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Luther's Tower Experience:

Martin Luther Discovers the True Meaning of Righteousness

An Excerpt From:
Preface to the Complete Edition of Luthers Latin !or"s #$%&%'
() Dr* Martin Luther+ $&,-.$%&/
Translated () 0ro* Andre1 Thornton+ 230
from the
45orrede 6u 0and 7 der 2pera Latina der !itten(erger Ausga(e* $%&%4
in vol* & of 8Luthers !er"e in Aus1ahl8+ ed* 2tto Clemen+ /th ed*+
#0erlin: de 9ru)ter* $:/;'* pp* &<$.&<,*
Translators =ote: The material (et1een s>uare (rac"ets is
explanator) in nature and is not part of Luthers preface* The
terms 4?ust+ ?ustice+ ?ustif)4 in the follo1ing reading are
s)non)mous 1ith the terms 4righteous+ righteousness+ ma"e
righteous*4 0oth sets of English 1ords are common translations of
the Latin 4?ustus4 and related 1ords* A similar situation exists
1ith the 1ord 4faith4@ it is s)non)mous 1ith 4(elief*4 0oth 1ords
can (e used to translate Latin 4fides*4 Thus+ 4!e are ?ustified ()
faith4 translates the same original Latin sentence as does 4!e are
made righteous () (elief*4
Mean1hile in that same )ear+ $%$:+ 7 had (egun interpreting the
Psalms once again* 7 felt confident that 7 1as no1 more
experienced+ since 7 had dealt in universit) courses 1ith 3t*
Pauls Letters to the Romans+ to the 9alatians+ and the Letter to
the Ae(re1s* 7 had conceived a (urning desire to understand 1hat
Paul meant in his Letter to the Romans+ (ut thus far there had
stood in m) 1a)+ not the cold (lood around m) heart+ (ut that one
1ord 1hich is in chapter one: 4The ?ustice of 9od is revealed in
it*4 7 hated that 1ord+ 4?ustice of 9od+4 1hich+ () the use and
custom of all m) teachers+ 7 had (een taught to understand
philosophicall) as referring to formal or active ?ustice+ as the)
call it+ i*e*+ that ?ustice () 1hich 9od is ?ust and () 1hich he
punishes sinners and the un?ust*
0ut 7+ (lameless mon" that 7 1as+ felt that (efore 9od 7 1as a
sinner 1ith an extremel) trou(led conscience* 7 couldnt (e sure
that 9od 1as appeased () m) satisfaction* 7 did not love+ no+
rather 7 hated the ?ust 9od 1ho punishes sinners* 7n silence+ if 7
did not (laspheme+ then certainl) 7 grum(led vehementl) and got
angr) at 9od* 7 said+ 47snt it enough that 1e misera(le sinners+
lost for all eternit) (ecause of original sin+ are oppressed ()
ever) "ind of calamit) through the Ten CommandmentsB !h) does 9od
heap sorro1 upon sorro1 through the 9ospel and through the 9ospel
threaten us 1ith his ?ustice and his 1rathB4 This 1as ho1 7 1as
raging 1ith 1ild and distur(ed conscience* 7 constantl) (adgered
3t* Paul a(out that spot in Romans $ and anxiousl) 1anted to "no1
1hat he meant*
7 meditated night and da) on those 1ords until at last+ () the
merc) of 9od+ 7 paid attention to their context: 4The ?ustice of
9od is revealed in it+ as it is 1ritten: The ?ust person lives ()
faith*4 7 (egan to understand that in this verse the ?ustice of
9od is that () 1hich the ?ust person lives () a gift of 9od+ that
is () faith* 7 (egan to understand that this verse means that the
?ustice of 9od is revealed through the 9ospel+ (ut it is a passive
?ustice+ i*e* that () 1hich the merciful 9od ?ustifies us ()
faith+ as it is 1ritten: 4The ?ust person lives () faith*4 All at
once 7 felt that 7 had (een (orn again and entered into paradise
itself through open gates* 7mmediatel) 7 sa1 the 1hole of
3cripture in a different light* 7 ran through the 3criptures from
memor) and found that other terms had analogous meanings+ e*g*+
the 1or" of 9od+ that is+ 1hat 9od 1or"s in us@ the po1er of 9od+
() 1hich he ma"es us po1erful@ the 1isdom of 9od+ () 1hich he
ma"es us 1ise@ the strength of 9od+ the salvation of 9od+ the
glor) of 9od*
7 exalted this s1eetest 1ord of mine+ 4the ?ustice of 9od+4 1ith
as much love as (efore 7 had hated it 1ith hate* This phrase of
Paul 1as for me the ver) gate of paradise* After1ard 7 read
Augustines 42n the 3pirit and the Letter+4 in 1hich 7 found 1hat
7 had not dared hope for* 7 discovered that he too interpreted
4the ?ustice of 9od4 in a similar 1a)+ namel)+ as that 1ith 1hich
9od clothes us 1hen he ?ustifies us* Although Augustine had said
it imperfectl) and did not explain in detail ho1 9od imputes
?ustice to us+ still it pleased me that he taught the ?ustice of
9od () 1hich 1e are ?ustified*
This translation 1as made () 0ro* Andre1 Thornton+ 230+ for the
3aint Anselm College Aumanities Program* 7t is distri(uted ()
Pro?ect !itten(erg 1ith the permission of the author*
#c'$:,- () 3aint Anselm A((e)* This translation ma) (e used freel)
1ith proper attri(ution* Cou ma) distri(ute+ cop) or print this
text+ providing )ou retain the author and cop)right statements*
Please direct an) comments or suggestions a(out Pro?ect !itten(erg
texts to:
Rev* Ro(ert E* 3mith
!alther Li(rar)
Concordia Theological 3eminar)

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