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Basic Electronics Terms and Defnitions

The following is a list of many of the terms one would encounter in the study of
basic electronics. The terms are defned in their electronics context.
Alternating Current (ac) Current from a ower source that changes olarity
Alternator A de!ice that sulies alternating current.
American wire gauge (A"#) A standard for wire si$es% with the smallest being
designated as forty (&') and the largest as four aught (&(').
Ammeter An instrument used for measuring current.
Amacity The current)carrying caacity of conductors in ameres.
Amerage (A) The amount of electric current in ameres.
Amere (A) The unit of measurement for current. *ne amere is that current
whereby one coulomb of charge asses through a oint in one second. +amed for
Andr, Amere.
Amere-hour (Ah) .nit of measurement for cell or battery caacity. *ne Ah
generally means that a current of one am has been /owing for one hour.
Amlifer An electronic circuit that boost the !oltage and(or the current le!el of a
Analog #enerally refers to signals that ha!e many discrete !alues !ersus digital
binary signal that ha!e only two states. Also% refers to the branch of electronics
dealing with such signals and their circuits. The term linear is another term often
used for such circuits and signals.
Analog-to-digital con!erter (A(D) A circuit or de!ise used to con!ert an analog
signal to a digital form.
A+D gate or logic #enerates a logic 0 only if all of its two or more inuts are 0.
Aarent ower The roduct of !oltage times current in a circuit containing
reactances and measured in !olt-ams.
Armature The mo!ing art of a motor or generator.
Autotransformer A ower transformer ha!ing one continuous winding that is
Ballast A de!ice used to ro!ide starting current for certain tyes of lams
Battery A direct-current ower source consisting of two or more cells.
Binary 1n electronics% a number system that has two as its base2 therefore any
osition has only two ossible !alues% ' or 0. A signal that has only two ossible
states at any instance.
Biolar 3unction transistor (B4T) A transistor tye ha!ing two 5+ 3unctions%
confgured as +5+ or 5+5. 6ay be used as an amlifer or switch.
Bit A single binary digit% can be either a ' or 0.
Bridge 7ee "heatstone bridge
Brush A conducti!e bloc8 used to ma8e sliding contact with an armature.
Byte A grou of eight binary bits% commonly used to reresent digital data.
Cable A stranded conductor or grou of indi!idual conductors insulated from each
Caacitance (C) The ability of two conductors searated by an insulator to store
an electrical charge2 measured in farads (9).
Caaciti!e reactance (:C) The oosition that a caacitor o;ers to alternating
current. This oosition% in the form of a counter electromoti!e force (cemf)%is
exressed in ohms.
Caacitor A de!ice designed to ro!ide a secifc amount of caacitance.

Cell A de!ice that transforms one form of energy into electrical energy. An
examle would be a chemical dry cell commonly used in /ashlights (D% C% AA% AAA)
and other electric de!ices. These are often referred to as batteries.
Central rocessing unit (C5.) The art of a comuter that erforms the arithmetic%
logic% and control functions.
Circuit An arrangement or connection of circuit de!ices and comonents to
erform a secifc ob3ecti!e. 1n the simlest form it would re<uire an energy source%
a load to transform the energy into the desired tas8% and conductors to connect the
source to the load. 1n most alications a control de!ice (switch) would be included
and may also include a rotecti!e de!ice. Common examle of a simle circuit
would be a /ashlight.
Circuit brea8er A circuit rotection de!ice that oens the circuit automatically
when an o!erload or short circuit occurs.
Closed circuit A circuit that ro!ides a comlete ath for current.
Coil A wound siral of two or more turns of insulated wire% used to introduce
inductance into a circuit% roduce a magnetic feld from current /ow% or to resond
to a changing magnetic feld by roducing a !oltage or mechanical motion.
Comonent(s 1n electronics% a general term to refer to a art or arts of a circuit
without reference to secifc names.
Commutator A cylindrical arrangement of insulated metal bars connected to the
armature coils of a direct-current electric motor or generator% ro!iding a
unidirectional current from the generator or a re!ersal of current into the coils of the
Conductance (#) The ability of a conductor to allow the /ow of electrons.
6easured in 7iemens (7). The recirocal of resistance.
Conductor A low-resistance material to ro!ide a ath for current. .sed to
interconnect comonents in a circuit.
Con!entional current A direction /ow assignment that has current /owing from
ositi!e to negati!e.
Coulomb Base unit of electrical charge e<ual to =.>? : 0'0@ electrons. +amed
for Charles Coulomb% the 9rench hysicist who ioneered research into magnetism
and electricity. Ae also formulated CoulombBs law which states that the force of
attraction or reulsion between two charged bodies is e<ual to the roduct of the
two charges and is in!ersely roortional to the s<uare of the distance between
them. 9C D0 x D>(d>
Crystal A natural or synthetic crystalline material ha!ing ie$oelectric
roerties. As a transducer% used to con!ert dynamic ressures (!ibrations) to ac
electricity or change ac electricity into !ibrations.
Current (1) The rate of /ow of electrons through a conductor or comonent2
measured in ameres. The symbol (1) stands for intensity of the electron /ow.
Cycle *ne comlete wa!e of alternating !oltage or current.
Dielectric A nonconductor of electricity. An insulator that is caable of
concentrating electric felds.
Di;erence of otential 7ee electromoti!e force and !oltage.
Digital #enerally in electronics% refers to signals% de!ices% or circuits that are
binary% meaning they only ha!e two states (high or low% 0 or '% on or o;). The
branch of electronics dealing with such signals and their circuits.
Digital-to-analog con!erter (D(A) A circuit that con!erts a binary signal to an
e<ui!alent analog form.
