXO very well and praise them often

9) Lay is described as Determined, Hardworking and Humble. He sacrificed a lot in his 4 years and
training, his loneliness is unimaginable.

10) Luhan has a baby face and a childish personality. He likes to play and laugh really hard, ruining his
cute image. He gets along with others quite well.

11) Baekyeols relationship is very childish and immature, they are the most loud ones.

12) Sehun likes to eat lollipops, he is often found sucking a lollipop outside of the company

13) Rumour has it that Thailand MAMA CB Site (EXO fanpage in Thailand) is organized by the daughter
of the Ku Royal Family

EXO - Saesang Fanaccounts (Funny Member Interaction)

Luhan likes to steal Lays snacks (Just like Chanyeol likes to steal Baekhyuns)

Kai likes to sleep naked ( )

Baekhyun and D.O. like to team up to bully Chanyeol

Sehun often tells D.O. to buy milk tea with him

If any socks in the dorm are damaged, it must have been worn by Lay or Tao

No matter how much Tao eats, he does get fat. Lay gets fat easily

Xiumin helps his members clean

Chanyeol and Baekhyun like to play online games

Chen is the type of person that can sleep anywhere

Kris often tells really lame jokes that nobody wants to hear

[Korean Sasaeng Fanaccount] Taoris
Source: EXO http://ww4.sinaimg.cn/large/aaf6125agw1dvuvhep33oj.jpg

1. Kris took care of Tao a lot during their pre-debut days. Tao has an obvious dependence on Kris too.

2. When theyre filming programs and staying in hotels, Tao and Kris share a room while Chen and
Xiumin share a room.

3. Tao and Kris have many matching earrings. One takes the left, one takes the right.

4. Theres a rumour that Luhan and Lay are KrisTao fans

5. After debut, there was little chance for Kris to cook any meals. The one who first got to eat his
cooking was probably Tao (probably referring to the reward here ^^)

6. Taos mum is very thankful towards Kris. When they are walking, he tends to walk beside Kris.

7. Kris often goes with Tao to get food. One cannot miss out bubble tea too.

8. Kris will help Tao pick out clothes and accessories that suit him.

9. Kris is very hard to wake. Tao has a burdensome duty (of waking him ^^)

10. Tao and Kris like to hook their arms around each others neck.

11. Before debut, Tao and Kris often practiced rap together alone.

12. Tao and Kris like to take photos together. Kris is a really warm person in real life.

EXO - Rumours

1) Taos signature is taught by Kris

2) Lay will cook egg fried rice at the dorm for the other members

3) Chanyeols feet are half a foot larger than Baekhyuns.

4) D.O.s pants size is mens smallest.

5) EXOs chances of having red underwear is very high

6) Chen is in charge of washing dishes in EXO M

7) Sehun is known to be King of Stepping among Korean fans. (Often steps on the other members)

8) EXOs wave bow (the adorable yet messy introduction at the Seoul Showcase) is very famous in Korea

9) Baekhyun calls himself Dancing Machine during practices

10) Kai really doesnt like taking pictures with Chanyeol, because he thinks Chanyeol has bad
photography skills

11) When Baekhyun encounters problems, he will lead to fighting. If he encounters problems during
fighting, he will do aegyo.

[Kris' Birthday Party] Kris' son, the alpaca is called ace because Kris initially wanted to use that as his
stage name~ He allowed ace to speak and then used a kiddy voice to call out "daddy daddy~ daddy is
really tall." Chen spoke saying that the voice sounded like a criminal's voice broadcasted during the
news, the 4 chinese members didn't get the joke and everyone fell silent.
cr: MAX, dc , heecups

[Kris' Birthday Party] All of them stood up and the fans asked for them to stand up again so Kris
suggested sitting down according to height. He sat down and after Tao did, Luhan sat so Xiumin shouted
for Luhan to get up. Luhan smiled and said: "I am the tallest ~~"
cr: TRUST, heecups

[Kris' Birthday Party] During the informal talk segment, Chen asked Luhan: "Ya Luhan I have a request,
can you let me sit on your bed just once?" Luhan answered: "Hyung, no way~ Anything but this" so Chen
replied saying: "Is our relationship not even worth a bed ..." Just then, Xiumin brought it to a stop
cr: TRUST, heecups

