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Molecula Silver

Reference 2000 ppm. Molecula Silver (angstrom silver) is not the usual
colloidal silver. It has been uniquely pushed into another form of physics.
hysicists claim it performs as a gas or ether. !ll Ionic" colloidal silvers
penetrate some membranes at about # or $%. Molecula Silver penetrates
&00% because it is angstrom si'e and can enter all cells.

(na)ected by years of sun e*posure+ al,ays remains crystal clear. !gain+
physicists say it does not remain in the body as colloidal silver can.
(nder a di)erent name in a di)erent country+ it is being used successfully in
a hospital to -ght superbugs+ malaria+ fungal infections+ tonsilitis+ sinus
problems+ other infections and S./0s. 1e al,ays suggest it along ,ith
Syclovir for supporting a healthy number of yeast in the body rather than an
overgro,th that causes many di)erent symptoms and many di)erent
diseases. See Syclovir.

.ai,anese 2linical Study roves 2olloidal Silver 3y Itself 4ills MRS! 5 !nother
study+ this one conducted in .ai,an+ also demonstrated that silver colloids 6ill
both MRS! and seudomonas aeruginosa+ another deadly and e*tremely
opportunistic superbug. In this study+ a special colloidal silver solution ,as
tested on contact surfaces ,here the deadly pathogens are 6no,n to
coloni'e+ and from ,hich they can spread to humans. .he silver solution
proved to be completely e)ective against both the MRS! and seudomonas
super pathogens.

.he study+ ,hich demonstrated conclusively that silver could be applied to
contact surfaces to stop colonies of MRS! super pathogens from forming+ ,as
titled+ 78ormation of colloidal silver nanoparticles stabili'ed by 9a(:);
poly(gamma;glutamic acid);silver nitrate comple* via chemical reduction
process+< and ,as conducted at the /epartment of .e*tile Science+ 9anya
Institute of .echnology+ 2hung;=i+ .ao;>uan+ .ai,an. It ,as published in the
?ournal 2olloids Surface 3 3iointerfaces in @ctober 200A.

2'ech 2linical Study roves Silver articles 4ill MRS! 5 .his study ,as
conducted at the /epartment of hysical 2hemistry at alac6y (niversity in
the 2'ech Republic. It ,as later published in the prestigious Bournal of
hysical 2hemistry 3 in !ugust 200$. .itled 7Silver colloidal nanoparticlesC
synthesis+ characteri'ation+ and their antibacterial activity+< the study
demonstrated thatD
7Dsilver particles ,ith a narro, si'e distribution ,ith an average si'e of 2#
nm+ ,hich sho,ed high antimicrobial and bactericidal activity against Eram;
positive and Eram;negative bacteria+ including highly multi;resistant strains
such as methicillin;resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRS!).< .he study
further demonstrated that very lo, concentrations of silver could be utili'ed
to destroy MRS!+ as long as the silver particles ,ere very small+ averaging 2#
nm. (32 9oteC Molecula Silver is smaller and much better absorbed.)

.he 332 9e,s recently reported that hospital ,or6ers in 3ritain and !ustria
are hoping that a special dressing impregnated ,ith silver ,ill prove to be the
best ,eapon yet in the -ght against MRS!.
.hatFs because+ for more than a year rofessor Robert Strohal+ associate
professor of dermatology at the 8ederal !cademic Gospital in 8eld6irch+
studied the e)ectiveness of a silver;impregnated dressing+ called !cticoat+
,hich ,or6s by releasing silver ions into MRS! infected ,ounds for up to
seven days+ ridding the patient of the infection. !ccording to another 3ritish
ne,spaper+ .he Sun+ a H2#0+000 machine has been developed to spray a
special aerosol silver mist throughout 3ritish hospitals+ in order to stop the
spread of the deadly MRS! super pathogens. .he ne,spaper revealsC
7I*perts have long 6no,n silver is deadly to the superbug and is highly to*ic
to some other bacteria as ,ell. It is already used in plasters and hospital
dressings. 3ut no, medics from =eicester (niversity have created a
generator that divides pieces of silver into billions of tiny particles. It then
suspends them in liquid glycerol to be put into aerosols. .he particles are
small enough to pass inside bacteria but do not 6ill human cells. .he
H2#0+000 machineFs inventor+ rofessor 2hris 3inns+ said medical trials ,ill
start ,ithin the year. Ge also believes the silver JbulletsF produced by his
machine could be used to -ght GIK.<

