Project Report On Employee Satisfaction

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U%&e' T(e G)*&+%,e O-.
S)/m*tte& By.
Asstt.Prof.Arundeep Kaur
Divya Kapoor

This is to certify that the application report entitled EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION
submitted by Ms. Divya Kapoor (1922) is a bonafide piece of wor conducted under my
!uidance. "o part of this has been submitted for any other de!ree of any other university. The
data sources have been acnowled!ed. #t may be considered for evaluation in the partial
fulfillment of the re$uirement for the award of de!ree of Master of Business Administration.
Date% Mrs. &rundeep Kaur
(&ssistant 'rofessor)
# hereby declare that Major Project( entitled )EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION at C C
Constructions Ltd Mohali( submitted in partial fulfillment of the re$uirement for the de!ree of
Master of *usiness &dministration of 'un+abi ,niversity( 'atiala is my ori!inal wor - has not
been submitted for the award of any other de!ree at this university.

MBA " I1
One can learn ab!" a ra# b$ "ra%ell&n' &", "(an b$ cn)!l"&n' all "(e *a+) &n "(e
Efficient management of material, time and financial resources is very important for the
accomplishment of any objective. Above to this coordination is must, which determine the
degree of success. This is true both at micro level and at the macro level.
Keeping all this view, report of .E/PLOYEE SATISFACTION le%el A" C & C
Cn)"r!c"&n) L"# . is prepared by all rounded encouraging support by many persons
towards this report has created in me the confidence regarding the approval of the subject
matter. During this project, I have made the study of all departments and consulted heads, staff
members of respective departments.
This report is a result of an assignment to improve myself and gain confidence. In this I
have done my best to mae it a genuine study. !ut as well all now a ma"im #To err is human$.
Therefore there is a chance for some mistaes. Also a critical appraisal by anyone will be
heartily welcome.
%irst of all I am thanful to &od. I e"tend gratitude to my training at %ederal 'ogul,
(atiala for providing me possible facilities at the company. I am also thanful to
/r)-Ar!n#ee+ 0a!r)Assistant professor* for constant inspiration + timely help. I am
also thanful to non ,teaching staff of -&- &haruan for their co.operation during my
I wish to e"press my deep gratitude to Ra1e)( S(ar*a (2-R /an'er &n C & C
Cn)"r!c"&n) L"#) for action as a guide and providing me with continuous support and
guidance. This report could not have been completed without the inputs and the words
of advice from him for which I shall always remain grateful to him.
I feel short of words and e"press my heartiest gratitude to my parents + all my family
whose blessing + affection have been a continuous source of inspiration.
I wish to e"press my appreciation to all those whom I wored with, interacted and their
thoughts + insights helped me in broadening my understanding + nowledge of woring
in a corporate atmosphere.
The project wor itself gave me a insight into woring of an organi/ation + application of
some important concepts that I have been studying as a student of '.!.A.
At last but not the least, I am grateful to all those who have directly or indirectly helped
me during my wor.

Divya Kapoor
Co%te%t4 Rem+'54
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A. A11EB24E
Chapter 1
Industry Profle
C & C Cn)"r!c"&n) L"#- is one of the fastest growing construction companies of
India, focusing on infrastructure construction segment including highways, airports,
telecom infrastructure, and power transmission. Incorporated in :uly 0CC? by a group of
professionals, it has rapidly achieved a turnover of 4s. @>D0 million in %5 8DDC. It has
completed 8C projects across India and Afghanistan, with aggregate contract value of
over 4s. 08,DDD million, for clients lie 1ational =ighways Authority of India, Airports
Authority of India, 216(3, 4epublic of Afghanistan and 4ites 7imited.
-orporate 6verview
C & C Cn)"r!c"&n) L"#- has a uniEue
business model, with proven e"pertise in
innovative thining, project and cost
management. Fe are focused on delivering
high Euality wor within budgeted time and
costs, as evident in the various accolades and
repeat business.
A ey objective has also been to continuously
broad base the operating portfolio and
enhances the order boo, thus opening new
avenues to growth and profitability. Fe have
also developed an appropriate blend of
entrepreneurs and hands on professionals,
constantly thining + e"ecuting innovative and cost effective solutions to clientsG
The company was incorporated in :uly 0CC? by professionals having e"perience in
the field of infrastructure development. 3ince our incorporation, we have acEuired
e"pertise in E(- contracts, and have also recently forayed into urban infrastructure
projects. Fe commenced our construction projects by undertaing two contracts of
4s. D.9 million each in 0CC? and presently have a preEualification capacity to Euote
for contracts over 4s. 0A billion.
6ur major clients include H
1ational =ighways Authority of India
Airports Authority of India
(ublic Fors Department of various 3tate &overnments
(unjab Infrastructure Development !oard
(ublic Fors Department, Afghanistan
The 7ouis !erger &roup, Inc
4ITE3 7imited
6ur -ompany was incorporated on :uly 0?, 0CC? under the -ompanies Act as a private
limited company by the name of -+- -onstructions (rivate 7imited. 3ubseEuently, vide
a resolution passed by the shareholders of our -ompany in their meeting held on
August <, 8DD?, we were granted approval to convert into a public limited company. 6ur
-ompany became a public limited company with effect from August 8A, 8DD? and the
name of our -ompany was changed to -+- -onstructions 7imited.
-hanges in 4egistered 6ffice

At the time of incorporation our registered office was situated at !D.?8, :ana (uri,
1ew Delhi 00D D>A. =owever, on April 0, 0CC@, our registered office was shifted to @<,
=emunt -olony, 6pposite 1ehru (lace, 1ew Delhi 00DD<A and thereafter to our
present registered office at %lat 1o. &.00, =emunt -hambers, 1ehru (lace, 1ew Delhi
00D D0C on August 8A, 8DD?.

'ajor EventsH
Date Event

0CC? I Incorporation of our -ompanyJ and
I %irst road construction project awarded by the (unjab
(ublic Fors
Department for wor at 'utsar, (unjab.
0CC@ I %irst airport project awarded for sub.contracting wor )for &ayatri (rojects
7imited* at the -alicut airport, Kerala.
0CCC I %irst major contract for e"tension and strengthening of the Airport runway at
(ort !lair, Andaman + 1icobar Islands awarded for subcontracting wor )for !3-(7*.
8DDD I Entered into the first contract with the 1ational =ighways Authority for the road
maintenance project in Durgapur, Fest !engal.
8DD0 I %irst joint venture agreement e"ecuted with !3-(7 in relation to improvement
and widening of roads in (unjab )awarded by the (unjab Infrastructure Development
!oard*J and
I Awarded contract for construction of the &uwahati bypass with certain other
8DD9 I %irst oversees project awarded in Afghanistan.
8DD> I Awarded three large contracts valued at over 4s.0, DDD million )through our
joint venture with !3-(7* in !ihar.
8DD? I %irst urban transport project awarded )through our joint venture with !3-(7.*
to construct a road of appro"imately 0> ms for plying of high capacity buses in Delhi.
I Awarded the Kurali.Kiratpur !6T project )through our joint venture, !3-.-+-
K:;L* for the construction, operation and maintenance of the Kurali.Kiratpur 3ection of
1= 80 from 8A.?DD to m @9.8DD in the 3tate of (unjab.
I (referential allotment for financing our -ompanyLs business activities to
!lacstone Asia Advisors 7.7.-. AMc The India %und Inc. 'inivet 7imited, &alleon
International 'aster %und 3(- 7imited
and -ross !order Investments (rivate 7imited.