Diode A semiconductor de!ice that only allows current to ass through it in one
direction% cathode to anode. Also% a classifcation of semiconductor de!ices ha!ing
only one 3unction. Examles includeE rectifer% $ener% !aractor% and tunnel diodes.
Direct Current (dc) Current from a ower source that continually /ows in the same
direction. An electrical source of constant olarity.
Duty Cycle The ratio of ulse width to eriod% indicates the ercentage of time a
ulse is resent during a cycle.
Electricity The hysical henomena arising from the beha!ior of electrons and
rotons that is caused by the attraction of articles with oosite charges and the
reulsion of articles with the same charge. The hysical science of such
henomena. Also% electric current used or regarded as a source of ower.
Electric energy The energy carried by free electrons from a source to a load.
Also% the otential energy of a stationary charge.
Electric ower (5) The rate at which energy is consumed in a circuit or load.
6easured in watts (").
Electrolyte A chemical solution used in cells and some caacitors to roduce an
electrically conducti!e medium.
Electrolytic caacitor A caacitor whose dielectric is formed through the reaction
of an electrolyte and its electrodes.
Electromagnet A de!ice that roduces a magnetic feld as the result of current
/ow through a coil of wire.
Electromechanical A classifcation of actions or de!ices whereby a mechanical
action is caused by the forces of attraction or reulsion created when current /ow
generates magnetic felds (electromagnetic).
Electromoti!e 9orce (emf) The force or electrical ressure that has the otential
to cause electron /ow in a circuit. Also called !oltage% otential di;erence or
di;erence of otential. 6easured in !olts (F).
Electrostatic feld An electric feld roduced by stationary charges.
9arad (9) The basic unit of measurement for caacitance. *ne farad is that
caacitance that will store one coulomb of charge when the charging force is one
!olt. 7ince the farad is a !ery large unit% caacitance will more commonly be
exressed as microfarad (u9) or icofarad (9) !alues. +amed for 6ichael 9arady%
the British hysicist and chemist who disco!ered electromagnetic induction and
roosed the feld theory later de!eloed by 6axwell and Einstein.
9ield E;ect Transistor (9ET) A transistor tye that uses !oltage to control current
through the de!ice. 7ee 49ET and 6*79ET.
9ilter A circuit designed to ass a secifc fre<uency range while re3ecting all
9lux #enerally refers to a magnetic line of force but may also describe an electric
line of force.
9re<uency The number of cycles er second for a eriodic wa!eform. 6easured
in hert$ (A$).
9use A rotecti!e de!ice designed to interrut current /ow (oen) through a
circuit when current exceeds a rated !alue.
#ate A logic circuit erforming a secifc logic function. 7ee A+D% *G% +A+D% *G
and +*T.
#auss A unit of measurement for magnetic feld.
#enerator A de!ice that con!erts mechanical energy to electrical energy.
#round The common return ath for current in an electrical circuit. 7er!es as a
reference oint for measuring all other otentials in a circuit. #enerally assumed to
be at $ero otential with resect to the earth. *ther than earth references may be
used such as the chassis of an automobile (chassis ground) or some arbitrary oint
in a circuit (circuit ground) li8e the negati!e side of the ower source.
Aeat sin8 A de!ice attached to a comonent to aid in the dissiation of heat.
Aenry (A) The unit of inductance in which an induced electromoti!e force of one
!olt is roduced when the current is !aried at the rate of one amere er second.
+amed for 4oseh Aenry% an American hysicist who erformed extensi!e studies of
electromagnetic henomena.
Aert$ (A$) A unit of fre<uency e<ual to one cycle er second. +amed for Aeinrich
Aert$% a #erman hysicist who was the frst to roduce radio wa!es artifcially.
1medance (H) *osition to current /ow from the combined e;ects of resistance
and reactance measured in ohms (7).
1nductance (I) The roerty of a circuit that ooses a change in current. Also%
the roerty of a circuit to store energy in the form of a magnetic feld and release it
bac8 into the circuit at a later time.
1nducti!e Geactance (:I) The oosition that an inductor o;ers to alternating
current. This oosition% in the form of a counter electromoti!e force (cemf)% is
exressed in ohms.
1nductor An electrical de!ice designed to ro!ide a secifc amount of inductance2
measured in henrys (A).
1nsulation +onconducti!e material used to co!er wires and comonents to
re!ent shoc8 and short circuits.
1nsulator A material that has a high resistance to current /ow.
1ntegrated Circuit (1C) The lacement of numerous comonents and circuits on to
a silicon chi.
1nternal resistance The resistance within a ower source.
1n!erter A logic de!ise (+*T function) whose outut is always oosite the inut.
Also refers to a de!ise that con!erts dc to ac.
4unction 9ield E;ect Transistor (49ET) A transistor tye made by di;using a gate
region into a channel region. Foltage alied to the gate controls current in the
channel by either deleting or enhancing the channel.
4oule The basic unit of electrical% mechanical% and thermal energy. As a unit of
electrical energy it is e<ual to the energy carried by 0 coulomb of charge being
roelled by an electromoti!e force of 0 !olt. +amed for 4ames 4oule% the British
hysicist who established the mechanical theory of heat and disco!ered the frst law
of thermodynamics.
Jilo (8) 6etric refx for units of measurement e<ual to thousands (0''' or 0'K).
As an examleE 0 8ilohert$ (8A$) e<uals 0'''h$.
Jilowatthour (8"h) .nit of energy consumtion e<ual to 0''' watt-hours or the
energy consumed at the rate to one 8ilowatt (8") for a time of one hour. E<ui!alent
to K%=''%''' 3oules. #enerally used to secify a large energy consumtion o!er a
secifc time inter!al. Gesidential energy is usually riced at the number of
8ilowatt-hours used for a month.
