No. 138 - December 2009

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VISTA image release

X-shooter extragalactic science

Neutron star astronomy
APEX/LABOCA deep survey
The Messenger
No. 138 – December 2009
Telescopes and Instrumentation

First Release of Images from VISTA

The new ESO survey telescope VISTA such a low focal ratio, the figuring and tic, on the theme of star formation and
(the Visible and Infrared Survey Tele- polishing of the primary was a formidable very low mass stars and brown dwarfs
scope for Astronomy) was recently task. The secondary is 1.24 metres in in the Orion region; and one extragalac-
commissioned at Paranal and has just diameter. As a survey telescope it has tic, on the stellar halo in NGC 253. The
released its first public images. only one instrument, a camera composed SV data will be processed using the
of 16 2048 × 2048 infrared detectors. VISTA Data Flow System run jointly by the
The Raytheon VIRGO HgCdTe detectors Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit
VISTA was conceived and developed by have 0.34-arcsecond pixels and a single (CASU) and the Wide Field Astronomy
a consortium of 18 universities in the “pawprint” covers an area of 0.6 square Unit Edinburgh (WFAU), and the reduced
United Kingdom led by Queen Mary, Uni- degrees. By combining six offset images, data will be publicly released.
versity of London and became an in-kind a full field coverage of 1.5 × 1.0 degrees
contribution to ESO as part of the UK’s is achieved. The camera was designed VISTA will be dedicated to large surveys
accession agreement. The telescope is and built by a consortium including the and a five-year programme of six public
described in Emerson et al. (2004, 2006). Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, the UK surveys has been assigned. Observations
Project management for the telescope ATC and the University of Durham. Fig­- will begin soon. They range from surveys
design and construction was the respon- ure 1 shows a view of the telescope with of variable stars in the Milky Way, a sur-
sibility of the Science and Technology the camera in the process of being re- vey of the Magellanic Clouds, a southern
Facilities Council’s UK Astronomy Tech- moved. The camera has five broadband hemisphere survey and a large area
nology Centre (STFC, UK ATC). Provi- filters Z, Y, J, H and Ks, with an option for ­galaxy survey, and two deep small field
sional acceptance of VISTA was formally user-provided filters. surveys. Details of these surveys can be
granted by ESO at a ceremony at ESO found in Arnaboldi et al. (2007).
Headquarters in Garching, Germany, The front cover shows a colour-compos-
attended by representatives of Queen ite image of the dusty star-forming H ii References
Mary, University of London and STFC on region NGC 2024 in the Orion Cloud re-
10 December 2009. VISTA will now be gion, called the Flame Nebula (image Arnaboldi, M. et al. 2007, The Messenger, 127, 28
operated by ESO. from the ESO press release). Figure 2 Emerson, J. P. et al. 2004, The Messenger, 117, 27
Emerson, J. P. et al. 2006, The Messenger, 126, 41
shows a 1 × 1.4 degree region of the
VISTA has a 4.1-metre primary mirror with ­Fornax galaxy cluster, with NGC 1399
a 1.65 degree field of view. On account and NGC 1365 both visible. The VISTA Links
of the speed of the primary (F/0.98), the science verification (SV) programme1 1
largest mirror to be manufactured with consists of two mini-surveys: one Galac- html

Figure 1 (left). The VISTA infrared

Credit: ESO/G. Hüdepohl

camera being removed to allow

the primary mirror to be recoated in
September 2009.

Figure 2 (right). VISTA colour image

(from Z, J and Ks filters) of the Fornax
galaxy cluster. At the lower left is the
barred-spiral galaxy NGC 1365 and to
the upper right the central bright ellip-
tical NGC 1399. The total exposure
time per pixel was about 25 minutes.

2 The Messenger 138 – December 2009

Credit: ESO/J. Emerson/VISTA
Acknowledgement: ­Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit
Telescopes and Instrumentation

X-shooter Starts Operation at the Paranal Observatory:

A New Opportunity for Extragalactic Astronomy

Joël Vernet 1 after the focus is directed to the UVB and between 3000 and 17 000 depending
Sandro D’Odorico1 VIS arms and transmitted to the NIR on the slit width and wavelength range,
Lise Christensen 2 spectrograph cryostat by two dichroics in as shown in Table 1. The optical image
Hans Dekker 1 series. It is also possible to use an image ­quality is between 1 and 2 pixels on the
Elena Mason 1 slicer in the focal plane that reformats detector over the full range.
Andrea Modigliani 1 a 1.8 × 4 arcsecond field on the sky into
Sabine Moehler 1 a 0.6 × 12 arcsecond-long slit. X-shooter In the first two commissioning runs, in
simultaneously collects the full spectrum November 2008 and January 2009, only
of the target from 300 to 2500 nm with the UVB and VIS arms could be tested.
ESO an efficiency of between 15 % and 35 %, The instrument was operated in its
 xcellence Cluster Universe, Techni­sche
E including the telescope and the atmos- full configuration with the NIR arm from
Universität München, Germany phere (see Figure 1a, b and c for the March 2009. It has lived up to expecta-
UVB, VIS and NIR efficiencies respec- tions in terms of image quality, spectral
tively). The spectral resolution varies resolution and simple and robust opera-
X-shooter, the new three-arm spec-
trograph at the VLT promises to be  
a powerful tool for high quality observa- ,D@RTQDC DWSHMBSHNMBNQQDBSDC
tions of targets of intermediate and ,D@RTQDC MNSBNQQDBSDC
faint magnitude at any redshift. The
instrument capabilities are summarised
and several examples of its use for  

the spectroscopy of intermediate and

high redshift objects presented.  

X-shooter at the start of operations

X-shooter is the first of the second gener-  

ation Very Large Telescope (VLT) instru- 6@UDKDMFSGML
ments and replaces the workhorse FOcal
Reducer and low dispersion Spectro­-  
graph (FORS1), which has been success- ,D@RTQDC DWSHMBSHNMBNQQDBSDC
fully in use for more than a decade. It ,D@RTQDC MNSBNQQDBSDC
is located at the Cassegrain focus of the
Kueyen Unit Telescope (UT2). The con-
sortium that built X-shooter consists of  

ten institutes in Denmark, France, Italy

and the Netherlands. ESO delivered the  
detector’s systems and the cryogenic
system controller and undertook the final  
integration, first in Garching and then
at the telescope. The instrument was
completed in five years at a cost of 6 mil-  
lion euros and ~ 70 person-years. Details 6@UDKDMFSGML
on the consortium and the instrument
have been included in previous Messen-  
ger articles (Vernet et al., 2007; D’Odorico, ,D@RTQDC
2008) and can be found on the ESO /QDCHBSDC
website1. Figure 1a, b, c. The three plots show
the predicted efficiency at airmass 1.0
X-shooter consists of a central structure   (red lines) versus observed efficien­-

(backbone), which supports three prism- cies (blue lines) of the instrument+tele-
scope for all orders of the échelle
cross-dispersed échelle spectrographs   spectra. For the UVB and VIS arms the
optimised for the ultraviolet–blue (UVB), correction of extinction to airmass 1.0
visible (VIS) and near-infrared (NIR) wave- is also shown (black lines). For the ­NIR
length ranges. At the entrance of each arm the prediction includes an esti-
mate of telluric absorption at airmass
spectrograph there is a slit unit, equipped 1.0. These measurements are based
with 11-arcsecond-long slits of different  
           on observations of the flux standard
widths. The light beam of the telescope 6@UDKDMFSGML GD71 obtained in June 2009.

4 The Messenger 138 – December 2009

UVB VIS NIR Table 1. Offered resolu-
Slit width R Sampling Slit width R Sampling Slit width R Sampling tion, R, and sampling as
(arcseconds) l/∆l (pixels/FWHM) (arcseconds) l/∆l (pixels/FWHM) (arcseconds) l/∆l (pixels/FWHM) a function of slit width,
and for the integral field
0.5 9100 3.5 0.4 17400 3.0 0.4 11300 2.0
unit (IFU).
0.8 6200 5.2 0.7 11000 4.8 0.6 8100 2.8
1.0 5100 6.3 0.9 8800 6.0 0.9 5600 4.0
1.3 4000 8.1 1.2 6700 7.9 1.2 4300 5.3
1.6 3300 9.9 1.5 5400 9.7 1.5 3500 6.6
IFU (1.8 × 4 arcseconds) 7900 4.1 IFU 12600 4.2 IFU 8100 2.8

tion. The overall efficiency is essentially as Garching for quality control and for reduc- Here we present, in Figure 2, data of an-
predicted, except for the J-band where tion of the service observations. A prelim- other system, a star-forming galaxy at
it is ~ 30 % below the original goal, due to inary version will be made available to the z = 1.0688 lensed by a pair of foreground
losses that can only be partly explained users of the instrument in Period 84. galaxies at z = 0.388 (Christensen et al.,
by scattering in the ZnSe cross-disperser in preparation). In the X-shooter spectrum
prisms. we identify 20 different emission lines
An emission line galaxy at intermediate from [O ii] 3727 Å to He i 10 830 Å. Even
Following an open call there were two redshift Ha, which is located in the region be-
successful Science Verification (SV) tween the J- and H-bands, where the
runs in August and September 2009. A One of the key scientific drivers of trans­mission is ~ 10 %, could be meas-
summary of the SV programmes is avail- X-shooter was the capability to collect a ured. Furthermore, in the 40-minute
able 2. Data from the commissioning useful spectrum of a target of unknown exposure it is still possible to identify
and the SV runs have been made publicly redshift already in the discovery observa- UV absorption lines that are from the
available through the ESO archive and tion, thanks to its large spectral cover­­- species Si ii, Al iii, Fe ii, Mg ii and Mg i. The
can be used to become familiar with the age. This capability — which is also the resolution of X-shooter allows the strong
data format and to plan future observa- origin of the name of the instrument — emission lines to be decomposed into
tions. was very much in mind for observations two components that are separated by
of gamma-ray bursts, where the rapidly- ~ 50 km s –1, a narrow one with a width
The possibility of collecting the full spec- declining brightness calls for “shooting” of 50 km s –1 and a wider component of
trum from the atmospheric UV cut-off an exposure of the target as soon as it is width 128 km s –1. The interstellar medium
to the K-band at intermediate resolution identified. This advantage however be- absorptions are blueshifted by 43 km s –1
in a single shot is an attractive option comes equally useful in the observations relative to the systemic redshift of the
for a variety of scientific programmes, of faint galaxies at unknown redshift. source, as determined by the emission
from the study of Solar System bodies to During commissioning, two lensed galaxy lines.
the search for emission galaxies at high candidates from the Cassowary survey 3
redshift. In the first two proposal calls, (Belokurov et al., 2007) were observed.
where X-shooter was offered for general X-shooter spectra confirmed the nature of
use (April and October 2009), it was the both candidates from several emission Figure 2. Sections of the UVB, VIS and NIR arm
second most requested instrument at the and absorption lines distributed over the spectra of a lensed star-forming emission line
VLT after FORS. three arms of the instrument. The first ­g alaxy. This spectrum was the confirmation observa-
tion of a candidate from the Cassowary survey
­target, CASSOWARY 20, resembles an (Belokurov et al., 2007). The target was observed
Einstein Cross and is a blue star-forming with 2 × 1200 s on-target, aligning the slit between
Examples of X-shooter observations galaxy at z = 1.433 (Pettini et al., 2009). the two brightest images (V ~ 21 mag) of the lens.

We present here examples of X-shooter   %D (( @SY  %D (( 

observations from the commissioning  
runs which illustrate the capability of the  
instrument in extragalactic astronomy.
The examples were also used as test  
cases for the data reduction software. All  
data shown here have been reduced,
up to a 2D rectified, merged, wavelength-  
calibrated and sky-subtracted spectrum,  :. ((<   'β @SY  :. (((< 

with the data reduction pipeline, devel-  

oped by the X-shooter consortium and  
integrated into the Data Flow System by  
ESO. The pipeline is used at the Paranal  
Observatory for online visualisation of 6@UDKDMFSGÄ
the data and at ESO Headquarters in

The Messenger 138 – December 2009 5

Telescopes and Instrumentation Vernet J. et al., X-shooter Starts Operation at the Paranal Observatory

High redshift quasars    Figure 3. Spectrum of

the lensed quasar
  B1422+231. The blue
B1422+231 (z = 3.62) is one of the bright- 
part of the spectrum
est quasars in the sky (V ~ 16.5 mag), shows the UVB, the

and is highly amplified by gravitational green the VIS, and the
red the NIR data in units
lensing. The X-shooter integration of total 

+Xβ of 10 –16 erg s –1 cm – 2.

time 4800 s was split over 4 × 1200 s 
No correction for telluric
exposures and gives a final signal-to- 
lines has been applied.
noise ratio of between 50 and 100 over

most of the spectral range. Two of the " (5 " (((<
lensed quasar images, separated by 
0.5 arcseconds, were aligned along the 

slit and the extracted spectrum refers to 

the sum of the two.

The resulting X-shooter spectrum (Fig- 

ure 3) has resolutions of 6200, 11 000 and 

8100 in the UVB, VIS and NIR spectral ,F ((

regions respectively. At this resolution it is       

possible to study both narrow emission  

and absorption lines, from the gas in the  

quasar environment and from the inter-  

vening galaxies. The quasar continuum 6@UDKDMFSGML
can be accurately traced even in the
Lyman-a forest. The major advantage is
the simultaneous coverage of a large
wavelength interval. For this z = 3.62 qua-
sar, the region from the Lyman continuum
to redwards of the [O iii] 5007 Å line can
be investigated simultaneously. With a
standard optical or infrared spectrograph Figure 4a. Part of the extracted visual
arm spectrum of the z = 5.99 SDSS
only limited regions of the spectrum
QSO J130608.26+035626.3, encom-
could be studied in a single exposure, passing the region of the Lyman-a
with the potential risk of introducing emission. The upper panel shows the
errors in the final compilation of data 2D, sky-subtracted, rectified and
merged spectrum, the lower panel the
taken at different times and under differ-
corresponding 1D spectrum. The
ent weather conditions. With X-shooter total integration time consisted of
it is now possible to circumvent these three 1800-s exposures nodded along
obstacles. The recovery of accurate pro- the slit. The resolution is 8800.
files of several emission lines permits
accurate determination of the redshift of 6@UDKDMFSGML
the quasar, to be compared with the red-
shifts of the interstellar medium absorp-
tions. Similarities and differences in the
restframe UV and optical regions have
allowed us to gain a better understanding
of the accretion processes in the centre
of the quasar.  Figure 4b. A section of the H-band
,F (( @SY  spectrum of the SDSS QSO
 J130608.26+035626.3, from the same
A second example of a quasar obser­ integration detailed in Figure 4a. It
vation is for the z = 5.99 SDSS QSO ,F (( @SY  shows a region with the highest red-

J130608.26+035626.3 (z = 19.5 mag, shift Mg ii absorption systems as
­identified by Jiang et al. (2007). The
J = 18.8 mag). For objects from z = 3.5  resolution is 5600, or about eight
up to z = 6.5, X-shooter permits Lyman-a times better than that of the discovery
to be obtained simultaneously in the vis-  paper, permitting the measurement of
ual arm up to a resolving power of 11000 column densities. The parts of the
spectrum that have been interpolated
(allowing a good tracing of the emission 
at the position of strong OH sky lines
line profile) and absorption systems up           are shown by a dotted line.
to the Ks-band to be identified at a reso- 6@UDKDMFSGML

6 The Messenger 138 – December 2009

Telescopes and Instrumentation

lution of up to 8000. This is illustrated in Pettini and Vasily Belukurov for suggesting the test Links
observations which are presented in this article.
Figures 4a and b. 1
Acknowledgements 3
Belokurov, V. et al. 2007, ApJL, 671, L9
Without the X-shooter consortium, this new capabil-
D’Odorico, S. 2008, The Messenger, 134, 12
ity of the VLT would not have happened. We would
Jiang, H. et al. 2007, ApJ, 134, 1150
like to acknowledge their expert and dedicated
Pettini, M. 2009, arXiv0909.3301v1
effort. We would also like to thank Jens Hjorth, Max
Vernet, J. et al. 2007, The Messenger, 130, 5

ALMA First Fringes at 5000 m Altitude

The first two fully equipped ALMA antennas


A. Quintana/J. Olivares (ALMA)
were transported to the ALMA Operations Site
(AOS) at 5000 m altitude in September and
October 2009 as planned. Figure 1 shows one
of the antennas on its way to the AOS. After
single dish functional tests, the two antennas
were connected together (see Figure 2) as
an interferometer using the ALMA production
components previously installed inside the
AOS Technical Building on Chajnantor at
5000 m. On 1, 2 and 5 November 2009, sta-
ble fringes were detected on the 160 m base-
line at 3 mm, 1.3 mm and 0.85 mm. Figure 3
shows the amplitude and phase measured
for the source 0538-440 at a frequency of
235.5 GHz and Figure 4 for the extragalactic !@MC%HQRS%QHMFDRNM  -NUDLADQ Figure 2 (above).
radio source 3C454.3 at 345.8 GHz. The two-   Fringes were obtained

  between these two

antenna array was remotely controlled from  
  antennas at the 5000 m
the Operations Support Facility (OSF) Techni-  
ALMA Operations Site.
cal Building at 2900 m altitude. In the near  
future further antennas will be added to the        
array in preparation for the start of early sci-
ence operations in 2011.
 Figure 3 (left). Fringes
 at 235.5 GHz (ALMA

More details at

 Band 6) — amplitude
events/announcements/aos_interferometer/. l and phase measured
l for the radio source



 Figure 4. Fringes at

l  345.8 GHz (ALMA
Figure 1. The transporter Otto is shown carrying one l Band 7) — amplitude
of the antennas from the OSF to the AOS. See Kraus and phase measured
et al. 2007 (The Messenger, 132, 23) for more infor- 3HLD43 for the radio galaxy
mation on the ALMA transporters. 3C454.3.

