Different Types of Sitting Arrangement

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Sitting Arrangements

Here, we deal with the questions having information regarding arrangement. We are giving some objects
and then we have to arrange them according to information provided. Objects are arranged either in row
or in a circle on the basis of such conditions. In some questions, we will also deal with other
arrangements like square/pentagon/ hexagonal.
Different Types of Sitting Arrangement
There are two types of questions which are asked in various competitions:
Type 1 Arrangement around a Closed Path
In such questions, we are giving some clues regarding arrangement. We have apply these clues on a
circle and using these information, we have to find the solutions of questions associated with them. In this
arrangement, we also deal square/pentagon/ hexagon, questions.
Before solving type 1 questions, following facts are necessary to know.
For Circular Arrangement
In this arrangement some persons are sitting around a circle and they facing the centre.
1. Left movement also called clockwise rotation.
2. Right movement also called anti-clockwise rotation.
For Rectangular Arrangement
A <-> B (Front with each other)
C<-> D (Front with watch other)
For Hexagonal Arrangement
A <-> D (Front with each other)
B <-> E (Front with each other)
C <->F (Front with each other
Sitting Arrangements (MCQ )
Directions (Q. Nos. 1 to 2) Read the information given below and then answer the
questions that follow
Eight friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting in a circle facing the centre. B is sitting
between G and D. H is third to the left of B and second to the right of A. C is sitting
between A and G and B and E are not sitting opposite to each other.
1. Who is third to the left of D?
(1) F
(2) E
(3) A
(4) G
(5) C

2. Which of the following statements is not correct?
(1) D and A are sitting opposite to each other
(2) C is third to the right of D
(3) E is sitting between F and D
(4) A is sitting between C and F
(5) None of these
Directions (Q. Nos. 3 to 5) Study the following information to answer the given questions
(i) Eight friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are seated in a circle facing the centre.
(ii) D is between B and G and F is between A and H.
(iii) E is second to the right of A.
3. Which of the following is As position?
(1) Left of F
(2) Right of F
(3) Between E and F
(4) None of these
(5) All of above
4. Which of the following information are not required to ascertain the position of C?
(1) (i)
(2) Either (ii) or (iii)
(3) (iii)
(4) ii
(5) None of these
5. Which of the following is Cs position?
(1) Between E and F
(2) Between G and E
(3) Second to the left of B
(4) None of these
(5) All of above
Statement & Assumptions
In this type of questions one statement is followed by two assumptions. The candidates have to decide
which of the assumptions is implicit in the given statement. Before answering the questions, it is
necessary about the meaning of assumption. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted.
The following example will illustrate the idea clearly:
Example: Below is given a statement followed by two assumptions numbered (I) and (II). You have to
consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in
the statement. Give answer 1. if only assumptions. (I) is implicit; 2. if only assumption (II) is implicit; 3. if
either (I) or (II) is implicit; 4. if neither (I) nor (II) is implicit and 5. if both (I) and (II) are implicit.
Directions (Q. 1-6): In each question below given a statement followed by three assumption numbered (I),
(II) and (III). An assumption is something supposed taken for granted. You have to consider the statement
and the assumptions at decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement. Then decide which
of the answers 1., 2., 3., 4. and 5. is the correct answer.
1. Statement: Go by aeroplane to reach Aurangabad from Mumbai quickly.
(I) Mumbai and Aurangabad are connected by aeroplane service.
(II) There is no other means of going from Mumbai to Aurangabad.
2. Statement: I want to present a novel written by Prem Chand to Amar on his birthday A tells B.
(I) Amar does not have any novel written by Prem Chander.
(II) Book is an acceptable gift for birthday.
(III) A will be invited by Amar on his birthday.
1. Only (I) and (II) are implicit
2. Only (I) and (III) are implicit
3. None is implicit
4. Only (II) is implicit
3. Statement: Unable to manage with the present salary, Tarun joined another company.
(I) The new company has better work environment.
(II) The present company offers moderate pay packet.
(III) The new company offers higher salary to all its employees.
1. All are implicit
2. None is implicit
3. Only (II) is implicit
4. Only (II) and (III) are implicit
4. Statement: The Central Government has directed the State Governments to reduce expenditure in
view of the serious resource crunch and it may not be able to sanction any additional grant to the states
for the next six months.
(I) The state Governments are totally dependent on Central Government for its expenditures.
(II) The Central Government has reviewed the expenditure account of the State Governments.
(III) The State Governments will abide by the directive.
1. Only (II) and (III) are implicit
2. All are implicit
3. None is implicit
4. Only (III) is implicit
5. Statement: To make the company commercially viable there is an urgent need to prune the staff
strength and borrow money from the financial institutions Opinion of a consultant.
(I) The financial institutions lend money for such proposals.
(II) The product of the company has a potential market.
(III) The employees of the company are inefficient.
1. Only (II) and (III) are implicit
2. All are implicit
3. None is implicit
4. Only (I) and (II) are implicit

