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Stop wasting your time traveling

down the road to failure!

Don't Spend Another Dime on
Service Advisor Training Books or
Seminar Style Programs Until You
Read This Shocking Website and
"Why Almost Everything You've Ever
Been Taught About Selling in the
Service Drive is Wrong...

"In Less Than 72 Hours
(much less if you read faster than I do...)
You Can Learn A Simple System That Will
Effortlessly Convert
50% More Of Your Presentations Into SALES
--- Or the Program is Yours Absolutely"
Dear Professional Service Advisor:

The most valuable skill you can have in today's marketplace if...
you want to succeed... make LOTS of money and ... reduce job related
stress...is... the ability to sell!

No other skill even comes close.

Robert Louis Stevenson was quoted as saying "Everyone lives by selling

When I say "ability to sell" I don't mean selling the way most people are taught
to sell...

In fact, when most people think of a typical Service Advisor they imagine a
"pushy S.O.B." jamming what they don't need, down their throat or a luke-
warm order taker at many a fast food establishment.

But these so-called "product-pushers" aren't really professional Service Advisors
at all; in fact, with all their "mc-cheesy" one-liners and hand-in your wallet selling
techniques...they're no better than professional pests (better known as "mc-
cashiers" in the service lane)!

So, if you're looking to become a better product-pusher using the same old
"value-meal menu" mentality, then I'm sorry to say: you've come to the
wrong place!
This site ain't about all the same boring, regurgitated, useless crap that those
self-proclaimed; so called "experts" have been peddling since the late
seventies in their over-priced Service Advisor Sales Training seminars.
This system gives you quantifiable, measurable results in HOURS...
not DAYS or WEEKS. This program makes YOU money! Immediately!

The 10 most "Useless Ideas" other Seminars and
Training Programs Teach...
and why they're a "HUGE" waste of your time and
It's no secret: Most Service Advisors are unhappier and unhealthier than ever
before. Why? Because they're operating in hostile, unwelcome selling
environments where many of their customers are out for blood!
There's no denying it: The average service customer is bombarded with more
selling messages than ever before: Lemon Law Billboards, Dealer run TV
Commercials, Newspaper ads, Val-Pak coupons, the Internet and the list goes
on and on....
So whether you're a Dealer, Service Manager, or Service Advisor, Whether
you've been writing service for a day, week, month or years, there's something
you need to understand:
Yesterday's Service Advisor training no longer
applies to today's fast-paced selling environment.
What once worked for your predecessors won't
work for you!
Outdated, platitudinal pitches, warranty related threats and puffy cliches,
are as obvious to your customers as a sky-blue leisure suit and white patent
leather shoes; their walls of defense are up long before you open your mouth.
So take a moment and ask yourself:
What have you done to prepare yourself for this insanely competitive selling

Have you been to any Service Advisor training seminars lately? And if so:

How relevant to actual selling was the information in your training class?

Have you read any books on "selling" lately? If so, how "cutting-edge" and
timely were the strategies in your books?

And most importantly...Has the material been consistently tested in real-world
My name is J.D. Renego (aka, "The Renegade Trainer") and I'm a Professional
Service Advisor Coach.

Every day I'm in the trenches, teaching and perfecting every idea in this

I've tested every principle before I published it and if something didn't work, I
tossed it aside and looked for something that did work.

I couldn't afford to waste time on "useless" ideas that didn't produce the results I
demanded from this program. Here are just a few of the "useless" ideas that
most other sales courses teach:
Useless Idea #1: You need to become a more "Positive" Service
Take an idiot and get him all "pumped up". What do you have? A "pumped-up
There is nothing worse than a really bad Service Advisor all excited and going
off half-cocked with a lot of unfocused motivation. Have you ever heard these

"Nothing will make a bad product fail quicker than good advertising"?
or how about: "Practice makes perfect?"
If you don't know what you're really selling, if your communication skills are
outdated and you're headed in the wrong direction with almost every person you
speak to, why would you want to become "more motivated" and move yourself
into the wrong direction even faster?

What about if you're practicing the wrong "stuff"? Now all you've done is make
"perfect crap"!
It amazes me how many Service Advisors will work really hard doing all the
wrong things right! They spend years tinkering with outdated selling systems
and wonder why they keep getting second-rate results.

The world renowned business philosopher Jim Rohn teaches: "If you always do
what you've always done; you'll always get, what you always got!"

The Top Secret Service Advisor program shatters the thinking of the traditional
"Get what you always got" training mentality.

Useless Idea #2: You need more "sophisticated" selling
I've spent the last 19 years and countless thousands of dollars studying all the
best sales training programs I could get my hands on.

I've read all the books. Books from Tom Hopkins, Paul Golner and Jeffrey

I've listened to all the tape programs, from Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy and Denis
Waitley, from Roger Dawson, and Tony Robbins, and I've been to more
seminars than I can remember.

I dissected each program like a scientist, methodically looking for the best
techniques from each system and applying them immediately into every
situation I could imagine.
But the more I studied these programs and practiced the various techniques, the
more frustrated I became.
Nothing I found seemed to work with the consistency and ease I
In fact, most sales training programs aren't designed to work. And if you need
proof, try using 365 fancy closing tricks with one of your kids or try "information
gathering" or "asking open-ended questions" with your spouse!

If you can't get away with those so-called "skills" with the people you love and
who trust you the most, why on earth would you use them with your customers
and expect to achieve different results?
Yet, that's precisely what most training programs do.
They employ manipulative strategies and "tricks" on their customers that they
wouldn't dare use on their families and friends.
It's no surprise that the profession of Service Advisor ranks just above Lawyers
and IRS tax collectors!

Useless Idea #3: You need to master "The Art of Closing the
The "sales close" is one of the worst inventions to enter the arena of
professional selling.
Closing techniques are nothing more than an assault on the human psyche.

Using a "hard close" is like using a slide hammer to extract a molar. People
aren't machinesthey don't have particular "hot" buttons you push in order to
get them to respond a certain way.
If people were really that predictable, if selling to people were really nothing
more than finding the correct "lever" to pull and then tugging on it with all your
might, then it would be a lot like sliding silver dollars in a slot machine...
(and just as rewarding???) I don't think so....

Useless Idea #4: Increasing "CSI" scores increases Service
Department Profits.
A lot of Service Advisors and even some Service Managers will blame their
product, Tech's, lack of training, the Parts Department, or even their customers
for poor CSI scores and even poorer sales performance and sometimes
they're right.

But even Willy Wonka couldn't sell the goose that laid the "Golden Egg" if he
began by using an offensive, self-centered "sales pitch".

Useless Idea #5: You need to learn how to "Handle Customer
A poorly trained Service Advisor is an objection waiting to happen. Learning
how to "handle" these objections is like trying to keep a sinking canoe afloat
using a Dixie cup.
Knowing how to correctly communicate and sell eliminates objections because
your client, customer, or loved-ones have absolutely no reason whatsoever to

Useless Idea #6: Selling is a "Numbers Game".
Most people with extensive sales training and even college degrees get it
wrong. (And yes, even people with six figure incomes and half-million dollar
homeswho could be making much more, get it wrong, too).
They've been taught to think that to make big money selling you need to see
more people.

They think the more they work, the more sales they'll make.

In my system, the exact opposite is true. The less you work, the more the
system works for you.
Useless Idea #7: Selling is different when dealing with "Female
Experts say that John Gray's book "Men are From Mars, Women are From
Venus" started a revolution. While this may be true, there are still many ways
men and women can learn to sell effectively.
Researchers focusing on what female consumers want their likes, dislikes, and
expectations from salespeople uncovered a common theme.

This theme was that women often feel that male salespeople do not take the
time to listen to them.

They describe them with words like "pushy," "aggressive," and "high
pressure," and said that, far from being helpful, male salespeople were
"condescending", "impatient", "impolite", and "poor listeners".

"Hello!!" it's not just the female consumer that thinks that a "poor listener" makes
for a "bad salesperson".

It just so happens, that most of the people employed in the service drive are
over-extended, stressed out, and under-trained.

This type of person regardless of whether male or female will be prone to "poor
listening" habits.

With the Top Secret Service Advisor program you'll learn how to communicate
more effectively with everyone and make selling to them effortless.
Useless Idea #8: Managing the "Service Customer" experience.
This is an excerpt of what they teach in this useless session:

"Whenever a customer comes in for service, make sure that the customer
experience remains pleasant. Pleasant experiences generate loyal
customers. Loyal customers return for service regularly and continue to
purchase vehicles from your dealership". Blah, Blah, Blah...
Today's professional Service Advisors must understand the interdependence of
the Parts, Service and Technical relationships and explain it to the customer in a
non-technical way.

Truly professional Service Advisors must understand the customer wants and
create services the meet their needs.

The Top Secret Service Advisor program focuses on the dynamics of working
with people and the complexities of coordinating the customers expectations
with the delivered product.
Useless Idea #9: They teach you - "The Role of the Service
This is what they teach in this useless session:

The Service Advisors primary responsibility is to act as the initial contact
between the customer and the service department.

A customer's impression of the service experience begins the moment
he/she calls the dealership or drives the vehicle into the dealership.

The dealership's reputation is "on-line" with every customer contact. The
job of the service advisor is to:
gather information.
provide excellent customer service.
ensure proper treatment.

Last time I checked we weren't paying Service Advisors to be restaurant
hostesses! Think about it:

- gather information: (Translation) They take your name and then it's "Mr.
Customer, party of 2"!!

- provide excellent customer service: (Translation) "Right this way please",
and "Your waitresses' name is Amber, and she'll be right with you".

- ensure proper treatment: (Translation) They ask you "Was everything O.K."?
as you're leaving the restaurant.

NO!!! we're paying Service Advisors to SELL Parts and Labor for our Service

Not be a hostess!!! or a babysitter to our Technicians, or a parts runner or a
valet, parking cars!!!

Yet, I've seen Service Advisors doing these and dozens of other ridiculous tasks
that don't produce a dime of gross profit for the Service Department in the last
25 years.

We structure their pay plans around selling. Let's give them every opportunity to
do so in the most effective way possible.

Useless Idea #10: Time Management for the Service Advisor
There is no greater time waster in the service drive than playing phone tag with
a customer.

Amateur Service Advisors who fear selling or don't have the skills to
communicate properly during the write-up process employ this tactic habitually.

The goal is to not call your customer with an estimate, the goal is to sell the
necessary repairs when you have the decision maker in your sights.

During the day customers are difficult to reach, technicians get even more
whiny, repairs can't be completed on time... productivity and profits are crushed.

This frustrating drama is played out time after time when repairs are held up for
customer authorizations.
Many Service Advisors seem to think the idea of writing service is to act as busy
as possible.

Why??? A hamster in a cage can stay busy and still not get anywhere.

My system is going to show you how sell more service work faster, easier, and
undo years of old habits and sub-par performance.

The Top Secret Service Advisor system is the best leverage for your time and
effort. It will allow you to achieve successes most Service Advisors can only
dream of.

If You're Tired Of Paying for Service Advisor
Training Programs That Don't Work more than
3 days after your Advisor attends...

Then Please Keep on Reading!

Most training programs and seminars kill hundreds of trees worth of printed
pages and waste profitable, unrecoverable hours on useless ideas like these
and more. The generic-ness of these ideas and all kinds of others you can find
out about for FREE online.
I won't waste your time with those kinds of topics.
I cut to the chase and teach you the one thing no other trainer wants you to
know. I eliminate 99% of all the fluff and nonsense and teach Service Advisors
how to really sell.
In fact, this information is so straightforward and simple to comprehend...that
there are only 3 things you need to make this program work for you:
1. An open mind when presented with unfamiliar
(and often-times strange) ideas.
2. The ability to follow directions that are no more
complicated than a recipe on the back of a can of
3. The desire to make selling fun and effortless.

If you meet these three criteria, then this program will be a breeze for you to
If you want to know the things you don't need, request my free report
The Top 10 Most Perpetuated Most Sales Frauds for a brief introductory list.

And Here Are Just a Few of the Things You'll
Learn in this Program...
The "Secret Formula" that separates the successful Service Advisor
from the "Walking Brochure."

The mental process that everyone (including you!) goes through, from the
moment they begin thinking about buying a product or service, until they plunk
down their hard-earned cash.
How to nurture a customer until they're ready to buy because -
"People buy when they're ready to buy, not when you're ready to sell".
The single, biggest mistake struggling Service Advisors make and how to
avoid it.
The difference between "Demonstrating and Presenting" and why you
must understand the differences, to be effective at "Selling".
Why "Closing the Sale" is the biggest mistake you'll ever make in
selling...for both You and your Customer.
Never-Before-Included Material: "The Myth that's been Perpetuated on
Service Advisors for over 40 years."
The 3 most important things you must do to get customers to buy from
you... And it has "nothing" to do with repairing their car.
How to turn an angry customer into a buying one!
How to get your customers to convince themselves to buy what your
Why your best selling skills will become completely natural... (forget about
trying to figure out someone's "body language" or using preposterous "rapport
building techniques" that could take months to learn).
What you're really selling... (you'll be truly amazed when you discover this
powerfully simple secret!)

I Know What You're Thinking Right Now!!!
It's Hard to Know Who to Believe Anymore...
Some Fixed Ops Consultants or Trainers promise results that can't be delivered
in any business environment. If you're planning investing in any new training
programs, at least know what you're getting yourself into...

My 7 Pet Peeves of the So-Called
"Fixed Ops Gurus"

1. Their training program has a copyright on it older than your

I've got news for you: This Digital Information Age has completely
transformed the occupation of professional Service Advisor.

The techniques and strategies that worked fifty years ago are laughable

If you're using a program from the 1950's, then you better be servicing
Edsel's! because senior citizens will be the only people responding to
your offer.

2. Their program doesn't offer any coaching or one-on-one role

It's easy to write a sales manual and teach it in a seminar or classroom---
but how many of those same Consultants are willing to work one-on-one
in the real world teaching real people those same ideas?

I stand by every principle I teach. I'm on the front lines every day
perfecting my ideas with every student I enroll. If something worked
once, I make sure it keeps working...over and over and over again.

3. They "teach" selling, but they can't sell!

I wanted to study construction management in college. Before spending
a penny on that major, I interviewed almost every professor in the
business department.

During the course of my "pre-spending" interviews, I discovered only one
professor in the entire department actually ran a construction business
(and it was an unprofitable business at that)!

All the other professors taught "How to run a business" courses---but
none of them used what they taught in any practical or profitable
way. Needless to say, I chose another route.

4. Their program teaches most of my "5 Tragic Myths About

Check out my free report:

The Top Five Tragic Myths About Selling!

for more information on what never to do to your customers. These
techniques are a obvious red flag for anyone attempting to call
themselves a "Professional Service Advisor."

5. Their sales material doesn't sell anything.

I'm astounded how many Fixed Operations Consultants and Trainers
websites have some of the most boring, uninspiring sales copy I've ever

And what's worse, they don't have any compelling offers for anyone who
happens to find their "Needle in a Haystack" website.

I'm not saying a boring website is any indication of the material offered,
but where I come from: selling is selling.

If they can't sell on their websites, how can you expect them to teach you
or your Advisors how to sell in your service drive?
6. They teach silly, outdated selling tactics they wouldn't dare
use on their friends and family.

I know trainers who would never use their very own tactics on their
family. And my response is: "If you wouldn't treat your your family or
friends like that, why would you treat your customers that way?"

7. They make you memorize pages and pages of manipulative-
sounding scripts.

You know whether or not someone's being genuine with you or spouting
out a bunch of nonsense they've tried to memorize from some training
course...and I promise you: your customers know it, too!

In my system you won't have to memorize any kind of long-winded
pitches or complicated closing techniques. In fact, once you go through
this program and practice a few of my 60-second "sales bursts", you'll be
amazed at how effortless and uncomplicated this system of selling really

Why You Should Believe What I'm Telling You:

First off: This technology has been used in dozens of top performing, most
recogognizable, Service Departments in the country.

You don't get into these companies spouting off a bunch of re-hashed junk. I'm
also endorsed by some of the country's most respected Dealers.

Second: In all honesty, you probably shouldn't really believe a single thing I'm
telling you about this program. In fact, I want you to take what I'm saying and
test it out for yourself.

Imagine this:

It's the late 1800's and your only form of transportation is a horse and

If I drove up to your house in an automobile, even as primitive as they
were back then, and told you I bought you one, and said, "After two days
of practice, I guarantee I'll have you driving this jalopy around at speeds
exceeding 25 miles per hour!"
Would you believe me?
How could you? You have no frame of reference for the experience.
My system is somewhat unusual. It's not like other Service Advisor training

Most other courses are like reading a book on learning how to drive a car.
You may learn how to move your feet on the pedals to stop and go. You'll learn
how to steer this horseless wagon - but until you get behind the wheel - you'll
never know what it's like to really drive one.

In my program you'll get behind the wheel!
So here it is: You don't have to believe anything I'm saying to you. All I ask is
that you give this system a shot. Many Fixed Ops trainers list all the places
they've worked, positions they've held etc.

My credentials are simple: My system works! and I back it up with a Money
Back Guarantee!!!

How many other Fixed Ops Trainers or Consultants do that ???

This program is "Unbelievable..."

"All I did was follow the formula and my sales results
went through the ROOF!"