The Messenger 138 – December 2009 7

Telescopes and Instrumentation

A Tenth Birthday Present for UVES: A CCD Upgrade

of the Red Arm

Jonathan Smoker 1 Readout Mode Gain Readout Noise Table 1. Common readout modes
Zeus : Nigel Zeus : Nigel for MIT/LL CCD Zeus compared
Nicolas Haddad 1
(Electrons per ADU) (Electrons rms) with Nigel. The saturation level is
Olaf Iwert 1 now ~ 65 000 ADUs compared with
225 kHz, 1 × 1, low gain 1.41 : 1.50 3.7 : 3.8
Sebastian Deiries 1 ~ 45 000 ADUs for Nigel.
225 kHz, 1 × 2, low gain 1.41 : 1.50 3.7 : 3.8
Andrea Modigliani 1
625 kHz, 1 × 1, low gain 1.41 : 1.50 4.7 : 4.9
Suzanna Randall 1
50 kHz, 2 × 2, high gain 0.46 : 0.57 2.1 : 3.4
Sandro D’Odorico 1
Gaël James 1
Gaspare Lo Curto 1 ESO Multi-Mode Instrument [EMMI] and Due to variation in the packaging of the
Pascal Robert 1 the FOcal Reducer and low dispersion CCDs, the gaps between the two parts of
Luca Pasquini 1 Spectrograph [FORS2]), were of superior the mosaic are now ~ 1250 μm at the
Mark Downing 1 quality. Upgrading the CCD mosaic in bottom, close to the readout register, and
Cédric Ledoux 1 UVES has long been on ESO’s agenda. ~ 1470 μm at the top. This introduces tilts
Christophe Martayan 1 The opportunity finally arose to carry in the dispersion direction of arc or
Thomas Dall 1 it out with the decommissioning of EMMI sky lines of + 0.35 pixels for the EEV and
Jakob Vinther 1 and the availability of an MIT/LL CCD – 0.05 pixels for the MIT, when a 10-arc-
Claudio Melo 1 (named Zeus) from that instrument. Ten second-long slit is used. The spectral for-
Andrew Fox 1 years after its installation, UVES is still mat has also slightly changed, requiring
John Pritchard 1 an instrument very much in demand (it upgrades to the exposure time calculator
Dietrich Baade 1 occupies fourth position in the list of most- and UVES pipeline. Versions 4.4.7 and
Hans Dekker 1 requested VLT instruments). The installa- higher of the pipeline will reduce both old
tion of the new CCD significantly in- and new mosaic observations.
creases the performance at the red end
ESO of its spectral range, which is interesting The cosmetics of Zeus are excellent. The
for both stellar and extragalactic work. most obvious defects are three bad col-
umns in the 50 kHz, 2 × 2 high gain (HG)
During July 2009, a new MIT CCD, Zeus readout mode with peak values of
(previously part of the EMMI spec- Characteristics of Zeus between 1 and 50 ADU above the bias
trograph), was installed in UVES to level and a glow of about 10 ADU peak
replace Nigel, the high-wavelength part Zeus is a deep depletion 2k × 4k CCD visible in the first 200 pixels in 625 kHz,
of the red CCD mosaic. The main (MIT serial number 4-10-2), with pixel size 1 × 1 low gain (LG) and 50 kHz, 2 × 2,
­characteristics of Zeus are reported. of 15 μm and nominal thickness of HG. The MIT/LL CCD is linear to better
40 μm, compared with the old CCD Nigel, than 0.7 % up to ~ 55 000 ADU in 50 kHz,
which had a thickness of 20 μm. For the 2 × 2, HG and 225 kHz, 1 × 1, LG, with
The Ultraviolet and Visual Echelle Spec- replacement of Nigel, the UVES red cryo- a saturation level of ~ 65 000 ADU com-
trograph1 (UVES) is the VLT’s high reso­ stat was shipped to Garching and hence pared with ~ 45 000 ADU for Nigel.
lution optical spectrograph located at only the blue arm of UVES was available
the Nasmyth B focus of the VLT Unit Tele- between 1 May and 15 July 2009. In Owing to the fact that Zeus is a thick
scope 2 (Kueyen). It is a cross-dispersed Garching the quantum efficiency (QE) of CCD, the fringing is much reduced com-
echelle spectrograph designed to op- the old mosaic was measured, Nigel was pared with Nigel. Figure 1 shows a com-
erate with high efficiency from the atmos- replaced by Zeus, and the QE of the new parison of the extracted spectrum of a
pheric cut-off at 300 nm to the long-wave- mosaic obtained. The readout modes are B-type star without flatfielding for Nigel
length limit of the CCD detectors (about the same as previously offered and the and Zeus.
1100 nm). The maximum resolution is most commonly used ones are listed in
80 000 and 110 000 in the blue and red Table 1.
arms respectively (for details, see Dekker
et al., 2000). The instrument was installed  — 
at the Paranal Observatory in 1999. The
red arm detector consisted of a mosaic 9DTR

of an EEV CCD (named Sting) at lower -HFDK

wavelengths and an MIT/LL CCD (called
Nigel) at higher wavelengths. The latter
was the first device from Massachusetts
Institute of Technology Lincoln Laborato- — 
ries (MIT/LL) to become available to ESO Figure 1. Part of the spectrum of
via a best effort development programme the same fast-rotating star HD 188294
obtained with Nigel and Zeus. The
led by the University of Hawaii. The next greatly reduced fringing with Zeus is
generation of MIT/LL CCDs that ESO  apparent. No flatfielding has been per-
received and installed (for example for the 6@UDKDMFSGML formed.

8 The Messenger 138 – December 2009

The QE for Zeus was measured both in Figure 2. Ratio of quantum efficiencies

of Zeus and Nigel derived from
the laboratory and on-sky by the use +@ABTQUD
2S@MC@QCRS@QR ­laboratory measurements and stand-
of standard stars. The efficiency of Zeus  ard stars.
is approximately 84 % at 800 nm, 64 %
at 900 nm and 18 % at 1 µm. Figure 2
shows the ratio of the Zeus/Nigel QEs.
Between ~ 500–700 nm the efficiencies
of the two CCDs are very similar, how- 
ever redwards of 700 nm there is a steady
increase in throughput, reaching a factor
of ~ 1.6 at the wavelength of the calcium
triplet at 860 nm and increasing to a fac-
tor of ~ 2 at 900 nm. 
Although the move to the thick CCD has
brought enormous benefits in terms of   Figure 3. (a) Exposure of 4500 s with
a 0.9-arcsecond slit towards the
reduced fringing and increased QE, there
­quasar QSO 1331+1704 with the old
is a (small) price to pay. The first issue CCD mosaic from 904.5–914 nm.
is a higher cosmic ray count, which has   (b) A repeated observation with the
increased by ~ 70 % with respect to the same exposure time, but with the

new mosaic. The narrow telluric lines

value in Nigel. A cosmic-ray removal test
were weaker in the later observations.
using lacosmic in IRAF found, in 3600 s  
of integration time, that ~ 0.27 % of pixels
were affected by cosmic rays. The sec-
ond issue is increased remanence after  
oversaturation caused by strong argon
lines in the ThAr arc calibrations redward @
of ~ 660 nm. These can last for several  
hours and the pre-existing policy of not     
allowing such attached calibrations at
night during service mode will be strictly  
enforced. The Paranal Instrumentation
team, in cooperation with the Optical
Detector Team Garching, is investigating  
the possibility of mitigating this problem

by using a special readout mode to get

rid of the remanence before the next sci-  
ence or calibration image.

Zeus — on-sky tests
A number of on-sky test exposures were  
taken of fast-rotating stars previously ob-     
served with Nigel in the Paranal Observa- 6@UDKDMFSGML
tory Project (Bagnulo et al., 2003). All
data are publicly available in the ESO exposure times. The improvement in has lived up to expectations, enhancing
archive 2. The extracted profiles and spec- the signal-to-noise ratio of the spectrum the longest wavelength data from UVES.
tral resolution are similar in Nigel and is immediately apparent. We note that
Zeus, indicating little change in the point the EEV CCD spectra (bluest part of the References
spread function before and after the red mosaic) for the two epochs are very
upgrade. similar, indicating that the improvement Bagnulo, S. et al. 2003, The Messenger, 114, 10
is not due to better observing conditions, Dekker, H. et al. 2000, SPIE, 4008, 534
Additionally, the quasar QSO 1331+1704 but to the new CCD.
was observed. This quasar had previous Links
observations from the first UVES com- In conclusion, the on-sky tests confirm
missioning. Figure 3 shows a comparison the laboratory measurements and indi-  VES:
of the old and new observations at a cate that the replacement of the CCD 2
ESO archive:
wavelength of around 910 nm with equal archive_main.html

The Messenger 138 – December 2009 9

Telescopes and Instrumentation

ISAAC Moved to a New Home

Linda Schmidtobreick 1   Figure 1. The number of

hours requested for VLT
Pedro Mardones 1
UT1 and UT3 in recent
Roberto Castillo1 observing periods (since

43 October 2007).

(2 "LNUD
In August 2009, ISAAC was relocated
from UT1 to UT3 to adjust the differ-   43
ence in the pressure factor of the two
telescopes. The move went more 
smoothly than expected and the instru-      
ment was delivered in a very good /DQHNC
state. A short report on the event is pre-
sented. week of work was saved and a great tions had disappeared; hence all restric-
weight was lifted from the minds of every­ tions concerning offsets, nod-throw and
one involved. A good team spirit and the jittering boxes could be removed. The
ISAAC (Infrared Spectrometer And Array dedication and vigilance of all the people image quality seems to have improved,
Camera) was one of the first instruments involved resulted in a swift and success- i.e. the elongation of point source images
to be operated on Paranal and used ful conclusion of the work. Two weeks is now considerably reduced. Four weeks
to be located at the Nasmyth B focus of ahead of schedule, ISAAC was attached after the instrument was taken off UT1,
the VLT Unit Telescope 1 (UT1). It is still to UT3, the Hawaii detector cleaned, all the first science observations were made
highly in demand, as are the other UT1 technical functions tested, and the instru- with ISAAC: a time-critical transient of
instruments, FORS2 and CRIRES, and so ment handed over to the instrument sci- a planet was monitored in the fast pho-
the requested number of hours on UT1 entists for the re-commissioning. tometry mode. All in all, we consider the
reached a record value of 5405 in Pe- move a complete success, not least
riod 83. In contrast, UT3 was in rather All tests were performed without encoun- because the original motive, the adjust-
low demand, as can be seen from the sta- tering major problems, but there were ment of the pressure factors, was
tistics in Figure 1. It was hence proposed some positive surprises instead. The big achieved as well, as the statistics in Fig-
that ISAAC should be relocated to UT3 flakes on the Hawaii detector that had ure 1 show.
to balance the pressure factors on the previously been interfering with observa-
two telescopes better, and after an initial
feasibility check the decision was made
in favour of the move.

Planning started with the involvement of

the Instrument Operation Team and vari-
ous engineering groups in Paranal and
Garching, but it was not at all clear if
the move would go smoothly. One major
problem that was anticipated was the
retrieval of the co-rotator unit. This is the
part that connects the instrument to the
control electronics cabinets. It is respon-
sible for keeping the cables and hoses
untwisted when the instrument rotates in
order to compensate for the rotation of
the image field. This co-rotator unit was
attached in a way that seemed to make it
impossible to remove simply. Instead,
plans were made for a complete disman-
tling of this unit and subsequent re-
assembly at UT3. It seemed like sheer
luck that on the day when ISAAC was
taken off, it was found that the co-rotator Figure 2. ISAAC, the silver round box in the upper
part of the left image, is being taken out from its
unit could be removed as a whole. With
place at UT1. The right photo shows the co-rotator
a bit of tilting and pushing it was actually unit.
possible to remove it and hence a full

10 The Messenger 138 – December 2009

Telescopes and Instrumentation

A Sneak Preview of the E-ELT Design Reference

Science Plan Questionnaire Results

Markus Kissler-Patig 1 the E-ELT will operate. It will be used Synopsis of questionnaire results
Aybüke Küpcü Yoldaş 1 to guide the performance optimisation of
Jochen Liske 1 the telescope, the prioritisation of the Proposals were received from all ESO
instruments, as well as to plan the sci- member states. The UK, Germany and
ence operations modes. Spain feature prominently, followed by
ESO Italy and France. The distribution of ques-
In order to collect input from the commu- tionnaire returns by ESO member state
nity efficiently, the DRSP was set up as is detailed in Figure 1. The number of
The European Extremely Large Tele- a web questionnaire, guiding the users returns for ESO is partly inflated by the
scope is in its detailed design phase through the submission of a dummy pro- E-ELT Science Office, which, in addition,
until the end of 2010. During this period, posal for the E-ELT. The questionnaire “submitted” all those DRM cases not
the telescope design is being consol­ prompted for the science case (title, ab- already covered by the community. About
idated and instrument and operation stract, category, …), the identity of the two thirds of the PIs were faculty mem-
concepts are being studied. The scien- authors (institute, stage of career, …) be- bers, the other third being made up of
tific users are feeding back require- fore going into the details of the targets, postdoctoral researchers (see Figure 2
ments into the project in numerous spatial requirements, spectral require- for the breakdown).
ways. One of them, the Design Refer- ments, type of instrumentation required,
ence Science Plan, was an opportunity operations requirements, synergies, etc. The proposals were classified in the four
for the entire community to provide A detailed presentation of the question- categories established for the ASTRO-
direct feedback to the project. Here, we naire can be found in the contribution of NET Roadmap3. Three quarters of the
summarise the first results from this Aybüke Küpcü Yoldaş to the Design proposals were shared between the cat-
study. The full report will appear in the ­Reference Mission Workshop 2009 (see egories, “How do galaxies form and
first half of 2010. Hook et al., 2009) and available on the evolve?” and “What is the origin and evo-
E-ELT science web pages 2. lution of stars and planetary systems?”
(see Figure 3 for the project categories
As the detailed design phase of the Euro- The questionnaire was available to the and the distribution of the returns).
pean Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT) community from September 2008 until
progresses at a rapid pace, the scientific June 2009. During that period, 188 sci- On the technical side, all instruments that
users are continuously injecting require- ence cases were submitted by 157 prin­ are being currently studied in Phase A
ments into the project. The E-ELT Project cipal investigators from 105 institutes have been requested and almost all
includes a science office staffed by across Europe. This well exceeded our equally, with a slightly higher number of
around ten researchers (the majority being goal of collecting at least 100 cases. The proposals for the only mid-infrared instru-
post-docs, i.e. young future users of entries have been collected in a large ment (METIS), and a slightly lower one
the facility), and it is continuously assisted database and are being analysed statisti- for the most specialised instrument: the
on scientific issues by an external Sci- cally. A report, with the analysis, as well planet-finder. The full breakdown by re-
ence Working Group (SWG), established as the entries for all those cases that
in early 2006, and comprising about 20 agreed to publication, will be produced
senior researchers from the community. and published in the first half of 2010. Figure 1. Pie chart showing the E-ELT DRSP ques-
A Design Reference Mission (DRM) was Here, we provide a sneak preview of the tionnaire responses divided by ESO member state of
set up by the SWG and served as refer- first statistics. the respondees.
ence for about 20 high priority science
cases that have been simulated in detail
(the first reports are available on the pro- Austria
ject web pages1). The outcome of these 3.7 %
science cases is being used to drive the United Kingdom Belgium
telescope and instrument requirements. 17.6 % 4.3 %
1.6 %
However, a very broad, direct input from
Sweden Germany
the community was missing until a year 3.7% 14.4 %
ago. This was the reason for launching Portugal
the E-ELT Design Reference Science Plan 2.1% Chile
(DRSP) at JENAM 2008 in Vienna. The 1.6 %
DRSP is meant to be a large collection of 4.3 % Spain
12.2 %
science cases provided directly by the The Netherlands
future users of the E-ELT. The DRSP aims 5.3 %
at exploring the full range of science Italy Denmark
7.4 % 1.1%
cases for which the E-ELT will be used.
Ultimately, it will help to define the bound- ESO
France 13.8 %
aries of the parameter space over which 6.9 %

