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Week 2

Continue, Less Popular Heroes of The Bible


Day 1
Read Exodus 35:30-31
Answer the Following:
Who is The Man that The Lord had Called Him by name/
Which Tripe is this Man From?
Complete the Following; Verse 31
And he has filled him with the spirit of God,inandin..and all
manner of .

Day 2
Read Exodus 35:30- 34
Answer the Following:
1-what did Bazalel Designing?
2-Complete, Verse 33
in cutting.for setting, incarving..and to work on all manner of artistic
Verse 34, God has put in Bazlel Hear the ability to
1- sing 2-teach 3-Play

God also had put in Aholiab,the son of Ahisamach, the skills ans the craftsman ship
to build the Sanctuary of God with Bazalel . T F

Day 3
Read Exodus 35:35
Write this verse in your Journal
Do you know that God has given you a gift and skills as he did to these two men,
What is your gift that God had given you?
How can you use your Gift to Serve God?

Day 4
Read Exodus 36
With every gifted man and or Child, there must be wisdom and Understanding to
know how to do all Manner of Work for The Service,according to all that the Lord
Has Commanded T F
How Can we gain Wisdom and Understanding?
We should use our gift any way we would like to, it Doesnt have to be as God
Commanded T F

Do You Know That When you are serving with your talent, you are actually Building
Gods Sanctuary, through Bringing Others to His Kingdom

Day 5& 6
Use your Gift/Talent to Serve people around you,
Choose one of the Following Projects to do
1---Draw a picture of Your Favorite Saint
* 2----Write in a big Font and Good Quality Hand Writing , The Following ,

Grade Assignment

Let us sing with The Angels Saying,
Glory be to Godin the Highest, On Earth Peace, and Good will to men
We Praise Thee, We Bless Thee, We Serve Thee, We Worship Thee, We Confess to
Thee, We Proclaim Thy Glory.

Bring Your Project to Sunday School Next week, Your Work will be posted on the
wall of Your Class.

Grade Assignment
Recitation 1
Holy Holy Holy:
Holy Holy Holy, O Lord of sabaoth, Heaven and earth
are full of Thy glory and Thy dignity. Have mercy O
God the Father Almighty. O Holy Trinity have mercy
on us. O Lord God of powers be with us, for we have
no other helper in our tribulations and adversities but
Thee. O God, release, remit, and forgive us our
transgressions which we have committed willingly and
which we have
committed unwillingly, which we have
committed knowingly and which we have committed
unknowingly, the hidden and the manifest. O Lord, remit
them for us, for the sake of Thy Holy Name, which is
called upon us according to Thy mercy, O Lord, and not according to our sins

Bring Your Project to Sunday School Next week, Your Work will be posted on the
wall of Your Class

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