Frank - Honda Service Advisor - Massachusetts

A Few More Things this Program Will Teach You:

How to eliminate the "Fear of Rejection" so selling becomes fun again!
The technique that will make a customers first objection, his last; and in
less than 25 seconds, get a commitment from him to buy.
The method for asking questions that make it impossible for your customer
to give you a "No" or "I need to think it over" answer.
The "Truth about Overcoming Objections" and why if you're currently
doing it; it's costing you money.
The 4 problems with "Traditional Closing" methods and how to make a
sale using them - If you get lucky.
The simple phrase you need to defeat the customers most famous last
words "I want to think it over".
How to "prevent objections" by getting inside the mind of your customers.
How the most highly compensated Service Advisors make repeated sales
without uttering more than "2 words".
Why just having "product knowledge" won't guarantee you a successful or
highly profitable career as a Service Advisor.
Why non-stop talking overwhelms your customers and actually creates
more problems for you and how selling using my "Covert Close" will stop the
personal rejection and protect your ego. (You'll be surprised in the difference
after only one week of consistent practice)!
How to get your customer to make a buying decision instead of stealing
control of your presentation, leaving you with the most dreaded answer of all
time in selling, the "I want to think it over".
There are 3 primary emotions customers feel when they enter the
Dealership, but they only buy from you, when feeling one of them. Which one is
it and how do you keep them from feeling the other two?

Money-Back Guarantee??? Who cares...

"I had always thought of myself as being good at
making sales, I threw out everything I previously
used and now I only use the Top Secret formula."

"Now my customers can't say "No"!

Jim - Toyota Service Advisor - New York

Click Here
to Find Out What This Program Will Not Teach You!

If You're thinking...
...I don't have enough money for this kind of program, or
...My selling skills aren't that bad, or
...I'm naturally a "people person", or
...I'm already too busy...
or any one of 99 other excuses...
Remember what the famous business philosopher Jim Rohn said;
"If you always do, what you've always done;
You'll always get, what you always got!"
Think about this:
No matter how bad the economy is...a great Service Advisor (one that can really
sell) will always make a lot money...
No matter how few jobs there are available...a great Service Advisor can always
find rewarding work...
It doesn't matter how busy their lives get...a great Service Advisor can always
find people who can lighten the load...

No matter what kind of Dealership...a great Service Advisor will always
separate themselves from the crowd...

The Two Reasons Why You Shouldn't Invest In This Program...
There are only two reasons why you shouldn't invest in this program:

1) If you're already making more money than you could possibly spend in this

2) If you already have highly stimulating, and deeply connected relationships
with every person you already know or those you meet daily.
These very same skills have been taught to hundreds of people with
amazing results every time.
Can't Wait?
Order Now on our Secure Server!
In one NJ Dealership, the Dealer Principal had
this to say about this program:
"His style is unique. His work has been consistently
above the norm with the people he coaches. They
routinely average 25%-30% greater sales in the
service drive."
"What this program has brought to our Service
Department has been more profitable to us than any
other Consultant or Training Program we've ever
"And it's so easy, we use it every day..."

Your Sales-Ability or Your Money Back...

So here's my offer: If you want a simple, no-bull system that works, with easy,
adaptable ideas you can use right away, then you need to give my program a
Now when I say: 'give my program a shot', I mean exactly that; read my easy-
to-follow, 161 page jam-packed course one time, embarrass yourself with a
few of my quick and simple-to-do "60 second burst exercises", and then watch
your sales take off. That's all.

Don't Decide Now...

Try it risk-free for a full 12 months. Yep, 1 whole year!!!

If you aren't absolutely thrilled with the results, meaning: if you don't increase
your sales by at least $ 25,000 and have deeper, more profound
relationships with all of the most important people in your life, then I'll give you
your money back, no questions asked.
In fact all you have to do is just send me the program back at any time within the
first 12 months after you purchase it and I'll immediately refund your full
purchase price.
How can I make this kind of guarantee?
Because I know this course is better than anything else you'll find by any other
Fixed Ops Consultant or Trainer and I'm willing to put my money where my
mouth is...
Have you ever heard of another Consultant or Trainer willing to give you this
kind of guarantee?
I don't think so!!!
That's because their income is based on what they sell to you. My income is
based on what you sell to others.
You see, if this program doesn't work and you don't sell more, I have to give you
your money back. That's why I developed this program to guarantee your
Using their outdated, regurgitated methods there's no way they can guarantee
the results. My program is completely different and so are the results!
That's why I can give you this guarantee.
Now, I realize there are a few unscrupulous characters surfing the net who order
products with the intention of returning them after casually studying the material.

I don't want to sound harsh here, but if that's what you're planning on doing,
please don't bother ordering this program!
This material is for serious, professional Dealership Service Advisors only
(and although most Service Advisors consider themselves professionals, not
everyone is all that serious about learning how to do it better).

For more information on the guarantee, please Click Here!
So What Do You Have To Lose?

So again, what do you have to lose?

Inept Service Advisors are capable of doing many, many things wrong, but
outstanding Service Advisors consistently do one thing right.

Learn this one thing and your sales performance and everyday life will never be
the same.
You may be one of the few lucky Service Advisors who actually know what
you're selling, (and if so, you probably don't need this program) but what would
happen if you decided to take your skills to a whole new level?

"In the time we've worked together, I've found
your approach to be extremely helpful.

In this ever-changing Automotive market, you've
helped me to identify and maximize opportunities
others would tend to overlook.

I feel I've grown as a person and that's improved
my ability to work with customers on a variety of
different levels."
Dave - Land Rover Service Advisor -

This Knowledge You Could Easily...
...spend $6,000 - $30,000 on a Service Advisors Training program from some
Consulting Company or Technical School (I've even seen Community Colleges
and Universities offering these courses) and still not know how to sell...

(How many colleges or universities offer iron-clad money-back guarantees?
None, to my knowledge.)
...spend THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS at seminars or workshops and still not
know what you're selling...
...spend hundreds on a sales course that "used to work" or you can use a
proven system that works right now!

Time Sensitive Note - 54.3% Price Slash - Only
Guaranteed Until
... Midnight!

You're probably wondering how much this kind of training will cost you... I have
to be honest here, it won't be cheap.

I've spent eleven years and countless thousands of dollars developing this
program; I've tested, re-tested, and refined each principle until they have proved
to be successful in any situation.
How much would it be worth for you to instantly increase your sales by 50 or 60
How much would it be worth for you to have deeper relationships with your
spouse, children, and friends? $1,000? $5,000? $10,000? Can you even put a
price on those kinds of things?
Absolutely! Everything has a price, either in time or in money.

And if you're like me, you probably don't have much time and you'd like to learn
a few ways to make a little more money.
So here it is: This program normally costs $697, but because this is the first time
I'm marketing it online, I'm offering it for a significant discount.
For only $297 you'll get the complete program delivered by FEDEX to any
address in the USA.


My friends (and competitors) think I'm crazy, but I want to try a little experiment:
For the next few hours I'm offering the complete Top Secret Service Advisor!
Coaching Program for the low price of $297!
This is not some cheesy marketing scheme. I merely want to find out if a lower
price point increases my conversion rate by 50%. If it doesn't work, I'll be going
back to the full price of $697.
You may want to click the "refresh" button on your screen to make sure it's still
available as you're reading these words.
And if you're not convinced this is one of the best investments you'll ever make,
scroll down and find out what else I'm including...

Bonus #1:
My FREE Report: How to Speak Volumes
Without Saying a Word! ($129 value)

Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the
University of California in Los Angeles, Albert
Mehrabian, created the "7%-38%-55% Rule". It is
a communication rule defining what factors give
meaning to our words.

Knowing the power of body language, you will be
able to control your non-verbal communication to
communicate the messages you want others to
receive. If you telegraph lazy, boring, or
unattractive body language, others will
immediately begin judging you as lazy, boring, or

Your body language really has the power to
influence and communicate what you want - in this
case, how to buy what you're selling.

My Never-Before-Included Special Report:
"21 Magnetic Communications Secrets Revealed"
($97 Value)

I hadn't planned on including these stand-alone bonus
reports in this program... but I've been teaching these
strategies in my seminars and the response has been
so overwhelming that I decided to include this $97
Special Report free of charge.

If you do any kind of public speaking...(or even if you're scared to death of public
speaking), you can't afford not to have this information. Everyone can feel the
presence of a charismatic person, but what is it that creates that presence?
This program will tell you everything you need to know...Here's what the bonus
chapters will teach you:
What charisma really is and how you can develop it for yourself.
How to touch people in a way that makes them happier and lighter
in your presence.

The difference between "true" and "phony" charisma (knowing the
difference will make you a far more powerful communicator.)

My Special 30-page
Self-Assessment Course:
"Dynamic Communication Skills"
($97 Value)

This is, by far, the most incredibly powerful technology for creating the most
powerfully effective communication that you've ever heard. The process is
simple and FAST! (It takes less than thirty minutes to learn and less than a
week or so to master).

This was a full day seminar that I've distilled into a crisp 30 page document.
There's no filler here, no idle chit-chat or useless commentary.
You won't need to wade through hundreds of pages to get a single usable
idea... I've written and re-written this excerpt until I could cut away no more.
Here are a few of the things you'll learn:
The "Amazing T.N.R. Technique" that will permanently
free your from the shackles of rejection, frustration,
and unwanted stress.
What rejection really is and how knowing what it is will alleviate
99.999% of your anxiety and frustration regarding it.
How to use "The B.R.I.C.K. Method" for unloading stress
and frustration.
How to never again feel uncontrollable emotions (or sweaty
palms) in a tense situation.
A simple exercise that will teach you how to be the coolest,
calmest person in any emergency situation.
And much, much more...
90 day Bonus; (sent after 90 days)
Personal Development Audio Seminar:
"How To Succeed In Business
And In Life!" ($99 Value)

Success is not a matter of luck an accident of birth or a reward for virtue.
As this six CD program outlines, success is a matter of decision, commitment
planning, preparation, execution, and recommitment.

This program (over 4 hours of audio content) is the complete plan for achieving
professional excellence and enjoying personal fulfillment covering the following
strategies for your journey from success to significance:

The most valuable things you need to know about Success.
The Values, Principles and Rules of Conduct.
How to Plan, Prepare and Execute your Plan for Success.
How to Step up, Commit and Re-Commit to Success!
The surprising difference between mediocre and outstanding
Easily identify and gain Mental, Emotional, Social and Spiritual Balance
in your
Business and in your Life.
All this and much, much more!
Limited Time Bonus Offer!
180 Days Of Unlimited E-mail Consultation
($1,250 value)

Limited To The First
100 People To Respond To This Offer!

Obviously, I can't offer this bonus for very long. Here's your chance to super-
charge what you've already learned in this program with practical, step-by-step
suggestions that can be applied to your own selling situation.
My consultation is a little different than what most people offer. This won't be a
friendly "online chat" where you leave the interaction inspired but un-
empowered. I'll hear about your particular situation and leave you with a
minimum of 2-3 things you can do right away.
How many times have you bought a sales course (or any course for that matter)
gotten stuck on a point or twoand not had a chance to clarify it with the
This program is simple to immediately apply, but occasionally a question will
arise...and I'll be available to you and answer anything you want to ask.
Again, this is an extremely limited offer, available to the first 100 people who
respond to this package. Within three days you'll receive a short message
detailing the most effective way to get the most out of your e-mail consultation.
You'll also receive my private e-mail address (reserved only for those
participating in this program) and a straight-forward tutorial that will make this
consultation pay-off big time for your career and life.
Note: I can only respond to a small number of emails each day.
This is a first-come first serve opportunity. Once I reach my limit, I will
permanently discontinue this service. This bonus will not last. The longer you
wait, the less likely I'll still be offering the one-on-one consultation.

I want to benefit from some of the best sales
training available (with $1,774 worth of killer
bonuses thrown in):
- Killer Audio Seminar:
"How To Succeed In Business And In Life!"
(A $99 Value)
- "How to Speak Volumes without saying a
Special Report (A $129 Value)
- 30 Page Self Assessmant Course -
"Dynamic Communication Skills!"
(A $199 Value)
- Never-Before-Included Special Report: "21
Magnetic Communication Secrets Revealed"
(A $99 Value)
- 180 days of Unlimited Email Consulting! (A
$1,250 Value)

Click Here to order the
"Top Secret Service Advisor Program!

Order Today!

Now On Our Secure Server!
Ordering this manual is a snap. Simply Click Here to ORDER the
"Top Secret Service Advisor Program and ALL of the Bonuses!
(The Program will be shipped to your home by FEDEX)

Don't wait!

The 180 Days of Unlimited Consultation ($1,250 value) is limited to the first
100 people who respond to this offer...
All major credit cards accepted through PayPal.
Note: If you don't have a credit card, ordering is still a piece of cake. Simply get
a bank draft for $297, put it in a stamped envelope with a sheet of paper which
reads: "Top Secret Service Advisor" and address the envelope to:
Service Advisor Sales Training
P.O. Box 75
Sparta, NJ 07871

That's all! Be sure to include your e-mail address so we can set up your
consultation info ASAP. Also, write down your work phone number. (I verify that
every Service Advisor I coach, works for a New Car Dealer.)

Don't worry, your personal information is safe with us. We don't give out our e-
mail addresses or phone numbers for any reason.
We also accept personal checks, but we need to hold the checks for 10 days (or
until they clear).
Thanks and "Renegade" Selling!
J.D. Renego - "The Renegade Trainer"
P.S. Remember: If you're not 100% completely and utterly thrilled with this
program, simply return it and I'll issue you a refund within 24 hours. My
guarantee gives you a full 365 days to test out this product...read it, use it, and
test it for yourself.

If you don't sell a minimum of $25,000 more in Customer Paid Labor, then YOU
pay nothing for this program! You have nothing to lose and a whole new world
of sales knowledge to gain. Order now!
Click Here to order the Top Secret Service Advisor Program!

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Stop wasting your time traveling
down the road to failure!

Don't Spend Another Dime on
Service Advisor Training Books or
Seminar Style Programs Until You
Read This Shocking Website and
"Why Almost Everything You've Ever
Been Taught About Selling in the
Service Drive is Wrong...

"In Less Than 72 Hours
(much less if you read faster than I do...)
You Can Learn A Simple System That Will
Effortlessly Convert
50% More Of Your Presentations Into SALES
--- Or the Program is Yours Absolutely"
Dear Professional Service Advisor:

The most valuable skill you can have in today's marketplace if...
you want to succeed... make LOTS of money and ... reduce job related
stress...is... the ability to sell!

No other skill even comes close.

Robert Louis Stevenson was quoted as saying "Everyone lives by selling

When I say "ability to sell" I don't mean selling the way most people are taught
to sell...

In fact, when most people think of a typical Service Advisor they imagine a
"pushy S.O.B." jamming what they don't need, down their throat or a luke-
warm order taker at many a fast food establishment.

But these so-called "product-pushers" aren't really professional Service Advisors
at all; in fact, with all their "mc-cheesy" one-liners and hand-in your wallet selling
techniques...they're no better than professional pests (better known as "mc-
cashiers" in the service lane)!

So, if you're looking to become a better product-pusher using the same old
"value-meal menu" mentality, then I'm sorry to say: you've come to the
wrong place!
This site ain't about all the same boring, regurgitated, useless crap that those
self-proclaimed; so called "experts" have been peddling since the late
seventies in their over-priced Service Advisor Sales Training seminars.
This system gives you quantifiable, measurable results in HOURS...
not DAYS or WEEKS. This program makes YOU money! Immediately!

The 10 most "Useless Ideas" other Seminars and
Training Programs Teach...
and why they're a "HUGE" waste of your time and
It's no secret: Most Service Advisors are unhappier and unhealthier than ever
before. Why? Because they're operating in hostile, unwelcome selling
environments where many of their customers are out for blood!
There's no denying it: The average service customer is bombarded with more
selling messages than ever before: Lemon Law Billboards, Dealer run TV
Commercials, Newspaper ads, Val-Pak coupons, the Internet and the list goes
on and on....
So whether you're a Dealer, Service Manager, or Service Advisor, Whether
you've been writing service for a day, week, month or years, there's something
you need to understand:
Yesterday's Service Advisor training no longer
applies to today's fast-paced selling environment.
What once worked for your predecessors won't
work for you!
Outdated, platitudinal pitches, warranty related threats and puffy cliches,
are as obvious to your customers as a sky-blue leisure suit and white patent
leather shoes; their walls of defense are up long before you open your mouth.
So take a moment and ask yourself:
What have you done to prepare yourself for this insanely competitive selling

Have you been to any Service Advisor training seminars lately? And if so:

How relevant to actual selling was the information in your training class?

Have you read any books on "selling" lately? If so, how "cutting-edge" and
timely were the strategies in your books?

And most importantly...Has the material been consistently tested in real-world
My name is J.D. Renego (aka, "The Renegade Trainer") and I'm a Professional
Service Advisor Coach.

Every day I'm in the trenches, teaching and perfecting every idea in this

I've tested every principle before I published it and if something didn't work, I
tossed it aside and looked for something that did work.

I couldn't afford to waste time on "useless" ideas that didn't produce the results I
demanded from this program. Here are just a few of the "useless" ideas that
most other sales courses teach:
Useless Idea #1: You need to become a more "Positive" Service
Take an idiot and get him all "pumped up". What do you have? A "pumped-up
There is nothing worse than a really bad Service Advisor all excited and going
off half-cocked with a lot of unfocused motivation. Have you ever heard these

"Nothing will make a bad product fail quicker than good advertising"?
or how about: "Practice makes perfect?"
If you don't know what you're really selling, if your communication skills are
outdated and you're headed in the wrong direction with almost every person you
speak to, why would you want to become "more motivated" and move yourself
into the wrong direction even faster?