The Messenger 138 – December 2009 11

Telescopes and Instrumentation Kissler-Patig M. et al., A Sneak Preview of the E-ELT DRSP Questionnaire Results

Figure 2. Distribution Figure 3. The division of the DRSP

2.1% of academic status of 6% responses into four E-ELT Project
respondees to the 17% ­c ategories.
DRSP questionnaire.
Do we understand the extremes of
66.0 % Faculty the Universe?
Post-doc How do galaxies form and evolve?
Other 38 % 39 % What is the origin and evolution of
31.9 % stars and planetary systems?
How do we fit in?

quested instrument is given in Figure 4 Other

Figure 4. Breakdown of responses to
the DRSP questionnaire by the eight
and a list of the E-ELT instruments can be 10 % METIS
E-ELT proposed instruments and an
found in Spyromilio et al. (2008). Only a EPICS 17%
“other” instrumentation category.
very few proposals requested capabilities 4%
not included in the current studies, con- CODEX SIMPLE
10 % 8%
firming that the suite of instruments pres-
ently under investigation covers the entire
needs of the community. In terms of spa- EAGLE OPTIMOS
tial resolution, the largest share goes to 10 % 14% Figure 5 (below). The
spatial resolution in
diffraction-limited imaging. ­milliarcseconds (mas) of
Not surprisingly, given that the spatial 13 % 13 % projects broken down
resolution of the E-ELT exceeds that of into diffraction-limited,
six size bins and seeing-
the James Webb Space Telescope limited.
(JWST) by a factor of seven at infrared
wavelengths, some ambitious science Seeing limited
ideas were unleashed. However a quarter 24 % Diffraction limited
of the proposals requested seeing-limited 36 %
image quality (see the summary of pro-
posals by spatial resolution in Figure 5).
This trend is to be expected, partly be-
cause, towards the blue end of the wave-
length range, much better spatial reso­
lution will not be available (at least in the
first few years of operation), and partly 250 mas
because some high resolution spectros-
100 mas
copy cases did not require high spatial 6%
resolution, but rather are intending to 75 mas 5 mas
use the E-ELT as a giant light-collecting 5% 3%
bucket (its 1200 m2 far exceeds the 50 mas 10 mas
~ 50 m2 of a single VLT Unit Telescope). 11% 11%
The field of view selectable in the ques-
tionnaire ranged from 1 × 1 arcseconds to
10 × 10 arcminutes and the distribution Long slit
Figure 6. Distribution of
proposed E-ELT obser-
of the requests is shown in Figure 6, with 6.9 % Fibre
vations by field of view
85 % requesting 1 arcminute or less, and 10 × 10 arcmin 8%
(six categories) and
60 % requesting a field of view of 1 arc- 7. 4 % including fibre and long
1 × 1 arcsec
minute or less. 2 × 2–5 × 5 arcmin slit.
16.5 %
13.3 %

The range of requested spectral resolu-

tions is very wide, covering from R ~ 100
30 × 30 arcsec– 2 × 2–5 × 5 arcsec
to R > 100 000. About a quarter of the 1 × 1 arcmin 19.1%
proposals requested broad- or narrow- 13.3 %
band imaging. Peaks are seen in the
requested spectral resolution near the 10 × 10 arcsec
“standard” near-infrared resolutions 15. 4 %

12 The Messenger 138 – December 2009

(3000 –10 000) and above R ~ 50 000 (see
> 100 000 Broadband imaging Figure 7).
7% 17%
50 000 –100 000 The targets of the proposals have a very
10 %
Narrowband imaging
uniform distribution in right ascension. In
20 000 –50 000
4% 8% terms of declination, targets in the south-
ern hemisphere (declination < 15 degrees)
10 000 –20 000 prevail over the targets in the northern
hemisphere (declination > – 15 degrees),
4% as is clear from Figure 8.
5000–10 000
3% Finally, the authors were asked to indicate
10 % 500 –1000 whether their proposal would work in syn-
5% ergy with another facility (Figure 9). More
1000–2000 than a third of the proposals mentioned
3000–5000 6%
JWST, about a third mentioned the Ata-
13 % 2000–3000
cama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array
(ALMA), and the next most mentioned
facilities are the VLT/VLTI and the Square
Figure 7. Pie chart of the requested spectral res­ Kilometre Array (SKA) (incidentally all
olution for E-ELT DRSP proposals divided into
located in the southern hemisphere).
broadband imag­ing, narrowband imaging and eleven
So far, the proposals have provided valu-
able feedback, strengthened some of
the project requirements and guided the
project on scientific issues. The project
is extremely grateful to the community for
their numerous inputs to the DRSP and
Figure 8. Distribution of requested thanks all those potential future users
declinations for the targets from the
+79– ›+90 – 90– ›–76 who have taken time to support the pro-
E-ELT DRSP questionnaires.
11% 20 % ject through the DRSP.
+47– ›+75
+16– ›+46 –75– ›– 47
19 % 9% Hook, I. et al. 2009, The Messenger, 137, 51
Spyromilio, J. et al. 2008, The Messenger, 133, 1

– 46– ›–16
12 % Links
–15– ›+15
23 %  -ELT DRM Science Cases:
E-ELT Design Reference Missions and Science
Plan workshop proceedings:

Figure 9. The current and future facili-

ties with which the proposed E-ELT
Other ALMA
DRSP observations have a synergy.
14 % 22 %


JWST 26 %

The Messenger 138 – December 2009 13

Astronomical Science

A colour image of the southern H ii region RCW 38

taken with the MPG/ESO 2.2-m telescope and the
Wide Field Imager. Exposures in B, V, R and
H-alpha filters were combined to form this colour
image. RCW 38 is situated at a distance of 1.7 kpc
and is a young H ii region. Recent VLT NACO
observations have revealed an embedded young
cluster in the core; see ESO Photo Release 29/09
for more details.
Astronomical Science

The Application of FORS1 Spectropolarimetry to the

Investigation of Cool Solar-like Stars

Heidi Korhonen1 that the starspot configuration on In Doppler imaging, high resolution, high
Swetlana Hubrig 2 FK Com is similar to that observed in signal-to-noise spectroscopic obser­
Zsolt Kővári 3 the Sun. vations at different rotational phases are
Michael Weber 2 used to measure these distortions. The
Klaus Strassmeier 2 measurements from different rotational
Thomas Hackman 4 The solar surface shows a varying num- phases are combined to produce a map
Markus Wittkowski 1 ber of sunspots. Currently, during the of the stellar surface temperature (such
longest and deepest solar activity mini- as shown in Figure 1).
mum of the space age, these cooler
ESO patches of the solar surface are very The Doppler imaging studies have taught
 strophysical Institute Potsdam,
A rarely seen, whereas a few years ago, us that starspots on active stars are dif-
­Germany during the solar activity maximum, many ferent from sunspots (for a review, see
Konkoly Observatory, Budapest, spots were constantly visible. A century Strassmeier, 2009). Firstly, the starspots
­Hungary ago the magnetic origin of sunspots was that can be resolved using Doppler imag-
Observatory, University of Helsinki, discovered by Hale (1908), explaining ing are much larger than sunspots, and
­Finland why sunspots were dark. In a sunspot the are often even larger than the Sun. Also,
magnetic field acts as a valve, hindering sunspots occur close to the solar equa-
the normal heat transportation from the tor, usually within 35° of it, whereas the
The low resolution spectropolarimetric solar interior and forms an area with tem- starspots can be located at much higher
observations obtained with FORS1 at peratures of approximately 2000 K less latitudes, even at the rotational poles.
the VLT have often been used for inves- than that of the unspotted solar surface. Figure 1 shows Doppler images of two
tigating magnetic fields in hot stars. magnetically active K giant primaries
Here we describe the first investigation With current telescopes and instruments of RS CVn-type binaries, z Andromedae
of the magnetic field over the stellar it is not possible to obtain direct, spatially and IM Pegasus. The spectra used in
rotation in a cool late-type star, FK Com, resolved images of a stellar surface, ex- the Doppler imaging have been obtained
based on FORS1 spectropolarimetry. cept in the few special cases of nearby using the high resolution Ultraviolet and
We measure the mean longitudinal supergiants. In general, indirect methods Visual Echelle Spectrograph (UVES)
magnetic field from nine circularly po- have to be used for recording the surface at the Kueyen Unit Telescope of the VLT.
larised spectra, and study its behaviour structures on stars, and in most stars z And shows hints of a spot at the rota-
over the stellar rotation. The magnetic the magnetic activity is so low that it is tional pole and a belt of spots close to
field measurements are compared to a impossible to obtain any spatial informa- the equator. On IM Peg the activity con-
simultaneous stellar surface tempera- tion on the starspots using present tech- centrates at the middle latitudes. UVES
ture map obtained with Doppler imag- nology. spectra and Doppler imaging techniques
ing techniques. These observations have also been used for spatially resolv-
reveal two cool spots on the surface, Doppler imaging (e.g., Vogt et al., 1987) is ing hot spots caused by accretion shocks
and indicate that the main cool region a method that can be used for the on the rapidly rotating T Tauri-type star
coincides with the maximum value detailed mapping of stellar surface struc- MN Lupi (Figure 2).
of the mean longitudinal magnetic field. tures. If the stellar surface has a non-­
Additionally, only 0.25 in phase apart uniform temperature distribution, the
from the main spot, the secondary spot radiation from different parts of the stellar FK Com: an enigmatic prototype
is located at a similar phase to the surface will depend on the local temper­
field minimum. The observations can be ature. This produces a distortion in the FK Comae-type stars were first defined
interpreted as two spots having dif­ spectral line, and this distortion moves as a new group of stars in the early 1980s
ferent magnetic field polarities, implying across the line profile as the star rotates. (Bopp & Stencel, 1981). They are magnet-

ζ MC (,/DF

Figure 1. Examples
of surface temperature
maps of two K giants,
z And and IM Peg, ob-
tained from UVES spec-
tra. The darker colour
denotes lower tempera-

The Messenger 138 – December 2009 15

Astronomical Science Korhonen H. et al., FORS1 Spectropolarimetry of Solar-like Stars

Figure 2. Doppler imaging results of et al., 2002), i.e., one flip-flop occurs on
MN Lupi together with numerical simu-
01/XSL average every 3.2 years. After its discov-
lation results for the magnetic field
and the density of the accretion disc. ery in FK Com, the flip-flop phenomenon
The bright high latitude spots seen has also been reported in RS CVn-type
in the Doppler image are not tradi- binaries and young solar-type stars, and
tional starspots, but are thought to be
it has been suggested that it also oc-
the impact locations of the accreting
material funnelled by the magnetic curs in the Sun (see, e.g., Berdyugina &
fields onto the star (from Strassmeier Tuominen, 1998; Usoskin et al., 2005).
et al., 2005).
The flip-flop phenomenon has strong
implications for the dynamo theory. The
behaviour of the global solar magnetic
field can be explained by an axisymmetric
mean-field dynamo without any longitu­
dinal structure. In more rapidly rotating
stars, the higher order non-axisymmetric
modes become excited, forming two
active regions that are 180° apart, i.e.,
equivalent to the two permanent active
KNFCDMRHSX longitudes, as seen in many active
l  l  l  l  l  l  
stars. Not only is the magnetic configura-
tion different in the axisymmetric and
non-axisymmetric modes, but so are
ically very active late-type giants with FK Com itself, with its vsini value of their oscillatory properties. The solar-type
rotation periods of only a few days. Spec- 160 km/s, is the fastest rotator of the axisymmetric modes show clear cyclical
troscopic observations of these stars FK Comae-type stars, and thus also behaviour, whereas the non-axisymmetric
do not reveal any sign of the presence of the most active among them. The spec- modes do not oscillate. To explain the
a companion. The photometric and spec- trum of FK Com is peculiar, showing Ha flip-flop phenomenon, both properties —
troscopic characteristics of FK Comae- and Ca ii H&K emission and variable non-axisymmetric field configuration
type stars are very similar to those of the Balmer line profiles. Its visual brightness and oscillations — are needed. To con-
active RS CVn-type stars, e.g., z And varies by 0.1–0.3 magnitudes in the strain the dynamo models and to prop-
and IM Peg described above. But the V-band with a period of approximately erly understand the mechanism behind
RS CVn-type stars are close binary sys- 2.4 days. These variations are interpreted the flip-flops, it is crucial to obtain meas-
tems in which tidal effects produce syn- as being caused by large starspots on urements of the magnetic field behaviour
chronous rotation, and therefore also the surface. Several surface temperature at the two permanent active longitudes.
rapid rotation, whereas FK Comae-type maps of FK Com have been obtained
stars are thought to be single. over the years using Doppler imaging
techniques. These surface temperature Spectropolarimetric investigation of
Among the late-type single giants, vsini maps mainly show high latitude spots FK Com
values larger than about 10 km/s are with spot temperatures approximately
extremely rare. Thus, the anomalously 1000 K less than that of the unspotted To investigate the magnetic field of
rapid rotation of FK Comae-type stars surface (see, e.g., Korhonen et al., 2007). FK Com, and especially the polarities of
demands an explanation. Three main the active longitudes, we have obtained
­theories have been put forward for their low resolution (l/Dl = 2000) spectro­
nature: post-main-sequence stars, whose An unexplained phenomenon polarimetric observations using FORS1
rapid rotation is provided by core angular- with VLT Kueyen. The observations were
momentum transport; coalescing bina­- Long-term photometric observations obtained in April 2008 and show a dis-
ries that accrete material from an unseen show that the spots on FK Com tend to tinct signal in the circular polarisation,
companion; or coalesced W UMa-type concentrate on two active longitudes as is seen in Figure 4. We have obtained
binaries. The last scenario is the most which are about 180 degrees apart (Jetsu nine separate observations at different
likely one to explain the observed charac- et al., 1993). These active longitudes rotational phases of FK Com. The mean
teristics of the FK Comae-type stars. If ­alternate in strength and a switch in the longitudinal magnetic field, which is
the coalescence is really the cause of the longitude of the main spot activity oc- measured from the circularly polarised
rapid rotation in these stars, it could have curs every few years. Figure 3 shows spectra, shows a clear variation over
interesting ramifications for the internal examples of V-band light curves from the the stellar rotation. Figure 5 shows the
structure and dynamo operation of these 1990s showing one of these so-called magnetic field behaviour over the rota-
stars, and thus also on their magnetic flip-flop events. The cycle length of the tion, with the maximum value of the mean
activity. flip-flop phenomenon in FK Com has longitudinal field <Bz > = 272 ± 24 G oc-
been estimated to be 6.4 years (Korhonen curring at the phase 0.08 and the field

16 The Messenger 138 – December 2009

5   5  



5   5  



5   5  



Figure 3. V-band light curves of FK Com and the maps are not Doppler images, and only give infor-
spot filling factor maps obtained from them. The mation on the longitudinal distribution of the spots. A
photometric observations are from 1990–1993. flip-flop event is clearly seen in the data. In 1990 the
In the light curves the crosses are the observations spots concentrate around the phase 0.5 and in late
and the solid line the result from the inversion. In 1991 change to a configuration with an active region Figure 5 (below). The mean longitudi-
the light-curve inversion maps the darker colour at phase 0.0 (1.0) (from Korhonen et al., 2002). nal magnetic field measured from the
­indicates a larger spot filling factor. Note that these FORS1 circularly polarised spectra
plotted over the rotational phase.

  Figure 4 (left). FORS1 

%*"NL Stokes I (integral light)
  and Stokes V (circularly
%D ( polarised) spectra of 

FK Com. In the plot the
  spectrum around the
iron line, Fe 466.8 nm, is 
  shown (from Korhonen
et al., 2009).