.- + - -onstructions 7td has announced that the -ompany has been awarded a
contract amounting to 4s >.@< billion )4s >@< crore* from :aypee Associates 7td for the
construction and development of a four
lane road from Nirapur to (arwanoo, passing through the states of =imachal (radesh,
=aryana and (unjab.

. - + - -onstructions 7td has informed the -ompany has received an order of 4s @A0
crores for a Dedicated %reight -orridor from 1ew Karwadiya to 1ew &anj Khwaja in


. - + - -onstructions 7td has informed that 'r. Arun Kumar (urwar has been
appointed as Additional 1on.E"ecutive Director of the -ompany w.e.f. :uly 0>, 8D0D
ISO Ce't*6,+t*o% A%%o)%,eme%t
C&C Constructions Ltd. is proud to announce that the management system
operated by us is certifed to ISO 9001:200 !ua"ity #anagement Systems $!#S%
and &uide"ines.
ISO certifcation a'rms that the company(s !#S meets the strict )ua"ifcations *or
the g"oba""y accepted ISO standard.
C&C(s )ua"ity system +as assessed by IC#! (Institute for Certifcation and
Quality Mark), a "eading Ita"ian certifcation body +ith the c"ear mission o*
promoting )ua"ity, durabi"ity and sustainabi"ity in the rea"ms o* bui"ding products
and construction. -he company, +hich is head)uartered in #i"an, +or.s so"e"y in the
fe"d o* construction.
/-his is a great accomp"ishment *or our associates. -he mo0e to ISO 9001:200
*urther demonstrates C&C(s emphasis on organi1ationa" )ua"ity and e2tending that
)ua"ity to our customers3.
ISO 9001:200 certifcation is not on"y critica" in ser0ing our customers but it +i""
a"so act as a competiti0e ad0antage in attracting *uture business.
C&C has been certifed to the re)uirements o* the *o""o+ing standard:
ISO 9001:200 4 -he Certifcation Scope Statement:
/5esign, 6ngineering, and Construction o* *o""o+ing In*rastructura" +or.:
7etai", Commercia" and 7esidentia" 8ui"dings
$8ased on 8O-96:C9O&# in*rastructure contracts a+arded through tendering
C&C has +or.ed di"igent"y to achie0e this )ua"ity mi"estone and it has been
accomp"ished through the enthusiastic support o* its associates.
;gain my congratu"ations to the entire C&C -eam<
J&n" Ven"!re) an# S"ra"e'&c All&ance)
Fe have e"ecuted infrastructure projects in the past independently and in joint
ventures. 6ur joint venture partners include 'M3 !3-(7 with whom we have been
woring for over eight years. 4ecently we have entered another joint venture with
'M3 3uhmani Engineers to address the water sewerage and sanitation segment in
the infrastructure space.
This has enabled us to obtain larger projects that reEuire resources beyond those
that we may have individually, such as financial strength, capital eEuipment, technical
e"pertise and local content resources.
In a project.specific joint venture, each member of the joint venture shares the riss
and revenues of the project according to a predetermined agreement. The profits and
losses of the joint venture are shared among the members according to a
predetermined ratio. The fi"ed assets that are acEuired by the joint venture are
generally transferred to the respective joint venture members upon completion of the
joint venture project. The construction contracts that the joint ventures enter into,
typically impose joint and several liability on the members. Thus, should the other
member)s* of our joint ventures default on its or their duties to perform, we would
remain liable for the completion of the project. The project.specific joint venture
typically terminates at the completion of the defect liability period, at which point the
project.specific joint venture liEuidates and dissolves.
O!r S"ra"e'$
6ur business target is to have a balanced portfolio of business with revenue
predictability, profitability and Euality of contracts as the ey determinants.
O!r S"ren'"()
Cn"&n!!) 'r,"( &n !r b&# ca+ac&"$ an# +re 3!al&4&ca"&n ca+ab&l&"$
6ur business and growth are dependent on our ability to bid for and secure larger
and more varied projects. !idding for infrastructure projects is dependent on various
criteria, including, bid capacity and pre Eualification capability. Fe have focused on
increasing both these parameters and have continuously increased our bid capacity
and the largest order that we can bid for, the same has been illustrated belowH
)4s. in million*
5!al&4&ca"&n &n "er*) 4 )&n'le
lar'e)" r#er
:uly 0,
90<< @CA
:uly 0,
<@<? 09D8
:uly 0,
C9AC 89D9
:uly 0,
0D98A 98C?
:uly 0,
00A@8 <<@<
:uly 0,
0A0@9 <@C9
Ab&l&"$ " e6ec!"e +r1ec") &n #&44&c!l" +era"&n' cn#&"&n) &n a "&*el$
Fe have been successfully operating in difficult operating terrains and in adverse
weather conditions. These conditions present challenges of trained personnel, timely
supply of material, efficient functioning of machinery and security concerns.
6ur hands on entrepreneurial management and enterprise of our team ensures that
these challenges are met consistently to the satisfaction of our employers.