What about if you're practicing the wrong "stuff"? Now all you've done is make
"perfect crap"!
It amazes me how many Service Advisors will work really hard doing all the
wrong things right! They spend years tinkering with outdated selling systems
and wonder why they keep getting second-rate results.

The world renowned business philosopher Jim Rohn teaches: "If you always do
what you've always done; you'll always get, what you always got!"

The Top Secret Service Advisor program shatters the thinking of the traditional
"Get what you always got" training mentality.

Useless Idea #2: You need more "sophisticated" selling
I've spent the last 19 years and countless thousands of dollars studying all the
best sales training programs I could get my hands on.

I've read all the books. Books from Tom Hopkins, Paul Golner and Jeffrey

I've listened to all the tape programs, from Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy and Denis
Waitley, from Roger Dawson, and Tony Robbins, and I've been to more
seminars than I can remember.

I dissected each program like a scientist, methodically looking for the best
techniques from each system and applying them immediately into every
situation I could imagine.
But the more I studied these programs and practiced the various techniques, the
more frustrated I became.
Nothing I found seemed to work with the consistency and ease I
In fact, most sales training programs aren't designed to work. And if you need
proof, try using 365 fancy closing tricks with one of your kids or try "information
gathering" or "asking open-ended questions" with your spouse!

If you can't get away with those so-called "skills" with the people you love and
who trust you the most, why on earth would you use them with your customers
and expect to achieve different results?
Yet, that's precisely what most training programs do.
They employ manipulative strategies and "tricks" on their customers that they
wouldn't dare use on their families and friends.
It's no surprise that the profession of Service Advisor ranks just above Lawyers
and IRS tax collectors!

Useless Idea #3: You need to master "The Art of Closing the
The "sales close" is one of the worst inventions to enter the arena of
professional selling.
Closing techniques are nothing more than an assault on the human psyche.

Using a "hard close" is like using a slide hammer to extract a molar. People
aren't machinesthey don't have particular "hot" buttons you push in order to
get them to respond a certain way.
If people were really that predictable, if selling to people were really nothing
more than finding the correct "lever" to pull and then tugging on it with all your
might, then it would be a lot like sliding silver dollars in a slot machine...
(and just as rewarding???) I don't think so....

Useless Idea #4: Increasing "CSI" scores increases Service
Department Profits.
A lot of Service Advisors and even some Service Managers will blame their
product, Tech's, lack of training, the Parts Department, or even their customers
for poor CSI scores and even poorer sales performance and sometimes
they're right.

But even Willy Wonka couldn't sell the goose that laid the "Golden Egg" if he
began by using an offensive, self-centered "sales pitch".

Useless Idea #5: You need to learn how to "Handle Customer
A poorly trained Service Advisor is an objection waiting to happen. Learning
how to "handle" these objections is like trying to keep a sinking canoe afloat
using a Dixie cup.
Knowing how to correctly communicate and sell eliminates objections because
your client, customer, or loved-ones have absolutely no reason whatsoever to

Useless Idea #6: Selling is a "Numbers Game".
Most people with extensive sales training and even college degrees get it
wrong. (And yes, even people with six figure incomes and half-million dollar
homeswho could be making much more, get it wrong, too).
They've been taught to think that to make big money selling you need to see
more people.

They think the more they work, the more sales they'll make.

In my system, the exact opposite is true. The less you work, the more the
system works for you.
Useless Idea #7: Selling is different when dealing with "Female
Experts say that John Gray's book "Men are From Mars, Women are From
Venus" started a revolution. While this may be true, there are still many ways
men and women can learn to sell effectively.
Researchers focusing on what female consumers want their likes, dislikes, and
expectations from salespeople uncovered a common theme.

This theme was that women often feel that male salespeople do not take the
time to listen to them.

They describe them with words like "pushy," "aggressive," and "high
pressure," and said that, far from being helpful, male salespeople were
"condescending", "impatient", "impolite", and "poor listeners".

"Hello!!" it's not just the female consumer that thinks that a "poor listener" makes
for a "bad salesperson".

It just so happens, that most of the people employed in the service drive are
over-extended, stressed out, and under-trained.

This type of person regardless of whether male or female will be prone to "poor
listening" habits.

With the Top Secret Service Advisor program you'll learn how to communicate
more effectively with everyone and make selling to them effortless.
Useless Idea #8: Managing the "Service Customer" experience.
This is an excerpt of what they teach in this useless session:

"Whenever a customer comes in for service, make sure that the customer
experience remains pleasant. Pleasant experiences generate loyal
customers. Loyal customers return for service regularly and continue to
purchase vehicles from your dealership". Blah, Blah, Blah...
Today's professional Service Advisors must understand the interdependence of
the Parts, Service and Technical relationships and explain it to the customer in a
non-technical way.

Truly professional Service Advisors must understand the customer wants and
create services the meet their needs.

The Top Secret Service Advisor program focuses on the dynamics of working
with people and the complexities of coordinating the customers expectations
with the delivered product.
Useless Idea #9: They teach you - "The Role of the Service
This is what they teach in this useless session:

The Service Advisors primary responsibility is to act as the initial contact
between the customer and the service department.

A customer's impression of the service experience begins the moment
he/she calls the dealership or drives the vehicle into the dealership.

The dealership's reputation is "on-line" with every customer contact. The
job of the service advisor is to:
gather information.
provide excellent customer service.
ensure proper treatment.

Last time I checked we weren't paying Service Advisors to be restaurant
hostesses! Think about it:

- gather information: (Translation) They take your name and then it's "Mr.
Customer, party of 2"!!

- provide excellent customer service: (Translation) "Right this way please",
and "Your waitresses' name is Amber, and she'll be right with you".

- ensure proper treatment: (Translation) They ask you "Was everything O.K."?
as you're leaving the restaurant.

NO!!! we're paying Service Advisors to SELL Parts and Labor for our Service

Not be a hostess!!! or a babysitter to our Technicians, or a parts runner or a
valet, parking cars!!!

Yet, I've seen Service Advisors doing these and dozens of other ridiculous tasks
that don't produce a dime of gross profit for the Service Department in the last
25 years.

We structure their pay plans around selling. Let's give them every opportunity to
do so in the most effective way possible.

Useless Idea #10: Time Management for the Service Advisor
There is no greater time waster in the service drive than playing phone tag with
a customer.

Amateur Service Advisors who fear selling or don't have the skills to
communicate properly during the write-up process employ this tactic habitually.

The goal is to not call your customer with an estimate, the goal is to sell the
necessary repairs when you have the decision maker in your sights.

During the day customers are difficult to reach, technicians get even more
whiny, repairs can't be completed on time... productivity and profits are crushed.

This frustrating drama is played out time after time when repairs are held up for
customer authorizations.
Many Service Advisors seem to think the idea of writing service is to act as busy
as possible.

Why??? A hamster in a cage can stay busy and still not get anywhere.

My system is going to show you how sell more service work faster, easier, and
undo years of old habits and sub-par performance.

The Top Secret Service Advisor system is the best leverage for your time and
effort. It will allow you to achieve successes most Service Advisors can only
dream of.

If You're Tired Of Paying for Service Advisor
Training Programs That Don't Work more than
3 days after your Advisor attends...

Then Please Keep on Reading!

Most training programs and seminars kill hundreds of trees worth of printed
pages and waste profitable, unrecoverable hours on useless ideas like these
and more. The generic-ness of these ideas and all kinds of others you can find
out about for FREE online.
I won't waste your time with those kinds of topics.
I cut to the chase and teach you the one thing no other trainer wants you to
know. I eliminate 99% of all the fluff and nonsense and teach Service Advisors
how to really sell.
In fact, this information is so straightforward and simple to comprehend...that
there are only 3 things you need to make this program work for you:
1. An open mind when presented with unfamiliar
(and often-times strange) ideas.
2. The ability to follow directions that are no more
complicated than a recipe on the back of a can of
3. The desire to make selling fun and effortless.

If you meet these three criteria, then this program will be a breeze for you to
If you want to know the things you don't need, request my free report
The Top 10 Most Perpetuated Most Sales Frauds for a brief introductory list.

And Here Are Just a Few of the Things You'll
Learn in this Program...
The "Secret Formula" that separates the successful Service Advisor
from the "Walking Brochure."

The mental process that everyone (including you!) goes through, from the
moment they begin thinking about buying a product or service, until they plunk
down their hard-earned cash.
How to nurture a customer until they're ready to buy because -
"People buy when they're ready to buy, not when you're ready to sell".
The single, biggest mistake struggling Service Advisors make and how to
avoid it.
The difference between "Demonstrating and Presenting" and why you
must understand the differences, to be effective at "Selling".
Why "Closing the Sale" is the biggest mistake you'll ever make in
selling...for both You and your Customer.
Never-Before-Included Material: "The Myth that's been Perpetuated on
Service Advisors for over 40 years."
The 3 most important things you must do to get customers to buy from
you... And it has "nothing" to do with repairing their car.
How to turn an angry customer into a buying one!
How to get your customers to convince themselves to buy what your
Why your best selling skills will become completely natural... (forget about
trying to figure out someone's "body language" or using preposterous "rapport
building techniques" that could take months to learn).
What you're really selling... (you'll be truly amazed when you discover this
powerfully simple secret!)

I Know What You're Thinking Right Now!!!
It's Hard to Know Who to Believe Anymore...
Some Fixed Ops Consultants or Trainers promise results that can't be delivered
in any business environment. If you're planning investing in any new training
programs, at least know what you're getting yourself into...

My 7 Pet Peeves of the So-Called
"Fixed Ops Gurus"

1. Their training program has a copyright on it older than your

I've got news for you: This Digital Information Age has completely
transformed the occupation of professional Service Advisor.

The techniques and strategies that worked fifty years ago are laughable

If you're using a program from the 1950's, then you better be servicing
Edsel's! because senior citizens will be the only people responding to
your offer.

2. Their program doesn't offer any coaching or one-on-one role

It's easy to write a sales manual and teach it in a seminar or classroom---
but how many of those same Consultants are willing to work one-on-one
in the real world teaching real people those same ideas?

I stand by every principle I teach. I'm on the front lines every day
perfecting my ideas with every student I enroll. If something worked
once, I make sure it keeps working...over and over and over again.

3. They "teach" selling, but they can't sell!

I wanted to study construction management in college. Before spending
a penny on that major, I interviewed almost every professor in the
business department.

During the course of my "pre-spending" interviews, I discovered only one
professor in the entire department actually ran a construction business
(and it was an unprofitable business at that)!

All the other professors taught "How to run a business" courses---but
none of them used what they taught in any practical or profitable
way. Needless to say, I chose another route.

4. Their program teaches most of my "5 Tragic Myths About

Check out my free report:

The Top Five Tragic Myths About Selling!

for more information on what never to do to your customers. These
techniques are a obvious red flag for anyone attempting to call
themselves a "Professional Service Advisor."

5. Their sales material doesn't sell anything.

I'm astounded how many Fixed Operations Consultants and Trainers
websites have some of the most boring, uninspiring sales copy I've ever

And what's worse, they don't have any compelling offers for anyone who
happens to find their "Needle in a Haystack" website.

I'm not saying a boring website is any indication of the material offered,
but where I come from: selling is selling.

If they can't sell on their websites, how can you expect them to teach you
or your Advisors how to sell in your service drive?
6. They teach silly, outdated selling tactics they wouldn't dare
use on their friends and family.

I know trainers who would never use their very own tactics on their
family. And my response is: "If you wouldn't treat your your family or
friends like that, why would you treat your customers that way?"

7. They make you memorize pages and pages of manipulative-
sounding scripts.

You know whether or not someone's being genuine with you or spouting
out a bunch of nonsense they've tried to memorize from some training
course...and I promise you: your customers know it, too!

In my system you won't have to memorize any kind of long-winded
pitches or complicated closing techniques. In fact, once you go through
this program and practice a few of my 60-second "sales bursts", you'll be
amazed at how effortless and uncomplicated this system of selling really

Why You Should Believe What I'm Telling You:

First off: This technology has been used in dozens of top performing, most
recogognizable, Service Departments in the country.

You don't get into these companies spouting off a bunch of re-hashed junk. I'm
also endorsed by some of the country's most respected Dealers.

Second: In all honesty, you probably shouldn't really believe a single thing I'm
telling you about this program. In fact, I want you to take what I'm saying and
test it out for yourself.

Imagine this:

It's the late 1800's and your only form of transportation is a horse and

If I drove up to your house in an automobile, even as primitive as they
were back then, and told you I bought you one, and said, "After two days
of practice, I guarantee I'll have you driving this jalopy around at speeds
exceeding 25 miles per hour!"
Would you believe me?
How could you? You have no frame of reference for the experience.
My system is somewhat unusual. It's not like other Service Advisor training

Most other courses are like reading a book on learning how to drive a car.
You may learn how to move your feet on the pedals to stop and go. You'll learn
how to steer this horseless wagon - but until you get behind the wheel - you'll
never know what it's like to really drive one.

In my program you'll get behind the wheel!
So here it is: You don't have to believe anything I'm saying to you. All I ask is
that you give this system a shot. Many Fixed Ops trainers list all the places
they've worked, positions they've held etc.

My credentials are simple: My system works! and I back it up with a Money
Back Guarantee!!!

How many other Fixed Ops Trainers or Consultants do that ???

This program is "Unbelievable..."

"All I did was follow the formula and my sales results
went through the ROOF!"

Frank - Honda Service Advisor - Massachusetts

A Few More Things this Program Will Teach You:

How to eliminate the "Fear of Rejection" so selling becomes fun again!
The technique that will make a customers first objection, his last; and in
less than 25 seconds, get a commitment from him to buy.
The method for asking questions that make it impossible for your customer
to give you a "No" or "I need to think it over" answer.
The "Truth about Overcoming Objections" and why if you're currently
doing it; it's costing you money.
The 4 problems with "Traditional Closing" methods and how to make a
sale using them - If you get lucky.
The simple phrase you need to defeat the customers most famous last
words "I want to think it over".
How to "prevent objections" by getting inside the mind of your customers.
How the most highly compensated Service Advisors make repeated sales
without uttering more than "2 words".
Why just having "product knowledge" won't guarantee you a successful or
highly profitable career as a Service Advisor.
Why non-stop talking overwhelms your customers and actually creates
more problems for you and how selling using my "Covert Close" will stop the
personal rejection and protect your ego. (You'll be surprised in the difference
after only one week of consistent practice)!
How to get your customer to make a buying decision instead of stealing
control of your presentation, leaving you with the most dreaded answer of all
time in selling, the "I want to think it over".
There are 3 primary emotions customers feel when they enter the
Dealership, but they only buy from you, when feeling one of them. Which one is
it and how do you keep them from feeling the other two?

Money-Back Guarantee??? Who cares...

"I had always thought of myself as being good at
making sales, I threw out everything I previously
used and now I only use the Top Secret formula."

"Now my customers can't say "No"!

Jim - Toyota Service Advisor - New York

Click Here
to Find Out What This Program Will Not Teach You!

If You're thinking...
...I don't have enough money for this kind of program, or
...My selling skills aren't that bad, or
...I'm naturally a "people person", or
...I'm already too busy...
or any one of 99 other excuses...
Remember what the famous business philosopher Jim Rohn said;
"If you always do, what you've always done;
You'll always get, what you always got!"
Think about this:
No matter how bad the economy is...a great Service Advisor (one that can really
sell) will always make a lot money...
No matter how few jobs there are available...a great Service Advisor can always
find rewarding work...
It doesn't matter how busy their lives get...a great Service Advisor can always
find people who can lighten the load...

No matter what kind of Dealership...a great Service Advisor will always
separate themselves from the crowd...

The Two Reasons Why You Shouldn't Invest In This Program...
There are only two reasons why you shouldn't invest in this program:

1) If you're already making more money than you could possibly spend in this

2) If you already have highly stimulating, and deeply connected relationships
with every person you already know or those you meet daily.
These very same skills have been taught to hundreds of people with
amazing results every time.
Can't Wait?
Order Now on our Secure Server!
In one NJ Dealership, the Dealer Principal had
this to say about this program:
"His style is unique. His work has been consistently
above the norm with the people he coaches. They
routinely average 25%-30% greater sales in the
service drive."
"What this program has brought to our Service
Department has been more profitable to us than any
other Consultant or Training Program we've ever
"And it's so easy, we use it every day..."

Your Sales-Ability or Your Money Back...

So here's my offer: If you want a simple, no-bull system that works, with easy,
adaptable ideas you can use right away, then you need to give my program a
Now when I say: 'give my program a shot', I mean exactly that; read my easy-
to-follow, 161 page jam-packed course one time, embarrass yourself with a
few of my quick and simple-to-do "60 second burst exercises", and then watch
your sales take off. That's all.

Don't Decide Now...

Try it risk-free for a full 12 months. Yep, 1 whole year!!!

If you aren't absolutely thrilled with the results, meaning: if you don't increase
your sales by at least $ 25,000 and have deeper, more profound
relationships with all of the most important people in your life, then I'll give you
your money back, no questions asked.
In fact all you have to do is just send me the program back at any time within the
first 12 months after you purchase it and I'll immediately refund your full
purchase price.
How can I make this kind of guarantee?
Because I know this course is better than anything else you'll find by any other
Fixed Ops Consultant or Trainer and I'm willing to put my money where my
mouth is...
Have you ever heard of another Consultant or Trainer willing to give you this
kind of guarantee?
I don't think so!!!
That's because their income is based on what they sell to you. My income is
based on what you sell to others.
You see, if this program doesn't work and you don't sell more, I have to give you
your money back. That's why I developed this program to guarantee your
Using their outdated, regurgitated methods there's no way they can guarantee
the results. My program is completely different and so are the results!
That's why I can give you this guarantee.
Now, I realize there are a few unscrupulous characters surfing the net who order
products with the intention of returning them after casually studying the material.