!Y &





l   l                

minimum <Bz > = 60 ± 17 G at the phase carried out contemporaneous high reso- to obtain a surface temperature map of
0.36. None of the observations show lution spectroscopy using the STELLA FK Com simultaneous with the mag­-
negative magnetic field polarity. robotic telescope of the ­Astrophysical net­ic field measurements from the FOcal
Institute Potsdam and the Instituto de Reducer and low dispersion Spectro­
To be able to compare the field behaviour Astrofísica de Canarias, located on graph (FORS1). Figure 6 shows the sur-
to the starspot locations, we have also ­Tenerife. These spectra have been used face temperature map in which the

The Messenger 138 – December 2009 17

Astronomical Science Korhonen H. et al., FORS1 Spectropolarimetry of Solar-like Stars

/G@RD  /G@RD  /G@RD  /G@RD 

Figure 6. The surface temperature map of FK Com the Doppler image of FK Com (Figure 6). polarimetric capabilities from FORS1 to
obtained from the STELLA data using the Doppler
In the solar case, the spots in a pair are FORS2, which has a more red-sensitive
imaging technique. The stellar surface is shown at
four different rotational phases, 0.25 in phase apart. connected by magnetic loops. The earlier CCD, will be beneficial for studying the
The colour indicates the surface temperature. X-ray observations of FK Com also hint cooler, redder stars. Also, until now ESO
at loops connecting two nearby spots has not had a high resolution spectro­
(Drake et al., 2008), also indicating that graph with polarimetric capabilities, which
coolest active region is seen at the the two spots on FK Com could have dif- is needed for studying the stellar surface
phases 0.00–0.14 and a ­secondary active ferent spot polarities. in greater detail. This situation will im-
region at the phases 0.21–0.35. Both of prove dramatically with the commission-
the active regions occur at high latitude, The low resolution FORS1 spectropolari- ing of the polarimetric mode of the
but the weaker region, located at phases metric observations show some evidence HARPS high resolution spectrograph on
0.21–0.35, also extends towards the that the two main spots on FK Com have La Silla. This facility will open a new
equator. different magnetic field polarities. How- ­frontier for the ESO community for study-
ever, these spots are only 0.25 in phase ing stellar magnetic fields until the E-ELT
The maximum of the longitudinal mag- away from each other and have to be comes online. A high precision spectro­
netic field occurs at the same rotational viewed as residing on the same active polarimeter on the E-ELT could address
phase as the coolest spot seen in the longitude. Thus, even though the FORS1 cosmic magnetism in many more objects
surface temperature map. Also, the field observations have provided an interest­- than just the brightest and most promi-
minimum at the phase 0.36 coincides ing view of the possible spot polarity con- nent stars.
with the secondary active region seen on figuration analogous to the solar case,
the surface at phases 0.21–0.35. It seems they have not been able to answer the References
that the behaviour of the mean longitudi- question on the active longitude polarities
nal magnetic field in FK Com is correlated on FK Com. Partly this is due to the fact Berdyugina, S. V. & Tuominen, K. 1998, A&A, 36, 25
with the starspots, and that the main spot that during our observations the second Bopp, B. W. & Stencel, R. E. 1981, ApJ, 247, L131
Drake, J. J. et al. 2008, ApJ, 679, 1522
on the surface, at phase 0.1, has a posi- active longitude did not show spots. One Hale, G. E. 1908, ApJ, 28, 315
tive magnetic field polarity. The observed has to keep also in mind that the low Hubrig, S. et al. 2009, The Messenger, 135, 21
minimum, and also the very fast change spectral resolution observations do not Jetsu, L. et al. 1993, 278, 449
from the maximum in the mean longitudi- provide a detailed insight into the mag- Korhonen, H. et al. 2002, A&A, 390, 179
Korhonen, H. et al. 2007, A&A, 476, 881
nal magnetic field to the minimum, could netic surface structures. To answer the Korhonen, H. et al. 2009, MNRAS, 395, 282
be explained by the secondary active question on the spot polarities at the Strassmeier, K. G. 2009, A&AR, 17, 251
region having a negative magnetic field two permanent active longitudes prop- Strassmeier, K. G. et al. 2005, A&A, 440, 1105
polarity. The negative field would partly erly, high resolution spectropolarimetric Tuominen, K. et al. 2002, AN, 323, 367
Usoskin, I. G. et al. 2005, A&A, 441, 347
cancel the positive field emerging in the observations would be needed. Also, Vogt, S. S. et al. 1987, ApJ, 321, 496
dominant spot. these high resolution observations should
be carried out before and after a flip-flop
If the spot at the phase 0.1 does indeed event to study the possibility of the ac-
have a different polarity from the one at tive longitudes changing polarity during
phase 0.3, then this configuration closely the flip-flop, as predicted by some mod-
resembles the one that is commonly els (e.g., Tuominen et al., 2002).
observed in the Sun. Sunspots usually
occur in pairs where the two components
have different polarities. Also, in the Sun, Closing remarks
the leading spot (the one in the pair that
is first in the direction of rotation) is more We have shown that the low resolution
compact, and the following one is more spectropolarimetry with FORS1 can also
fragmented. In Doppler images the com- be used to investigate magnetic fields
pact spot would be seen as a cooler spot in cool stars, and not only for hot stars,
and the fragmented one would have a as has previously been the case (see
higher average temperature, as is seen in Hubrig et al., 2009). The recent change of

18 The Messenger 138 – December 2009

Astronomical Science

Neutron Star Astronomy at ESO: The VLT Decade

Roberto Mignani 1 2009), rotation-powered pulsars (simply magnetosphere models. Interestingly, the
pulsars throughout this section) were the phase-averaged polarisation of the Vela
most natural targets for the VLT. In partic- and Crab pulsars are much lower than
 ullard Space Science Laboratory,
M ular, thanks to its unprecedented collect- predicted by different models. Moreover,
­University College London, ing power, the VLT has allowed the first the FORS1 observations showed, for the
United Kingdom polarimetric and spectroscopic observa- first time, the existence of an apparent
tions of pulsars fainter than V ~ 22 to be alignment between polarisation direction
carried out. in the Vela pulsar, the axis of symmetry
In this review I summarise some of the of the X-ray arcs and jets observed by
most important results obtained in ten Phase-averaged polarimetry of young Chandra, the pulsar proper motion, and
years of VLT observations of isolated pulsars (< 10 000 years old) was per- its rotation axis (Figure 1). This alignment,
neutron stars. More general reviews are formed in 1999, as a part of the commis- also observed in the Crab pulsar, sug-
presented in Shearer (2008) and in sioning for the first FOcal Reducer and gests a connection between the pulsar’s
­Mignani (2009), to which the reader is low dispersion Spectrograph (FORS1). magnetospheric activity and its dynam­
referred for a complete reference list. These observations yielded the optical ical interaction with the synchrotron neb-
identification of PSR B1509-58 from the ula.
measurement of a ~ 5 % polarisation of
Forty years have gone by since the opti- its counterpart. Moreover, these observa- Spectroscopy of the Vela pulsar was per-
cal identification of the Crab pulsar tions allowed the phase-averaged polari- formed for the first time with FORS1.
(PSR B0531+21), and 25 isolated neutron sation of the Vela pulsar to be measured, Spectroscopy is crucial for the character-
stars (INSs) of different types have now the first measurement for this object, and isation of pulsar optical spectra, which,
been identified, including the classical PSR B0540-69 in the Large Magellanic in most cases, are from multiband pho­
rotation-powered pulsars1. ESO observa- Cloud (LMC). In particular, by comparing tometry, often compiled from the liter­
tions historically played a pivotal role in the VLT polarimetry data with high reso­ ature, and thus highly inhomogeneous.
the optical studies of INSs (Mignani et lution optical and X-ray observations from The FORS1 observations showed that
al., 2000). Indeed, one can go as far as the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and the Vela optical spectrum is character-
­saying that neutron star optical astron- Chandra, respectively, it was possible ised by a featureless power-law contin-
omy developed thanks to the seminal to correlate the map of the synchrotron uum, as expected from pure synchro-
work carried out with ESO telescopes. emission from the supernova remnant tron radiation (e.g., Pacini & Salvati, 1983),
The ESO contribution naturally continued (SNR) with its polarisation structure. Thus, confirming that the optical spectra of
with the advent of the Very Large Tele- polarisation measurements provide deep young pulsars are dominated by magnet-
scope (VLT) in 1998. At that time, in re- insights into the highly magnetised rela- ospheric emission. FORS1 spectroscopy
sponse to a Call to the Community, my tivistic environment around pulsars and was also performed for PSR B0540-69,
collaborators and I proposed ESO optical offer a unique test bed for neutron star but the background from the surround-
observations of INSs as a possible test
case for the Science Verification of the
VLT Unit Telescope 1 (UT1). Our proposal
was accepted and the first INS in the VLT
record was observed with the Test Cam-
era on 17 August 1998. Our results were
promptly published (Mignani et al., 1999)
in a special issue of Astronomy & Astro-
physics Letters dedicated to the UT1 Sci-
ence Verification. Remarkably, ours was
historically the first submitted publication
based on a VLT observation. Thereafter,
the VLT began to make its own contribu-
tion to the optical studies of INSs, very
much as its predecessor, the New Tech- Figure 1. Chandra X-ray
nology Telescope (NTT), had in the pre­ image of the Vela pulsar
(centre) and its nebula.
vious decade, marking a new era in neu- The white dashed and
tron star astronomy. black dotted lines are
the axis of symmetry of
the nebula and the com-
puted pulsar spin axis,
VLT observations of rotation-powered while the green and light
pulsars blue arrows are the
­pulsar proper motion
As the first class of INSs detected in the and the polarisation
direction, respectively
optical, and the most numerous (Lorimer, (Mignani, 2009).

The Messenger 138 – December 2009 19

Image courtesy and copyright Stéphane Guisard

This photograph shows star trails through a com-

plete night at Paranal including both dusk and
dawn, 11 hours of total exposure. It should be

“read” in the following way: the exposure starts

with dusk visible to the right (west), is followed
by the clockwise apparent rotation of the stars
around the south pole and concludes with the
dawn light to the left (east) of the image. During
the exposure, the VLT telescopes are observing
the night sky while the Sun continues its path
below the horizon. The image was taken from
the top of the Paranal meteo post.
Astronomical Science Mignani R., Neutron Star Astronomy at ESO: The VLT Decade

ing, compact (4 arcseconds diameter) One of the most interesting VLT contribu-
SNR did not allow a clean measure­ment tions in neutron star astronomy has been
to be obtained. The optical spectrum in the study of the long-term evolution
is more complex for middle-aged pulsars, of their optical luminosity. According to
like the ~ 100 000 year old PSR B0656+14. the magnetic dipole model, the luminosity
Indeed, the FORS1 optical spectrum of pulsars is expected to decrease due
shows the signatures of two different to the neutron star spin down, an effect
components: a power law, ascribed to originally predicted by Pacini & Salvati
synchrotron radiation, as in younger (1983) in the optical band, but never con-
­pulsars, and a blackbody, ascribed to vincingly measured so far. A first tentative
cooling radiation from a fraction of the measurement of this “secular decrease”
neutron star surface. Similar two-compo- was obtained with the NTT (8 ± 4 thou-
nent spectra are observed in soft X-ray sandths of magnitude per year). More re-
emission, which allows the study of spec- cently, a new measurement performed
tral breaks in the synchrotron emission with FORS1 data (2.9 ± 1.6 thousandths Figure 2. Composite FORS1 (red, blue and white)
of magnitude per year) narrowed the and Chandra (purple) image of the PSR J0108-1431
and the mapping of regions at different
field. In the X-ray image, the pulsar is the source at
temperatures on the neutron star surface, magnitude of the effect by 60 %, thus the centre, in the optical it is the dim source north of
offering a unique opportunity to investi- imposing tighter constraints on theoreti- the elliptical galaxy. The offset is due to the pulsar
gate the neutron cooling process and the cal models. proper motion (arrow) between the FORS1 (August
2001) and Chandra (January 2007) observations
structure of the neutron star interior.
(Chandra Press Release 26/02/2009).
Apart from studying optically identified
On the other hand, timing observations of pulsars, the VLT competed with the HST
pulsars have rarely been performed. to obtain new identifications, performing to test the long-term predictions of cool-
Although the FORS2 high time resolution deep observations for several of them ing models and to investigate possible
(HIT) mode allows timing observations, with both FORS1 and FORS2. In addition reheating mechanisms in the neutron star
its time resolution (2.3–600 ms) is too low to PSR B1509-58, the VLT identified the interior, which are more efficient in the
to sample the light curve of fast-spinning optical counterparts of two much older optical/UV.
pulsars like the Crab (33 ms) adequately, pulsars: PSR B1133+16 (5 million years
which still remains the only pulsar ob- old) and PSR J0108-1431 (166 million
served (see ESO Press Release 40/99). years old) and confirmed the proposed VLT observations of other types of INSs
Indeed, in most cases, timing observa- identification of PSR B0950+08 (17.3 mil-
tions of INSs have been performed with lion years old) through multiband Rotation-powered pulsars are only one
guest instruments like ULTRACAM. ­photometry. The optical counterpart to example of the many INS types that
PSR B1133+16 was discovered from have been observed by the VLT. Indeed,
Observations with the Infrared Spectrom- FORS2 observations performed in 2003, high energy observations unveiled the
eter And Array Camera (ISAAC) have which detected a dim source (B = existence of several INS types that differ
been important in the study of pulsar 28.1 mag) at the pulsar radio position. A from rotation-powered pulsars in many
emission in the near-infrared (NIR). JHK- possible counterpart (U = 26.4 mag) to respects. First of all, they are typically
band photometry of the Vela pulsar PSR J0108-1431 was indeed spotted radio-silent, while the latter are radio-
clearly showed that the IR emission is in 2001 by FORS1 observations, barely loud. Moreover, their multiwavelength
also of synchrotron origin, as in the detected against the halo of a nearby emission is not powered by the star rota-
­optical, with the spectral fluxes nicely fit- elliptical galaxy (see Figure 2), but it was tion, but by other mechanisms, not yet
ting the extrapolation of the FORS1 opti- not recognised as such until its proper completely understood. VLT observations
cal spectrum. This is at variance with the motion was measured by Chandra. These of these INSs have contributed enor-
younger Crab pulsar, for which ISAAC observations showed that the position mously to the study of their nature and to
multiband photometry showed evidence of the candidate was consistent with the the determination of the characteristics
of a unique spectral break in its optical- backward proper motion extrapolation that distinguish them from rotation-pow-
to-IR synchrotron emission, possibly of the pulsar and, thus confirmed its iden- ered pulsars.
attributed to synchrotron self-absorption. tification a posteriori. Optical/UV studies
ISAAC and NAOS–CONICA (NACO) of old pulsars (> 100 million years) are ROSAT All Sky Survey observations in
observations allowed the IR spectrum of crucial to understanding the latest stages 1990 discovered seven X-ray sources,
the mysterious emission knot ~ 0.4 arc- of neutron star thermal evolution. Indeed, with dim (at least by the X-ray astronomy
seconds southeast of the Crab pulsar, these old neutron stars are expected to standards of the early 1990s) and pure­ly
whose connection with the pulsar is un- have cooled to temperatures of ~ 10 000– thermal X-ray emission (blackbody tem-
clear, to be studied for the first time. The 100 000 K, making their surfaces too cold peratures kT ~ 50 –100 eV) and with very
anti-correlation between the power-law for thermal emission to be detectable in high X-ray-to-optical flux ratios. These
spectra of the two objects, however, sug- the X-ray band, but still hot enough to be sources were associated with X-ray emit-
gests that the knot is not produced by detectable in the optical/UV. The detec- ting INSs at a distance of < 500 pc, as
the pulsar. tion of such radiation is thus the only way the low X-ray absorption (hydrogen col-

