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Day 4: How To Speak Automatic English...

Please Forward
From: earn !eal English "in#o$
To: uma "uma&'(')$
*t+s us again ,- .e hope you are #eeling good and are en/oying the ( !ules Email 0ourse.
Here+s rule 4.
1* want to thank 234 #or the excellent work you are doing. * think your lessons are
--Isa Jata, Albania.

Click Here To Watch The Video For Rule !

""Rule !# A $tor%
Hyun6 a student #rom 7orea6 said:
&*+m a 8ery serious student. .hen studying English in 7orea6 * memori9ed :'6'''
English words #or a ;ig test. Fi#ty Thousand5
<y pro;lem was== * couldn+t 4SE them. * could pass an English test. >ut * could not
understand nati8e speakers.
.ith the E##ortless English system6 * learned to instantly understand English. * learned
how to automatically use 8oca;ulary. A#ter ? months6 * could speak easily. * didn+t need
to think.
Thanks so much5&
""R'() !# $lo*, +ee, (earnin- Is .est
Hyun learned a lot o# words in a short time. Her learning was short and shallow. That+s
why she @uickly #orgot the words. That+s why she could not use them.
The secret to speaking easily is to learn e8ery word A phrase DEEP2.
*t+s not enough to know a de#inition. *t+s not enough to remem;er #or a test. 2ou must put
the word deep into your ;rain.
To speak English easily6 you must re,eat each lesson many times.
2ou must learn English deeply.
earn deeply6 speak easily.
earn deeply6 speak easily.

How do you learn deeplyB Easy== /ust repeat all lessons or listening many times. For
eCample6 i# you ha8e an audio ;ook6 listen to the #irst chapter D' times ;e#ore you go to
the second chapter. 2ou could listen to the #irst chapter D times each day6 #or )' days.

1<y English is now /uch i/,ro0ed ;ecause o# you6 and also my understanding o#
nati8e speakers is /uch better than before. So *+d like to say thank you 8ery 8ery
==<ao Sokha
Click Here To Watch The Video For Rule !

""+ee, (earnin- 1f 2ra//ar
.hat a;out grammarB How do you learn it deeply6 without studying grammar rulesB
.e+ll tell you in the neCt email.
Ha8e a great day :-
7ristin Dodds6 Eoe .eiss6 A A.E. Hoge
http:FF www.earn!
earn !eal English 0
PS: 3ona Hassan o# Palestine wrote:
1* downloaded many English lessons and e8ery day * listen to them ) hour a day. *n short
=THE2+!E G!EAT51

PPS: Toda%4s Ho/e*ork#
). isten to the Audio o# this email. earn it deeply.
isten and read it at the same time. Do this )' times.
isten only to the audio o# the email. Do this )' times.
!e8iew new or di##icult phrases. Put them in your phrase note;ook.
0lick Here To Download The Audio 3# This Email

H. This week6 listen onl% to )A$5 )n-lish audio.
isten to the same audio /an% ti/es.
earn it dee,l%.

D. !ead the article6 1How To Speak ike A Iati8e Speaker1 = http:FFearn!ea

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