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CVEN 342 Laboratory Manual

Zachry Department of Civil Engineering

Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas
Revised: August, 2011

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Table of Contents
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................ ii
Laboratory Safety........................................................................................................................... vi
Safety Training & Basic Rules for CVEN 342...................................................................................... vi
Some Important Safety Rules ............................................................................................................... vii
Basic Student Guidelines ............................................................................................................. viii
General Laboratory Safety Guidelines ........................................................................................... ix
Student Safety Contract Agreement ................................................................................................ x
Letter From Howdy........................................................................................................................ xi
Introduction ................................................................................................................................... xii
General Guidelines ............................................................................................................................... xii
Laboratory Teamwork ......................................................................................................................... xiii
Format for Engineering Testing Reports (Long Format, for Reports 2 and 3) ............................. xv
Laboratory Grade Sheet: Formal (Long) Report (CVEN 342) ......................................................... xxi
Format for Engineering Testing Reports (Short Format, for Reports 1, 4, 5, and 6).................. xxii
Laboratory Grade Sheet: Informal (Short) Report (CVEN 342) ..................................................... xxiii
Lab 1: Aggregates ........................................................................................................................... 1
Objectives ............................................................................................................................................... 2
Tests ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
Material Specification Items................................................................................................................... 2
Safety Considerations ............................................................................................................................. 2
Lab 1a: Aggregate Gradation .......................................................................................................... 3
Objectives ............................................................................................................................................... 3
Apparatus................................................................................................................................................ 3
Procedures .............................................................................................................................................. 3
Aggregate Gradation (ASTM C702, D75 and C136; Text Exp. #6) ............................................................... 4
Develop Two Blended Samples: Open (Gap) and Dense Graded ................................................................... 7
Lab 1b: Aggregate AC, SG, %Voids, UW and Permeability ....................................................... 12
Objectives ............................................................................................................................................. 12
Definitions ............................................................................................................................................ 12
Apparatus.............................................................................................................................................. 13
Procedures ............................................................................................................................................ 13
Determination of Moisture Content (MC) (ASTM C556)............................................................................. 13
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Determination of Dry-Rodded (Loose) Unit Weight (DRUW) and Percent Voids in Aggregate (Text Exp
#9, ASTM C 29/C 29 M-90) ......................................................................................................................... 14
Determination of Absorption Capacity (AC) (ASTM C127, C128, Text Exp #7, 8) .................................... 14
Determination of Specific Gravity (G or SG) (Text Exp #7,8, ASTM C127, C128) .................................... 15
Determination of Permeability (k) of Blends ................................................................................................ 16
Data Collection ..................................................................................................................................... 19
Lab Report 1 Topics ............................................................................................................................. 22
Lab 2: Asphalt Concrete ............................................................................................................... 23
Safety Considerations ........................................................................................................................... 23
Lab 2a: Prepare Asphalt Concrete Specimens .............................................................................. 24
Objectives ............................................................................................................................................. 24
Apparatus and Tools ............................................................................................................................. 24
Procedures ............................................................................................................................................ 25
Sample compaction using a gyratory compactor ........................................................................................... 26
Determination of Maximum Theoretical (Rice) Specific Gravity (ASTM D 2041) ..................................... 27
Data Collection ..................................................................................................................................... 28
Calculation Notes ................................................................................................................................. 29
Supplemental Information .................................................................................................................... 31
Lab 2b: Asphalt Concrete Binder Testing and Asphalt Concrete Stiffness and Strength Properties
....................................................................................................................................................... 33
Objectives ............................................................................................................................................. 33
Apparatus and Tools ............................................................................................................................. 33
Procedures ............................................................................................................................................ 34
Viscosity Determination of Asphalt Binders Using Rotational Viscometer (AASHTO TP48, ASTM D4402,
Text Exp #21) ................................................................................................................................................ 34
Asphalt Binder Data Collection..................................................................................................................... 36
Determination of Bulk Specific Gravity (ASTM D 2726, Text Exp #27) ..................................................... 36
Determination of Modulus of Elasticity (E): ................................................................................................. 38
Splitting Tensile Test: ................................................................................................................................... 40
Lab 2c: Measuring the Linear Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (COTE) of Asphalt Concrete 41
Objectives ............................................................................................................................................. 41
Apparatus.............................................................................................................................................. 41
Procedures ............................................................................................................................................ 41
Calculations .......................................................................................................................................... 42
Lab Report 2 Topics ............................................................................................................................. 43
Lab 3: Portland Cement Concrete ................................................................................................. 45
Objectives ............................................................................................................................................. 45
Tests ..................................................................................................................................................... 45
Material Specification Items................................................................................................................. 45
Safety Considerations ........................................................................................................................... 45
Lab 3a: Fresh Concrete Tests ........................................................................................................ 46
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Objectives ............................................................................................................................................. 46
Definitions ............................................................................................................................................ 46
Apparatus.............................................................................................................................................. 46
Procedures ............................................................................................................................................ 47
Mixing of Concrete (ASTM C192) ............................................................................................................... 48
Slump Test .................................................................................................................................................... 49
Unit Weight Measurement ............................................................................................................................ 49
Data Collection ..................................................................................................................................... 49
Lab 3b: Concrete Strength Test Specimen Preparation ................................................................ 50
Objectives ............................................................................................................................................. 50
Apparatus.............................................................................................................................................. 50
Procedures ............................................................................................................................................ 51
Molding of Unreinforced Cylinders and Beam for Hardened Concrete Tests .............................................. 51
Reinforced Beam for Hardened Concrete Test .............................................................................................. 52
Molding of Reinforced Beams for Hardened Concrete Flexural Tests (ASTM C39) ................................... 54
Lab 3c: Hardened Concrete Property Tests .................................................................................. 56
Objectives ............................................................................................................................................. 56
Apparatus.............................................................................................................................................. 56
Procedures ............................................................................................................................................ 57
Compressive Strength (ASTM C39, C192, C617) ........................................................................................ 57
Splitting Tensile Strength (ASTM C496, C192) ........................................................................................... 58
Flexural Strength: Flexural Test (Third-Point Loading Mode) ..................................................................... 59
Data Collection ..................................................................................................................................... 60
Lab Report 3 Topics ............................................................................................................................. 61
Lab 4: High Strength Portland Cement Concrete: Design and Competition ................................ 62
Objectives ............................................................................................................................................. 62
Safety Considerations ........................................................................................................................... 62
Procedures ............................................................................................................................................ 62
Important .............................................................................................................................................. 63
Calculation Notes ................................................................................................................................. 63
Data Collection ..................................................................................................................................... 64
Lab Report 4 Topics ............................................................................................................................. 65
Lab 5: Brick Masonry ................................................................................................................... 66
Objectives ............................................................................................................................................. 66
Tests ..................................................................................................................................................... 66
Material Specification Items................................................................................................................. 66
Safety Considerations ........................................................................................................................... 66
Lab 5a: Masonry Units, Preparation Of Mortar And Prism Specimens ....................................... 67
Objectives ............................................................................................................................................. 67
Apparatus.............................................................................................................................................. 67
Procedures ............................................................................................................................................ 67
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Mortar Mixing (ASTM C305) ....................................................................................................................... 67
Measuring Flow of Mortar ............................................................................................................................ 68
Casting Mortar Cubes (ASTM C109) ........................................................................................................... 69
Bond and Compression Prism Preparation .................................................................................................... 70
Compressive Strength of Brick Units ............................................................................................................ 71
Modulus of Rupture (MOR) of Brick Units (Center-Point Loading) ............................................................ 72
Initial Rate of Absorption (IRA) or Suction .................................................................................................. 73
Data Collection ..................................................................................................................................... 74
Lab 5b: Testing of Mortar Cubes and Prism Specimens .............................................................. 75
Objectives ............................................................................................................................................. 75
Procedures ............................................................................................................................................ 75
Compressive Strength of Mortar ................................................................................................................... 75
Compression Testing of Prisms ..................................................................................................................... 76
Bond Testing of Prisms ................................................................................................................................. 76
Data Collection ..................................................................................................................................... 78
Lab 5c: Masonry Wall Construction ............................................................................................. 81
Objectives ............................................................................................................................................. 81
Procedures ............................................................................................................................................ 81
Lab Report 5 Topics ............................................................................................................................. 81
Lab 6: Behavior of Wood ............................................................................................................. 83
Objectives ............................................................................................................................................. 83
Tests ..................................................................................................................................................... 83
Material Specification Items................................................................................................................. 83
Safety Considerations ........................................................................................................................... 83
Lab 6a: Wood Strength and Deformation ..................................................................................... 84
Objectives: ............................................................................................................................................ 84
Definitions ............................................................................................................................................ 84
Apparatus.............................................................................................................................................. 84
Procedures ............................................................................................................................................ 85
Compression and Flexure Tests (ASTM D143) ............................................................................................ 85
Relaxation Test (Constant Strain Test) .......................................................................................................... 85
Joint Type Testing ......................................................................................................................................... 88
Lab 6b: Wood Truss Competition................................................................................................. 91
Objectives ............................................................................................................................................. 91
Apparatus.............................................................................................................................................. 91
Safety Considerations ........................................................................................................................... 91
Rules of Competition ............................................................................................................................ 92
Procedures ............................................................................................................................................ 92
Data Collection ..................................................................................................................................... 93
Lab Report 6 Topics ............................................................................................................................. 93

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Laboratory Safety

Safety Training & Basic Rules for CVEN 342
This is a description of the Safety Training (FOUR ITEMS) that you need to complete BEFORE your
first full Lab session. Read the guidelines; electronically sign one agreement; complete the four
specified sections of one course and complete one additional course of online training; AND bring
three signed papers to your first full Lab session:

Read the Laboratory Safety Basic Student Guidelines (below); FILL IN, SIGN, and bring the
Student Safety Contract Agreement to your first full Lab session.

Log In to Howdy/My Record. Go to the Lab Safety Acknowledgement letter/agreement in
Howdy/My Record (link is in the first box on the left side). This takes you to a letter; please
READ the letter (also shown below) and then click on "I accept" to electronically SIGN it. What
you are saying when you sign is that, within the next 2 weeks, you will complete the training
modules (Items 3 & 4) AND you will observe all laboratory safety rules. Please ALSO SIGN the
paper copy of this same agreement (below), and bring it to your first full Lab session.

Within the first two (2) weeks of the semester, logon to the Engineering SafetyNet website at and complete the four specified sections of the online
Laboratory Safety Training course:
Intro to Safety in the Research Lab
Fire Safety and Emergency Preparedness
Hazard Communication
Incident Notification and Reporting

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Complete the online "Shop and Tool Safety Training Course and complete the online test.
When you have a score of 90 or above, BEFORE you hit the Submit button: PRINT and SIGN
your test score page, and turn it in at your first full Lab session. Then hit the Submit button.
Go to
Read through all the sections carefully in the above link
Take Exam. (Note that answers need to be in CAPS).
You should achieve at least 90 on the exam (18 out of 20 questions) to pass the course. You can
repeat the exam as much as you want to improve your score.
After you complete the exam, press on CHECK ANSWER at the bottom of the page to see
your score. If your score is above 90, fill out the form:
Name: Your Name
Supervisor: Course Instructor
Department: Civil Engineering
You might get an error message when you click submit; therefore, before you click on the
submit button, PRINT OUT YOUR PAGE and then Click submit, sign it, and submit it to
your TA during the first Lab period. The TA will then make sure that your safety certificate is
issued on time so that you will be able to work in the lab the following week.

Some Important Safety Rules
No open-toed shoes are to be worn in the lab. Wear closed-toed shoes during labs.
Wear long pants in the lab. No shorts are to be worn during labs.
Pull and tie long hair back.
Do not bring cell phones, food, or drinks into the lab. Leave these items in the classroom.
No horseplay in the lab.
Any chemical spills are to be cleaned up immediately following the Material Safety Data Sheet
(MSDS) guidelines; and the lab technician and TA are to be notified.
If any equipment malfunctions, stop using it and notify the lab technician and TA immediately.

E-mail your TA if you have any questions.

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Basic Student Guidelines
Please read these Safety Guidelines, complete and sign the last page and give it to your instructor.
Safety is a priority at Texas A&M University!
While it may seem unlikely that an accident could happen to you, you should know the accident rate in
universities is 10 to 100 times greater than in the industry. To help prevent accidents, safety notes are
included in the lab manual. In addition, relevant Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are in a laboratory
binder and guidelines are posted.

Pay close attention to this information our goals are:
To avoid accidents in the lab, and
To respond promptly and appropriately should an accident occur.

Safety depends on you!
It is your responsibility to follow the instructions in the lab manual and any additional guidelines
provided by your instructor. It is also your responsibility to be familiar with the location and operation of
safety equipment such as eyewash units, showers, fire extinguishers, chemical spill cleanup kits etc.
Questions about chemicals can be answered by referring to the appropriate MSDS. If you need help
deciphering an MSDS, please see your instructor.

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General Laboratory Safety Guidelines

Wear PPE goggles whenever you use chemicals. Bring your own, or obtain them from your
instructor or the lab manager. You will not be allowed to complete a laboratory without goggles.
Wear PPE gloves as instructed. Assume hands are contaminated even if gloves are worn. Avoid
touching your face and eyes. Wash frequently during the lab and before you leave the lab. It is
highly recommended that you bring extra gloves to each laboratory session.
Wear appropriate protective clothing. Avoid open-toed shoes, sandals, shorts and shirts with
dangling sleeves. Tie back long hair and avoid dangling jewelry.
Clean your workstation and return all glassware and materials to appropriate stations before
leaving the lab.
Always read the label information and the MSDS. Do not remove information labels from
bottles. If a label is missing notify your instructor.
Do not eat, drink, smoke, use your cell phone, or apply cosmetics in the laboratory.
Avoid all horseplay in the laboratory.
Dispose of sharps waste properly place broken glass in the glass discard container, metal in
the metal waste container, and place other waste materials in the designated container(s).
Keep flammable chemicals away from heat sources. Note that hotplates retain heat after being
turned off and Bunsen burner flames may appear nearly invisible. Treat both with caution.
Do not mouth pipette liquids, sniff chemicals or ingest them.
Clean spills promptly. Alert your instructor to ALL chemical spills, and follow spill response
guidelines from the material safety data sheet.

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Student Safety Contract Agreement
Look College of Engineering Texas A&M University
By signing this form, I verify that I have read, understood, and agreed to follow the safety regulations
required for this course as established by the Look College of Engineering and Texas A&M University. I
have located all emergency equipment and PPE, and now know how to use it. While in the laboratory,
improper conduct and horseplay of any kind that may endanger others or myself will not be tolerated and
appropriate disciplinary action will be taken. I understand that I may be dismissed from this laboratory for
failure to comply with the established safety procedures for this laboratory, and with all TAMU & TEES
Safety Rules:

Date: ________________

Course: __________________ Section: ______________________

Instructor: ____________________________________________________________________

Student Name (print): ___________________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________

Phone: ____________________ Email: ____________________________________________

Person(s) to be notified in the event of an accident of emergency:

Name (print): ___________________________________

Relationship: __________________ Phone (home): ________________________________

Phone (work): ___________________

(Optional: Any special medical conditions or other comments pertaining to laboratory safety)

Signature: _________________________________________________________

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Letter From Howdy




By signing this form, I verify that I will read, understand, and agree to follow the safety practices required
for this course as established by the professor, by the Look College of Engineering, by the Engineering
Safety Office, and by Texas A&M University. I will locate all emergency equipment and personal
protective equipment (PPE), I will learn how to use the PPE, and I will always use the appropriate PPE
for the work that I am doing.

I fully commit to conducting my studies in a safe, healthful and secure manner, in compliance with the
Aggie Honor Code, the Engineering Code of Ethics, and by the established safety rules, in order to reduce
risk to myself and others, and to facilitate the safe and successful completion of this Engineering course.