22 The Messenger 138 – December 2009

umn densities NH ~ 1020 cm – 2) suggested, likely that their optical emission is pow- stars or from debris discs formed by
and promptly nicknamed X-ray Dim INSs, ered by the star rotation as in young the supernova explosion, which could at
or XDINSs (Haberl, 2007). The lack of radio pulsars. For RBS 1774, its relatively least explain the persistent X-ray emis-
magnetospheric X-ray emission and of high optical flux may be related to the sion. Depending on the accretion regime,
associated SNRs suggested that the huge magnetic field (~ 1014 Gauss), a disc extending to the neutron star
XDINSs were at least a few million years inferred from the observation of an X-ray ­magnetosphere might contribute to its
old, perhaps old enough (> 500 million absorption feature. Confirmation of this spin down, which would mean that
years old) to be once-active radio pul- interpretation, might establish a link the inferred magnetic field values would
sars. The origin of their thermal X-ray between RBS 1774 and a family of much be overestimated. Thus, SGRs and AXPs
emission was unclear, however. Depend- younger INSs: the magnetars. would not be magnetars at all but more
ing on the actual XDINS age, it might ordinary INSs.
have originated either from a still cooling Magnetars (of which about 15 are known
neutron star surface, or from a neutron to date) represent one of the most inter- Optical observations have obviously been
star surface re-heated by accretion from esting INS families. They have spin peri- crucial in testing different models. Un-
the interstellar medium (ISM). ods of 1.5–12 s, longer than those of fortunately, the field crowding towards the
most rotation-powered pulsars, and Galactic Plane, where most magnetars
VLT observations were crucial in this period derivatives of 10 –13 –10 –10 s s –1. For reside, and the high interstellar extinction
respect. The NTT identification of the a pure magneto-dipolar spin down, this (up to AV ~ 30) have only allowed high-
optical counterpart to the XDINS RX yields ages of only ~ 1000–10 000 years resolution NIR NACO observations. Since
J0720.4-3125 (B = 26.7 mag) paved the and magnetic fields of ~ 1014 –1015 Gauss, magnetars are variable at high energies,
way for the measurement of its proper typically a factor of 10 –100 higher than their counterparts can be pinpointed
motion with the VLT. This yielded the neu- those of rotation-powered pulsars. by the detection of correlated IR variabil-
tron star space velocity, which, for the ­Historically, magnetars were identified in ity. This was only possible through
most likely values of the distance, turned two families of high energy sources prompt, i.e. within a few hours or days,
out to be too high (> 100 km/s) to be (Mereghetti, 2008): the Soft Gamma-ray Target of Opportunity observations
­consistent with ISM accretion. A similar Repeaters (SGRs), first discovered in in response to triggers from high energy
conclusion, inferred from the HST proper 1979 through their recurrent soft gamma- satellites. In this way, IR counterparts
motion measurement of RX J1856.5- ray bursts, and the Anomalous X-ray were identified for SGR 1806-20, and
3754, thus made XDINSs new targets to ­Pulsars (AXPs), discovered in the 1980s possibly SGR 1900+14, and for the
study neutron star cooling. The measure- through their persistent X-ray emission. AXPs 1E 1048.1-5937, XTE J1810-197,
ment of X-ray pulsations (3–12 s), likely SGRs and AXPs are likely linked by their 1E 1540.0-5408 (Figure 3), and possibly
from hot polar caps, hinted at a possible extreme magnetic fields. According to also for 1E 1841-045, amounting to most
non-uniform temperature distribution on the magnetar model, the torque from of the magnetars identified in the NIR.
the neutron star surface, with the colder these extreme fields rapidly spins down These observations ruled out the pres-
and larger regions observable in the opti- the neutron star, while the field decay ence of both a companion star and of
cal, as in the case of the middle-aged explains the persistent X-ray emission,
rotation powered-pulsars. This helped to much larger than can be accounted for
spur on the search for the optical coun- by neutron star rotation; crustal fractures
terparts of XDINS, both with HST and induced by the field drifting explain the Figure 3. NACO Ks-band images (10 × 10 arcsec-
onds) of the magnetar 1E 1540.0-5408 field taken in
the VLT. Recently, FORS1 and FORS2 X-/gamma-ray bursts. However, other July 2007 (left) and in January 2009 (right). The varia-
observations identified likely counterparts models were developed in parallel, based ble object in the error circle (0.63 arcseconds) is the
to RBS 1774 and to RX J0420.0-5022. on accretion from low-mass companion magnetar IR counterpart (Mignani, 2009).
Searches for XDINS in the NIR have been
performed with ISAAC and with the Multi-
conjugate Adaptive optics Demonstrator
(MAD), but with negative results.

FORS1 optical spectroscopy of

RX J1856.5-3754 and multiband photom-
etry of RX J0720.4-3125 showed optical
spectra closely following Rayleigh–Jeans,
suggesting that their optical emission
is thermal and, indeed, possibly coming
from a colder and larger region on the
neutron star surface. This might be true
also for other XDINSs, although still
unconfirmed (Mignani, 2009). Since the
inferred XDINS rotational energy loss is
too low (~ 1030 erg s –1), however, it is un-

The Messenger 138 – December 2009 23

Astronomical Science Mignani R., Neutron Star Astronomy at ESO: The VLT Decade

a disc extending down to the magnet-  Figure 4. IR luminosity/

rotational energy loss
ospheric boundary, thus supporting the ·
ratio (E ) as a function of
magnetar model. the magnetic field for
rotation-powered pul-

The origin of magnetar NIR emission, sars (red), magnetars
(blue), and rotating radio
however, is still uncertain. Interestingly,
transients (green).
the ratio between the magnetar NIR
­luminosity and the rotational energy loss l
is a factor of > 100 larger than for radio
+NF+ -(1 Ó

pulsars (Mignani, 2009), suggesting that

it is not powered by rotation but, rather, l
by their larger magnetic fields (Figure 4).
Alternatively, the IR luminosity could be
due to reprocessing of the X-ray radiation
in a passive disc, which might have been l
detected in the mid-IR by Spitzer around
the AXPs 4U 0142+61 and 1E 2259+585.
Determining the source of the magnetar l
IR emission would thus represent an
important test of both the magnetar and
supernova models. However the NACO
phase-averaged upper limit on the pola­     
risation of the AXPs 1E 1048.1-5937 and +NF!:&<
XTE J1810-197 is inconclusive (Israel
et al., in preparation). At the same time, by ROSAT, while Chandra made the and spectacular long-term X-ray flux
the detection of optical pulsations from spectacular discovery of a new source at ­variations. It might be a magnetar, braked
the AXP 1E 1048.1-5937, obtained with the centre of the Cas A SNR. The nature by a magnetic field > 10 15 Gauss, or a
ULTRACAM at the VLT did not yield con- of these sources, also known as central very rare example of a neutron star in a
clusive evidence either. The disc reproc- compact objects, or CCOs (De Luca, binary system born in a SNR. A search
essing scenario, however, is incompatible 2008), is puzzling. Their association with for correlated periodic or long-term X-ray
with the uncorrelated IR-to-X-ray varia­ young SNRs suggests that they are and IR variability, however, did not pin-
bility of the AXP XTE J1810-197. young INSs, but they show no evidence point a likely counterpart, the upper limits
of magnetospheric activity, either in the being consistent with both a very low-
IR observations might also help to clarify form of power-law X-ray spectra or of mass (later than spectral type M5) star or
the link between magnetars and other ­pulsar wind nebulae as, for example, in with a debris disc.
INS types. In particular, the detection of the Crab pulsar. X-ray pulsations have
transient radio emission from the AXPs been detected (0.1–0.4 s) with period
XTE J1810-197 and 1E 1540.0-5408 sug- derivatives < 10 –13 s s –1, implying mag- Prospects
gests that they might be related to the netic fields < 5 × 10 11 Gauss, in just three
recently discovered class of radio-tran- cases for CCOs. CCOs might thus be VLT observations (see Table 1 for a quali-
sient INSs called Rotating Radio Tran- neutron stars born spinning close to their tative summary) have played a major
sients, or RRATs (McLaughlin, 2009). present period and with very low mag- role in the study of the many INS types,
These sources (about 20 known to date) netic fields, which might have accreted the emission processes in their hyper-
feature extremely bright radio bursts last- from a debris disc. Deep optical/IR ob- magnetised magnetospheres and of neu-
ing only 2–30 ms, which tend to repeat servations of CCOs have been performed tron star cooling. While in the years to
at intervals of minutes to hours. NACO mainly with FORS1 and NACO, but no come the VLT will still be a leading facility
observations pinpointed a possible coun- likely candidate counterparts have been in neutron star optical astronomy in its
terpart to the RRAT J1819-1458 (Rea et found. NACO has identified a possible own right, it will also be a pathfinder for
al., submitted), whose IR emission fits the IR counterpart for the CCO in the Vela Jr. E-ELT observations. Following on from
magnetar characteristics very well (see SNR, but its nature is as yet undeter- the VLT, the E-ELT should be able to yield
Figure 4) and might strengthen a possible mined. Interestingly, the Vela Jr. CCO also about a hundred new INS identifications,
link between the two INS classes. features an optical nebulosity detected reducing the current gap between optical
both in the R-band and at Ha which and high energy observations (Becker,
The radio-silent INSs (about ten known to might be a possible bow-shock produced 2009; Abdo et al., 2009). Many identifica-
date) at the centre of young (~ 2000– by the neutron star motion through the tions will likely come from follow-ups of
40 000 year old) SNRs are very much at interstellar medium. Most puzzling of observations with the new megastructure
variance with magnetars. Originally all, is the source in the RCW 103 SNR, facilities, like the Square Kilometre Array
­discovered by the Einstein Observatory, which is very different from the other (SKA) in the radio band. Moreover, the
more of these sources were discovered CCOs, featuring a six-hour X-ray period E-ELT will allow those observations that

24 The Messenger 138 – December 2009

still represent a challenge for the VLT to Name Age Mag D (kpc) AV Instruments Modes
be carried out easily for the faintest INSs, Crab 3.10 16.6 (V ) 1.73 1.6 FORS1/ISAAC/NACO IMG, HITI
enabling more in-depth investigations B1509-58 3.19 25.7 (R) 4.18 5.2 FORS1 IPOL
to complete the seminal work of the VLT. B0540-69 3.22 22.0 (V ) 49.4 0.6 FORS1 LSS
Forty years after the identification of the Vela 4.05 23.6 (V ) 0.23 0.2 FORS1/ISAAC IMG, IPOL, LSS
Crab pulsar, the optical study of INSs B0656+14 5.05 25.0 (V ) 0.29 0.09 FORS1 LSS
is still a very active field, where ESO has B1133+16 8.89 28.0 (B) 0.35 0.12 FORS1 IMG
marked important milestones in the B0950+08 7.24 27.1 (V ) 0.26 0.03 FORS1 IMG
last 20 years, first with the NTT (Mignani J0108-1431 8.3 26.4 (U) 0.2 0.03 FORS1 IMG
et al., 2000) and now with the VLT. The RX J0720.4-3125 6.27 26.7 (V ) 0.30 0.3 FORS1/FORS2/ISAAC IMG
E-ELT will be able to take up this legacy, RBS 1774 6.57 27.2 (B) 0.34 0.18 FORS1/FORS2 IMG
opening a third era in neutron star astron- RX J1856.5-3754 6.60 25.7 (V ) 0.30 0.12 FORS1/ISAAC/MAD IMG, LSS
omy. RX J0420-5022 – 27.5 (B) 0.35 0.07 FORS1/FORS2/MAD IMG
1E 1547.0-5408 3.14 18.2 (K ) 9 17 NACO IMG, IPOL, LSS
SGR1806-20 3.14 20.1 (K ) 15.1 29 ISAAC/NACO IMG
References 1E 1048.1-5937 3.63 21.3 (K ) 3.0 6.10 NACO, ULTRACAM IMG, IPOL
XTE J1810-197 3.75 20.8 (K ) 4.0 5.1 NACO IMG, IPOL
Abdo, A. A. et al. 2009, ApJ, submitted,
Becker, W. 2009, in Neutron Stars and Pulsars, Table 1. VLT detections of INSs with optical counter- ­ ulsars; red: XDINSs; green: magnetars) are sorted
ASSL, 357, 91 parts (identifications in bold). INSs (blue: radio according to the logarithm of the spin-down age.
De Luca, A. 2008, in 40 Years of Pulsars, AIP, 983,
Gold, T. 1968, Nature, 218, 731
Haberl, F. 2007, Ap&SS, 308, 181 Mignani, R. P., Caraveo, P. A. & Bignami, G. F. 2000, Notes
Lorimer, D. L. 2009, in Neutron Stars and Pulsars, The Messenger, 99, 22
ASSL, 1, 289 Mignani, R. P. 2009, in Neutron Stars and g -ray 1
 ccording to the magnetic dipole model (Pacini,
McLaughlin, M. A. 2009, in Neutron Stars and ­ Bursts, AIP, in press, arXiv:0908.1010 1968; Gold, 1968) radio pulsars are powered by the
Pulsars, ASSL, 357, 41 Pacini, F. 1968, Nature, 219, 145 neutron star rotation. Hence, the measurement of
Mereghetti, S. 2008, A&A Rev., 15, 225 Pacini, F. & Salvati, M. 1983, ApJ, 274, 369 the pulsar period and period derivative yield an
Mignani, R. P., Caraveo, P. A. & Bignami, G. F. 1999, Shearer, A. 2008, in High Time Resolution Astro- indirect estimate of the neutron star age, rotational
A&A, 343, L5 physics, ASSL, 351, 1 energy loss and dipolar magnetic field.

Colour image of a rim of the super-

nova remnant RCW 86 showing
the numerous shock-ionised filaments.
This is a composite of a broad-
band kev Chandra image (blue) and a
FORS2 Ha filter image (red). More
details can be found in the ESO Sci-
ence Release 23/09.

The Messenger 138 – December 2009 25

Astronomical Science

The LABOCA Survey of the

Extended Chandra Deep Field South (LESS)

Ian Smail 1 nous obscured galaxies at high redshift veys also benefit from APEX’s location at
Fabian Walter 2 could dominate the total bolometric emis- one of the best astronomical sites world-
Axel Weiss 3 sion from galaxies at those epochs. Such wide: the ALMA high site at Llano de
(for the LESS consortium*) intense star formation would potentially Chajnantor in Chile.
build up significant stellar masses in a rel-
atively short period of time and is thus
 epartment of Physics, Durham Univer-
D capable of forming massive, evolved gal- The LABOCA ECDFS Submillimetre
sity, United Kingdom axies at high redshifts (e.g., Swinbank et ­Survey
Institute for Computational Cosmology, al., 2006).
Durham University, United Kingdom LABOCA on APEX provided the opportu-
Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastro­ Surveys of the high redshift Universe in nity to undertake the first sensitive and
nomie, Bonn, Germany the submillimetre waveband are of partic- uniform panoramic survey of the extra­
ular interest due to the positive K correc- galactic sky at 870 µm. This survey tar-
tion from the dust spectrum in this wave- geted the 2-Ms Chandra Deep Field
We present the latest results from the band (Blain & Longair, 1993). Hence a South (CDFS; Luo et al., 2008) and the
LABOCA Extended Chandra Deep Field source with a fixed far-infrared luminosity region immediately surrounding it (the
South (ECDFS) Submillimetre Survey yields an almost constant flux density Extended CDFS or ECDFS; Lehmer et al.,
(LESS), a joint 300-hour ESO–MPG sur- irrespective of redshift across 1 < z < 8 — 2005). This field has very low far-infrared
vey of the 30 × 30 arcminute ECDFS providing an efficient tool to survey for backgrounds and good ALMA visibility
field using the LABOCA camera on the ULIRGs in the distant Universe. However, and hence has become one of the pre-
12-metre APEX telescope. This survey such submillimetre surveys have been eminent fields for cosmological survey
provides an important new waveband hampered by the limited fields of view of science. The ECDFS has been one of the
for comparison to previous studies of the cameras, which have resulted in small prime targets for ESO’s observatories
galaxies and active galactic nuclei (AGN) survey areas and limited statistics of the over the past decade and hence a wealth
in the ECDFS, and one which is parti­ detected sources. This situation has only of observations has been built up, pro­
cularly sensitive to obscured starburst very recently improved with the advent of
galaxies out to very high redshifts the new Large APEX Bolometer Camera Figure 1. The APEX telescope on Chajnantor. The
(z < 8). We highlight the identification in (LABOCA; Siringo et al., 2007; 2009) on LABOCA camera on APEX was used to obtain a
the LESS map of the highest redshift the 12-metre APEX telescope (Figure 1), deep map at 870 μm of the Extended Chandra Deep
submillimetre galaxy currently known, which features an impressive instantane- Field South for the LESS project. The wide field of
view of LABOCA and the excellent site for the APEX
as well as high significance statistical ous 11.4-arcminute-diameter field of view telescope make this the most powerful facility for
detections of a variety of star-forming providing a new opportunity for pano- panoramic submillimetre surveys in the southern
galaxies and AGN, their clustering and ramic submillimetre surveys. Such sur- hemisphere.
evolution with redshift within the ECDFS.

