Hackettstown - September 2014

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Vol. 6 No. 9 www.mypaperonline.

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P o s t a l C u s t o m e r
Proverbs 3:5
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oungsters at the Hackettstown Public Library
recently enjoyed a reading by local author Kristyn
Fedich, author of Seamore The Starfish. Seamore is
a quiet little starfish unsure of the way he looks. Because of
his unique shape, he feels like he does not fit in and cannot
do the things that his other fish friends can do. Seamore
learns that it does not matter what he looks like; he can still
do anything his heart desires! In the book, Seamore learns
and grows within himself, while playing with his friends
Rayna and Eli under the sea. For more information about
the book and to order online, visit seamorethestarfish.com
or email info@seamorethestarfish.com.
Story Time at The
Hackettstown Public Library
he Washington
Township Historical
Societys 31st annual
historic house tour,
Autumn in the Valley,
will be held on Saturday,
October 4th from 11 AM to
This years tour is a tour
of homes in the section of
Washington Township once
known as German Valley
and a farmhouse and con-
verted barn on the mountain
in what was once part of the
Middle Valley district.
The Millers House is
located on East Mill Road
and was renovated several
years ago into a commercial
property. It sits across the
street from the Obadiah
Latourette Grist and Saw
Mill which is located on the
Autumn in the Valley
Historic House Tour
South Branch of the Raritan
River. The miller had only
to walk across a field to
work as the road at one time
actually went behind the
The apartment of the cur-
rent owners and local interi-
or designers of Cottage
Treasures is also located in
downtown Long Valley.
This building was at one
time Welshs and then
Swackhamers Garage.
Both names are well known
family names of original
settlers of Middle Valley
and German Valley.
The third home on the
tour was built in the last
quarter of the 19th century
and is a Folk Gothic/vernac-
ular Italianate house. It was
built as a worker or tenant
house which was not com-
mon in Washington
Township. The home is fur-
nished with many European
The two homes on
Schooleys Mountain in the
Middle Valley area are the
Zellers Farmhouse and the
Zellers Barn. The farm-
house is dated as being built
in the early 1700s and has
exposed stone walls in the
continued on page 4
Page 2, September 2014, Tell Them You Saw It In The Hackettstown News Like us on facebook www.facebook.com/mypaperonline
he First Presbyterian Church of
Hackettstown will hold a family
style roast beef dinner on Saturday,
October 18, 2014 from 4:00 7:00 p.m.
Seating & serving is on a first come / first
serve basis. Location is the Chapel build-
ing at 291 Main Street (Rt. 46 West) oppo-
site the First Presbyterian Church. Parking
is available on Main Street or in the parking
lot behind the church entered from
Washington Street.
Tickets: $13.00 adults / $8.00 kids age
12 & under. Take-out dinners will be avail-
able. Advance purchase of tickets is highly
recommended for sit down and take out din-
ners. Call Vicky (908-813-3418) or church
office (908-852-4011) for tickets or more
ong Valley Womens Recreational
Basketball League starts October, on
Tuesday nights at Cuccinella School
in Long Valley. Come join us for one hour
a week for great fun and exercise. All lev-
els of play welcome. Call or email Debbie
for information on how to
register:chrisadamt@comcast.net or 908-
September 24th Independent Living
Join us for lunch on either Wednesday, 24th
at 12:00 pm in the NEW Musconetcong
Grille and learn about independent living at
Heath Village. Our independent residents
enjoy beautiful 1 and 2-bedroom campus
apartments, without the burden of home
maintenance, landscaping and snow-
removal we do it for you! You can enjoy
Heath Village Events Open to the Public
meals in one of our four dining venues with
our discounted meal plans and you have the
option of contracting housekeeping servic-
es or the extra help you need. We current-
ly have availability and would love to show
you around! Call us at 908-684-5009 to
save your spot at one of our Village
SAVE THE DATE: Fall Open House -
Saturday, October 18th - RSVP
Heath Villages Fall Open House will be
held on Saturday, October 18th! Tours will
be given at either 11 am or 12:30 pm and
RSVP is required. Guests will see all that
Heath Village Retirement Community has
to offer including our three NEW restau-
rants, great room, and game and media
rooms! Refreshments will be served.
Please call 908-684-5006 to reserve your
First Presbyterian Church
Roast Beef Dinner
Long Valley Womens Recreational
Basketball League
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By Joe Klock, Sr.
he following material was salvaged from my ran-
dumb notes on floating scraps of paper hereabout.
None of it is ready, IMHO, for either full columnar treat-
ment or the shredder, thus it is submitted for your edifica-
tion, vilification, aggravation or forwarding to other
defenseless recipients.
- The past is a canceled check and the future, at best, a
promissory note, so don't piddle away the present with
pointless games of "what-if" and "if-only." Better to fix
what you can and forget what you can't....like,
- REMOTELY RELATED QUERY: Should terminated
pregnancies in Czechoslovakia be officially recorded as
canceled Czechs?
- 'Splain me this, if you can: When domestic animals are
found in inhumane conditions, they are taken away from
their owners. Young children in similar circumstances, on
the other hand, are customarily left with their delinquent
non-care-givers, who are subsidized for their negligence -
this, presumably, under the (dis)guise of the sanctity of par-
- Among the higher aspirations of personkind (we are
striving here for political correctness) is inner peace, and
the road to that begins with acceptance - acceptance, that is,
of situations we are powerless to change. Implicitly, that
rules out anything and everything we ARE able to change
for the better. It follows that "awfulizing," also called "stew-
ing without doing," is never an acceptable substitute for tak-
ing action, however small a step it might be to toward solv-
ing or mitigating the problem at hand. Suffering in silence,
in a free society like ours, is a self-inflicted
wound...so speak up or SHUT up!
- Query for Atheists: How do you KNOW there is no
God...or do you just strongly BELIEVE that? If the latter,
you're in the same boat as the Doofuses you snicker at!
- The number of people in our nation who are receiving
Federal Food Stamps has grown to more than 46 million.
Meanwhile, the National Park Service continues to urge
people not to feed wild animals. Their stated reason is
because, "they will grow dependent on handouts and will
not learn to provide for themselves." A touch of irony here?
- "Now" is not a movable feast and "then" is not always
available for instant replay. As John Greenleaf Whittier put
it, "Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these,
'It might have been.'" So, if a "one of these days" irems is
on your drawing board, why not pick this one? Life may not
be the party we had hoped for, but while we're here, we
might as well dance!
- With another Election Day coming up, there's one very
important question to ask yourself: "Have I listened to both
sides of the issues?" If not, PLEASE don't vote unless and
until you have done so!
- A greater danger for many (if not most) of us is not that
our aims are too high and we'll miss them, but that they are
too low and we'll shred the bull's-eye! (There's a high prob-
ability that some poor slobs invented 6-UP and Preparation
G, then gave up trying).
- Successful people are often simply ordinary folks who
just did what many of their contemporaries, and most of
their competitors, CHOSE not to do.
- A greeting card idea of mine that never made the cut
('specially down heah in the Southland):
"Christmas is a ball for people one and all,
Just gushing with good fellowship and cheer.
But I wonder why the hell I shouldn't wish you well
At this cold, unfriendly, crappy time of year?
Happy February 13th!"
- Similar fate for one of my unsuccessful stabs at a par-
ody writing (to the tune of "Good Night, Irene."):
"Just t'other day I got married; we had champagne and a
Then me and my wife soon got parted, 'cause I made a
big mistake.