I will complete all requisite safety training for this course as directed by my professor. I will be prepared
to be tested on my safety knowledge and performance in this course.

I acknowledge that while in the laboratory, improper conduct and horseplay of any kind that may
endanger others or myself will not be tolerated, and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken. I will
never work in the laboratory alone, and I will never leave an experiment running unattended. I understand
that I may be dismissed from this laboratory course for failure to comply with the established safety
procedures for this laboratory and with all TAMU & TEES Safety Rules.


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Welcome to CVEN 342, Materials of Construction. This course is imperative for any civil
engineer no matter what their option or interest. Any project that is being designed, constructed,
reconstructed, rehabilitated, renovated, remodeled, repaired, or redesigned will have to consider the types
of materials being used. The study of those materials will be based on their mechanical and physical
properties along with how they are combined to affect constructability. Information from other
engineering classes (CVEN 205, CVEN 321, and CVEN 365) will also be useful.
Each laboratory session is designed to provide hands-on experience with some of the most
common materials used by civil engineers. At the end of this course, you should have an
understanding of what types of materials are best suited for different applications, and you should be
able to develop a test program for those materials.
For every laboratory session you will find information within this manual that will help you
plan for and complete the work. Data sheets, procedures, and space for note taking are included in
this manual. If used correctly, this manual will not only help get you through this course, but could
serve as future reference material.
This manual and the laboratory exercises are constantly being improved, and there may be
changes or additions to the laboratory exercises described in this manual. Your laboratory instructor
will provide information on any changes.
As you will notice soon, this CVEN 342 lab is intensive. You will be expected to perform in a
prompt and professional manner. In order to avoid any misunderstanding that may occur between you and
your TA and to insure that you receive maximum credit for your work, the following guidelines must be

General Guidelines
Every machine, instrument, equipment, tool, etc. used to conduct the test must be clean and be
returned to its original place after you are done with the experiment.
When making specimens or running tests, DO NOT DISCARD any excess material until all
specimens have been made and tests have been performed. After specimens are made and tests
are performed, discard the rest of the material in the black plastic bins or other place as indicated
by the instructor.
Specimens (of any kind and type) must be labeled. Use label tag and/or markers for this purpose.
Label with: date, course #, section #, group #, sample #, and any additional information that your
T.A. deems is necessary.
After your concrete (or mortar) specimens are cast, the mixer (whether it is a concrete mixer,
mortar mixer, etc.) must be cleaned thoroughly. No concrete, aggregate, mortar or paste
whatsoever should remain in the mixer. When cleaning the concrete mixer, do not dump any
remaining material on the ground. Use a wheel barrow for this purpose. Then, discard the
material from the wheelbarrow into the black plastic bins. Hose out the mixer.
Always sweep the entire area around the concrete mixer.
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Do not flush concrete or mortar down any drain under any circumstance.
The following day (at a time specified by the TA), concrete/mortar specimens must be taken out
from molds and moved to the 100% humidity room (unless instructed otherwise by the
instructor). If necessary, label your specimens with a permanent marker with the same
information as the label tag (label tags can get ripped off easily when wet).
All molds must be washed, cleaned and reassembled IMMEDIATELY after demolding, and
returned back to your own workstation.
After testing your specimens (compressive strength, flexure, splitting tensile, etc), the crushed
specimens should be dumped in the big dumpsters. Use a wheel barrow for this purpose. Always
sweep the floor around the test machine used.
Before leaving the lab, all groups must write down their data in the folder assigned for their
section, so that other groups will have access to the data. This will enable all groups to conduct
proper analyses.
Always check with the T.A. when you are finished with the lab before you leave.
Failure to follow and meet any of the above guidelines will result in a 5 point penalty to the lab
report for the first time, 10 points for the second time, 15 points for the third time and so on. The
TA may impose additional penalties depending on the severity of the violation of the above
guidelines. This policy will be implemented from the beginning of the semester.

Note: It is your responsibility to understand and abide by the above guidelines. The TA is not obliged
and is not responsible for reminding you of the above guidelines and times.

Hints (to achieve a good grade in this course)
Take advantage of all extra credit activities assigned by your professor and your TA.
Avoid (as much as you can) all penalties. This can be achieved by following the above

Laboratory Teamwork
Much of the work in the laboratory is done as a group effort. Each group will consist of 4-5 members,
and the members will have specific roles in the preparation of Engineering Testing Reports (ETR) from
the results obtained during the laboratory sessions. Working as groups is vital due to the necessity of
coordinating the following tasks:
effective test plan
preparing and conducting tests
reference work
processing and interpretation of test results
compilation of reports
Understanding teamwork is extremely important. Effective teamwork makes a great difference in this
course to your learning and the promptness of the requested deliverables. Often, you are required to share
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test data between different groups in preparing the material testing reports. Therefore, it is your
responsibility to share data where and when it becomes necessary.

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Format for Engineering Testing Reports
(Long Format, for Reports 2 and 3)
This format is used to report information at the completion of the following material studies: Asphalt
Concrete, and Portland Cement Concrete. This is a lengthy report and should be given extra care and
time. The long lab report should look like a formal report. Please double space the text in your report.
The following format is to be used:
1. Cover Letter
A cover letter is to be provided with the materials testing report as in a consultant's report with an
executive summary (indicating your important findings, itemized cost of your services, and any other
information which may be pertinent to the report). Your cover letter may have company address,
telephone and fax numbers and company logo. Remember that this letter is the first thing someone sees,
so take care in presenting it in a professional manner. It should be addressed to:
342 Engineering Group TTI Building (5th Floor) College Station, Texas 77843.
2. Title Page
A brief and descriptive title of the laboratory.
Your name and telephone number.
Full name of each team member and phone number.
Dates and names of objectives completed.
Date report submitted.
The bottom should contain the statement shown on the sample title page (next page) and be
signed by the person responsible for checking the data.
3. Table of contents
Results and Discussion
Figures with captions
Figure 1: Stress vs. Strain for fiber beam
Figure 2: Detail of composite cylinder
Tables with captions
Table 1: Results for fiber cylinders
Table 2: Values used for slump comparisons
Original Data Sheets
All page numbers should be aligned on the right-hand side of the page. In addition, all figures
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and tables should be listed under the appropriate heading.
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Sample Title Page
A complete report detailing principles, properties, and experimentation with Portland Cement in

Group #___, Sec. # ___
Captain Pickard 345-4875 (Reporting Member)
Leonard Euler 123-4567 (Group Member)
Barre de Saint-Venant 234-5678 (Group Member)
Albert Castigliano 345-6789 (Group Member)
Stephen Timoshenko (Group Member)

Objective Dates Performed
Cement Setting and Normal Consistency September 08, 2011
Concrete Mix Design Workability September 15, 2011
Concrete Mix Design Strength September 22, 2011
Tests on Hardened Concrete September 29, 2011

Report submitted: October 6, 2011
The data in this report have been checked for accuracy by: ____(your signature)______

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4. Abstract
This is a brief summary of what you did, what you found, and why it is important. These are seldom
longer than 6 to 10 sentences. .
5. I ntroduction
This section is about one page long. Any definitions and background literature are included in this
section. The importance of the experiments and topic of study in general is discussed. Additionally, the
principle objectives of the study are clearly stated.
6. Procedure
This section is a summarized listing of all steps taken to accomplish the experiments. Assume your
audience is familiar with the subject.
If a standard procedure was used (such as an ASTM standard), then you can refer to that procedure and do
not need to list all of the steps in that procedure. But make sure that you list the steps you used to get to
that procedure. Describe any deviations from standard procedures and refer to the appropriate ASTM
You can use the Lab Manual as a reference, but you must summarize each procedure and specifically
indicate where to find more details for accomplishing that procedure.
Someone should be able to read the listing of your steps and the standards referred to, and duplicate your
7. Results and Discussion (I ncluding Answers to Questions Posed in the Lab Manual)
Typically this is the longest section of your paper. This section is dominated not by raw data, but by a
summary and an analysis of the results of your testing. The data are usually shown in tables and graphs;
and you must describe in the text what is in each table and graph. Only show data here that you discuss in
the section. Data that are not directly cited in this section should be included in an appendix rather than in
the results and discussion section.
Describe what you found out in the lab. Describe any problems encountered and discuss how to avoid
those problems in the future. Discuss the meaning of the findings from the laboratory exercise(s), and
also address any issues and questions posed in the lab manual.
Answers to the questions posed in the lab manual are to be integrated into the discussion and/or the
conclusions. Do not include a separate Answers to Questions section.
8. Conclusions
Primary conclusions that you reach from your discussion are located in this section. Primary conclusions
are often given in a bullet list. In some cases there may have been a question or problem asked in the lab.
The answer can be located in this section. This section is also used to list any recommendations.
9. Appendices
This section contains information regarding calculations, references, and the raw data.
Notes on Figures and Tables
The figures and tables you use in any of your material testing reports should conform to the following
format (see examples below):
No graph or table should fill an entire page. This is a waste of paper. However, two graphs on the
same page should be of same dimensions.
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No graph or table should be oriented in such a way that the reader has to rotate the report to look
at that particular graph or table correctly.
All figures and tables will have a number and a title, and should be referenced in the text where
they are being discussed. References to those figures and tables are given by the numbers, as in
"as shown in Figure 5". References should not be made as "in the following figure"; instead they
should be referenced as Figure 1 and Table 1 follow as examples.
Captions should be placed beneath figures and above tables.
If any figure, table, or graph is taken from another source, the author and source should be
acknowledged by appropriate references.
The tables, figures or graphs should be placed following their discussion, and not before.
The titles and headings should be in bold letters. The same size of font should be used in similar
places, and there should be consistency in using type and sizes of fonts.
Units should be given in tables (column headings) and on figures (axes labels).

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Laboratory Grade Sheet: Formal (Long) Report (CVEN 342)
Section________ Group _____ Lab ____________ Grade _______

Technical Content (82%)

Cover Letter...(1)_______
Title Page...(1)_______
Table of Contents...(2)_______
Purpose ; Procedure; Findings; Conclusions;
Completeness; Conciseness
Introduction... .(8)_______
Background; Theory; Definitions; Motivation;
Objectives; Interest
Results and Discussion....(50)_______
Data; Accuracy; Tables and Graphs; Text;
Observations; Analysis; Comparisons; Expectations;
Implications; Organization; Logic; Completeness
Statements; Basis; Completeness

Appendix (2%)
Raw Data________
Accuracy; Correctness
Graphs not used in the text________
Calculations not shown in the text...________

Presentation (15%)
Tense; Objectivity; Logic; Interest;
Conciseness; Clarity
Spelling; Typing; Punctuation; Grammar;
Fonts; Margins; Spacing; Layout;
Neatness; Consistency


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Format for Engineering Testing Reports
(Short Format, for Reports 1 and 5)
This format is used to report information at the completion of the following material studies: Aggregates,
Masonry, and Wood. The short report format includes only the following sections: Introduction, Results
and Discussion, Conclusions, and Appendices.
1. I ntroduction
This section is about one page long. Any definitions and background literature are included in this
section. The importance of the experiments and topic of study in general is discussed. Additionally, the
principle objectives of the study are clearly stated.
2. Results and Discussion (I ncluding Answers to Questions Posed in the Lab Manual)
Typically this is the longest section of your paper. This section is dominated not by raw data, but by a
summary and an analysis of the results of your testing. The data are usually shown in tables and graphs;
and you must describe in the text what is in each table and graph. Only show data here that you discuss in
the section. Data that are not directly cited in this section should be included in an appendix rather than in
the results and discussion section.
Describe what you found out in the lab. Describe any problems encountered and discuss how to
avoid those problems in the future. Discuss the meaning of the findings from the laboratory exercise(s),
and also address any issues and questions posed in the lab manual.
3. Conclusions
Primary conclusions that you reach from your discussion are located in this section. Primary conclusions
are often given in a bullet list. In some cases there may have been a question or problem asked in the lab.
The answer can be located in this section. This section is also used to list any recommendations.
4. Appendices
This section contains information regarding calculations, references, and the raw data.

xxiii | P a g e

Laboratory Grade Sheet: Informal (Short) Report (CVEN 342)
Section________ Group _____ Lab ____________ Grade _______
Technical Content (90%)

Introduction... .(10)_______
Background; Theory; Definitions; Motivation;
Objectives; Interest
Results and Discussion....(70)_______
Data; Accuracy; Tables and Graphs; Text;
Observations; Analysis; Comparisons; Expectations;
Implications; Organization; Logic; Completeness
Statements; Basis; Completeness

Appendix (4%)
Raw Data...________
Accuracy; Correctness
Graphs not used in the text________
Calculations not shown in the text...________

Presentation (6%)
Tense; Objectivity; Logic; Interest;
Conciseness; Clarity
Spelling; Typing; Punctuation; Grammar;
Fonts; Margins; Spacing; Layout;
Neatness; Consistency


1 | P a g e

Format for Engineering Letter Report
(Report 4)
This format is used to report information at the completion of the following material study: High
Strength Concrete. The letter report format includes only the following sections: Introduction, Results and
Discussion, Conclusions, and Appendices.
1. I ntroduction
This section is about one page long. Any definitions and background literature are included in this
section. The importance of the experiments and topic of study in general is discussed. Additionally, the
principle objectives of the study are clearly stated.
2. Results and Discussion (I ncluding Answers to Questions Posed in the Lab Manual)
Typically this is the longest section of your paper. This section is dominated not by raw data, but by a
summary and an analysis of the results of your testing. The data are usually shown in tables and graphs;
and you must describe in the text what is in each table and graph. Only show data here that you discuss in
the section. Data that are not directly cited in this section should be included in an appendix rather than in
the results and discussion section.
Describe what you found out in the lab. Describe any problems encountered and discuss how to
avoid those problems in the future. Discuss the meaning of the findings from the laboratory exercise(s),
and also address any issues and questions posed in the lab manual.
3. Conclusions
Primary conclusions that you reach from your discussion are located in this section. Primary conclusions
are often given in a bullet list. In some cases there may have been a question or problem asked in the lab.
The answer can be located in this section. This section is also used to list any recommendations.
4. Appendices
This section contains information regarding calculations, references, and the raw data.

2 | P a g e

Lab 1: Aggregates
The primary objective of this lab is to formulate a classification system for aggregates from an
engineering use point of view. The classification system should be developed around properties of the
aggregate you observe or measure. Based on the various tests performed, you should be able to generate
a specification using the classification system for use of the aggregates in concrete and asphalt materials.
The following sub-objectives are included:
Lab 1A: Determine aggregate gradation for individual aggregate fractions and develop blends
using the aggregate fractions
Lab 1B: Describe permeability in terms of dry rodded unit weight (DRUW), specific gravity
(SG), % voids, and gradation

Sample aggregates, ASTM D75; and Text , Sampling Aggregates (Lab 1A)
Sieve analysis of aggregates and develop blends; Text Exp #6 (Lab 1A)
Specific gravity and absorption of coarse aggregate; Text Exp #7 (Lab 1B)
Specific gravity and absorption of fine aggregate; Text Exp #8 (Lab 1B)
Permeability of aggregate blend (Lab 1B)
Unit weight of aggregates, Text Exp #9 (Lab 1B)

Material Specification Items
Gradation (particle size distribution), DRUW, % voids, and permeability of the aggregate blends
Standard references are listed in the textbook procedures

Safety Considerations
Aggregate is dusty Consider wearing a mask and/or eye goggles
Sieves are noisy Consider wearing ear plugs
Ovens are hot Always wear gloves and be cautious when putting aggregate into the ovens; be
careful not to touch the ovens

3 | P a g e

Lab 1a: Aggregate Gradation
Familiarize yourself with aggregate gradation testing procedures and obtain gradation data for


Figure 1.a-1 Mechanical sieve shaker, sieves, and digital scale.

