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Newsletter for
A United Methodist
Community of Faith
6200 Williams Dr.

The Source
Georgetown, Texas 78633 Georgetown, TX All are Welcome, All are Accepted
Rev. Debra Crumpton, Pastor A Monthly Publication
Rev. Steve Buchele, Assoc. Pastor December 15, 2009 - Volume 16, Issue 13
Church: (512) 930-5959
Home: (512) 869-7838
Pastoral Care (512) 677-3885 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all
your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6, NIV)

Worship Times: Reflections 09

We celebrate the gift of God’s amazing grace in the midst of Wellspring. We began 2009 with excitement, hope, and
8:30 am-Traditional anticipation of how the pages of the year would unfold. While many people begin their year with resolutions of things they
9:30 am-Traditional hope to achieve, as people of faith we began by remembering the waters of our baptism and reaffirming our covenant rela-
tionship with God.
11:00 am-Celebration Thus, as the year unfolded with great highpoints and some lows, we did not become faint hearted but trusted God.
One of the great highpoints, of the year was the financial blessing of being able to pay 1/12 of our connectional giving each
month. As United Methodist this is not optional and when we read the book of Acts we gain an understanding of church
administration as established by the apostles. We also learned that a part of Paul’s missionary journey was to raise money
for the Jerusalem church. A significant portion of our connectional giving goes to support ministries around the world but
it also helps local churches be able to have full-time pastors.
Other highlights of the year include our spring revival with Bishop Fisher, the choir’s Easter Cantata, the youth mis-
sion trips, Vacation Bible School, the Fall Lay Academy which culminated with Dr. John Holbert teaching on Job, the ab-
breviated yet successful Fall Festival, and the starting of new ministries, such as the prayer shawl ministry and BLT.
On the downside 2009 brought us separation from some of our faithful members. Some are now a part of the
“great cloud of witness” and others have moved to be closer to family. Yet we affirmed the grace of God through it all.
In 2009 we set worship as our primary focus for 2010 with a measurable outcome of average worship attendance of
325. Of course, we know this is not something we can achieve in our own strength but we go forward trusting in God and
believing that God will do more for us than we can even think or imagine.
Therefore, in 2010 my primary focus, as well as staff, from Monday through Friday will be in preparation for Sunday
morning. Monday mornings will be staff time of preparation for the upcoming Sunday. This also means that I will
commit more time to studying and preparing for worship. As a staff, we will have quarterly reviews focusing on three ques-
What is our main focus?
What do we need to leave behind?
December 13th - Christmas Cantata What things have we learned?
“Night of Wonder, Night of Joy” - 9:30AM & 11:00AM Services In 2010, staff will not be alone in continuously asking questions for reflection. It is necessary that all ministry areas ask
evaluative questions. At the Charge Conference in October, we established a Visioning Team. The scope of this team’s task
is to discover who we are and our gifts for ministry. To get there, they must ask questions. Our Leadership Council will
December 13th - Pastor’s Christmas Party also ask questions. “One of the overriding questions for us as a congregation is: If we keep doing what we are doing, what
4:30PM will we look like in 10 years?” Perhaps this is a good question for each of us to begin discussing in our Sunday School
classes, our Fellowship Groups, our ministry areas, and maybe even in our personal lives.
December 24th - Christmas Eve Services I have been told in times of great questioning God shows up. With that in mind, I am excited about God’s revela-
5:30PM, 7:00PM & 9:00PM Services tion for Wellspring in 2010.

The Hanging of the Greens Chili Cook Off was fun for Wellspringers of all ages. We had lots of fun decorating houses, Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
decorating the tree and eating and eating and eating. In fact it was the food and the fellowship that made this event so spe- January 2010
cial. Thanks to all who braved the roads on such a cold wet night and many special thanks to those of you who volunteered 1 2
to help make the evening special. Office Closed 8:00AM-United
Methodist Men-
(Munch &