I said, 'Irene, good night, Irene good night. Good night,
Irene, good night, Irene.
But my bride's name was Phyllis."
- Always try to forgive - even if and when you can't for-
- Always do your very best. If that falls short of success,
go with the flow and try again.
- Always say something nice to everyone you meet
today...even "them" (you know who!)
- Encore reminder: Always learn to live with those
regrettable thing in the past that you can't remedy now, so
they won't poop on your present or foul up your future.
Freelance wordworker Joe Klock, Sr. (joeklock@aol.com)
winters in Key Largo and Coral Gables, Florida and sum-
mers in New Hampshire. More of his "Klockwork" can be
found at www.joeklock.com.
Chips Off The Old Klock
Page 4, September 2014, Tell Them You Saw It In The Hackettstown News Like us on facebook www.facebook.com/mypaperonline
original part of the house as well as the orig-
inal fireplaces. It has had sections added on
and renovations done throughout the years
but still retains the charm of an early farm-
house in Washington Township.
The Zellers barn was renovated into a
home in the early 1980s and all the stone
walls were left exposed. It was common for
a farmer to build his barn before his home
so as to take care of his livestock so this
bank barn probably was built before the
farmhouse next door. Iron rings are still
visible on the stone walls in what were the
cow and horse stables.
The Zion Lutheran Church, which
recently celebrated their 250th year as a
congregation, on Schooleys Mountain
Road was consecrated on November 25,
1832 and its spire remains an iconic land-
mark in the valley. The optional luncheon
for the tour will be held in the new hall.
Visitors on the tour are encouraged to
stop in the local businesses on the tour route
both on East and West Mill Roads and
Schooleys Mountain Road. All of the busi-
nesses are housed in buildings which have
been businesses or private homes since the
turn of the last century.
Parking will be available in both the
Zion Lutheran Church and The Long Valley
Brew Pub parking lots when visiting the
homes in the downtown area.
The Museum Store at 6 Fairview Avenue
will be selling seasonal items as well as
copies of old maps of the area, books
including an Images of America book,
Washington Township, Morris County and
notecards made of paintings done by a past
resident, Jean Marshall Edwards.
House tour tickets are $20 each in
advance and $25 the day of the tour. To
purchase tickets by mail make a check
payable to the Washington Township
Historical Society (WTHS). Please also
include a self addressed stamped envelope
and mail both to: WTHS, PO Box 189,
Long Valley, NJ 07853. Tickets may also
be purchased in the museum any Sunday in
September from 2-4 and Friday, October
3rd from 10AM 5PM. Tickets will go on
sale October 4th, the day of the tour, at
10AM. Proceeds from the tour provide
operating expenses for the Washington
Township Historical Society and Museum.
Historic House Tour...
The Society was founded in 1960 to pre-
serve the history and genealogy of our area
and to educate the public about those people
who settled here and called Washington
Township home. Membership and pro-
grams are open to anyone with an interest in
the area or its people.
For more information on the tour or
membership, please call 908-876-9696 or e-
mail info@wthsnj.org.
continued from front page
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he Knights of Columbus Council
5410 is sponsoring Italian Night
Charity Dinner Dance on Saturday
October 4, 2014 at St Lawrence Parish Hall,
Chester, NJ from 6:30pm TO 11:00pm
The Knights of Columbus, Council 5410
Chester, NJ is sponsoring a gourmet Italian
Night Charity Dinner Dance on Saturday
October 4, 2014. The event will be held at
the St Lawrence Parish Hall in Chester, NJ.
The event begins at 6:30-11:00PM. A gour-
met dinner, catered by Charlottes Web of
Dover, will be featured and music by Rikki
Starr Entertainment. Beer, Wine, Soda is
included in the ticket price. FOR TICKETS
TACT973-584-2083. Tickets are $40.00 per
person. A 50-50 Raffle will be held during
the evening to benefit area charities. Come
and enjoy the festivities and an excellent
meal. You wont be disappointed. Buon
KofC Hosts Italian Night Charity
Dinner Dance
0% of adults in Morris County have
difficultly reading and writing or com-
municating in English that impacts
their ability to work and function in our
complex society. If you would like to help
an adult improve his or her reading, writing
or conversational English skills, Literacy
Volunteers of Morris County could use your
help. They will be offering a training ori-
entation for new volunteers on Saturday,
September 27th, 2014 at the Morris County
Library, from 10:00 to 3:30.
Volunteers must be at least 18 years old,
have their high school diplomas, and be flu-
ent in English. No teaching experience is
required. LVMC tutors work with their stu-
dents just one hour a week and pick the time
and place that is convenient for them. Pre-
registration for this orientation is required.
For more information, or to register, call
973-984-1998 or visit the LVMC website at
Become a Literacy Volunteer
Tutor Orientation Workshop Offered
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illions of children will soon be
heading back to the classroom.
Although the return of school
may elicit smiles from parents who have
spent the entire summer trying to keep kids
busy and out of trouble, when kids start
bringing home notices of head lice out-
breaks, those wide grins may fade.
Although head lice can strike just about
anyone anywhere, it seems to proliferate in
close quarters, like those of a typical class-
room. Children who keep backpacks and
belongings beside other students' items may
unwittingly pick up lice and bring them
home, where they can infect the child and
other members of the family.
The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention says lice are parasitic insects
that can be found on people's heads and
bodies. Lice feed on human blood. There
are three types of lice that live on humans:
head louse, body louse and pubic "crab"
louse. Only the body louse is known to
spread disease.
Lice are wingless parasites that can only
crawl to their host for feeding. They cannot
jump or fly like fleas. By and large, lice are
relatively harmless creatures, though they
can be a nuisance. Lice bites are known to
cause irritation and inflammation on the
scalp. Persistent scratching may lead to
infection. Lice do not signal that a person
has bad hygiene, and a child who contracts
lice should not be embarrassed. Lice are a
common problem among students.
Lice are small and grayish-white in
appearance, and they are usually no larger
than a sesame seed. They can move fast, so
usually lice infestation is identified by spot-
ting the lice eggs, which are called nits.
These look like tiny, yellow or tan dots
before they hatch. Lice lay nits on the hair
shaft close to the scalp. This is the ideal
temperature for keeping the eggs warm until
they hatch. Many lice nymphs will feed on
blood every day to grow into adult lice.
However, a louse can survive up to two
days off of the scalp. That means a person
can "catch" lice from a hat or a piece of
clothing if a louse climbed into the materi-
Treating head lice means ridding the
head of all nits and adult lice. A special
comb is used to capture the tiny eggs. This
can be a painstaking process, particularly
for children with long hair. Topical insecti-
cides in lotion and shampoo are used to kill
the lice. However, these products may not
penetrate the nits, so the topical solution
may need to be applied several days later to
kill any emerging lice.
The best way to combat lice is to empha-
size prevention. Children should not share
combs, brushes, scarves, hats, or other
clothing. They also should avoid close
physical contact with someone who has
Should a child get lice, he or she should
stay home from school and the nurse should
be notified. Wash all objects that the child
has used and launder all clothes, towels,
linens, and other items in hot water to kill
any lice. Vacuum the home frequently to
remove lice or fallen hairs with attached nits
from upholstered furniture and rugs.
Back to school season reintroduces kids
and their parents to lice. Parents and their
kids can take certain preventive measures to
greatly reduce youngsters' risks of coming
down with lice.