Each group will sieve and develop a gradation for each of two aggregate types, according to Table 1.a-1.
DO NOT MIX THE TWO TYPES OF AGGREGATE. Each group will also calculate a dense and an
open (gap) graded blend of three aggregate types, according to Table 1.a-7.

4 | P a g e

Aggregate Gradation (ASTM C702, D75 and C136; Text Exp. #6)
1. Obtain the aggregate from your assigned aggregate stockpile bin.
2. Weigh out your assigned aggregate sample (weights given in Table 1.a-1) in a bowl and record it
as original sample weight in the corresponding Table 1.a-2 through 1.a-6.
3. Clean all sieves; make sure there are no particles remaining from previous tests.
4. Weigh all sieves (including the pan) to be used before proceeding; record this information on
Tables 1.a-2 through 1.a-6.
5. Stack the 5 largest sieves with the pan on the bottom. Use sieve sizes in the same order as noted
in Tables 1.a-2 1.a-6 for each aggregate type.
6. Pour the aggregate sample onto the top sieve and let it trickle down; cover with lid and place in
mechanical sieve shaker, making sure it is tightly mounted and secured.
7. Shake sieves for 5 minutes.
8. Remove sieves from shaker; take the lid off, weigh each sieve with retained aggregate and record
it. Do not weigh the pan yet.
9. Pour the contents of the pan into a dry bowl; stack the remaining smaller sieves, place the pan
back on the bottom of the new set of stacked sieves and pour the bowl contents onto the top sieve.
10. Cover with the lid and shake again for 5 min.
11. Remove sieves from shaker; take the lid off, weigh each sieve (including pan this time) with
retained aggregate and record it.
12. If the % loss is greater than 2.0% in any gradation, repeat test.
13. Return each aggregate sample to its corresponding storage bin, clean your station and return all
equipment to its corresponding place. Failure to do so will result in a penalty to the lab grade.

Table 1.a-1. Aggregate Assignments for Sieve Analyses (each group will perform two sieve analyses)
Coarse or Intermediate Aggregate Fine Aggregate
Type Mass (g) Type Mass (g)
1 Intermediate River Gravel (IRG) 500 River Sand 500
2 Coarse Limestone (CLS) 1000 River Sand
3 Intermediate Limestone (ILS) 500 River Sand
4 Coarse River Gravel (CRG) 1000 River Sand

5 | P a g e

Data Collection

Table 1.a-2. Sieve Analysis Data Collection and Worksheet for Coarse River Gravel (CRG)
Sieve Size
(Inch or #)
Weight of
Sieve and
Aggregate (g)
Weight of
Sieve (g)
on Sieve
Total %
Total %
# 4
# 8
Total Retained Mass(g) =

Original Sample Mass(g) =

Percent Loss (%) =

Fineness Modulus (FM) =

Table 1.a-3. Sieve Analysis Data Collection and Worksheet for Coarse Limestone (CLS)
Sieve Size
(Inch or #)
Weight of
Sieve and
Aggregate (g)
Weight of
Sieve (g)
on Sieve
Total %
Total %
# 4
# 8
Total Retained Mass (g)=
Original Sample Mass (g) =
Percent Loss (%) =
Fineness Modulus (FM)=

6 | P a g e

Table 1.a-4. Sieve Analysis Data Collection and Worksheet for Intermediate River Gravel (IRG).
Sieve Size
(Inch or #)
Weight of
Sieve and
Aggregate (g)
Weight of
Sieve (g)
on Sieve
Total %
Total %
# 4
# 8
# 16
# 30
# 50
# 100
# 200
Total Retained Mass (g)=
Original Sample Mass (g)=
Percent Loss (%) =
Fineness Modulus(FM)=

Table 1.a-5. Sieve Analysis Data Collection and Worksheet for Intermediate Limestone (ILS)
Sieve Size
(Inch or #)
Weight of
Sieve and
Aggregate (g)
Weight of
Sieve (g)
% Retained
on Sieve
Total %
Total %
# 4
# 8
# 16
# 30
# 50
# 100
# 200
Total Retained Mass (g)=
Original Sample Mass (g)=
Percent Loss (%) =
Fineness Modulus (FM)=
7 | P a g e

Table 1.a-6. Sieve Analysis Data Collection and Worksheet for Fine Aggregate (River Sand).
Sieve Size
(Inch or #)
Weight of
Sieve and
Aggregate (g)
Weight of
Sieve (g)
% Retained
on Sieve
Total %
Total %
# 4
# 8
# 16
# 30
# 50
# 100
# 200
Total Retained Mass (g) =
Original Sample Mass (g) =
Percent Loss (%) =
Fineness Modulus (FM) =

Develop Two Blended Samples: Open (Gap) and Dense Graded
According to the combinations given in Table 1.a-7, use an iterative process to blend the aggregates to
obtain the designated specification gradations (Specs. %) given in Tables 1.a-8 and 1.a-9. Record the
blend percentages in Table 1.a-10. To achieve this, follow the process below:
1. Fill in columns A, C and E in Table 1.a-8 and 1.a-9, using appropriate values from Tables 1.a-1 to
2. Select a target percentage of the coarse, intermediate and fine aggregate (sum of which must be
equal to 100%).
3. These percentages are multiplied with the respective aggregate column and entered in column B,
D and F accordingly.
4. Add the values of column B, D and F and fill in column G. Your objective is to obtain the
percent passing to be within the specifications given in the tables.
5. Perform at least 8 iterations on the %CA, %IA, and %FA, until the %-passing column of the
blend closely matches column G with the specifications provided (a spreadsheet program can be
used to perform the iteration).
6. The blend gradation does not need to fit perfectly; if less than 3 points are out of bounds, the
blend is acceptable. To make the iterations easier, plot the limits and the blend while you iterate
the percentages.
7. Bring your optimum blend results for the two blends to the next laboratory session.

8 | P a g e

Calculation Notes
Maximum density curve (the maximum density of percent passing vs. sieve size with n = 0.45):


P = percentage finer than the sieve (= percent passing)
d = sieve size in question
D = maximum size of aggregate to be used
n = coefficient of adjustment = 0.45

Fineness Modulus: one-hundredth of the sum of the cumulative percent weight retained on the # 100,
#50, #30, #16, #8, #4, 3/8-in., -in., 1-in., 3-in., and 6-in. sieves. For fine
aggregates, sieves larger than 3/8-in. are not used.

Data Collection

Table 1.a-7. Aggregate Combinations for Aggregate Blend Analyses. All groups use the River Sand for
the Fine Aggregate
Group No. Coarse Aggregate
Gradation Type Blend #
1 River Gravel (CRG) River Gravel (IRG)
Dense Graded 1
Open Graded 2
2 Limestone (CLS) River Gravel (IRG)
Dense Graded 3
Open Graded 4
3 Limestone (CLS) Limestone (ILS)
Dense Graded 5
Open Graded 6
4 River Gravel (CRG) Limestone (ILS)
Dense Graded 7
Open Graded 8

9 | P a g e

Table 1.a-8. Open Graded Blend Calculation Worksheet

Table 1.a-9. Dense Graded Blend Calculation Worksheet

10 | P a g e

Table 1.a-10. Aggregate Blends: Chosen (Optimum) Combinations
Gradation Type
% CA % IA % FA
River Gravel
River Gravel
Dense Graded 1
Open Graded 2
River Gravel
Dense Graded 3
Open Graded 4
Dense Graded 5
Open Graded 6
River Gravel
Dense Graded 7
Open Graded 8

Figure 1.a-2. 0.45 Power Gradation Chart

11 | P a g e

Figure 1.a-3. Semi-Log Aggregate Gradation Chart

12 | P a g e

Lab 1b: Aggregate AC, SG, %Voids, UW and
To examine the specific gravity (SG), dry rodded (loose) unit weight (DRUW), and moisture condition of
a variety of aggregates. It is important to realize that the properties of aggregate, in addition to its
mineralogy, are evaluated based on both SSD SG and oven dry SG and related to design requirements
such as permeability, for example.

Gradation: Particle distribution of aggregate source
Oven Dry: No water in accessible pores
Air (Stock) Dry: Accessible pores in aggregate partially filled
SSD: Saturated Surface Dry; Accessible pores filled and surface dry
Wet: Accessible pores filled and surface wet
Absorption Capacity (AC): Weight of water absorbed by oven dry aggregate to bring aggregate to
SSD state; (does not include water adhering to the outside surface of the
particles) expressed as percentage of the oven dry weight.
Surface moisture content (SMC): Weight of water adsorbed onto surface of the aggregate, expressed as
percentage of dry weight.
Moisture content (MC): Weight of water in an aggregate sample, expressed as percentage of dry
Specific gravity (G): The ratio of the weight of a unit volume of material to the weight of the
same volume of water at 20 to 25 C (68 to 77 F).
Apparent SG (GSA): The ratio of the oven dry weight in air of a unit volume of an
impermeable material at a stated temperature to the weight of an equal
volume of gas free distilled water at a stated temperature.
SSD Bulk SG (GSSD): The ratio of the SSD weight in air of a permeable material (including
both permeable and impermeable voids normal for the material) at a
stated temperature to the weight of an equal volume of gas free distilled
water at a stated temperature.
OD Bulk SG (GSB_OD): The overall volume of the oven dry aggregate including the volume of
the pores or capillaries, which become filled with water in 24 h of
13 | P a g e


Figure 1.b-1. Digital scale, Unit weight bucket, Mold, Tamper, Rods, Stopwatch, and Permeameter.

Refer to Tables 1.a-1 for the aggregate types and 1.a-7 and 1.a-10 for the aggregate blends and
proportions, respectively, to be tested by each group. All groups are to test the fine aggregate (river

Determination of Moisture Content (MC) (ASTM C556)
1. Use Table 1.b-1 to record the following information.
2. Obtain a sample from the air-dry aggregate storage bins (about 1000g for coarse; about 500g for
fine or intermediate).
3. Weigh the sample and record it as W
4. Label the sample with the following information:
o Group
o Section
o Test name (MC)
o Stock Aggregate Weight (W
5. Get the TAs approval before taking your samples to the oven.
6. After 24 hours, retrieve your sample from the oven, weigh the sample, and record the weight as
oven-dry weight+bowl (W
); weigh the bowl and record it as W

7. NOTE: Failure to properly label all samples and/or failure to return after 24 hours for the oven
dry weight will result in a penalty to the lab grade.

14 | P a g e

Determination of Dry-Rodded (Loose) Unit Weight (DRUW) and Percent Voids in
Aggregate (Text Exp #9, ASTM C 29/C 29 M-90)
1. Use Table 1.b-2 to record the following information
2. Weigh the empty unit weight bucket and record it as W
3. Fill the bucket in three layers; rod each layer 25 times.
4. After filling in 3 layers up to the top, level the surface with the tamping rod.
5. Weigh the bucket with the aggregate and record it as W
bucket + agg
6. Repeat steps 2 to 4 for the other type of aggregate assigned to you and your two blends.
7. Find the inside volume of the unit weight bucket (either by using a ruler or filling it up with
water), and record as V
in Table 1.b-2.
8. Calculate the DRUW (in lb/ft
) and %Voids using the formulas given.

Determination of Absorption Capacity (AC) (ASTM C127, C128, Text Exp #7, 8)
1. Use Table 1.b-3 to record the following information.
2. You were given two bowls: one with sand, and one with coarse or intermediate aggregate (both
are soaked in water). Note: The soaked aggregate samples will be used to determine both
Specific Gravity and Absorption Capacity (do not use the entire sample for one test or dispose of
any sample unless both tests are finished).
3. Decant excess water from the soaked samples but do not lose any aggregate. You can let organic
material and material finer than the #200 sieve rinse out.
4. Bring the aggregates to SSD condition:
o For Fine aggregate (sand): Spread the aggregates on the tray, turn on the dryer, and
move the sand continuously. Perform this operation until the sample reaches free-flowing
condition according to the cone test

(a good indication of SSD condition is when the sand
does not stick to your fingers anymore). Do not over-dry the aggregate or let the
aggregate air-dry for more than 10 minutes
o Cone Test: Make space for the cone test on the tray, place the cone mold on the
tray and fill it up with sand until it overflows without compacting it; grab the
small hammer and while holding the cone let the hammer drop (do not push it
down) a height of from above the top of the sand 15 times only; lift the cone
mold vertically: the sand is at SSD if it collapses partially after you scratch the
bottom of the sand cone.
o For Coarse and Intermediate aggregates: Bring the aggregates to SSD state by patting
off the surface moisture with a towel. Do not over-dry the aggregates or let the aggregates
air-dry for more than 5 minutes.
5. Obtain half the volume of the sample in SSD state and record its weight as W
(grams) in Table
6. Label the sample with the following information:
o Group
o Section
15 | P a g e

o Test name (AC)
o SSD Aggregate Weight (W
7. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 for the other type of aggregate assigned to you.
8. Get the TAs approval before taking your samples to the oven.
9. Place the samples in the oven and leave them there overnight.
10. After 24 hours, retrieve your samples from the oven, weigh the sample in the bowl, and record the
weight as oven-dry weight+bowl (W
); dispose of the dry aggregate sample, weigh the bowl
and record it (W
11. NOTE: Failure to properly label all samples and/or failure to return after 24 hours for the oven
dry weight will result in a penalty to lab grade.

Determination of Specific Gravity (G or SG) (Text Exp #7,8, ASTM C127, C128)
1. Use Table 1.b-4 to record the following information.
2. Obtain an SSD sample (for each fine and coarse aggregate; do fine aggregate first) according to
Determination of Absorption Capacity instructions. Record its weight as W
ssd sample
(grams) in
Table 1.b-4 before proceeding.
3. Obtain a pycnometer; submerge pycnometer in the water bath until full and place the lid onto the
pycnometer while inside the water; take the pycnometer out of the water bath, dry off excess
water from the outside and weigh. Record it as W
4. Remove half of the water from the pycnometer and carefully pour in one of the weighed SSD
aggregates. Only ONE type of aggregate should be in the pycnometer.
5. With the pycnometer half full with water and the SSD sample inside, cover with vacuum lid,
apply vacuum, and vibrate the pycnometer to remove any air bubbles attached to the aggregates.
Wait for 10 min.
6. Remove the pycnometer from the vacuum apparatus.
7. CAREFULLY submerge pycnometer with aggregates in the water bath until full, place the lid on
the pycnometer while still inside the water bath; have the T.A. check your water bath at this time
for loss of fines.
8. Take the closed pycnometer out of the bath, dry off the excess water and record the weight of the
pycnometer-sample-water system as W
pyc+ssd sample+water
9. With extreme care and not losing grains, completely remove the aggregate sample from the
pycnometer and place the sample in a bowl (it does not matter if some water is present in the
10. Label the sample with the following information:
o Group
o Section
o Test name (SG)
o SSD Aggregate Weight (W
ssd sample
11. Repeat steps 3 through 10 for your other type of aggregate.
16 | P a g e

12. After 24 hours, retrieve your sample from the oven, weigh the sample and the bowl, and record
the weight as oven-dry weight+bowl (W
); dispose of the dry aggregate sample, weigh the
bowl, and record it (W
). Remember to use Table 1.b-4 for all this information.
13. NOTE: Failure to properly label all samples and/or failure to return after 24 hours for the oven
dry weight will result in a penalty to the groups lab grade.