3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Wesley Convenient 4:00 PM-Women’s 6:30 PM-Board of 2:00PM-Prayer Ministry- 7:00 PM-Al-Anon- 10:00 AM-
Services Emmaus Group- Trustees-Rm 202 Chapel Rm 203 "Close Friends"
8:30/9:30AM-Traditional Rm 203 4:00/4:30PM-Mass Set up- (Munch & Mingle)
10:45AM-Season’s of the 6:45PM-Stephen St. Helen's Mass-Worship
Spirit Class Ministries Cntr
Cornerstone Bible Study 6:00PM-Chancel Choir-
S.T.I.R. Class Worship Cntr
The Battle for God 7:00PM-Singers-Munch &
11:00AM-Celebration! Mingle
5:30PM-Youth Snack 8:00PM-Deep Water-Worship
Supper Cntr
Rm 109

10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Installation of Officers 4:00 PM-Women’s 6:30 PM-Finance 2:00PM-Prayer Ministry- 7:00PM-Al-Anon- 10:00 AM-
8:30/9:30AM-Traditional Emmaus Group- Team-Rm 202 Chapel Rm 203 "Close Friends"
10:45AM-Season’s of the Rm 203 4:00/4:30PM-Mass Set up- 7:00PM-Leadership (Munch & Mingle)
Spirit Class St. Helen's Mass-Worship Council-Worship Cntr
Cornerstone Bible Study Cntr
S.T.I.R. Class 6:00PM-Chancel Choir-
The Battle for God Worship Cntr
5:30PM-Youth Snack 7:00PM-Singers-Munch &
Supper Mingle
6:00PM-Crossflow- 8:00PM-Deep Water-Worship
Julianna Washburn with Rm 109 Cntr
her masterpiece.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Mission Sunday 4:00 PM-Women’s 9:30AM-UMW-Ruth Cirlce 7:00PM-Al-Anon- 10:00 AM-
8:30/9:30AM-Traditional Emmaus Group 2:00PM-Prayer Ministry- Rm 203 "Close Friends"
10:45AM-Season’s of the 6:30 PM-Stephen Chapel (Munch & Mingle)
Spirit Class Ministers-Rm 203 4:00/4:30PM-Mass Set up-
Cornerstone Bible Study St. Helen's Mass-Worship
S.T.I.R. Class Cntr
The Battle for God 6:00PM-Chancel Choir-
11:00AM-Celebration! Worship Cntr
5:30PM-Youth Snack 7:00PM-Singers-Munch &
Supper Mingle
6:00PM-Crossflow- 8:00PM-Deep Water-Worship
Rm 109 Cntr

24 25 26 27 28 29 30
8:30/9:30AM-Traditional 10:00AM-UMW 2:00PM-Prayer Ministry- 7:00PM-Al-Anon-
10:45AM-Season’s of the Faith Circle Chapel Rm 203 10:00 AM-
Spirit Class 4:00 PM-Women’s 4:00/4:30PM-Mass Set up- "Close Friends"
Cornerstone Bible Study Emmaus Group- St. Helen's Mass-Worship (Munch & Mingle)
S.T.I.R. Class Rm 203 Cntr
The Battle for God 6:00PM-Chancel Choir-
11:00AM-Celebration! Worship Cntr
5:30PM-Youth Snack 7:00PM-Singers-Munch &
Supper Mingle
6:30PM-Crossflow- 8:00PM-Deep Water-Worship
Rm 109 Cntr

10:45AM-Season’s of the
Spirit Class
Cornerstone Bible Study
S.T.I.R. Class
The Battle for God
5:30PM-Youth Snack
Rm 109