Ac!*en &n )!rc&n' an# *a&n"a&n&n' )!++l$ c(a&n 4r ra, *a"er&al
an# ac(&e%&n' bene4&") 4 bac7,ar# &n"e'ra"&n
6ur management places emphasis on the sourcing and logistics for raw material such
as aggregate, bitumen, etc. 6ur ability to source ey raw materials close to our
operating sites has resulted in reducing our transportation costs. (rocurement of
aggregate from our captive Euarries have also enabled an assured supply on a timely
basis at reasonable prices. Fe have also setup mechanical lines for loading and
unloading and used railway siding at some of our sites for transportation of material.
S!)"a&ne# 'r,"( 4 !r A4'(an&)"an +era"&n) ,(&c( (a) b!&l" (&'(
le%el) 4 cre#&b&l&"$ re'ar#&n' !r cn)"r!c"&n e6+er"&)e
=istorically, a portion of our operations and revenues have been from Afghanistan
where we have been operating since the year 8DD9. Fe have deployed substantial
resources in terms of management time, capital eEuipment, financial resources in this
country. 6ur Afghanistan operations cater to projects that are funded by agencies such
as 23AID, Forld !an, AD! and are e"ecuted through international contractors such
as 7ouis !erger Inc. These projects fall within the ambit of O4ebuilding AfghanistanO
program which would continue up to %5DC. Fe have been able to e"ecute our projects
within our contracted timelines with reEuisite Euality standards and have as a result
been able to generate repeat business. Fe also have an edge over our competitors due
to presence of our machinery in Afghanistan which enables Euic mobili/ation and also
have good local contacts enabling smooth e"ecution. 6ur Afghanistan operations also
enable us to obtain premium pricing and assured payments.
2&'(l$ 3!al&4&e# *ana'e*en" "ea* an# e6+er&ence# e*+l$ee ba)e
Fe believe that a well.trained, motivated and satisfied employee base is fundamental
to our competitive advantage. Fe have more than 00DD employees including
Engineers, '!As and -As. The sill sets of our employees give us the fle"ibility to
adapt to the needs of our clients and the technical reEuirements of the various
projects that we undertae. Fe are committed to the development of the e"pertise
and of our employees through regular technical seminars and training
sessions organi/ed or sponsored by our -ompany.
The promoters have e"pertise and e"perience in the infrastructure sector and are
actively involved in day to day operations. The e"perience gathered over the years by
our management team enables taing Euic decisions thereby ensuring that projects
are e"ecuted within the contracted timelines. This also enables us to meet reEuired
standards of Euality and efficiency.
O,ner)(&+ 4 (&'( en# e3!&+*en"
Fe have ownership of critical high end and modern construction eEuipment such as
crushers, e"cavators, cranes, batching plants, pavers, etc. 6ur asset base stands over
4s. 8DDD million. 6wnership of such high end eEuipment enables Euic mobili/ation
besides ensuring continuous availability of critical eEuipment. This model of owning
eEuipment gives us a cutting edge over competition.
S-N- Pr1ec" Na*e Na*e 4 "(e E*+l$er
(R)- &n
Da"e 4

!uild, Design
of TaliEan to
Kishem 4oad,
'inistry of (ublic Fors,
<CD.?D April,8DDA
8 4econstruction
of :alalabad.
Asmer 4oad,
'inistry of (ublic Fors,
0>@0.?D April, 8DD@
Afghanistan) %
rom Km D to
08> Km*
Kandahar To
=erat highway
)Km <>? to
7ouis !erger &roup, Inc 8<0D.DD
-onstruction of
Kandahar .
Trin Kot 4oad
216(3 C@>.DD
6ctober ,
Design + !uild
-ontract for
of A> Km.
stretch from
m 8?8 to m
9<@ of Kabul.
7ouis !erger &roup, Inc 8D?C.DD :une, 8DD>
? Design + !uild
-ontract for
of Kandahar.
3pin !olda
'inistry of (ublic Fors,
0D??.DD 1ovember
) %unded by
Design build
of 7ashar
&ah 4ing
from Km DD to
216(3 >C0.AD :uly, 8DD?
%our 7aning of
Km 0<?.DD to
Km 0>?.DD,
!ypass, 1=.9@
1ational =ighways Authority of
?D?.0D :une, 8DD<

4esurfacing of
runway, Ta"i
trac and
E"tension +
-onstruction of
runway, Ta"i
tract + Apron,
Airport Authority of India 8@0.DD 9rd 1ov 8DD9
E"tension +
of 4unway,
-alicut Airport.
&ayatri (rojects 7td. ?A.AD 'arch 8DD8
9 E"tension of
4unway by
!. 3eenaiah + -o. )(roject* 7td. <D@.9D 0Dth :an
>DDD feet
'eters*, (ort
!lair Airport.
Ra#) & 2&'(,a$)
O++r"!n&"$ an# In#!)"r$ O%er%&e,8
4oad development is recogni/ed as essential for sustaining IndiaLs economic growth
The &overnment is planning to increase spends on road development
substantially with funding already in place based on cess on fuel.
Annual &rowth projected at 08.0> Q for passenger traffic , and 0>.0A Q for cargo
6ver R>D.?D billion Investment is reEuired over the ne"t > 5ears to improve road
India has an e"tensive road networ of 9.9 million ms. the second largest in the
4oads carry about ?0 Q of the freight and A> Q of the passenger traffic
=ighwayM E"pressways constitute about ??,DDD Kms ) 8 Q of All 4oads* and
carry <D Q of the road Traffic
The &overnment of India spends about 4s.0ADDD -rores)23 R< billion* annually
on road development.
The ambitious 1ational highway development (roject )1=D(* of the &overnment
is at an advanced stage of implementation. Key sub.projects under the 1=Dp
o The &olden Suadrilateral )&S.>A<? Kms of < lane highways*
o 1orth.3outh + East.Fest -orridors)13EF.@9DD Kms of < lane highways*
o (rogram for <.laning of about 0<,DDD m of 1ational =ighways is
o A 4s.<0,8DD crores ) 23 R > billion* project plans to lay ? lane roads over
?,>DD Kms of 1ational =ighways on the Design !uild %inance and
operate)D!%6* basis , in &olden Suadrilateral and other high traffic
- + - -onstructions 7td. incorporated in 0CC? is a fully integrated infrastructure
company and has e"ecuted major projects of 4oads and highway spreads over India
and 6verseas. Fith impregnable engineering e"pertise, sophisticated state.of the.Art
eEuipment, together with strong networ across the country and global, -+ - is partner
in nation building. The commitment of each of the member of our team has helped us to
reach the ne"t level at an unprecedented pace.
Area) 4 E6+er"&)e
3tate + 1ational =ighway
-ity 4oads
=igh -apacity Transport -orridors
!ridges + -ulverts
=ighway safety system
6peration + 'aintenance
9a"er San&"a"&n an# Se,era'e
O++r"!n&"$ an# In#!)"r$ O%er%&e,8
2nder the 2nion !udget 8DD@.DA, allocation for the 4ajiv &andhi Drining Fater
'ission has been enhanced from 4s. <?AD -rores in 8DD?.D@ to 4s >A>D -rores
in 8DD@.DA and provision for total sanitation campaign has been increased from
4s @8D -rores in %y 8DD?.D@ to 4s C<D -rores in %5 8DD@.DA.
:awaharlal 1ehru 1ational 2rban 4enewal 'ission ) :1124'* was launched in
December, D>. The mission would try to address the issues relating to urban
renewal, water sanitation and sewerage, solid waste management, 2rban
transport etc. A provision of 4s. >D,DDD crores has been agreed to as central
assistance for this mission for a period of @ years beginning from 8DD>.D?
- + - -onstructions 7td. has ventured into water sanitation and sewerage sector with
its :; partner 3uhmani Engineers. Fe have made a small beginning with an order 4s
@9D 'illion from 4amy Infrastructure 7imited for O providing, laying, testing and Trun
3ever and outfall 3ewerO in :abalpur.
Area) 4 E6+er"&)e
Fater 3anitation %acilities
(roviding and installing 3ewerage 3ystem
Fater 3ewerage Treatment (lant
Irrigation (iping 1etwor
P,er : Telec* Tran)*&))&n T,er
O++r"!n&"$ an# In#!)"r$ O%er%&e,8
6ver CD,DDD '; of new generation capacity is reEuired in the ne"t seven years.
-orresponding investments is reEuired in transmission and distribution networs.
The implementation of ey reforms is liely to foster growth in all segments
2nbundling of vertically integrated 3E!s, . O 6pen AccessO to transmission and
distribution networ .distribution -ircles to be privati/ed, . Tariff reforms by
regulatory authority
6pportunity in Transmission networ ventures .additional ?D,DDD circuit m of
transmission networ e"pected by 8D08.
6pportunities in Distribution through bidding for the privati/ation of distribution in
thirteen states that have unbundledMcorporati/e their 3tate Electricity !oards .
e"pected to tae place over the ne"t 8.9 years.
Total Investment opportunity of about 23 R 8DD billion over a seven year hori/on.
In telecom and transmission we have e"ecuted over 0D orders from our clients !harti
Infotel 7imited and Tata Teleservices 7td. for laying of 6ptical %iber -able. 6ur diverse
e"pertise and talent enable us to offer to our clients the complete range of Engineering,
(rocurement and -onstruction services in this sector.
Area) 4 E6+er"&)e
6ptical %iber -able ) 6%-* bacbone (rojects
Tower %oundation and Erection
D& %oundation + Installation
C**erc&al B!&l#&n')
O++r"!n&"$ an# In#!)"r$ O%er%&e,8
The &ross Domestic (roduct ) &D(* from construction activity at constant
) 0CCC.8DDD* prices has increased from 4s 0,D>8 billion in %5 8DDD to 4s. 0,@<@
billion in %y 8DD?. The &D( growth from construction has increased at a faster
rate than the overall growth in real &D(. As a result the share of construction in
real &D( has increased from >.CD Q in %y 8DDD to ?.AD Q in %5 8DD?.
The construction sector is the second largest employer in India )after Agriculture*
with an estimated employment of around 98 million. -ivil -onstruction is
considered as an engine for economic &rowth. It supports core sectors industry
having a multiplier effect of 0.A i.e., every one rupee invested in construction
adds an incremental eighty paisa to the economy.
Fith construction activities constituting more than ?DQ of the planned outlay, the
civil construction industry is destined to e"perience a reasonable growth and
flurry of activities across various sectors in medium terms.
Fith inherent sills and resources to develop and e"ecute high value projects, - + -
-onstructions 7td. has ventured into the building sector and has completed 9 major
projects, - + - -orporate 6ffice, Fare =ouse in =asanpur and a Transmission Tower
(lant in Kalamb, =imachal (radesh.
Area) 4 E6+er"&)e
Integrated Township
-orporate (ars
IT (ars and -ampus Development