Determination of Permeability (k) of Blends
1. Blend your assigned aggregates according to the proportions your team figured out. Make 7,000g
of each blend. Record your proportions in Table 1.b-5.
2. Perform other required tests (i.e., DRUW and %voids, DRUW first) before proceeding.
3. Dampen the blend with some water to avoid segregation and facilitate placement.
4. Fill the Permeameter in 3 equal layers of the blended aggregates up to the fill line marked on the
Permeameter. Use the rod to tamp each layer 25 times.
5. Measure the length of the aggregate sample, L, and record it in Table 1.b-6.
6. Make sure that the valve is closed at the bottom of the Permeameter. Fill the Permeameter with
water to above the aggregate height by at least 4 inches.
7. Record the initial height of the water, h
8. Open the valve and allow the water to drain into the sink. Use the stopwatch to begin timing
when the valve is opened.
9. When the water level has dropped a significant level, but is still above the aggregate, close the
outlet valve and stop the stopwatch.
10. Record the final height of the water, h
, and the time, t
11. Record your results in Table 1.b-6

Record the summary of all data obtained from the above procedures in Table 1.b-11.

Calculation Notes
Dry Rodded Unit Weight:

DRUW = unit weight of the aggregate, lb/ft
or kg/m

= weight of aggregate plus bucket, lb or kg
= weight of the bucket, lb or kg
= Specific Gravity (oven dry) of Aggregate
17 | P a g e

= Density of Water (62.4 lb/ft
or 1,000 kg/m
= W
- W

= volume of the bucket, ft
or m

Absorption Capacity:

Moisture Content:

Surface Moisture Content:

= SSD weight of the sample
= OD weight of the sample
= Stock weight of the sample (anywhere from air dry to wet)

Bulk Dry Specific Gravity:

Bulk SSD Specific Gravity:

Apparent Specific Gravity:

18 | P a g e

A = weight of the oven dry sample
B = weight of the SSD sample
C = weight of the Pycnometer filled with water
D = weight of the Pycnometer with SSD sample in water



L = length of the specimen, in
t = time water is flowing through aggregate, sec
= initial height of water, in
= final height of water, in

Specific Gravity of Aggregate Blend:

= Percentages by weight of aggregate type 1, 2, ... , n
= Specific gravity of aggregate type 1, 2, ... , n
= Specific gravity of aggregate blend

19 | P a g e

Data Collection
Table 1.b-1. Moisture Content (MC)


(g) W
(g) W
Coarse River Gravel

Coarse Limestone (CLS)
Int. River Gravel (IRG)
Int. Limestone (ILS)

Table 1.b-2. Dry Rodded Unit Weight (DRUW)
Aggregate W
bucket +
bucket +

Coarse River Gravel

Coarse Limestone

Int. River Gravel

Int. Limestone (ILS)
**You may use water to calculate the volume of the bucket if you desire a more accurate value. V

may be found simply by using a ruler and the formula for the volume of a cylinder.

Table 1.b-3. Absorption Capacity (AC)


(g) W
(g) W
Coarse River Gravel (CRG)
Coarse Limestone (CLS)
Int. River Gravel (IRG)
Int. Limestone (ILS)
20 | P a g e

Table 1.b-4. Specific Gravity (SG or G)*
+ water





pyc +












Int. River

Int. Lime-
stone (ILS)

*The Specific Gravity of the blends can be obtained through the use of the formula introduced above.

Table 1.b-5. Chosen Blend Proportions.(from Table 1.c-4)
Group 1
Coarse Aggregate Intermediate Aggregate Sand
% Agg Type % Agg Type %

Group 2
Coarse Aggregate Intermediate Aggregate Sand
% Agg Type % Agg Type %

Group 3
Coarse Aggregate Intermediate Aggregate Sand
% Agg Type % Agg Type %

Group 4
Coarse Aggregate Intermediate Aggregate Sand
% Agg Type % Agg Type %

21 | P a g e

Table 1.b-6. Permeability, k
Group 1
Type Agg 1/Agg 2/Sand Length (in) Height 1 (in) Height 2 (in) Time (s) K (in/s)
Open / /Sand
Dense / /Sand
Group 2
Type Agg 1/Agg 2/Sand Length (in) Height 1 (in) Height 2 (in) Time (s) K (in/s)
Open / /Sand
Dense / /Sand
Group 3
Type Agg 1/Agg 2/Sand Length (in) Height 1 (in) Height 2 (in) Time (s) K (in/s)
Open / /Sand
Dense / /Sand
Group 4
Type Agg 1/Agg 2/Sand Length (in) Height 1 (in) Height 2 (in) Time (s) K (in/s)
Open / /Sand
Dense / /Sand

Table 1.b-7. Summary of Obtained Final Data
Aggregate Type


Fine* Sand
**Specific Gravities of the blends can be obtained through the formula G
= 100/[(P
*For these sand properties, use the average of the properties from all 4 groups in your section.
22 | P a g e

Lab Report 1 Topics
Lab Report 1 Minimum Items Required in the Engineering Report
In general, a statistical analysis (including average, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation) is
required for every test with multiple replicates, including when data from other sections is needed to
supplement your sections data.

Show ALL test data in appropriate tables, plots and graphs. Data not directly discussed should be
included in the Appendix. PLOTS and TABLES are ENCOURAGED.
List the test procedures (by ASTM or other standard designation) you followed.
Illustrate the gradations you determined during this lab. Plot gradation curves for 5 types of
aggregates (for your section). Sand gradation will need to be the average of all 4 groups in your
section. Remember: a statistical analysis is required. Discuss the data variation for the sand.
Determine the fineness modulus (FM) for each of the 5 types of aggregates (river gravel and
limestone; coarse, intermediate, and fine for your section). Sand FM will need to be the average
of all 4 groups; remember: a statistical analysis is required. Discuss the data variation for the
Show a small table with percentages (%CA, %IA, and %FA) chosen for all 8 blends (from all 4
groups); only your sections data is needed.
Plot gradation curves for all open graded blends (4) in semi-log chart(s) (Template shown in
Figure 1.a-3 on page 1-10); only your sections data are needed. Compare.
Show a comparison to the theoretical max density curve of all of the dense blend gradation curves
(4) in 0.45-power chart(s) (Template shown in Figure 1.a-2 on page 1-10); only your sections
data are needed. Discuss.
Discuss how FM, % voids, and DRUW vary with gradation type (as it pertains to Lab 1b).

Lab Report 1 Additional Recommended Engineering Report Topics to be Addressed, Directly or
1. What is the purpose of sieve analysis; and how critical is aggregate grading to the quality
of a given product like a base course or a concrete mix?
2. Discuss the procedures you would follow to blend aggregates to meet specifications
under field conditions.
3. Discuss the adjustments, if necessary, to the individual gradation curves you obtained for
each aggregate size (coarse, intermediate, fine) to improve the fit of the overall gradation
of the blend to meet the listed specifications.
4. Which parameters are the most useful to include in a construction specification to control
the quality of the aggregate gradation?
23 | P a g e

Lab 2: Asphalt Concrete
Safety Considerations
Ovens, asphalt binder, and asphalt concrete are hot Always wear oven gloves to handle the
material and the molds
Avoid prolonged contact of asphaltic material with skin
Avoid excessive breathing of asphalt fumes and Varsol fumes
Use care when working with the gyratory compactor; it has moving parts so be watchful of long
hair and loose clothing
Wear rubber gloves when cleaning tools in the Varsol tub

24 | P a g e

Lab 2a: Prepare Asphalt Concrete
To find the Rice specific gravity of loose hot mix asphalt (HMA) samples
To compact HMA samples prepared with different binder contents using a gyratory compactor
To perform the volumetric analysis of the compacted HMA samples
To select the design asphalt content of the mix and compare the volumetric properties of the
designed mix to the Superpave mix design criteria.
To measure the COTE of asphalt concrete (AC)

Apparatus and Tools
Gyratory Compactor
Compaction molds
Paper disks for compaction
Temperature controlled oven
Flat-bottom metal pans
Weighing scale
Gloves for handling hot equipment
Markers or crayons for identifying the samples
Large scoop
Spoon or small scoop
DEMEC strain measurement gauge

25 | P a g e

Figure 2a-1. Gyratory compactor for making cylindrical asphalt concrete specimens

Prepare samples, analyze the volumetric properties of the mix, select the design asphalt content, and
check if the Superpave criteria are met using the following binder contents:

Table 2.a-1. Binder contents by weight of aggregate and by weight of mix for each lab group
Binder content by weight of
aggregate (%)
Binder content by total weight
of mix (%)
1 5.0 4.8
2 5.6 5.3
3 6.2 5.8
4 6.7 6.3

26 | P a g e

The aggregate gradations and properties of the aggregates used in the mixes are provided under the
Supplemental Information section at the end of Lab 2. A PG 64-22 asphalt binder is used. The mixing of
the asphalt binder with the aggregate is conducted at 305F (151.6C) followed by a short-term oven aging
for 2 hours at 275F (135C). For safety reasons, pre-made and short-term oven aged HMA is already
provided. The compaction temperature is 290F (143.3C).

A batch of about 14,000 grams of asphalt concrete mix is provided to each group. This amount should be
enough to prepare two compacted samples of 4,500g each and two or three Rice specific gravity samples
of 1,000 g each. The number of gyrations required for a traffic level of 3 to 10 million ESALs is as
follows: initial = 8 gyrations, design = 96 gyrations, maximum = 152 gyrations.

Sample compaction using a gyratory compactor
The steps for gyratory compaction are:
1. Wearing gloves, remove the large bowl containing the HMA, the small bowl and the scoop from
the oven.
2. Measure the amount of mix necessary to prepare the compacted sample (4,500g).
o The amount does not need to be exact, try to be as precise at possible without letting the
mix cool down excessively. Note the weight.
o If running the first sample, return the remaining asphalt mix to the oven to keep it heated.
3. Remove the compaction mold from the oven and place it on the compactor.
4. Place one paper disk at the bottom of the mold and the funnel on top of it.
5. Pour the asphalt mix into the compaction mold, being careful not to lose any material.
6. Remove the funnel and place one paper disk at the top of the mix.
7. Slide and fix the mold into the compactor and start the compaction (N
= 96 gyrations).
8. Note the height of the sample from the display at 8 and at 96 gyrations. Record these as the
height of the sample at N
and N
in Table 2.a-3.
9. When the required number of gyrations has been achieved, extract the sample from the mold.
10. Handling the sample with care, remove the paper disks and label the sample using a marker or
crayon with the following information:
o Team
o Section
o Percent binder by weight of aggregate
11. Cool the samples in front of the fan for the remainder of the lab.
12. Store the samples in the shelves for further testing. After 24 hours, move one of samples into the
refrigerator for the next laboratory session.

27 | P a g e

Determination of Maximum Theoretical (Rice) Specific Gravity (ASTM D 2041)
THEN RUN A THIRD RICE SPECIFIC GRAVITY). Do not throw away your excess material until you
have checked variability of your results.

1. It is important to run this test as carefully as possible.
2. For each Maximum Theoretical Specific Gravity measurement, lay out slightly more than 1,000 g
of mix on the specified board.
3. Separate the particles of the sample of hot mix asphalt concrete, taking care not to fracture the
mineral particles, so that the particles of the binder and fine aggregate portion are not larger than
6 mm (1/4 in.). If the mixture is not sufficiently soft to be separated manually, place it in a large,
flat pan and warm in an oven only until it can be handled.
4. Cool the sample to room temperature and weigh out approximately 1,000 g.
Designate the net mass of dry sample as A in Table 2a-4.
5. Obtain a pycnometer and determine the mass of the pycnometer completely filled with water
(without the HMA sample) and designate this mass as B in Table 2a-4.
6. Pour half of the water out of the pycnometer and place the asphalt sample inside the pycnometer.
7. Remove entrapped air by subjecting the contents to a partial vacuum of 30 mm Hg =1 inch) and
mechanical shaking for 15 minutes. Vacuum should be applied and released gradually by using
the bleed valve.
8. Immediately after removal of the entrapped air, fill the pycnometer with water and dry the excess
off. Determine the mass of the container (and contents) completely filled. Designate this mass as
C in Table 2a-4.
9. Calculate the Maximum Theoretical Specific Gravity using the calculation procedure given
10. Repeat steps 2 9 to obtain the second Maximum Theoretical Specific Gravity sample and
11. The acceptable range of the two Maximum Theoretical Specific Gravity test results is 0.023. If
the difference between the two results is larger than 0.023, repeat steps 2 9 to obtain a third test
result. The three test results should be no further apart than 0.026. If the spread of the three test
results is greater than 0.026, check with your T.A. about what to use for your data.

28 | P a g e

Data Collection

Table 2.a-3. Height of the compacted samples
Group Sample
Weight of
Material (g)
Height at N
(cm) Height at N
1 1
2 1
3 1

Table 2.a-4. Maximum theoretical or Rice specific gravity (G
Group Sample
B =M
pyc +water

A =M

C =M
pyc +water

29 | P a g e

Calculation Notes
Maximum theoretical or Rice specific gravity:

A = mass of dry sample in air, g
B = mass of Pycnometer + water, g
C = mass of Pycnometer + water + sample, g

Bulk specific gravity of aggregate blend:

= Percentages by weight of aggregate type 1, 2, , n
= Specific gravity of aggregate type 1, 2, , n
= Specific gravity of aggregate blend

Effective specific gravity of the aggregate:

= maximum theoretical specific gravity of the mix
= percent asphalt binder by total weight of mix
= specific gravity of the asphalt binder = 1.03 (given)

30 | P a g e

Voids in the mineral aggregate (VMA):

= bulk specific gravity of the compacted mix
= bulk specific gravity of the total aggregate
= percent aggregate by total weight of mix

Percentage of Air Voids (AV):



= maximum theoretical specific gravity of the mix
= bulk specific gravity of the compacted mix

Voids Filled with Asphalt (VFA):



The following relationship can be used to calculate P
if P
is known



= Percent binder by weight of mix

= Percent binder by weight of aggregate

31 | P a g e

Supplemental Information
The specific gravity of the asphalt binder is 1.03
Assume that the Superpave aggregate gradation meets all specification requirements for an acceptable
aggregate structure.
The typical linear COTEs for the asphalt concrete components are:
Binder: (3.6*10
Limestone: 3.58*10

Table 2.a-5. Coarse and fine aggregate properties for the mix design
Coarse aggregate angularity (%) 100/100 85/50 min
Fine aggregate angularity (%) 49 45 min
Flat & elongated particles (%) 0 10 max
Clay content 65 45 min

Table 2.a-6. Individual aggregate gradations
Size (in) Size (mm)
Percent Passing
C-Rock D-Rock F-rock Sand
1 25 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
19 98.7 100.0 100.0 100.0
12.5 70.0 99.3 100.0 100.0
3/8 9.5 7.9 70.1 100.0 100.0
# 4 4.75 2.7 6.9 73.6 98.4
# 8 2.36 2.0 3.9 13.0 81.5
# 16 1.18 1.9 3.0 4.6 53.0
# 30 0.60 1.7 2.8 4.0 34.0
# 50 0.30 1.6 2.5 3.5 21.5
# 100 0.15 1.5 2.3 3.3 12.0
# 200 0.075 1.4 1.9 3.0 10.0
Bulk Sp. Gr. 2.537 2.428 2.568 2.569
Aggregate Blend (%) 25 10 35 30
Assume that the required criterion at the maximum number of gyrations (N
) is also met.
32 | P a g e

Figure 2.a-4. Phase Diagram of Asphalt Mixture

33 | P a g e

Lab 2b: Asphalt Concrete Binder Testing
and Asphalt Concrete Stiffness and
Strength Properties
To determine bulk specific gravity of HMA samples
To measure the viscosity of asphalt binders at different temperatures
To characterize the rheological behavior of asphalt binder
To determine the mixing and compaction temperatures of asphalt binder

Apparatus and Tools
Weighing scale
Damp towel
Water bath
Rotational viscometer

Figure 2.b-1. Components of the rotational viscometer.

34 | P a g e

Figure 2.b-2. Schematic of the rotational viscometer.