One of the most significant findings of the

IRAS survey was the identification of
a population of ultraluminous infrared gal-
axies (ULIRGs, galaxies with far-infrared
luminosities > 1012 LA or star formation
rates of > 100 MA yr –1) that emit the bulk
of their bolometric luminosity at far-infra-
red wavelengths (Sanders & Mirabel,
1996). Surveys in the submillimetre and
millimetre wavebands over the past
­decade (with the SCUBA camera on the
James Clerk Maxwell Telescope at
870 µm or MAMBO on the IRAM 30-metre
telescope at 1.2 mm) have shown that
ULIRGs are much more ­common at high
redshift compared to the local Universe
(e.g., Smail et al., 1997; Coppin et al.,
2006; Austermann et al., 2009), with indi-
cations from the first redshift surveys of
an increase by a factor of 1000 out to
z ~ 2 in the comoving volume density of
luminous submillimetre galaxies (SMGs;
Chapman et al., 2005). Therefore lumi-

26 The Messenger 138 – December 2009

viding a rich archive for the analysis of l ¦ 2-
each additional dataset. As a result, the
ECDFS is unique in the southern hemi-
sphere in the combination of area, depth
and spatial resolution of its multiwave-
length coverage from X-rays through opti-
cal, near- and mid-infrared to the radio l ¦
regime (e.g., Lehmer et al., 2005; Gawiser 
et al., 2006; Wolf et al., 2008; Caldwell et
al., 2008). This field has also recently

been observed in the far-infrared by the

BLAST balloon experiment (Devlin et al.,
2009) and will be one of the deepest l ¦
fields observed by the Herschel Space
Observatory. The ECDFS was thus a nat-
ural choice for the first large extragalactic
survey to be undertaken with the new
LABOCA camera on the APEX telescope. 
l ¦
Even though LABOCA’s mapping speed
dwarfs that of previous cameras at similar
wavelengths, a complete survey of the
ECDFS was still a major effort: a number
of groups within ESO and the Max-Planck-
Gesellschaft (MPG) communities pro-  G L R  R
posed a joint public legacy survey of the 1 )
ECDFS to the ESO and MPG time allo­
cation committees. The LABOCA ECDFS Figure 2. The submillimetre map of the ECDFS from The most distant submillimetre galaxy
the LESS project (Weiss et al., 2009) shown as a
submillimetre survey (LESS) covers
­s ignal-to-noise map to highlight the uniformity of the
the full 30 × 30 arcminute extent of the coverage achieved by LABOCA and to give a visual To understand the physical processes
ECDFS. The ­completed LESS survey impression of the distribution of the most significant driving the intense activity within the SMG
used a total of 310 hours of observing sources. The white box shows the full 30 × 30 arc- population we need to identify counter-
minutes of the ECDFS for which Hubble Space
time and covers the full ECDFS with parts to these sources at other wave-
­Telescope imaging and a large amount of supporting
a uniform noise level of s870 µm ~ 1.2 mJy multiwavelength data exists. The white contour lengths. Unfortunately the relatively coarse
beam –1 (Figure 2). LESS is thus the larg- shows the 1.6 mJy beam−1 noise level which was resolution of LABOCA — 19 arcseconds
est contiguous deep submillimetre survey used to define the field size for the source catalogue, FWHM — along with the modest signal-
yielding a search area of 1260 arcminutes2.
undertaken to date. A total of 126 SMGs to-noise of many of the detections and
have been detected in this field. Due the expected high redshifts and dusty na-
to the positive K correction in the submil- indeed we find that the ECDFS exhibits a ture of the counterparts, all conspire
limetre waveband this deep map is sensi- similar deficit of bright SMGs relative to to make the identifications challenging. At
tive enough to detect individual starburst previously studied blank fields, although present the most efficient and reliable
­galaxies with star formation rates of the numbers of fainter SMGs, that do- technique to locate the source of the sub-
~ 500 MA yr –1 at z < 8. Moreover, the minate the extragalactic background light millimetre emission precisely is to exploit
wide area and depth provide the largest (EBL), are comparable to previous esti- the close relation between radio and far-
reliable sample of SMGs in a single mates. We have also taken advantage of infrared emission from star-forming
field yet obtained and provides a unique our large contiguous field of view to in- regions and hence use the higher spatial
opportunity to tackle key questions about vestigate the clustering of SMGs in the resolution of deep interferometric radio
this enigmatic population. ECDFS and find evidence for strong clus- maps to identify counterparts to SMGs
tering on angular scales < 1 arcminute (Ivison et al., 2002). One of the first
Weiss et al. (2009) show that the differen- (~ 0.5 Mpc at the relevant redshifts) for sources to be identified from the LESS
tial source counts in the full field are the first time. Assuming a power law map using this technique turned out to
well described by a power law with a very dependence for the correlation function be the highest redshift SMG known to
steep slope, dN/dS ~ Sa with a = – 3.2, and a typical redshift distribution for the date: LESSJ033229.4 (see Figure 3). The
similar to the results from previous sur- SMGs we derive a spatial correlation submillimetre emission is identified with
veys (e.g., Coppin et al., 2006). The length of 13 ± 6 h –1 Mpc. This strong a radio counterpart for which archival
ECDFS is known to have underdensities clustering demonstrates that SMGs are optical spectroscopy gave a redshift of
of various high redshift source popula- a highly biased population in the early z = 4.76. Analysis of the spectral energy
tions (e.g., optically bright AGN and mas- Universe and thus are likely to relate to distribution of this galaxy shows that
sive K-band selected galaxies) and the formation phase of massive galaxies. the bolometric emission is dominated by

The Messenger 138 – December 2009 27

Astronomical Science Smail I. et al., The LABOCA Survey of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South (LESS)

a starburst with a star formation rate of

~ 1000 MA yr –1, although a moderate
luminosity AGN is also present in this gal-
axy. This mix of starburst and obscured
AGN signatures is also characteristic of
the bulk of SMGs at z ~ 2 and suggests
that star formation and black hole growth
may also be strongly linked in this popu-
lation at z ~ 5.

Starbursts and growing black holes

An intimate link between AGN activity

and luminous obscured starbursts is also /(66-
suggested by the analysis of the sub­
millimetre emission from the 900 X-ray
sources across the CDFS and ECDFS
using the LESS map (Lutz et al., 2009).
The total sample is detected at > 10s sig-
nificance, but more intriguingly we find
distinct behaviour which suggests that
there are two modes of AGN-star forma-
tion coexisting. For the bulk of the pop­
ulation, the X-ray properties of the AGN 6XEPP
are only weakly coupled to their hosts, ,QIUDUHG

which have relatively modest star for­

mation. In these systems, the period of 2SWLFDO

moderately luminous AGN activity may

not highlight a major evolutionary transi-
tion of the galaxy. The hints of more
intense star formation and a more pro-
nounced difference in star formation
rates between unobscured and obscured Figure 3. An early discovery from the LESS project and passive (pBzK) subsets, the former ­
was the highest redshift submillimetre galaxy (SMG)
AGN in our sample at the highest X-ray is significantly detected while the latter is
currently known (Coppin et al., 2009). The spectro-
luminosities suggests that these luminous scopic redshift, z = 4.76, for this galaxy was derived not (Figure 4), thus confirming that the
AGN may follow an evolutionary path, from some of the extensive archival observations sBzK/pBzK criteria do isolate obscured,
where obscured AGN activity and intense available in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South. star-forming and relatively passive galax-
This system contains both a luminous, but dust-
star formation are closely linked, possibly ies. By mapping the stacked 870-µm
obscured, starburst and an actively fuelled super-
via a single physical process such as massive black hole, underlining the strong link be- ­signal across the B-z v. z-K diagram we
merging. tween black hole and galaxy growth in the SMG suggest that the subset of sBzK galaxies
population. The best-fit spectral energy distribution which are also EROs are responsible for
demonstrates that most of the energy in this system
> 80 % of the submillimetre emission from
escapes in the restframe far-infrared (the observed
Submillimetre emission from “normal” submillimetre band). the entire sBzK population. In total we
galaxies estimate that galaxies with K ≤ 20 mag
737 distant red galaxies (DRGs), all drawn contribute ~ 15 % of the 870-µm EBL,
Most recently, we have employed the from the Multi-wavelength Survey by most of this arising below the detection
LESS map and the extensive multiwave- Yale–Chile (MUSYC; Gawiser et al. 2006). limit of our submillimetre map. To study
length observations available for the In this way we obtain very strong statisti- the evolution of this activity we further
ECDFS to investigate the star formation cal (10–20s detection) constraints on the divide the K ≤ 20 mag sample based on
activity in high redshift galaxy popula- submillimetre emission from these differ- photometric redshift and derive the con-
tions which are individually below the ent populations (Figure 4). For the BzK, tributions to the EBL. We find a decline in
detection limit of our map. We achieve ERO and DRG subsamples, which over- the average submillimetre flux (and there-
this through a stacking analysis of lap to some degree and are all likely to be fore IR luminosity and star-formation rate)
the submillimetre map using a sample of at z ~ 1–2, this implies an average far-IR by a factor ~ 2–3 times from z ~ 2 to
8266 near-infrared selected (K Vega ≤ luminosity of ~ 2–6 × 1011 LA and star for- z ~ 0. This suggests that the cosmic star
20 mag) galaxies, including 893 BzK gal- mation rates of ~ 40–100 MA yr –1. Split- formation history traced by far-infrared
axies (selected in B-z v. z-K colour space), ting the BzK galaxies up into the photo- emission also exhibits a significant de-
1253 extremely red objects (EROs) and metrically-defined star-forming (sBzK) cline at z < 1, as indicated by UV tracers.

28 The Messenger 138 – December 2009

*5DF@  V%].  S%].  (52  '5* 

Figure 4. A demonstration of the science that can be this region to the LABOCA submillimetre Caldwell, J. A. R. et al. 2008, ApJS, 174, 136
derived from combining the LESS map with the rich Chapman, S. C. et al. 2005, ApJ, 622, 772
map. One goal of this comparison (and
multiwavelength archive in the Extended Chandra Coppin, K. E. K. et al. 2006, MNRAS, 273, 1621
Deep Field South. These images show the average future work with Herschel) is to identify Coppin, K. E. K. et al. 2009, MNRAS, 395, 1905
submillimetre emission from different photometri- “drop-out” sources which are visible to Devlin, M. J. et al. 2009, Nature, 458, 737
cally-defined populations of faint, high redshift gal- LABOCA, but faint in the far-infrared and Gawiser, E. et al. 2006, ApJS, 162, 1
axies derived by stacking the emission at the posi- Greve, T. R. et al. 2009, ApJ, submitted,
could conceivably be at very high red-
tions of hundreds to thousands (number in brackets) arXiv:0904.0028
of galaxies (Greve et al., 2009). From left to right shifts, z > 5. The major element of our Ivison, R. J. et al. 2002, MNRAS, 337, 1
they show the stacked emission from a simple mag- ongoing studies is a 200-hour VLT Large Lehmer, B. D. et al. 2005, ApJS, 161, 21
nitude-limited sample, the emission from star-form- Programme that was awarded to obtain Luo, B. et al. 2008, ApJS, 179, 19
ing BzK galaxies, from passive BzK galaxies, from Lutz, D. et al. 2009, ApJ, submitted
spectroscopic redshifts for the SMGs
Extremely Red Objects (EROs) and from Distant Red Sanders, D. & Mirabel, F. 1996, ARAA, 34, 749
Galaxies (DRGs). identified by LESS (as well as far-infrared Siringo, G. et al. 2007, The Messenger, 129, 2
targets selected from the Spitzer FIDEL Siringo, G. et al. 2009, A&A, 497, 945
survey). We therefore expect that APEX’s Smail, I., Ivison, R. J. & Blain, A. W. 1997, ApJ, 490,
The future contribution to studies of the ECDFS
Swinbank, A. M. et al. 2006, MNRAS, 371, 465
will continue to produce new and exciting Weiss, A. et al. 2009, ApJ, submitted,
This work has only just begun on exploit- science for a considerable period to arXiv:0910.2821
ing the LABOCA map of the ECDFS, come. Wolf, C. et al. 2008, A&A, 492, 933
which will be released to the community
through the ESO archive simultaneous Links
with the publication of Weiss et al. (2009). References
Highlights of the ongoing work on the Austermann, J. E. et al. 2009, MNRAS, in press,
* M ore information about the survey, including
the full list of co-investigators, is available at
LESS project include a detailed compari- arXiv:0907.1093
son of the BLAST far-infrared maps of Blain, A. W. & Longair, M. S. 1993, MNRAS, 265, L21

Colour composite displaying the

­triggered star formation in the shell
surrounding the H ii region RCW 120,
formed by combining submillimetre
and optical images. The APEX
LABOCA 870-μm emission from cold
dust is visible as the blue clouds
­surrounding the core of ionised gas in
red (image from the SuperCOSMOS
H-alpha survey). See ESO Press Photo
40/08 for further details.

The Messenger 138 – December 2009 29

Astronomical News

Two views of the ESO Open House day held on VLT platform showed real-time images from Paranal
24 October 2009. throughout the day. One of the two live question-
Some of the total of around 4000 visitors viewing and-answer sessions with Gianni Marconi on
exhibits in the entrance hall (upper). A camera on the Paranal, moderated by Joe Liske, is shown (lower).
Astronomical News

Report on the ESO Workshop

Detectors for Astronomy 2009

held at ESO Garching, Germany, 12–16 October 2009

Dietrich Baade 1


In the 1980s and 1990s, the develop-

ments in sensitivity, size, and effective
image quality of semiconductor detec-
tors progressed faster and with lower
cost than any equivalent increase in the
geometrical light-collecting power of
optical/infrared telescopes could have
achieved. Now, in the era of Extra Large
Telescopes, where light-collecting
power is again increasing and ever
more sophisticated space-borne instru-
ments are in preparation, the growing
maturity of detectors still forms an
important cornerstone of these large Figure 1. The DfA2009 participants facing a snow- ent on the excellence of detectors. This
cold sky outside the Max-Planck-Institut für Extrater- time, cataclysmic variables observed at
investments. The recent workshop
restrische Physik in Garching, where the workshop
brought together many of the world’s was held. high temporal or spatial resolution, the
leading detector developers, producers quest for the identification of dark matter
and users, as well as astronomers, and energy, solar physics, the search
to exchange ideas, questions and solu- they have brought together: (a) research for killer asteroids, cosmic shear, the use
tions with the aim of enabling detector laboratories, where much of the funda- of supernovae as the accelerometers
systems to optimally support the excit- mental understanding and concepts are of the Universe, stellar diameter measure-
ing astronomy projects of the future. developed; (b) detector manufacturers, ments from lunar occultations, the de-
who run their own R&D programmes, but tection of TNT in high security areas,
also cast research results into recipes delay-time based 3D imaging, and many
After the workshops in 1991, 1993, 1996, for serial production and marketing; and more, served to illustrate the difference
1999 (all in Garching), 2002 (in Hawaii) (c) detector engineers at observatories, between excellent and good detectors.
and 2005 (in Taormina, Italy), the seventh who are trying to deliver the best possible Some of the forthcoming, or planned,
workshop in the series Detectors for performance to astronomical users. Obvi- advanced world-class facility observato-
Astronomy (DfA2009) returned to the ously, there are large overlaps in the ex- ries were also presented. It was interest-
ESO Headquarters in Garching. During pertise of these groups. This is the basis ing to see that such projects are now
the course of almost two decades, the for a common understanding. But it is often proactive in identifying and securing
title and scope of these workshops have remarkable that the professional knowl- the detectors they require. This planning
evolved somewhat, but the emphasis edge of none of the groups is a simple especially applies to wavefront sensors
has changed little. For the first time, the superset of any of the other two. There- for adaptive optics, but also to the devel-
number of participants exceeded the fore, everyone can benefit and learn from opment of curved detectors that would
capacity of the ESO auditorium, and the everyone else. This makes such encoun- enable much better optical designs than
workshop was kindly hosted by the Max- ters extremely productive. a flat detector with a field-flattening lens.
Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische
Physik (MPE). During three full days and An additional thrill results from the fact
two half days, the 185 participants were that detectors, while indolently destroying Size, quantum efficiency and controllers
presented with around 60 talks and photons after millions and billions of years
40 posters. In terms of attendance, this of travel, do their utmost to preserve the Back in 1991, the central questions
places DfA2009 in the top 10th percen- information carried by the photons. After (D’Odorico et al., 1991) concerned the
tile of the ~ 100 workshops held at ESO– the detector electronics and software maximum size of available charge
Garching since ESO Headquarters was have assembled the detected signals, it is ­coupled devices (CCDs), their UV-blue
established there in 1980. the very first moment that humans can quantum efficiency, and the architec­-
reflect on these “messages” from very far ture and performance of controllers.
The approximately 50 % increase in at- away. Nothing gets closer to feeling These three topics, addressed from the
tendance since DfA2005 signals the the pulse of the Universe than the light- DfA2009 perspective, are treated in the
growing importance that the astronomi- detection process. For this reason, the following, necessarily short, summary.
cal detector community assigns to these DfA workshops try to also include some During the eighteen years now covered
meetings. In fact, from the beginning, scientific reports from observational by the DfA series, the scope of the work-
their format has been very special, in that experiments that are particularly depend- shops has long been extended to include

The Messenger 138 – December 2009 31

Astronomical News Baade D., Report on the ESO Workshop “Detectors for Astronomy 2009”

very long exposure times, extremely low

dark currents are of similar importance as
low read noise and a “world-record” low
value was reported.

