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September 14, 2014--A Mother's Forgiveness

John Wertz, Blacksburg, VA

Warm-up Question
We all make mistakes. Share one excellent mistake you have made and
what you learned from the experience.
A Mother's Forgiveness
In December 2012, Josh Brent, an offensive linemen with the Dallas
Cowboys, got into his car after a night of drinking and was involved in
a one car accident. His passenger, Jerry Brown, Jr., a teammate and
Josh's best friend, was killed in the crash. At the time of the accident,
Josh's blood alcohol level was .018 - twice the legal limit. He was even-
tually convicted of intoxicated manslaughter and served 180 days in jail
and was sentenced to 10 years of probation. In June 2014, Josh was re-
leased from jail and in early September, he was conditionally reinstated
by the National Football League and given a 10 game suspension. If all
goes as planned, Josh will return to the football field a mere two years
after his deadly accident.
While some people were outraged that Josh didn't serve more time in
jail and other people were surprised that the NFL would allow him to
return to the field at all, Stacey Jackson, the mother of Jerry Brown, Jr.,
announced that she was "very happy Josh has been reinstated with the
Dallas Cowboys!" Shortly after the accident, Jackson publicly stated
that she had forgiven Josh and that she hoped others, including the Dal-
las Cowboys would do the same. At Josh's sentencing, she asked the
court for leniency saying, Josh is "still responsible, but you can't go on in
life holding a grudge. We all make mistakes." When the news of his re-
instatement was made public, she affirmed her forgiveness and her
hope that Josh would be given the opportunity to rebuild his life. "My
beautiful son", she said, "is in Heaven now, and Josh has to be given a
chance to live his life and do something for someone else! We all make
mistakes, and we all have an entrance date and an exit day. Although I
miss Jerry every day, I know he would be very happy that Josh has an-
other chance to play football!"
Discussion Questions
Do you think the NFL should have reinstated Josh Brent?
How do you think you would have reacted if you had been Stacey
According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving, over 300,000 people
drive drunk each day. To combat this problem, some people are
proposing blood alcohol concentration (BAC) testers be added to all
automobiles. How would you feel about having to pass a BAC test
each time you needed to start your car? What arguments could you
make for and against this requirement?
Lectionary 24
Genesis 50:15-21
Romans 14:1-12
Matthew 18:21-35
(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not
affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year C at Lectionary
For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection
When Peter asks, Lord, . . . how often should I
forgive. As many as seven times? (Mt 18:21) It
appears that Peter is hoping Jesus will give him a
clear, definitive answer. It appears that he is hop-
ing Jesus will say something like You must for-
give offenses one to six, but once you reach offense number seven, then
withholding forgiveness is perfectly acceptable. Instead of providing
a simplistic black and white answer, Jesus responds "seventy-seven
times" and offers Peter a parable that demonstrates Gods generous
forgiveness, the difficulty we have in extending forgiveness to others
and the call we have to model God's forgiveness in our relationships
with others.
As the parable begins, we see a king ready to settle his accounts. We see
a slave facing a debt that is impossibly large and we see a king ready to
take the steps necessary to secure repayment. The order is given for the
slave, his family and all his possessions be sold, but then something re-
markable happens. The slave asks for patience and mercy and out of
pity, the king forgives the debt. While the king doesn't specifically say
to the slave, 'Go and do likewise', it is clear that the king expects his
generous forgiveness to be reflected in the life of his servant. Shortly af-
ter receiving this generous act of forgiveness, however, the slave finds
himself on the other side of the equation. A debt is owed to him, mercy
is requested, but unlike the king, this slave refuses to extend
forgiveness. When the king finds out, he is furious. How could one re-
ceive mercy and forgiveness and not share mercy and forgiveness with
We too have received a generous gift of forgiveness from our King. In
the waters of baptism, we are washed in the generous promise that
thanks to Jesus' death and resurrection our debt of sin is paid. Like the
slave, the question for us is "How will we respond to this generous
gift?" Will we receive God's gift of forgiveness, yet refuse to share it or
will we receive God's gift of forgiveness and build on that gift to extend
God's forgiveness generously and freely to those around us?
Discussion Questions
What would the world be like if there was a law that said you only
had to forgive the same person seven times in a lifetime?
Think of the last time someone forgave you. How did it make you
feel to be forgiven? What difference did that forgiveness make in
your life?
What are ways that you can draw on the strength of God's forgive-
ness to help you forgive others?
Activity Suggestions
Using the Confession and Forgiveness in the ELW (pg. 98) as a
model, work as a group to write a prayer of confession that relates
specifically to your life. Ask if your prayer can be used in Sunday
worship or just use it in a service with your group.
Try adding the phrase "I forgive you" to your life. When someone
says, "I'm sorry." Reply "I forgive you" instead of saying "Ok" or
"Thanks". Pay attention and see how it feels to actually say "I for-
give you" to another person
Closing Prayer
Merciful God, in the waters of baptism, you connect us to the promise
of forgiveness and new life. Help us receive your forgiveness in our
lives and to know the good news that your ability to forgive is greater
than our ability to sin. Inspire us to offer mercy and forgiveness to the
people in our lives. Amen.

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