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WARMAN Prelim Submission Requirements


In total, this assessment is worth 10% of your marks for this subject. READ CAREFULLY.
Where you see XX below please substitute your team number, i.e. 07, 12 or 30 etc
To submit your work, each team should start a NEW TOPIC in their forum called SWAR Group ## Prelim
Submission. In this topic, please ONLY post the following files (Items 1 - 4)
1. A completed OFFERS Analysis for the Warman Competition (2%)
Please paste your entire teams completed OFFERS analysis into its own post in this thread. It needs to be
viewable from the thread, not as a separate document which we need to open up. You should present your
Functions for both devices as a flowchart. The best way to do this might be to make the flowchart in powerpoint
and then take a screen clipping and embed this image in the post. Please ensure you include adequate detail on
all the topics including a table of Requirements and Specifications. Weightings and a formal Decision Making
process is not required for this submission, but will feature in the Final Warman Report.
2. A unique, hand drawn Isometric sketch on an A4 or A3 sheet, of one potential solution (2%)
Each student in the team should produce their own hand drawn isometric sketch, on an A4 or A3 sheet, of one
potential solution for their device (A or B). We recommend you use Iso grid paper (available from Officeworks) but
it is not compulsory. CLEARLY write each students name and number on each of these sketches. Scan or very
clearly photograph each sketch and insert these as HIGH RES (1280x720 recommended, but no bigger than
1920x1080) pictures into your Moodle log. These must show up as embedded IMAGES in the logs. We do not
want to have to download or open PDF or DOCX files to see these. Poor quality, badly lit or fuzzy pics will attract
poor marks. These will be marked individually (2%).
3. A Zip file containing a folder named SWAR Group XX Warman CAD Assembly, plus the
requested rendering images (3%)
In this folder should be your final assembly file and all the parts required for this assembly. Use the pack-and-go
feature in Solidworks. Your main assembly file should have 00 at the start of the name so it lists at the top and
we get the right one. Please double check that this file unzips properly and your assembly still works and has all
the part references maintained. Consider using colours or textures to differentiate parts and make it look realistic.
The zip file should have the same name as the folder. You should include your teams accurate model of both
sections of the track and also your container. We would like to see 2 versions of EACH device shown in this
assembly. Device A should be shown in your chosen starting position within the start zone, with a solid,
transparent, white-coloured 400mm cube placed over it (to demonstrate it is within the allowable starting
package space). The second version of Device A should be shown in the transfer zone, in the act of transferring
the container to Device B, however you plan to do that (if that is your aim). This is intended to demonstrate your
intent and highlight to you and us any potential problems or oversights. Device B should also be shown in the
Finish zone, again with a solid, transparent, white-coloured 400mm cube placed over it, or part of it.
Each version of each device is best done as a unique sub-assembly, and then assembled into the master assembly
(with the track). The final built device can and probably will differ from this design, there is no requirement to
build exactly what you have drawn. Given your experience level, we would recommend you build and test early
WARMAN Prelim Submission Requirements

and then CAD the prototypes that result. Historically speaking they are much different from your first guess.
Finally using Solidworks Export or PhotoView360 rendering (an add-in in SW) generate the following views:
3 separate orthogonal views (of EACH device separately, A and B, that makes up 6 views)
2 (roughly) isometric views of device A, one at the start and one at the transfer zone
2 (roughly) isometric views of device B, one at the transfer zone and one at the finish zone
3 orthogonal views and 3 isometric views (from different angles or sequence) of BOTH devices
interacting in the transfer zone (that makes 6 more views)
Post all 16 of these pictures into this Moodle thread at decent resolution, as embedded pictures, so that they load
and fit within the thread. The orthogonal views dont need to be aligned on the one page like in a 3
projection. Then, please add any additional detail, zoomed in views you think are necessary to show important
features of your design. Please try for the order requested for consistency. We will mark based mainly on the
renders (quicker) and only inspect the actual CAD model if we have to due to missed views or ambiguous design
(slow and annoying). So ensure the renders give us as much information as possible. Try to impress us. Use this as
a great opportunity to rigorously assess the viability of your design. The more you have built and tested the easier
this process will be. This is exactly what we do in the real world. The best examples from last year will be posted
to Moodle for you to review. Team marks for this component (3%).
4. Quality of your Teams Moodle Logs (3%)
Your preliminary logs will be judged based on the quality AND quantity of your teams work, organisation,
communication, documentation, management and decision making. If we cant see evidence of it here it doesnt
exist. We will pay attention to the spread of dates of the posts. We reserve the right to apply individual marking
of the Logs if needed, if people are not contributions their share. Logs and documentation is everyones
responsibility, do not delegate it to just a few people on the team. You may use other form of communication if
you wish but we these wont be considered unless you do a screen capture or repost it into Moodle if you want
them seen and marks awarded.
We are HIGHLY impressed by:
Teams that start early and work steadily
Good negotiation and sharing of the work load
Even contributions from all members
Regular and well documented team meetings
Team members who consistently deliver on their set ACTION ITEMS
Team members who demonstrate good leadership
Teams that are happy and get on well together
Team that review previous Warman competition videos, devices etc and steal the best ideas
Internet research and links to resources, videos etc
File sharing and archiving (excel, docs, CAD parts and assemblies, ardiuno sketches (as attachments not as
text in posts) etc)
Photos, videos and discussion of your prototype building and testing, specially the failures!
Analysis and reflection on these failures, and ideas to improve
Conservative attitudes, and a focus on reliability and building capability and performance gradually
WARMAN Prelim Submission Requirements

Physical measurements, record keeping, data logging etc
Benchmarking of other teams, and the rapid adoption of any of their ideas that your find to be better than
your own. There are no prizes for coming up with it first.
A clear consensus on team performance expectations, aims, target cost expenditure etc.
Documentation (with scanned receipts pics) of all expenditures, and running tally of moneys
If you collaborate a lot in FB please copy and paste these threads into Moodle for assessment.
We are NOT impressed by:
Team members consistently late or absent from meetings
Team members who do not post anything to Moodle. Logging is everyones responsibility.
Teams that allow members not to work or contribute without escalating it to Scotts attention
Bullying or exclusion of any team members
Any potentially offensive behaviour or posts made to the logs
One man bands. Do not try and do it all on your own. The team work experience is more important.
Unless you are an artist or a musician you cant often succeed like this in the real world.
Dictatorships. Teams at this level should be a democracy, so put things to a vote. People who buy first and
inform their team later, with a view to share the cost. Shared expenses should be agreed to and approved
and recorded in minutes before they are incurred.
People who dont contribute financially. Try and balance expenditure constantly, dont run up big IOUs.
Teams who have big problems that we dont hear about until comp. You will get little sympathy from us
on the day. Escalate any serious problems to us early and we will help resolve them. Do not martyr

Feedback and Marks
You will receive feedback and marks from your lecturer on this submission via your Moodle Logs. We will post the
marks and also provide audio files with our verbal review of your work. This is much more efficient for us than
typing. Please ensure that everyone on the team listens to this feedback as it will be helpful in achieving the best
outcome in the competition.

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