See 9ebuli'er L Resp;!ide for the lungs L sinuses. &$o'. plastic bottle. .o
support healthy gums hold in the mouth for a fe, minutes and then s,allo,.
M@=I2(=! SI=KIR &$o'
&M 2olloidal Silver 5 Silver that is electronically processed into a -ne state of
that is suspended in liquid and due to the electronic charge+ holds itFs
individual character and settles very slo,ly. @nly $% or A% of the bodyFs
membranes are penetrated.
2M Ionic Silver 5 Ilectronically processed silver that is bro6en do,n into a free
(or sub;atomic particle) that e*ists in solution. @nly $% or A% of the bodyFs
membranes are penetrated.
NM 7Molecula Silver is a form of ionic)< 5 Silver that has been electronically
pushed into a state ,here it develops a self perpetuating pulse rate that is
eternal in nature and pulses too rapidly for individual recording. @ne
de-nition given by a noted physicist+ Robert 2. 3ec6+ is that this silver ,hen
processed by this method+ looses its identity as a traceable element i.e. is not
identi-ed as a 7particle< and acts more li6e a gas. @ther research
professionals have tested this silver and found the e*act same thing. It is
etheric in nature but carries the signature of the element silver. .he largest
particle si'e of silver to be found is .0$2 nanoFs ,hich is over $0 times
smaller than angstrom in si'e. @nly &.A to # ppm can be found in the product
and yet it has the po,er of 2+000 ppm. &00% of the bodyFs membranes are
(Molecula Silver) has been e*tensively tested on literally tens of thousands of
people ,ith impressive success.
.he Silver roblem
O 2olloidal and Ionic silver are in a N dimensional physical form and ta6e up
space. Iven if so small they did not harmfully build up in the body+ there is a
second problem.
O @ne of the ,orlds leading physicists+ considered to be the father of electro;
medicine today+ Robert 2. 3ec6+ tested these three forms of silver for
penetrability. Ge found that all forms of colloidal and Ionic silver had a #% to
$% e)ectiveness for penetrating certain membranes. 1hen he tested
(Molecula Silver) he ,as astonished to see &00% penetrationP
O !nother ma?or distinction bet,een (Molecula Silver) and all others is that
due to its energetic and etheric nature+ it doesnFt brea6 do,n. /irect sunlight
does not change its composition even after years of e*posure.
Molecula Silver is totally pristine L completely clear even ,hen a laser is shot
through the liquid.
It is the ultimate silver productP
! critical indicator of a silverFs quality is itFs color and color is based on
particle si'e.
.he very best colloidal silver is golden yello,. !s the si'e of the particle
increases+ the color of the suspension proceeds from yello, to bro,n to red
to grey to blac6. .he si'e of the particles increase as they lose their charge
and usefulness. Instead of remaining a single particle they begin to clump
into groups of seven.
>ou shouldnFt have to see Qa6es or large silver particles in it or have to sha6e
it+ refrigerate it+ 6eep it out of the sun or place it into dar6 colored bottles to
protect it or hide its color.
Go,ever the ultimate+ proper+ healthy silver is stable and doesnFt turn yello,
or dar6 over time or have to be protected from light as it remains crystal
clear in glass or plastic ,ith or ,ithout a lid. !nd the sun has no e)ect on its
nature or quality.
@ne -nal noteC !nother possible danger in using some colloidal si'e silver is
that the cells continue to burn energy in an e)ort to dra, the silver particle
into the cell. Iven though the silver may be too large and cannot enter the
cell+ the cell may continue to use all of its vital energy until it e*pires. 2ell

2olloidal Silver 5 Silver that is electronically processed into a -ne state of
subdivision that is suspended in liquid and due to the electronic charge+ holds
itFs individual character and settles very slo,ly.
Ionic Silver 5 Ilectronically processed silver that is bro6en do,n into a free
electron (or sub;atomic particle) that e*ists in solution. Most all companies
that sell Ionic Minerals are selling Inorganic Iconic Minerals. Ionic means only
that the substance stays suspended in a liquid. It does not mean the
substance is good or bad.
....... Most all Ionic minerals are ground up into a po,der and put into ,ater.
7Mini;Minerals< Ionic minerals 5 1orld Gealth Mall+ Inc. also produces Ionic
Minerals in their Mini;Mineral seriesP .hese minerals are uniquely in the form
of ,ater soluble crystals. .hey are gro,n and harvested. .hey are not ground
up roc6s. lease muscle test these minerals against any other minerals on
the mar6et.
Molecula Silver 5 Silver that has been electronically pushed into a state ,here
it develops a self perpetuating pulse rate that is eternal in nature and pulses
too rapidly for individual recording. @ne de-nition given by a noted physicist+
Robert 2. 3ec6+ is that the silver ,hen processed by this method+ looses its
identity as a traceable element i.e. is not identi-ed as a 7particle< and acts
more li6e a gas.

@ther research professionals have tested this silver and found the e*act same
thing. It is etheric in nature but carries the signature of the element silver.
Molecula Silver ,as originally designed+ invented and produced by a physicist
,ho ,as an associate of 3ob 3ec6. .his product can be made at any desired
7total /issolved Solids<+ or any Jparts per millionF of silver desired. .he many
doctors ,ho used it over the past &# years at various ppmFs found it ,or6ed
best ,hen ,e made the silver disappear do,n to a minute si'e and about
&.Appm. .his is far more diRcult+ time consuming and costly to us to do and
yet ,e get the most criticism because competitors choose to say ,e have no
silver and ?ust nitrates.
Molecula Silver has &# years of successes and not one complaint. .he reality
is in the results. 2hina has built a multi;million dollar comple* for us to
produce a form of this silver product there.

