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Game Book

WELCOME Introduction to the game

You are the Product Manager of a Brain Enhancers Manufacturer in the country of Tapan in
2105. Your company manufactures Memory enhancers. Gear up to find out how it all started
and what will it take to be the force to reckon with in this futuristic, techno-crazy world.
ONCE UPON A TIME The Business context
The dawn of the new century has brought along with it human brain enhancers. Gone were the
days when humans were considered to be as intelligent as rats and dolphins. No human (or
even their animal pet) was now deprived of the capacity of using their brains.
It all started in 2030 when the Japanese scientist Shiizo Frenia started researching on creating
artificial brains for his wife who never shared the same love for science as did he. She had an
artistic personality and had no interest in his mad scientific experiments. Shiizo wanted to
construct an external brain for his wife to give her a parallel scientific inclination along with
retention of her true self. In a good 30 years of his laboratory life, Shiizo came up with a brain
reader to understand why his wife was not interested in science. Unfortunately for Shiizo, he
died of a heart attack the moment he heard the first sentence from his reader connected to his
pet dog. But the technology opened the vistas of further inventions in this field because Shiizo
provided the basic mind thought to voice conversion technology. His patents were the
intellectual property of the company he used to work for called Dimagi. Dimagis scientists used
the technology and built on it. Two-way transmission from and through the brain through wave
signals was made possible by the company.
Dimagi was the only company in the world to have brain technologies inspired by Shiizos
papers. It was a multi-billion falero (world unit of currency from 2050) corporation owned by a
family. The CEO was Maha Parush. Maha Parush was of Indonesian descent. He was the father
of three brothers and three sisters. These siblings were big fans of game of thrones. There was
an unending fight of who would become the CEO once Maha retires in 2105.
Maha had other plans of leaving the company once he left to live on his beach house in
Maldives. His youngest son has expressed his wishes of not joining Dimagi and had opened a
social venture of his own. The other siblings had also spoken secretly with their father to tell
him about their desire to become the CEO. Maha thought long over this in his study, while
sipping on his favorite brand of whisky. He came up with the one solution where he knew there
would be no bloodshed in the family, which seemed likely considering what he had seen his
children watching in their free time away from each other.
He devised a plan to make them compete amongst each other to add even more value to the
existing firm through more profits and innovation. This would not only make the company
bigger in a shorter period of time through competitive innovation, it would make each of the
children richer than what they would be if they split their shares in the current company or plot
internally against the one who becomes the CEO.
The resultant of his thought were the 5 companies with equal capacity, access to technology
and equal revenues till date.
Dimagi had one product which had been working wonders for them since its launch in 2090, the
memory booster called Memori.
The memory booster was the only product of its kind in the world and had been in huge
demand when it was launched.
Use - It could be worn like glasses with the memory drive fitting behind the ear. It had a
capacity of 10 petabytes.
Life of the product - The company had designed the product in such a manner that the
product worked only for one year, and had to be replaced with the next model the next
year if the human wanted to continue using the additional memorys benefits.
Mergin Atlantics CEO, Mr Ditchard Handsome, had called this memory booster, a much
needed device after the advent of the wearable devices age. He said that he had been
continuously using the device to remember the names of his companys employees and their
familys birthdates. It had raised the motivation level of the employees and increased the
overall productivity of his company. The senior managers were also using the device to improve
the overall productivity of the company as they never missed a deadline now that they saw it in
their mind each time.
The market price of the product is 1000 faleros
Population 500000
20% of the population could would like to enhance their memory
90% of the target segments use Memori which has a life of one year after which they
need to buy a new unit
You have a 20% market share, and remaining divided equally between 4 of your

1. Students (30%) - Education in Tapan has undergone radical change in the last 15 years
with students demonstrating exceptional performance equipped with Memori
2. Professionals (40%) Professionals consider Memori a must have with uses ranging
from better performance at work to remembering their spouses birthdays
3. Researchers/ Scientists (10%) While researchers/ scientists dont agree to much value
addition from this product but they are mandated to use Memori by their employers
who feel it would enhance their R&D performance
4. Elderly (20%) Elderly in Tapan are a fan of the product as they dont feel handicapped
by memory loss due to age