I don't want to sound harsh here, but if that's what you're planning on doing,
please don't bother ordering this program!
This material is for serious, professional Dealership Service Advisors only
(and although most Service Advisors consider themselves professionals, not
everyone is all that serious about learning how to do it better).

For more information on the guarantee, please Click Here!
So What Do You Have To Lose?

So again, what do you have to lose?

Inept Service Advisors are capable of doing many, many things wrong, but
outstanding Service Advisors consistently do one thing right.

Learn this one thing and your sales performance and everyday life will never be
the same.
You may be one of the few lucky Service Advisors who actually know what
you're selling, (and if so, you probably don't need this program) but what would
happen if you decided to take your skills to a whole new level?

"In the time we've worked together, I've found
your approach to be extremely helpful.

In this ever-changing Automotive market, you've
helped me to identify and maximize opportunities
others would tend to overlook.

I feel I've grown as a person and that's improved
my ability to work with customers on a variety of
different levels."
Dave - Land Rover Service Advisor -

This Knowledge You Could Easily...
...spend $6,000 - $30,000 on a Service Advisors Training program from some
Consulting Company or Technical School (I've even seen Community Colleges
and Universities offering these courses) and still not know how to sell...

(How many colleges or universities offer iron-clad money-back guarantees?
None, to my knowledge.)
...spend THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS at seminars or workshops and still not
know what you're selling...
...spend hundreds on a sales course that "used to work" or you can use a
proven system that works right now!

Time Sensitive Note - 54.3% Price Slash - Only
Guaranteed Until
... Midnight!

You're probably wondering how much this kind of training will cost you... I have
to be honest here, it won't be cheap.

I've spent eleven years and countless thousands of dollars developing this
program; I've tested, re-tested, and refined each principle until they have proved
to be successful in any situation.
How much would it be worth for you to instantly increase your sales by 50 or 60
How much would it be worth for you to have deeper relationships with your
spouse, children, and friends? $1,000? $5,000? $10,000? Can you even put a
price on those kinds of things?
Absolutely! Everything has a price, either in time or in money.

And if you're like me, you probably don't have much time and you'd like to learn
a few ways to make a little more money.
So here it is: This program normally costs $697, but because this is the first time
I'm marketing it online, I'm offering it for a significant discount.
For only $297 you'll get the complete program delivered by FEDEX to any
address in the USA.


My friends (and competitors) think I'm crazy, but I want to try a little experiment:
For the next few hours I'm offering the complete Top Secret Service Advisor!
Coaching Program for the low price of $297!
This is not some cheesy marketing scheme. I merely want to find out if a lower
price point increases my conversion rate by 50%. If it doesn't work, I'll be going
back to the full price of $697.
You may want to click the "refresh" button on your screen to make sure it's still
available as you're reading these words.
And if you're not convinced this is one of the best investments you'll ever make,
scroll down and find out what else I'm including...

Bonus #1:
My FREE Report: How to Speak Volumes
Without Saying a Word! ($129 value)

Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the
University of California in Los Angeles, Albert
Mehrabian, created the "7%-38%-55% Rule". It is
a communication rule defining what factors give
meaning to our words.

Knowing the power of body language, you will be
able to control your non-verbal communication to
communicate the messages you want others to
receive. If you telegraph lazy, boring, or
unattractive body language, others will
immediately begin judging you as lazy, boring, or

Your body language really has the power to
influence and communicate what you want - in this
case, how to buy what you're selling.

My Never-Before-Included Special Report:
"21 Magnetic Communications Secrets Revealed"
($97 Value)

I hadn't planned on including these stand-alone bonus
reports in this program... but I've been teaching these
strategies in my seminars and the response has been
so overwhelming that I decided to include this $97
Special Report free of charge.

If you do any kind of public speaking...(or even if you're scared to death of public
speaking), you can't afford not to have this information. Everyone can feel the
presence of a charismatic person, but what is it that creates that presence?
This program will tell you everything you need to know...Here's what the bonus
chapters will teach you:
What charisma really is and how you can develop it for yourself.
How to touch people in a way that makes them happier and lighter
in your presence.

The difference between "true" and "phony" charisma (knowing the
difference will make you a far more powerful communicator.)

My Special 30-page
Self-Assessment Course:
"Dynamic Communication Skills"
($97 Value)

This is, by far, the most incredibly powerful technology for creating the most
powerfully effective communication that you've ever heard. The process is
simple and FAST! (It takes less than thirty minutes to learn and less than a
week or so to master).

This was a full day seminar that I've distilled into a crisp 30 page document.
There's no filler here, no idle chit-chat or useless commentary.
You won't need to wade through hundreds of pages to get a single usable
idea... I've written and re-written this excerpt until I could cut away no more.
Here are a few of the things you'll learn:
The "Amazing T.N.R. Technique" that will permanently
free your from the shackles of rejection, frustration,
and unwanted stress.
What rejection really is and how knowing what it is will alleviate
99.999% of your anxiety and frustration regarding it.
How to use "The B.R.I.C.K. Method" for unloading stress
and frustration.
How to never again feel uncontrollable emotions (or sweaty
palms) in a tense situation.
A simple exercise that will teach you how to be the coolest,
calmest person in any emergency situation.
And much, much more...
90 day Bonus; (sent after 90 days)
Personal Development Audio Seminar:
"How To Succeed In Business
And In Life!" ($99 Value)

Success is not a matter of luck an accident of birth or a reward for virtue.
As this six CD program outlines, success is a matter of decision, commitment
planning, preparation, execution, and recommitment.

This program (over 4 hours of audio content) is the complete plan for achieving
professional excellence and enjoying personal fulfillment covering the following
strategies for your journey from success to significance:

The most valuable things you need to know about Success.
The Values, Principles and Rules of Conduct.
How to Plan, Prepare and Execute your Plan for Success.
How to Step up, Commit and Re-Commit to Success!
The surprising difference between mediocre and outstanding
Easily identify and gain Mental, Emotional, Social and Spiritual Balance
in your
Business and in your Life.
All this and much, much more!
Limited Time Bonus Offer!
180 Days Of Unlimited E-mail Consultation
($1,250 value)

Limited To The First
100 People To Respond To This Offer!

Obviously, I can't offer this bonus for very long. Here's your chance to super-
charge what you've already learned in this program with practical, step-by-step
suggestions that can be applied to your own selling situation.
My consultation is a little different than what most people offer. This won't be a
friendly "online chat" where you leave the interaction inspired but un-
empowered. I'll hear about your particular situation and leave you with a
minimum of 2-3 things you can do right away.
How many times have you bought a sales course (or any course for that matter)
gotten stuck on a point or twoand not had a chance to clarify it with the
This program is simple to immediately apply, but occasionally a question will
arise...and I'll be available to you and answer anything you want to ask.
Again, this is an extremely limited offer, available to the first 100 people who
respond to this package. Within three days you'll receive a short message
detailing the most effective way to get the most out of your e-mail consultation.
You'll also receive my private e-mail address (reserved only for those
participating in this program) and a straight-forward tutorial that will make this
consultation pay-off big time for your career and life.
Note: I can only respond to a small number of emails each day.
This is a first-come first serve opportunity. Once I reach my limit, I will
permanently discontinue this service. This bonus will not last. The longer you
wait, the less likely I'll still be offering the one-on-one consultation.

I want to benefit from some of the best sales
training available (with $1,774 worth of killer
bonuses thrown in):
- Killer Audio Seminar:
"How To Succeed In Business And In Life!"
(A $99 Value)
- "How to Speak Volumes without saying a
Special Report (A $129 Value)
- 30 Page Self Assessmant Course -
"Dynamic Communication Skills!"
(A $199 Value)
- Never-Before-Included Special Report: "21
Magnetic Communication Secrets Revealed"
(A $99 Value)
- 180 days of Unlimited Email Consulting! (A
$1,250 Value)

Click Here to order the
"Top Secret Service Advisor Program!

Order Today!

Now On Our Secure Server!
Ordering this manual is a snap. Simply Click Here to ORDER the
"Top Secret Service Advisor Program and ALL of the Bonuses!
(The Program will be shipped to your home by FEDEX)

Don't wait!

The 180 Days of Unlimited Consultation ($1,250 value) is limited to the first
100 people who respond to this offer...
All major credit cards accepted through PayPal.
Note: If you don't have a credit card, ordering is still a piece of cake. Simply get
a bank draft for $297, put it in a stamped envelope with a sheet of paper which
reads: "Top Secret Service Advisor" and address the envelope to:
Service Advisor Sales Training
P.O. Box 75
Sparta, NJ 07871

That's all! Be sure to include your e-mail address so we can set up your
consultation info ASAP. Also, write down your work phone number. (I verify that
every Service Advisor I coach, works for a New Car Dealer.)

Don't worry, your personal information is safe with us. We don't give out our e-
mail addresses or phone numbers for any reason.
We also accept personal checks, but we need to hold the checks for 10 days (or
until they clear).
Thanks and "Renegade" Selling!
J.D. Renego - "The Renegade Trainer"
P.S. Remember: If you're not 100% completely and utterly thrilled with this
program, simply return it and I'll issue you a refund within 24 hours. My
guarantee gives you a full 365 days to test out this product...read it, use it, and
test it for yourself.

If you don't sell a minimum of $25,000 more in Customer Paid Labor, then YOU
pay nothing for this program! You have nothing to lose and a whole new world
of sales knowledge to gain. Order now!
Click Here to order the Top Secret Service Advisor Program!

Mastering Sales Objections by Bob Cooper

Downloadable Audio Sales Course

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At only $9.95, youll receive a tenfold return on your investment with the very first sales
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Unfamiliar with the download process?

Only $9.95
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Stop wasting your time traveling
down the road to failure!

Don't Spend Another Dime on
Service Advisor Training Books or
Seminar Style Programs Until You
Read This Shocking Website and
"Why Almost Everything You've Ever
Been Taught About Selling in the
Service Drive is Wrong...

"In Less Than 72 Hours
(much less if you read faster than I do...)
You Can Learn A Simple System That Will
Effortlessly Convert
50% More Of Your Presentations Into SALES
--- Or the Program is Yours Absolutely"
Dear Professional Service Advisor:

The most valuable skill you can have in today's marketplace if...
you want to succeed... make LOTS of money and ... reduce job related
stress...is... the ability to sell!

No other skill even comes close.

Robert Louis Stevenson was quoted as saying "Everyone lives by selling

When I say "ability to sell" I don't mean selling the way most people are taught
to sell...

In fact, when most people think of a typical Service Advisor they imagine a
"pushy S.O.B." jamming what they don't need, down their throat or a luke-
warm order taker at many a fast food establishment.

But these so-called "product-pushers" aren't really professional Service Advisors
at all; in fact, with all their "mc-cheesy" one-liners and hand-in your wallet selling
techniques...they're no better than professional pests (better known as "mc-
cashiers" in the service lane)!

So, if you're looking to become a better product-pusher using the same old
"value-meal menu" mentality, then I'm sorry to say: you've come to the
wrong place!
This site ain't about all the same boring, regurgitated, useless crap that those
self-proclaimed; so called "experts" have been peddling since the late
seventies in their over-priced Service Advisor Sales Training seminars.
This system gives you quantifiable, measurable results in HOURS...
not DAYS or WEEKS. This program makes YOU money! Immediately!

The 10 most "Useless Ideas" other Seminars and
Training Programs Teach...
and why they're a "HUGE" waste of your time and
It's no secret: Most Service Advisors are unhappier and unhealthier than ever
before. Why? Because they're operating in hostile, unwelcome selling
environments where many of their customers are out for blood!
There's no denying it: The average service customer is bombarded with more
selling messages than ever before: Lemon Law Billboards, Dealer run TV
Commercials, Newspaper ads, Val-Pak coupons, the Internet and the list goes
on and on....
So whether you're a Dealer, Service Manager, or Service Advisor, Whether
you've been writing service for a day, week, month or years, there's something
you need to understand:
Yesterday's Service Advisor training no longer
applies to today's fast-paced selling environment.
What once worked for your predecessors won't
work for you!
Outdated, platitudinal pitches, warranty related threats and puffy cliches,
are as obvious to your customers as a sky-blue leisure suit and white patent
leather shoes; their walls of defense are up long before you open your mouth.
So take a moment and ask yourself:
What have you done to prepare yourself for this insanely competitive selling

Have you been to any Service Advisor training seminars lately? And if so:

How relevant to actual selling was the information in your training class?

Have you read any books on "selling" lately? If so, how "cutting-edge" and
timely were the strategies in your books?

And most importantly...Has the material been consistently tested in real-world
My name is J.D. Renego (aka, "The Renegade Trainer") and I'm a Professional
Service Advisor Coach.

Every day I'm in the trenches, teaching and perfecting every idea in this

I've tested every principle before I published it and if something didn't work, I
tossed it aside and looked for something that did work.

I couldn't afford to waste time on "useless" ideas that didn't produce the results I
demanded from this program. Here are just a few of the "useless" ideas that
most other sales courses teach:
Useless Idea #1: You need to become a more "Positive" Service
Take an idiot and get him all "pumped up". What do you have? A "pumped-up
There is nothing worse than a really bad Service Advisor all excited and going
off half-cocked with a lot of unfocused motivation. Have you ever heard these

"Nothing will make a bad product fail quicker than good advertising"?
or how about: "Practice makes perfect?"
If you don't know what you're really selling, if your communication skills are
outdated and you're headed in the wrong direction with almost every person you
speak to, why would you want to become "more motivated" and move yourself
into the wrong direction even faster?

What about if you're practicing the wrong "stuff"? Now all you've done is make
"perfect crap"!
It amazes me how many Service Advisors will work really hard doing all the
wrong things right! They spend years tinkering with outdated selling systems
and wonder why they keep getting second-rate results.

The world renowned business philosopher Jim Rohn teaches: "If you always do
what you've always done; you'll always get, what you always got!"

The Top Secret Service Advisor program shatters the thinking of the traditional
"Get what you always got" training mentality.

Useless Idea #2: You need more "sophisticated" selling
I've spent the last 19 years and countless thousands of dollars studying all the
best sales training programs I could get my hands on.

I've read all the books. Books from Tom Hopkins, Paul Golner and Jeffrey

I've listened to all the tape programs, from Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy and Denis
Waitley, from Roger Dawson, and Tony Robbins, and I've been to more
seminars than I can remember.

I dissected each program like a scientist, methodically looking for the best
techniques from each system and applying them immediately into every
situation I could imagine.
But the more I studied these programs and practiced the various techniques, the
more frustrated I became.
Nothing I found seemed to work with the consistency and ease I
In fact, most sales training programs aren't designed to work. And if you need
proof, try using 365 fancy closing tricks with one of your kids or try "information
gathering" or "asking open-ended questions" with your spouse!

If you can't get away with those so-called "skills" with the people you love and
who trust you the most, why on earth would you use them with your customers
and expect to achieve different results?
Yet, that's precisely what most training programs do.
They employ manipulative strategies and "tricks" on their customers that they
wouldn't dare use on their families and friends.
It's no surprise that the profession of Service Advisor ranks just above Lawyers
and IRS tax collectors!

Useless Idea #3: You need to master "The Art of Closing the
The "sales close" is one of the worst inventions to enter the arena of
professional selling.
Closing techniques are nothing more than an assault on the human psyche.

Using a "hard close" is like using a slide hammer to extract a molar. People
aren't machinesthey don't have particular "hot" buttons you push in order to
get them to respond a certain way.
If people were really that predictable, if selling to people were really nothing
more than finding the correct "lever" to pull and then tugging on it with all your
might, then it would be a lot like sliding silver dollars in a slot machine...
(and just as rewarding???) I don't think so....

Useless Idea #4: Increasing "CSI" scores increases Service
Department Profits.
A lot of Service Advisors and even some Service Managers will blame their
product, Tech's, lack of training, the Parts Department, or even their customers
for poor CSI scores and even poorer sales performance and sometimes
they're right.

But even Willy Wonka couldn't sell the goose that laid the "Golden Egg" if he
began by using an offensive, self-centered "sales pitch".

Useless Idea #5: You need to learn how to "Handle Customer
A poorly trained Service Advisor is an objection waiting to happen. Learning
how to "handle" these objections is like trying to keep a sinking canoe afloat
using a Dixie cup.
Knowing how to correctly communicate and sell eliminates objections because
your client, customer, or loved-ones have absolutely no reason whatsoever to

Useless Idea #6: Selling is a "Numbers Game".
Most people with extensive sales training and even college degrees get it
wrong. (And yes, even people with six figure incomes and half-million dollar
homeswho could be making much more, get it wrong, too).
They've been taught to think that to make big money selling you need to see
more people.

They think the more they work, the more sales they'll make.

In my system, the exact opposite is true. The less you work, the more the
system works for you.
Useless Idea #7: Selling is different when dealing with "Female
Experts say that John Gray's book "Men are From Mars, Women are From
Venus" started a revolution. While this may be true, there are still many ways
men and women can learn to sell effectively.
Researchers focusing on what female consumers want their likes, dislikes, and
expectations from salespeople uncovered a common theme.

This theme was that women often feel that male salespeople do not take the
time to listen to them.

They describe them with words like "pushy," "aggressive," and "high
pressure," and said that, far from being helpful, male salespeople were
"condescending", "impatient", "impolite", and "poor listeners".