L&)" 4
Pr1ec") In
S-N- Pr1ec" Na*e
Na*e 4 "(e
Val!e 4
C& C
A,ar# Da"e
Ra#) & 2&'(,a$)

0 Fidening and strengthening
to <.lane of e"isting
singleMintermediate lane
carriageway of 1ational
=ighway no. >@ 3ection
from Km 9@.@> to Km D.DD
in the 3tate of !ihar on East
Fest -orridor under 1=D(,
(hase II, (acage no. -.
Authority of
I14 9A9<.89
6ctober, 8DD>
8 Fidening and strengthening
to <.lane of e"isting
singleMintermediate lane
carriageway of 1ational
=ighway no. >@ 3ection
from Km ?C.AD to Km 9@.@>
in the 3tate of !ihar on East
Fest -orridor under 1=D(,
(hase II, (acage no. -.
Authority of
I14 99>8.CC
6ctober, 8DD>
9 Fidening and strengthening
to <.lane of e"isting
singleMintermediate lane
carriageway of 1ational
=ighway no. >@ 3ection
Authority of
I14 989D.D8
6ctober, 8DD>
from Km 0>>.DD to Km
00D.DD in the 3tate of !ihar
on East Fest -orridor
under 1=D(, (hase II,
(acage no. -.IIM!4.?
< -onstruction wors related
to Fidening M 2pgrading of
4oads to convert the
E"isting -arriageway to
'ultilane %acility for the
=igh -apacity !us 3ystem
in Delhi including 3treet
7ighting and Drainage
Fors. 3ectionH Ambedar
1agar to Delhi &ate
4ites 7imited I14
> Development of 3tate
=ighways in the 3tate of
!ihar under 4ashtriya 3am
;ias 5ojana )43;5*
scheme. (g. 1o.0@H
1awada + :amui Dist
)1awadaH &aya.1awada
4oad 3=.A, 1awada.
(aribarawan 4oad 3=.A,
:amuiH (aribarawan.
3iandra 4oad 3=.A*.
-(FD ,
&ovt. of India
I14 A80.0D
? Development of 3tate
=ighways in the 3tate of
!ihar under 4ashtriya 3am
;ias 5ojana )43;5*
scheme 3=.>8 project pg
-(FD, &ovt.
of India
I14 ?0<.<D
'arch, 8DD@
@ -onstruction of Kirtpur to
Kurali 4oad ) !6T (roject*
Authority of
I14 <DAD
:une 8DD@
A 2pgradation of Tarn taran .
-habbal , Attari 4oad
) (acage 1o
(unjab, (FDI14 <>8.9D
C 4ehablitation of Kapurthala
. Tarn Taran 4oad ) %rom
Km DPDD to Km <@P8DD*
(unjab 3tate
4oad sector
I14 ><@.8D
0D 2pgradation of Kharar.
7andran.!anur.Tepla 4oad,
) from Km DPDD to Km
(unjab 3tate
4oad sector
00 -onstruction of Integarted
chec post at )4ajauli*
-hiteroli, !iharsharif
(Fd, !ihar I14 0>D.DD
%ebruary 8DD@
08 !arsar ,!hotha .:ahu 4oad
%rom Km <>P To Km
CDPADD in the 3tate of
=imachal (radesh
4oad and
I14 0D9C.9A
%ebruary 8DDA
09 2na , !angana. !arsar
4oad from Km. DPDDD to
Km <>PDDD in the 3tate of
=imachal (radesh
4oad and
I14 CAC.<D
%ebruary 8DDA
0< -onstruction of %our
7anning of Nirapur.
(arwanoo section from Km
I14 >@9@.<8
April 8DDA
9C.A? to Km ?@.DD
0> 3upply, Installation,
4ehabilitation, -onstruction
testing and -ommissioning
of &arde/ To Khost 4oad in
Afghanistan, %unded by
7!& , !+ ;
I14 9>8?
April 8DDA
0? ImprovementM2pgradatation
of :ahanabad.
4oad )3=.@0* 7ength A>.DD
K' )(acage.<*
&ovt. of !ihar
I14 0>C>.@0
0@ ImprovementM2pgradatation
of =ajipur.7algunj. ;aishali.
4oad )3=.@<* 7ength A>.DD
K' )(acage.?*
&ovt. of !ihar
I14 88><.88
0A ImprovementM2pgradatation
of Araria.4anigunj.:adia.
Trivenigunj 4oad )3=.@?*
7ength 080.DD K'
&ovt. of !ihar
I14 8CC@.?D
0C ImprovementM2pgradatation
of Kursela.(othia.%ala.
meergunj.3arsi 4oad )3=.
@@* 7ength 0D>.DD K'
&ovt. of !ihar
I14 8@@C.9D
8D Dedicated freight corridor
from 1ew Karwadiya in
!ihar to 1ew &anj Khawaja
I14 @A0D.?D
on 'ughulsarai.3one
1agar 3ection for a contract
value of 4s. @A0 -rores.
of India
B!&l#&n') & C**erc&al