Jirchho;% #usta! Gobert The #erman hysicist noted for his research in
sectrum analysis% otics% and electricity. De!eloed fundamental DC circuit laws
dealing with current characteristics in a arallel circuit and !oltage characteristics in
a series circuit. Ais current law states that the current entering a connection has to
e<ual the current lea!ing that connection% and that the sum of the load currents has
to e<ual the source current (or sum of source currents for multile arallel sources)
(1T C 10L1>L------L1+). Ais !oltage law states that around any closed loo of series
connected comonents% the sum of the !oltage dros must e<ual the source !oltage
(or sum of source !oltages for multile series connected sources. (FT C F0LF>L
------ LF+).
Iam A light roducing de!ice consisting of a flament laced in a !acuum.
Iaw of magnetic oles Ii8e oles reel% unli8e oles attract.
Ii<uid crystal dislay (ICD) A dislay tye using changes in re/ecti!ity to
generate !arious characters.
Ien$Ms Iaw Basic law of electromagnetic induction which states that an induced
!oltage will ha!e a olarity that ooses the current change that roduced it.
Iight-emitting diode (IED) A semiconductor diode that emits light as current
/ows from the cathode to the anode across its 5+ 3unction.
Iinear A circuit or comonent where the outut is a straight line (direct
roortion) function of the inut.
Ioad A de!ice or aaratus that uses the energy of a circuit to erform wor8.
6ay also refer to the ower used by a de!ice% machine% or a combination of many.
6agnet An ob3ect which roduces a magnetic feld in the surrounding sace.
6agnetic feld The detectable magnetic /ux issuing from a magnet or
6agnetic oles The two oints of strongest concentration of magnetic /ux around
a magnet or electromagnet. By assignment the /ux lea!es the north ole and
returns to the south ole.
6agnetic saturation The oint where an increase in magnetic force roduces no
further magnetic e;ect in a magnetic material. The material can ha!e no further
increase in /ux. 1ron% nic8el% cobalt% and their alloys are considered to be magnetic
6agnetism The hysical henomena exhibited by magnets and electric current
/ow that is reresented by lines of force.
6ega (6) 5refx for units of measurement e<ual to millions (0%'''%''' or 0'=).
6emory The art of a comuting de!ice where data and instructions are stored.
7ee GA6 and G*6.
6etal oxide feld-e;ect transistor (6*79ET) Also called insulated gate feld e;ect
transistor (1#9ET). A transistor tye that uses an electric feld to control
6icro (u) 5refx for units of measurement e<ual to millionths (0(0%'''%''' or 0'-
6icrorocessor A C5. that is manufactured on a single integrated-circuit (1C)
6illi (m) 5refx for units of measurement e<ual to thousandths (0(0''' or 0'-K).
6odem Abbre!iation for modulator-demodulator. A de!ice that con!erts data
from one form into another% as from one form usable in data rocessing to another
form usable in telehonic transmission.
6ultimeter An instrument that can measure current% !oltage% and resistance on
!arious ranges. 6any multimeters can measure other circuit !alues such as
fre<uency and caacitance. 6ay ha!e digital (D66) or analog dislays (F*6).
+A+D gate or logic 7tands for +*T-A+D. #i!es an in!erted outut of A+D logic.
+egati!e 9or sources% imlies the terminal that has an excess of electrons. Also%
can imly the olarity of a oint in a circuit in resect to some other oint.
+onlinear A circuit or comonent whose outut !ersus inut grah is not a
straight line.
+*G gate or logic 7tands for +*T-*G. #i!es an in!erted outut of *G logic.
+orth-see8ing ole That ole of a magnetic which oints to the earthMs north ole
when free to turn.
+ortonMs theorem A method of reducing a comlex networ8 of bilateral (conducts
e<ually well in both directions) comonents to one current source and one shunt
resistance across the load terminals.
*hm (7) The unit of measurement for resistance. +amed for #eorg 7imon *hm%
the #erman hysicist noted for his contributions to mathematics% acoustics% and the
measurement of electrical resistance. *ne ohm is that resistance that limits the
current to one amere when a otential of one !olt exist across its terminals.
*hmMs law Fery basic circuit law that defnes the relationshis between current%
!oltage% and resistance in a DC circuit. *hmMs law states that current is directly
roortional to !oltage and in!ersely roortional to resistance. (1 C F(G) The other
forms of the formula are F C 1G and G C F(1.
*hmmeter An instrument for measuring resistance.
*erational Amlifer (* Am) A highly stable direct couled amlifer resistant
to oscillation. 6ay be ac8aged in an 1C format.
*G gate or logic #enerates a logic 0 if any one of its two or more inuts are 0.
*scillator A circuit that con!erts dc ower into ac signals with constant fre<uency.
Also% an instrument that generates ac signals whose fre<uency and amlitude can
be !aried. These are also referred to as signal generators.
*scilloscoe An instrument that dislays a lot of !oltage o!er time. *ften
referred to as a scoe.
*!erload A load in excess of the design limit for a circuit.
5arallel circuit A circuit with two or more loads (or sources) connected such that
all ha!e the same !oltage but di;erent currents. Each load can be oerated
indeendent of the others. 5arallel sources should ha!e e<ual !oltage ratings.
5eriod The time in seconds that is re<uired to comlete one cycle of a wa!eform.
5ermeability The ability of a magnetic material to conduct magnetic lines of
5hase A time relationshi between two electrical <uantities.