[Kris' Birthday Party] Chen and Xiumin allowed Tao to speak to them in half formal language today. Tao
enjoyed this privilege to the very last moment. Everytime after saying something harsh, he would
apologize and plead them not to beat him when they get home. When he shouted Lay's name, Lay
replied with "Brother Tao!"
cr: so_yeol, heecups

[Kris' Birthday Party] Tao spoke to Lay in informal language, telling him not to injure his waist again and
if he does, he'll whack him (he made the beating gesture). Yixing then imitated Tao's "kamsahamnida"
because when Tao's Korean was still imperfect the way he said that was really special)
cr: , heecups

[Kris' Birthday Party] Tao said to Luhan "crazy frog!" so Luhan replied to Tao saying "you better get out!"
cr: cec; heecups

[Kris' Birthday Party] Kris brought his alpaca in sunglasses to the birthday party today, he named it ace
and claimed that it's his son and also the newest member of EXO. He also said that it's his (the alpaca's)
birthday, and during the fansigning, he signed "little ace" as well.
cr: kriScorpio; heecups

[Kris' Birthday Party] Everything worn by Kris today are gifts from the members. The two necklaces are
from Tao and Luhan, Tao said it was really expensive. Kris also felt apologetic that he couldn't show the
underwear Chen gave him.
cr: so_yeol; heecups

[Kris' Birthday Party] Members voiced things they wanted to say to Kris. Chen: Through the past year,
I'm thankful to the leader for letting the members be together really cooperatively.
cr: DC, EXO-Chinaline; heecups

[Kris' Birthday Party] Kris ate the cake from EXO's DC and kept silent for around 10 seconds so fans asked
if it didn't taste good. Kris replied, "no no, it's really really good"
cr: ; heecups

[Kris' Birthday Party] When asked about the most treasure item, Kris said it was the fans' letters and as
compared to presents, he appreciates letters more. This time during his birthday fans compiled letters
into a book so he really likes it. Lay added that when letters are read, they stay in his mind while when
he sees presents, he gets reminded of the person who gave it to him
cr: klukris; heecups

[Kris' Birthday Party] When Kris was asked why he didn't like seafood, Kris said that when his mum was
pregnant, to make him smarter she ate fish everyday and he felt that it was really fishy but since he was
in his womb he could not resist it. Other members complained that he has been eating eel a lot lately so
he said it was because the fans really love eating eel. Everyone burst into laughter and he realized his
mistake too so he smiled with his head bent. Chen said Kris blushed so he lifted his head to explain that
eel is good for the body so he's eating it for the stage's sake.
cr: klukris; heecups

[Kris' Birthday Party] In the end Kris said that actually today is also the manager's birthday and he called
the manager onto stage. Manager seemed a little shy but in the end he got on stage, the both of them
were wearing a couple suit! When they were done with the birthday song the manager ran off stage
cr: so_yeol; heecups


"EXO Fact: In K's dorm no on listens to Su Ho appa."

cr: 12blossoms

Poor appa. xDD


"EXO Fact: All EXO-K members admit that they are afraid of SNSD's Tiffany."

cr: exo-globalfacts


"EXO Fact: Baekhyun and D.O. like to team up to bully Chanyeol."

cr: weibo

Naughty Baekon and Kyungsoo, bullying our happy virus. xD
"EXO Fact: D.O once wanted to be a hair stylist but no one in EXO-K wants D.O as their hairstylist."

cr: exo-facts

Just go with being a chef D.O! xD

The Exo - k Members gift to kai in his birthday!!!

Chanyeol:A shirt, even though he rarely wears any,

Sehun:Sunscreen -- He's tan enough

Suho:A Cellphone charm

Baekhyun:Socks with my face on themXD

D.O:Lots of love!!


"If the members of EXO K do not clean after themselves well, D.O will start to nag and lecture them."


He sinks to the floor, pulling you down with him. He has his back to the wall, and you face him, the both
of you just looking at each other, not exchanging any words. Under this light, his skin looks pallid, but his
eyes glow with clear vibrancy. The red ring around his black irises are even redder than usual, similar to
rich rubies. You lose yourself in his eyes. The red ring around his coal black eyes resemble burning coals
on fire. They are alive and clear, and you cant bring yourself to look away. Silence fills the cracks, but in
your head, noise blares from every corner. You can hear your drumming heart beat thumping hard, the
sound resonating loud in your ears.