0 -onstruction of A%&=A1
(arliament !uilding and
-hancery !uilding at Kabul
-(FD I14 ?9>D.DD
0 -onstruction of 'M7 under
ground -ar paring in
&reen area at =au/ Khas,
'uniraa maret,
&andhinagar and 'odel
town.II in Delhi
of Delhi
I14 00C8.>9
0 Development of !us
Terminal + -ommercial
-omple" at 'ohali
(ID! I14 9DDD.DD
9a"er, San&"a"&n &

0 (roviding + laying, :ointing,
testing + commissioning of
truc sewers + outfall sewer
for core area of :abalpur
I14 @9D.DD
6ctober 8DD@
To deliver to the client the best solutions and broaden its activity base by diversifying
into other infrastructure disciplines to sustain a healthy growth rate.
To achieve our objectives in an environment of fairness and courtesy to our clients,
employees, vendors, investors and society.
/r- Ra1en#ra /(an A''ar,al, ?< years, is a Director in our -ompany. =e holds a
bachelorGs degree in civil engineering from Thapar Engineering -ollege, (atiala and a
post graduate diploma for 'anagement from the Indira &andhi 1ational 6pen
2niversity. =e has about four decades of e"perience in the construction sector, in India
and abroad and has wored for both the private as well as public sector. =e has been
associated with the 61&- 7imited, 1(-- 7imited, -entral (ublic Fors Department,
4ITE3 7imited, &overnment of 7ibya and 6riental 3tructural Engineers 7imited
previously. =e joined our -ompany on :une 0, 8DD0. =e is in.charge of overseeing all
activities in relation to the tendering process and also handles technical support in our
Chapter $
Introduction to
E*+l$ee )a"&)4ac"&n
Employee satisfaction is in regard to oneGs feeling or state of mind regarding the nature
of their wor. It can be influenced by a variety of factors e.g.H Euality of oneGs
relationships with their supervisor, Euality of physical environment in which they wor,
degree of fulfilment in their wor etc.
7oce gives a comprehensive definition of job satisfaction as involving cognitive,
effective and evaluative reactions or attitudes and states it is Oa pleasurable or positive
emotional state resulting from the appraisal of oneGs job or job e"perience.O :ob
satisfaction is a result of employeesG perception of how well their job provides those
things that are viewed as important.
There are three generally accepted dimensions to job satisfaction.
%irst, job satisfaction is an emotional response to a job situation, as such it cannot be
seenJ it can only be inferred.
3econd, job satisfaction is often determined by how well outcomes meet or e"ceed
e"pectations. %or e"ample if organi/ational participants feel that they are woring more
harder than others in the department but are receiving fewer rewards, they will probably
have a negative attitude toward the wor, the boss or the co.worers. They will be
dissatisfied. 6n the other hand, if they feel they are being treated very well and are
being paid eEuitably, they are liely to have a positive attitude toward the job. They will
be job . satisfied.
Third, job satisfaction represents several related attitudes.

