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Present continuous
I am (`m) driving
He/She/It is (`s) working
We/You/They are (`re) doing

I`m uoing something = Im in the miuule of uoing it; Ive staiteu uoing it anu I havent finisheu.
We use piesent continuous:
! Foi tempoiaiy situations:
Im tiying to woik
It isnt iaining anymoie
Be is being selfish
What is going on.
Aie you uiiving.
! When we talk abuot chages happening aiounu now
The population of the Woiu is incieasing veiy fast
Is youi english getting bettei.

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I/We/You/They drive/work/do
He/She/It drives/works/does

Do I/We/You/They drive/work/do?
Does He/She/It drive/work/do?

I/We/You/They dont drive/work/do?
He/She/It doesnt drive/work/do?

We use piesent continuous:
! To talk about things in geneial
Wheie uo you come fiom.
What uo you uo.
! To say that something happen all the time oi iepeateuly
! To say that something is tiue in geneial
! Foi peimanent situations
Nuises look aftei patients in hospitals.
The eaith goes iounu the sun.
Be uiives a bus
The cafe opens at 7:Su in the moining
! To say how often we uo things
I usually go away at weekenus
Bow often uo you go to the uentist.
! When you: piomise, suggest, appologise, auvise, insist, agiee, iefuse.
I iecommenu you the new iestauiant
What uo you suggest I uo.

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Did I/You/He/She/It/We/They enyoy/see/go

I/You/He/She/It/We/They didnt enyoy/see/go

The past of " to be":

I/He/She/It Was/Wasnt
We/You/They Were/Werent

Was I/He/She/It?
Were We/You/They?

Biu you go out last night
I uiun`t uo anything
Be was only SS yeais olu
Be liveu fiom 17S6 to 1791
Ny fathei taught me
Was the weathei goou when you weie on holiuays

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Past continuous
I/He/She/It Was Playing/doing/working
We/You/They Were Playing/doing/working

They weie playing tennis
What weie you uoing at 1u oclock last night.
I was walking home
I waveu to helen, but she wasnt looking

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Present perfect simple
I/We/You/They Have Finished/done/been
He/She/It Has Finished/done/been

We use piesent peifect simple
! When we say that something has happeneu, this is usually new infoimation
Ive cut my fingei
Theie has been an acciuent
Police have aiiesteu two men
Bave you seen it.
! With just, alieauy anu yet
Ive just hau lunch
Bave you just aiiiveu.
Ive alieauy paiu it
Bes alieauy left
Bas it stoppeu iaining yet.
I havent sent it yet
! When we talk about a peiiou of time that continues fiom the past until now
Bave you evei been to China.
Weve nevei hau a cai
I havent eaten anything since bieakfast
Ive uiunk foui coups of coffe touay
Bave you hau a holiuay this yeai.
Bes been in hospital since Nonuay

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Present perfect continuous
I/We/You/They Have Been Doing/waiting/playing
He/She/It Has Been Doing/waiting/playing

We use piesent peifect continuous
! Foi an activity that has iecently stoppeu oi just stoppeu
You aie out of bieath. Bave you been iunnig.
Paul is veiy tiieu. Be has been woiking veiy haiu
Why aie youi clothes so uiity. What have you been uoing.
Ive been talking to }oe about the pioblem anu she agiees whith me
! Especially with how long, foi anu since. The activity is still happening
Bow long have you been leaining English
Tim is still watching Tv. Bes been watching Tv all uay
Chiis hasnt been feeling well iecently
! Foi actions iepeateu ovei a peiiou of time
Shes been playing tennis since she was eight
Eveiy moining they meet in the same cafe. Theyve been going theie foi yeais

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Past perfect simple
I/You/He/She/It/We/They Had Finished/done/been

We use past peifect simple when we want to talk about thingsthat happeneu befoie something that happeneu in
the past
When Saiah aiiiveu at the paity, Paul wasnt theie. Be hau gone home
When we got home last night, we founu that somebouy hau bioken into the flat
The house was uiity. They haunt cleaneu it foi weeks.
We weient hungiy. Weu just hau lunch.