The calendar is subject to change throughout the month. Please see The Source for updates.
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Poinsettias have arrived!
December 2009 In support of Down Home Ranch, 50 poinsettias were
personally delivered with special care on Friday, 12/04/09.
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
8:30/9:30AM- 4:00 PM-Women’s 1:30 PM-Sun City 2:00PM-Prayer Ministry- 7:00 PM-Al-Anon- 10:00 AM- The Christmas season starts early at Down Home Ranch.
Traditional Emmaus Group- Bible Study Chapel Rm 203 "Close Friends" In the middle of summer, Ranchers, staff and volunteers
10:45AM-Season’s of the Rm 203 6:30 PM-Finance 4:00/4:30PM-Mass Set up- (Munch & Mingle)
Spirit Class Team-Rm 202 St. Helen's Mass-Worship begin the process of growing beautiful holiday poinsettias.
Cornerstone Bible Study 6:30PM-Board of Cntr
S.T.I.R. Class Trustees- 6:00PM-Chancel Choir- Almost 15,000 cuttings arrive in large trucks, and they
The Battle for God Rescheduled Worship Cntr whip into action to get them planted, watered and
11:00AM-Celebration! 7:00PM-B.L.T.-Bringing
5:30PM-Youth Snack Ladies Together for Bible Led Title: Night of Wonder, Night of Joy in the greenhouse, nurturing them during the fall months
Supper Teaching-Chapel/Rm 202 Date: Sunday December 13 in time for the holidays.
6:00PM-Crossflow-Rm 7:00PM-Singers-Munch &
109 Mingle Times: 9:30am, 11:00am Down Home Ranch residents put their hearts into growing
6:00PM-Dessert & Thea- 8:00PM-Deep Water-Worship “Night of Wonder, Night of Joy” is a worship service that
ter-Away from the Man- Cntr full plants that hold their color beautifully and are
ger celebrates the wondrous miracles surrounding the birth of guaranteed to have at least three large, flowering stems.
our Savior. The story begins with Mary and Joseph travel-
Poinsettias are available for $10. Please sign up at the
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ing to Bethlehem, finding shelter behind the inn as they
8:30/9:30AM- 4:00 PM-Women’s 1:30 PM-Sun City 9:30AM-UMW Ruth Center 7:00 PM-Al-Anon- 10:00 AM- “Welcome Desk” and place your $10 in the offering plate.
Traditional Emmaus Group- Bible Study 2:00PM-Prayer Ministry- Rm 203 "Close Friends"
prepare for Jesus’ birth. The scene then shifts to genera-
9:30AM-Christmas Rm 203 Chapel (Munch & Mingle) tions earlier, when the Israelites were enslaved and expec- Poinsettias that have been purchased, can be taken home
Cantata 4:00/4:30PM-Mass Set up-
tantly looked forward to the coming of a King to free on Christmas Eve.
10:45AM-Season’s of the St. Helen's Mass-Worship
Spirit Class Cntr them, the fulfillment of ancient prophecy. The first Christ-
Cornerstone Bible Study 6:00PM-Chancel Choir-
S.T.I.R. Class Worship Cntr mas scene returns as the service concludes with a celebra-
The Battle for God 7:00PM-B.L.T.-Bringing tion of the wonder and joy of God’s special gift to us:
11:00AM-Christmas Ladies Together for Bible Led
Cantata Teaching-Rm 205 a Savior, Jesus Christ.
4:30PM-Pastor’s 7:00PM-Singers-Munch & (15 piece orchestra to accompany the choir.)
Christmas Party Mingle Intercessory Prayer List:
5:30PM-Youth Snack 8:00PM-Deep Water-Worship
Supper Cntr Christmas Party Those known in our membership: Eileen Atkins, Pat &
6:00PM-Crossflow-Rm Buzzi Ball, Brenda Brooks, Harold Byram, Judith Carver, Gerri
109 As a gift to Wellspring, Pastor Crumpton would like to ex- Cook, Janice Creech, Trudy Derse, Gloria Gallagher, Pat Herff,
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