Quite a few talks touched upon the opti-

misation of detectors under astronomi­cal
operating conditions; some were actu­­-
ally dedicated to this topic, mostly in con-
junction with IR detectors. In the CCD
domain, a major component was also the
increased understanding of very low-
level effects, such as pixel-size variations,
e.g., as a function of proximity to the
edge of the chip or of signal level, and the
modelling of the interaction between
light and silicon, including fringing. A con-
cern for CCDs and CMOS devices alike
Figure 2. The 32 participants in the ESO Mini-Work- detectors even achieve quantum efficien- is the coupling between charge in neigh-
shop on Large-size CCDs held at ESO Garching bouring pixels, so that any serious char-
cies of 90 % or more. Their higher read
18 –19 June 1991. Twelve of them also attended
DfA2009. noise and cost still prevent their usage at acterisation of detectors must include
shorter wavelengths, but the rate of pro- ­illumination with point sources. Optimisa-
gress continues to be high. tion is also one of the big challenges for
infrared (IR) arrays as well, the sizes of large detector mosaics — now measuring
which have meanwhile grown, from the The limits in space-borne projects on up to more than 1 gigapixel, given the
standpoint of the early 1990s, to unimagi- mass, volume, and power consumption need to achieve much lower budgets for
nable dimensions. For CCDs, from the are bringing about a paradigm shift mass, power dissipation, etc. Several
first marketing of 2k × 2k chips (15-µm from conventional controllers to ASICs impressive examples were presented in
pixels) announced in 1991, the progress (Application-Specific Integrated Circuits), great detail.
in size has been more moderate with which can often be mounted back-to-
4k × 4k devices (also with 15-µm pixels) back with the sensor they are command- The level of precision, with which chemi-
still being the largest thinned, backside- ing. During the most recent Hubble repair cal and electrical profiles can be engi-
illuminated square formats readily found mission, a conventional CCD controller neered and operated at sub-pixel dimen-
in the catalogues of all manufacturers. of the Advanced Camera for Surveys was sions, and the complexity of infra-pixel
But results of successful on-sky tests actually replaced with an ASIC originally electronics (for CMOS devices) are stun-
obtained with a 111-million pixel detector developed for IR detectors. In a ground- ning. So is their reproducibility from
were presented. Rather than in size, the based context, a number of talks also device to device as well as over millions
growth has often been more in the diver- elaborated on the virtues of ASICs. But, of pixels. The much improved cleanroom
sity of chips, which in many cases can as was also shown, conventional dedi- technology has not only led to pro­-
be further customised to match specific cated or general-purpose controllers can gress in these areas, but has given the
applications. still offer some advantages if their bulki- term “chip cosmetics” a new meaning.
ness is not an issue. It will be interesting Improved production yields lead to lower
After the introduction of backside illumi- to see when custom-developed ASICs costs per pixel, but also permit larger
nation and improved anti-reflection coat- will become affordable. devices to be made, so that the revenues
ings, UV-blue sensitivity has long been of manufacturers do not suffer.
very satisfactory. In the very near IR, A dream of many a detector physicist,
CCDs and IR CMOS (complementary engineer and astronomer is the noise- All in all, the talks and posters presented
metal oxide semiconductor) technology free detector. Electron-multiplying CCDs, in less than one week may have been
are now competing: Deep-depletion avalanche photodiodes, and other tech- based on well over 1000 personyears of
technology permits thicker and thicker nologies are coming ever closer to this highly specialised work — a compres­-
silicon devices to be used so that even ideal. Dead times, excess noise factors, sion factor of order 105! Numerous dis-
at wavelengths close to 1 µm, where sili- and dynamic range still present chal- cussions during coffee breaks, two well-
con is starting to become transparent, lenges, but already permit routine appli- attended poster sessions, demonstra-
CCDs can detect up to 50 % of the light. cation in specialised areas, most notably tions of ESO’s New General detector
Thick silicon also greatly reduces fringing, wavefront-sensing with laser and natural Controller (NGC), OCam, the Bonn shut-
but at the price of increased sensitivity guide stars. Frame rates well above 1 kHz ter and TeePee, a nice welcome recep-
to particle radiation, and the point spread and the ability to discriminate between tion on Monday, and dinner at a Bavarian
function needs careful attention. In this 100, 101 or 102 photon events were de- restaurant in Garching completed a
same wavelength region, IR CMOS scribed. For scientific applications with very rich programme. Many participants

32 The Messenger 138 – December 2009

Astronomical News

commented explicitly on the openness report appears, all presentations and ­ aximilian Fabricius. When even careful preparation
sometimes did not seem enough, Christina Stoffer’s
with which authors also talked about the some of the first papers will be available.
vast experience with ESO workshops kept every-
problems they had encountered. This thing on track, and the very positive spirit of all
was stated to be a very positive contrast Acknowledgements
attendees made all tasks very pleasant. I thank all
to other major conferences. There was organisers and participants.
particular praise for the Broadband Intro- The workshop was only possible thanks to the dedi-
ductory Course on Detector Technolo- cation of the members of the SOC (James Beletic
[co-chair], Randy Campbell, Donald Figer, Gert
gies, run by James Beletic and Markus ­Finger [co-chair], Jean-Luc Gach, Satoshi Miyazaki,
Loose. Peter Moore, Alex Short, Gregory Tarlé and Simon
D’Odorico, S. et al. 1991, The Messenger, 65, 43
­Tulloch), the LOC (Iris Bronnert, Maximilian ­Fabricius,
In view of the high rate of progress in the Lu Feng, Nadine Neumayer, Ulf Seemann, and
Christina Stoffer), the ESO IT Helpdesk, and many
very dynamic field of astronomical detec- ­others, who provided logistical support. It was a tre-
tors, the DfA2009 proceedings will be mendous advantage that the MPE kindly agreed to
published on the workshop web pages make their excellent facilities, so close to ESO Head-
only 1. At the time when this Messenger quarters, available; this was largely handled by

3D Movie Featuring ESO’s Paranal Observatory

Lars Lindberg Christensen 1 domes, or for a walk in the desert with The EYE 3D, directed by Nikolai
Dr J. ­Vialkowitsch, had its world premiere on
Wednesday, 28 October 2009, at the
ESO The film was co-financed by the film Film Festival in Biberach, Germany and is
­subsidy agencies of the German federal showing in 3D theatres across Germany,
states of Baden-Württemberg and and later this year all over Europe. An
The production companies parallax Bremen, several charitable and public international version in English language
raumprojektion and fact&film have pro- organisations and ESO. It has been is available, and further translations in
duced a unique 3D documentary about appointed a Special Project of the Inter- other European languages are in produc-
ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT), in national Year of Astronomy. tion.
close cooperation with ESO, as part of its
International Year of Astronomy 2009 More information at
activities. The film, The EYE 3D — Life events/special-evt/theeye/index.html.
and Research on Cerro Paranal, stars the
young scientist and ESOcast host Dr J,

Credit: parallax raumprojektion/ESO

aka Joe Liske. In June 2009, a German
film crew, who specialise in making 3D
movies, accompanied Dr J on a trip from
ESO Headquarters in Garching to the
landscapes of the Atacama Desert in the
north of Chile, home of the VLT.

Along with stunning views of the tele-

scopes and clear explanations of how
such a technical masterpiece functions,
the movie also follows the lives of people
at Paranal: astronomers, engineers,
physicists and technicians, showing just
how everyone’s work at the VLT contrib-
utes to the cutting-edge research about
the Universe. The movie is aimed at a
broad audience, from schoolchildren to
science scholars. Its extraordinary 3D
technique gives viewers a real sense of Dr Joe Liske in the
­Atacama Desert in the
being at the centre of the action, taking
movie The EYE 3D.
them on virtual tours inside the telescope

The Messenger 138 – December 2009 33

Astronomical News

ESO Open House Day 2009

Lars Lindberg Christensen 1

Britt Sjöberg 1
Ed Janssen 1


On 24 October 2009 ESO opened its

doors to the public as part of the annual
campus-wide Open House event
(“Tag der offenen Tür”). This year’s Open
House event was a resounding success,
with a record-breaking attendance of
around 4000 visitors. Dedicated ESO
staff volunteered to spend part of their
Saturday in the noble cause of improving
ESO’s connection with the taxpayer.

The many visitors barely had enough Nadine Neumeyer, an ESO Fellow, giving a talk to
a packed auditorium about “Black holes in galaxy
space to move from one exciting exhibit
­c entres” during the ESO Open House event.
to the next and the talks in the auditorium
were standing room only. An all-day live
link to Paranal with a new webcam was ing. The lively conversations throughout the Ludwig Maximilian University Munich,
very well received, and so was the porta- the building also showed the interest the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, as
ble planetarium, with the latest in high- of the visitors in astronomy, ESO and its well as many other renowned institutes
tech digital fulldome projection showing technological achievements. and enterprises. The Garching campus is
ESO’s ALMA planetarium show In Search one of the largest centres for science,
of our Cosmic Origins. In the cafeteria Similar events took place all over the research and learning in Germany, with a
samples of international cuisine were sold Garching campus, where approximately sphere of activity reaching from funda-
for the benefit of the ESO Charity Group 4000 people work and 8500 students mental research to development of prom-
and will find their way to charity projects study. The high concentration of scientific ising high-tech applications. It continues
in Chile. and technical research establishments to grow in size and diversity with new
found here gave the thousands of visitors institutes and enterprises under con-
Many families went home with infrared from near and far a first-hand introduction struction, promising even bigger and
portraits and happy children with painted to the Technical University Munich, sev- more exciting Open House events in the
faces were roaming through the build- eral institutes of the Max Planck Society, future.

ESO Website is Now Available in Twelve Languages

Lars Lindberg Christensen 1 meter/submillimeter Array and the planned between the media and scientists in their
European Extremely Large Telescope. ESO respective regions, and as such are valuable
press releases will also now be available ambassadors in the member states.
ESO in these languages, in addition to descriptions
of ESO-related events taking place in the ESO The new, dedicated websites are available
member states. for readers from Austria, Belgium, the
ESO is pleased to announce that important Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France,
parts of its extensive website have been trans- This new service is courtesy of the ESO Sci- Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway,
lated into eleven European languages, cover- ence Outreach Network (ESON), a network ­Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland, as
ing all ESO member states as well as some of individuals in several countries — including well as for Chile. In addition, there are also
additional countries. Many more readers will all the ESO member states — who serve as ESON contacts in Ireland, the United Kingdom
now be able to learn all about ESO’s impres- local contacts for the media and the general and the USA.
sive telescopes and projects in their own public in connection with ESO developments,
­languages. These include the Very Large Tele- press releases, exhibitions and more. The The ESON page with links to the mini-sites is
scope, as well as the Atacama Large Milli- ESON members also serve as useful contacts at

34 The Messenger 138 – December 2009

Astronomical News

ESO Director General Visits the Vatican City

Lars Lindberg Christensen 1 The ESO Director Gen-

Credit: Photo Service L’Osservatore Romano

eral Tim de Zeeuw
meeting Pope Benedict
XVI during a visit to the
ESO Vatican City. Between
the Director General and
the Pope are Fr. José
Gabriel Funes, director
On 30 and 31 October 2009 the ESO of the Vatican Observa-
Director General, Tim de Zeeuw, was in- tory (right), and Cardinal
vited to visit the Vatican City, as part Giovanni Lajolo, presi-
dent of the Governorate
of an international group of renowned
of the Vatican City State.
astronomers, on the occasion of the
International Year of Astronomy 2009.

The visit included a tour of the Tower of

Winds at the Vatican — the first location
of the Vatican Observatory, built between
1578 and 1580 at the time of the Grego- to the heavens in a spirit of wonder, con- deny that responsibility for the future of
rian reform of the calendar — a visit to templation and commitment to the pur- humanity, and indeed respect for nature
the Vatican Secret Archives, the Sistine suit of truth, wherever it is to be found.” and the world around us, and demand —
Chapel and the astronomy exhibit AStrum today as much as ever — the careful ob-
2009 at the Vatican Museum. On display The Pope also expressed his “gratitude servation, critical judgement, patience
in this exhibition of astronomy and instru- not only for the careful studies, which and discipline which are essential to the
ments are 130 items, including Galileo have clarified the precise historical con- modern scientific method? At the same
Galilei’s original handwritten notes detail- text of Galileo’s condemnation, but also time, the great scientists of the age of
ing his observations of the Moon, and his for the efforts of all those committed discovery remind us also that true knowl-
publication Siderius Nuncius from 1610. to ongoing dialogue and reflection on the edge is always directed to wisdom, and,
complementarity of faith and reason in rather than restricting the eyes of the
The highlight of the day was a private the service of an integral understanding mind, it invites us to lift up our gaze to the
audience with Pope Benedict XVI who of Man and his place in the Universe”. higher realm of the spirit.”
addressed the group. In his speech, the
Pope said: “This celebration, which The Pope also said: “The International This visit was organised by the Governo-
marks the four hundredth anniversary of Year of Astronomy is meant, not least rate of the Vatican City State and the
Galileo Galilei’s first observations of the to recapture, for people throughout our Vatican Observatory as part of their
heavens with a telescope, invites us to world, the extraordinary wonder and ­celebrations of the International Year of
consider the immense progress of scien- amazement which characterised the Astronomy 2009 by the Holy See.
tific knowledge in the modern age and, great age of discovery in the sixteenth
in a particular way, to turn our gaze anew ­ century.” He continued: “Who can

Announcement of the ESO Workshop

Central Massive Objects: The Stellar Nuclei–Black Hole Connection

22–25 June 2010, Garching, Germany

The centres of massive galaxies are spe- intimately connected to the evolution of Recent studies have shown that nuclear
cial in many ways, not the least because its host galaxy. However, for lower-mass cluster masses are coupled to the mass
all of them are believed to host super- galaxies, the situation is much less of their host galaxy, following a relation
massive black holes. Since the discovery clear. These galaxies, spanning a large similar to that for supermassive black
of key relations linking the mass of the range of Hubble types, typically host holes, suggesting that both types of cen-
central dark object with the large-scale nuclear clusters of a few 10 6 –107 solar tral massive objects (CMOs) are close-
properties of the dynamically hot galac- masses. The presence of black holes and ly related. Although nuclear clusters are
tic component, it has become clear that their relation to these nuclear clusters more than the low-mass analogues of
the growth of the central black hole is remains largely unknown. supermassive black holes, all CMOs very

The Messenger 138 – December 2009 35

Astronomical News

probably share some basic ingredients in – What do theoretical models tell us The registration deadline is 22 March
their formation processes. about star formation in the extreme 2010 and more details can be found
gravitational potential near the black at
This workshop aims at bringing together hole and under the extreme stellar
a broad international audience in the ­densities in galactic centres?
combined field of galaxy nuclei, super- – What do theoretical models tell us
massive black holes and nuclear star about dynamics, evolution and migra-
clusters, to confront state-of-the art tion of nuclear star clusters in galaxy
observations with cutting-edge models. centres?
– Do we understand the feeding of the
The key scientific questions for this work- central pc?
shop are: – How are nuclear clusters replenished
– What is the evolutionary/causal con- with fresh gas?
nection between nuclear clusters and
black holes? The Scientific Organising Committee
– Are intermediate-mass black holes consists of: Eric Emsellem, Harald
formed in nuclear clusters/globular ­Kuntschner, Nadine Neumayer (all from
clusters? ESO); Ralf Bender (LMU/MPE); Torsten
– Where do we stand observationally Boeker (ESTEC); Elena Gallo (MIT);
for black holes, nuclear clusters and ­Reinhard Genzel (MPE); Ortwin Gerhard
intermediate-mass black holes? (MPE); Jenny Greene (Princeton); Simon
– What can the Galactic Centre tell us Portegies Zwart (Leiden); Anil Seth (CfA);
about the nuclear cluster–black hole Roeland van der Marel (STScI) and Marta
connection? Volonteri (Michigan).
– How do the central massive objects
relate to the host galaxies?