Youre scared, he says, finally breaking the quiet.

How do you know?

I can I can sense it, he replies slowly, absently playing with his silver pendant. Why are you scared?

I I dont know, you reply. That was a lie. You do know why youre scared. You do know why your
heart is racing so violently right now. It is because of him. Something about him always makes you feel
scared. You have to be on your toes whenever you are around him, and you dont understand why.
Maybe it is because he is so different from anyone you have met before. Something about him is so
intimidating. He doesn't talk like how everybody else talks, he doesn't act the way everybody else acts
he doesn't. And he isn't normal not like a human being. And lately, you have been wondering whether
that you are right. You have been wondering about whether he is even human, because you believe in
the supernatural. And this should make you back off, but for some strange reason, that pulls you in. It
draws you in like a magnet, it draws you in inexplicably. But

You dont have to be scared he straightens up, and when he does, the gap between the both of you
narrows. He slowly reaches for your hands, lacing your fingers with his. They are still cold, but you can
feel a prick of warmth. Just a prick. His touch is soft, gentle, so light sort of like a whisper, but it affects
you in ways that you cant even comprehend. You dont have to be scared of me. He says this in a
small voice, barely audible. Because though you dont say it, I see the way you look at me sometimes
he lowers his gaze. Like Im a monster. You can hear the sadness laced in his voice. A stupid
monster. The grief. But Im trying not to be one. But more than that you are hearing an indirect
confession. Your whole body freezes when your brain tries to process his words. Baekhyun lifts his head,
and for the first time ever, you see it fear. It is written all over his face. Fear. In big capital letters. Im
trying to not be one because I scare myself. And I scare you. And and I dont want that.

Baek, you begin. Your voice trembles. Im you squeeze his hands. Im sorry. You aren't too sure
as to why you are apologizing, but you do so anyway, because you feel like as though that is the right
thing to say. Im going to help you through this process, whatever it is. You squeeze his hands even
tighter. Ill be with you.

I know youll be there with me, he says, inching forward. He is so close to you now, almost too close.
He curls a strand of hair behind your ear, the coldness from his touch making you shudder. You cannot
move or breathe. His face is only 4 centimeters apart. No less than that. 3 centimeters apart. I know
you will.

You can taste the sugar on his lips when he brings your mouth to his. His lips are warm, a stark contrast
to everything else about him. You can feel his hands running through your skin, his chest pressed against
yours. He tugs you closer, and his fingers move down your spine, down to the small of your back. A
surge of adrenaline courses through your body, a surge so great that you feel like as though you are
about to explode any second now. He tilts his head and kisses your neck, and you shudder, wrapping
your arms around him.

But at that moment, when you feel a sharp stab of pain punching through your neck, draining your
blood, only one thing passes through your lips before your eyes flutter shut.

A shriek.

OHKAI. This is not my absolute fave, but this is one of them. Oh, and he is a vampire btw, I wrote this as
part 2 from Vampire Baek part 1. HEHE.


[FAN ACCOUNT] 130111 Kaisoo's birthday party

Chanyeol would always go to Kai and D.Os room to sleep so Baekhyun sarcastically said that Chanyeol is
a homeless person.

(cr. DC via MAX)

If EXO were on Hello Baby:

Kris: This irresponsible appa pokes the baby's cheeks until they deflate. Glares at people when they tell
him to stop. He's also the one who teaches the baby ghetto Engrish.

Xiumin: The appa who protects the baby from Kris's poking and plays with the baby using baozi faces.

Luhan: Teaches the baby how to play soccer and solve a rubix cube. He gets carried away and solves it
himself, but by the time he's done, the baby has disappeared.

Sehun: More like a brother to the baby than an appa. Teaches the baby aegyo and whines when the
baby plays with his stuff.

Suho: The haraboji who chases the baby around the house but has to give up because his back starts to

D.O: The only responsible appa who cooks for the baby, washes the baby, and changes it's diaper.

Lay: Was assigned to buy the food and new diapers, but ended up forgetting. Makes up for it by singing
the baby a lullaby at bedtime.

Tao: Tries to teach the baby wushu, but gives up because it was too hard. Takes the baby for a stroll on
the beach instead.