8:30/9:30AM- 4:00 PM-Women’s 1:30 PM-Sun City 2:00PM-Prayer Ministry- 5:30 7:00, 9:00PM- Christmas Day tend an invitation for Christmas dinner in the Worship Lettie Lee, Deborah McCartney, C.J. Smith, Marge Trou-
Traditional Emmaus Group Bible Study Chapel Christmas Eve Center on Sunday, Dec. 13th at 4:30PM. blefield, Loring White.
10:45AM-Season’s of the 6:30 PM-Stephen 4:00/4:30PM-Mass Set up- Services Office Closed
Spirit Class Ministers-Rm 203 St. Helen's Mass-Worship There will also be a “Liturgical Dance” performance. Members in care or homebound: Lola Atkins, Kathy Burrier,
Cornerstone Bible Study Cntr Office Closed Anna Fitzpatrick.
S.T.I.R. Class 6:00PM-Chancel Choir- Please bring a friend, neighbor or family member. Please
The Battle for God Worship Cntr RSVP-a sign up sheet is located at the “Welcome Desk”. Those serving in the military: Family and Friends in Fort
11:00AM-Celebration! 7:00PM-B.L.T.-Bringing
5:30PM-Youth Snack Ladies Together for Bible Led Hood, Justin Blakely, Daniel Cadena, David Corley, Travis Cox,
Supper Teaching-Rm 205 Adron Elders, Patricia Figures, Jeffrey Gipson, Derek J. Hall,
7:00PM-Singers-Munch & Michael Harris, Jeffrey Hartman, Steven Kahn, Ron McLaurin,
8:00PM-Deep Water-Worship Christmas Eve Candlelight Services Matthew Miller, Robert Newman, David Pekar, Jr., Wes Sto-
Cntr baugh, Curt and Scott Taylor, Heath Vanderlinden.
5:30PM-Parents and Children Christmas Eve
27 28 29 30 31 January 1, 2010
8:30/9:30AM- 10:00AM-UMW 1:30 PM-Sun City 2:00PM-Prayer Ministry- New Year’s Eve Worship Service For those who grieve: Daisy Barrow, Family of Rodger Bailey,
Traditional Faith Circle Bible Study Chapel Office Closed New Year’s Day May Early & Family, Family of Earl Hamley, Madden Family.
10:45AM-Season’s of the 4:00 PM-Women’s 4:00/4:30PM-Mass Set up- Office Closed
The family service at Wellspring is centered on bringing the
Spirit Class Emmaus Group- St. Helen's Mass-Worship Christmas story to life for children and their families. This Relatives of members: Carver Family, Eric & Doris Hartman,
Cornerstone Bible Study Rm 203 Cntr is such a magical time of year for kids and connecting with Nancy Hutchins, Carl Lidell, James Macklin, Carolyn Maddux,
S.T.I.R. Class 6:00PM-Chancel Choir- Linda Maxcy, Florence & Clyde McCartney, Cheryl Reece, Todd
The Battle for God Worship Cntr the birth of Christ on Christmas Eve is an opportunity for
11:00AM-Celebration! 7:00PM-B.L.T.-Bringing families to keep Christmas sacred. Children of all ages un- Thomsen, Yvonne Walls, Charles Walters, Sue Woodward.
5:30PM-Youth Snack Ladies Together for Bible Led
Supper Teaching-Rm 205 derstand how special the birth of a child is, not to mention Also for: Bagget Family, Janet Groiner’s sister-n-law, Jerry
6:30PM-Crossflow-Rm 7:00PM-Singers-Munch & the birth of our savior. Please join us during this time if you Holms, Chovan Family, John Cross, Mandy Morrison, Stacey
109 Mingle Queen, Albert & Kayla Reynolds, Peggy Reynolds, Jim Russell,
8:00PM-Deep Water-Worship have special children in your life. If not, invite friends or
Cntr neighbors who might not have a church home. We will Leighton Shoemacker, Economy, World Peace, a safe school
year, all Parents, our enemies, friends/families, jobless, home-
join in fellowship after the service with a small reception in bound, homeless, ill, expectant mothers, those in ministry, nurs-
the “Munch & Mingle” area. There will be gifts for children ing homes, our Sunday School, Volunteers, our youth, our staff,
to take home on this special night. our children, our members, growth of Wellspring, the
unchurched and for all in need. For prayer requests, email
7:00PM-Traditional Christmas Eve Worship Service