"Hello!!" it's not just the female consumer that thinks that a "poor listener" makes
for a "bad salesperson".

It just so happens, that most of the people employed in the service drive are
over-extended, stressed out, and under-trained.

This type of person regardless of whether male or female will be prone to "poor
listening" habits.

With the Top Secret Service Advisor program you'll learn how to communicate
more effectively with everyone and make selling to them effortless.
Useless Idea #8: Managing the "Service Customer" experience.
This is an excerpt of what they teach in this useless session:

"Whenever a customer comes in for service, make sure that the customer
experience remains pleasant. Pleasant experiences generate loyal
customers. Loyal customers return for service regularly and continue to
purchase vehicles from your dealership". Blah, Blah, Blah...
Today's professional Service Advisors must understand the interdependence of
the Parts, Service and Technical relationships and explain it to the customer in a
non-technical way.

Truly professional Service Advisors must understand the customer wants and
create services the meet their needs.

The Top Secret Service Advisor program focuses on the dynamics of working
with people and the complexities of coordinating the customers expectations
with the delivered product.
Useless Idea #9: They teach you - "The Role of the Service
This is what they teach in this useless session:

The Service Advisors primary responsibility is to act as the initial contact
between the customer and the service department.

A customer's impression of the service experience begins the moment
he/she calls the dealership or drives the vehicle into the dealership.

The dealership's reputation is "on-line" with every customer contact. The
job of the service advisor is to:
gather information.
provide excellent customer service.
ensure proper treatment.

Last time I checked we weren't paying Service Advisors to be restaurant
hostesses! Think about it:

- gather information: (Translation) They take your name and then it's "Mr.
Customer, party of 2"!!

- provide excellent customer service: (Translation) "Right this way please",
and "Your waitresses' name is Amber, and she'll be right with you".

- ensure proper treatment: (Translation) They ask you "Was everything O.K."?
as you're leaving the restaurant.

NO!!! we're paying Service Advisors to SELL Parts and Labor for our Service

Not be a hostess!!! or a babysitter to our Technicians, or a parts runner or a
valet, parking cars!!!

Yet, I've seen Service Advisors doing these and dozens of other ridiculous tasks
that don't produce a dime of gross profit for the Service Department in the last
25 years.

We structure their pay plans around selling. Let's give them every opportunity to
do so in the most effective way possible.

Useless Idea #10: Time Management for the Service Advisor
There is no greater time waster in the service drive than playing phone tag with
a customer.

Amateur Service Advisors who fear selling or don't have the skills to
communicate properly during the write-up process employ this tactic habitually.

The goal is to not call your customer with an estimate, the goal is to sell the
necessary repairs when you have the decision maker in your sights.

During the day customers are difficult to reach, technicians get even more
whiny, repairs can't be completed on time... productivity and profits are crushed.

This frustrating drama is played out time after time when repairs are held up for
customer authorizations.
Many Service Advisors seem to think the idea of writing service is to act as busy
as possible.

Why??? A hamster in a cage can stay busy and still not get anywhere.

My system is going to show you how sell more service work faster, easier, and
undo years of old habits and sub-par performance.

The Top Secret Service Advisor system is the best leverage for your time and
effort. It will allow you to achieve successes most Service Advisors can only
dream of.

If You're Tired Of Paying for Service Advisor
Training Programs That Don't Work more than
3 days after your Advisor attends...

Then Please Keep on Reading!

Most training programs and seminars kill hundreds of trees worth of printed
pages and waste profitable, unrecoverable hours on useless ideas like these
and more. The generic-ness of these ideas and all kinds of others you can find
out about for FREE online.
I won't waste your time with those kinds of topics.
I cut to the chase and teach you the one thing no other trainer wants you to
know. I eliminate 99% of all the fluff and nonsense and teach Service Advisors
how to really sell.
In fact, this information is so straightforward and simple to comprehend...that
there are only 3 things you need to make this program work for you:
1. An open mind when presented with unfamiliar
(and often-times strange) ideas.
2. The ability to follow directions that are no more
complicated than a recipe on the back of a can of
3. The desire to make selling fun and effortless.

If you meet these three criteria, then this program will be a breeze for you to
If you want to know the things you don't need, request my free report
The Top 10 Most Perpetuated Most Sales Frauds for a brief introductory list.

And Here Are Just a Few of the Things You'll
Learn in this Program...
The "Secret Formula" that separates the successful Service Advisor
from the "Walking Brochure."

The mental process that everyone (including you!) goes through, from the
moment they begin thinking about buying a product or service, until they plunk
down their hard-earned cash.
How to nurture a customer until they're ready to buy because -
"People buy when they're ready to buy, not when you're ready to sell".
The single, biggest mistake struggling Service Advisors make and how to
avoid it.
The difference between "Demonstrating and Presenting" and why you
must understand the differences, to be effective at "Selling".
Why "Closing the Sale" is the biggest mistake you'll ever make in
selling...for both You and your Customer.
Never-Before-Included Material: "The Myth that's been Perpetuated on
Service Advisors for over 40 years."
The 3 most important things you must do to get customers to buy from
you... And it has "nothing" to do with repairing their car.
How to turn an angry customer into a buying one!
How to get your customers to convince themselves to buy what your
Why your best selling skills will become completely natural... (forget about
trying to figure out someone's "body language" or using preposterous "rapport
building techniques" that could take months to learn).
What you're really selling... (you'll be truly amazed when you discover this
powerfully simple secret!)

I Know What You're Thinking Right Now!!!
It's Hard to Know Who to Believe Anymore...
Some Fixed Ops Consultants or Trainers promise results that can't be delivered
in any business environment. If you're planning investing in any new training
programs, at least know what you're getting yourself into...

My 7 Pet Peeves of the So-Called
"Fixed Ops Gurus"

1. Their training program has a copyright on it older than your

I've got news for you: This Digital Information Age has completely
transformed the occupation of professional Service Advisor.

The techniques and strategies that worked fifty years ago are laughable

If you're using a program from the 1950's, then you better be servicing
Edsel's! because senior citizens will be the only people responding to
your offer.

2. Their program doesn't offer any coaching or one-on-one role

It's easy to write a sales manual and teach it in a seminar or classroom---
but how many of those same Consultants are willing to work one-on-one
in the real world teaching real people those same ideas?

I stand by every principle I teach. I'm on the front lines every day
perfecting my ideas with every student I enroll. If something worked
once, I make sure it keeps working...over and over and over again.

3. They "teach" selling, but they can't sell!

I wanted to study construction management in college. Before spending
a penny on that major, I interviewed almost every professor in the
business department.

During the course of my "pre-spending" interviews, I discovered only one
professor in the entire department actually ran a construction business
(and it was an unprofitable business at that)!

All the other professors taught "How to run a business" courses---but
none of them used what they taught in any practical or profitable
way. Needless to say, I chose another route.

4. Their program teaches most of my "5 Tragic Myths About

Check out my free report:

The Top Five Tragic Myths About Selling!

for more information on what never to do to your customers. These
techniques are a obvious red flag for anyone attempting to call
themselves a "Professional Service Advisor."

5. Their sales material doesn't sell anything.

I'm astounded how many Fixed Operations Consultants and Trainers
websites have some of the most boring, uninspiring sales copy I've ever

And what's worse, they don't have any compelling offers for anyone who
happens to find their "Needle in a Haystack" website.

I'm not saying a boring website is any indication of the material offered,
but where I come from: selling is selling.

If they can't sell on their websites, how can you expect them to teach you
or your Advisors how to sell in your service drive?
6. They teach silly, outdated selling tactics they wouldn't dare
use on their friends and family.

I know trainers who would never use their very own tactics on their
family. And my response is: "If you wouldn't treat your your family or
friends like that, why would you treat your customers that way?"

7. They make you memorize pages and pages of manipulative-
sounding scripts.

You know whether or not someone's being genuine with you or spouting
out a bunch of nonsense they've tried to memorize from some training
course...and I promise you: your customers know it, too!

In my system you won't have to memorize any kind of long-winded
pitches or complicated closing techniques. In fact, once you go through
this program and practice a few of my 60-second "sales bursts", you'll be
amazed at how effortless and uncomplicated this system of selling really

Why You Should Believe What I'm Telling You:

First off: This technology has been used in dozens of top performing, most
recogognizable, Service Departments in the country.

You don't get into these companies spouting off a bunch of re-hashed junk. I'm
also endorsed by some of the country's most respected Dealers.

Second: In all honesty, you probably shouldn't really believe a single thing I'm
telling you about this program. In fact, I want you to take what I'm saying and
test it out for yourself.

Imagine this:

It's the late 1800's and your only form of transportation is a horse and

If I drove up to your house in an automobile, even as primitive as they
were back then, and told you I bought you one, and said, "After two days
of practice, I guarantee I'll have you driving this jalopy around at speeds
exceeding 25 miles per hour!"
Would you believe me?
How could you? You have no frame of reference for the experience.
My system is somewhat unusual. It's not like other Service Advisor training

Most other courses are like reading a book on learning how to drive a car.
You may learn how to move your feet on the pedals to stop and go. You'll learn
how to steer this horseless wagon - but until you get behind the wheel - you'll
never know what it's like to really drive one.

In my program you'll get behind the wheel!
So here it is: You don't have to believe anything I'm saying to you. All I ask is
that you give this system a shot. Many Fixed Ops trainers list all the places
they've worked, positions they've held etc.

My credentials are simple: My system works! and I back it up with a Money
Back Guarantee!!!

How many other Fixed Ops Trainers or Consultants do that ???

This program is "Unbelievable..."

"All I did was follow the formula and my sales results
went through the ROOF!"

Frank - Honda Service Advisor - Massachusetts

A Few More Things this Program Will Teach You:

How to eliminate the "Fear of Rejection" so selling becomes fun again!
The technique that will make a customers first objection, his last; and in
less than 25 seconds, get a commitment from him to buy.
The method for asking questions that make it impossible for your customer
to give you a "No" or "I need to think it over" answer.
The "Truth about Overcoming Objections" and why if you're currently
doing it; it's costing you money.
The 4 problems with "Traditional Closing" methods and how to make a
sale using them - If you get lucky.
The simple phrase you need to defeat the customers most famous last
words "I want to think it over".
How to "prevent objections" by getting inside the mind of your customers.
How the most highly compensated Service Advisors make repeated sales
without uttering more than "2 words".
Why just having "product knowledge" won't guarantee you a successful or
highly profitable career as a Service Advisor.
Why non-stop talking overwhelms your customers and actually creates
more problems for you and how selling using my "Covert Close" will stop the
personal rejection and protect your ego. (You'll be surprised in the difference
after only one week of consistent practice)!
How to get your customer to make a buying decision instead of stealing
control of your presentation, leaving you with the most dreaded answer of all
time in selling, the "I want to think it over".
There are 3 primary emotions customers feel when they enter the
Dealership, but they only buy from you, when feeling one of them. Which one is
it and how do you keep them from feeling the other two?

Money-Back Guarantee??? Who cares...

"I had always thought of myself as being good at
making sales, I threw out everything I previously
used and now I only use the Top Secret formula."

"Now my customers can't say "No"!

Jim - Toyota Service Advisor - New York

Click Here
to Find Out What This Program Will Not Teach You!

If You're thinking...
...I don't have enough money for this kind of program, or
...My selling skills aren't that bad, or
...I'm naturally a "people person", or
...I'm already too busy...
or any one of 99 other excuses...
Remember what the famous business philosopher Jim Rohn said;
"If you always do, what you've always done;
You'll always get, what you always got!"
Think about this:
No matter how bad the economy is...a great Service Advisor (one that can really
sell) will always make a lot money...
No matter how few jobs there are available...a great Service Advisor can always
find rewarding work...
It doesn't matter how busy their lives get...a great Service Advisor can always
find people who can lighten the load...

No matter what kind of Dealership...a great Service Advisor will always
separate themselves from the crowd...

The Two Reasons Why You Shouldn't Invest In This Program...
There are only two reasons why you shouldn't invest in this program:

1) If you're already making more money than you could possibly spend in this

2) If you already have highly stimulating, and deeply connected relationships
with every person you already know or those you meet daily.
These very same skills have been taught to hundreds of people with
amazing results every time.
Can't Wait?
Order Now on our Secure Server!
In one NJ Dealership, the Dealer Principal had
this to say about this program:
"His style is unique. His work has been consistently
above the norm with the people he coaches. They
routinely average 25%-30% greater sales in the
service drive."
"What this program has brought to our Service
Department has been more profitable to us than any
other Consultant or Training Program we've ever
"And it's so easy, we use it every day..."

Your Sales-Ability or Your Money Back...

So here's my offer: If you want a simple, no-bull system that works, with easy,
adaptable ideas you can use right away, then you need to give my program a
Now when I say: 'give my program a shot', I mean exactly that; read my easy-
to-follow, 161 page jam-packed course one time, embarrass yourself with a
few of my quick and simple-to-do "60 second burst exercises", and then watch
your sales take off. That's all.

Don't Decide Now...

Try it risk-free for a full 12 months. Yep, 1 whole year!!!

If you aren't absolutely thrilled with the results, meaning: if you don't increase
your sales by at least $ 25,000 and have deeper, more profound
relationships with all of the most important people in your life, then I'll give you
your money back, no questions asked.
In fact all you have to do is just send me the program back at any time within the
first 12 months after you purchase it and I'll immediately refund your full
purchase price.
How can I make this kind of guarantee?
Because I know this course is better than anything else you'll find by any other
Fixed Ops Consultant or Trainer and I'm willing to put my money where my
mouth is...
Have you ever heard of another Consultant or Trainer willing to give you this
kind of guarantee?
I don't think so!!!
That's because their income is based on what they sell to you. My income is
based on what you sell to others.
You see, if this program doesn't work and you don't sell more, I have to give you
your money back. That's why I developed this program to guarantee your
Using their outdated, regurgitated methods there's no way they can guarantee
the results. My program is completely different and so are the results!
That's why I can give you this guarantee.
Now, I realize there are a few unscrupulous characters surfing the net who order
products with the intention of returning them after casually studying the material.

I don't want to sound harsh here, but if that's what you're planning on doing,
please don't bother ordering this program!
This material is for serious, professional Dealership Service Advisors only
(and although most Service Advisors consider themselves professionals, not
everyone is all that serious about learning how to do it better).

For more information on the guarantee, please Click Here!
So What Do You Have To Lose?

So again, what do you have to lose?

Inept Service Advisors are capable of doing many, many things wrong, but
outstanding Service Advisors consistently do one thing right.

Learn this one thing and your sales performance and everyday life will never be
the same.
You may be one of the few lucky Service Advisors who actually know what
you're selling, (and if so, you probably don't need this program) but what would
happen if you decided to take your skills to a whole new level?

"In the time we've worked together, I've found
your approach to be extremely helpful.

In this ever-changing Automotive market, you've
helped me to identify and maximize opportunities
others would tend to overlook.

I feel I've grown as a person and that's improved
my ability to work with customers on a variety of
different levels."
Dave - Land Rover Service Advisor -

This Knowledge You Could Easily...
...spend $6,000 - $30,000 on a Service Advisors Training program from some
Consulting Company or Technical School (I've even seen Community Colleges
and Universities offering these courses) and still not know how to sell...

(How many colleges or universities offer iron-clad money-back guarantees?
None, to my knowledge.)
...spend THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS at seminars or workshops and still not
know what you're selling...
...spend hundreds on a sales course that "used to work" or you can use a
proven system that works right now!

Time Sensitive Note - 54.3% Price Slash - Only
Guaranteed Until
... Midnight!

You're probably wondering how much this kind of training will cost you... I have
to be honest here, it won't be cheap.

I've spent eleven years and countless thousands of dollars developing this
program; I've tested, re-tested, and refined each principle until they have proved
to be successful in any situation.
How much would it be worth for you to instantly increase your sales by 50 or 60
How much would it be worth for you to have deeper relationships with your
spouse, children, and friends? $1,000? $5,000? $10,000? Can you even put a
price on those kinds of things?
Absolutely! Everything has a price, either in time or in money.

And if you're like me, you probably don't have much time and you'd like to learn
a few ways to make a little more money.
So here it is: This program normally costs $697, but because this is the first time
I'm marketing it online, I'm offering it for a significant discount.
For only $297 you'll get the complete program delivered by FEDEX to any
address in the USA.


My friends (and competitors) think I'm crazy, but I want to try a little experiment:
For the next few hours I'm offering the complete Top Secret Service Advisor!
Coaching Program for the low price of $297!
This is not some cheesy marketing scheme. I merely want to find out if a lower
price point increases my conversion rate by 50%. If it doesn't work, I'll be going
back to the full price of $697.
You may want to click the "refresh" button on your screen to make sure it's still
available as you're reading these words.
And if you're not convinced this is one of the best investments you'll ever make,
scroll down and find out what else I'm including...

Bonus #1:
My FREE Report: How to Speak Volumes
Without Saying a Word! ($129 value)

Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the
University of California in Los Angeles, Albert
Mehrabian, created the "7%-38%-55% Rule". It is
a communication rule defining what factors give
meaning to our words.

Knowing the power of body language, you will be
able to control your non-verbal communication to
communicate the messages you want others to
receive. If you telegraph lazy, boring, or
unattractive body language, others will
immediately begin judging you as lazy, boring, or

Your body language really has the power to
influence and communicate what you want - in this
case, how to buy what you're selling.