5olarity 9or electrical charge% the indication of a charge as either ositi!e (L) or
negati!e (-). Foltage at a oint would be indicated as being either ositi!e or
negati!e with resect to some other oint. 9or magnetic oles% the indication as
either north or south.
5ositi!e 9or sources% imlies the terminal that has a defciency of free electrons.
Also% can imly the olarity of a oint in a circuit in resect to some other oint.
5otentiometer A three-terminal resistor with an ad3ustable center connection
generally used to control !oltage2 widely used for !olume control in radio and
tele!ision recei!ers. 1n this sense% also called a 5ot.
5ower The rate at which energy is consumed. 1n electronics it refers to the
consumtion of electrical energy in 3oules o!er time2 measured in watts.
5ower factor(59) The ratio of true ower to the aarent ower in a circuit%
esecially those that are not urely resisti!e. 1t is also e<ual to the cosine of the
hase angle for the circuit.
5ower suly #enerally% a de!ice or circuit used to con!ert alternating current
(ac) of secifc !oltage to one or more direct current (dc) !alues of secifc !oltage
and current ratings. 6ay ha!e !ariable !oltage ability in some instances. 6ay also
refer to a de!ice that con!erts a secifc dc !alue to another dc !alue (dc to dc
5rimary cell A de!ice that uses u its ingredients to con!ert chemical energy to
electrical energy and therefore can not be recharged.
5rimary winding The inut winding to a transformer.
5rinted circuit (5C) board A fberglass board with coer foil as the conductors to
interconnect the attached electrical comonents.
Gandom-access memory (GA6) A read(write memory that allows date storage
("rite) and data retrie!al (Gead) to any location in any order. Considered to be
temorary (!olatile) in that the contents are lost if ower is turned o;.
Geactance *osition to current o;ered by caacitors and inductors in the form of
a counter-electromoti!e force (cemf)% but exressed in ohms. Geactance does not
consume ower but gi!es the aearance that it does.
Gead only memory (G*6) A classifcation of non-!olatile memory that has its
contents built in at time of manufacturer and which cannot be changed and cannot
be lost if ower is turned o;. Fariations include 5rogrammable (5G*6) and
Erasable 5rogrammable (E5G*6) which has ro!isions for user rogramming.
Gectifer A solid state de!ice that con!erts alternating current to ulsed direct
Gelay An electromechanical de!ice that uses electromagnetism to mechanically
switch electrical circuits. The outut contacts are designed to be either normally
oen (+*) or normally closed (+C). 7ome relays ro!ide both arrangements and
multile switches.
Gesistance (G) The oosition to current /ow in a circuit2 measured in ohms.
Gesistor An electrical comonent designed to ro!ide a secifc resistance.
A!ailable in many formats such as fxed% taed% and !ariable. 7ee otentiometer
and rheostat.
Gesonance A circuit condition when the inducti!e reactance (:I) e<uals the
caaciti!e reactance (:C). A resonant circuit is one that has been tuned to that
condition and resonant fre<uency is that fre<uency that resonance occurs in a
circuit and ro!ides a maximum outut for one of its circuit !ariables.
Gheostat A two-terminal resistor with an ad3ustable center connection and one
end connection generally used to control current.
Gile The small amount of ac !oltage that still remains in the outut of a dc
ower suly.
G67 Goot mean s<uare The !alue of an ac sine wa!e that indicates its e<ui!alent
dc !alue for roducing heat. Also called the e;ecti!e !alue% it is e<ual to N'.NO of
the maximum !alue (ea8 !alue) for the wa!eform.
7chematic or schematic diagram A drawing diicting how the comonents are
connected using standari$ed symbols.
7econdary cell A de!ice whose ingredients con!ert chemical energy to electrical
energy but can be recharged.
7econdary winding The outut winding of a transformer or one of se!eral outut
7eries circuit A circuit arrangement of two or more loads (or sources) connected
end-to-end only allowing for one current ath. Therefore% all comonents ha!e the
same current but can ha!e di;erent !oltage. An oen at any oint or in any
comonent interruts current /ow for all.
7emiconductor Any of !arious solid crystalline substances% such as germanium or
silicon% ha!ing electrical conducti!ity greater than insulators but less than good
conductors. 1n electronics these are generally doed to from either + tye or 5
tye material. These materials are the foundational material for diodes and
7hort circuit An undesirable low resistance ath between two oints in a circuit.
7iemen (7) The unit of measurement for conductance. +amed for Ernst "erner
!on 7iemens% a #erman engineer who made notable imro!ements to telegrahic
and electrical aaratus.
7ilicon-controlled rectifer (7CG) 7ee thyristor
7ine wa!e A wa!eform whose instantanous amlitude is a function of the sine of
the angle of rotation for that instant. The outut wa!eform roduced by rotating a
loo in a magnetic feld% and the outut of an oscillator generating a ure fre<uency.
7olar cell A de!ice that con!erts light energy to electrical energy. Also called a
hoto!oltaic cell.
7older Any of !arious fusible alloys% usually tin and lead% used to 3oin metallic
arts. 1n electronics used to connect comonents to 5C boards or to aid the
conducti!ity and mechanical 3unctions of connections and slices.
7olenoid Electromechanical de!ice that use electromagnetism to roduce a
mechanical oeration.
7olid-state The term that describes comonents or circuits that use
semiconductors technology.
7ource #eneral term to describe de!ices that ro!ides electrical energy at their
outut terminals to oerate a circuit. ExamlesE battery% solar cell% generator and
alternator% or ower suly.
7tatic electricity A stationary electrical charge on an ob3ect.
7tator The electromagnetic art of a motor or generator that does not rotate.
7teer motor A motor tye dri!en with digital codes that mo!es in discrete
angular increments with each code change.