9:00PM-Traditional Christmas Eve Worship Service

The calendar is subject to change throughout the month. Please see The Source for updates.
“Thanks and Farewell”
In July 2008, Wellspring was blessed to welcome Steve Buchele and his family, wife Suz-
anne, and children Fox, Grace, and Anna. Steve was appointed to us as Associate Pas-
tor, but serving as Minister of Music. Since coming to Wellspring, he and his family
have used their many gifts to enhance our ministries.

On Sunday, December 22, we will say goodbye to Steve and wish him well as he begins
serving at St. Phillip’s UMC in Round Rock in his new appointment as their full-time
associate pastor. Please come and express your appreciation to him as well as his family.

Do You Need Help?

We all experience challenges—times when we could
benefit from the support of a caring Christian. Stephen
The United Methodist Women is dedicated to mission. Ministers are ready to provide the emotional and spiri-
One of the local missions that the Wellspring UMW has tual care you need when faced with a difficulty, such as:
supported for the past few years is the Williamson County loss of a loved one; hospitalization; divorce; loneliness;
Child Welfare Board. spiritual crisis; unemployment; terminal or chronic ill-
This Christmas season the Board is requesting your support ness; aging and elderly; relocation; life transitions; re-
to help furnish Christmas presents for the foster children covery after an accident or disaster; deployment of a
of Williamson County. The board expects to need presents loved one for military service.
for between 300 and 400 children this year. You may help Have you thought about giving one hour per week to a
in several ways: buy gift cards, give money, or buy presents church member who needs someone to listen and pray
B.L.T. News
for a child. with them? Training classes begin in January. For an
(Bringing Ladies Together For Bible Led Teaching) A new Sunday School class, “Journey” is coming in the
New Year! These are the suggested guidelines for expenditures: 0 to 4 application contact Stephen Leaders Bob Derse 869-
New Women’s evening Bible study meets December 9th
years: $50.00; 5 to 10 years: $75.00; and 11 to 18 years: 3403, Linda Hudson 869-1509, Clara Yeck 868-4466, or
6:00 p.m. in the Chapel. A Holiday Salad Supper will be Beginning Sunday, January 3rd there will be a new class at
$100. You may, of course, send any amount. Gift cards to one of the pastors.
provided. Please bring a small salad or an item that goes the 9:30 hour. We will meet in Room 205.
with salad. such places as Target, Best Buy, Wal-Mart, etc. are sug-
Geared for people in their 30’s and 40’s, we will be study- gested.
Lesson: Chapter 2 ing different books of the bible, beginning with the book of
“Lord, Don’t You Care?” This might be a project that a group would like to do. A
John. Meals On Wheels Needs Our Help!!
Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World Wellspring member and UMW member Pat Herff is now
Lesson Leader- Jennifer Mauldin Come join us in our Journey! on the Board. You may send your contributions to her at Once a year our church is asked to provide Peanut Butter
Child Care will be available-Please RSVP ages 404 Cobblestone, Jarrell, TX 76537 and she will see that and Jelly to “Meals On Wheels” for giving to our clients
the donations go to the right place. Make checks out to the for weekend food when meals are not delivered.
Contact Pat Merrick 240-5011 for more information.
Williamson County Child Welfare Board. January is Wellspring’s month to provide PB&J. We need
We look forward to seeing you there.
Be sure to bring your Bible. Thank you for considering this and for your continued sup- 175 jars of Peanut Butter (18oz jars) smooth or crunchy
SEASONS OF THE SPIRIT port throughout the year of the Rainbow/raindrop Room and 175 jars of jelly also in the 18 oz. size.
The Seasons of the Spirit adult Sunday School class will with your contributions of money and items. Please bring your donations to the church and put it in the
Sunday School Classes Offered: be starting an Advent study on December 6th entitled bin provided.
"Celebrate the Newborn Jesus". This is a Lectionary based
9:30AM-Chapel Dwellers (Rm 204) Thank you for caring about the well-being of other peo-
study. On January 3rd, we will begin a new series entitled
9:30AM-7th & 8th Grade-Middle School (Rm 207) "What's in the Bible and Why Should I Care?". ple. It seems like such a simple thing but it makes a huge
9:30AM-6th Grade-Confirmation (Rm 203) difference to a hungry person.
The first section for the month of January will be "What's
9:30AM-Senior High (Rm 109) in the Bible About God". All are invited to come and par- Blessing,
10:45AM-The Battle For God (Rm 204) ticipate in some lively discussions as together we dig into Sally Winslow
10:45AM-Cornertstone Bible Study (Chapel) God's Word and search for answers to living each day Wellspring's Meals On Wheels coordinator
10:45AM-Seasons of the Spirit Class (Rm 203) as disciples of Jesus Christ. The class meets at 10:45 in
Room 203. If you have any questions, please call Nancy
10:45AM-S.T.I.R. Class (Rm 202) Yerks at 869-5105.
10:45AM-Navigator’s Class (Rm 205)

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