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Lesson focus:
Which language skill(s) will the students work on (speaking, listening, reading, writing)?
Reading (predicting what a reading is about, reading for detail, Infer meaning)
Reading (predicting what the text is about, reading for general information and detail)
Speaking to compare Ss life and world with that of the writer of the passage.
Which aspects of language will students focus on? e.g. vocabulary (words, phrases, idioms,
etc.), pronunciation (phonemes, intonation, etc.), functions (polite requests, apologizing, etc.),
grammar point(s), etc.
Aderbs of fre!uenc" and degree
hall ! e"plicitly teach an aspect of culture in the lesson? !f so, ! describe it#
#o, but Ss will be comparing their world with that of the writer, who is from $inland, so
cultural differences ma" emerge.
tudents Will $e %ble &o'.
Read and check the accurac" of their prediction about the content of the reading, and
understand the text generall" and in detail, including how often the writer does routine
things and the degree to which statements she makes are true (degree or modif"ing aderbs)
%iscuss and compare their dail" routines and world to the one described in the passage.
Which competencies in the %() am ! working toward or plan for the learners to achieve today?
(&hey should be adapted from the %() to reflect the specifics of your lesson.)
&an read and understand the main points and significant details of
o texts of three or more paragraphs
o on familiar matters, including some more abstract cultural and contemporar" issues
o that ma" contain some complex language, but are generall" straightforward' e.g. enc"clopedia
entries, award nominations, e"e witness accounts.
When and how am ! going to check my students* progress toward the ob+ective(s)?
I can hear and see Ss answering !uestions about the reading passage.
I can hear Ss talking about their ideas of about their lies compared with the writers.
Required materials and/or resources:
S( ).) *g + Act ,, *g - Act ), .orksheet /andout, pencils, pens, paper
Personal Goals:
What aspect of my teaching am ! trying to improve? Which teacher competency is this related
0he teacher chooses topics and tasks that allow learners to deelop skills in learning, communicating
about themseles and their communit", and about their countr" and the world.
0he teacher stages the lessons so that what the learner learns1practises in each step prepares for the
next ones.
0he teacher guides learners to understanding language.
*age ) of 2 S().) Reading 3esson *lan
Time By the end of
the t!"e#
t$dent %i&&
'e !'&e to
(.h" do we want
our students to do
P(o)ed$(e -!te(i!&
of the context
of the reading
*redict what
the reading
passage is
Ss need to share
their knowledge
and experience of
the topic because
this will help them
understand the
text and do the
reading actiities
more effectiel".
Ss need to know
the context of the
reading to help
them understand
the text.
Ss need to deelop
the skill of
predicting the
content of a text
because it will help
them be more
efficient and
effectie readers.
Ss6Ss, Ss60,
0 asks Ss how computers are
used to make new friends
and1or to maintain
friendships. 0 gies Ss a
minute to think, and then in
groups Ss share their ideas.
0 asks Ss to look in their
textbooks at the computer
screenshot of the heading
section of an email ( bottom
of *g. +, Act ,) and to answer
the following !uestions' ))
.ho is the sender4 ,) .ho is
the receier and where might
the person lie4 .h" do "ou
think so4 8) .hats the reason
for the email4 .h" do "ou
think so4 2) In addition to the
message, what does the email
Ss work alone briefl" and then
!uickl" compare their
0 checks answers with whole
class, clarif"ing if necessar"
the meaning of
correspondence and
0 tells Ss the" are going to
read the full email. 0 asks Ss
what the" think will be in the
email. 0 gies Ss time to
think and then writes their
ideas on the board. ($or
example, news about -irsi*s
life, answers to questions
%mel asked, news about
friends they share, etc.)