7uerosition theorem A method for analy$ing a comlex networ8 of bilateral
(conducts e<ually well in both directions) comonents ha!ing multile sources.
7urge A !ery raid increase of current or !oltage.
7witch A de!ice used to oen (turn o;) and close (turn on) electrical circuits that
can be designed to oerated by numerous actions such as toggle% slide% and
ushbutton actions. 7tandard confgurations include 757T% 75DT% D57T% and D5DT.
Terminal A connection oint for electrical comonents or conductors.
Thermistor A resistor made of semiconductor material ha!ing resistance that
!aries raidly and redictably with temerature. .sed as a temerature sensor% the
resistance !aries in!ersely with temerature.
Thermocoule A thermoelectric de!ice used to measure temeratures accurately%
consist of two dissimilar metals 3oined so that a otential di;erence is generated
that is reresentati!e of the temerature of the 3unction.
The!eninMs theorem A method of reducing a comlex networ8 of bilateral
(conducts e<ually well in both directions) comonents to one !oltage source and
one resistor in series with the load terminals.
Thyristor A broad classifcation of semiconductor de!ices used as electronic
switches. Examles include diacs% 7CGs% and triacs.
Tolerance .sed to describe the allowable !ariance in a measurement or a
comonents !alue.
Transducer A de!ice used to con!ert inut energy of one form into outut energy
of another.
Transformer A de!ice used to transfer electric energy from one circuit to another%
esecially a air of multily wound% inducti!ely couled wire coils that e;ect such a
transfer with a change in !oltage% current% hase% or other electric characteristic.
#enerally used to con!ert one !oltage-current relationshi to another. 7te-u
transformer% increase the !oltage while decreasing the current% and ste-down
transformer decrease the !oltage while increasing the current.
Transistor A small electronic semiconductor de!ice ha!ing at least three electrical
contacts% used in a circuit as an amlifer or a switch. 7eeE B4T% 49ET% 6*79ET.
True ower The actual ower consumed by a circuit2 measured in watts.
Folt (F) The unit by which an electromoti!e force or !oltage is measured. +amed
for Alessandro Folta% the 1talian hysicist who in!ented the frst electric battery
Foltage (F) 7ame as emf. The force or electrical ressure that has the otential
to cause electron /ow in a circuit.
Foltage di!ider A series circuit that di!ides !oltage.
Foltage dro The di;erence in otential between two oints caused by current
/ow through a comonent.
Foltmeter An instrument used to measure !oltage.
"att (") The unit of measurement for ower. *ne watt e<uals to the wor8 done
when one 3oule is used er second. +amed for 4ames "att the British engineer and
"att-hour ("h) .nit of energy consumed at the rate of one watt (") for a time of
one hour. E<ui!alent to K%='' 3oules.
"heatstone Bridge An instrument or a circuit consisting of four resistors or their
e<ui!alent in a series-arallel arrangement% used to determine the !alue of an
un8nown resistance when the other three resistances are 8nown.
"iring diagram A grahic reresentation of how circuit comonents are
Hener Diode A semiconductor de!ice designed to oerate at a fxed !oltage as a
!oltage regulator.
Electronics is the branch of science that deals with the study of /ow and control of
electrons (electricity)Electronics Dictionary and the study of their beha!ior and
e;ects in !acuums% gases% and semiconductors% and with de!ices using such
electrons. This control of electrons is accomlished by de!ices that resist% carry%
select% steer% switch% store% maniulate% and exloit the electron.
Aere are the 6ost Commonly Terms and defnitions used in Electronics and
Electronics EngineeringE
A (am)- Amere
AC(DC-Alternating current or direct current
ADC -Analog-to-digital con!erter
A9T -Automatic fne tuning
A9C -Automatic /ow controller% used in controlling the /ow of gasses under ressure
into a !acuum system
A#C-Automatic gain control
A6(96 -Amlitude modulation or 9re<uency modulation
A66 -Analog 6ultimeter
antilog - Antilogarithm
A -5ower gain
Ac-Automatic hase control
A! -Foltage gain
AFC -Automatic !olume control
A"# -American wire gauge
AC- Alternating current
A(D-Analog to digital
A9-Audio fre<uency
A9C -Automatic fre<uency control
Ah -Amere hour
A6-Amlitude modulation
Ai -Current gain
c -Centi (0'->)

C -Caacitance or caacitor
CAD -Comuter aided design
CA6 -Comuter aided manufacture
CATF -Cable TF
CB -Common base confguration
CB- Citi$enBs band
CC -Common collector
CE-Common emitter
cm )Centimeter
cmil -Circular mil
C5.- Central rocessing unit
C (D)-Coulomb
CG cr -4unction diode
CG*- Cathode ray *scilloscoe