Chen: Trolls the baby until it cries. Apologizes, but trolls it again once it stops crying.

Baekhyun: Makes when baby smile when he smiles. This appa is the most playful with the baby but
knows nothing of discipline.

Chanyeol: The one that always loses challenges and gets bullied by the baby. Probably because he scares
the baby with his creeper face.

Kai: The appa who is cold towards the baby at first, but the two end up being the closest in the end.

EXO/Baekhyun Facts (1/3)

The members trained for 17 hours each day for a month and a half to perfect MAMA. Kai said theyd
arrive at 11AM and go back home at 4AM the next day.
SOURCE: 120507 Osen Interview
TRANSLATION CREDIT: emilie & saphira@exok-trans

EXO/Baekhyun Facts (2/3)

Baekhyuns favourite subject is math.

CREDIT: @everexo

Oh goodness. Math. OTL. Who here is good at math?

Baekhyun Facts (2/3)

Suho and Baekhyun have the smallest feet in EXO-K. Their feet sizes are around 250-260mm.

SOURCE: 120515 Joo Young Hoon's 2PM Date Radio

Baekhyun Facts (1/3)

Chanyeol says that from the moment he wakes up to the time he sleeps, Baekhyun does not stop

(Err... to be honest, I'm a bit like Baek too, LOOOOOL.)

SOURCE: 120918 Sina Live Chat

When Baekhyun first entered SM, Suho bought him bubble tea.

(Who here loves bubble tea? I... BUBBLE TEA. I kenot.)

SOURCE: 120515 Joo Young Hoon's 2PM Date Radio
CR: fyeahexofacts@tumblr

Baekhyun Facts (2/3)

D.Os first impression of Baekhyun was that he was very playful and cute.

(What was your first impression of Baekhyun, eh?)

SOURCE: 121102 Ivy Club Interview
TRANSLATION CREDIT: emilie@exok-trans

Tao Facts (2/3)

The person who made the deepest first impression on Xiumin was Tao. Although he was surprised when
Tao called him Oppa, he was shocked at how good his pronunciation was.

(What was your first impression of Tao, eh?)

SOURCE: 120607 CNTV Star Talk Interview
[ARTICLE] 130122 EXO incident with Scary Sasaeng
On January 18th, the group was at the airport to
visit the Philippines but they were delayed due to
visa issues with EXO-M. This caused a greater
sasaeng turnout than usual.
Kai was standing near the stairs when a sasaeng
fan grabbed him, causing him to fall down and
injure his chin and knee. Other sasaengs reported
seeing sasaengs near him touch him in
inappropriate places. He was unable to get up on
his own, leading Baekhyun to try and lift him up.
A sasaeng was overheard saying, I need to take
his picture, move your head, among other
swears to Baekhyun.
Tao apparently wrote on his Weibo in broken
Korean asking fans to please stop because he
doesnt want his members getting hurt anymore.
Before, Jongin had suffered an incident where he
was holding a stuffed animal a fan had given him.
He couldnt pass through security so they
searched him and found a hidden camera in the
teddy bears eye that had been on and filming the
entire time.
I found another blog post that had a compilation of
sasaeng acts against EXO. I dont know if any of
these are confirmed or not.
1. A sasaeng fan bought the same van as EXO and
used it to wait outside EXOs schedules. Luhan
actually tried to get on it once but his manager
freaked out and pulled him out.
2. Kyungsoo once had a bruise on his eye because
a daepo sasaeng (daepo = DSLR camera) hit him
in the eye.
3. Tao was at a foreign hotel for a schedule and
sasaengs had installed a recording device in the
bathroom that recorded noise of him showering
and humming a song.
4. Kais teddy bear incident. *Netizen comment:
[+26, -0] EXO Kai also received a stuffed animal as
a gift from a fan while at the airport. The doll
couldnt get past security so they searched it and
found a hidden camera in its eye.]
5. Lay went back to his waiting room to find all
their bags opened and their contents strewn
6. A sasaeng fan stuffed something into a
members bag and ran away and it ended up
being her underwear.
7. Sehun and Luhan were sexually harrassed by
8. Sasaeng fans were on their knees crawling
around outside EXOs dorm so when people asked
what they were doing, they said they were trying
to find EXOs stray hairs.
[According to the netizenbuzz, several fans have
pointed out that the teddy bear rumor was
confirmed to be false]
[cr: netizenbuzz]

Baekhyun Facts (3/3)

When Baekhyun first entered SM, Suho bought him bubble tea.