Back to School Means Elevated Risk for Lice
Returning to school means keeping an eye open for head lice.
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Gelsamina Malanga
Broker/Sales Associate
Office: 908-879-4900 Ext. 150
Cell/Text: 908-217-7131
Coldwell Banker
191 Main Street, Chester, NJ 07930
I am a Full Service Seller/Buyer Agent with 28 years of experience
Go to www.gelsa.com for Listing Information and Lots of Photos of this Home!
Want to See what your Home is Worth in Todays Market?
Go to www.gelsa.com and Click on Market Snapshot
Visit and Like my Facebook Real Estate Page for Timely Real Estate Information:
Well Maintained, Updated Home includes
Granite Kitchen with Stainless Steel Appli-
ances, Updated Baths and Recently In-
stalled Furnace, A/C and Hot Water Heater.
Formal Living Room and Dining Room. Fam-
ily Room with Fireplace. Fabulous 2-tier
Deck with Pool and Hot Tub. Full, Finished
Basement with Media/Rec Room and Office.
Lots of Storage Space. Nicely Landscaped
15 Rolling Rapids Court
Interest Rates are Low....Great Time to Buy!!
t Judes Parish Center, 40 Maxim
Drive, Hopatcong, is hosting a
Christmas Craft Fair on Saturday,
November 15, 2014 from 9:00am to
Vendors wanted $25 per table 3 Tables
for $70.
Something for everyone.
For Information CALL JIMMY 973-
Free coffee for venders until 9:00am.
Early set up allowed.
Christmas Craft Fair
Secretay Needed
Busy phones, scheduling appointments, and typing.
Able to work independently and multi task. Send
resume to: HR, P.O. Box 6244, Parsippany, NJ 07054
or fax to (973) 442-2705 after 6 pm.
hrist Church Budd Lake will be
hosting a multi-family yard sale and
bake sale on Saturday, September
13th from9-4PM at 369 Sandshore Road in
Mount Olive. All of the proceeds from the
sale will benefit children in need. Tables
are available for $20. For more information
call Paula Ackley at 973-347-5457. The
Church is located at the corner of Sandshore
and Smithtown Roads. The Yard Sale will
be held rain or shine.
Christ Church Budd Lake to Host
Seventh Annual Multi-Family Yard Sale
EELERS Square Dance Club is
hosting a free Introduction to
Square Dancing event on Tuesday,
October 7, 2014 from 7:30pm to 9:30pm at
Ironia School, 303 Dover-Chester Road,
Learn a few square dance moves and
dance the night away! Have fun, improve
your cardio fitness, and make new friends!
The event is open to singles and couples.
Casual dress. Refreshments will be avail-
Happiness is right around your corner!
Dance in a square and youll make a cir-
cle of friends!
Square dancing: Friendship Set to
For more information, call 848-219-
4152 or email bikerdi@yahoo.com
Learn Square Dancing on October 7
Page 8, September 2014, Tell Them You Saw It In The Hackettstown News Like us on facebook www.facebook.com/mypaperonline
By Ejvind Boccolini
aining self-confidence, greater ath-
leticism, and learning cognitive and
social skills are all benefits of
becoming involved in gymnastics.
Cheryl Moorman, Director of CS
Gymnastics, of Flanders, is celebrating 30
years of success and knows her students
have been succeeding right along with her.
Moormann said she is pleased with the
longevity of CS Gymnastics, and notes that
she has taught students who, years later,
grown with families of their own choose to
bring their kids to CS Gymnastics for class-
Helping generation after generation of
individuals become involved and skillful in
the sport of gymnastics is an admirable
thing, and Moormann notes that there are
indeed physical benefits as well as non-
physical advantages.
Our goal is to promote all of them, she
In general, physical benefits include
gaining muscle strength, healthy bones, and
flexibility, while non-physical benefits
include healthy brain functions, improved
academic achievements, social skills, and
reduced risky behavior.
Whether you view gymnastics as a com-
petitive sport or as recreational fitness,
Moormann said it has grown to become a
respected industry over the years. CS
Gymnastics is, in fact, an official club mem-
ber of USA Gymnastics, a national govern-
ing body of the sport based in Indianapolis.
On the CS Gymnastics website,
www.csgymnasticsinc.com, it notes that it is
the friendly, fun place of positive begin-
nings. It is dedicated to the total develop-
ment of each gymnast.
Some students work hard to greatly
improve their athletic skills by way of gym-
nastics, and some make it their goal to com-
Several of Moormanns students have
gone on to compete in college and she said
she is happy that her staff and facility can
provide a great stepping stone for such
She said that as the industry grew over
the years, owners of gymnastics instruction-
al centers sometimes would each take on a
different focus and provide services
accordingly. Some owners will focus on the
success in fitness and life skills instructional
classes offer, others will strive to develop
potential Olympic athletes, and still other
owners will provide services and classes that
fall somewhere in between these scenarios.
Moormann also works hard to make her
courses quite effective and practical. On
their website, there are many courses offered
and each have their specific focus and style,
as well as age and skill level, of course. And
Moormann also takes into account that fam-
ilies may have multiple siblings, hectic
schedules, and that each child may prefer
different activities. One can see there is a
great deal of thought and integrity that goes
into the design and objectives of each of the
Their brochure easily explains courses
specific to various ages, activity and skill
levels. There are monthly payment plans and
discounts available when several siblings
attend the school, and students can choose to
attend two classes per week as part of an
accelerated learning program.
Karate, Cheer, and Art are also offered at
the school, which has 12 instructors and
about 12,000 square feet of space. There is a
viewing balcony which offers parents and
spectators an exciting and complete view
of the entire gymnastics training area.
When entering the gym area one is taken
with the colorful and clean surroundings
amid the great selection of pre-school to
competitive level equipment. This welcom-
ing environment allows us to host invitation-
al competitions as well as special class per-
formances during the school year. In addi-
tion to offering a thrilling event to view, we
hope to provide an inspiration of dreams for
young athletes to pursue, the website reads.
Moormann said there are perhaps 90
clubs in New Jersey, but only about a dozen
have lasted as long as CS Gymnastics. This
is certainly an excellent track record and
everyone involved at CS Gymnastics should
be very proud of this.
Currently Moormann said she has the
goal of pushing to improve and upgrade to
make our customer service top notch.
Moormann and her husband are continu-
ally looking for areas to serve the families of
their community. CS Gymnastics is known
to offer courses that work with individuals
of all age levels and abilities, and they even
have two instructors that work with special
needs children. These courses have resulted
in positive therapy and a great learning envi-
ronment for kids.
Moormann said she has a passion to see
all students succeed and grow as individuals,
and enjoys seeing when a childs face lights
up after learning something brand new
perhaps a certain gymnastics skill or making
it to the top of the climbing rope.
On Sunday, Sept. 28, from 2 to 5 pm,
there is an open house to celebrate their 30th
anniversary, and many activities being
offered. There will be activities to try from
all their programs including an inflatable
slide, obstacle course, balloons, prizes, and,
of course cake. Phone number for CS
Gymnastics is 973-347-2771.