Viscosity Determination of Asphalt Binders Using Rotational Viscometer (AASHTO
TP48, ASTM D4402, Text Exp #21)
The Rotational viscometer is used to evaluate high temperature workability of unaged asphalt binders.
High temperature binder viscosity is measured to ensure that the asphalt is fluid enough during pumping
and mixing. The viscosity must not exceed 3 Pa sec when measured at 135C.
Rotational viscosity is determined by measuring the torque required to maintain a constant rotational
speed of a spindle while submerged in a sample at a constant temperature. The torque required to rotate
the spindle at a constant speed is directly related to the viscosity of the binder sample.
An asphalt binder has already been placed inside a sample chamber and set into each rotational
viscometer thermocontainer. Each group will begin at one rotational viscometer. The steps to follow are
detailed next:
1. Make sure that the level bubble at the base of the viscometer and on top of the digital display is
2. Start the motor by pressing the button that reads <Motor on>
3. Adjust the spindle speed to 10 rpm by pressing the button that reads <Set Speed> and then using
the <> and <> to increase or decrease the value, respectively. After setting the right value,
press the <Set Speed> button again.
4. Check and record the percent torque value at the bottom right corner of the
display (it should be between 2% and 98%)
5. Record the viscosity (cP), shear rate (SR), shear stress (SS) by pressing the <Select Display>
button. The cP, SR, and SS are presented in the top left corner of the display.
6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 using a spindle speed of 15 rpm and 20 rpm.
7. Record viscometry data in Table 2.b-1.
8. After acquiring all the required data, press the <Motor off> button.

35 | P a g e

Note: Each workstation has a viscometer set at a different temperature (two workstations are at 135C).
Each team will have to move around from workstation to workstation in order to acquire data at 120C,
135C, and 160C.

Figure 2.b-3. Plot for selecting the compaction and mixing temperature ranges. The specified viscosity
limits (for the purposes of this lab) for the mixing range are 0.15 to 0.20 Pa sec, and for the compaction
range are 0.25 to 0.30 Pa sec. Note the Log scale on the y-axis

. .1 1
. .2 2
. .3 3
. .5 5
1 1
1 10 0
5 5
1 10 00 0 1 11 10 0 1 12 20 0 1 13 30 0 1 14 40 0 1 15 50 0 1 16 60 0 1 17 70 0 1 18 80 0 1 19 90 0 2 20 00 0
T Te em mp pe er ra at tu ur re e, , C C
V Vi is sc co os si it ty y, , P Pa a s s
C Co om mp pa ac ct ti io on n R Ra an ng ge e
M Mi ix xi in ng g R Ra an ng ge e
36 | P a g e

Asphalt Binder Data Collection

Table 2.b-1. Rotational Viscometer Data (Unaged Binder)

Determination of Bulk Specific Gravity (ASTM D 2726, Text Exp #27)
1. Take the cooled (room temperature) specimen in the dry state and weigh it in air. Designate this
mass as A in Table 2.b-2.
2. Immerse the specimen in a water bath at 25 C for 3 to 5 min, and weigh in water. Designate this
mass as C in Table 2.b-2.
3. Surface-dry the specimen by blotting quickly with a wet towel and then weigh in air. Designate
this mass as B in Table 2.b-2.
4. The bulk specific gravity can be calculated using the following formula.

(1 RPM =
2Rad/ min)
(1000cP = 1 Pa s)
1Poise = 1dyne s/cm
Shear Rate
(Pa s)
37 | P a g e

Figure 2.b-4. Compacted HMA sample during bulk specific gravity determination

Bulk Specific Gravity:

A = mass of the dry specimen in air, g.
B = mass of the saturated surface dry specimen in air, g.
C = mass of the specimen in water, g.

Table 2.b-2. Bulk Specific Gravity (G

The room temperature sample
A = M
(g) C = M
(g) B = M
(g) G





38 | P a g e

Determination of Modulus of Elasticity (E):
Determine the modulus of elasticity (i.e. Youngs modulus) of the asphalt concrete mix from compression
1. Obtain the two asphalt concrete samples that were compacted last week.
2. One sample should be at room temperature and the other at the refrigerated temperature. (Leave
the refrigerated sample in the refrigerator until ready to test.)
3. Measure the length of the specimen and note this in Table 2.b-3 as L.
4. Measure the diameter of the sample and note this in Table 2.b-3 as d.
5. Place the asphalt sample on the test machine in a vertical position.
6. Use the arrow keys on the test machine to move the loading head to where contact is just made
and no extra load is applied.
7. Shift the control to the control unit and zero the load and displacement readings using the
appropriate keys.
8. Shift the control to the computer and then start the test.
9. Apply a load P=4000 lb..
10. Once the test in finished save the .txt file and the .mdl file in your folder in the computer. Get the
above files in your thumb drive before you leave the lab. Plot stress vs. strain for the above test.
11. Follow the same procedure for the sample at the refrigerated temperature.

Modulus of Elasticity:

Strain, = L/ L
L = Change in length of the sample after applying load P
L = Initial length of the sample
Stress, = P/ r
P = Applied Load on the asphalt sample (maximum 4000 lb)
= pi = 3.14159
r = radius of the sample
(Calculate the modulus of elasticity using the elastic (i.e. the LINEAR) portion of the stress-
strain curve.)

39 | P a g e

Table 2.b-3. Compression test data and Modulus of Elasticity of the Asphalt Concrete
Group Sample
in length
Group 1
Sample 1

Sample 2

Group 2
Sample 1

Sample 2

Group 3
Sample 1

Sample 2

Group 4
Sample 1

Sample 2

40 | P a g e

Splitting Tensile Test:
1. Take the same asphalt sample which was used to determine the modulus of elasticity.
2. Place the bottom wooden strip on the Testing Machine.
3. Place the sample horizontally on the wooden strip.
4. Place the top wooden strip on top of the sample. The purpose of the wooden strips is to ensure
the load is uniformly distributed over the length of the sample.
5. Apply load until sample fails.
6. Note down the failure load F
in table 2.b-4.
7. Collect the crushed sample in a bowl and show it to the T.A.
8. Get the .txt and .mdl file from the computer.

Tensile stress at failure:

L = initial length of the sample
= maximum applied load on the asphalt sample (Failure Load)
= pi = 3.14159
d = diameter of the sample

Table 2.b-4. Splitting tensile test data and results
Group Sample
Load at
Failure (lb)
Initial Length
of Sample (in)
Tensile Stress
at Failure (psi)
Group 1
Sample 1 (Room Temp)
Sample 2 (Refrig Temp)
Group 2
Sample 1 (Room Temp)
Sample 2 (Refrig Temp)
Group 3
Sample 1 (Room Temp)
Sample 2 (Refrig Temp)
Group 4
Sample 1 (Room Temp)
Sample 2 (Refrig Temp)
41 | P a g e

Lab 2c: Measuring the Linear Coefficient of
Thermal Expansion (COTE) of
Asphalt Concrete
The primary objective of this lab is to determine the linear Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
(COTE) of asphalt concrete (AC) by heating and/or cooling the specimens for a specific period of time
and measuring the strain induced in the sample by different temperatures.
Most paving materials experience changes in volume (i.e. most solid materials expand on heating
and contract on cooling) due to changes in temperature, and this temperature dependency is expressed in
terms of a property called the coefficient of thermal expansion (COTE). AC exhibits this behavior; and
because AC is a composite material, the COTE of AC depends on the thermal behavior of its individual
components (especially that of the coarse aggregate [CA]). The COTE of the aggregate determines the
thermal expansion of the AC to a considerable extent because the aggregate comprises about 95 percent
of the total solid volume of the mixture.


Figure 2.c-1. DEMEC strain gauge, DEMEC measuring points, and DEMEC reference bar.

1. Previously prepared AC samples with DEMEC measuring points inserted into the top are used.
Each group will use the AC sample mixed at their assigned binder content. The sample should be
at room temperature (about 25C/77F).
2. Measure the length on the DEMEC reference bar using a ruler, record this as L
42 | P a g e

3. Place the pins of the DEMEC strain gauge on the reference bar and zero the dial by pressing the
reset button.
4. Remove the stain gauge from the reference bar and place it on the measuring points on the AC
sample. Record the reading of the DEMEC dial. Note that the reading can be + or -.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 at least three times and calculate the average of the readings, record this as
6. After the average reading is determined, place the sample in the freezer (about 0C/32F) for the
coming week. Check with the TA about the location of the freezer.
7. The following week in lab, remove the sample from the freezer and repeat steps 3 to 5 for the
frozen sample, record this as L

Table 2.c-1. Linear COTE test data and results
Bar, L





Linear COTE:


) (

COTE = linear coefficient of thermal expansion of AC
= gauge length at room temperature, in
= gauge length at freezer temperature, in
= length of reference bar, in
= room temperature, F
= freezer temperature, F

43 | P a g e

Composite Linear COTE Calculated Using the Linear COTEs of the Components:

COTE = composite linear coefficient of thermal expansion
= individual percentage by weight of each component
= individual linear coefficient of thermal expansion of each component

Typical linear COTEs for asphalt concrete components are:
Binder: (3.6*10
Limestone: 3.58*10

Lab Report 2 Topics
Lab Report 2 - Items Required in the Engineering Report
In general, a statistical analysis (including averages, standard deviations, and coefficients of variation) is
required for every test performed more than once, especially when data from other sections is needed to
supplement your sections data.

Asphalt Concrete:
Determine the average G
for the specified aggregate blend.
Compute the Superpave volumetric parameters (%AV, %VMA, %VFA, %G
at N
, and %G
at N
) for each binder content.
Plot these parameters versus binder content %. Also plot asphalt binder content versus G
. Why
do the relationships change like they do?
Select the design asphalt content using the Superpave mix design method; revise the design
binder content against the Superpave criteria for compliance (see text for Superpave method of
design and the Superpave criteria).
Plot force versus displacement graphs for all modulus of elasticity and splitting tensile test
samples. Comment on the effect of temperature and asphalt binder content on both the elastic
modulus and displacement for compression test samples, and the effect of temperature and
asphalt binder content on both the failure force and displacement for split tensile test samples.
Using the Theory of Composites, calculate a CoTE for asphalt concrete using the CoTEs of the
components. (Typical component CoTEs are given in the text above). Compare to the measure
CoTE values for asphalt concrete. Discuss.

44 | P a g e

Plot your data for viscosity (log scale) versus temperature, as shown in Figure 2.b-3.
Determine the mixing and compaction temperatures from the average viscosity vs.
temperature plot (choose only one speed [RPM]).
Plot average shear stress versus average shear rate at different temperatures. What does this plot

45 | P a g e

Lab 3: Portland Cement Concrete
Learn to conduct slump, unit weight, yield, and concrete strength tests.
Proportion and cast concrete mix designs to meet workability and strength requirements.
Analyze the interaction among w/cm (water-to-cementitious materials ratio), amount of aggregate
(coarse aggregate factor, CAF, and intermediate aggregate factor, IAF), and aggregate gradation;
and their effects on workability and concrete strength.
Analyze the relationship between compressive strength, split tensile strength, flexural strength, and
modulus of elasticity.
Determine variation of fresh and hardened concrete properties.
Consider the effect of using steel reinforcement and other types of fiber embedment in concrete.
Measure tensile strain in hardened concrete and steel reinforcement during flexural testing.

Slump test of Portland cement concrete, Text Exp #10.
Unit weight and yield of freshly mixed concrete, Text Exp #11.
Compression test of concrete cylinders, Text Exp #16.
Making of concrete specimen, Text Exp #14.
Static modulus of elasticity and stress-strain curve for concrete, see Text.
Flexural strength of concrete, Text Exp #17.
Splitting tensile strength of concrete, see Text.

Material Specification Items
Type of cement to be allowed for different purposes
Concrete strength and workability
Gradation and particle size distribution of the aggregate blends
Address the strength variability
Standard references are listed in the textbook procedures

Safety Considerations
Aggregate, cement, and fly ash are dusty; consider wearing a face mask
Silica fume particles are extremely small; use of a face mask is highly recommended when working
with silica fume
46 | P a g e

Lab 3a: Fresh Concrete Tests
To determine the effect of water-to-cementitious materials ratio (w/cm) and aggregate content
(coarse aggregate factor, CAF) on the workability of concrete.

Concrete: Particle reinforced composite
Slump: A measure of workability, or resistance to flow, of concrete
Workability: Ease of placement


Figure 3.a-1. Scale for measurements under 10 lbs, slump cone and slump board, wheel barrow for material
transport, tamping rods, trowels, scoops, and Roll-A-Meter

47 | P a g e

Mix design factors considered in this lab test program are:
o Water-to cementitious materials ratio (w/cm)
o Amount of coarse aggregate used (CAF coarse aggregate factor)
Table 3.a-1 displays the factors and coarse aggregate type used for each batch. For the cement
factor, CF, the number of sacks of cement per cubic yard of concrete, all groups will use 6.
Each group will be given mix quantities according to the factors given in Table 3.a-1
(INCLUDING AIR ENTRAINING AGENT) and will mix enough material to conduct slump and
unit weight tests and to make two cylinder specimens and one beam specimen. This is
approximately 1.75 ft
of concrete per batch. (Save the concrete from the slump test, and re-mix it
with the remaining concrete in the mixer).

Table 3.a-1. Workability Factors and Mix Design Combinations
Mix Design Factors
Levels w/cm
CF Coarse Agg. Type
Low 0.42 0.60 6 Limestone
High 0.54 0.70 6 Limestone

Mix Design Factor Combination Plan
Section Group Mix # w/cm CAF CF Coarse Agg. Type
1 1 Low Low 6 Limestone
2 2 Low High 6 Limestone
3 3 High Low 6 Limestone
4 4 High High 6 Limestone

The T.A.s will provide mix design quantities to each group, but these will be based on oven dry
aggregates. Each group will need to measure the stockpile moisture conditions and adjust their
quantities according to the stockpile moisture conditions of the aggregates before weighing out
the materials.
Record your groups given AND stockpile mix quantities in Tables 3.a-2 and 3.a-3.
Perform the fresh concrete tests below. Do not discard any material from the fresh concrete
tests; this material will be re-mixed into the batch and used to make the hardened concrete
specimens as described in Lab 3b.

48 | P a g e

Table 3.a-2. Oven dry aggregate weights of materials
Section Group
CA (lb) Sand (lb)
Content of
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4

Table 3.a-3. Stockpile-condition weights of materials
Section Group
CA (lb) Sand (lb)
Content of
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4

Mixing of Concrete (ASTM C192)
1. Weigh out selected materials.
2. Obtain concrete mixer.
3. Moisten sides of the mixer with water; a color change is sufficient. No standing water should be
4. Add the coarse aggregates first.
5. Add around 50% of the water. Make sure the air entraining admixture and the superplasticizer (if
applicable) are mixed with the water first and that the resulting solution is homogenous.
6. Turn the mixer on and slowly add the fine aggregate.
7. Slowly add the cementitious materials into the mixer and record the time. This is called the
starting time.
8. Add the remaining water (the remaining 50%) into the mixer.
9. To avoid the material getting stuck in the bottom corner of the mixer, tilt the mixer to an
appropriate angle. At the same time, make sure not to lose ingredients out the front of the mixer.
10. Keep mixing for 3 minutes from the starting time. Turn the mixer off for a 3 minute rest period
followed by a final 2 minutes mixing period.
11. Mixing is complete when the aggregates are fully covered by paste.
12. Turn the mixer off.
49 | P a g e

13. Leave the material in the mixer while performing the fresh concrete tests (slump and unit weight).
14. After completing the fresh concrete tests, return the material to the mixer and mix for half a minute.
15. Deposit the mixed concrete into a clean wheel barrow.
16. Scrape and clean any excess material out of the mixer and wash the mixer out immediately with
water. Make sure that all material is washed off of the fins and from the bottom and sides of the
17. Sweep up any excess material from the floor around the mixer.