My Never-Before-Included Special Report:
"21 Magnetic Communications Secrets Revealed"
($97 Value)

I hadn't planned on including these stand-alone bonus
reports in this program... but I've been teaching these
strategies in my seminars and the response has been
so overwhelming that I decided to include this $97
Special Report free of charge.

If you do any kind of public speaking...(or even if you're scared to death of public
speaking), you can't afford not to have this information. Everyone can feel the
presence of a charismatic person, but what is it that creates that presence?
This program will tell you everything you need to know...Here's what the bonus
chapters will teach you:
What charisma really is and how you can develop it for yourself.
How to touch people in a way that makes them happier and lighter
in your presence.

The difference between "true" and "phony" charisma (knowing the
difference will make you a far more powerful communicator.)

My Special 30-page
Self-Assessment Course:
"Dynamic Communication Skills"
($97 Value)

This is, by far, the most incredibly powerful technology for creating the most
powerfully effective communication that you've ever heard. The process is
simple and FAST! (It takes less than thirty minutes to learn and less than a
week or so to master).

This was a full day seminar that I've distilled into a crisp 30 page document.
There's no filler here, no idle chit-chat or useless commentary.
You won't need to wade through hundreds of pages to get a single usable
idea... I've written and re-written this excerpt until I could cut away no more.
Here are a few of the things you'll learn:
The "Amazing T.N.R. Technique" that will permanently
free your from the shackles of rejection, frustration,
and unwanted stress.
What rejection really is and how knowing what it is will alleviate
99.999% of your anxiety and frustration regarding it.
How to use "The B.R.I.C.K. Method" for unloading stress
and frustration.
How to never again feel uncontrollable emotions (or sweaty
palms) in a tense situation.
A simple exercise that will teach you how to be the coolest,
calmest person in any emergency situation.
And much, much more...
90 day Bonus; (sent after 90 days)
Personal Development Audio Seminar:
"How To Succeed In Business
And In Life!" ($99 Value)

Success is not a matter of luck an accident of birth or a reward for virtue.
As this six CD program outlines, success is a matter of decision, commitment
planning, preparation, execution, and recommitment.

This program (over 4 hours of audio content) is the complete plan for achieving
professional excellence and enjoying personal fulfillment covering the following
strategies for your journey from success to significance:

The most valuable things you need to know about Success.
The Values, Principles and Rules of Conduct.
How to Plan, Prepare and Execute your Plan for Success.
How to Step up, Commit and Re-Commit to Success!
The surprising difference between mediocre and outstanding
Easily identify and gain Mental, Emotional, Social and Spiritual Balance
in your
Business and in your Life.
All this and much, much more!
Limited Time Bonus Offer!
180 Days Of Unlimited E-mail Consultation
($1,250 value)

Limited To The First
100 People To Respond To This Offer!

Obviously, I can't offer this bonus for very long. Here's your chance to super-
charge what you've already learned in this program with practical, step-by-step
suggestions that can be applied to your own selling situation.
My consultation is a little different than what most people offer. This won't be a
friendly "online chat" where you leave the interaction inspired but un-
empowered. I'll hear about your particular situation and leave you with a
minimum of 2-3 things you can do right away.
How many times have you bought a sales course (or any course for that matter)
gotten stuck on a point or twoand not had a chance to clarify it with the
This program is simple to immediately apply, but occasionally a question will
arise...and I'll be available to you and answer anything you want to ask.
Again, this is an extremely limited offer, available to the first 100 people who
respond to this package. Within three days you'll receive a short message
detailing the most effective way to get the most out of your e-mail consultation.
You'll also receive my private e-mail address (reserved only for those
participating in this program) and a straight-forward tutorial that will make this
consultation pay-off big time for your career and life.
Note: I can only respond to a small number of emails each day.
This is a first-come first serve opportunity. Once I reach my limit, I will
permanently discontinue this service. This bonus will not last. The longer you
wait, the less likely I'll still be offering the one-on-one consultation.

I want to benefit from some of the best sales
training available (with $1,774 worth of killer
bonuses thrown in):
- Killer Audio Seminar:
"How To Succeed In Business And In Life!"
(A $99 Value)
- "How to Speak Volumes without saying a
Special Report (A $129 Value)
- 30 Page Self Assessmant Course -
"Dynamic Communication Skills!"
(A $199 Value)
- Never-Before-Included Special Report: "21
Magnetic Communication Secrets Revealed"
(A $99 Value)
- 180 days of Unlimited Email Consulting! (A
$1,250 Value)

Click Here to order the
"Top Secret Service Advisor Program!

Order Today!

Now On Our Secure Server!
Ordering this manual is a snap. Simply Click Here to ORDER the
"Top Secret Service Advisor Program and ALL of the Bonuses!
(The Program will be shipped to your home by FEDEX)

Don't wait!

The 180 Days of Unlimited Consultation ($1,250 value) is limited to the first
100 people who respond to this offer...
All major credit cards accepted through PayPal.
Note: If you don't have a credit card, ordering is still a piece of cake. Simply get
a bank draft for $297, put it in a stamped envelope with a sheet of paper which
reads: "Top Secret Service Advisor" and address the envelope to:
Service Advisor Sales Training
P.O. Box 75
Sparta, NJ 07871

That's all! Be sure to include your e-mail address so we can set up your
consultation info ASAP. Also, write down your work phone number. (I verify that
every Service Advisor I coach, works for a New Car Dealer.)

Don't worry, your personal information is safe with us. We don't give out our e-
mail addresses or phone numbers for any reason.
We also accept personal checks, but we need to hold the checks for 10 days (or
until they clear).
Thanks and "Renegade" Selling!
J.D. Renego - "The Renegade Trainer"
P.S. Remember: If you're not 100% completely and utterly thrilled with this
program, simply return it and I'll issue you a refund within 24 hours. My
guarantee gives you a full 365 days to test out this product...read it, use it, and
test it for yourself.

If you don't sell a minimum of $25,000 more in Customer Paid Labor, then YOU
pay nothing for this program! You have nothing to lose and a whole new world
of sales knowledge to gain. Order now!
Click Here to order the Top Secret Service Advisor Program!

Mastering Sales Objections by Bob Cooper

Downloadable Audio Sales Course

Product Benefits:
Handle objections in the most professional & ethical way
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Listen to an Audio Sample

Only $9.95

Automotive Service Writer Training to Help You Overcome Sales
Coming from Elite, I expected this download to be good. I have to tell you it exceeded
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Within minutes you can now start turning the toughest sales objections into
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Recorded live at Bob Coopers High Impact automotive service writer training seminar,
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At only $9.95, youll receive a tenfold return on your investment with the very first sales
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For additional help increasing your sales and CSI scores, learn more about our Elite
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I have exposed to a lot of sales content, but none has been as on the money as this.
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Unfamiliar with the download process?

Only $9.95
Program Length: 55 Mins
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Stop wasting your time traveling
down the road to failure!

Don't Spend Another Dime on
Service Advisor Training Books or
Seminar Style Programs Until You
Read This Shocking Website and
"Why Almost Everything You've Ever
Been Taught About Selling in the
Service Drive is Wrong...

"In Less Than 72 Hours
(much less if you read faster than I do...)
You Can Learn A Simple System That Will
Effortlessly Convert
50% More Of Your Presentations Into SALES
--- Or the Program is Yours Absolutely"
Dear Professional Service Advisor:

The most valuable skill you can have in today's marketplace if...
you want to succeed... make LOTS of money and ... reduce job related
stress...is... the ability to sell!

No other skill even comes close.

Robert Louis Stevenson was quoted as saying "Everyone lives by selling

When I say "ability to sell" I don't mean selling the way most people are taught
to sell...

In fact, when most people think of a typical Service Advisor they imagine a
"pushy S.O.B." jamming what they don't need, down their throat or a luke-
warm order taker at many a fast food establishment.

But these so-called "product-pushers" aren't really professional Service Advisors
at all; in fact, with all their "mc-cheesy" one-liners and hand-in your wallet selling
techniques...they're no better than professional pests (better known as "mc-
cashiers" in the service lane)!

So, if you're looking to become a better product-pusher using the same old
"value-meal menu" mentality, then I'm sorry to say: you've come to the
wrong place!
This site ain't about all the same boring, regurgitated, useless crap that those
self-proclaimed; so called "experts" have been peddling since the late
seventies in their over-priced Service Advisor Sales Training seminars.
This system gives you quantifiable, measurable results in HOURS...
not DAYS or WEEKS. This program makes YOU money! Immediately!

The 10 most "Useless Ideas" other Seminars and
Training Programs Teach...
and why they're a "HUGE" waste of your time and
It's no secret: Most Service Advisors are unhappier and unhealthier than ever
before. Why? Because they're operating in hostile, unwelcome selling
environments where many of their customers are out for blood!
There's no denying it: The average service customer is bombarded with more
selling messages than ever before: Lemon Law Billboards, Dealer run TV
Commercials, Newspaper ads, Val-Pak coupons, the Internet and the list goes
on and on....
So whether you're a Dealer, Service Manager, or Service Advisor, Whether
you've been writing service for a day, week, month or years, there's something
you need to understand:
Yesterday's Service Advisor training no longer
applies to today's fast-paced selling environment.
What once worked for your predecessors won't
work for you!
Outdated, platitudinal pitches, warranty related threats and puffy cliches,
are as obvious to your customers as a sky-blue leisure suit and white patent
leather shoes; their walls of defense are up long before you open your mouth.
So take a moment and ask yourself:
What have you done to prepare yourself for this insanely competitive selling

Have you been to any Service Advisor training seminars lately? And if so:

How relevant to actual selling was the information in your training class?

Have you read any books on "selling" lately? If so, how "cutting-edge" and
timely were the strategies in your books?

And most importantly...Has the material been consistently tested in real-world
My name is J.D. Renego (aka, "The Renegade Trainer") and I'm a Professional
Service Advisor Coach.

Every day I'm in the trenches, teaching and perfecting every idea in this

I've tested every principle before I published it and if something didn't work, I
tossed it aside and looked for something that did work.

I couldn't afford to waste time on "useless" ideas that didn't produce the results I
demanded from this program. Here are just a few of the "useless" ideas that
most other sales courses teach:
Useless Idea #1: You need to become a more "Positive" Service
Take an idiot and get him all "pumped up". What do you have? A "pumped-up
There is nothing worse than a really bad Service Advisor all excited and going
off half-cocked with a lot of unfocused motivation. Have you ever heard these

"Nothing will make a bad product fail quicker than good advertising"?
or how about: "Practice makes perfect?"
If you don't know what you're really selling, if your communication skills are
outdated and you're headed in the wrong direction with almost every person you
speak to, why would you want to become "more motivated" and move yourself
into the wrong direction even faster?

What about if you're practicing the wrong "stuff"? Now all you've done is make
"perfect crap"!
It amazes me how many Service Advisors will work really hard doing all the
wrong things right! They spend years tinkering with outdated selling systems
and wonder why they keep getting second-rate results.

The world renowned business philosopher Jim Rohn teaches: "If you always do
what you've always done; you'll always get, what you always got!"

The Top Secret Service Advisor program shatters the thinking of the traditional
"Get what you always got" training mentality.

Useless Idea #2: You need more "sophisticated" selling
I've spent the last 19 years and countless thousands of dollars studying all the
best sales training programs I could get my hands on.

I've read all the books. Books from Tom Hopkins, Paul Golner and Jeffrey

I've listened to all the tape programs, from Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy and Denis
Waitley, from Roger Dawson, and Tony Robbins, and I've been to more
seminars than I can remember.

I dissected each program like a scientist, methodically looking for the best
techniques from each system and applying them immediately into every
situation I could imagine.
But the more I studied these programs and practiced the various techniques, the
more frustrated I became.
Nothing I found seemed to work with the consistency and ease I
In fact, most sales training programs aren't designed to work. And if you need
proof, try using 365 fancy closing tricks with one of your kids or try "information
gathering" or "asking open-ended questions" with your spouse!

If you can't get away with those so-called "skills" with the people you love and
who trust you the most, why on earth would you use them with your customers
and expect to achieve different results?
Yet, that's precisely what most training programs do.
They employ manipulative strategies and "tricks" on their customers that they
wouldn't dare use on their families and friends.
It's no surprise that the profession of Service Advisor ranks just above Lawyers
and IRS tax collectors!

Useless Idea #3: You need to master "The Art of Closing the
The "sales close" is one of the worst inventions to enter the arena of
professional selling.
Closing techniques are nothing more than an assault on the human psyche.

Using a "hard close" is like using a slide hammer to extract a molar. People
aren't machinesthey don't have particular "hot" buttons you push in order to
get them to respond a certain way.
If people were really that predictable, if selling to people were really nothing
more than finding the correct "lever" to pull and then tugging on it with all your
might, then it would be a lot like sliding silver dollars in a slot machine...
(and just as rewarding???) I don't think so....

Useless Idea #4: Increasing "CSI" scores increases Service
Department Profits.
A lot of Service Advisors and even some Service Managers will blame their
product, Tech's, lack of training, the Parts Department, or even their customers
for poor CSI scores and even poorer sales performance and sometimes
they're right.

But even Willy Wonka couldn't sell the goose that laid the "Golden Egg" if he
began by using an offensive, self-centered "sales pitch".

Useless Idea #5: You need to learn how to "Handle Customer
A poorly trained Service Advisor is an objection waiting to happen. Learning
how to "handle" these objections is like trying to keep a sinking canoe afloat
using a Dixie cup.
Knowing how to correctly communicate and sell eliminates objections because
your client, customer, or loved-ones have absolutely no reason whatsoever to

Useless Idea #6: Selling is a "Numbers Game".
Most people with extensive sales training and even college degrees get it
wrong. (And yes, even people with six figure incomes and half-million dollar
homeswho could be making much more, get it wrong, too).
They've been taught to think that to make big money selling you need to see
more people.

They think the more they work, the more sales they'll make.

In my system, the exact opposite is true. The less you work, the more the
system works for you.
Useless Idea #7: Selling is different when dealing with "Female
Experts say that John Gray's book "Men are From Mars, Women are From
Venus" started a revolution. While this may be true, there are still many ways
men and women can learn to sell effectively.
Researchers focusing on what female consumers want their likes, dislikes, and
expectations from salespeople uncovered a common theme.

This theme was that women often feel that male salespeople do not take the
time to listen to them.

They describe them with words like "pushy," "aggressive," and "high
pressure," and said that, far from being helpful, male salespeople were
"condescending", "impatient", "impolite", and "poor listeners".

"Hello!!" it's not just the female consumer that thinks that a "poor listener" makes
for a "bad salesperson".

It just so happens, that most of the people employed in the service drive are
over-extended, stressed out, and under-trained.

This type of person regardless of whether male or female will be prone to "poor
listening" habits.

With the Top Secret Service Advisor program you'll learn how to communicate
more effectively with everyone and make selling to them effortless.
Useless Idea #8: Managing the "Service Customer" experience.
This is an excerpt of what they teach in this useless session:

"Whenever a customer comes in for service, make sure that the customer
experience remains pleasant. Pleasant experiences generate loyal
customers. Loyal customers return for service regularly and continue to
purchase vehicles from your dealership". Blah, Blah, Blah...
Today's professional Service Advisors must understand the interdependence of
the Parts, Service and Technical relationships and explain it to the customer in a
non-technical way.

Truly professional Service Advisors must understand the customer wants and
create services the meet their needs.

The Top Secret Service Advisor program focuses on the dynamics of working
with people and the complexities of coordinating the customers expectations
with the delivered product.
Useless Idea #9: They teach you - "The Role of the Service
This is what they teach in this useless session:

The Service Advisors primary responsibility is to act as the initial contact
between the customer and the service department.

A customer's impression of the service experience begins the moment
he/she calls the dealership or drives the vehicle into the dealership.

The dealership's reputation is "on-line" with every customer contact. The
job of the service advisor is to:
gather information.
provide excellent customer service.
ensure proper treatment.

Last time I checked we weren't paying Service Advisors to be restaurant
hostesses! Think about it:

- gather information: (Translation) They take your name and then it's "Mr.
Customer, party of 2"!!

- provide excellent customer service: (Translation) "Right this way please",
and "Your waitresses' name is Amber, and she'll be right with you".

- ensure proper treatment: (Translation) They ask you "Was everything O.K."?
as you're leaving the restaurant.

NO!!! we're paying Service Advisors to SELL Parts and Labor for our Service

Not be a hostess!!! or a babysitter to our Technicians, or a parts runner or a
valet, parking cars!!!

Yet, I've seen Service Advisors doing these and dozens of other ridiculous tasks
that don't produce a dime of gross profit for the Service Department in the last
25 years.

We structure their pay plans around selling. Let's give them every opportunity to
do so in the most effective way possible.

Useless Idea #10: Time Management for the Service Advisor
There is no greater time waster in the service drive than playing phone tag with
a customer.

Amateur Service Advisors who fear selling or don't have the skills to
communicate properly during the write-up process employ this tactic habitually.

The goal is to not call your customer with an estimate, the goal is to sell the
necessary repairs when you have the decision maker in your sights.

During the day customers are difficult to reach, technicians get even more
whiny, repairs can't be completed on time... productivity and profits are crushed.

This frustrating drama is played out time after time when repairs are held up for
customer authorizations.
Many Service Advisors seem to think the idea of writing service is to act as busy
as possible.

Why??? A hamster in a cage can stay busy and still not get anywhere.

My system is going to show you how sell more service work faster, easier, and
undo years of old habits and sub-par performance.

The Top Secret Service Advisor system is the best leverage for your time and
effort. It will allow you to achieve successes most Service Advisors can only
dream of.