2105 2106 2107 2108 2109
Population of Tapan
Contribution of Consumer
Researchers &
You are the Product manager of one of the following companies. Each of the 5 companies have
equal market share of the product, equal capacity and equal spends. So you have a level
playing field.
Companies A B C D E
Units Sold (last year) 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000
Capacity 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000
Revenue 180,00,000 180,00,000 180,00,000 180,00,000 180,00,000

As Product Manager your objective to maximize
1. Revenues
2. Profits
3. Market share
4. Brand Equity
You can divide your resources for each product under 5 heads every year
1. Advertising/ATL promotion spend Communicate product, features, value to customer
2. Sales and Distribution spend Sales promotion (trade/consumer), Distribution
3. Research & Development For radical and incremental innovation.
4. Incremental Capacity spend Production capacity
5. Price
Please note:
Anything above 100% capacity would not translate into sales

News and market research
The following news and market research has to be provided to players before every round.
Some information regarding outputs and other important measures will be generated by excel
Memoris (Product A) growth has been constant over the years.
There is news of an upcoming external brain product (product B), not much was known about
the product yet, except that it seems to turn out to be a popular product.
About the new Product - Mem-Brain is a form of artificial external brain capable of mapping
with the persons brain. The brain in combination with the external brain is capable of
performing at 20% more capacity than what the person is capable of. The Temp brain is size of
a cell phone and must be on the body of the person to work effectively. People were excited
about the product when the company first tested the prototype on test patients. The results of
the prototype testing were positive.
A company would have to invest a minimum of 500000 faleros to acquire this technology
Consumer survey to find the potential of Product B: Base - The existing consumer base
of Memori
o Students Happy with Memori, dont understand how this new product could
o Professionals Some ambitious ones with fire in their belly feel that Product B
could change their lives
o Researchers & Scientists Product B is the thing that they wanted
o Elderly Not interested
The new product MemBrain (temporary brain) will be launched by companies who
spent a minimum of 500000 faleros as R&D spend last year
The successful marketing of the product B (Mem-Brain) is going to create a huge
demand for the product and people have started lining up to pre-book Mem-Brain. The
CEO used 10 such Mem-Brains to be the most intelligent person in the company.
Consumer Survey conducted to find the potential of this new product
o Researchers & Scientists who were using Memori feel that they could
revolutionize R&D and create wonders if they could use this device and were
waiting to buy it
o Professionals Felt that the competition is too severe in the business world and
this device could help them get an edge. If explained and marketed well, this
product could easily lure the professionals
o Politicians / Bureaucrats A completely new market segment emerged, that of
bureaucrats who think if they could increase the capacity of their brains, they
could make Tapan a super power. The number estimated for this category was
about 30000
o Average perceived value of the product is 1600 faleros
Meanwhile there were rumors about R&D on another brain enhancer called Analyser booster
which could increase the capacity of human brain without any external attachment
About the product: This Product C (Xana), is an analyzer booster for the brain. Its a chip which
was 5 cm long and connected to the cranial nerve at the back of the neck. The R&D spent on
this product was high. The product is highly successful in increasing the analyzing skills of the
person. Suppose if the analyzing skills of the person was x then this product is capable of
increasing the analyzing skills to 2x. Xana will be something which only the elite will be able to
afford. Scientist, Doctors, Engineers, Lawyers could be the main target segment for the product.
When this product would be released in the market the segment of people defined above
would have to buy the product to survive competition. The CEO remarked that the company
has created a need that never existed in the minds of the people. The competitors were really
worried about this product taking over the whole brain market industry.
For the product to be developed, a minimum of 1 million faleros would have to be invested in
R&D to develop the product.

The market for Mem-Brain is growing rapidly
But some medical research has revealed that Mem-Brain could have adverse affects on
humans brain and while research was still in process, this could be a worrisome matter
Xana will be launched by companies which spent / or will spend a minimum of 1 million
Average perceived value of the product is 1600 faleros
Mem-brain was the biggest hit of all times in the last year as the product sales by 100%
last year, it has revolutionized the brain enhancer industry
However, research suggests that Mem-Brain has proved to be dangerous for permanent
capacity of human brain. The damage done by prolonged use of this device cannot be
New Product Xana Is a popular product but only among niche segments of thinkers and
Mem-Brain has been banned by many organizations and employers. There is a mass movement
against the use of this product which messes with the human brain
Xana has taken not only the elite thinkers and professionals segment by storm but
has also started replacing all brain enhancers
Contrary to the belief it is no longer caters to a specific customer segment

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