Series Completion
Number Series
Prime Number Series:
Example 1. 4, 9, 25, 49, 121, 169,
(a) 324 (b) 289
(c) 225 (d) 196
Solution. (b) The given series is a consecutive square of prime number series. The next prime number is
Example 2. 5, 7, 13, 23,
(a) 25 (b) 27
(c) 29 (d) 41
Solution. (d) The difference between prime numbers is increasing. 7 is next prime to 5; 13 is second to
next prime to 7; 23 is third to next to 13. Hence, next should be fourth to next prime to 23. Hence,
required number is 41.
Multiplication Series:
Example 3. 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 256
(a) 96 (b) 98
(c) 86 (d) 106
Solution. (a) The numbers are multiplied by 2 to get the next number.
64 2 = 128
Example 4. 5, 20, 80, 320, 1280
(a) 5120 (b) 5220
(c) 4860 (d) 3642
Solution. (a) The numbers are multiplied by 4 to get the next number.
1280 4 = 5120
Difference Series:
Example 5. 3,6,9,12,15,. 21
(a) 16 (b) 17
(c) 20 (d) 18
Solution. (d) The difference between the numbers is 3.
15 + 3 = 18
Example 6. 55, 50, 45, 40,.30
(a) 33 (b) 34
(c) 35 (d) 36
Solution. (c) The difference between the numbers is -5.
40 5 = 35
Division Series:
Example 7. 5040, 720, 120, 24, .2,1
(a) 8 (b) 7
(c) 6 (d) 5
Solution. (c)
Example 8. 16, 24, 36, 81
(a) 52 (b) 54
(c) 56 (d) 58
Solution. (b) Previous number = Next number
n2 Series
Example 9. 4, 16, 36, 64, . 144
(a) 112 (b) 78
(c) 100 (d) 81
Solution. (c) The series is square of consecutive even numbers. 22, 42,62, 82
Next number is 102 = 100
Example 10. 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 81
(a) 100 (b) 121
(c) 64 (d) 144
Solution. (c) The series is 12, 22, 32, 42, 52,62, 72,.
The next number is 82 = 64