CGT -Cathode ray tube
CT -Total caacitance
cw -Continuous transmission
E DC- or Erms Di;erence in otential

e -1nstantaneous di;erence in otential
EC#- Electrocardiogram
ECI -Emitter couled logic
EA9- Extremely high fre<uency
EAF- Extra high !oltage
EI9- Extremely low fre<uency
E69-Electromoti!e force
E61-Electromagnetic interference
E"- Electronic warfare
#- #ra!itational force
# -Conductance
#- #iga (0'P )
49ET-4unction feld e;edt transistor
I- Coil% inductance
IC- 1nductance-caacitance
ICD- Ii<uid crystal dislay
I-C-G -1nductance-caacitance-resistance
IDG- Iight-deendent resistor
IED- Iight emitting diode
I9- Iow fre<uency
I6- 6utual inductance
I+A- Iow noise amlifer
I* -Iocal oscillator
I71- Iarge scale integration
IT -Total inductance
+ -+umber of turns in an inductor
+-Ge!olutions er minute
n-+ano (0'-P)
+- +egati!e
+A- +anoamere
+C- +ormally closed
+C+o- connection
+E#% neg )+egati!e
nA -+anohenry
nm- +anometer
+*-+ormally oen
+5+- +egati!e-ositi!e-negati!e
+s- +anosecond
+"- +anowatt
*5 A65- *erational amlifer
G- Gesistance
GA6- Gandom access memory
GC- Gesistance-caacitance% also Gadio controlled
Gect- Gectifer
Gef- Geference
Gf- Gadio fre<uencies
G9-Gadio fre<uencies
G91-Gadio fre<uency interference
GI-Ioad resistor
GIC- Gesistance-caacitance-inductance
G67% rms- Goot mean s<uare
G*6-Gead only memory
Gm- Ge!olutions er minute
T- Tera (0'0>)
T -Tor<ue
T -Transformer
t- Time in seconds
TC- Time constant% also temerature coeQcient
TE-Trans!erse electric
T6-Trans!erse magnetic
TTI-Transistor-transistor logic
T"T-Tra!elling wa!e tube
TF - Tele!ision
" )"att
:C -Caaciti!e reactance
:I -1nducti!e reactance
R -Admittance
H )1medance
Hin -1nut imedance
Ho -*utut imedance
H -5rimary imedance
Hs -7econdary imedance
HT -Total imedance
B -9lux density
BCD -Binary coded decimal
bfo -Beat fre<uency oscillator
B4T -Biolar 3unction transistor
d- Deci (0'-0)
D(A or D-A-Digital to analog
DC-Direct current
D15-Dual in-line ac8age
D66 -Digital 6ultimeter
D5DT -Double ole double throw
DTI-Diode transistor logic
DF6-Digital !oltmeter
) 9re<uency
9ET-9ield e;ect transistor
99-9li 9lo
fl -9ilament
96- 9re<uency modulation
fr -9re<uency at resonance
fs8 -fre<uency-shift 8eying
97D- 9ull scale de/ection
A- Aenry
A- 6agnetic feld intensity
A -6agneti$ing /ux
h- hecto (0'> )
h -Aybrid
A9- Aigh fre<uency
h -Aorseower
A$ -Aert$
1 -Current
i -1nstantaneous current
1B -DC Base current
1C -DC Collector current
1C- 1ntegrated circuit
1e- Total emitter current
1e;- E;ecti!e current
19- 1ntermediate fre<uency
1max -6aximum current
1min -6inimum current
1(*- 1nut(outut
1G- 1nfrared
1G- Gesistor current
17 -7econdary current
1T -Total current
J- CoeQcient of couling
8- Jilo (0'K )
8A$- Jilohert$
8F- Jilo!olt
8FA- Jilo!oltamere
8"- Jilowatt
6-6ega (0'= )
6 -6utual conductance
61 -6utual inductance
m- 6illi (0'-K )
mag- 6agnetron
max )6aximum
69- 6edium fre<uency
6A- 6illihenry
6A$ -6egahert$
min )6inimum
mm- 6illimeter
mmf -6agnetomoti!e force
m"- 6illiwatt
6*7 -6etal oxide semiconductor
6*79ET -6etal oxide semiconductor feld e;ect transistor
65.- 6icrorocessor unit
671- 6edium scale integrated circuit
mF )6illi!olt
5- 5ico (0'-0>)
5- 5ower
- 1nstantaneous ower
5- 5ositi!e% also ea8
5A- 5ublic address or ower amlifer
5A- 5icoamere
5AI- 5rogrammable Array Iogic
5A6% am- 5ulse amlitude modulation
5a-Aarent ower
5a!-A!erage ower
5CB- 5rinted circuit board
5C6% cm-5ulse-code modulation
5D6-5ulse-duration modulation
5ID-5rogrammable Iogic De!ice
5II-5hase loc8ed loo
56- 5hase modulation% also 5ermanent magnet
5*T% ot-5otentiometer
5-5-5ea8 to ea8
556-- 5ulse-osition modulation
5G9-5ulse reetition fre<uency
5GT-5ulse reetition time
5w- 5ulse width
5"6% wm- 5ulse width modulation
D-Charge% also <uality
<-1nstantaneous charge
7CG-7ilicon controlled rectifer
7A9-7uer high fre<uency
715-7ingle in-line ac8age
7+G-7ignal-to-noise ratio
75DT-7ingle ole double throw
s< cm- 7<uare centimeter
77B- 7ingle sideband
7"-7hort wa!e
7"G-7tanding-wa!e ratio
7R+C% sync-7ynchronous
.A9- .ltra high fre<uency
.AF-.ltra high !oltage
.4T-.ni3unction transistor
F- Facuum tube
F% !-Folt
!- 1nstantaneous !oltage
FA- Folt amere
Fa!-Foltage (a!erage !alue)
FBE-DC !oltage base to emitter
Fc-Caaciti!e !oltage
FCE-DC !oltage collector to emitter
FC*-Foltage controlled oscillator
FA9-Fery high fre<uency
F1n -1nut !oltage
FI- 1nducti!e !oltage
FI9- Fery low fre<uency
Fm% Fmax -6aximum !oltage
F*6-Folt ohm milliameter
Fout -*utut !oltage
F -5rimary !oltage
F7-7ource !oltage
F7"G-Foltage standing wa!e ratio
FT-Total !oltag
- 7ee more atE httE((
Alternating current. Consists of a eriodic oscillation between two di;erent !oltages.
.sually said to loo8 li8e a sine wa!e% but is not always.
