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CSE 425 LAB 6 Part 2

Writing a Basic Software Application

Tis la! guides "ou troug te process of writing a !asic software application# Te
software will read $IP switces suc tat te upper 4%!it of switc group is te first nu&!er
and te lower 4%!it of switc group is te second nu&!er# Pus !uttons BT'() BT'2) and
BT'* are arit&etic operators for addition) su!traction) and &ultiplication respecti+el"#
Tese operators si&pl" operate on tese two nu&!ers# ,our application will si&pl" &odif"
$IP switces and sow te result on standard I- and se+en%seg&ent displa"s eac ti&e
one of tese tree !uttons are pressed#
,our tas. is to write a software to run tis procedure a!o+e#
Step *
/ -pen "our pro0ect tat "ou created in part * of tis la! !" selecting 1ile 2 -pen Pro0ect in
and "our #3&p pro0ect file in 4PS#
/ Clic. on Pro0ect 2 E3port 5ardware $esign to S$6### and 7E3port 8 Launc S$69 !utton
wit default settings in te upco&ing dialog !o3# Tis will open 4ilin3 Software
$e+elop&ent 6it#
/ In S$6) select 1ile 2 'ew 2 4ilin3 Board Support Pac.age#
: 'ote; <e&e&!er tat "ou used 7!oard support files9 in pre+ious part# Tis pac.age was
for ardware support of our p"sical s"ste&#
/ Clic. 1inis wit default settings =wit standalone operating s"ste&>#
/ Lea+e te default settings in te Board Support Pac.age Settings window and clic. -6#
Te li!rar" generator will run in te !ac.ground and will create 3para&eters# file in te
#?S$6?S$!sp@A?&icro!laBe@A?include? director"#
/ Anal"Be 73para&eters#9 file#
/ Select Standalone@!sp@A in te pro0ect +iew) rigt%clic.) and select 'ew 2 Pro0ect#
/ Select 4ilin3 C Pro0ect and ten clic. 'e3t#
/ Select E&pt" Application in te Select Pro0ect Te&plate window) and enter a na&e as
te Pro0ect na&e and clic. 'e3t#
/ Select Target an e3isting Board Support Pac.age and clic. 1inis#
Step 2
/ Select "our C pro0ect in te pro0ect +iew) rigt%clic.) and select I&port#
/ E3pand Ceneral categor" and clic. on 1ile S"ste& and clic. 'e3t#
/ Browse to director" in wic 7la!6#c9 is found#
/ Select 7la!6#c9 and clic. 1inis#
/ Tis will co&pile te source file and generate la!6#elf in te
#?S$6?S$"our@pro0ect@na&eE?$e!ug folder#
/ $ownload final !itstrea& wit generated #elf file into te 1PCA#
F Clic. on 4ilin3 Tools 2 Configure GTAC Settings and cange "our configuration
si&ilar to following figure#
F Set up "our circuit and &a.e te connections !etween "our PC and te $igilent
'e3"s 2 !oard#
F Connect H%pin <S%2(2 ca!le to te !oard#
F Start a serial co&&unication !etween "our PC and te !oard !" following sa&e
steps in pre+ious part#
F Clic. on 4ilin3 Tools 2 Progra& 1PCA#
F Ia.e sure tat ardware configuration and software configuration are rigt and
si&ilar te figure !elow#
F Clic. on Progra& !utton#
F -!ser+e te application wile it is running and tr" to anal"Be te code#

Step (
/ -pen te CPI- API docu&entation !" on $ocu&entation lin. of Switces@JBit
periperal under te Periperal $ri+ers section to open te docu&entation in a default
!rowser window#
/ Kiew te +arious C and 5eader files associated wit te CPI- !" selecting 1ile List at te
/ Clic. te eader file 3gpio# and re+iew te list of a+aila!le function calls for te CPI-#
/ Te following steps &ust !e perfor&ed in te software application to ena!le
readingLwriting to te CPI-;
*> InitialiBe te CPI-)
2> Set data direction) and
(> <eadLWrite te data#
/ 1ind and anal"Be te functions wic descri!e initaliBation) setting data direction) and
readingLwriting data fro&Lto CPI- periperal#
/ Tr" to &odif" te code and run again it following sa&e steps#
Step 4
In tis section) "ou will cange te location of e3ecuta!le so tat it resides in 4PS B<AI
/ Select "our pro0ect) rigt%clic.) and select Cenerate Script#
/ Select te Code section to target in to 4PS B<AI#
: 'ote; If "our pro0ect as alread" assigned te code sections to 3ps@!ra&@if@cntlr@A) "ou
can s.ip tis stage#
/ Tr" to anal"Be wat is done ere#
/ Clic. Cenerate and ten ,es to o+erwrite#
/ Tis will update "our script to place code sections to teir new locations#

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