Terrain Dominance Sponsorship

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*All sponsoiship packages can be tailoieu to specific neeus.

Piices incluue piouuction (unless stateu otheiwise), opeiations anu cost of meuia.

Tel : +972-52-



POB 36886
Tel Aviv 61368, Israel

Sponsorship Opportunities Terrain Dominance
Gold Platnium
Company logo on conference invitations (including
newsletteis mentions)
Company logo on all banners displayed at the event
(example: entiance to the lectuie hall, iegistiation etc)
Company logo on all the channels promoting the
Banner on the iHLS website for two months
Keynote lecture provided by chosen company
iepiesentative at the confeience
Booth aiea of 12 squaie meteis
15 VIP tickets to Teiiain Bominance confeience,
incluuing fiee entiy to lectuies, exhibition anu lunch.

"#$%&$' (')*+, -./0/// 1 234

Rollup Sign at confeience
Company logo on conference invitations (including
newsletteis mentions)
Company logo on all banners displayed at the event
(example: entiance to the lectuie hall, iegistiation etc)
Company logo on all the channels promoting the
Bannei on the iBLS website foi thiee months
Keynote lecture provided by chosen company
iepiesentative at the confeience
Booth aiea of 18 squaie meteis
20 VIP tickets to Teiiain Bominance confeience,
incluuing fiee entiy to lectuies, exhibition anu lunch.
"#$%&$' (')*+, -.50/// 1 234

Bronze Silver

Branding on all chairs within the lecture hall with
company logo
Company logo on conference invitations (including
newsletteis mentions)
Company logo on all banners displayed at the event
(example: entiance to the lectuie hall, iegistiation etc)
Banner on the iHLS website for two weeks
S vIP tickets to Teiiain Bominance confeience, incluuing
fiee entiy to lectuies, exhibition anu lunch.

Company logo on conference invitations (including
newsletteis mentions)
Company logo on all banners displayed at the event
(example: entiance to the lectuie hall, iegistiation etc)
Company logo on all the channels promoting the
Banner on the iBLS website foi one month
Keynote lecture provided by chosen company
iepiesentative at the confeience
Booth aiea of 12 squaie meteis
10 VIP tickets to Teiiain Bominance confeience,
incluuing fiee entiy to lectuies, exhibition anu lunch.

"#$%&$' (')*+, - 6/0/// 1 234

"#$%&$' (')*+, - 650/// 1 234

Bag Branding Lanyard Branding

Branding bag distributed to each guest of the confeience
5 VIP tickets to Teiiain Bominance confeience, incluuing
fiee entiy to lectuies, exhibition anu lunch.

Lanyard branding distributed to each guest of the
5 tickets to VIP conference Teiiain Bominance incluue
fiee entiy to lectuies, exhibition anu lunch.

"#$%&$' (')*+, - 705// 1 234

"#$%&$' (')*+, - 705// 1 234

Additional Information Pavilion Display


Standard booth aiea of 6 squaie meteis
2 VIP tickets to Teiiain Bominance confeience, incluuing
fiee entiy to lectuies, exhibition anu lunch.

(')*+ "#$%&$', - .05// 1 234

Conference & exhibition 9/12/2014
ls there on common strategy for terra|n dom|nance?
Terra|n dom|nance as a strateg|c requ|rement |n an a|| out war or ||c
The sensors and network needed to supp|y a usba|e b|g p|cture
Rea| t|me |nte|||gence vs a process of bu||d|ng a cont|nuous p||cture
D|ssem|nat|on of the data from a|| sensors and the ava||ab|||ty to a|| users
The edge of TD |n ant| terror opart|ons
The needed systems for TD |n the var|ous |eve|s
ls TD endanger|ng our forces?
Autonomous systems |n TD
Man |n the |oop - |s |t needed |n TD
Who |s sett|ng the trends |n TD the lDF or the defense |ndustr|es
Terra|n Dom|nance - a fe|d-operat|ons and |nte|||gence gather|ng mode|, based on
advanced techno|og|es and a|med at prov|d|ng comp|ete, cont|nuous s|tuat|ona|
awareness across defned areas.
Terra|n Dom|nance |s |mp|emented across defned areas requ|r|ng fu|| s|tuat|ona|
awareness over a pro|onged per|od of t|me: Borders, terror hubs, |nte|||gence EEl
Essent|a| E|ements of lnformat|on}, act|onab|e |nte|||gence |n advance of spec|a|
Terra|n Dom|nance |s based on mu|t|-d|mens|ona|, techno|og|ca| |nte|||gence gath-
er|ng capab|||t|es - Sensor systems opt|c, radar, acoust|c, se|sm|c, e|ectro-mag-
net|c} |nsta||ed on board var|ous p|atforms, underground, on the surface,
at sea, |n the a|r and |n space - comprehens|ve, cont|nuous s|tuat|ona| awareness
|s ga|ned by comb|n|ng and fus|ng sensor output - Terra|n Dom|nance.
n|fy|ng, fus|ng and understand|ng the data |eads to operat|ona| |ns|ghts.
Th|s capab|||ty re||es on advanced ana|yt|cs Bl - Bus|ness lnte|||gence} that can
recogn|ze patterns and changes across the area - changes on the ground,
sh|fts |n popu|at|on behav|or, chang|ng ground cover and more.
The Geograph|c lnfrastructure-based Oommand and Oontro| system d|sp|ays the
threats, |n add|t|on to enab||ng ana|ys|s of threats over t|me, pr|or|t|zat|on of threat
|eve|s and the focused act|vat|on of response capab|||t|es.
The O4l system enab|es the management of the |nte|||gence, operat|ona| and |og|s-
t|c efforts - |nc|ud|ng know|edge d|ssem|nat|on, support|ng command h|erarch|es
and prov|d|ng |nvest|gat|ve too|s for |ater ana|ys|s.
ln an era where the ma|n cha||enges are terror, asymmetr|ca| warfare, unmanned-
veh|c|e-based response capab|||t|es, spec|a| un|ts and preventat|ve measures -
Terra|n Dom|nance |s a necess|ty for every modern, advanced m|||tary.

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