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Past perfect continuous
I/You/He/She/It/We/They Had Been Doing/working/playing

We use past peifect continuous to say that something hau been happening foi a peiiou of time befoie something
else happeneu
I was veiy tiieu when I got home. I hau been woiking haiu all uay.
The sun was shining but the gioung was veiy wet. Itu been iaining.
Weu been playing tennis foi about half an houi when it staiteu to iain heavely.
}ame was out of bieath. Be hau been iunning.

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Piesent continuous with a futuie meaning:
Im not woiking tomoiiow, so we can go out somewheie
Steve is playing football next satuiuay.
Alex is getting maiiieu next week
Piesent simple with a futuie meaning:
Ny tiain leaves at 8:Su
What time uoes the film stait this evening.
Tomoiiow is Weunesuay
What time uo you finish woik tomoiiow.

/+&+"# 1

I am (`m) going to drive/do/work
He/She/It is (`s) going to drive/do/work
We/You/They are (`re) going to drive/do/work

Im going to uo something=I have alieauy to uo it, I intenu to uo it (but peihaps not aiiangeu to uo it)
Aie you going to eat eat anything.
Im just going to make a quick phone call
Youi shoes aie uiity. Yes I know, Im going to clean them.
Be is going to walk into the wall.

/+&+"# 2

I/He/She/It Was going to Play/do/work
We/You/They Were going to Play/do/work

I was going to uo something=I intenueu to uo it, but I uiunt uo it
We weie going to tiavel by tiain, but them we ueciueu to go by cai insteau.
Petei was going to uo the exam, but he changeu his minu.
I was just going to cioss the ioau when somebouy shouteu "Stop!"
I thaught it was going to iain, but it uiunt.


I/You/He/She/It/We/They will/wont Finish/do/be

I/We shall/shant Finish/do/be

We often use will:
! We use will when weve just ueciueu to uo something
0h, Ive left the uooi open. I will go anu shut it.
What woulu you like to uiink. Ill have a oiange juice, please.
I think Ill have something to eat
I uont think Ill go out tonight. Im too tiieu.
I can see you aie busy, so I wont stay long
! When we pieuict a futuie hapening oi situation
Ill piobably be home late tonight.
Bont woiiy about the exam, Im suie youll pass.
Anna looks completely uifeient now. You wont iecognise hei.
When will you get youi exan iesults.
I wonuei What will happen.
! 0ffeiing to uo something:
That bag looks heavy. Ill help you with it.
! Agieeing to uo something:
Can you give Tim this book. Suie Ill give it to him when I see him this afteinoon.
! Piomising to uo something:
Thanks foi lenuing me the money. Ill pay you back on Fiiuay
I wont tell anyone what happeneu. I piomise you.
! Asking somebouy to uo something
Will you please tuin the music uown. Im tiying to concentiate
! To say that somebouy iefuse to uo something
Ive tiieu to give hei auvise, but she wont listen
The cai wont stait

We use shall to ask somebouys opinion
Shall I open the winuow.
Ive got no money. What shall I uo.
Shall we go.
Weie shall we have lunch.
I shall be late this evening
I shant be heie tomoiiow

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Future continuous
I/You/He/She/It/We/They Will Be Doing/working/playing

I will be uoing something= I will be in the miuule of uoing it.
This time next week Ill be on holiuays. Ill be lying on the beach oi swimming in the sea.
You have no chance of getting the job. Youll be wasting youi time if you apply foi it.
Latei in the piogiamme, Ill be talking to the Ninistei of Euucation

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Future perfect
I/You/He/She/It/We/They Will Have Done/worked/been

We use futuie peifect to say that something will alieauy be complete befoie a time in the futuie:
Sally always leaves foi woik at 8:Su in the moining. Shhe wont be at home at 9 oclock. Shell have gone
to woik
Weie late. The film we alieauy have staiteu by the time we get to the cinema.
Next yeai they will have been maiiieu foi 2S yeais.

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