Slump Test
1. Dampen the slump cone and place it on the slump board provided.
2. Hold the cone firmly in place by stepping on the foot tabs.
3. Fill the cone in 3 equal layers and rod it 25 times for each layer.
4. Strike off the surface with a straight edge.
5. Remove the cone immediately in one vertical motion, and place it next to the sample.
6. Turn the cone over and stand it on the slump board next to the slumped concrete. Measure the
vertical difference between the foot tab of the cone and the top of the concrete specimen. Record
this difference as the slump in Table 3.a-4.

Unit Weight Measurement
1. Weigh the empty unit weight bucket and record.
2. Fill the bucket in three layers; rod each layer 25 times.
3. After filling in 3 layers up to the top, level the surface with the tamping rod.
4. Weigh the bucket with the concrete and record it
5. Find the volume of the empty bucket.
6. Calculate the unit weight of the mix. Record the unit weight of the mix in Table 3.a-4.

Data Collection
Table 3.a-4. Fresh Concrete Test Results
Section Group Mixture # Slump (in) Unit Weight (lb/ft
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
50 | P a g e

Lab 3b: Concrete Strength Test Specimen
To prepare specimens for hardened concrete tests.
To correlate fresh concrete properties to hardened concrete properties.
To determine the effect of CAF and w/cm ratio on the strength (compressive, tensile, and flexural)
of hardened concrete.
To measure moisture contents of aggregates and adjust mix quantities for the aggregate moisture
To become familiar with instruments to measure deformation and strain.


Figure 3.b-1. Cylinder molds: diameter 6" and height 12"; beam molds: 6"x6"x20"
51 | P a g e

In total, each group will prepare 2 cylindrical samples (6 in diameter 12 in height) and 2 beam samples
Each group is required to prepare 2 cylindrical samples and 1 unreinforced beam specimen using
the material that was created in Lab 3a, so that fresh concrete properties can be correlated to the
hardened properties.
A second mix, described later, will be used to prepare the second beam using reinforcing materials.

Molding of Unreinforced Cylinders and Beam for Hardened Concrete Tests
1. Each group will prepare 2 cylindrical specimens for compressive strength testing and 1 beam
(unreinforced) for flexural strength testing.
2. Clean the mold, making sure it is free of dust or old concrete.
3. Properly tighten all assembling parts of each mold.
4. With a small amount of lubricating oil, brush the insides of the molds. Do not let oil collect on the
bottom of the molds. With a towel, wipe off the excess oil from the mold.
5. Mold the specimens as near as practicable to the place where they are to be stored during the first
24 hours.
6. Place the concrete in the molds using a scoop or blunted trowel.
7. Move the scoop or trowel around the top edge of the mold as the concrete is poured in order to
ensure symmetrical distribution of concrete and to minimize segregation of coarse aggregate within
the mold.
8. Fill the mold according to Table 3.b-1. Use a 5/8" rod to rod each layer.

Table 3.b-1. Layer and roddings for cylinder and beam molds.
Specimen Type Number of Layers No. of Roddings / Layer
Cylinder 3 equal 25
Beam 2 equal 60

9. Insure that the rod penetrates the bottom layer throughout its depth. Distribute the strokes uniformly
over the cross section of the mold. For each upper layer, allow the rod to penetrate about 1/2 in. into
the underlying layer.
10. After each layer is rodded, tap the outside of the molds lightly 10 to 15 times with the mallet to
close holes left by rodding and to release any large air bubbles that may have been trapped. After
tapping the last layer, spade the top with a trowel.
11. Put an identification tag in the molds to identify your specimen later.
12. Samples should be labeled as follows: Date, Course #, section #, group #, and Sample #.
52 | P a g e

13. Cure wet specimens outside for 24 hours. Place all samples together under plastic sheeting on the
outside patio of the concrete lab.
14. Within 24 hours of filling molds, samples must be removed from molds. This can be performed by
blowing air into the hole (located in the bottom of the plastic specimen) using the air hose.
15. After de-molding, the samples need to be moved to the 100% humidity room.
16. Samples will be cured in the humidity room for at least 7 days (check the curing period with your
17. After curing, the samples are ready to be tested.

When all samples have been made, discard any excess concrete from each mix in the black bins
located next to the mixers (or elsewhere as instructed by your T.A.).
Wash all equipment and return it to its original location.
Clean and re-assemble molds after de-molding.
Clean the mixer thoroughly and properly and sweep the ground (the working area around the mixer
that you use).
Failure to do all of the previous items will result in penalty to the lab grade.

Reinforced Beam for Hardened Concrete Test

Figure 3.b-2. Beam mold, 6"x 6" x 20"; and two fibers, polypropylene and steel, used for the second beam
in Lab 3b.

For the reinforced beam specimen, all groups will use the same mix parameters according to Table
3.b-2, but each group will use different reinforcement types according to Table 3.b-3.
Each group will need 0.70 ft
of concrete for one beam (the beam mold volume is 0.42 ft
). Record
the quantities of each material in Table 3.b-4.
53 | P a g e

Groups 1 and 2: Fibers do not need to be added to the batches. Groups 1 and 2 can mix the batches
in one concrete mixer.
Groups 3 and 4: Due to the small yield of the fiber reinforced beam batches, use a wheelbarrow to
mix the fibers into the concrete. DO NOT USE MIXERS for the fibers.

Table 3.b-2. Mix Parameters for the Reinforced Beam Specimens
Yield (Y), ft
0.70 (1 beam only)
w/cm 0.46
CAF 0.7
CF 6
Aggregate Type Limestone (LS)
Fly Ash 25% of Cement (by weight)
Air Entrainer 1.0 oz /100 lb of cm (0.30 mL /1 lb of cm)

Table 3.b-3. Reinforcement Types and Fiber-Reinforcement Proportioning
Group Reinforcement
(by Yield)
1 None
2 One #4 Steel Rebar
3 Polypropylene Fibers 0.91 <0.5%
4 Steel Fibers 7.75 <1.0%

Reduce the sand content of the mix on a volumetric basis to compensate for inclusion of fibers.
Perform slump and unit weight tests. Record your results on Table 3.b-6.
Mold the specimens according to the following set of instructions.
Groups 1&2 (1.40 ft
total), use the scale with units of pounds in the lab; groups 3&4 (0.70 ft
each), use the scales with units of grams on the workstation. Record your data in Table 3.b-4 and
show the associated units.

54 | P a g e

Table 3.b-4. Mix Quantities per Batch (Yield = 0.70 ft
per beam)*
Group Cement Fly Ash Water
Air Entrainer
Reinf. (g)
1 & 2
* Groups 1&2 (1.40 ft
total), use the scale with units of pounds in the lab; groups 3&4 (0.70 ft
each), use
the scales with units of grams on the workstation. Therefore, fill in your data and show the associated units
in this table.

Table 3.b-6. Fresh Concrete Properties of the Reinforced Beam Mix
Group Reinforcement Slump (in) Unit Weight (lb/ft
1 None
2 One #4 Steel Rebar
3 Polypropylene Fibers
4 Steel Fibers

Molding of Reinforced Beams for Hardened Concrete Flexural Tests (ASTM C39)
1. Clean the mold, making sure it is free of dust and/or old concrete.
2. Properly tighten all assembling parts of each mold.
3. With a small amount of lubricating oil, brush the insides of the mold. Do not let oil collect on
the bottom of the mold. With a towel, wipe off the excess oil from the mold.
4. Place the prepared mold as near as practicable to the place where the fresh samples are to be
stored during the first 24 hours (this is done outside the lab).
5. Attention Group 2:
6. You will use the #4 steel reinforcement bar that has two attached strain gauges.
7. The reinforcing bar needs to be inserted into the allotted holes in the beam mold.
8. Place the rebar into the mold after placing the first layer of mix into the mold, but before
pouring the second layer of concrete. Make sure the concrete fills the space underneath the
9. Be sure the reinforcing bar is placed so that the strain gauges are facing up. (When the beam is
turned over for testing, the strain gauge will then be facing down and it will be measuring the
tension in the bottom of the beam).
10. Oil the mold, but do not oil the rebar.
11. Be very careful to not damage the strain gauges.
55 | P a g e

12. Pour the fresh concrete into the molds using a scoop, blunted trowel or shovel, making sure to
achieve symmetrical distribution of concrete to minimize segregation of coarse aggregate inside
the mold.
13. Fill the mold according to Table 3.b-1. Use a 5/8" tamping rod.
14. Ensure that the rod penetrates the bottom layer throughout its depth. Distribute the strokes
uniformly over the cross section of the mold and for each upper layer allow the rod to penetrate
at least 1/2 in into the underlying layer.
15. After each layer is tamped, tap the outside of the molds lightly 15 times with the mallet to close
any holes left by tamping and to release any large air bubbles that may have been trapped. After
tamping the last (overflowing) layer, spade the sides with a spatula and level the top with a
16. Put an identification tag in the molds to identify your specimen later.
17. Samples should be labeled as follows: Date, Course #, section #, group #, and reinforcement
18. Cure all specimens by covering them with polyethylene sheeting for the first 24 hours.
19. Within 24 hours of filling molds, samples must be removed from molds. Wash, clean and
reassemble molds IMMEDIATELY after demolding, and return molds to your own
20. After de-molding, the samples need to be moved to the 100% humidity room.
21. Samples will be cured in the humidity room for at least 7 days (check the curing period with
your instructor).
22. After curing, the samples are ready to be tested.

When all samples have been made, discard any excess concrete from each mix in the black bins
located next to the mixers (or elsewhere as instructed by your T.A.).
Wash all equipment and return it to its original location.
Clean and re-assemble molds after de-molding.
Clean the mixer and/or wheel barrow thoroughly and properly and sweep the ground (the working
area around the mixer that you use).
Failure to do all of the previous items will result in penalty to the lab grade.

56 | P a g e

Lab 3c: Hardened Concrete Property Tests
To find the compressive strength, the splitting tensile strength, and the modulus of rupture of
concrete using the strength specimens cast last week.
To figure out the slippage effect between the concrete specimen and the reinforced steel bar using
the strain gauges.
To become familiar with compressive strength (ASTM C39, C192, C617)


Figure 3.c-1. Compression testing machine, Instron or Tinius-Olsen testing machine

57 | P a g e

Figure 3.c-2. Splitting tensile test

Figure 3.c-3. Beam for Flexural Testing ( reference line)

Compressive Strength (ASTM C39, C192, C617)
1. Wipe clean the bearing faces of the upper and lower bearing blocks of the compression testing
machine and of the test specimen.
2. Place the specimen on the lower bearing block.
3. Carefully align the axis of the specimen with the center of thrust of the spherically seated upper
Span Length (L), 18 in
6 in
6 in 6 in 6 in
1 in
1 in
P/2 P/2
Crack Location (a)
=7.5 in
1.5 in from center
to sawcut notch
58 | P a g e

4. Bring the upper block to bear on the specimen. Adjust the load to obtain uniform seating.
5. Apply the load at a loading rate of 0.15 inch/minute.
6. Apply the load till the specimen fails.
7. Record the maximum load at failure, P.

Calculation Notes

= Compressive strength, psi
P = Maximum load, lb
A = Cross sectional area bearing the load, in

Splitting Tensile Strength (ASTM C496, C192)
1. Draw diametric lines on each end of the specimen so that they are in the same axial plane.
2. Center one of the plywood bearing strips along the center of the lower bearing block.
3. Place the specimen on the plywood strip and align so that the lines marked on the ends are vertical
and centered over the plywood strip.
4. Place the second plywood strip lengthwise on the cylinder, centered on the lines marked on the
5. Apply the compressive force continuously at a constant rate of 0.15 in/min until the sample fails.
6. Record the maximum force at failure, P.

Calculation Notes

T = splitting tensile strength, psi
P = maximum applied force indicated by the testing machine, lb
L = length, in
D = diameter, in

59 | P a g e

Flexural Strength: Flexural Test (Third-Point Loading Mode)
1. Obtain the reinforced beam specimens that were prepared in Lab 3b.
2. Draw the reference lines on all four sides of the specimen as shown in Figure 3.c-3.
3. IMPORTANT: The specimen must be tested on its side with respect to its position as molded and
centered on the bearing supports (EXCEPT for Group 2s Reinforced Beam with the rebar and the
strain gauges, which must be tested upside down from the position in which it was molded).
4. Center the entire loading system in relation to the applied force.
5. If full contact is not obtained at zero load between the specimen and the supports, shim with wood
strips to obtain full contact.
6. Group 2, on the rebar-reinforced beam: Zero the settings of the strain gauges of both reinforced
steel bar and the concrete before applying load.
7. Using the provided software, apply the load continuously at a rate of 0.25 in/min until the sample
8. Take measurements to determine the location of the fractures origin. The crack probably starts
from the sawcut notch. If yes, your crack location should be 7.5 in from the span.
9. Measure the maximum strength and the strain reading of both reinforced steel bar and the concrete
when its a maximum strength (Peak Loading Point).
10. Record strength and strain results on Table 3.d-2 (unreinforced beams) and 3.d-3 (reinforced

Calculation Notes
If the fracture initiates in the tension surface within the middle third of the span length then the modulus of
rupture is given by:

If the fracture initiates in the tension surface outside the middle third of the span length, but not by more
than 5 % of the span length, then the modulus of rupture is given by:

If the fracture occurs in the tension surface outside the middle third of the span length by more than 5 % of
the span length, discard the results of the test.

R = modulus of rupture, psi
P = maximum applied load indicated by the testing machine, lb

L = span length, in
b = average width of the specimen, in
d = average depth of the specimen, in
60 | P a g e

a = average distance between the line of fracture and the nearest support measured on the
tension surface of the beam, in.

Note: It is expected that the crack will occur within the middle third of the span length due to the sawcut.
Thus, there is high possibility to use the first equation.

Data Collection
Table 3.c-1. 7-Day Compressive and Split-Tensile Strength Test Results (Unreinforced Cylinders)
Compression Split-Tension
Peak Load

Load (lb)
(psi) (MPa) (psi) (MPa)

Table 3.c-2. Flexural Strength Test Results (Unreinforced Beams)
Peak Load
Outside Location of crack
(% of span) Equation
Modulus of Rupture, R
a (in)
(psi) (MPa)

61 | P a g e

Table 3.c-3. Flexural Strength and Strain Test Results (Reinforced Beams)
Peak Load
Outside Location of
crack (% of span) Equation
Modulus of
Rupture, R
a (in)
(psi) (MPa) Concrete Steel
1 -------- ------ -------
3 -------- ------ -------
4 -------- ------ -------
Note: For calculation of the slippage effect in the steel reinforced/strain gauged beams,
Strain in Concrete = Final Gauge Reading Initial Gauge Reading
Strain in Steel Bar = Final Gauge Reading Initial Gauge Reading
Slippage effect (%) = [(Strain in Steel Bar - Strain in Concrete)/ Strain in Steel Bar]*100

Lab Report 3 Topics
Lab Report 3 - Items Required in the Engineering Report:
Develop plots (consider bar graphs) of slump vs. w/cm, and slump vs. CAF. Explain the
relationships shown by the graphs and postulate on the possible errors if the trends of graphs were
not matched well to what you have learned in class.
Discuss the concrete slump results obtained in the lab for the different factors considered. List the
factors that seem to affect the workability of the fresh concrete from your lab observations (these
include the different types of reinforcement).
Explain the effect of the w/cm ratios used in the mix designs on concrete slump, compression,
tensile, and flexural strength.
Explain what effect you would expect the aggregate content (CAF) used in portland cement
concrete would have on slump/workability and on compression, tensile and flexural strength.

