Grammar Program

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Learnlng Area: Lngllsh ?

ear 1
1oplc: Crammar
Currlculum Llnks:
ldenLlfy Lhe parLs of a slmple senLence LhaL represenL 'WhaL's happenlng?', 'WhaL sLaLe ls belng descrlbed?', 'Who or whaL ls lnvolved?' and Lhe surroundlng
clrcumsLances (ACLLA1431)
Lxplore dlfferences ln words LhaL represenL people, places and Lhlngs (nouns, lncludlng pronouns), happenlngs and sLaLes (verbs), quallLles (ad[ecLlves) and deLalls such
as when, where and how (adverbs) (ACLLA1432)

rlor knowledge: SLudenLs have had a lesson on ad[ecLlves and a shorL lnLroducLlon Lo nouns and verbs. Lach lesson wlll Leach a new grammar concepL and Lhe flnal
lesson wlll lnvolve an assessmenL of all concepLs

AssessmenL: Cngolng checkllsL and quesLlonlng (especlally for lower ablllLy sLudenLs) each week uslng Lrlangle meLhod (l)
8ubrlc on flnal assessmenL ln week 6 (S)
Week/ConcepL Speclflc Learnlng
Learnlng Lxperlences 8esources AssessmenL
1 - revlse
SLudenLs wlll
be able Lo:
Lxplaln why
we use
WrlLe a shorL
lnLro (3-7 mlns) SLudenLs slLLlng on maL wlLh Lhelr whlLeboards. leely 8ox - have an ob[ecL ln a
box and choose sLudenLs Lo come up and puL Lhelr hand ln Lhe box and use one word Lo
descrlbe whaL Lhe ob[ecL feels llke wlLhouL saylng whaL lL ls. WrlLe Lhese words on Lhe board.
!"#$ &'() *+ ,*-). #-/ $"/0 1.'(2 $* )/.3-'4/ $"/ *45/3$6 uL Lhe caLs and maLs on Lhe board.
Say Lo sLudenLs 7+ 7 ,#($/) $* $/88 0*1 ,"#$ 3#$ 7 ,#($/)9 "*, ,*18) 7 )* '$6 Choose sLudenLs
Lo Lell you whlch caL and anoLher sLudenL Lo move Lhe caLs. !"0 )* ,/ 1./ #)5/3$':/.6 rompL
for answers such as 'Lo descrlbe' or 'Lo glve more deLall'.

8ody (10 mlns) uL up Lhe ad[ecLlve charL and hold up an apple. Co Lhrough Lhe charL, wlLh
Lhe help of sLudenLs, Lo do 'looks llke, feels llke, smells llke, LasLes llke, sounds llke' and repeaL
for anoLher lLem. Clve sLudenLs a worksheeL (explaln LhaL lL's Lhe same as Lhe charL on Lhe
board) and geL Lhem Lo move back Lo Lhelr desks Lo compleLe. As sLudenLs work, walk around
Lhe classroom and quesLlon Lhem.

Concluslon (3 mlns) CollecL worksheeLs and ask sLudenLs Lo explaln whaL Lhey've wrlLLen.

leely 8ox
lLem ln feely box
(nolsy blrd)

LamlnaLed caLs


MonsLer uppeL


Ad[ecLlve charL,

WorksheeL 1
CheckllsL -
can ldenLlfy
why we use

Can choose
2 - nouns SLudenLs wlll
be able Lo:
lnLro (3-7 mlns) 8ook - read 'A Mlnk, a llnk, a SkaLlng 8lnk'. AL Lhe end, ask sLudenLs !"#$ '. #
(*1(6 !"#$ &'(). *+ ,*-). #-/ (*1(.6 (prompL for people, place or Lhlng). !"#$ '. # ;-*(*1(6
'A Mlnk, a llnk, a
SkaLlng 8lnk'
CheckllsL -
can explaln
Polly Rushen 15/9/2014 6:56 PM
!"##$%& ()*+ ln consulLaLlon wlLh Lhe
AusLrallan Currlculum
Polly Rushen 15/9/2014 6:56 PM
!"##$%& (,*+ Cngolng assessmenL
LhroughouL Lhe learnlng sequence
Polly Rushen 15/9/2014 6:57 PM
!"##$%& (-*+ use of plcLure books Lo keep
sLudenLs engaged and geL Lhem Lo 'Lune ln'.
Classlfy nouns
ln Lo 'people,
place and
whaL Lhe noun
ls ln a
Lxplaln whaL a
pronoun ls
and when lL's
!"0 ,*18) ,/ 1./ ;-*(*1(.6

8ody (10 mlns) uL Lhe noun charL on Lhe board. Cn Lhe board, puL 10 word cards. 8ralnsLorm
- have sLudenLs work LogeLher ln groups Lo work ouL whlch of Lhese words are nouns and
whaL Lype of noun (people, place or Lhlng). uL Lhe words ln Lhe approprlaLe column as Lhey
are guessed correcLly. Ask sLudenLs Lo Lhlnk of anoLher noun Lo add Lo Lhe llsL and wrlLe Lhese
up as sLudenLs say Lhem (explaln LhaL Lhey have Lhe rlghL Lo pass - do '1hlnk, palr, share' lf
sLudenLs do noL have words). (3 mlns)

noun worksheeL - glve sLudenLs a copy of worksheeL. Small group on Lhe floor Lo asslsL Lhose
who can noL read Lhe quesLlons.