CS Gymnastics Celebrates 30 Years; Dedicated To Total Development Of Each Gymnast
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he Jonathan Slusher Memorial 5K
Run/Walk and Kids Fun Run, a sanc-
tioned USATF-NJ Grand Prix Race,
begins at 1PM on Sunday, Oct 5 at the
bridge in Califon. The course follows River
Road in Califon, loops left at Hoffman's
Crossing, continues back on the Columbia
Trail, finishing at the train station. This is an
event within the Califon Street Festival so
non-running family members will have
plenty of exciting things to do at the festi-
Last year's race was run by 127 runners
and walkers and 10 children. Sixteen-year-
old Erin McLaughlin of Califon finished
first overall with a time of 19:41. Warren
Geist of Asbury was the top finisher in the
men's division with a time of 22:53.
Anthony Antonaccio, Sr. finished first in the
walkers division with a time of 48:18. The
current course record for runners is held by
David Reed of Middletown with a time of
The Race is sponsored by the Jonathan
Slusher Memorial Scholarship Foundation a
501-c-3 charity. For the past three years, in
Jon's memory, the foundation has funded
13 scholarships of $1,000 each for area high
school seniors.
Register on line at http://www.run-
racenet/findarace.php?id=14278NJ or at
jonhslusher.org. Checks can be made
payable to the Jonathan Slusher Memorial
Scholarship Foundation and mailed to 79
Guinea Hollow Road, Lebanon, NJ 08833..
For more information call 908-832-7383.
et the Facts. Recognize the Signs.
Each year, approximately 22,240
women will be diagnosed with
ovarian cancer. In 2013, approximately
14,230 women will die in the United States
from ovarian cancer. Many women don't
seek help until the disease has begun to
spread, but if detected at its earliest stage,
the five-year survival rate is more than
93%. The symptoms of ovarian cancer are
often subtle and easily confused with other
Visit http://www.ovariancanceraware-
ness.org for more information.
The Jonathan Slusher Memorial
5K Run
Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
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t. Jude's Men's Group, Hopatcong,
presents an all you can eat Beefsteak
Dinner, catered by Nightingales, on
Sunday, Oct.19th at 1:00pm at the parish
Dinner includes salad, pasta, steak, fries,
ice cream, coffee, tea, soda and water.
Special guest: Mr. Al Russo will sing the
songs of Sinatra. Tickets are $39.00/pp and
can be purchased by calling. the rectory at
All You Can Eat Beefsteak Dinner
azaar to be held on Saturday,
October 25, from 9am to 3 pm in the
Presbyterian Chapel of
Hackettstown, 291 Main St (across from
our sanctuary.) Tea time 9 to 11, lunch
11:30 to 1:30. Holiday sundries, handmade
items, white elephant table, and baked
goods. Enjoy our church's website at
Presbyterian Chapel Hosts Bazaar
he Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention say that roughly 30 per-
cent of the population complains of
chronic back pain in a given year. Lower
back pain is a problem that plagues millions
of people and can lead to lost hours of work,
poor quality of life and reduced mobility. In
fact, according to Global Burden of Disease
2010, low back pain is the single leading
cause of disability worldwide. People spend
around $50 billion each year on back pain
treatments. One solution to back pain is to
consult with a chiropractor. The American
Chiropractic Association says chiropractic
spinal manipulation is a safe and effective
pain treatment. It also can help return
mobility and flexibility to the back. With
addiction to pain medications such a preva-
lent problem in both the United States and
Canada, chiropractic care may be a good
first step to alleviate pain and discomfort in
the back.
Did You Know?
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he cool, crisp days of autumn have
arrived. As fall foliage creates a color-
ful display and kids frolic in leaf piles
on the lawn, you may want to pay some mind
to a few lesser known facts about this
beloved time of year. Autumn may call to
mind Halloween and the return of school, but
there are other factors that make this season
1. The first day of autumn is known as the
autumnal equinox. On this day, the number
of hours of daylight and darkness are equal.
This is because the sun is aligned with the
center of the Earth between the north and
south of the planet. The other equinox occurs
in the spring, which arrives in the third week
of March in the Northern hemisphere.
2. In Greek mythology, autumn was a
time when Persephone, the daughter of
Demeter, was abducted by Hades, the god-
king of the underworld. During this time,
Demeter, the goddess of the harvest, was dis-
traught and the ground grew sparse and cold.
When Persephone returned in the springtime,
plants and life bloomed anew because of
Demeter's happiness.
12 Fun Facts About Autumn
3. Those who live closest to the equator,
which is the center of the planet, never expe-
rience the season of autumn. Around the
equator, the temperature remains consistent-
ly warm.
4. Yellow, orange and variations thereof
always reside in the pigmentation of tree
leaves, but they are just overpowered by the
abundance of green from the chlorophyll in
the leaves. Come autumn, however, when the
sun weakens and days grow shorter, the
amount of chlorophyll in leaves diminishes,
allowing the other pigments in the leaves to
show through.
5. Red and purple leaves are actually
caused by the presence of sugars from sap
that is trapped inside of the leaves.
6. Fall is a peak migration time for many
species of birds. During autumn, birds will
fly to other areas as they seek more hos-
pitable climates. The Arctic tern journeys
about 11,000 miles each way for its annual
migration. That is like going all the way
across the United States about three and a
half times
7. Contrary to popular belief, squirrels
who have spent the entire autumn collecting
acorns and other foods do not hibernate for
the winter. Rather, they spend the majority of
their time in nests they built to shelter them
from harsh weather. When squirrels do come
out in winter, they are usually tunneling
under the snow to find the food they buried
during the fall.
8. Several cultures have ancient traditions
that coincide with autumn. For example, the
Chinese celebrate the Moon Festival to give
thanks for a successful summer harvest.
9. Halloween is a large part of autumn.
The concept of wearing masks and costumes
hails from ancient Celtic tradition. The Celts
believed ghosts roamed on Halloween, and
people wore disguises to hide from the spir-
10. You're bound to see pumpkins as part
of autumn decor. The pumpkin was first
named by the Greeks. They called this edible
orange item "pepon," which means "large
11. Evergreen trees will not lose their
leaves like deciduous trees. Their leaves, also
called needles, are covered with a thick wax.
This wax protects the inner components of
the needles, preventing them from freezing.
12. Autumn also signals another colorful
spectacle apart from the tree leaves. The
aurora borealis, also known as the Northern
Lights, tends to be visible this time of year.
This is because geomagnetic storms are
about twice as likely to occur during the fall
thanks to cool evening weather.
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Come In For Your
Pink Extensions for fhe Cure!
100% of the profits from The Pink Extention For The Cure
go to The Susan G. Komen of North Jersey.
ctober is Breast Cancer Awareness month and
throughout October 31st, Alfonso's Salon for the-
fourth year in a row is joining the fight to defeat
breast cancer, the second leading cancer killer of
women.The salon is offering pink hair extensions to com-
memorate the cause. The extensions are available in a shade
of brightpink for $12 each and in order to eliminate.Cash is
required to eliminate any bank fees. There is also a limited
supply of pink feathers available. 100% of donations and
profits for this fundraiser will benifit the Susan G. Komen
for the Cure."We are proud to help where we can to raise
funds to assist research, increase awareness and promote
screenings," says,Alfonso Merola, owner/stylist of Alfonso's
Salon at Sutton Plaza.
