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Campus and

Community: Domestic
Violence Awareness
Month Conference 2014
1-4 p.m. Oct. 2, 2014
Johnson County Community College
Capital Federal Conference Center,
Room 101 of the Regnier Center
Campus and Community:
Domestic Violence Awareness
Month Conference 2014
1-4 p.m. Oct. 2, 2014
Johnson County Community College
Capital Federal Conference Center, Room 101 of the Regnier Center
1 p.m. Welcome, opening comments, introductions and logistics
Stephen M. Howe, District Attorney, Johnson County District Attorneys Ofce
1-2:15 p.m. Breaking the Cycle of Gender-Based Violence:
The Power of Prevention Programming
Drs. Curt and Christie Brungardt will share their story of transforming themselves
from victims to activists. They have created Janas Campaign, Inc., in honor of their
daughter, Jana Mackey, who lost her life to domestic violence in 2008. The Brungardts
will talk about their prevention work in middle and high schools, college campuses
and throughout the community at large. Finally, the Brungardts will challenge all of us
to play a more active role in reducing gender and relationship violence.
2:15-3:15 p.m. Responding to Victims
Mary Doyle Stafford, Education and Prevention Specialist, SAFEHOME
Melanie Austin, Director of Education, MOCSA
Survivors of intimate partner violence suffer in silence among us every day. We
must learn to recognize the signs of someone being abused in a relationship,
understand the unique safety considerations in serving survivors, know how to use
local resources and ensure our responses are trauma-informed.
3:15-3:25 p.m. Break
3:25-4 p.m. Panel discussion
Moderator: Will Hurst, Assistant District Attorney, Johnson County District Attorneys Ofce
About Curt and Christie Brungardt and Janas Campaign, Inc.
Drs. Curt and Christie Brungardt are best known as social entrepreneurs who
have worked tirelessly to address issues of injustice and inequality. Combined,
they have 41 years in higher education, where they have been active in the elds
of leadership development and civic engagement. Dr. Curt Brungardt is the
Voss Distinguished Professor of Leadership Studies and the executive director
of the Center for Civic Leadership at Fort Hays State University (FHSU) in Hays,
Kansas. Dr. Christie Brungardt is an assistant professor of Leadership Studies
and the director of the Womens Leadership Project at FHSU. On July 3, 2008,
Curt and Christies lives changed forever. Their daughter, Jana Mackey, a 25-year-
old law student at the University of Kansas, was murdered by her ex-boyfriend
in Lawrence, Kansas. Since Janas death, Curt and Christie have transformed
themselves from academics to activists, working nationally to reduce gender-
based violence. Nearly ve years ago, they established the education and violence
prevention organization Janas Campaign, Inc. They believe it is their responsibility
to use both the story of Janas life and the story of her death to reduce gender
and relationship violence. Curt is the president of the board of directors of Janas
Campaign, Inc., and Christie is a board member.
Melanie Austin, Director of Education,
Det. Laurie Bridges, Overland Park Police
Drs. Curt and Christie Brungardt,
Janas Campaign, Inc.
Anna Goodman, JCCC Student
Mike McElhinney, Assistant District
Attorney, Domestic Violence Prosecution
Team Section Chief, Johnson County District
Attorneys Ofce
Ofcer Don Robles, Johnson County
Community College Campus Police
Mary Doyle Stafford, Education and
Prevention Specialist, SAFEHOME
n recognition of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month (October
2014), ve community partners The Johnson County District Attorneys
Ofce, Johnson County Community College, MOCSA, SAFEHOME and Janas
Campaign proudly extend an open invitation to all local students, faculty,
parents, concerned citizens, law enforcement and personnel from all related
service-provider organizations to join us for an afternoon of exploration into
domestic violence, dating violence and sexual assault issues and resources
especially as viewed from the perspective of the campus community. Your
attendance and participation in this event will not only help raise awareness but
will also serve to honor the experience of survivors and the memory of victims and
help us all nd ways to play a more prominent role in preventing and reducing
domestic violence, dating violence and sexual assault.
The panel will discuss campus safety, general domestic violence issues, batterers
intervention and other topics and respond to questions from audience members.
4 p.m. Closing comments and thank yous
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