Amlitude modulation. 1n radio communications% a signal controls the amlitude of a
carrier wa!e that is at a much higher% constant fre<uency. The carrier wa!e is
fltered out and a loudsea8er lays based on the amlitude of the signal.
Amere (A)
The 71 unit for current 1. (Commonly so8en as UamsU% UmilliamsU% etc.) The
amere is oQcially defned as that constant current which% if maintained in two
straight arallel conductors of infnite length% of negligible circular cross-section%
and laced one meter aart in !acuum% would roduce between these conductors a
force e<ual to >V0'-N newton er meter of length. There is another defnition which
is based on the deosition rate of sil!er (in electrolysisW)% which is much easier to
measure. The other electronics units are deri!ed units based on the amere
To increase the strength of the signal. *ften an UamliferU is used to ass a signal
with both an increase or a decrease in gain.
An electron collector. 6eans u the ath from a negati!e to a ositi!e !oltage. An
anode has a more ositi!e !oltage relati!e to a cathode.
Decrease the strength of a signal.
Band-5ass 9ilter
An analog flter that absorbs low and high fre<uencies (f) but allows a band of
fre<uencies in the middle to ass through.
Bi-olar 3unction transistor. A transistor in which the resistance of the channel is
controlled by a current at the gate. Can be thought of as a current-controlled
resistor. 9ET is the other ma3or tye of transistor.
An electronics comonent that stores energy in the form of electric charge (static
electricity). 1t resists a sudden change in !oltage.
An electron emitter. A cathode has a more negati!e !oltage relati!e to some other
Another name for an inductor% secifcally referring to those used in ower
Comlementary metal oxide semiconductor. Comlementary means that it has +-
channel and 5-channel transistors. 6etal oxide is the tye of gate. C6*7 is a tye of
1ntegrated Circuit (1C) that is !oltage based% since it is made of 9ETs. Digital circuits
tend to use !ery little current% because the aths for current /ow are e;ecti!ely
oen or closed circuits excet during the transition between states.
A helix of wire (the same shae as a sring or 7lin8y). 1ts height% width% thic8ness%
and material can all !ary. .sed as an inductor. The loos of wire can o!erla.
Another name for caacitor.
The in!erse of resistance. 6easured in siemens (obsolete name mhos)% which are
the in!erse of ohms. 0 7 C 0(X C 0 A(F C 0 A>("
Coulomb (C)
The 71 unit for electric charge D. Defned in terms of the amere. 0 coulomb is the
amount of electric charge carried by a current of 0 amere /owing for 0 second. 1t is
also about =.>&V0'0@ times the charge on an electron. 0 C C 0 AYs
The drift of electrons in an electric feld. This is ercei!ed as a /ow. 1t is measured in
Cycles er second (cs)
An obsolete name for hert$% the standard 71 unit. As the name imlies% a
measurement of fre<uency in full cycles of a wa!e er second. The unit cs (or
8ilocycles% megacycles% etc.) is more often seen in older documents.
Decibel. .sed to measure logarithmic ratios li8e signal to noise ratio (7+G)% total
harmonic distortion (TAD)% !olume relati!e to a nominal le!el. 7imilar to ercent (O)
in that it has no units. dB 75I is used to measure sound le!els relati!e to >' micro-
ascals (Z5a). dBu is used to measure !oltage relati!e to '.NN? F.
Direct current. A constant !oltage and a constant current /ow in one direction.
A one way !al!e for current. 7emiconductor diodes tyically ha!e a !oltage dro of
'.= F (silicon) or '.>F (germanium) when conducting in the forward direction.
E69 (E)
Electro-6oti!e 9orce. A force for mo!ing electrons. 7ee Foltage.
is a family of frame-based comuter networ8ing technologies for local area
networ8s (IA+). 1t defnes a number of wiring and signaling standards for the
5hysical Iayer of the standard networ8ing model as well as a common addressing
format and a !ariety of 6edium Access Control rocedures at the lower art of the
Data Iin8 Iayer.
9arad (9)
The 71 unit for caacitance (C). A caacitor is one farad if it has a coulomb (0 C) of
charge on it with a !oltage searation of a !olt (0 F). 0 9 C 0 C(F
9ield E;ect Transistor. Can be thought of as an Electric 9ield Transistor. A transistor
in which the !oltage at the gate controls the resistance of the channel. (i.e. a 9ET
has !oltage-controlled resistance.) B4T is the other ma3or tye of transistor.
9re<uency modulation. Changing the fre<uency of a carrier signal to reresent the
amlitude of the original signal.
9orward Biased
The !oltage olarity through a art which causes it to conduct current.
9re<uency (f)
The number of re!olutions (cycles) er unit time. .sually exressed in either radians
er second or cycles er second (A$).
A multilier of !oltage or current.
#round is defned as the oint in the circuit which is at $ero !oltage. Foltage is
relati!e% and is the same throughout a conductor% so any oint in the circuit can be
defned as ground% and all other !oltages are referenced to it. .sually it is defned as
the most negati!e oint in the circuit% for con!enience. 7ometimes it is defned in
the middle of two bi-olar rails% for UbalancedU circuits. 1n many cases this circuit
oint is connected to the Earth (#round) by some buried conductor.
Aenry (A)
The 71 unit for inductance. 0 A C 0 "b(A
Aert$ (A$)
The 71 unit for fre<uency. *ne A$ is one cycle er second. 0 A$ C 0(s
Aigh-5ass 9ilter
An analog flter that absorbs low fre<uencies (f) but allows high fre<uencies to ass.