"Breast Cancer affects so many families. I have seen it touch
the lives of many of my clients, and happily count many as
successful survivors of this disease, because of early detec-
tion.".The Salon has received two awards for their efforts to
help defeat breast cancer.The non-permanent extensions are
a simple process and it only takes minutes to apply, Alfonso
reports. "We compress the pink extension into the hair with-
out causing anyharm to the client's own hair. They look great
on women of all ages, from kids to seniors, with some cus-
tomers getting two or three at a time. They can be easily cut
to any length the client wants and will stay in as long as
maintained properly,client should come in with clean
hair,without any conditioning at the root area,a moisturizing
shampoo and or conditioner is not used on the root area so
that extension will not slip out.
Alfonso is particularly excited about working with
groups for this worthy fundraiser. Last year he was invited
to Morristown Medical Center to apply extensions for staff
during the shift change outside the caffeteria, and we are in
the process of setting up a schedule to do it again on 2 mon-
days in Oct.
Check our facebook page for the days and hours.High
school Cheerleader and sportgroups from the local area have
also come in as a team to show their support.It's a fundrais-
er and a team building excerise all in one.
The salon will gladly eccept any donation even if cus-
tomers dont want to take advantage of the hair extension
services. A jar will be available at the front desk to anyone
wishing to help the fight for a cure. Donation jars can also
be found at Valentino's Pizzeria, Verizon Wireless
store,Wine Rack, Flanders Cleaners, Flanders Bagels, and
Mandrin Village, all located in the mall.
In business for 30 years,Alfonso's Salon is a full service
salon,specializing in complete hair services such as hair
extensions,color,highlights,cuts, styling, and specialized
smoothing systems such as Keratin Straightening and
Keratin Express as well as perms and conditioning treat-
ments. Manicures, pedicures, and waxing services are also
Hair extensions come in many varied colors and are done
all year round. Throughout his career,Alfonso has devoted
his time to the betterment of the hair industry.
He has done classes and demonstrations at shows
throughout New Jersey,N.Y. City,Boston, Atlantic City etc.
He was also, past director ofthe N.J. Hair Fashion
Committee and past chairman of the Warren County
October is Breast Cancer Awareness
Hairdressers Assosiation, show artist for Scruples, Framesi,
Bain DeTerre. Studied and/or assited some of the great
names in the industry Paul Mitchell (the man himself),
Irvine Rusk, Gary Brey (past coach for the U.S Hairdressing
Olympic Team), and many others. His passion is educating
and training new, upcoming stylist.
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n Saturday September 27, 2014 the Morris
Habitat for Humanity ReStore will be holding its
4th Annual "Go Green, Save Green" Sales Event.
From 10am to 5pm shoppers will save 20% off everyday
low prices on the ReStores ENTIRE stock. During this
huge sale, you will be entertained by music from DJ
Pudge while you visit booths and displays highlighting
the products and services of earth-friendly vendors. The
event will also include free hot dogs and popcorn.
Aside from great bargains, shoppers can learn how to
recycle and reuse old furniture and other household items.
Let upcycler Carried Away help you enjoy living without
breaking the bank. Specializing in antique and vintage
restoration, and utilizing resources like Craig's list, flea
markets, and the Morris ReStore, their designers work
with homeowners to create the home space and furniture
they desire. Andreas Interiors can also help you inte-
grate your ReStore purchases to create the space of your
dreams. Junk-A-Haulics will take away your old furni-
ture and donate it to the ReStore if you desire to make
way for your new purchases. If saving energy is your
thing, you can learn about solar power from Geoscape
Solar. For information on Green Event vendors, please
visit www.morrisrestore.org/greenevent. Because this is
a special event, other discount coupons will not be
This awesome event is made possible by the generous
donation of time and services provided by Simply
Sunshine Events and John Pivko Photography.
Visit the ReStore located at 274 South Salem Street,
Randolph, NJ 07869. It is open Tuesday 12-8pm,
Wednesday & Friday 10am-6pm, Thursday 10am-8pm,
Saturday 10am-5pm and is closed on Sundays and
Mondays. Cash, debit cards, Visa and Mastercard are
accepted. Donation drop offs can be made during store
hours, or for larger items call 973-366-3358 to schedule a
pick-up. To learn more about the ReStore and upcoming
sales go to www.morrisrestore.org.
Morris Habitat ReStore Go Green, Save Green
Sales Event Features Green Vendors & HUGE SAVINGS!
lastic bottles are routinely recycled into other plas-
tic items and new bottles, but they can be turned
into much more. When you were sipping water
from that bottle, you probably never thought of the possi-
bilities of wearing that very plastic. However, fabric
innovators are turning disposed plastic into durable gar-
ments. When compared with producing virgin materials,
recycling plastic products helps save up to 70 percent on
energy costs. Recycled bottles can be broken down into
pellets of pure recycled plastic that is virtually indistin-
guishable from virgin plastic. Then the pellets are turned
into yarn, which can be woven as-is or mixed with other
yarns to produce polyester clothing. According to Waste
2 Wear, a recycled clothing company, anywhere from 12
to 20 bottles can be saved per garment and transformed
into anything from robes to shirts to uniforms. Recycled
clothing presents yet another way to turn trash into treas-
Did You Know?
Page 16, September 2014, Tell Them You Saw It In The Hackettstown News Like us on facebook www.facebook.com/mypaperonline
ounty College of Morris (CCM) is
hosting a closing reception to recog-
nize the end of its special
Spectrum exhibition, featuring the work
of 26 faculty and staff artists from the
Department of Visual Arts.
The reception, which is free and open to
the public, will take place on Thursday,
September 18, from 6 8 p.m. in the gallery
at the Sherman H. Masten Learning
Resource Center (LRC) on CCMs
Randolph campus, 214 Center Grove Road.
Consisting of paintings, photography,
pottery, graphic design, sculptures and other
artistic mediums, the Spectrum exhibition
celebrates both the talent of the CCM com-
munity and the opening of the new and
expanded professional gallery at the col-
lege. Selected pieces from the exhibition
also are available for sale.
The exhibit, which opened in June, runs
until the end of the closing reception.
Were pleased to present the local com-
munity with this opportunity to see the wide
range of artistic works created by our facul-
ty, said Clayton Allen, chair of the Visual
CCM to Hold Closing Reception for Visual Arts Faculty Exhibition
Arts department. Its been a while since we
have featured the work of our faculty and I
believe the exhibition offers some valuable
insight into the caliber of teaching that takes
place at CCM.
The last time the Visual Arts faculty dis-
played its work on campus was its
Homecoming exhibition in 2012, follow-
ing a well-received show at the University
of the Arts (Uarts) in Philadelphia. CCM
Visual Arts professors were asked by Uarts
to put on a multiple medium exhibition at its
gallery in recognition of the quality work
produced by CCM students who transfer
there to pursue their artistic education.
The CCM gallery was expanded as part
of the recent renovation of the LRC. Also as
part of that renovation, the colleges library
has been consolidated on the second floor of
the building, a caf featuring views of the
campus was constructed, and more energy-
efficient lighting and HVAC system were
Credit: Life in MoPhoto
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By Ejvind Boccolini
he Vets Summer Fest 2014 had a
great turnout said producer Sandy
Mitchell in a recent phone interview,
and the military dedication ceremony was
an emotionally powerful moment, as atten-
dees honored veterans at the Aug. 9 event
held at Vasa Park in Budd Lake.
Mitchell said about 1,000 people attend-
ed the event throughout the day, and added
that she thanks everyone who participat-
This included Picatinny Arsenal, Senator
Steve Oroho, the Knights of Columbus,
vendors, sponsors, Eastern Propane, Harley
Davidson, the musical groups, and more.