M@=I2(=! SI=KIR IS GIEG I9 9I.R!.IS+ 1G>S
Gealth Stream =iterature summary ; Issue &# September &TTT
/ietary nitrate in manC friend or foeS
Mc4night EM+ /uncan 21+ =eifert 2+ Eolden MG. 3r B 9utrit. (&TTT) U&(#)
pNVT ;N#U.
! number of adverse human health e)ects have been attributed to nitrate+
including infantile methemoglobinaemia+ carcinogenesis and possibly
teratogenesis. Eovernment and public concern has led to increasingly strict
regulations over nitrate concentrations in food and ,ater+ ,hich may soon
threaten crop production in some areas of northern Iurope.
Go,ever+ recent studies have suggested that nitrate may in fact have a
bene-cial e)ect on the physiology of the intestinal tract and have a
protective e)ect against food and ,aterborne pathogens. 9itrate may also be
protective against ischaemic heart disease+ and the evidence for supposed
harmful e)ects has not been substantiated by recent epidemiological studies.
(nderstanding the metabolism of dietary nitrate is important ,hen
evaluating its harmful or bene-cial e)ects. Ingested nitrate is absorbed into
the bloodstream from the stomach and small intestine+ then concentrated by
the salivary glands and secreted in saliva at &0 times the plasma
concentration. !bout 2#% of dietary nitrate is recirculated in this ,ay.
Specialised bacteria on the tongue rapidly reduce nitrate to nitrite+ ,hich is
then s,allo,ed and reduced to nitric o*ide and other o*ides of nitrogen by
the stomach acid. .he e*istence of an active recycling system for nitrate
suggests that some overall evolutionary bene-t must be conferred by this
2oncerns over the role of nitrate in drin6ing ,ater in methemoglobinaemia
have been reduced by recent -ndings that the e)ect is associated ,ith the
presence nitrate reducing bacteria ,hich produce nitrite. It also appears that
young infants do not carry the oral bacteria necessary for conversion of
nitrate to nitrite+ although it is not 6no,n at ,hat age the plasmaMsaliva
recirculation of nitrate begins.
2ancer ris6s from nitrate have been postulated on the basis that carginogenic
nitrosamines may be formed in the stomach+ ho,ever epidemiological
studies have given inconsistent results. @n the other hand+ it is ,ell
established that inta6e of high amounts of salads and vegetables (,hich are
rich in nitrates) is associated ,ith an overall reduction in cancer ris6s.
Kegetarian people have lo,er mortality from stomach cancer than omnivores+
but have an average nitrate inta6e three times higher. Recent research has
also sho,n that physiological conditions in the stomach and digestive tract
are unli6ely to permit nitrosamine formation at dietary nitrate levels.
!nimal studies have suggested teratogenic e)ects ,ith high doses of nitrite+
but not nitrate. Guman epidemiological studies have given conQicting results
on correlations bet,een rates of congenital defects and nitrate in drin6ing
,ater+ and there has been one report of a decrease in spontaneous abortion
rate associated ,ith nitrate. 1hile studies in this area are scanty+ they do not
support an association of nitrate ,ith teratogenesis.
ossible mechanisms for favourable e)ects of dietary nitrate are discussed.
2onsumption of a meal high in nitrate produces nitrite ,hich in combination
,ith stomach acid+ has an antimicrobial a)ect on many gastrointestinal
pathogens such as Salmonella. reliminary evidence of the role of nitrates in
cardiovascular protection has been suggested by a small study sho,ing a
reduction in platelet aggregation+ and the authors suggest this may partially
e*plain the bene-ts of high vegetable inta6e. 1hen a high;nitrate diet is
eaten+ nitrate may also have a gastroprotective e)ect by causing enhanced
emptying and rapid recovery of gastric acidity and modulating of
.he authors propose that the salivary recirculation of dietary nitrate may be
an important non;immunological host defence mechanism+ and that nitrate
may also provide substantial bene-ts for intestinal and cardiovascular
function. Recognition of these bene-ts may result in ne, modes of treatment
for illness of the mouth+ stomach+ intestine and cardiovascular system in both
human medicine and animal husbandry.
2omment .he above t,o articles dra, together many strands of evidence
and argue that the labelling of nitrate as a Wharmful contaminantW of drin6ing
,ater is un,arranted. .he evidence presented appears to remove many of
the health concerns previously held about nitrate. In fact+ if Mc4night et al.
are correct in their conclusions+ nitrate may ,ell acquire a place in future as
an important therapeutic agent.

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