Fac"r) #e"er*&n&n' e*+l$ee )a"&)4ac"&n
U %actors affecting jobs are the main factors of job satisfaction, which may be
challenging wor, reward systems, woring conditions, colleagues, learning and
personality. 3ill variety autonomy and significance are challenging tass, which provide
ma"imum satisfaction to employees. 'any people feel bored if a job is too simple and
routine, but many employees also enjoy simple and routine jobs.
U The job characteristics are important factors for providing satisfaction. 4eward
systems, eEuitable rewards, eEual pay for eEual wor, promotion avenues, etc are
satisfaction factors. 'oney is important to employees having unfulfilled basic needs, i.e.
they reEuire more award and recognition.
U %airness in promotion, unbiased attitude of management, responsibilities and social
status are the factors that are said to be providing satisfaction to employees.
U Foring conditions influence employeeGs level of satisfaction. 2nder conducive
woring condition, people prefer to wor hard while in an adverse atmosphere people
avoid wor. Foring condition not only include physicals of the wor but also the
woring relationships in the organi/ation. The physical conditions, for e"ample, are the
light, temperature, willingness, etc. A cler woring under routine conditions lies to
wor hard in an air . conditioned atmosphere with computer facilities. It increases the
woring capacity of the employee.
The relationships between the employees and the managers have an important
bearing on job satisfaction.
:ob satisfaction is greater in case the higher authority is sympathetic, friendly
and willing to help the employees. Employees feel satisfied when their views are
listened to and regarded by their higher authorities
(ersonal attitude and perceptions are the employeesG angles of satisfaction,
which should be taen into consideration while motivating people to arrive at job
%eedbac from the job itself and autonomy are two of the major job.related
motivational factors. A recent found that career development was most important to
both younger and older employees.
3upervision is another moderately important of job satisfaction. There seem to
be two dimensions of supervisory style that affect job satisfaction. 6ne is employee .
centeredness, which is measured by the degree to which a supervisor taes a
personal interest and cares about the employee.
It commonly is manifested in ways such as checing to see how well the employee is
doing, providing advice and assistance to the individual, and communicating with the
associate on a personal as well as an official level . The other dimension is participation
or influence, as illustrated by managers who allow their people to participate in
decisions that affect their own jobs. In most case, this approach leads higher job
%riendly, cooperative co.worers or team members are a modest source
of job satisfaction to individual employees. The group, especially a OtightO
team, serves as a source of support, comfort, advice, and assistance to the
individual member.
O!"c*e) 4 e*+l$ee )a"&)4ac"&n
To society as a whole as well as from an individual employeeGs standpoint, job
satisfaction in and of itself is a desirable outcome. It is important to now, if at all,
satisfaction relates to outcomes variable. %or e"ample, if job satisfaction is high, will the
employee perform better and the organi/ation be more effectiveV I f job satisfaction is
low, will there be performance problems and ineffectivenessV The following sections
e"amine the most important of these.
Sa"&)4ac"&n an# +er4r*ance8
'ost assume a positive relationshipJ the research to date indicates that there is no
strong linage between satisfaction and performance. -onceptual, methodological, and
empirical analyses have Euestioned and argued against these results.
The best conclusion about satisfaction and performance is that there is, definitely a
relationship. The relationship may even be more comple" than others in organi/ation
behaviour. %or e"ample, there seem to be many possible.moderating variables, the
most important of which is reward. If people receive reward they feel are eEuitable, they
will be satisfied, and is liely to result in greater performance effort.
Sa"&)4ac"&n an# "!rn%er8
2nlie that between satisfaction and performance, research has uncovered a
moderately negatively relationship between satisfaction and turnover. =igh job
satisfaction will not, in and of itself, eep turnover low, but it does seem to help. 6n the
other hand, if there is considerable job dissatisfaction, there is liely to be high turnover.
6bviously, other variables enter into an Employees decision to Euit besides job
satisfaction. %or e"ample, age tenure in the organi/ation, and commitments to the
organi/ation, may play a role. 3ome people cannot see themselves woring anywhere
else, so they remain regardless of how dissatisfied they feel.
Another factor is the general economy, typically there will be an increase in turnover
because will being looing for better opportunities with other organi/ation.
Sa"&)4ac"&n an# ab)en"ee&)*8
4esearch has only demonstrated a wea negative relationship between satisfaction and
absenteeism. As with turnover, many variables enter into the decision to stay home
besides satisfaction with the job. %or e"ample, there are moderating variables such as
the degree to which people that there job are important. %or e"ample, research among
state govt. Employees has found those who believed that there was important had lower
absenteeism than did who did not feel this way. Additionally, it is important to remember
that although job satisfaction will not necessarily result in absenteeism, low job
satisfaction more liely to bring about absenteeism
Chapter -
'./ecti0es of the
To study the job satisfaction levels among the employees of - + - -onstructions
To study the various factors affecting employee satisfaction.
To analyse the current satisfaction level of the employees in the company.
To study the satisfaction level of employees regarding resources provided by the
To now whether organisation taes employees suggestions.
To study about sufficient opportunities to improve employees sills.
To study the satisfaction level of employees regarding infrastructure of the
To now about supportiveness of superiors.
To suggest measures for improvement
To e"amine the importance given by employees to their wor + the level of their
To find out whether the changes in technology in - + - -onstruction 7td. have
been properly matched by training + development of its manpower.
To study the satisfaction level towards trainers.
To increase the overall satisfaction of an employee.
Chapter 1
'iss. 3hallu my respected e"ternal guide, was the sole )!rce of everything
which was important for my easier.said.than.done project to materiali/e. 3he guided my
footsteps whenever and wherever I stumbled on the way to my objective and not only
this she was also my torchbearer and gave me all the moral and material support.
Available with me was the employeeLs database which was a reliable and
authentic source of employees address. And from those documents maintained by =4
department I used to distribute the Euestionnaire to the employees.
Pr&*ar$ #a"a
It consisted of the first hand source of data collected through the Euestionnaires from
the respondents.
Secn#ar$ #a"a
The theoretical foundation of the study is based on various secondary sources such asH
Internet + !oolet of - + - -onstructions 7td.
324;E5 as we now jolly well, is the eyword around which the whole magic of my
project revolves hence, this calls for the urgency of following the below mentioned steps
which can be considered as the methods I have followed in doing the survey.
The first and foremost thing that I did was the tas of formulating a well framed
5!e)"&nna&re which could aptly help me in eliciting the essential information from the
The Euestionnaire was designed on a four point L&7er" )cale where 0 represented low
e"tent and < represented very high e"tent.
1ow I was eEuipped with the reEuired weapon in the form of Euestionnaire and the
1e"t step was to circulate the Euestionnaire to the employees which I did.
A )a*+le )&<e of >D respondents was chosen out of 0DD wormen.
The sampling type was a +rbab&l&"$ )a*+l&n' based on )$)"e*a"&c ran#*
Altogether >D Euestionnaires were distributed were usable.
The scores of individual items are summated to produce a total score for the
respondent. The higher the respondents score, the more favorable is the attitude.
After recollecting the Euestionnaire which was a very tough job to carry out I
Interpreted it and jotted down the Eueries and complaints welling up in my mind.
Chapter 4
5ata )nalysis
=- D $! en1$ $!r ,r7>
Re)+n)e) Percen"a'e N- 4 re)+n#en"
=ighly satisfied AQ <
3atisfied <DQ 8D
1eutral 9DQ 0>
Dissatisfied 08Q ?
=ighly dissatisfied 0DQ >
Total 0DDQ >D
Anal$)&)8 6ut of >D respondents < were highly satisfied or enjoy their wor, 8D were
satisfied, 0> were neutral regarding their response, ? were dissatisfied whereas > were
highly dissatisfied. 'ajority of respondents were satisfied with the nature of wor
assigned to them.
?- Are $! )a"&)4&e# ,&"( "(e &n4ra)"r!c"!re +r%&#e# b$ $!r c*+an$>
Re)+n)e) Percen"a'e N- 4 re)+n#en"
=ighly satisfied 0DQ >
3atisfied 9DQ 0>
1eutral >DQ 8>
Dissatisfied ?Q 9
=ighly dissatisfied <Q 8
Total 0DDQ >D
Anal$)&)8 6ut of >D respondents > were highly satisfied with the infrastructure, 0>
satisfied, 8> gave neutral response, 9 were dissatisfied whereas 8 were highly
dissatisfied. 'ajority of respondents were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.
@-D $! 4&n# $!r 2ODA)!+er&r) a) be&n' (el+&n' an# )!++r"&%e>
Re)+n)e) Percen"a'e N- 4 re)+n#en"
=ighly satisfied <Q 8
3atisfied 0<Q @
1eutral 8DQ 0D
Dissatisfied >AQ 8C
=ighly dissatisfied <Q 8
Total 0DDQ >D
Anal$)&)8 6ut of >D respondents 8 were highly satisfied with the supportiveness of their
=6DMsuperior, @ were satisfied, 0D were neutral regarding their response, 8C were
dissatisfied whereas 8 were highly dissatisfied. 'ajority of respondents were neutral
with =6DMsuperior supportiveness.
B- D $! 'e" )!44&c&en" ++r"!n&"&e) " &*+r%e $!r )7&ll)V
Re)+n)e) Percen"a'e N- 4 re)+n#en"
=ighly satisfied 0DQ >
3atisfied 8DQ 0D
1eutral <DQ 8D
Dissatisfied 0AQ C
=ighly dissatisfied 08Q ?
Total 0DDQ 0DD
Anal$)&)8 6ut of >D respondents > were highly satisfied by getting sufficient
opportunities to improve their sills, 0D were satisfied, 8D were neutral regarding their
response, C were dissatisfied whereas ? were highly dissatisfied. 'ajority of
respondents were satisfied.
C- D $! 'e" re'!lar Fee#bac7 4r* $!r )!+er%&)r re'ar#&n'
$!r +er4r*ance>
Re)+n)e) Percen"a'e N- 4 re)+n#en"
=ighly satisfied 9DQ 0>
3atisfied 8DQ 0D
1eutral 98Q 0?
Dissatisfied 08Q ?
=ighly dissatisfied ?Q 9
Total 0DDQ D
Anal$)&)8 6ut of >D respondents 0> were highly satisfied by getting regular feedbac
from their superiors, 0D were satisfied, 0? were neutral regarding their response, ? were
dissatisfied whereas 9 were highly dissatisfied.
D- 9(e"(er $!r r'an&<a"&n "a7e) $!r )!''e)"&n )er&!)l$>
Re)+n)e) Percen"a'e N- 4 re)+n#en"
%reEuently ?Q 9
4arely 9DQ 0>
6ccasionally ?<Q 98
Total 0DDQ
Anal$)&)8 6ut of 0DD respondents C were highly satisfied by the nature of wor, <D
satisfied, 8C were neutral regarding their response, 0> were dissatisfied whereas @ were
highly dissatisfied. 'ajority of respondents were satisfied by the nature of wor
assigned to them.
E- De) "(e *&))&n an# %&)&n 4 "(e r'an&<a"&n rela"e# " $!r &n#&%&#!al
*&))&n an# 'al>
Re)+n)e) Percen"a'e N- 4 re)+n#en"
Always ?Q 9
'ostly 8<Q 08
3ometimes <DQ 8D
4arely 9DQ 0>
1ot at all DQ D
Total 0DDQ >D
Anal$)&)8 6ut of >D respondents 9 said there mission + vision of organi/ation is always
related to their individual mission and goal, 08 said mostly, 8D said sometimes, 0> said
F- De) $!r *ana'er +r*"e &nn%a"&n a" 1bV
Re)+n)e) Percen"a'e N- 4 re)+n#en"
=ighly satisfied 0DQ >
3atisfied <DQ 8D
1eutral 9DQ 0>
Dissatisfied 0?Q A
=ighly dissatisfied <Q 8
Total 0DDQ >D
Anal$)&)8 6ut of >D respondents > were highly satisfiedJ they said their manager
promote innovation at job, 8D were satisfied, 0> were neutral regarding their response, A
were dissatisfied whereas 8 were highly dissatisfied.
G- D $! a'ree "(e re'!lar 4a*&l$ +r'ra**e) )(!l# be r'an&<e#>
Re)+n)e) Percen"a'e N- 4 re)+n#en"
=ighly agree <8Q 80
Agree 9<Q 0@
1eutral 08Q ?
Disagree 0?Q A
=ighly disagree AQ <
Total 0DDQ >D
Anal$)&)8 6ut of >D respondents C were highly satisfied by the nature of wor, <D
satisfied, 8C were neutral regarding their response, 0> were dissatisfied whereas @ were
highly dissatisfied. 'ajority of respondents were satisfied by the nature of wor
assigned to them.
=H- D $! 4a"&'!e ,(&le +er4r*&n' $!r 1b>
Re)+n)e) Percen"a'e N- 4 re)+n#en"
5es <8Q 80
1o >AQ 8C
Total 0DDQ >D
Anal$)&)8 6ut of >D respondents C said yes they get fatigue while performing their job +
8C said no they donLt get fatigue.
==- 2a%e $! e%er !n#er"a7en an$ "ra&n&n' *#!le>
Re)+n)e) Percen"a'e N- 4 re)+n#en"
5es 0DDQ >D
1o DQ D
Total 0DDQ >D
Anal$)&)8 6ut of >D respondents >D said yes they have undertaen training module. It
means company provides training to everyone.
=?- Ra"e "(e )a"&)4ac"&n le%el ",ar#) "ra&ner) 4 $!r r'an&<a"&n>
Re)+n)e) Percen"a'e N- 4 re)+n#en"
=ighly satisfied AQ <
3atisfied ADQ <D
1eutral 08Q ?
Dissatisfied DQ D
=ighly dissatisfied DQ D
Total 0DDQ >D
Anal$)&)8 6ut of >D respondents < were highly satisfied regarding trainers, <D were
satisfied, ? were neutral regarding their response, no one is dissatisfied or highly
=@- Are $! )a"&)4&e# ,&"( "(e le%el 4 "r!)" "(e *ana'er )(,) ",ar#) "(e "ea*>
Re)+n)e) Percen"a'e N- 4 re)+n#en"
=ighly satisfied 0DQ >
3atisfied <?Q 89
1eutral 8?Q 09
Dissatisfied 0?Q A
=ighly dissatisfied 8Q 0
Total 0DDQ >D
Anal$)&)8 6ut of >D respondents > were highly satisfied with the level of trust the
manager shows towards the team, 89 were satisfied, 09 were neutral regarding their
response, A were dissatisfied whereas 0 was highly dissatisfied.
=B- Are $! )a"&)4&e# ,&"( "(e re)!rce) +r%&#e# b$ $!r *ana'er " c*+le"e
$!r ,r7 e44&c&en"l$V
Re)+n)e) Percen"a'e N- 4 re)+n#en"
=ighly satisfied 8DQ 0D
3atisfied <DQ 8D
1eutral 8DQ 0D
Dissatisfied 0<Q @
=ighly dissatisfied ?Q 9
Total 0DDQ >D
Anal$)&)8 6ut of >D respondents 0D were highly satisfied with the resources provided
by the manager to complete their wor, 8D were satisfied, 0D were neutral regarding
their response, @ were dissatisfied whereas 9 were highly dissatisfied.
=C- In ""al&"$ are $! )a"&)4&e# ,&"( $!r 1b>
Re)+n)e) Percen"a'e N- 4 re)+n#en"
=ighly satisfied 88Q 00
3atisfied 9<Q 0@
1eutral 8AQ 0<
Dissatisfied 0?Q A
=ighly dissatisfied DQ D
Total 0DDQ >D
Anal$)&)8 6ut of >D respondents 00 were highly satisfied by the nature of job, 0@ were
satisfied, 0< were neutral regarding their response, 0< were dissatisfied whereas D were
highly dissatisfied.
Chapter 6
=- <DQ of the respondents are satisfied they enjoy their wor.
?- >DQ of the respondents are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied regarding infrastructure of
the organi/ation.
@- >AQ of the respondents are dissatisfied regarding supportiveness of their
B- <DQ employees gave neutral response of getting sufficient opportunities to improve
their sills.
C- 9DQ employees are highly satisfied with getting regular feedbac from their superior
and 98Q gave neutral response.
D- ?<Q of the respondents said organi/ation taes their suggestion occasionally.
E- <DQ employees said that mission + vision of organi/ation is sometimes related
individual mission + goal.
F- <DQ of the respondents they said there manager promote innovation at job.
G- <8Q of the respondents are highly agree of having regular family programmes.
=H- 'ajority of the employees does not get fatigue while performing their job.
==- -ompany provides training to all the employees.
=?- 'ajority of the employees are satisfied with trainers.
=@- <?Q of employees satisfied with the level of trust the manager shows towards their
team + 0 was highly dissatisfied.
=B- <DQof the respondents are satisfied with the resources provided by manager to
complete their wor + 0< Q are dissatisfied.
=C- 1o one is highly dissatisfied with their job. 9<Q respondents are satisfied.
.To motivates the employees mostly suggestion should be taen from them.
Innovation should be provided by the manager to improve employeeLs sills.
To avoid the fatigueless of employees the manager should tae some e"tra activities.
E"ternal training Mseminar related to technical development should be introduced in
organisation to increase effectiveness of training programme..
=6DMsuperiors should support to employees.
3ufficient opportunities should be given to employees to improve their sills.
3o to motivate the employees, management should tae into consideration some
suggestions given by the employees. It will help to increase the motivation and
ultimately the job satisfaction of the employees of - + - -onstructions 7td.