Ray Chimileski, Operation Chillout,
Executive Director, said This is Operation
Chillout's (OCOs) 4th annual fundraiser for
our homeless veteran outreach. Proceeds
from the event will enable us to provide
new season-appropriate clothing, emer-
gency temporary shelter assistance, summer
supplies and survival gear. A special fund
has also been set up to acquire an all-terrain
Rapid Response Vehicle to reach homeless
vets in all locations in all weather condi-
Those who purchased a ticket to the
event helped to support the survival of our
homeless vets.
Operation Chillout website notes that
there are up to 7,500 Homeless Veterans liv-
ing on the streets of New Jersey. Many face
acute Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and
chronic illnesses of body, mind and spirit.
Operation Chillout is counting on help from
the public to enable them to move forward
with their year-round outreach work.
In the winter, Operation Chillout pre-
pares a backpack for a veteranman or
woman filled with NEW warm clothing,
toiletries, survival gear, sleeping bags and
information about local resources; delivered
free of charge at locations where homeless
people gatherlike food pantries, soup
kitchens, temporary shelters, abandoned
buildings, parks and alleyways.
In the hot summer, we collect and deliv-
er cases of bottled water, T-shirts and base-
ball caps. Operation Chillout's Rapid
Response Outreach Team is active 24/7-
365 days a year providing emergency serv-
ices to our homeless veterans.
This years event featured many great
regional bands, good food, cold beer, mer-
chandise vendors, a vintage car and motor-
cycle show, military displays and great fam-
ily fun. Gates opened at 10:30, and atten-
dees brought blankets and in certain cases, a
small chair to relax and enjoy the festivities.
Children had access to a play ground,
games and other fun activites.
Please send additional donations to Spirit
of the Arts, 55 Bank Street, Sussex, NJ
07461. You can call Sandy at 973-875-2068
or email her at sandy@mitchellclan.com.
Operation Chillout notes that We are
vets serving vets and they provide a Rapid
Response Outreach Team; Emergency
Transportation for Medical Care; Winter &
Summer Survival Gear; Advocacy &
Referral; and Monthly Home Cooked Meals
for PTSD Unit at Lyons, NJ VA hospital.
Mitchell called the Vets Day event a
major fundraiser for Operation Chillout that
people really enjoyed.
She said, for instance, that homeless vets
need help to empower themselves and inte-
grate back into society. Without attention,
before you know it they become amongst
the forgotten.
To provide permanent housing for the
homeless vets, for instance, it takes money
to do that, said Mitchell.
Thats all part of what they (Operation
Chillout) do, she added.
Their website is http://operationchill-
Vets Summer Fest Helping Operation Chillout Provide For Vets In Need
Page 18, September 2014, Tell Them You Saw It In The Hackettstown News Like us on facebook www.facebook.com/mypaperonline
he Silverman family of Randolph has
started a tradition for their children
of making a donation to a charity on
their birthday. Noah Silverman learned at
the young age of four that giving to others
in the community is a great way to celebrate
his birthday. Noah asked friends who
attended his birthday party not to bring him
a gift. Instead he requested teddy bears to
be donated to CASA of Morris and Sussex
Counties and distributed to children in fos-
ter homes. The Silvermans understand the
A Fourth Birthday Brings Cuddly Teddy Bears to Children in Foster Care
power of compassion and philanthropy and
the importance of teaching this to their chil-
The teddy bears received huge smiles
from children who need something to cud-
dle and who now know that another child is
thinking of them.
About CASA of Morris and Sussex
CASA of Morris and Sussex Counties is
part of a statewide network of community-
based, non-profit programs that recruit,
screen, train, and supervise volunteers to
advocate for children removed from home
due to abuse or neglect. CASA is the only
program in New Jersey that uses trained
volunteers to work one on one with chil-
dren, ensuring that each one gets the servic-
es they need and achieves permanency in a
safe, nurturing home. Visit
www.casamsc.org or call 973-998-7590 for
more information about CASA of Morris
and Sussex Counties.
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By Cheryl Conway
here is a new bagel place in town and
its so much more than fabulous
Mt. Olive Bagels on Route 46 East in the
Paramount Plaza in Budd Lake, recently
opened up its doors offering customers not
only an assortment of bagels but a wide vari-
ety breakfast/lunch menu. Whether eat in or
take out, customers can enjoy breakfast sand-
wiches or platters, pancakes, French toast, a
variety of cheese spreads, homemade soups,
appetizers, salads, deli or hot sandwiches,
Paninis, cheesesteaks, burgers, wraps,
smoothies, a bakery and even catering.
As a Mt. Olive resident for 25 years, the
owner wanted to own a restaurant in town and
knew the vacant store would be an ideal loca-
tion for a fantastic bagel shop.
I really like the bagel business, says
John Kalavriziotis, of Flanders, owner of Mt.
Olive Bagels. An experienced restaurant
owner, Kalavriziotis has owned Piscataway
Pizza for the past five years and formerly
owned New Orleans Restaurant in North
Branch for 16 years before selling it five
years ago.
This was a great location, he says. I
always traveled far, to the other restaurant in
Piscataway. I wanted a store in town.
At Mt. Olive Bagels, customers can
choose from 12 to 15 varieties of bagels at
any given time, with one specialty every day
like the French toast bagel. The bagels are
hand-rolled and kettle-boiled, fantastic,
excellent, large, soft, hot and fresh, served
with various homemade cream cheese
spreads, or salads such as whitefish, chicken,
tuna or egg.
For breakfast, customers can start their
day with farm fresh egg omelettes, egg plat-
ters, breakfast sandwiches, pancakes and
even French toast, home fries, bacon, sausage
and even Taylor ham.
Some bakery items include muffins, crois-
sants, crumb cakes and pastries.
For lunch, there are bagels of course, or
seven different salads such as garden, chef,
Caesar, grilled Portobello or Mandarin
Grilled Chicken which includes spring mix,
grilled chicken, dried cranberries, almonds,
mandarin oranges with orange citrus vinai-
grette dressing.
The sandwich menu offers a great variety
of Boars Head Premium Deli choices such as
turkey, roast beef, pastrami and corned beef
on different breads with optional toppings; as
well as salad sandwiches; sloppy Joes; five
different Paninis such as the Tuscany with
ham, salami, roasted peppers, provolone and
pesto mayo; and hot specialty sandwiches
such as Grilled Chicken or Veggie Focaccia,
or Bacon Chicken Ranch Ciabatta, Grilled
Ruben, Eggplant Parm Sub; and even beef or
chicken gyros.
Lunch menu items continue and include a
variety of burgers, wraps, cheesesteaks and
triple decker club sandwiches.
More Than Just Bagels At Mt. Olive Bagels
Homemade soups are offered along with
appetizers such as buffalo wings, chicken ten-
ders and mozzarella sticks.
For parties or occasions, Mt. Olive Bagels
offers a catering menu for breakfast, salads,
sandwich platters and giant foot heroes.
For beverages, hot drinks such as coffee
and tea are sold, along with a wide variety of
cold drinks and homemade low-fat vanilla
yogurt fruit smoothies such as strawberry
banana, chocolate banana oreo, peach para-
dise or create-your-own.