If You're Tired Of Paying for Service Advisor
Training Programs That Don't Work more than
3 days after your Advisor attends...

Then Please Keep on Reading!

Most training programs and seminars kill hundreds of trees worth of printed
pages and waste profitable, unrecoverable hours on useless ideas like these
and more. The generic-ness of these ideas and all kinds of others you can find
out about for FREE online.
I won't waste your time with those kinds of topics.
I cut to the chase and teach you the one thing no other trainer wants you to
know. I eliminate 99% of all the fluff and nonsense and teach Service Advisors
how to really sell.
In fact, this information is so straightforward and simple to comprehend...that
there are only 3 things you need to make this program work for you:
1. An open mind when presented with unfamiliar
(and often-times strange) ideas.
2. The ability to follow directions that are no more
complicated than a recipe on the back of a can of
3. The desire to make selling fun and effortless.

If you meet these three criteria, then this program will be a breeze for you to
If you want to know the things you don't need, request my free report
The Top 10 Most Perpetuated Most Sales Frauds for a brief introductory list.

And Here Are Just a Few of the Things You'll
Learn in this Program...
The "Secret Formula" that separates the successful Service Advisor
from the "Walking Brochure."

The mental process that everyone (including you!) goes through, from the
moment they begin thinking about buying a product or service, until they plunk
down their hard-earned cash.
How to nurture a customer until they're ready to buy because -
"People buy when they're ready to buy, not when you're ready to sell".
The single, biggest mistake struggling Service Advisors make and how to
avoid it.
The difference between "Demonstrating and Presenting" and why you
must understand the differences, to be effective at "Selling".
Why "Closing the Sale" is the biggest mistake you'll ever make in
selling...for both You and your Customer.
Never-Before-Included Material: "The Myth that's been Perpetuated on
Service Advisors for over 40 years."
The 3 most important things you must do to get customers to buy from
you... And it has "nothing" to do with repairing their car.
How to turn an angry customer into a buying one!
How to get your customers to convince themselves to buy what your
Why your best selling skills will become completely natural... (forget about
trying to figure out someone's "body language" or using preposterous "rapport
building techniques" that could take months to learn).
What you're really selling... (you'll be truly amazed when you discover this
powerfully simple secret!)

I Know What You're Thinking Right Now!!!
It's Hard to Know Who to Believe Anymore...
Some Fixed Ops Consultants or Trainers promise results that can't be delivered
in any business environment. If you're planning investing in any new training
programs, at least know what you're getting yourself into...

My 7 Pet Peeves of the So-Called
"Fixed Ops Gurus"

1. Their training program has a copyright on it older than your

I've got news for you: This Digital Information Age has completely
transformed the occupation of professional Service Advisor.

The techniques and strategies that worked fifty years ago are laughable

If you're using a program from the 1950's, then you better be servicing
Edsel's! because senior citizens will be the only people responding to
your offer.

2. Their program doesn't offer any coaching or one-on-one role

It's easy to write a sales manual and teach it in a seminar or classroom---
but how many of those same Consultants are willing to work one-on-one
in the real world teaching real people those same ideas?

I stand by every principle I teach. I'm on the front lines every day
perfecting my ideas with every student I enroll. If something worked
once, I make sure it keeps working...over and over and over again.

3. They "teach" selling, but they can't sell!

I wanted to study construction management in college. Before spending
a penny on that major, I interviewed almost every professor in the
business department.

During the course of my "pre-spending" interviews, I discovered only one
professor in the entire department actually ran a construction business
(and it was an unprofitable business at that)!

All the other professors taught "How to run a business" courses---but
none of them used what they taught in any practical or profitable
way. Needless to say, I chose another route.

4. Their program teaches most of my "5 Tragic Myths About

Check out my free report:

The Top Five Tragic Myths About Selling!

for more information on what never to do to your customers. These
techniques are a obvious red flag for anyone attempting to call
themselves a "Professional Service Advisor."

5. Their sales material doesn't sell anything.

I'm astounded how many Fixed Operations Consultants and Trainers
websites have some of the most boring, uninspiring sales copy I've ever

And what's worse, they don't have any compelling offers for anyone who
happens to find their "Needle in a Haystack" website.

I'm not saying a boring website is any indication of the material offered,
but where I come from: selling is selling.

If they can't sell on their websites, how can you expect them to teach you
or your Advisors how to sell in your service drive?
6. They teach silly, outdated selling tactics they wouldn't dare
use on their friends and family.

I know trainers who would never use their very own tactics on their
family. And my response is: "If you wouldn't treat your your family or
friends like that, why would you treat your customers that way?"

7. They make you memorize pages and pages of manipulative-
sounding scripts.

You know whether or not someone's being genuine with you or spouting
out a bunch of nonsense they've tried to memorize from some training
course...and I promise you: your customers know it, too!

In my system you won't have to memorize any kind of long-winded
pitches or complicated closing techniques. In fact, once you go through
this program and practice a few of my 60-second "sales bursts", you'll be
amazed at how effortless and uncomplicated this system of selling really

Why You Should Believe What I'm Telling You:

First off: This technology has been used in dozens of top performing, most
recogognizable, Service Departments in the country.

You don't get into these companies spouting off a bunch of re-hashed junk. I'm
also endorsed by some of the country's most respected Dealers.

Second: In all honesty, you probably shouldn't really believe a single thing I'm
telling you about this program. In fact, I want you to take what I'm saying and
test it out for yourself.

Imagine this:

It's the late 1800's and your only form of transportation is a horse and

If I drove up to your house in an automobile, even as primitive as they
were back then, and told you I bought you one, and said, "After two days
of practice, I guarantee I'll have you driving this jalopy around at speeds
exceeding 25 miles per hour!"
Would you believe me?
How could you? You have no frame of reference for the experience.
My system is somewhat unusual. It's not like other Service Advisor training

Most other courses are like reading a book on learning how to drive a car.
You may learn how to move your feet on the pedals to stop and go. You'll learn
how to steer this horseless wagon - but until you get behind the wheel - you'll
never know what it's like to really drive one.

In my program you'll get behind the wheel!
So here it is: You don't have to believe anything I'm saying to you. All I ask is
that you give this system a shot. Many Fixed Ops trainers list all the places
they've worked, positions they've held etc.

My credentials are simple: My system works! and I back it up with a Money
Back Guarantee!!!

How many other Fixed Ops Trainers or Consultants do that ???

This program is "Unbelievable..."

"All I did was follow the formula and my sales results
went through the ROOF!"

Frank - Honda Service Advisor - Massachusetts

A Few More Things this Program Will Teach You:

How to eliminate the "Fear of Rejection" so selling becomes fun again!
The technique that will make a customers first objection, his last; and in
less than 25 seconds, get a commitment from him to buy.
The method for asking questions that make it impossible for your customer
to give you a "No" or "I need to think it over" answer.
The "Truth about Overcoming Objections" and why if you're currently
doing it; it's costing you money.
The 4 problems with "Traditional Closing" methods and how to make a
sale using them - If you get lucky.
The simple phrase you need to defeat the customers most famous last
words "I want to think it over".
How to "prevent objections" by getting inside the mind of your customers.
How the most highly compensated Service Advisors make repeated sales
without uttering more than "2 words".
Why just having "product knowledge" won't guarantee you a successful or
highly profitable career as a Service Advisor.
Why non-stop talking overwhelms your customers and actually creates
more problems for you and how selling using my "Covert Close" will stop the
personal rejection and protect your ego. (You'll be surprised in the difference
after only one week of consistent practice)!
How to get your customer to make a buying decision instead of stealing
control of your presentation, leaving you with the most dreaded answer of all
time in selling, the "I want to think it over".
There are 3 primary emotions customers feel when they enter the
Dealership, but they only buy from you, when feeling one of them. Which one is
it and how do you keep them from feeling the other two?

Money-Back Guarantee??? Who cares...

"I had always thought of myself as being good at
making sales, I threw out everything I previously
used and now I only use the Top Secret formula."

"Now my customers can't say "No"!

Jim - Toyota Service Advisor - New York

Click Here
to Find Out What This Program Will Not Teach You!

If You're thinking...
...I don't have enough money for this kind of program, or
...My selling skills aren't that bad, or
...I'm naturally a "people person", or
...I'm already too busy...
or any one of 99 other excuses...
Remember what the famous business philosopher Jim Rohn said;
"If you always do, what you've always done;
You'll always get, what you always got!"
Think about this:
No matter how bad the economy is...a great Service Advisor (one that can really
sell) will always make a lot money...
No matter how few jobs there are available...a great Service Advisor can always
find rewarding work...
It doesn't matter how busy their lives get...a great Service Advisor can always
find people who can lighten the load...

No matter what kind of Dealership...a great Service Advisor will always
separate themselves from the crowd...

The Two Reasons Why You Shouldn't Invest In This Program...
There are only two reasons why you shouldn't invest in this program:

1) If you're already making more money than you could possibly spend in this

2) If you already have highly stimulating, and deeply connected relationships
with every person you already know or those you meet daily.
These very same skills have been taught to hundreds of people with
amazing results every time.
Can't Wait?
Order Now on our Secure Server!
In one NJ Dealership, the Dealer Principal had
this to say about this program:
"His style is unique. His work has been consistently
above the norm with the people he coaches. They
routinely average 25%-30% greater sales in the
service drive."
"What this program has brought to our Service
Department has been more profitable to us than any
other Consultant or Training Program we've ever
"And it's so easy, we use it every day..."

Your Sales-Ability or Your Money Back...

So here's my offer: If you want a simple, no-bull system that works, with easy,
adaptable ideas you can use right away, then you need to give my program a
Now when I say: 'give my program a shot', I mean exactly that; read my easy-
to-follow, 161 page jam-packed course one time, embarrass yourself with a
few of my quick and simple-to-do "60 second burst exercises", and then watch
your sales take off. That's all.

Don't Decide Now...

Try it risk-free for a full 12 months. Yep, 1 whole year!!!

If you aren't absolutely thrilled with the results, meaning: if you don't increase
your sales by at least $ 25,000 and have deeper, more profound
relationships with all of the most important people in your life, then I'll give you
your money back, no questions asked.
In fact all you have to do is just send me the program back at any time within the
first 12 months after you purchase it and I'll immediately refund your full
purchase price.
How can I make this kind of guarantee?
Because I know this course is better than anything else you'll find by any other
Fixed Ops Consultant or Trainer and I'm willing to put my money where my
mouth is...
Have you ever heard of another Consultant or Trainer willing to give you this
kind of guarantee?
I don't think so!!!
That's because their income is based on what they sell to you. My income is
based on what you sell to others.
You see, if this program doesn't work and you don't sell more, I have to give you
your money back. That's why I developed this program to guarantee your
Using their outdated, regurgitated methods there's no way they can guarantee
the results. My program is completely different and so are the results!
That's why I can give you this guarantee.
Now, I realize there are a few unscrupulous characters surfing the net who order
products with the intention of returning them after casually studying the material.

I don't want to sound harsh here, but if that's what you're planning on doing,
please don't bother ordering this program!
This material is for serious, professional Dealership Service Advisors only
(and although most Service Advisors consider themselves professionals, not
everyone is all that serious about learning how to do it better).

For more information on the guarantee, please Click Here!
So What Do You Have To Lose?

So again, what do you have to lose?

Inept Service Advisors are capable of doing many, many things wrong, but
outstanding Service Advisors consistently do one thing right.

Learn this one thing and your sales performance and everyday life will never be
the same.
You may be one of the few lucky Service Advisors who actually know what
you're selling, (and if so, you probably don't need this program) but what would
happen if you decided to take your skills to a whole new level?

"In the time we've worked together, I've found
your approach to be extremely helpful.

In this ever-changing Automotive market, you've
helped me to identify and maximize opportunities
others would tend to overlook.

I feel I've grown as a person and that's improved
my ability to work with customers on a variety of
different levels."
Dave - Land Rover Service Advisor -

This Knowledge You Could Easily...
...spend $6,000 - $30,000 on a Service Advisors Training program from some
Consulting Company or Technical School (I've even seen Community Colleges
and Universities offering these courses) and still not know how to sell...

(How many colleges or universities offer iron-clad money-back guarantees?
None, to my knowledge.)
...spend THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS at seminars or workshops and still not
know what you're selling...
...spend hundreds on a sales course that "used to work" or you can use a
proven system that works right now!

Time Sensitive Note - 54.3% Price Slash - Only
Guaranteed Until
... Midnight!

You're probably wondering how much this kind of training will cost you... I have
to be honest here, it won't be cheap.

I've spent eleven years and countless thousands of dollars developing this
program; I've tested, re-tested, and refined each principle until they have proved
to be successful in any situation.
How much would it be worth for you to instantly increase your sales by 50 or 60
How much would it be worth for you to have deeper relationships with your
spouse, children, and friends? $1,000? $5,000? $10,000? Can you even put a
price on those kinds of things?
Absolutely! Everything has a price, either in time or in money.

And if you're like me, you probably don't have much time and you'd like to learn
a few ways to make a little more money.
So here it is: This program normally costs $697, but because this is the first time
I'm marketing it online, I'm offering it for a significant discount.
For only $297 you'll get the complete program delivered by FEDEX to any
address in the USA.


My friends (and competitors) think I'm crazy, but I want to try a little experiment:
For the next few hours I'm offering the complete Top Secret Service Advisor!
Coaching Program for the low price of $297!
This is not some cheesy marketing scheme. I merely want to find out if a lower
price point increases my conversion rate by 50%. If it doesn't work, I'll be going
back to the full price of $697.
You may want to click the "refresh" button on your screen to make sure it's still
available as you're reading these words.
And if you're not convinced this is one of the best investments you'll ever make,
scroll down and find out what else I'm including...

Bonus #1:
My FREE Report: How to Speak Volumes
Without Saying a Word! ($129 value)

Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the
University of California in Los Angeles, Albert
Mehrabian, created the "7%-38%-55% Rule". It is
a communication rule defining what factors give
meaning to our words.

Knowing the power of body language, you will be
able to control your non-verbal communication to
communicate the messages you want others to
receive. If you telegraph lazy, boring, or
unattractive body language, others will
immediately begin judging you as lazy, boring, or

Your body language really has the power to
influence and communicate what you want - in this
case, how to buy what you're selling.

My Never-Before-Included Special Report:
"21 Magnetic Communications Secrets Revealed"
($97 Value)

I hadn't planned on including these stand-alone bonus
reports in this program... but I've been teaching these
strategies in my seminars and the response has been
so overwhelming that I decided to include this $97
Special Report free of charge.

If you do any kind of public speaking...(or even if you're scared to death of public
speaking), you can't afford not to have this information. Everyone can feel the
presence of a charismatic person, but what is it that creates that presence?
This program will tell you everything you need to know...Here's what the bonus
chapters will teach you:
What charisma really is and how you can develop it for yourself.
How to touch people in a way that makes them happier and lighter
in your presence.

The difference between "true" and "phony" charisma (knowing the
difference will make you a far more powerful communicator.)

My Special 30-page
Self-Assessment Course:
"Dynamic Communication Skills"
($97 Value)

This is, by far, the most incredibly powerful technology for creating the most
powerfully effective communication that you've ever heard. The process is
simple and FAST! (It takes less than thirty minutes to learn and less than a
week or so to master).

This was a full day seminar that I've distilled into a crisp 30 page document.
There's no filler here, no idle chit-chat or useless commentary.
You won't need to wade through hundreds of pages to get a single usable
idea... I've written and re-written this excerpt until I could cut away no more.
Here are a few of the things you'll learn:
The "Amazing T.N.R. Technique" that will permanently
free your from the shackles of rejection, frustration,
and unwanted stress.
What rejection really is and how knowing what it is will alleviate
99.999% of your anxiety and frustration regarding it.
How to use "The B.R.I.C.K. Method" for unloading stress
and frustration.
How to never again feel uncontrollable emotions (or sweaty
palms) in a tense situation.
A simple exercise that will teach you how to be the coolest,
calmest person in any emergency situation.
And much, much more...
90 day Bonus; (sent after 90 days)
Personal Development Audio Seminar:
"How To Succeed In Business
And In Life!" ($99 Value)

Success is not a matter of luck an accident of birth or a reward for virtue.
As this six CD program outlines, success is a matter of decision, commitment
planning, preparation, execution, and recommitment.

This program (over 4 hours of audio content) is the complete plan for achieving
professional excellence and enjoying personal fulfillment covering the following
strategies for your journey from success to significance:

The most valuable things you need to know about Success.
The Values, Principles and Rules of Conduct.
How to Plan, Prepare and Execute your Plan for Success.
How to Step up, Commit and Re-Commit to Success!
The surprising difference between mediocre and outstanding
Easily identify and gain Mental, Emotional, Social and Spiritual Balance
in your
Business and in your Life.
All this and much, much more!
Limited Time Bonus Offer!
180 Days Of Unlimited E-mail Consultation
($1,250 value)

Limited To The First
100 People To Respond To This Offer!