New Staff at ESO

Rüdiger Kneissl Before joining ESO and ALMA, I worked

in different places. After receiving my
Since January of this year I have been ­theoretical PhD from the University of
working for ESO as an astronomer in Munich and the Max-Planck Institute
­Science Operations on the ALMA project. for Astrophysics, I moved to Cambridge,
At the moment, while we are building England. There I learned about radio
ALMA, I spend a good fraction of my time interferometry thoroughly, mainly on pro-
on commissioning. It is exciting to see jects to measure the fluctuations in the
the project evolving so rapidly, from test- cosmic microwave background (CMB)
ing the first accepted antennas at the and to observe galaxy clusters via the
ALMA Operations Support Facility to Sunyaev–Zel’dovich (SZ) effect, with in-
interferometry at the Array Operations struments such as the Cosmic Anisotropy
Site at 5000 m, and to be able to contrib- Telescope, the Very Small Array and
ute at every step. The planning for oper­ the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager. I also
ations is going on, along with progress became involved in the Planck pro-
on the completion of the instrument. Now ject, where I am now a scientist and a
we are detailing the processes for the member of the High Frequency Instru- continued CMB studies with the SZ-cam-
first call for proposals and for the early ment core team. At the University of Cali­ era we commissioned on the APEX
science operations, which will follow. fornia, Berkeley, and the Max-Planck ­telescope. Now on ALMA, in spite of the
Institute for Radioastronomy in Bonn I huge work load, I am still able to do

36 The Messenger 138 – December 2009

research in these projects, specifically I started my study of physics at the Uni-
aiming at combining observations in versity of Catania, where I also studied
a useful way, for example monitoring astronomy at the local Institute of Astron-
Planck sources with APEX, which could omy, attached to the Observatory of
be important ALMA calibrators. When the Italian National Research Council, at
ALMA becomes operational, I will be 1750 m on Mt. Etna. The limited number
most interested in observations of high of university courses available in Catania
redshift galaxies and higher resolution pushed me to move to the (much larger)
imaging of SZ galaxy clusters, which I am University of Rome “La Sapienza” where
currently modelling. I joined the Experimental Cosmology
Group G31. I was involved in ambitious
Coming to Chile was not an easy step, projects aimed at measuring anisotro­pies
even without a family. My decision was and polarisation of the Cosmic Back-
driven mainly by work considerations, ground Radiation (CBR) at millimetre
but living here, I am truly enjoying the wavelengths. During those years I studied
welcoming and friendly culture of South cosmology and astrophysics, but I also
America and the opportunity to travel learned how to build and operate a cryo- In May 2004 I went to APEX for the first
around this spectacular region with its stat, to acquire and reduce data from time, working on the first-light instrument
amazing landscapes. 300-mK bolometers, or to measure the and for the first radio pointing model.
spectral transmission of a filter using It was the beginning of a very long series
a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) interferom- of trips to the 5000 m high plateau of
Giorgio Siringo eter. My university thesis is about a Chajnantor as an MPIfR post-doc. In the
­polarimeter using bolometers for ground- following years I worked on the devel­
My father was a school teacher, he based measurement of the CBR polarisa- opment, installation and commissioning
taught mathematics and physics at a high tion to be operated at the MITO obser­ of LABOCA and SABOCA, the facility
school in Siracusa, in the very south vatory, a 2.6-metre millimetre telescope bolometer cameras of APEX.
of Sicily, where I grew up. He was really at 3500 m in the Swiss–Italian Alps. We
good at explaining everyday physics never measured any CBR polarisation, This year I had the great opportunity to
­phenomena with simple words. My sister, but it was an exciting experiment and my join ESO as a staff astronomer at APEX.
my brother and I were fascinated by his first experience of working on top of I live in Santiago and finally I don’t have to
tales revealing the magic of our Mother a high mountain, trying to concentrate fly from one hemisphere to the other to
Nature, often embellished with anecdotes while suffering from lack of oxygen. observe with the bolometer cameras that
(mostly the fruits of his imagination, I pre- At that time I couldn’t envisage that it was I installed there.
sume) about Archimedes, Euclid or Fermi going to be my recurrent working condi-
and Einstein (the last two were still alive tion. My father dreamt of being an astrono-
when he was a student). He definitely mer: he studied physics, but when he
had a strong “imprinting” effect: today my I did my PhD at the University of Bonn, in ­finished at university, immediately after
brother is a university professor of theo- Germany, where I worked for nine years the Second World War, he had other
retical physics, my sister studied physics, in the bolometer group of the Max-Planck ­priorities and decided to be a school
but ended up teaching philosophy (which, Institute for Radio Astronomy (MPIfR). My teacher and a good father. I think he likes
in some senses, is not too far from PhD thesis (here someone could argue the idea that one of his sons works as
­physics) and I became an astrophysicist. that I have a limited imagination) is about astronomer, somehow making his dream
I grew up during the Cold War, which, a polarimeter for use with bolometers. come true.
besides being a social threat, had the This project, quite different from the one
merit of providing an incredible boost in Rome, was aimed at the observation
to astronautics and technology develop- of closer and brighter targets than the
ment in general, making amazing pro- cosmic microwave background, such as
jects like the manned missions to the Galactic molecular clouds, and designed
Moon, the Voyager probes flying by Jupi- as a sort of “polarisation plug-in” giving
ter and Saturn, the MIR space station polarisation-sensing capabilities to the
and the Space Shuttle possible. The pop- bolometer arrays produced by our group
ularity of those space missions and their in Bonn. The polarimeter was success-
great impact on the media (I’ll never for- fully operated in combination with a bo-
get the emotions associated with the first lometer array for the 870-micron atmos-
marvellous false-colour pictures of Jupi- pheric window on the Heinrich Hertz
ter) attracted my attention even more to Telescope (HHT, also known as the Sub-
physics and astronomy and to the tech- Millimeter Telescope Observatory,
nology development that is necessary for SMTO), a 10-metre telescope, located at
their study. 3200 m on Mt. Graham in Arizona.

The Messenger 138 – December 2009 37

Astronomical News

Fellows at ESO

made me feel at home and made my time mountains — they have this quiet majesty
there unforgettable. that creates a very special atmosphere of
calm and tranquility. The gentle hues of
In 2007 I moved to Germany to join ESO the desert slowly turn red with the setting
as a fellow. Currently at ESO Garching Sun and make it really feel like a privilege
I still like to pursue the kind of research to be a witness to this transformation.
I carried out for my PhD and I am extend- But the real show is at night, when the
ing it to the types of dwarf galaxies that Moon is yet to appear, and the Milky Way
are found at the outskirts of the Local stretches across the entire sky in one
Group, the dwarf irregulars and the so- vast ceiling of stars. I am pleasantly sur-
called transition dwarfs, with the aim of prised that after all this time up here I’m
understanding whether the different still amazed at how beautiful it is. It is
dwarf types that we observe today may probably time to leave astronomy if I ever
Giuseppina Battaglia be the descendants of similar progeni- get cynical about the night sky.
tors, or are actually intrinsically different
I have always been amazed by the monu- systems. As part of my functional duties Most people I talk to agree that La Silla is
mental efforts we humans make to at ESO I am performing simulations to one of the special observatories of the
understand our own nature and the world explore the feasibility of resolved stellar world, remarking that it has a real family
around us. When I think of astronomy, population studies at large distances atmosphere amongst all who work and
I think of us, small humans on a small using the European Extremely Large visit here, and I think it’s true. There is
planet, trying, since the dawn of time, to Tele­scope (E-ELT), the project for the always a smile and a laugh accompany-
decipher the mysteries of the Universe — largest ground-based optical and infrared ing any task and my time working closely
notwithstanding our limited means — telescope in the world. Working at ESO with the telescope operators and the en-
yet trying, striving to understand some- not only gives me the chance to make my gineering staff has been a great learning
thing so immense, so complicated and own small contribution to such an excit- experience and lots of fun. They have
remote, and yet so fascinating, or prob­ ing project as the E-ELT, but also to be really shown me what it means to work at
ably so fascinating exactly because it in one of the places where the future an observatory. The small, but dedicated
is so unreachable. For me, this is what direction of European astronomy is de- team, of La Silla astronomers have been
astronomy is about. cided and where a great part of the a wonderful support when the going got
action takes place. Definitely a very inter- tough or when a healthy dose of humour
I took my first steps as a professional as- esting place to be! was needed. I have often relied on them
tronomer at the University of Bologna to help me find solutions to the tricky
where I did my undergraduate studies. In problems that surface from time to time.
2002 I moved to Groningen, in the Neth- Blair Conn
erlands, first for a few months to work on Before coming to Chile I was doing my
my Masters project, and then stayed for As an Australian coming to Chile there PhD at The University of Sydney and
four years to start my PhD studies. The were a lot of familiar aspects of life wait- now, as I move into my fourth year as an
first project I carried out as a PhD student ing for me. I’d travelled a lot in Chile in ESO fellow, I’m heading off to the Max-
at the Kapteyn Astronomical Institute 2001 and knew what to expect from the Planck-Institut für Astronomie in Heidel-
was a study on the dark matter content scenery and that, like Australians, Chile- berg. There will be many new challenges
of the Milky Way, analysing the kinemat- ans are fairly laid back. The seasons ahead, least of all learning some German,
ics of objects in its stellar halo out to a weren’t backwards and when gazing up and I’m excited about having the chance
very large distance from the Galactic at the night sky from La Silla, the stars to live in Europe. I’m sure though that my
Centre, 120 kpc! For the main part of my were reassuringly like home and Christ- time spent in Chile and especially here
project I worked on a sample of dwarf mas in summer is perfectly normal. at the Observatory will stay with me. This
spheroidal galaxies, nearby small satellite ­Originally scheduled for Paranal, a hasty place has become a second home to me
galaxies of the Milky Way, using spectro- meeting was organised soon after I and I’m already looking forward to when I
scopic data from VLT/FLAMES for hun- arrived and it was decided I’d go to can return.
dreds of individual stars in these systems. La Silla to work on the Wide Field Imager
I used these data to derive the dark mat- at the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope.
ter content of these galaxies, among the In the three years since then I’ve had
most dark matter dominated systems a wonderful experience at the La Silla
known to date, and to study their chemi- Observatory and will miss it dearly.
cal and kinematic properties. I cherish
the years I spent in Groningen, not only As I sit here writing this, on the 9th of
for the highly stimulating and friendly August, my last night as a support
work environment of the Kapteyn Astro- astronomer on La Silla, it certainly feels
nomical Institute, but also because of ­ sad to be leaving this place. In all my
the many people I met along the way who ­visits here I’ve never grown tired of the

38 The Messenger 138 – December 2009

Astronomical News

Announcement of the ESO/ESA Joint Workshop

JWST and the ELTs: An Ideal Combination

13–16 April 2010, Garching, Germany

ESA and ESO are jointly organising a JWST instruments are essentially com-
workshop to explore synergies between plete and the joint telescope/instrument
the James Webb Space Telescope parameters well understood.
(JWST) and the extremely large tele-
scopes (ELTs). The main goal of the work- The Scientific Organising Committee is
shop is to bring the JWST and ELT com- composed of: Markus Kissler-Patig (ESO/
munities together, to identify the common E-ELT); Mark McCaughrean (ESA/JWST);
science cases, and to outline instrumen- René Doyon (Montreal/JWST); Marijn
tation/upgrade priorities for the ELTs that Franx (Leiden/JWST); Jonathan Gardner
would maximise the scientific return in (NASA GSFC/JWST); Roberto Gilmozzi
key areas of scientific research requiring (ESO/E-ELT); Isobel Hook (Rome/E-ELT);
both facilities: Simon Lilly (Zurich/JWST); Jonathan
– The end of the Dark Ages: First Light Lunine (Arizona/JWST); Matt Mountain
and reionisation (STScI/JWST); Pat McCarthy ­(Carnegie
– Assembly of galaxies Observatory/GMT); Chuck Steidel
– The birth of stars and protoplanetary (Caltech/TMT); Gillian Wright (UK ATC/
systems JWST).
– Planetary systems and the origins of life
The deadline for registration is 15 January
The workshop is particularly timely, as it 2010 and more details can be found on
will feedback into the instrument suite the conference web pages at: www.eso.
selection of the ELTs. At the same time, org/jwstelt2010.

Personnel Movements

Arrivals (1 October– 31 December 2009) Departures (1 October– 31 December 2009)

Europe Europe
Bois, Maxime (F) Student Biereichel, Peter (D) Senior Software Engineer
Castro, Sandra Maria (BR) Software Engineer Cullum, Martin (GB) Former Head of Technical Division
Cortesi, Arianna (I) Student Feng, Yan (VR) Laser Physicist
Fontani, Francesco (I) Fellow Ferguson, Neil (GB) Software Engineer
Goddi, Ciriaco (I) Fellow Gil, Carla (P) Fellow
González Gutiérrez, Juan Esteban (RCH) Fellow Gilmour, Rachel Emily (GB) Fellow
Krajnovic, Davor (HR) Fellow Kotamäki, Miikka (FIN) Mechanical Engineer
Krüger, Anna (D) Administrative Assistant Misgeld, Ingo (D) Student
Lagadec, Eric (F) Fellow Nittel, Frank (D) Draughtsman
Lewis, Steffan (GB) Laser Engineer Robinson, Mark (GB) Design Study Project Manager
Maury, Anaelle (F) Fellow Santangelo, Gina (I) Student
McPherson, Alistair (GB) Mechanical Engineer Szyszka, Cezary (PL) Student
Panic, Olja (BIH) Fellow Tanaka, Masayuki (J) Fellow
Smiljanic, Rodolfo (BR) Fellow
Trotta, Francesco (I) Student
Unterguggenberger, Stefanie (A) Student
Williams, Michael (GB) Student

Chile Chile
Alamo, Karla Adriana (MEX) Student Asmus, Daniel (D) Student
Arriagada, Oriel Alberto (RCH) Electronic Engineer Caceres, Claudio (RCH) Student
Bayo, Amelia (E) Fellow Di Cesare, Maria Alejandra (RA) Operations Staff Astronomer (APEX)
Gadotti, Dimitri (BR) Fellow Huertas-Company, Marc (E) Fellow
Huerta, Nicolas (RCH) Software Engineer Le Bouquin, Jean Baptiste (F) Fellow
Jilkova, Lucie (CZ) Student Leon, Gino (RCH) Telescope Instruments Operator
Kabath, Petr (CZ) Fellow O’Brien, Kieran (GB) Operations Astronomer
Martin, Sergio (E) Fellow Salinas, Ricardo (RCH) Student
Mateluna, Reneé Cecilia (RCH) Student Sanhueza, Roberto (RCH) Data Handling Administrator
Ribes, Mauricio (RCH) Instrumentation Engineer Schütz, Oliver (D) Operations Astronomer

The Messenger 138 – December 2009 39

ESO, the European Southern Observa- Contents
tory, is the foremost intergovernmental
astronomy organisation in Europe. It Telescopes and Instrumentation
is supported by 14 countries: Austria, First Release of Images from VISTA 2
Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, J. Vernet et al. – X-shooter Starts Operation at the Paranal Observatory:
France, Finland, Germany, Italy, the A New Opportunity for Extragalactic Astronomy 4
Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, ALMA First Fringes at 5000 m Altitude 7
Switzerland and the United Kingdom. J. Smoker et al. – A Tenth Birthday Present for UVES: A CCD Upgrade
ESO’s programme is focused on the of the Red Arm 8
design, construction and operation of L. Schmidtobreick et al. – ISAAC Moved to a New Home 10
powerful ground-based observing M. Kissler-Patig et al. – A Sneak Preview of the E-ELT Design Reference
­facilities. ESO operates three observa- Science Plan Questionnaire Results 11
tories in Chile: at La Silla, at Paranal,
site of the Very Large Telescope, and at Astronomical Science
Llano de Chajnantor. ESO is the Euro- H. Korhonen et al. – The Application of FORS1 Spectropolarimetry to the
pean partner in the Atacama Large Mil- Investigation of Cool Solar-like Stars 15
limeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) R. Mignani – Neutron Star Astronomy at ESO: The VLT Decade 19
under construction at Chajnantor. Cur- I. Smail et al. – The LABOCA Survey of the Extended Chandra
rently ESO is engaged in the design of Deep Field South (LESS) 26
the 42-metre European Extremely Large
Telescope. Astronomical News
D. Baade – Report on the ESO Workshop “Detectors for Astronomy 2009” 31
The Messenger is published, in hard- L. L. Christensen – 3D Movie Featuring ESO’s Paranal Observatory 33
copy and electronic form, four times a L. L. Christensen et al. – ESO Open House Day 2009 34
year: in March, June, September and L. L. Christensen – ESO Website is Now Available in Twelve Languages 34
December. ESO produces and distrib- L. L. Christensen – ESO Director General Visits the Vatican City 35
utes a wide variety of media ­connected Announcement of the ESO Workshop “Central Massive Objects:
to its activities. For further information, The Stellar Nuclei–Black Hole Connection” 35
including postal subscription to The New Staff at ESO – R. Kneissl, G. Siringo 36
Messenger, contact the ESO education Fellows at ESO – G. Battaglia, B. Conn 38
and Public Outreach Department at the Announcement of the ESO/ESA Joint Workshop “JWST and the ELTs:
following address: An Ideal Combination” 39
Personnel Movements 39
ESO Headquarters
Karl-Schwarzschild-Straße 2
85748 Garching bei München
Phone +49 89 320 06-0
Fax +49 89 320 23 62

The Messenger:
Editor: Jeremy R. Walsh
Design, Layout, Typesetting:
Jutta Boxheimer

Printed by Peschke Druck

Schatzbogen 35, 81805 München
Front Cover: One of the first public images from the VISTA telescope is shown.
Unless otherwise indicated, all images This colour composite of the star-forming H ii region NGC 2024 was formed from
in The Messenger are courtesy of ESO, images in J, H and Ks bands with a total exposure time per pixel of about 15 min-
except authored contributions which utes. The image size is 26 × 36 arcminutes. Brackett-g emission from ionised
are courtesy of the respective authors. gas is visible in red. The bright star to the bottom of the image (north to the right,
east top) is z Orionis (a multiple early-type star system), but the ionising source
© ESO 2009 of NGC 2024 is the central embedded cluster. Credit: ESO/J. Emerson/VISTA.
ISSN 0722-6691 Acknowledgement: Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit.

40 The Messenger 138 – December 2009

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