The shop is open for breakfast and lunch
seven days a week: Mon.-Fri., from 5 a.m. to
4 p.m.; Sat., 6 a.m. to 4 p.m.; and Sun., 6 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Kalavriziotis earned his skills and experi-
ence as a hands-on-operator by working in
the restaurant business since graduating high
school. He worked at his brother-in-laws
restaurant, The Travelers Diner in Dover,
from 1984-1992 in all areas from bus-boy to
His vision with Mt. Olive Bagels since
opening its doors June 11 is to provide a
great place for bagels, with great food,
great service, dining experience, great bagels,
great things.
For free delivery for orders more than $15
or more information, call862-254-2100; or go
to mtolivebagels.com.
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by Elsie Walker
pple will be the word of the day
on September 27th. A variety of
mouthwatering apple items, plus
entertainment, family fun, auctions, sales
and much more will fill the grounds of the
Flanders United Presbyterian Church ( 58
Drakesdale Road in Flanders) as it holds
its 12th annual Apple Festival from 10am
4pm (rain date October 4th). The event also
includes a blood drive which hopes to meet
a special goal. Church members Kathy
Hinds Banfe and Karen Brand are co-chairs
of the festival.
We will be serving such things as apple
pies and breads and apple cider donuts.
There will also be an apple press for fresh-
pressed apple cider. We are also putting
together a cookbook of the items for sale,
said Rev. Rick Oppelt, pastor of the church.
Banfe shared that activities sure to bring
big smiles to kids will be a hayride, games
including a bouncy house, and arts and
For those looking for things to buy, the
event offers a variety of things. RH Farms
will host a Farmer's Market; and for those
looking for a special little something at a
bargain price, theres.a $2 Buck Table. The
event also includes a silent auction of small
items and a live auction of larger ones.
Music, and even dancing, will grace the
area. The band, "The Middle Ages" will
play classic rock and new wave from the
70's and 80's. Dancers from the DeNogla
School of Irish Dance will also be on hand
to entertain.
Oppelt explained that the funds raised by
the event support church special projects
like youth activities, mission endeavors,
music programs and emergency situations.
The event also supplies a day of fellowship.
Our annual Apple Festival provides our
church an opportunity to come together to
provide a fun, safe and delicious day of
activities for the neighborhoods we serve. It
enables us to continue to be a lively
Presbyterian presence in our community, as
we have been for more than 50 years.
explained Oppelt.
Also, that day, the Red Cross will be
there for the 2nd annual Fred Swinson
Memorial Blood Drive. Oppelt explained
that Swinson was a long time active mem-
ber of the church who died in 2013. For
many years, Swinson spear-headed the
blood drive held at the Apple Festival.
Last year, it made sense to christen it
the Fred Swinson Memorial Blood Drive.
Last year, we had 32 donations, more than
Flanders Church Holds 12th Annual Apple Festival - Sept. 27th
we've ever had before and this year we are
shooting for a goal of over 50. One of our
high school seniors is helping to organize it
in an effort to earn a college scholarship
from the Red Cross, shared Oppelt.
September 27th is the date and the word
is apple. The Flanders United
Presbyterian Church apple festival is an
event not to be missed!

Attention Schools, Churches, Organizations Send

Your Press Releases to mary.lalama@gmail.com
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hats not to love about slow
cooking? You combine a few
ingredients and let them simmer
all day in your slow cooker and then
comes the best part coming home to a
house filled with the most delicious aroma
that hints at the meal thats yet to come.
Slow cooking is perfect for busy fall
schedules its an easy way to makes sure
you and your family can still enjoy a home-
cooked meal together no matter how hectic
your day becomes. Pork is ideal for this
cooking method because there are so many
different ingredients you can pair with it to
easily create crave-worthy meals influenced
by both familiar flavors and tastes from
around the world.
With Italian Stuffed Pork Meatball
Sandwiches, lean ground pork combines
with Italian-inspired ingredients like tomato
sauce, garlic and red pepper flakes to form
meatballs that are then stuffed with moz-
zarella. After slow cooking for six to eight
hours, the meatballs are packed with savory
flavor and youll love the warm, melted
cheese when you bite into them.
Serve these meatballs topped with the
tomato sauce as a sandwich using a sub-
style bun with a side of garlic fries and veg-
etables. If you have leftovers, you can add
them to spaghetti for an equally tasty
Italian-themed dinner with garlic bread and
a side salad.
Craving more pork? See what kind of
tasty culinary adventures people across the
country are taking with pork and get
inspired to take your own by visiting
PorkBucketList.com. You can also visit
PorkBeinspired.com and
Pinterest.com/PorkBeinspired for mouth-
watering recipes to ensure your next meal
includes juicy, tender pork.
Italian Stuffed Pork Meatball Sandwich
Servings: 4 to 5
1 pound ground pork, lean
2 eggs, whisked
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon red pepper flakes
1 cup breadcrumbs
Easy Ways to Go Italian with
Slow-cooked Pork Meatball Sandwiches
continued on page 23
Page 22, September 2014, Tell Them You Saw It In The Hackettstown News Like us on facebook www.facebook.com/mypaperonline
ootball season can only mean one thing time to grab
the best seat in the house, and were not talking about
at the stadium. In fact, 77 percent of Americans think
the best seat in the house is at home in front of an HDTV,
according to a recent survey by McIlhenny Company,
maker of Tabasco brand products. Instead of heading to the
stadium, keep the tailgate at home and throw a homegat-
ing party.
The ultimate homegate is not only about the football game,
its about the food. No matter whats happening on the field,
the spread can be the real game-changer. In fact, the survey
found the following:
78 percent of American adults think good food can
make up for a bad game.
Americans spend, on average, 42 percent of the game
eating or drinking.
Over half of Americans (57 percent) voted the grill as
the most important appliance when hosting a homegate.
For a homegate touchdown, banish the boring and serve
beer-infused chili, which is sure to please all your family,
friends and football fans. For other ways to spice up game
day, visit www.tabasco.com.
Super Good Chili
Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Servings: 6
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 1/2 pounds ground beef chuck
1 large onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 tablespoon ground cumin
1 (12 ounce) can diced tomatoes
2 (16 ounce) cans pinto beans, drained and rinsed
1 (16 ounce) can red kidney beans, drained and rinsed
1 (12 ounce) can or bottle beer
1 (4 ounce) can diced green chilies
1 tablespoon TABASCO brand Original Red Sauce
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
Shredded cheddar and Monterey Jack cheese, optional
Heat oil in 5-quart saucepot over medium heat. Add beef
and cook until well browned on all sides, about 5 minutes.
With a slotted spoon, remove to bowl.
Add onion and garlic to drippings remaining in skillet;
cook over medium heat until tender, about 5 minutes.
Return meat to saucepot; stir in cumin. Cook 1 minute.
Stir in diced tomatoes with liquid, pinto beans, red kidney
beans, beer, green chilies, Tabasco Sauce and salt. Heat to
boiling over high heat. Reduce heat to low; cover and sim-
mer 20 minutes to blend flavors, stirring occasionally.
Serve with cheese, if desired.
Score a Touchdown This Football Season
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Visit our website at www.brandasitaliangrill.com
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Tax not included, delivery or pick up only. Not to
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Tax not included, delivery or pick up only. Not to
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September 22nd!
1 cup fresh mozzarella balls, about 12 to 15
of small size
1 28-ounce jar tomato sauce
Submarine-style buns
In large bowl, combine whisked eggs,
garlic powder and red pepper flakes. Add
ground pork and breadcrumbs and mix
together until evenly combined.