Lab Report 3 Suggested Engineering Report Questions to be Answered, Directly or Indirectly:
What are the major factors that were varied in the concrete mix designs produced in the lab? How
does each of these factors affect concrete strength?
What effect does water have on workability (both free and excess)? What portion of total moisture
affects workability? Explain.
From your test data, discuss the correlation between the compressive, tensile, and flexural strengths.
Plot force versus displacement graphs for all compression, splitting tensile, and modulus of rupture
tests. Comment on the effect of w/cm and CAF on both the peak force and displacement of
compression and split tension tests, and the effect of reinforcement on both the modulus of rupture
and displacement of the beam flexure tests.
62 | P a g e

Lab 4: High Strength Portland Cement
Concrete: Design and Competition
Understand the components and curing methods and their impacts on the strength of concrete.
Mix and mold two concrete cylinders for high strength competition.

Safety Considerations
Aggregate, cement, and fly ash are dusty; consider wearing a face mask and/or eye goggles
Silica fume particles are extremely small; use of a face mask is highly recommended when working
with silica fume

1. Calculate a design mix using any desired combination of w/c (or w/cm) ratio, aggregate type,
gradation or blend, CF and admixtures. NOTE: Minimum (CAF+IAF) = 0.40. You are
encouraged to use the mix design spreadsheet available for you on the class website.
2. The use of various admixtures (fly-ash, superplasticizer, silica fume, air entrainer, etc.) will be
available in the lab. Three types of aggregate are available; limestone (coarse and intermediate),
river gravel (coarse and intermediate) and sand (fine aggregate), as well as two types of cements
(Type I and Type III).
3. Record all mix design parameters on Table 4.a-1.
4. Weights of materials used in your mix design can be calculated using the excel spread sheet on CE
5. Record the weights of all mix components on Table 4.a-2.
6. Make two 6 x 12 cylinder samples according to your mix design. All general molding, de-
molding and curing procedures and instructions from previous labs apply.
7. Label and cure the samples until they are to be tested (after 7 or 14 days see the lab schedule in
your syllabus).
8. Test the samples for compression after the curing period in the Tinius-Olsen testing machine.
9. Record compressive strength results on Table 4.a-3.

63 | P a g e

The high strength concrete mixes can be designed and cured with materials made available in the
lab; other materials and methods of curing in any manner must be approved by the lab TA and/or
NO freezing of the cylinders before testing is allowed. Hot water bath curing will be available,
but space is limited and must be signed up for on a first-come, first-served basis (ask your T.A.).
Any lab work needed outside of your lab section times must be approved by your T.A. Your T.A.
will also need to coordinate this with the Lab Manager. T.A.s will try to accommodate your work;
but work times outside of the lab section times cannot be guaranteed.

Calculation Notes
Compressive strength:

= Compressive strength, psi.
P = Maximum load, lb.
A = Cross sectional area bearing the load, in

64 | P a g e

Data Collection

Table 4.a-1. High Strength Mix Design Parameters Used
Material Parameter
1 2 3 4
Cementitious and
w/c (or w/cm)
CF (# of sacks of cement / yd
Cement Type
Fly Ash (% of cement wt.)
Silica Fume (% of cement wt.)
Coarse Aggregate (one
Type or a Blend)
/ Y)*
Type (RG, LS,
% by wt. =
% by wt. =
Intermediate Aggregate
(one Type or a Blend)
/ Y)*
Type (RG, LS,
% by wt. =
% by wt. =
Liquid Admixtures
Air Entrainer (mL / lb of c.m.)
Superplasticizer (mL / lb of c.m.)
Curing Method
Humidity Room/Times
Hot Water Bath/Times
*Note that (CAF + IAF) cannot be larger than 1.0; Y = yield; c.m. = cementitious materials

65 | P a g e

Table 4.a-2. Mix Quantities per Batch



























Table4.a-3. High Strength Test Results.
Compression Test
(First Cylinder)
Compression Test
(Second Cylinder)
Compressive Strength
Peak Load
Peak Load
(psi) f
Notes: The compressive peak loads are from the high strength competition.

Lab Report 4 Topics
Lab Report 4 - Items Required in the Engineering Report:
Discuss the factors that you considered in your high strength concrete mix design, and WHY.
Compare your mix design to some of the other mix designs in all 4 sections, and postulate on why
other groups cylinders did better and/or worse than your cylinders. What you could have done to
make your mix design better?

66 | P a g e

Lab 5: Brick Masonry
The primary objective of this lab is to develop an understanding of the factors that affect the strength of
brick masonry. Based on the various tests carried out, you should be able to generate key specification
items using the results of the testing program. The following sub-objectives are also included:
Lab 5a: Testing of masonry units, preparing mortar and prism specimens
Lab 5b: Testing of mortar cubes and prisms specimens
Lab 5c: Masonry wall construction

Determination of Mortar Flow
Compressive Strength of Mortar Cubes
Compressive Strength of Brick
Suction of Brick (Initial Rate of Absorption, IRA)
Modulus of Rupture of Brick
Compressive Strength of Concrete Masonry Prisms, Text Exp #20 (as applied to brick masonry)

Material Specification Items
Nature of mortar testing and control
Type of brick unit
Gradation, particle size distribution of the mortar sand
Standard references are listed in the textbook procedures

Safety Considerations
Lime, cement, and bricks are dusty; consider wearing a face mask and/or eye goggles

67 | P a g e

Lab 5a: Masonry Units, Preparation Of
Mortar And Prism Specimens
Test masonry units:
To determine the IRA of a brick unit.
To determine compressive strength and modulus of rupture of a brick unit.
Prepare and compare different mortar types, and measure flow of mortar.
Prepare three mortar cubes for uniaxial compression test.
Prepare brick-and-mortar prism specimens and test for compressive strength and bond strength.


Figure 5.a-1. Mortar cube molds, digital scale, mixer, lay-down frame, and flow table.

Mortar Mixing (ASTM C305)
1. Prepare your groups mortar type according to Table 5.a-1.
2. Adjust the scale to read zero with the weighing pan in place.
68 | P a g e

3. Weigh the cement and lime in a single container.
4. Using a second container, weigh the proper amount of sand.
5. Using a third container, weigh 425 grams of water.
6. Wash the mixing bowl and paddle, and wipe them dry with a towel.
7. Place the cement and lime into the mixing bowl, then add the water.
8. Place the mixing bowl and the paddle into the mixer. Mix at low speed for 30 seconds.
9. Add the entire quantity of sand over the next 30-second period while mixing at low speed.
10. Stop the mixer, change to medium speed, and mix for 30 seconds.
11. Stop the mixer and let the mortar stand for 90 seconds. During the first 15 seconds of this interval,
scrape down into the bowl any mortar that may have collected on the side of the bowl and on the
12. Finish mixing the mortar for 60 seconds at medium speed.
13. Shake the mixing paddle to allow any adhered mortar to fall into the mixing bowl.

Table 5.a-1. CementLime Mortar Preparation
Proportions by Sand Cement Lime
Water at
Flow =
110 5%
Flow, %
1 M
Mass, g 2869 945 90
Volume Ratio 3.75 1 1/4
2 N
Mass, g 2869 591 225
Volume Ratio 6 1 1
3 M
Mass, g 2869 945 90
Volume Ratio 3.75 1 1/4
4 N
Mass, g 2869 591 225
Volume Ratio 6 1 1

Measuring Flow of Mortar
The flow table test is used to measure the workability of the mortar. The flow determined with the flow
table should be 110 5% for mortar intended to be cast into cubes. This corresponds roughly to the cement
water ratio of mortar in a horizontal bed joint after loss of water to the masonry units by suction.
1. Wipe the flow table clean and dry.
2. Place the flow mold at the center of the flow table.
3. Place a layer of mortar about 1 in. thick and tamp 20 times with the tamper.
4. Fill the mold to overflow and tamp 20 times.
5. Strike off the excess mortar and make it flush with the top of the mold using a trowel.
69 | P a g e

6. Move the flow mold and flow table to the flow test equipment.
7. Lift the mold away from the mortar 1 min. after completing the mixing operation.
8. Immediately drop the table through a height of in., 25 times in 15 seconds using the provided
automated equipment.
9. Using the provided caliper, measure the flow along the 4 diametrical marks on the flow table.
10. Add all four readings. Record this number as the flow.
11. IMPORTANT: If the flow is below 105%, add more water in 50-gram increments, or as indicated
by instructor, and remix the mortar following steps 8 through 13 from mortar mixing instructions.
Repeat the flow test until the flow falls within range.

Casting Mortar Cubes (ASTM C109)
1. Remix the entire batch 15 seconds at medium speed before starting the molding procedure.
2. Start molding the specimens within a total elapsed time of not more than 2 minutes and 30 seconds
after completion of the original mixing of the mortar batch.
3. Place a 1 inch layer of mortar in all of the cube compartments.
4. Tamp the mortar in each cube compartment 32 times in 10 seconds. Do this so that each of the four
sides receives 8 strokes (see tamping pattern Fig. 5.a-2).

Figure 5.a-2. Mortar tamping pattern.

5. Finish tamping one compartment before going on to the next.
6. When tamping of the first layer in all compartments is completed, fill the compartments with
mortar and tamp as instructed above (Figure 5.a-2).
7. With your fingers, place the mortar that has been forced out of the compartments back into the
8. Draw the flat edge of the trowel (with leading edge slightly raised) lightly once along the length of
the mold.
70 | P a g e

9. Strike off the mortar to a plane surface flush with the top of the mold by drawing the straight edge
of the trowel (held nearly perpendicular to the mold) using a sawing motion over the length of the
10. Clean excess mortar from the mold with a paper towel and label the mold (tie tag to the mold).
11. Group number
12. Section
13. Mortar Type (M or N)
14. Immediately after completion of molding, place specimens in 100% humidity room.
15. After 24 hours, strip cubes from molds, clean the molds, assemble them again and then immerse
your cubes in a 72 degree Fahrenheit water bath until test time.
16. Cure in water bath for 7 days, or as indicated by instructor.

Bond and Compression Prism Preparation
1. The specimens to be made (per group, or according to the instructor) are shown in Table 5a-2. Cast
the specimens according to the instruction and training received from the T.A..
2. Obtain 4 dry bricks and 4 SSD bricks, and mortar that was prepared for the cubes.
3. Obtain a lay-down frame with leveling string.
4. Place the bottom brick on the frame. Using a trowel, place a generous amount of mortar on top of
the brick.
5. Take the second brick and place it on top of the mortar. With a gentle downward movement,
squeeze out the mortar until the space between bricks is between 8 and 11 mm (~1/3 - 1/2). Make
sure the entire sandwiched mortar fills up all of the space in the gap between the two bricks,
especially the corners.
6. With a trowel, scrape the excess mortar from the sides of the prism and remix it with the rest of the
mortar. Note: Prism surfaces must be smoothed on all sides with no chunks of mortar protruding
(this is so the load can be applied evenly by the testing machine).
7. Make sure the top brick of the prism is leveled horizontally and label your specimen with the
following information:
8. Group number
9. Section
10. Mortar Type (M or N)
11. Brick moisture condition (dry or SSD)
12. Cure the specimens for 7 days on the back shelf in the lab, or as indicated by instructor. Refer to
Table 5.a-2.
13. NOTE: If your group runs out of mortar, mix a second batch using the final amounts you used to
mix the first mortar batch (including all water adjustments made to attain the correct flow).

71 | P a g e

Table 5.a-2. Prism Specimen Preparation (4 prisms per Group)
Brick Moisture Condition
Bond Compression Bond Compression
Air Cured
(on Shelf in

Compressive Strength of Brick Units
Brick specimens will be supplied in the Lab that have been dried in a ventilated oven at 230 to 239
F for
not less than 24-hr., and then cooled in a drying room maintained at a temperature between 65 to 90
F and
a relative humidity between 30 and 70%.
1. Each group will perform one compression test on the oven-dry half-brick.
2. The load shall be applied in the direction of the depth of the brick (parallel to the hole direction).
Measure the length and width of the brick. Calculate and record the load-bearing area, A (this is
the area minus the area of any holes in the brick) in Table 5.a-3.
3. Place the test specimen on the lower bearing block. Carefully align the specimen such that the
center of the crosshead matches with the center of the specimen.
4. Apply half of the maximum expected load.
5. Apply the remaining load uniformly such that it takes more than one minute, but less than two
minutes for the specimen to fail. Record the maximum load carried by the specimen as P.
6. Record the information in Table 5.a-3.

Calculation Notes

C = Compressive strength, psi
P = Maximum load, lb
A = Average of the Gross areas (or effective areas if brick is holed) of the upper and
lower bearing surfaces, in

72 | P a g e

Modulus of Rupture (MOR) of Brick Units (Center-Point Loading)
1. Obtain one dry, full-brick specimen.
2. The load shall be applied in the direction of the depth of the brick (parallel to the direction of the
hole). Record its cross-sectional dimensions, width b and depth d, and the span length, S, in Table
5.a-4. Refer to Figure 5.a-4.
3. Using the appropriate equipment as indicated by the instructor, place the brick on the supports and
bring the mid-point loading crosshead to the top of the brick.
4. Apply the load at a displacement rate of 0.2 in/min or as indicated by instructor until the specimen
5. Record the peak load, W, and calculate and record the Modulus of Rupture in Table 5.a-4.

Figure 5.a-4. Center-point MOR Test and Flexural Effective Area (shaded)

Calculation Notes

MOR = Modulus of Rupture, psi
P = peak load at failure, lb
S = span length, in
b = brick width, in
d = brick depth, in
h = hole diameter, in

S/2 S/2
Solid Brick
(Sect. A-A)

Holed Brick
(Sect. A-A)
73 | P a g e

Initial Rate of Absorption (IRA) or Suction
1. Measure the length (l), width (b), and average hole radius (r) of the brick specimen and record this
in Table 5.a-5.
2. Weigh the dry specimen (W
3. Add water to the tray so that the depth of water is 1/8 in. above the bottom of the test brick (1/8 in.
from surface of water to top of metal supports).
4. Carefully lay the brick on the metal supports without splashing.
5. Start timing as soon as you put the brick into the water.
6. Remove the brick at the end of 1 min.
7. Wipe the surface with a damp cloth to remove excess and then weigh the wet specimen (W
8. Record the test values on Table 5.a-5.

Figure 5.a-5. IRA Test

Calculation Notes

IRA = Initial Rate of Absorption, g/min (for 30-in
) [The maximum bond strength and
minimum water penetration are obtained when the suction does not exceed 30-g / min for
a 30-in
= weight of saturated brick, g
74 | P a g e

= weight of dry brick, g
b = width of brick, in
l = length of brick, in
r = radius of hole, in
n = number of holes in the brick

Data Collection

Table 5.a-3. Brick Unit Compressive Strength
Group 1 2 3 4
Length (l), in
Width (b), in
Hole Radius (r), in
Max Load (P), lb
Compressive Strength (C),


Table 5.a-4. Brick Unit Modulus of Rupture
Group 1 2 3 4
Width (b), in
Depth (d), in
Hole diameter (h), in
Max Load (P), lb
Span Length (S), in
MOR (psi)

Table 5.a-5. Brick Unit IRA (Suction)
Group 1 2 3 4
Length (l), in
Width (b), in
Hole Radius (r), in
Weight Dry Brick (W
), g
Weight Saturated Brick (W
), g
IRA (g/min (for 30-in
75 | P a g e

Lab 5b: Testing of Mortar Cubes and Prism
Testing of masonry units
Find the compressive strength of different types of mortar
Conduct compressive strength tests of prism specimens

Compressive Strength of Mortar
1. Retrieve your mortar cubes from the curing bath and wipe them dry.
2. Measure the cross sectional area of the mortar cube and record in Table 5.b-1.
3. The cubes will be tested for compression 90 from the way they were cast.
4. Position and center the cubes in the compression testing machine.
5. Apply a constant loading rate such that the maximum load will occur between 30-sec to 1.5-min.
6. Record the maximum load (P) and calculate the compressive strength. Record all data in Table 5.b-

Calculation Notes

= mortar compressive strength, psi
P = maximum load, lb
A = cross sectional area, in
(for standard mortar cubes, 4 in

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Compression Testing of Prisms
Note: The 7-day compressive test should be done at 7 days +/- 3 hours from the time of casting.
Correspondingly, the 28-day compressive test should be done at 28 days +/- 12 hours.

