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Summary of European Project

In order to provide working places for people with limited abilities, special education
programs shall be worked out and implemented. Development of such programs has social,
psychological, and also financial basis. As a result, these programs will have positive impact on
states financial situation, on society and people with limited abilities as well.
There are a lot of people, who cant see or hear, but still they are have one of these skills.
Usually they dont work, but their pensions are very small, because our society doesnt give any
chance to survive for weak people. any invalids die or spend their lives not because they dont
want to live at all, but because they have no chance. The only way to survive for them is
speculate on their diseases, but they need to get over them and be e!ual members of the society.
"ducation programs need big investments to work out the system, to hire specialist who
will be working with unusual students, to purchase speciali#ed e!uipment and study materials.
"ducation process also will be not so easy, but it is long$term pro%ect with many advantages,
good perspectives and noble target.
The idea is to work our education programs for blind and deaf students. They might be
taught foreign languages and work as translators. &lind student may learn skills of oral
translation, when deaf students may learn skills of written translation. 'or blind student might be
used audio$lingual method of language learning as a basic method. 'or deaf students might be
implemented le(ical syllabus, silent way, structural approach and grammar$translation method.
After graduation they may work as translators in different state institutions or translation
At the moment many entities have suppliers or partners abroad, that makes impossible to
build fruitful working relationships without knowing corresponding language. any
advertisement or marketing materials or documents are translated to different languages in order
to attract foreign customers or make connections with foreign institutions. All these factors make
translators work very important and useful.
The financial advantage of this pro%ect is creation of new working places for invalids,
who will work, receive salary and pay ta(es. )f course, ta(es for these people shall be
reconsidered. *ensions also shall be paid, even if invalid is working. The interest of the state
government is that invalids will work and not only %ust receive benefits, but also pay ta(es and
reduce states e(penditures on financial support of people with limited abilities.
The second aspect of recruitment of invalids is societys perception of people with special
needs. They will not be hidden $ they will be ne(t to us. *eople must not be afraid of invalids,
not feel disgust or compassion, because they are part of our society and not the worst one.
The last and most important aspect of the program is life of each person with limited
abilities. If they are provided with education and corresponding working place, they will not feel
limited anymore. They will have motivation to live, to be valuable, effective and productive, but
not miserable as most of them are at the moment.
There are many e(amples when people with limited abilities become successful and the
best e(ample is +udwig van &eethoven, who had been almost daft at the end of his life, but this
period was the most creative for him.
,eali#ation of this pro%ect is also a challenge for teachers, but the aim to make someones
life better and bring sense to it, is the best motivation. As a result, many people will become a
full$fledged member of society with ability to live and carry out themselves and may be even
help to other people who are suffering at the moment.

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