T=E 3EED 6% 323TAI1A!I7IT5 I3 36F1 FIT=I1 T=E 64&A1I3ATI61 !5
124T24I1& A =EA7T=5 A1D =A((5 TEA'.
As the world moves faster and competition becomes more intense due to globali/ation,
human talent will determine which organi/ations will be successful in the future. Training
helps to achieve this aim. Training is an important tool in the hands of organi/ation.
Employees are enjoying their worJ they are satisfied with the resources provided to
them, also happy with the trust shown by the manager towards their team.
-ompany should give focus on support of =6D to employees. It should give sufficient
opportunities to improve employeeLs sills.
As far as the LI/ITATION of the project is concerned, I faced many a problem and
adversities in course of my project duration.
0. The employees hesitate to disclose the true facts in order to secure their job.
8. It is very time consuming process.
9. 3amples are not true representative of the total worforce.
<. Difficulty in getting information from secondary sources.
>. !ecause of the si/e of the organi/ation, the population of employee was large.
Therefore it was very tough on my part to conduct the survey by going to them
? It was also very disappointing for me at times when the feedbac given by the
employees were below e"pectation.
@. The lac of cooperation by the departmental heads to which the responsibility of
handling the Euestionnaire was given was one of the most important factor which
leaded to de motivation and e"hortation.
'amoria -.!., #(ersonnel 'anagement$80
revised and enlarged edition
Kothari -.4. #4esearch 'ethodology$
%lippo ! Edwin, (ersonnel 'anagement$
Aswathappa K. , # =uman resource 'anagement$
In"erne" 9eb)&"e
B7le" 4 C & C Cn)"r!c"&n) L"#-)
Dear Re)+n#en",
Fe are the students of '.!.A- and we are conducting a survey on the employee
satisfaction with the performance appraisal. 5ou are indly reEuested to give your
feedbac. The data collected will be used only for aca#e*&c +!r+)e.
(lease tic ) * the relevant optionH.
;en#er8 0* 'ale 8* %emale
A'e8 0* 0>.9D 8* 9D.>D 9* >D above
/ar&"al )"a"!)H 0* 3ingle 8* 'arried