1. Retrieve the prisms.
2. Be sure to choose the correct prisms devoted to compression (one dry and one SSD). If you have
one or more prisms that did not stick together, use it (them) for the compression test. Save the
remaining ones for the bond test).
3. Calculate the gross area (effective area if holed brick is used) of the brick and record it in Table 5.b-
4. Place the prism horizontally in the compression testing machine.
5. Test the specimen to failure at a loading rate of 0.1 in/min, or as indicated by instructor.
6. Record the maximum load, P. Calculate the compressive strength (f
) of the prism and record it in
Table 5.b-2.

Calculation Notes

= prism compressive strength, psi
P = maximum load, lb
A = gross area (or effective area if holed brick is used), in

Bond Testing of Prisms
Note: The T.A. will teach one student from the lab section how to run the Bond Test. This student will then
help each group run the Bond Test.

1. Calculate the gross area (effective area if holed brick is used) and the moment of inertia (Figure
5.b-3) of the brick and record it in Table 5.b-3.
2. Place the prism horizontally in the testing frame.
3. Adjust the pedestal height so that the mortar joint clears the lower clamping bracket by
approximately -in. Tighten the lower clamping bracket.
4. Carefully lower the upper clamping bracket on the top brick. Make sure the upper bracket is
properly aligned with the loading gauge. Tighten the upper bracket.
5. Zero the load gauge before applying any load.
6. Load at a rate of 120 lbs/min, or as indicated by instructor.
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7. Have one person from the testing read the load dial at all times. (The dial needle will bounce back
to zero immediately upon failure).
8. Apply the load until the joint breaks, and record the dial reading at failure (G) in Table 5.b-3.
9. Calculate the flexural bond strength and record all data in Table 5.b-3.
10. Repeat the same procedure for the other brick prism.

Calculation Notes

= bond strength, psi
M = total moment, lb*in
c = distance from neutral axis to outermost fiber in tension, in
P = total load exerted on prism, lb
I = moment of inertia, in
(See Figure 5.b-2)
A = gross Area (or Effective Area if holed bricks are used), in
(See Figure 5.b-2)
= weight of loading head, lb (42.26 lb)
= force exerted by loading wrench, lb
= distance from loading head to center line of prism, in (0.53 in)
= distance from loading wrench to center line of prism, in (13.13 in)
G = dial reading (1 division = 1)

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Figure 5.b-2. (a) Moment of Inertia (Top view); (b) Bond Wrench Representation

Data Collection

Table 5.b-1. Mortar Compressive Strength
Group 1 2 3 4
Mortar Type M N M N
Cross Sectional Area, A (in
Load (lb)
Cube 1
Cube 2
(Cube 3)
Average Mortar Strength, f


Side View




Top view
lw I

lw I

l r
(b) (a)
79 | P a g e

Table 5.b-2. Prism Compressive Strength
Data Group
Prism Specimen
Load (lb)
1 M
2 N
3 M
4 N
Area (sq. in.)
1 M
2 N
3 M
4 N
Strength, f
1 M
2 N
3 M
4 N

80 | P a g e

Table 5.b-3. Prism Bond Strength
Data Group
Prism Specimen
Load (lb)
1 M
2 N
3 M
4 N
Area (in
1 M
2 N
3 M
4 N
Dial Gage Reading
1 M
2 N
3 M
4 N
Bond Strength, f

1 M
2 N
3 M
4 N

81 | P a g e

Lab 5c: Masonry Wall Construction
Gain hands on experience laying up masonry units in a small masonry wall segment
Design and layup a selected unit pattern

1. Use the masonry units you obtained from the brick plant tour to design a masonry wall segment
2. Mason will provide the mortar for the wall layup
3. Follow the instructions of the onsite mason in placing your masonry units in a wall
4. Wall segments will be judged and graded for aesthetics, consistency, and uniformity by the mason
prior to disassembling the wall segment

Lab Report 5 Topics
Lab Report 5 - Items Required in the Engineering Report:
Show all data and results.
Show and compare mortar type versus amount of water added to achieve flow for all groups.
Discuss the strength results from the mortar cube compressive tests and how the strength is affected
by a change in mortar type.
Show the brick compressive strength, modulus of rupture, and the IRA.
Discuss the effects of brick moisture condition and mortar type on prism compressive and bond
Show and explain pictures of your masonry wall layup.

Lab Report 5 Recommended Engineering Report Questions to be Answered, Directly or Indirectly:
List and explain the test procedures (by standard designation) you followed.
What are the properties of brick units used for specification purposes? How are they measured?
Why are these properties important? What factors affect them?
List the parameters that would be the most useful in a construction specification to control the
quality of the mortar.
Is there a relationship between the initial rate of absorption (IRA) and the compressive strength of
the brick unit?
82 | P a g e

What properties of mortar were tested in the lab? What factors affect these properties?
What is the significance of flow?
Define bond strength between the mortar and the brick unit. Why is it important? What factors
affect the bond strength?
How does water retention of the mortar and suction of the brick unit affect the quality of the bond?
In what design situations should bond strength be considered?
What is the relationship between mortar strength and prism strength?
Should the mason be allowed to retemper mortar on the job site? Why or why not?
What is the role of workmanship in brick masonry and unit layup?
Relate the design (type) and flow of the mortar to the strength of the mortar.
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Lab 6: Behavior of Wood
To evaluate and recommend factors to consider when using wood under a variety of loading and
moisture conditions
To determine how moisture, grain orientation, and load orientation affect the performance,
strength, and relaxation properties of wood

Compressive strength of wood (ASTM D143)
Modulus of rupture of wood (ASTM D143)

Material Specification Items
Type of wood for different purposes
Moisture condition of the wood during storage and construction
Use of wood preservatives
Standard references are listed in the textbook procedures

Safety Considerations
Use caution with hand tools. Remember the training in the Shop and Tool Safety course that you took at
the beginning of the semester.
Consider wearing hearing protection as hammering will be loud.

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Lab 6a: Wood Strength And
To characterize how the presence of moisture affects wood performance
To characterize how material orientation affects the strength and relaxation properties of wood materials
To consider other tests that will benefit the design analysis of your truss to be constructed in Lab 6b

Anisotropy: A phenomenon that exists when material properties (physical or mechanical) exhibit
different values when measured in different directions
Lignin: A complex polymer, the chief non-carbohydrate constituent of wood, that provides
rigidity and together with cellulose forms the woody cell walls of plants and the
cementing material between them

Measuring tape
Instron Testing Machine
Nails, screws, wood gusset plates, and steel gusset plates
Hammer, clamps, drill, and drill bits

Figure 6.a-1. Wood samples for the Strength
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Compression and Flexure Tests (ASTM D143)
1. Obtain one compression and one flexure specimen as specified in Table 6.a-1.
2. Perform tests following the grain orientation and moisture condition specifications for you group in Table
6.a-1. Record the failure load in Table 6.a-2. The TA will provide the data files of the computer generated
3. Compression: The sample setup and testing machine are shown in Figure 6.a-2.
4. The specimen dimensions may be different from the ones specified in the method. Measure the cross-
sectional area of the specimens.
5. For perpendicular-to-grain compressive strength test, the direction of applied load is perpendicular to the
orientation of grains.
6. Flexure: The sample setup and testing frame are shown in Figure 6.a-3.
7. The specimen dimensions may be different from the ones specified in the method. Measure the cross-
sectional dimensions of the specimens
8. Check the span length used (make sure that the span = 9 inches).

Figure 6.a-2. Compression Test Figure 6.a-3. Flexure Test

Relaxation Test (Constant Strain Test)
1. Load each set of specimen configurations in compression
2. Lower the crosshead of the loading machine to a fixed deformation (fixed strain) value
3. Record the stress data over a 5 minute period
4. Calculate the associated relaxation parameters of the material configuration

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Table 6.a-1. Wood Testing Factor Combinations
Test Team Wood type
Cross section
1 Pine Parallel Air-dry
10 1.5 x 1.5
2 Pine Parallel Wet
3 Pine Perpendicular Air-dry
4 DF Parallel Air-dry
1 Pine Parallel Air-dry
12 1.5 x 1.5
2 Pine Parallel Wet
3 Pine Perpendicular Air-dry
4 DF Parallel Air-dry
1 Pine Parallel Air-dry
1.5 1.5 x 1.5
2 Pine Parallel Wet
3 Pine Perpendicular Air-dry
4 Pine Perpendicular Wet

Calculation Notes
Compressive Strength:

= compressive strength, psi
P = peak load, lb
A = cross-sectional area, in

Modulus of Rupture:

MOR = modulus of rupture, psi
P = failure load, lb
L = span length, in (9-in)
b = beam width, in (1.5-in)
d = beam depth, in (1.5-in)
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Relaxation Stress: Based on a simple Maxwell Model


(t) = stress at time t (from data), psi
t = time, s
E = elastic property, psi (fit constant)*
= viscous property, s/psi (fit constant)*

= initial (peak) stress (from data), psi

*These properties are to be found by iterations. Plot this function on top of the lab data for the same timeframe as
the data, and change E and iteratively until the curves match.

Strength Anisotropy: The strength of wood at an angle to the fiber direction can be found as

N = strength property (compressive, flexural, or tensile) (not for relaxation)
= fiber direction with respect to stress direction, 0 90
Q = strength perpendicular to grain
P = strength parallel to the grain
n = empirical constant (2 for compression; 1.5 for flexure)

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Data Collection

Table 6.a-2. Peak strength results
Tests Group
Max load
1 Pine Parallel Air-dry 0
2 Pine Parallel Wet 0
3 Pine Perpendicular Air-dry 90
4 DF Parallel Air-dry 0
1 Pine Parallel Air-dry 0
2 Pine Parallel Wet 0
3 Pine Perpendicular Air-dry 90
4 DF Parallel Air-dry 0

Joint Type Testing
1. Obtain 3 pieces of wood, 10 long and having a 1.5 x 1.5 cross section.
2. Monday and Wednesday use PINE
3. Tuesday and Thursday use DOUGLAS FIR
4. Each group will make one type of jointed specimen according to Table 6.a-3. A description of each joint
type assembly is given below.
5. Steel Gusset Plates: Align 3 pieces of wood, overlaping each piece between 3 and 5, while making sure
the ends of the parallel pieces line us so that the sample stands up straight. Hammer in a steel gusset plate
on both sides of the sample.
6. Wood Gusset Plates and 3 Wood Screws: Use the alignment procedure detailed above in Steel Gusset
Plates, using 2 wood gusset plates and three 3 screws. (IMPORTANT: Avoid drilling and screwing into
the table by using the clearance between tables to drive in the screws.)
7. Nails: Align the wood pieces as shown in Figure 6.a-4 with at least 8 overlap (making sure the ends of
the parallel pieces line up so that the sample will stand straight in the testing machine). Avoid splitting the
pieces by nailing the specimen at equal intervals away from each other (at least 2).
8. Screws: Use the alignment procedure detailed in (c); see Figure 6.a-5. A 1/8 drill bit can be used to
facilitate the insertion of the screws.

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Table 6.a-3. Joints Assignments
Group Type of Joint
1 Steel Gusset Plates
2 Wood Gusset Plates
3 Nails
4 Screws

Figure 6.a-4. Wood gusset plate specimen setup

Figure 6.a-5. Nail jointed specimen setup

Figure 6.a-5. Screw jointed specimen setup

Data Collection

Table 6.a-4. Joint assembly test results
Maximum Force (lbs)
Group 1
(Steel Gusset Plates)
Group 2
(Wood Gusset Plates)
Group 3
Group 4
2 2
8 min.
2 2
8 min.
90 | P a g e

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Lab 6b: Wood Truss Competition
To design and build a wooden truss which has highest load to weight ratio and understand why and how
the truss fails.
Develop analysis to show how the results of Lab 6a affect your truss design


Figure 6.b-1. Two 1.5 x 1.5 x 8 boards, clamp, speed square, hand saw, file, hammer, 10 steel and 10 wood
gusset plates, and unlimited screws and nails.

Safety Considerations
Hammering and drilling will be loud. Consider wearing hearing protection.

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Rules of Competition
Construct a truss using the materials made available in the lab, any combination of wood types and joint
types is allowed.
The use of structural analysis software is allowed.
The truss must be built and tested within your lab session timeframe.
The truss must be 3 ft at its widest point (with 1/2 tolerance) at the base and 1 ft from
the base to the apex (with 1/2 tolerance) as shown in Figure 6.b-2. In addition the minimum
width of the truss should be 1.5 inches (1 wood piece wide).
You must show in your design analysis how the results from Lab 6a affected your truss design load.
The supports will be fixed at the span specified in Figure 6.b-2.
The truss may NOT use the supports as lateral restraint (must have flat bottom).
I MPORTANT: failure to comply with the above stated guidelines will result in automatic

Figure 6.b-2. Truss dimensions and tolerances

1. Obtain the following material to build your truss:
2. Two 8 ft wood pieces (pine or Douglas Fir)
3. 10 steel gusset plates
4. 10 wood gusset plates
5. Screws
6. Nails
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7. Assemble your truss according to your design.
I MPORTANT: do not nail or screw wood pieces onto the wooden tables
8. After the truss has been built: place all members names and signatures on the truss along with
section number and group number.
9. Weigh your finished truss and note the weight on Table 6.b-1.
10. Place and center the truss on top of the frame supports.
11. Place load cell on top of truss and begin test until failure. Use a displacement rate of
0.3 in/min.
12. Note the maximum load on Table 6.b-1 as well as the location of the failure and possible

Data Collection
Table 6.b-1. Truss competition results
Group Truss Weight (lb) Peak Load (lb) Load to Weight Ratio

Lab Report 6 Topics
Lab Report 6 - Items Required in the Engineering Report:
In general, a statistical analysis (averages, standard deviations, and coefficients of variation) is required for every
test performed more than once, especially when data from other sections is needed to supplement your sections

Discuss the factors that affect the strength of wood. Discuss results obtained from your compressive and
tensile strength testing.
Discuss the effect of grain orientation (parallel/perpendicular) and moisture content (wet/air-dry) on
compressive strength. Include one stress-strain plot which shows all four of the compression tests.
Discuss the effect of grain orientation (parallel/ perpendicular) and moisture content (wet/air-dry) on
flexural strength. Include one stress-strain plot which shows all four of the flexure tests.
Discuss the effect of grain orientation (parallel/perpendicular) and moisture content (wet/air-dry) on
relaxation behavior. Include one stress-time plot which shows all four of the relaxation tests.
Include plots of compressive and flexural strengths as functions of grain orientation (use the N
equation) on Air-Dry wood.
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Show a schematic of your truss and give a design analysis on why you chose your specific design.
Include an explanation of the mode of failure of your truss.

Lab Report 6 Suggested Engineering Report Questions to be Answered, Directly or Indirectly:
What properties of wood should be used for specification purposes for residential construction? What
standard test procedures are involved and how would they be measured?
Discuss the relationship between density of wood and the moisture condition of wood? What is the
relationship between moisture content and strength? Permanent deformation?
If you were charged to develop an inspection program for timber foot bridges in our nations wilderness
areas, what items would you inspect for and why?
How is the strength of wood materials controlled in a construction project?

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