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Art History

Everything travels with time. Whether we like it or not, everything will pass by evolving
towards even the changes that we may evade most. These are confrontational transformations
that veritably shape our history. In these two essays, I am overwhelmed of the facts that lie to the
beauty of photography and still images of Van Gogh. It was like looking in a mirror behind the
years of timelessness that made our arts today.
In the first reading which is The Meaning of Photography by Geoffrey Batchen, I can
hardly forget the words divulged by Joan Fontcuberta. She claimed that the dramatic
metamorphosisrepresents nothing more a screen which conceals the evolution taking place in
the whole framework of photography with a cultural, instrumental and historical context. These
words banged me so much questions and appreciations as to what really photography has
become through the years and what will it become in the next years. The sensible feeling of
seeing the traces beyond the photography today imbued me a deeper view to some kind ancestral
admiration. Indeed, photography had changed a lot that you might not even recognize it from
before. However, in one the arguments which I seem to subscribe the same, it is averred that
amidst all of these changes, photographs will always be belonged to single blood line of historic
On the next reading, Van Gogh exclusively elucidated the nature of still images to create
a transcendental legacy that cannot be faded by time. The creation that he came up in his painting
portrayed a never worn out imagery. I myself have been mesmerized of how in the boots painted
by Van Gogh bewildering sensible interpretations came to sprout. The life captured in the image
project history in it. In my opinion, this is a kind of dynamism that illuminates and can travel
with time all through the years. The simple plain boots captured by Van Gogh had crossed
different ages, yet every time someone has to look at it; it has still to offer fresh revelation to
what it could really like be.
In all, both of the art works showed contributions that can be indispensable if one has to
grasp thoroughly what art was. Both have shown exquisiteness in them that form pieces of the
puzzle in understanding the large picture of art. This art treasures created connections that we
ourselves could not even deny.

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