(n2 +1) Series
Example 11. 17, 26, 37, 50, 65,.101
(a) 82 (b) 75
(c) 78 (d) 90
Solution. (a) The series is 42 + 1, 52 +1, 62 + 1, 72 + 1, 82 + 1.
The next number is 92 + 1 = 82
Example 12. 101, 401, 901, 1601, 2501, . 4901
(a) 2201 (b) 3301
(c) 4401 (d) 3601
Solution. (d) The series is 102 + 1, 202 +1, 302 + 1, 402 + 1, 502 + 1, etc.
The next number is 602 + 1 = 3601
(n2 -1) Series
Example 13. 3, 8, 15, 24,48
(a) 32 (b) 33
(c) 34 (d) 35
Solution. (d) The series is 22 1, 32 1, 42 1,52 1. etc.
The next number is 62 1 =35
Example 14. 99, 80, 63,.35
(a) 48 (b) 84
(c) 46 (d) 64
Solution. (a) The series is 102 -1, 92 -1, 82 -1, etc.
The next number is 72 1 = 48
(n2 +n) Series
Example 15. 2, 6, 12, 20, 30,. 56
(a) 32 (b) 34
(c) 42 (d) 24
Solution. (c) The series is 12 + 1, 22 + 2, 32 + 3, 42 + 4, 52 + 5, etc.
The next number is 62 + 6 = 42
Example 16. 110, 132, 156, 182,.
(a) 212 (b) 201
(c) 211 (d) 210
Solution. (d) The series is 102 + 10, 112 + 11, 122 + 12, etc.
The next number is 142 + 14 = 210
(n2 n) Series
Example 17. 0, 2, 6, 12, 20,.42
(a) 25 (b) 30
(c) 32 (d) 40
Solution. (b) The series is 12 1 = 0, 22 2 = 2, 32 3 = 6, etc.
The next number is 62 6 = 30
Example 18. 90, 380, 870, 1560,..
(a) 2405 (b) 2450
(a) 2400 (d) 2455
Solution. (b) The series is 102 10, 202 20, 302 30, etc.
The next number is 502 50 = 2450
n3 Series
Example 19. 1, 8, 27, 64,. 216
(a) 125 (b) 512
(c) 215 (d) 122
Solution. (a) The series is 13, 23, 33 , 43, etc.
The next number is 53 = 125
Example 20. 1000, 8000, 27000, 64000,.
(a) 21600 (b) 125000
(c) 152000 (d) 261000
Solution. (b) The series is 103 , 203, 303, 403, etc.
The next number is 503 = 125000
(n3 +1) Series
Example 21. 2, 9, 28, 65,217
(a) 123 (b) 124
(c) 125 (d) 126
Solution. (d) The series is 13 +1, 23 + 1, 33 + 1, etc.
The next number is 53 + 1 = 126
Example 22. 1001, 8001, 27001, 64001, 125001,.
(a) 261001 (b) 216001
(c) 200116 (d) 210016
Solution. (b) The series is 103 + 1, 203 + 1, 303 + 1, etc.
The next number is 603 + 1 = 216001
(n3 -1) Series
Example 23. 0, 7, 26, 63, 124,
(a) 251 (b) 125
(c) 215 (d) 512
Solution. (c) The series is 13 1, 23 1, 33 1, etc.
The next number is 63 1 = 215
Example 24. 999, 7999, 26999, 63999,.
(a) 199924 (b) 124999
(c) 129994 (d) 999124
Solution. (b) The series is 103 1, 203 1, 303 1, etc.
The next number is 503 1 = 124999
(n3 +n) Series
Example 25. 2, 10, 30, 68,.222
(a) 130 (b) 120
(c) 110 (d) 100
Solution. (a) The series is 13 + 1, 23 + 2, 33 + 3, etc.
The next number is 53 + 5 = 130
Example 26. 1010, 8020, 27030, 64040,.
(a) 125500 (b) 125050
(c) 100255 (d) 120055
Solution. (b) The series is 103 + 10 = 1010, 203 + 20 = 8020, etc.
The next number is 503 + 50 = 125050
(n3 n) Series
Example 27. 0, 6, 24, 60,. 210
(a) 012 (b) 210
(c) 201 (d) 120
Solution. (d) The series is 13 1 = 0, 23 2 = 6, 33 3 = 24, etc.
The next number is 53 5 = 120
Example 28. 990, 7980, 26970, 63960,.
(a) 124500 (b) 124005
(c) 120045 (d) 124950
Solution. (d) The series is 103 10, 203 20, 303 30 etc.
The next number is 503 50 = 124950
Letter Series - Type 1
One Letter Series Such series consists of one letter in each term and this series is based on increasing or
decreasing positions of corresponding letters according to English alphabet.
Example 1: B, C, A, D, Z, E, F, X, G
(a) U (b) Y
(c) W (d) V
Solution. (b) The sequence consists of two series B, A, Z, Y, X and C, D, E, F, G. The missing letter is Y.
Example 2: P, U, Z, J, 0, T
(a) E (b) U
(c) S (d) P
Solution. (a) The sequence is P+ 5, U+ 5,Z+ 5. The missing letter is Z + 5 = E
Example 3: B, D, G, I, N, Q, S
(a) I (b) J
(c) L (d) K
Solution. (c) The sequence is B + 2, D+ 3, G + 2, I + 3 and so on.
Letter Series - Type 12
Two Letter Series The first letters of the series follow one logic and the second letters follow another
Example 4: EZ, DX, CV,..., AR, ZP
(a) CS (b) AM
(c) BT (d) TG
Solution. (c) First and second letters follow a sequence of-1 and -2 respectively.
Example 5: DG, HK, LO, PS, TW,
(a) XA (b) ZA
(c) XB (d) None of these
Solution. (a) First and second letters follow a sequence of + 4.
Example 6: DX, EY FV, ... : ; HT, IU
(a) HV (b) IX (c) GW (d) BZ
Solution. (c) First, -third and fifth terms follow a sequencee and second, fourth and sixth terms follow
another sequence. (DX, FV, HT, etc) and (EY, GW, IU, etc).
Letter Series - Type 3
Three Letter Series: :Such series consist of three letters in each term. The first letters follow one logic, the
second letters follow another logic and the third letters follow some other logic.
Example 7: DIE, XCY, RWS, ...
(a) LQN (b) QMP
(c) LMS (d) LQM
Solution. (d) First, second and third letters of each group follow a sequence of -6 series.
Example 8: VPG, UQF, ..., SSD, RTC
(a) SQD (b) TRE
(c) TRS (d) QDT
Solution. (b) First, second and third letters follow a sequence of 1, + 1, 1 series respectively.
Example 9: DJS, HNW, LRA, PVE, ..., XDM
(a) TZI (b) SAF
(c) UXH (d) None of these
Solution. (a) First, second and third letters follow a sequence of + 4 series.
Letter Series - Type 4
A series of letters is given with one or more missing letters. From the choices, the choice that gives the
letters that go into the blanks has to be selected as answer.
Example 10: In the following series some letters are missing. From the choices, select the choice
that gives that letters that can fill the blanks in the given sequence.
a_ c_ b_ab_a_ca_c
(a) abaccb (b) accbab
(c) aabbcc (d) baccbb
Solution. (d) First of all, notice that there are 6 blanks in the given sequence and each choice gives six
letters to fill the six blank in order. Now, we have to select an alternative which if placed in the blanks of
the series in order, we get a complete series of letters which follow some particular pattern.
The best way is to try with each option. Inserting the letters of option (d) in place of the blanks, we get a
series like abc abc abc abc abc which is a repetition of the group of letters abc.
Letter Series - Type 5
Here, students are asked to count how many times a particular letter or group of
letters satisfying some conditions occurs and mark that number as the answer choice.
Example 11: In the following sequence of letters, in how many instances the letters n
is immediately preceded by the letter t ?
s n r u a t n n g h j t k n s t n d g c l n t t t n n n t n t n t s m v b t n g c x d
p t n k l s t n t
(a) 5 (b) 6
(c) 7 (d) 8
Solution. (d) On counting, we find that the letter n occurs 8 times, where n is
immediately preceded by the letter t.
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