Obviously, I can't offer this bonus for very long. Here's your chance to super-
charge what you've already learned in this program with practical, step-by-step
suggestions that can be applied to your own selling situation.
My consultation is a little different than what most people offer. This won't be a
friendly "online chat" where you leave the interaction inspired but un-
empowered. I'll hear about your particular situation and leave you with a
minimum of 2-3 things you can do right away.
How many times have you bought a sales course (or any course for that matter)
gotten stuck on a point or twoand not had a chance to clarify it with the
This program is simple to immediately apply, but occasionally a question will
arise...and I'll be available to you and answer anything you want to ask.
Again, this is an extremely limited offer, available to the first 100 people who
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You'll also receive my private e-mail address (reserved only for those
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Note: I can only respond to a small number of emails each day.
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Toyota launches Service Advisor Toyota
Technical Education Program [SA T-TEP]
TKM launches a 1st Automotive Service Advisor T-TEP Institute in India
T-TEP , a CSR Initiative by Toyota Kirloskar Motor started in India in 2006
Toyota has partnered with 26 Industrial Training Institutes so distant underneath a TTEP
procedure [ General T-TEP BP T-TEP ]
Toyota is partnering with Polytechnics for SA T-TEP for a initial time for this kind of
Will display students to a latest in automotive correct technology
On-the-job training during circuitously Toyota Dealerships
Present during a arise were renowned guest including:-
1. Mr.Naveen Soni, Vice President Toyota Kirloskar Motor Pvt Ltd
2. Mr. Gopi Chand Gahlot, Former Deputy speaker, Vidhan Sabha, Haryana
3. Mr. Rajinder Singh, President, Chaudhary Partap Singh Memorial
Charitable Trust, Gurgaon
4. Mr. Rishi Pal Gahlot, Managing Director, D.P.G Polytechnic, Gurgaon
T-TEP, a special training procedure in that Toyota has tie adult with industrial training
institutes was launched in 2006 in India. After a camber of 8 years, TTEP is now compared
with some-more than 26 industrial training institutes underneath a program.
In a initial year, a procedure was implemented in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Hubli. The
procedure was subsequently introduced in Bengaluru, Pune, Cochin, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad,
Ghaziabad, Kolkata, Jaipur, Jalandhar, Indore, Vizag, Ludhiana, Cuttack, Haldwani Nalbari
Till now around 3000 students are lerned underneath this training procedure and some-more
than 1800 are offering practice opportunities during Toyota Dealerships opposite India.
Considering this success, Toyota is introducing a modernized turn of this procedure SA T-
TEP for a Polytechnics.
With this program, Toyota Kirloskar Motor intends to raise a technical abilities and
employability of Polytechnic/Diploma students in a age organisation of 16 to 18 years. The
procedure will advantage Polytechnics in building sublime Service Advisors for a Indian
Automotive Service industry. Around 40 students of Automobile/Mechanical Diploma will
bear this training per year.
The eventuality noted a First launch of a Service Advisor TTEP Program. The synopsis
imparts training on Automotive skills and Service Advisor skills in further to Dealer specific
requirement to students, thereby improving their believe of Automotive Service and
facilitating a adoption of latest technology.
Present during a occasion, Mr. Naveen Soni, Vice President, Toyota Kirloskar Motor said,
TTEP has been successfully implemented in 419 institutes opposite 53 countries. We
introduced TTEP in India, in 2006, and given afterwards have been successful in imparting
training to ITI students, to emanate learned manpower. Now relocating ahead, we are
collaborating with Polytechnics. In a entrance years, we wish to minister towards a noted
boost in a accessibility of learned manpower for a Indian vehicle Service industry. We are
committed to yield a best to a students, that will eventually advantage a attention on a whole.
The special march on Service Advisors would emanate learned Service Advisors for a
Automotive use industry, continued Mr. Naveen Soni.
The SA T-TEP, a 1 year syllabus, introduces students to Toyotas modernized record and use
techniques. It also includes, on-the-job training, during Toyotas dealerships. As a partial of
this program, TKM will also sight hospital instructors in a latest technology, used during
Toyota and a vehicle industry.
TKM skeleton to deliver this procedure to Polytechnics opposite a nation in a entrance years
and strech out to over 1000 students per year. This year, TKM skeleton to deliver this
procedure during 2 Polytechnics [1 in south and 1 in west]. The manufacturer of Toyota
vehicles in India yield T-TEP institutes with hi-tech training packages and Toyota use
training manuals and materials.
T-TEP supports Toyotas extensive tellurian apparatus growth complement that extends from
training during T-TEP institutes to recruitment and growth during Toyota dealerships.
T-TEP is widely famous opposite a creation for a effectiveness. The procedure has been
successfully introduced in 53 countries by Toyota, that includes USA, Australia, Italy, South
Africa, China, Vietnam and India.
oyota launches Service Advisor Toyota
Technical Education Program [SA T-TEP]
Press Release by Toyota India
January 31, 2014
Gurgaon, 31st Jan, 2014: Toyota Kirloskar Motor Pvt. Ltd., in collaboration with its
nationwide dealer network today announced the launch of its distinctive training model for
Automotive Service Advisor under the Toyota Technical Education Program (T-TEP), at
D.P.G Polytechnic, Gurgaon.
TKM launches its 1st Automotive Service Advisor T-TEP Institute in India
T-TEP , a CSR Initiative by Toyota Kirloskar Motor started in India in 2006
Toyota has partnered with 26 Industrial Training Institutes so far under the TTEP program [
General T-TEP & BP T-TEP ]
Toyota is partnering with Polytechnics for SA T-TEP for the first time for this kind of
Will expose students to the latest in automotive repair technology
On-the-job training at nearby Toyota Dealerships
Present at the occasion were distinguished guests including:-
1. Mr.Naveen Soni, Vice President Toyota Kirloskar Motor Pvt Ltd
2. Mr. Gopi Chand Gahlot, Former Deputy speaker, Vidhan Sabha, Haryana
3. Mr. Rajinder Singh, President, Chaudhary Partap Singh Memorial
Charitable Trust, Gurgaon
4. Mr. Rishi Pal Gahlot, Managing Director, D.P.G Polytechnic, Gurgaon
T-TEP, a special training module in which Toyota has tie up with industrial training institutes
was launched in 2006 in India. After a span of 8 years, TTEP is now associated with more
than 26 industrial training institutes under the program.
In its first year, the program was implemented in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Hubli. The
program was subsequently introduced in Bengaluru, Pune, Cochin, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad,
Ghaziabad, Kolkata, Jaipur, Jalandhar, Indore, Vizag, Ludhiana, Cuttack, Haldwani &
Nalbari (Assam).
Till now around 3000 students are trained under this training program and more than 1800
are offered employment opportunities at Toyota Dealerships across India.
Considering this success, Toyota is introducing the advanced level of this program SA T-
TEP for the Polytechnics.
With this program, Toyota Kirloskar Motor intends to enhance the technical abilities and
employability of Polytechnic/Diploma students in the age group of 16 to 18 years. The
program will benefit Polytechnics in building skillful Service Advisors for the Indian
Automotive Service industry. Around 40 students of Automobile/Mechanical Diploma will
undergo this training per year.
The event marked the First launch of the Service Advisor TTEP Program. The syllabus
imparts training on Automotive skills and Service Advisor skills in addition to Dealer
specific requirement to students, thereby improving their knowledge of Automotive Service
and facilitating the adoption of latest technology.
Present at the occasion, Mr. Naveen Soni, Vice President, Toyota Kirloskar Motor said,
TTEP has been successfully implemented in 419 institutes across 53 countries. We
introduced TTEP in India, in 2006, and since then have been successful in imparting training
to ITI students, to create skilled manpower. Now moving ahead, we are collaborating with
Polytechnics. In the coming years, we wish to contribute towards a marked increase in the
availability of skilled manpower for the Indian automobile Service industry. We are
committed to provide the best to the students, which will eventually benefit the industry on
the whole.
The special course on Service Advisors would create skilled Service Advisors for the
Automotive service industry, continued Mr. Naveen Soni.
The SA T-TEP, a 1 year syllabus, introduces students to Toyotas advanced technology and
service techniques. It also includes, on-the-job training, at Toyotas dealerships. As a part of
this program, TKM will also train institute instructors in the latest technology, used at Toyota
and the automobile industry.
TKM plans to introduce this program to Polytechnics across the country in the coming years
and reach out to over 1000 students per year. This year, TKM plans to introduce this program
at 2 Polytechnics [1 in south and 1 in west]. The manufacturer of Toyota vehicles in India
provide T-TEP institutes with hi-tech training packages and Toyota service training manuals
and materials.
T-TEP supports Toyotas comprehensive human resource development system that extends
from training at T-TEP institutes to recruitment and development at Toyota dealerships.
T-TEP is widely recognized across the globe for its effectiveness. The program has been
successfully introduced in 53 countries by Toyota, which includes USA, Australia, Italy,
South Africa, China, Vietnam and India.

Read more at http://www.rushlane.com/toyota-launches-service-advisor-toyota-technical-
Toyota launches Service Advisor Toyota Technical Education Program
31 Jan 2014
Toyota Kirloskar Motor Pvt. Ltd., in
collaboration with its nationwide dealer network today announced the launch of its distinctive
training model for Automotive Service Advisor under the Toyota Technical Education
Program (T-TEP), at D.P.G Polytechnic, Gurgaon.
T-TEP, a special training module in which Toyota has tie up with industrial training institutes
was launched in 2006 in India. After a span of 8 years, TTEP is now associated with more
than 26 industrial training institutes under the program.
In its first year, the program was implemented in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Hubli. The
program was subsequently introduced in Bengaluru, Pune, Cochin, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad,
Ghaziabad, Kolkata, Jaipur, Jalandhar, Indore, Vizag, Ludhiana, Cuttack, Haldwani &
Nalbari (Assam).
Till now around 3000 students are trained under this training program and more than 1800
are offered employment opportunities at Toyota Dealerships across India.
Considering this success, Toyota is introducing the advanced level of this program SA T-
TEP for the Polytechnics.
With this program, Toyota Kirloskar Motor intends to enhance the technical abilities and
employability of Polytechnic/Diploma students in the age group of 16 to 18 years. The
program will benefit Polytechnics in building skillful Service Advisors for the Indian
Automotive Service industry. Around 40 students of Automobile/Mechanical Diploma will
undergo this training per year.
The event marked the First launch of the Service Advisor TTEP Program. The syllabus
imparts training on Automotive skills and Service Advisor skills in addition to Dealer
specific requirement to students, thereby improving their knowledge of Automotive Service
and facilitating the adoption of latest technology.
Present at the occasion, Mr. Naveen Soni, Vice President, Toyota Kirloskar Motor said,
TTEP has been successfully implemented in 419 institutes across 53 countries. We
introduced TTEP in India, in 2006, and since then have been successful in imparting training
to ITI students, to create skilled manpower. Now moving ahead, we are collaborating with
Polytechnics. In the coming years, we wish to contribute towards a marked increase in the
availability of skilled manpower for the Indian automobile Service industry. We are
committed to provide the best to the students, which will eventually benefit the industry on
the whole.
The special course on Service Advisors would create skilled Service Advisors for the
Automotive service industry, continued Mr. Naveen Soni.
The SA T-TEP, a 1 year syllabus, introduces students to Toyotas advanced technology and
service techniques. It also includes, on-the-job training, at Toyotas dealerships. As a part of
this program, TKM will also train institute instructors in the latest technology, used at Toyota
and the automobile industry.
TKM plans to introduce this program to Polytechnics across the country in the coming years
and reach out to over 1000 students per year. This year, TKM plans to introduce this program
at 2 Polytechnics [1 in south and 1 in west]. The manufacturer of Toyota vehicles in India
provide T-TEP institutes with hi-tech training packages and Toyota service training manuals
and materials.
T-TEP supports Toyotas comprehensive human resource development system that extends
from training at T-TEP institutes to recruitment and development at Toyota dealerships.
T-TEP is widely recognized across the globe for its effectiveness. The program has been
successfully introduced in 53 countries by Toyota, which includes USA, Australia, Italy,
South Africa, China, Vietnam and India.

In this intensive 2-day live training, your advisors will get specific, usable, tools that they can
implement immediately, and you will see the results in your numbers immediately.Our training is not
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Up until now this training was only available to our private clients. But for the first time ever, we are
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Warning: This is not your average, mild mannered, advisor training:
Advanced Sales Techniques
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Videotaping (advisors then forced to watch themselves)
Results proven and lasting results
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Much, much more
How to Be a Service Advisor: Step-by-Step
Career Guide
Learn how to become a service advisor. Research the education requirements, training
information and experience required for starting a career as a service advisor.
View 19 Popular Schools
Do I Want to Be a Service Advisor?
A service advisor typically works in a car dealership and is the liaison between the customer
and service technicians working in the garage. They work with customers to determine
problems with a vehicle and provide technicians with accurate repair descriptions.
Additionally, service advisors are responsible for greeting customers, listening to requests,
scheduling appointments, and estimating costs. They may also be responsible for verifying
insurance coverage, conducting inspections, and test driving vehicles.
The work environment of a service advisor depends largely on the car dealership with which
they are employed. Car dealerships often utilize automotive repair technicians or their sales
agents to meet their customer service needs. Those that are not certified as service technicians
may have a harder time finding full-time employment as a service advisor. Full-time service
advisors will spend most of their time in an office setting, although they will also visit the
repair shop regularly. Within the shop, risks of injury are minimal, but present.
Job Requirements
While a college degree is not required, postsecondary education will be beneficial when
seeking employment. Entry-level training may be required before obtaining a service advisor
position. The following table contains the core requirements for becoming a service advisor.

Common Requirements
Degree Level
College degree not required; postsecondary
education beneficial*
Experience in the field may be necessary before
working as a service advisor*
Key Skills
Customer service, interpersonal skills,
communication skills, problem-solving, decision-
making, understanding of automotive
Computer Skills
Industry computer software knowledge when
working with repair orders and entering
information into databases*
Sources: *Employment Development Department, State of California (EDD), **Henry Ford
Community College
Step 1: Enroll in an Automotive Program at the High School Level
Prospective service advisors can begin their education in high school through the Automotive
Youth Education Service (AYES) program. In some cases, programs are offered in
partnership with automobile manufacturers and franchised dealerships. Completion of this
program qualifies high school graduates for entry-level technician positions or for
postsecondary automotive education.
Success Tip:
Consider a training program. Training programs are available at colleges and universities and
ensure that individuals have the knowledge and skills to work in the field. These programs
usually include classroom lectures, as well as hands-on practice, and can lead to a certificate
or associate's degree.
Look into an apprenticeship. An apprenticeship can provide candidates with the opportunity
to learn more about the automotive service industry. Applicants can gain experience by
working alongside seasoned professionals and obtain up to 4,000 hours of on-the-job
Step 2: Obtain Entry-Level Training
The EDD states that entry-level automotive service advisors typically receive supervised, on-
the-job training. Aspiring service advisors can find entry-level employment in private garages
and dealerships, as well as automotive equipment companies and government facilities.
Step 3: Pursue Advancement Opportunities
Automotive service advisors may eventually have opportunities for advancement to
managerial positions. Promotion to higher-level positions usually requires a few years of
work experience gained through entry-level employment.

How to Sell
Automotive Service and Repair
At a Price that Generates Profits!
A complete and comprehensive sales training and marketing
strategy program designed to teach Shop Owners, Managers,
Service Writers, Technicians, and Salespeople how to do the best
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Terry Greenhuts new sales book is now available. It will teach you everything you need
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customers. But dont tell too many people about it. If your competitors find out they
might buy it and learn how to get top dollar for their work too. Then they might even
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On the other hand, if your competitors learn to do a really good job of dealing with their
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Thats the dilemma. Should we tell them about the book or not? Lets throw caution to
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How to Market and Sell Automotive and Transmission Service
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This marketing book will teach you how to make your phone ring with more fleet,
wholesale and retail customers than youve ever had before. Youll master the
telephone techniques that will turn retail price shoppers into eager customers. Youll
learn how to recognize all of the different customer types so you will better know how
to deal with each. Youll discover a simple-to-follow system for walking the customer
through the entire sales process including the all important qualifying questions and
presentation of the service recommendations. Then you will find out how to break
through the glass ceiling of self doubt so you can charge the prices you need to be
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you are ever likely to hear and youll find out how to follow-up to keep your customers
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In other words, this sales book will teach you how to build a very successful automotive
If you want to learn the best sales techniques for marketing and selling your repair and
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For less than a $100 investment, a little easy reading, and some practical application of
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and competitors as well.
Chapter 1
An Introduction to the Wonderful World of
Automotive Service
Chapter 2
The Authors Story Or How to Grow Up
in a
Tough World and Become a Success in the
Repair Business
Chapter 3
Sales Volume and How to Increase it
Chapter 4
Increasing Volume Through Marketing and
Chapter 5
What I Wouldnt Give to Find a
Chapter 6
The Thirteen Rules of Selling in the
Automotive Trades
Chapter 7
The Five Phases of Learning
Chapter 8
The Portrait of an Automotive Professional
Chapter 9
Hiring the Shop Manager or Service Writer
Chapter 10
Understanding Customer Types
Chapter 11
Controlling the Sales Interview
Chapter 12
Questioning Techniques
Chapter 13
Qualifying the Retail Customer
Chapter 14
Objection-Handling Concepts
Chapter 15
Sales-Closing Concepts
Chapter 16
Outside Sales An Overview
Chapter 17
Hiring the Outside Salesperson
Chapter 18
Prospecting For Fleet and Wholesale
Chapter 19
Planning Your Outside-Sales Presentation
Chapter 20
Wholesale and Fleet
Making Appointments and Meeting People
Chapter 21
Qualifying the Fleet or Wholesale Customer
Chapter 22
Wholesale and Fleet Presentation
Chapter 23
Wholesale and Fleet Handling Objections
Chapter 24
Telephone-Answering Procedures and
Chapter 25
The Dog and Pony Show
Chapter 26
Asking For the Order and Closing the Sale
Chapter 27
Handling Price Objections
Chapter 28
Customer Relations
Chapter 29
Customer Follow-Up
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