Form ground pork mixture into small
meatballs, each the size of a golf ball.
Insert mozzarella ball in center of each
meatball, taking care to re-form meatball
around cheese once its been added. (The
cheese should not be visible.)
Place tomato sauce in bottom of slow
cooker and add meatballs on top.
Turn slow cooker on and cook over high
heat for 6 hours or low heat for 8 hours.
Carefully rotate meatballs after half the
cooking time to make sure they cook even-
To serve, place three meatballs plus
sauce in submarine bun.
Quick Tip: Try substituting regular
breadcrumbs with equal amounts of panko
bread crumbs, or any kind of pasta or red
sauce available.
Easy Ways to Go Italian...
continued from page 21
Page 24, September 2014, Tell Them You Saw It In The Hackettstown News Like us on facebook www.facebook.com/mypaperonline
Be prepared to fall in love with Jackson!
Jackson was rescued from a high kill shelter in NC and is now liv-
ing in a foster home in NJ. He is about 15-16 weeks old, dobbie
mix and is doing great settling into his foster home. Jackson's fos-
ter mom says.... "Jackson is just a Love! And, I am sure anyone
who meets him will agree! Jackson is a mellow fellow & easy
going. He loves playing with his toys especially his teddy bear &
he is good playing by himself. He also loves being with the fami-
ly & playing with other dogs. Jackson is good in the car and he
enjoys going for walks. Jackson is a total sweetheart!" Jackson has
a beautiful short black coat with some brown in it. Can you see the
white on his chest? It looks like an angel. And, Jackson is an
angel! If you have a furever home for this pet, please e-mail
FHDR@att.net and request an adoption application.To see more
photos of Alex or to see our other rescue pups that are up for adop-
tion, go to www.fhdr.petfinder.com.
This is Alex!
Alex is a friendly puppy about 10-11 weeks old, probably a
lab/hound mix. He has a very unique coat. It's a blend of brown &
black, his legs are brindle and he has white on his nose, chest and
paws. He is just gorgeous! Alex has a personality that is outgoing
and friendly. He likes playing with other dogs and playing in the
yard. He was rescued along with his sister Lexi from a high kill
shelter in NC. Alex is now living in a home in NJ & his foster fam-
ily adores him. This is what they had to say....."Alex is very cute.
He enjoys going for walks and is good in the car. Alex has a won-
derful personality. He is friendly, playful and sweet. He likes play-
ing with our dog and he likes to cuddle. Alex is a happy puppy
with a tail that is always wagging!" Alex is waiting for you to
come and meet him. We know he will charm you! If you have a
furever home for this pet, please e-mail FHDR@att.net and
request an adoption application. To see more photos of Alex or to
see our other rescue pups that are up for adoption, go to
This cutie pie is Lexi!
Lexi is a friendly puppy about 10-11 weeks old, probably a
lab/hound mix. Lexi has a beautiful soft brown & black coat with
white on her chest and the tip of her paws. As you can see she has
the cutest floppy ears and beautiful eyes. Her eyes are lined in
black & it looks like she has eyeliner on. Lexi was rescued from a
high kill shelter in NC along with her brother Alex. They are now
in NJ living in foster homes. Lexi's foster says....."Lexi is very
sweet. She enjoys playing with all kinds of toys and playing with
other dogs. When Lexi is exploring in the yard she smells every-
thing and then she will just sprint. It's so cute! She is on the calm
side and she is easy going. Lexi likes being with people & she will
be perfect for any home!" If you enjoy a devoted companion, Lexi
is for you! If you have a furever home for this pet, please e-mail
FHDR@att.net and request an adoption application. To see more
photos of Alex or to see our other rescue pups that are up for adop-
tion, go towww.fhdr.petfinder.com.
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By Michele Guttenberger
homas Edison had an unconventional education. He
did not start school until he was eight years old. Port
Heron Michigan did not have a public school so he
attended the private Reverend G. B. Engle School that was
closest to his home. This school had rigid classroom disci-
pline and Edison had a free inquisitive spirt that could not
be tamed. The school claimed Edison was a slow and rest-
less pupil and he needed strict reprimanding. His mother
Nancy Edison strongly disagreed with the schools evalua-
tion of her child. Fortunately, Nancy Edisons past profes-
sion was being a Canadian school teacher and her solution
was to home school her own son. The academic course
work Nancy Edison helped to motivate her son came from
reading R.G. Parker's School of Natural Philosophy and in
the later years from The Cooper Union (http://www.coop-
er.edu/). Historians estimate that Edison had less than a
year of classroom schooling in his lifetime. Yet, he had
great academic skills and a real passion for reading books.
Many of the books he read were advanced literary works for
his age.
In Edisons boyhood era, child labor laws were nonexist-
ent or very lax. It was not unusual for children twelve years
of age to procure regular employment with minimal adult
supervision. The Fort Gratiot train depot was a just a short
stroll from the Edison family home. So, at the age of
twelve, Edison found his first job working for the railroad.
He became a candy butcher on the Grand Trunk Railroad
selling snacks and newspapers to passengers. He got to
experience traveling each day on the sixty-mile run from
Port Huron to Detroit. Preteenager Edison hitched a ride on
the best the late 19th Century offered in distance high speed
transportation while most adults were still traveling by
horse and carriage to their jobs. The long lay overs in this
city presented him with a real world of discovery. This
enabled a precocious young boy the time to explore the big
metropolis on his own terms. He was given several hours
each day to the city. He made use of this idle time by join-
ing the Detroit Young Men's Society. This gave him access
to the place of his dreams, a large library and reading room.
Edison recalled his childhood library visits stating "I didn't
read a few books, I read the library."
Edisons childhood jobs kept him in the epicenter of
technology. It was the rail system that also ushered in the
telegraph system. The telegraph area was news the network
center that provided the information for the newspaper pub-
lication industry. As the rail station newspaper boy, he was
in the epicenter of all national news during a momentous
time of Americas own Civil War. Young Edison was alert-
ed to milestone battlefront news hours or even days before
the rest of America. This new technology of the telegraph
piqued his interest. He got to witness the telegram transmis-
sions being relayed and he read all he could about telegraph
communications with dreams of being an operator of this
new technology. Edison wish came true by a twist of fate.
Edison got the telegraph operator position when he saved
three-year-old Jimmie MacKenzie from a runaway train
heading his way. Jimmie's father was the Mount Clemens,
Michigan station agent J.U. MacKenzie and his gratitude
for saving his sons life was to train Edison as the new tele-
graph operator. This was a job that started the innovative
and technical journey that would become the hallmark of
his ingenious life.
Thomas Edison had an extraordinary blended education
of dual experimental and academic learning. But his deep-
est gratitude was to his professional academic teacher with
these sentiments "My mother was the making of me. She
was so true, so sure of me; and I felt I had something to live
for, someone I must not disappoint." And Thomas Edisons
childhood Fort Gratiot Depot was turned into The Thomas
Edison Depot Museum that offers educational programs in
electricity, energy, communications and magnetism to Port
Hurons local children.
See the results of this extraordinary education. Visit the
Thomas Alva Edison Museum - NPS - Open Wednesday
through Sunday. Hours are 10:00am - 4:00pm. Admission
Fee is $7.00 - 211 Main Street West Orange, NJ 07052 Visit
website for more details http://www.nps.gov/edis/index.ht
Thomas Edison Had An Extraordinary Education
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