Concluslon (2 mlns) SLudenLs back on maL - ask some Lo share Lhelr nouns. CollecL sheeLs.
Advlse LhaL Lhe noun charL wlll sLay on Lhe wall and new nouns can be added.

noun charL

LamlnaLed words
(docLor, Mum,
run, lemon,
home, school,
[ump, preLLy, sad,

noun worksheeL

whaL a noun
ls, ls able Lo
caLegorlse a
noun ln Lo
people, place
or Lhlng, can
explaln when
a pronoun
mlghL be
used and use
Lhe correcL
3 - verbs SLudenLs wlll
be able Lo:
ldenLlfy verbs
use a verb ln a
Lxplaln whaL a
verb does
lnLro (3 mlns) 8ead 'Somewhere ln AusLralla' and ask whaL Lhe anlmals are dolng (emphaslse
'dolng') and wrlLe Lhe acLlon on Lhe board. !"#$ &'() *+ ,*-). #-/ $"/./6 !"#$ )* $"/0
)/.3-'4/6 Lxplaln LhaL all of Lhese words are acLlon (or dolng) words LhaL are called 'verbs'.
!"#$ #-/ 0*1 )*'(2 -'2"$ (*,6 SlLLlng, llsLenlng, fldgeLlng, Lalklng, laughlng, waLchlng (wrlLe
on board).

8ody (10 mlns) verb superheroes - show sLudenLs Lhe superhero posLer and Lhe speech
bubbles. !"#$ #-/ .*</ $"'(2. $"#$ .1;/-"/-*/. )*6 8ralnsLorm ldeas on Lhe board.

Clve each sLudenL a speech bubble Lo wrlLe and draw an acLlon verb on. uo adulL wrlLlng on
Lhe bubbles.

Ask lower ablllLy sLudenLs quesLlons and Lo clarlfy Lhe acLlons/verbs raLher Lhan rely on wrlLLen

Concluslon (2 mlns) Pave sLudenLs Lell Lhe class whaL verb Lhey used.

'Somewhere ln

Superhero posLer.

Speech bubbles

SLudenLs need:
Sclssors, glue,
Can explaln
whaL a verb
correcL verb
on plcLure
4 - adverbs SLudenLs wlll
be able Lo:
adverbs ln a
use adverbs
lnLro (3-7 mlns) WrlLe on Lhe board '!ade danced'. Ask sLudenLs lf Lhls ls an lnLeresLlng
senLence or borlng? (prompL for borlng). =*, 3#( ,/ <#&/ '$ <*-/ '($/-/.$'(26 =*, )') >#)/
)#(3/6 !"/(6 8ralnsLorm and wrlLe on Lhe board under Lhe senLence.

Lxplaln LhaL adverbs Lell us how, when and how ofLen.

charade cards
CheckllsL -
modlfles verb
uslng adverbs
for how,
when, where
and how
Polly Rushen 15/9/2014 6:57 PM
!"##$%& (.*+ vlsual dlsplays Lo presenL
sLudenL work and have a reference polnL for
fuLure lessons
Lo modlfy a
verb ln
dlfferenL ways
8ody (10 mlns) As a class play verb/adverb charades. Pave one sLudenL come up and selecL
one verb and one adverb card and acL lL ouL. SLudenLs Lo guess Lhe verb and adverb. 8epeaL.

8reak Lhe class ln Lo groups of 4 uslng name word cards. Pave each group selecL cards and acL
ouL for Lhelr small group.

Concluslon (2-3 mlns) Ask sLudenLs lf Lhey have come across any oLher adverbs for !ade and
her danclng.

adverb LhaL
makes sense
ln Lhe
3 -
e revlew
lnLro (3 mlns) Ask sLudenLs whaL an ad[ecLlve and adverb ls. Ask for a few examples. Cpen A8C
Splash 'uown wlLh 8orlng SenLences' eLs and have a sLudenL come up Lo unscramble Lhe
senLence. 7. $"'. #( '($/-/.$'(2 *- 4*-'(2 ./($/(3/6 7+ ,/ 1./) $"'. ./($/(3/ '( *1- .$*-0 ,-'$'(29
,*18) $"/ ;/-.*( -/#)'(2 $"/ .$*-0 2/$ $"/ -'2"$ ;'3$1-/ '( $"/'- "/#)6

8ody (10 mlns) Work Lhrough Lhe lW8 acLlvlLy and have sLudenLs come up and choose words.
When compleLed, open up Lhe '8each' verslon and repeaL. Pave sLudenLs glve suggesLlons as
Lo oLher words LhaL could be used.

Concluslon (3 mlns) Ask sLudenLs lf Lhey Lhlnk Lhey can make Lhelr senLences a blL more
lnLeresLlng. WrlLe Lhe words used on lndex cards Lo add Lo word wall.
A8C Splash on

lndex cards
6 - 8evlse all/
lnLro (3 mlns) 8ead 'nouns and verbs Pave a lleld uay' and prompL sLudenLs Lo say whlch are
verbs and whlch are nouns.

8ody (10 mlns) Class word sorL. Pold up word cards and ask each sLudenL aL a Llme Lo sorL ln Lo
verb and/or noun. SLlck Lhese on Lhe board ln Lhe column as advlsed by Lhe sLudenL (even lf
noL correcL). Ask sLudenLs aL Lhe end lf any need Lo be moved.

Clve each sLudenL a word sorL. SLudenLs can elLher wrlLe Lhe words ln Lhe correcL columns or
Lhey can cuL and pasLe. 1eacher Lo work wlLh !C1, !P, !!S, LM, Ll, LC, 1 and LZ Lo asslsL ln
readlng Lhe words.
noun/verb sorL

nouns and verbs
have a lleld uay

noun/verb sorL

SLudenLs need
pencll, sclssors,
Lhe words

Polly Rushen 15/9/2014 6:58 PM
!"##$%& (/*+ use of lC1 Lo keep sLudenLs
engaged and Lo relaLe conLenL Lo real llfe.

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