S( ).)
*g +
Act , 9 8
: min Read the text
and sa"
whether their
prediction was
(ffectie readers
are able to predict
what a reading
passage will be
about and then use
the first reading to
check their
Asking Ss to read
and find out if the"
Re!din" 1 / 0he)1in" thei(
0 asks Ss to read the email on
*g - (Act )) and to see which
of their predictions1guesses
(on the board) were correct.
0 gies Ss time to compare
their answers in pairs1groups.
0 checks correct answer with
the entire class.
S( ).)
*g -
Act )
VAKT = Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Tactile
*age , of 2 S().) Reading 3esson *lan
were correct is a
simple, motiating
task that gies
them an
opportunit" to
practice reading
!uickl" for specific
: min Read the text
and answer
general (gist)
!uestions about
the content
Ss need to
understand the
text in greater
depth graduall".
0he" need to
understand it
generall" first.
0he answers Ss
come up with allow
the 0 to assess Ss
understanding of
the text.
06Ss, Ss6Ss
Re!din" 2 / Dee2en
0 gies Ss the worksheet and
asks Ss to read ;uestion )
(;)). Ss work in pairs to be
sure the" understand the
words. 0 monitors.
0 checks that all Ss
understand the items in the
list asking &&;s
as necessar".
0 asks Ss to re6read the email
and do .orksheet ;uestion ,
(;,) alone. 0 monitors.
Ss compare answers in pairs.
0 checks answers with the
whole class.
S( ).)
*g -
;s ) and ,
Read the text
to find specific
information to
do with
fre!uenc" and
Ss need practice
information in a
text and the
language used to
cone" the
Ss need to
understand what
meaning fre!uenc"
and degree aderbs
add to what is
Ss need to see the
aderbs in context
to help them
understand how
the" add to the
information being
Ss understand more
if the" find
answers for
themseles, rather
than the teacher
eer"thing and1or
telling them. Ss
will learn more
efficientl" and
Ss6Ss, 06Ss
Re!din" 4 / Re!din" fo( 2e)ifi)
info(m!tion !nd &!n"$!"e
0 asks Ss to do .orksheet ;8.
Ss check in pairs, and 0 checks
whole class.
0 asks Ss to look at the blue
box on *g )5 of their books. 0
asks' <.hat information is in
the box4=
0 asks Ss to do .orksheet ;2.
0 checks Ss understand what
the" are to do and checks Ss
understand the meaning the
chart cone"s.
Ss draw fre!uenc" chart on
their worksheet (or in their
cop"books). 0 monitors
0 asks Ss to do ;:. Ss work in
pairs and 0 monitors.
0 writes two pairs of examples
of the board' <Its hot toda".
Its er" hot toda"= and </is
shirt is expensie. /is trousers
are rather expensie.= 0
underlines degree aderbs and
asks Ss what meaning the"
add or how the" change the
meaning of the original
sentence. 0 draws degree
aderb chart on board,
erticall", with degree words
on left of arrow. 0 checks
that Ss understand these
words change the meaning of
the following word a little or
S( ).)
*g )5
Act )
*g ))
Act >

*age 8 of 2 S().) Reading 3esson *lan
effectiel" if the"
are guided to
discoer meaning
and patterns.
a lot. 0he 0 asks Ss to cop"
chart into the ;? space on
their .orksheet or into their
0 asks Ss to do ;> (re6read the
email alone and underline
each use of the degree
aderbs the" find (- uses)).
Ss compare answers.
0 asks Ss to do ;+.
0 checks the answers to the
second part of ;+ with the
whole class. 0 asks Ss to
discuss in pairs1groups how
the words (aderbs) on the
two charts are similar and
different, and what
information the" gie.
0 checks answers with the
entire class, explaining where
%iscuss and
compare their
own life and
world to @irsis,
and to use
words of
fre!uenc" and
degree as the"
do so
Ss need an
opportunit" to
explore and talk
about differences
and similarities
between the world
in the reading and
their own. Ss also
need to an
opportunit" to use
the language of
fre!uenc" and
degree in a
context. 0his will
help them better
understand the
text, the language
and themseles.
Ss6Ss, 06Ss
S2e!1in" (Pot.(e!din")
0 asks Ss indiiduall" to think
about and write notes on how
@irsis world (place and
routine) is the same or
different from theirs. 0
encourages Ss to use
fre!uenc" and degree words.
0 monitors and helps with
word order and pronunciation
as necessar"
Ss compare their answers in
groups and discuss their ideas.
Again, 0 encourages Ss to use
fre!uenc" and degree words.
0 monitors and helps with
word order and pronunciation
as necessar".
.hole class' 0 elicits Ss
answers from the different
groups, helping Ss with word
order and pronunciation of
fre!uenc" and degree words
as necessar".
0 addresses an" final
!uestions or comments that
came up during the
*age 2 of 2 S().) Reading 3esson *lan

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