Aorseower (h)
The amount of force 9 a horse can exert. 1 donBt thin8 it is related to horses
anymore. 0 h C N&= "
1ntegrated circuit. A circuit constructed on one chi of semiconductor% rather than as
discrete comonents.
A more generali$ed form of resistance. The imedance of a de!ice !aries with the
fre<uency of the electricity alied. A erfect resistor will ha!e a constant
imedance for all fre<uencies. Caacitors and inductors ha!e !arying imedances
at di;erent fre<uencies. 6easured in ohms.
An inductor is a de!ice that stores energy in a magnetic feld. 1t ooses a sudden
change in the /ow of current. A solenoid is usually shaed li8e a sring or a 7lin8y.
4oule (4)
The wor8 re<uired to exert a force of a newton (0 +) for a meter (0 m). 0 4 C 0 +Ym
Iight acti!ated silicon controlled rectifer. A light acti!ated 7CG.
Iight deendent resistor. As light intensity increases% its resistance decreases.
Iength (l)
Distance is measured in meters (m).
Iow-5ass 9ilter
An analog flter that absorbs high fre<uencies (f) but allows low fre<uencies to ass.
A secial form of !acuum tube% tyically used as the microwa!e emitter in a
microwa!e o!en% or in Gadar systems.
6eter (m)
The 71 unit for distance. The distance light tra!els in 0(>PP%NP>%&?@ second.
6etal-oxide-semiconductor feld e;ect transistor. An 9ET that uses a thin layer of
oxide (usually silicon) to insulate the gate terminal from the underlying channel
*hm (X)
A measure of resistance or imedance. 0 X C 0 F(A C 0 "(A>
7hort for oerational amlifer. An o-am amlifes the !oltage between its two
A reaction where something loses electrons. #i!en that oxygen will stri electrons
from most elements% this has historically meant a reaction in!ol!ing oxygen. A
cathode (electron emitter) is constantly oxidi$ed as it looses electrons.
5rinted circuit board. This is a iece of lastic or fberglass with coer attached.
The coer is tyically chemically etched away to lea!e UtracesU for the electricity
to be conducted through. *ther electrical comonents are soldered to the traces.
The time between cycles of a eriodic wa!e.
5hase modulation. 7ending information by modifying relati!e hases.
5ulse modulation. 7ending information in binary ulses.
Foltage times current. The amount of wor8 being done by a circuit.
Con!ert AC current to DC current.
A reaction where oxidation and reduction ta8e lace. A cathode (electron emitter) is
oxidi$ed (loses electron). The electron tra!els and is absorbed by an anode (electron
accetor) that is reduced (gains electron).
A reaction where something gains electrons. 1n gaining electrons its charge !alue is
reduced. An anode (electron accetor) is constantly reduced as it gains electrons.
5roerties of a circuit that imede the /ow of electrons. Gesistance con!erts
electrical energy into hotons that are gi!en o; as waste heat. Gesistance is
measured in ohms.
Ge!ersed Biased
The in!erted !oltage olarity on a art.
Goot-6ean 7<uared (G67)
The e;ecti!e DC !alue for an AC !alue.
7ilicon-controlled rectifer.
7econd (s)
The 71 unit for time.
The standard system of units.
7urface mount technology. This is a circuit built on a 5CB with the comonents
soldered directly to ads on the surface% without going through the board. The
comonents and boards are usually much more comact than through-hole boards.
7eed of light
Faries deending on the medium it is tra!eling through. 6aximum seed c of
>PP%NP>%&?@ m(s is only in a erfect !acuum. Iight has been slowed down to less
than 0N m(s ([&' mh) in secial mediums.
7eed of wa!e roagation (!)
7eed that an electromagnetic wa!e tra!els through air% cables% or wires. A tyical
seed for a tyical coax cable is (>(K)Yc.
Temerature based resistor. As temerature increases resistance decreases.
A tye of electronic switch. 1t has two states which are triggered by another !oltage
or current. 7CGs and switching transistors are examles of thyristors.
Tesla (T)
.nit of magnetic /ux density. 0 T C 0 "b(m>
This means the circuit is built on a 5CB with holes drilled in it for the comonent
leads to go through. The leads are soldered on the other side of the board.
Time (t)
The symbol for time in seconds (s).
.sed to raise or lower the AC !oltage between two circuits. This is based on the
ratio of turns between the two couled inductors. Transformers oerate by way of
induction between two inductors.
A three-element !acuum tube.
Transistor-Transistor Iogic
Folt-ameres (FA)
Foltage AC (FAC)
AC Foltage
Foltage-ameres reacti!e (FAG)
Geacti!e !oltage.
A tye of transformer with a mo!able ta to ro!ide a !ariable outut !oltage. Also
Folt (F)
A otential due to an electric feld. *ne !olt is defned as the otential di;erence
across a resistor that is assing one amere and dissiating one watt. 0 F C 0 "(A
(changed to demonstrate subsection headings)
A otential due to an electric feld. *ne !olt is defned as the otential di;erence
across a resistor that is assing one amere and dissiating one watt. 0 F C 0 "(A
Foltage (F)
An electric feld between two charges. 7imilar to gra!ity this acts as an electric
otential. 6easured in !olts.
Common-collector !oltage source (L). This is an alternate label for the ower suly
in electronic diagrams for B4T-based circuits such as common-collector amlifers.
(There is also FEE% FDD% F77 do we want one for eachW) That might wor8 if they
were groued together.
"att (")
A measure of ower (5). A watt is a 3oule (0 4) of wor8 done in a second (0 s). 0 " C
0 4(s
"a!elength (^)
The distance between two ea8s of a wa!e.
"eber ("b)
.nit of magnetic /ux. 0 "b C 0 FYs

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