0* 2nder 'atriculation
8* Intermediate
9* &raduate
<* (ost &raduate
>* 6therTTTTTTTT
E6+er&ence8 0* below > years 8* > to 0D years 9* above 0D years
=- D $! en1$ $!r ,r7>
A* =ighly satisfied
!* 3atisfied
-* 1either satisfied nor dissatisfied
D* Dissatisfied
E* =ighly Dissatisfied
?- Are $! )a"&)4&e# ,&"( "(e &n4ra)"r!c"!re +r%&#e# b$ $!r c*+an$>
A* =ighly satisfied
!* 3atisfied
-* 1either satisfied nor dissatisfied
D* Dissatisfied
E* =ighly Dissatisfied
@- D $! 4&n# $!r 2ODA)!+er&r) a) be&n' (el+&n' an# )!++r"&%e>
A* =ighly satisfied
!* 3atisfied
-* 1either satisfied nor dissatisfied
D* Dissatisfied
E* =ighly Dissatisfied
B- D $! 'e" )!44&c&en" ++r"!n&"&e) " &*+r%e $!r )7&ll)V
A* =ighly satisfied
!* 3atisfied
-* 1either satisfied nor dissatisfied
D* Dissatisfied
E* =ighly Dissatisfied
C- D $! 'e" re'!lar Fee#bac7 4r* $!r )!+er%&)r re'ar#&n' $!r +er4r*ance>
A* =ighly satisfied
!* 3atisfied
-* 1either satisfied nor dissatisfied
D* Dissatisfied
E* =ighly Dissatisfied
D- 9(e"(er $!r r'an&<a"&n "a7e) $!r )!''e)"&n )er&!)l$>
A* %reEuently
!* 4arely
-* 6ccasionally
E- De) "(e *&))&n an# %&)&n 4 "(e r'an&<a"&n rela"e# " $!r &n#&%&#!al
*&))&n an# 'al>
A* Always
!* 'ostly
-* 3ometimes
D* 4arely
E* 1ot at all
F- De) $!r *ana'er +r*"e &nn%a"&n a" 1bV
A* =ighly satisfied
!* 3atisfied
-* 1either satisfied nor dissatisfied
D* Dissatisfied
E* =ighly Dissatisfied
G- D $! a'ree "(e re'!lar 4a*&l$ +r'ra**er) )(!l# be r'an&<e#>
A* =ighly agree
!* Agree
-* 1either agree nor disagree
D* Disagree
E* =ighly Disagree
=H- D $! 4a"&'!e ,(&le +er4r*&n' $!r 1b>
A* 5es
!* 1o
==- 2a%e $! e%er !n#er"a7en an$ "ra&n&n' *#!le>
A* 5es
!* 1o
=?- Ra"e "(e )a"&)4ac"&n le%el ",ar#) "ra&ner) 4 $!r r'an&<a"&n>
A* =ighly satisfied
!* 3atisfied
-* 1eutral
D* Dissatisfied
E* =ighly Dissatisfied
=@- Are $! )a"&)4&e# ,&"( "(e le%el 4 "r!)" "(e *ana'er )(,) ",ar#) "(e "ea*>
A* =ighly satisfied
!* 3atisfied
-* 1eutral
D* Dissatisfied
E* =ighly Dissatisfied
=B- Are $! )a"&)4&e# ,&"( "(e re)!rce) +r%&#e# b$ $!r *ana'er " c*+le"e
$!r ,r7 e44&c&en"l$V
A* =ighly satisfied
!* 3atisfied
-* 1eutral
D* Dissatisfied
E* =ighly dissatisfied
=C- In ""al&"$ are $! )a"&)4&e# ,&"( $!r 1b>
A* =ighly satisfied
!* 3atisfied
-* 1eutral
D* Dissatisfied
E* =ighly dissatisfied

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