(Suho bought Kai a LOT of good food, too. WHOA. Good hyung.)

SOURCE: 120515 Joo Young Hoon's 2PM Date Radio
CR: fyeahexofacts

Baekhyun Facts (1/3)

A nickname the fans came up for Baekhyun is Sungun. This is from Baekhyuns power of light and his
move in MAMA where he imitates shooting a gun.

(Who watched this video? I DIED WHEN I SAW HIM IN THIS VIDEO I SWEAR. He killed me with his
sungun. Omg, I swear.)

SOURCE: 120511 The Star Interview
CR: fyeahexofacts

EXO Facts #2

Chanyeol likes to dance battle with Kris, Chen will be the judge. When KAI sees them, he can only sigh
and lie on the floor with Luhan while laughing at them.

EXO Facts #3

The HUNHAN couple you ship is talked as jokes among the members because they are close.

Baekhyun Facts (3/3)

According to the other members, the member who is the most different offstage and onstage is
Baekhyun. Chanyeol said that Baekhyun wears eyeliner to look cool and charismatic onstage, but
offstage, when his eyeliner is off, he is very talented and he often makes the other members laugh.

SOURCE: 120507 Sukira - Kiss the Radio
CR: fyeahexofacts

Baekhyun Facts (1/3)

Baekhyun wanted to become a singer ever since the fourth grade, and even told all his friends that he
would be a celebrity when he grows up. In 2011, he officially joined SM Entertainment. He was scouted
by an SM representative, who saw Baekhyun near his school.

Cr: EXO Town

EXO ( Exo-M and Exo-K )
[FACT] Tao, Chen and Baekhyun wouldn't be in EXO if SM debuted EXO as M1 and M2 in 2010.

EXO ( Exo-M and Exo-K )
[FACT] Baekhyun's favorite subject is Math

EXO ( Exo-M and Exo-K )
[FACT] "When I first saw Chen, I thought his face was a bit scary. But when he sings, I was surprised
because he's really good." Xiumin

EXO ( Exo-M and Exo-K )
[FACT] Luhan is a germaphobe, he won't even let anyone sit on his bed.

Baekhyun: Wow, you're really
drunk right now. Chanyeol: I'm not
drunk, you're just blurry.

EXO JOKE Chen: What did the dog say
when it lost its bone? Xiumin: What?
Cheb: Nothing, dogs can't talk.

*texting* Xiumin: Kris? Kris: I'll
be there in five minutes. If not, read this
cr: thatswhatexosaid

Kyungsoo is on a boat. D-ROW.
Kyungsoo has swag. D-YO.
Kyungsoo parked in wrong spot. D-TOW
Kyungsoo likes embroidery. D-SEW.
Kyungsoo declines. D-NO.
Kyungsoo is on the ground. D-LOW.
Kyungsoo is an enemy. D-FOE.
Kyungsoo is very sad. D-WOE.
Kyungsoo is leaving. D-GO.
Kyungsoo is acting slutty. D-HOE.
Kyungsoo is cleaning the yard. D-MOW.
Kyungsoo is finally gets it. D-OH.

Baekhyun Facts (5/5) [Compilation]

1. Baekhyun describes his personality as bright, cheerful and kind.
2. Baekhyun likes R&B, pop and punk rock music.
3. Baekhyuns favourite colours are white, black and grey.
4. Baekhyun likes SF fantasy and action movies.

CR: fyeahexofacts
SOURCE: 120505 The Star Profile - Baekhyun
TRANSLATION CREDIT: emilie@exok-trans

Baekhyun Facts (4/5)

If Baekhyun had a girlfriend, hed like to go see the cherry blossoms with her.

CR: fyeahexofacts
SOURCE: 120505 The Star Profile - Baekhyun
TRANSLATION CREDIT: emilie@exok-trans

Baekhyun facts (2/5)

Baekhyuns ideal type would be someone full of charm. And... he also likes girls who look good in jeans.

CR: fyeahexofacts
SOURCE: 120505 The Star Profile - Baekhyun
TRANSLATION CREDIT: emilie@exok-trans

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